@MurrayStateNews Sept. 16, 2021 | Vol. 96, No. 4
Graduate’s thesis published in journal
Informing students of COVID-19 exposure
Exhibit honors former president’s daughter
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Football takes first loss of the regular season page 5
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Dionte Berry/The News A bov e is A ssistant P hilosophy P rofessor, Michelle P anchuk preparing to teach her ethics class.
Faculty express concerns about campus COVID-19 precautions who have families they go home to that they could possibly infect. N ew s Editor For some professors, social media db erry1 1 @murraystate.edu has become a tool to share their feelWith COVID-19 vaccination ings about COVID-19 prevention. History Professor David Pizrates rising, pandemic precautions are not as stringent as they were z o took to Twitter in the belast year. However Calloway Coun- ginning of the fall semester to ty is still in a highly transmissible share how COVID-19 has alzone, and although there is a vac- ready invaded his department. “ I t ’s d a y t w o . D e p t i s s o cine safety net there the risk remains. COVID-ravaged I had to man the Students are not the only campus demographic being poten- front desk for several hours, half a tially exposed to COVID-19, fac- dozen students out with COVID ulty and staff can be potentially exposure,” Pizzo wrote. “A colexposed as well. Professors come league who runs one of our prointo contact with sometimes hun- grams in France had a stroke, but dreds of students a day while teach- could not get a real hospital bed. ing. These are the same people Dead. The first of many I fear.” D ionte B erry
The Twitter thread received a lot of attention and is just one way that professors have shared their feelings. A s s i s t a n t Pr o f e s s o r o f E n glish Ray Horton commented on The News’ Facebook concerning indoor masking on campus. “A v a c c i n e r e q u i r e m e n t would be better and has been implemented at other coll e ge s , a n d u n i ve r s i t i e s ac ro s s the countr y, but this is a good st e p f o r w ard , ” H o r t on w ro t e. After being back to classes for five weeks, Horton said he wishes there were more steps being taken to slow the spread of COVID-19.
see COVID-19, page 2
Graduate’s thesis published in journal
Erinn F inley Contributing Writer efinley1@murraystate.edu
A re c e n t g r a d u a t e o f M u r ray State presented her thesis at a national conference and published it in a peer-reviewed journal. Amanda Swift, a 2020 marketing major graduate, presented her thesis at the Association of Marketing Theory and Practice 2020 conference. Because of COVID-19, Swift presented her thesis through Zoom instead of in person. “I’ll admit that it was a bit disappointing to not be able to present in person,” Swift said. “There were only a few people who logged on to watch. I was still very nervous though and practiced quite a bit beforehand.”
Assistant marketing professor Ismail Karabas was Swift’s thesis advisor. He worked with her to prepare her thesis and later to get it published. Karabas says when he is helping students prepare for their defense, his goal is to make sure they are in the driver’s seat. This was the role he filled at first for Swift’s thesis. “My role for the thesis is to guide and advise without too much input that overrides the student’s work, effort and room to grow,” Karabas said. “After defense, my role switched from being an advisor to the role of a co-author.” Swift wrote her thesis on how consumers view corporate-owned, non-profit foundations compared to when corporations sponsor a non-profit organization.
see Thesis, page 2
Photo courtesy of Tandfonline.com The cov er of the j ournal Sw ift had her w ork published in.