The Murray State News

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Sept. 2, 2021 | Vol. 96, No. 2






Campus Lactation Spaces

Help the Afghan People

Interfraternity council welcomes newcomers

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Volleyball takes two games in first tourney page 5

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Sam Stewart/ T h e N ew s Clint D raper sings at R acer J am.

Racer Jam takes place after a year in planning

E mery W ai nsc ot t L ifestyle Editor ew ai n sc M u r r a y S t a t e ’s R e s i d e n t i a l C o l l e ge A s s o c i a t i on h e l d Racer Jam 2021 on Saturday, Aug. 28 on Springer Lawn in front of Hester College. RCA President Chelsea Jones said almost 300 people attended the event throughout the day. The outdoor event was open for all residents, commuters, faculty and staff. “In order to enhance the relationships between the leadership of our outstanding individual Residential College Councils, Racer Jam was organized this year by committees consisting of members across colleges,” Jones said. “These committees each took on a different role within the planning of the event – publicity, food, activities, T-shirts, clean up and set up – and we are so incredibly grateful for all of their work.” RCA, a branch of the Student Government Association, handed out T-shirts to the first 100 attendees at Racer Jam and Murray State sophomore Clint Draper

see Racer Jam, page 3

D ionte B erry/ T h e N ew s T he F amily R oom opened in the Women’s Center in Spring 2 0 2 0 .

Lactation rooms open for faculty, students, staff

D i ont e B erry N ews Editor db erry1 1 On-campus accommodations have been made for lactating mothers with the creation of three spaces that allow for chestfeeding and pumping in private settings with necessary supplies. The establishment of lactation rooms comes nearly two years after former Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin signed the Kentucky Pregnant Workers Act. The act put into law that employers should accommodate pregnant employees and have designated lactation spaces that are private, comfortable and not a restroom stall. Murray State’s Women’s Facult y Caucus star ted advocating for a lactation area in 2018.

SG A , led by President Ian Puck et, has been a maj or proponet in pushing for 8 0 %

Associate Professor of Spanish Tanya Romero-Gonzalez was a part of the inception of the Women’s Faculty Caucus in 2016 and was one of the Caucus members who advocated for the on-campus lactation space. “We started this process in 2018 in one of the committees of the WFC,” Romero-Gonzalez said. “It was started by the Work Life Balance Committee and we presented an evidence based petition to the Insurance and Benefits Committee that listed the benefits of having a lactation room on campus.” Romero-Gonzalez said some of the benefits of a lactation room named in the petition were an increase in quality research and i n c re a s e d s t u d e n t re t e n t i o n . Along with these benefits, it was required by law and Murray State was

not meeting that requirement. Romero-Gonzalez said most faculty members would have to express their milk in their offices. Not everyone is comfortable with doing that and not all faculty members have private offices. “Murray State would have to provide a room and they would have to work with the Institutional Diversity, Equity and Access Office because it was an official accommodation,” Romero-Gonzalez said. “I know people that use a different room than their office, but not every space is equipped with what they need. That is why having an official space is important because we don’t want any obstacles in fulfilling lactation needs.” In advocating for the lactation room, the Caucus worked with

see Lactation, page 2

Incentives aim to boost campus vaccination rate

Winners will have the choice of a 2021-22 parking pass, a $200 gift certificate to the Unive r si t y S t o re o r $ 2 0 0 i n fl e x Murray S tate students, and dining dollars. 5 students faculty and staff will have the will have the chance to upgrade opportunity to submit their vac- their parking pass to a blue zone. Student group categories, such cination cards as part of a new incentive program announced as sororities, fraternities, residenby the University on Aug. 23. tial colleges, student government S t u d e n t s , f a c u l t y a n d s t a f f organizations, campus minisc a n u p l o a d t h e i r c o m p l e t - tries and athletic teams, have the ed vaccination c ards through chance to win $1,000 for their myGate for a chance to re, page 3 see ceive one of three prizes. J i ll S mi t h Contributing Writer j smi th 1 9 4

D ionte B erry/ T h e N ew s v accination rate.


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