April 15, 2021 | Vol. 95, No. 24
Your guide to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine
Gabe’s Take: The Shooting of Daunte Wright
Football drops championship to Jacksonville State
University approaches two full semesters with COVID-19
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Photo courtesy of Murray State This graphic compares Murray State’s gross tuition and fee rates to other Kentucky public universities.
Town Hall talks fall 2021guidelines, tuition and COLA Emery Wainscott Contributing Writer ewainscott@murraystate.edu The annual University Town Hall took place virtually this year on Wednesday, April 14. President Bob Jackson outlined plans for the fall 2021 semester, detailed budget updates and how the Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) will affect Murray State employees. COVID-19 Restr ictions Jackson said the administration is planning for the fall 2021 semester to resemble the fall 2019 semester. “After Commencement on May 8, 2021, we will begin transitioning to normal operations while adhering to continued guidance from our state and local health officials, as well as the Centers for Disease Control,” Jackson said in an email to students on March 25. “We will make all adjustments to operations in a safe and healthy manner.” Jackson said although the University will offer primarily in-person classes, this doesn’t mean that they will de-emphasize remote, hybrid or online learning for students who wish to participate in these methods. He also urged students and staff to encourage each other to get vaccinated and follow Racer Safe and Healthy protocols. Jackson said the University will continue to follow CDC and state guidelines on mask mandates, which he expects will last through the summer. In the next couple weeks, however, Jackson said he expects an ease of restrictions placed on Murray State as well as other universities and businesses. “I learned several months ago during the pandemic not to predict too far out,” Jackson said. “A day
or two at some points in this pandemic was too far to try and predict.” As far as occupancy restrictions, Jackson said the University will be following state and CDC guidelines. When Kentucky gets to 2.5 million vaccinated persons, Jackson said he plans to follow Gov. Andy Beshear as he lifts the occupancy restrictions placed on events. “There is light at the end of the tunnel,” Jackson said. “We’re at the beginning of the end and I think we’re even past the beginning of the end as we move to vaccinations, even on this campus.” At the regional COVID-19 vaccination site in the CFSB Center, Jackson said the Johnson & Johnson vaccine was only given on March 11. Anyone who received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine on that day are past the time frame of concern for any risks. Tu i t i o n a n d D i n i n g Fe e s Murray State’s proposed tuition rate for the 2021-22 academic year is $9,468. In comparison to other universities in Kentucky, the University’s tuition is ranked the third least expensive out of eight public universities. Jackson said he wants to maintain this position and the affordability to students and their families. With this budget, the administration will recommend between a 0-1% increase for tuition rates, a zero percent increase for housing and a 3.35% increase for dining plans. For proposed housing rates, Murray State is fourth out of eight public universities at $2,769. For proposed dining rates, Murray State is also in fourth at $2,165 for the All-Access Premium Plan and $1,889 for the All-Access Plan. As of this year, there are two dining options for first-time students: an All-Access Premium Plan and an All-Access Plan.
Jackie Dudley, vice president of finance and administrative services, said these plans have differences but primarily there is unlimited access to Winslow Dining Hall. The University will be offering two new options for the All-Access Plan. They will continue the 8 Meal Per Week plan for second-year students as well as the Flex-Only Plans. Dudley said the big change with the new plans is the addition of more options for Flex spending. The other options will remain the same price but have more Flex dollars incorporated for first-year students to access. Jackson said the dining rate increase Screenshot of the virtual University Town Hall is because of the inflation of food prices Jackson and other faculty met at the annual and planned structural changes in din- University Town Hall virtually. ing operations requested by students. state assets entrusted to us and some of them are approaching 100 years old.” Budget and Campus Projects Deferred maintenance will be directed to Wrather Hall, the Curris CenJackson said overall, the University is ter, Racer Dining facilities and review$700,000 short of their budget projections, ing and renovating student housing as an amount that can be covered by the one- well as other historic campus buildings. time budget contingency of $2 million. Along with other building renovations, The state budget incorporated sever- Jackson said all parts of the Curris Cenal approved projects. This includes a $12 ter are being examined by an architect million agency bond approval to allow the and any future improvements made in University to catch up on deferred main- the building will have to occur in phases. tenance and asset preservation projects. In regards to enhancements for Woods “Lovett Auditorium needed work in Park, Dudley said a committee has been the worst way,” Jackson said. “We hope overseeing plans and collaborating with to have [renovations] completed by mid- student groups on campus to utilize the fall or the end of [the] fall semester. It’s a space in the best way possible. The comvery, very important project to our stu- mittee has considered options such as dents, our faculty and staff, teaching and putting in an amphitheater, a pavilion learning, our academic departments.” and hammock stands to save Murray Jackson said his goal is to have a large State’s historic trees, green space and more. end-of-the-year event with Lovett AuAs far as other steps that are being takditorium completely renovated, which en for the budget, Jackson said that as the includes new seating, a new ceiling, a fiscal year begins so will hiring freezes. new HVAC control system and more. “There are needs we must address,” Jackson said. “We got to take care of the buildings on our campus. They are
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