1 minute read
from Open House Issue 102
by TheNABD
EDITED BY Vic Hawkes
Red Hen Promotions Ltd
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ADVERTISING SALES advertising@thenabd.org.uk
TEL 0844 415 4849
The NABD Unit 20, The Bridgewater Centre Robson Avenue Urmston Manchester M41 7TE
Telephone: 0844 415 4849
Email: office@thenabd.org.uk Web: www.nabd.org.uk
Articles on varied relevant subjects for inclusion in Open House are always welcome from all members.
Email or post your articles to the contact details above. Please enclose original photographs or digital images of good quality/size (750kb minimum) on a CD - please do not embed in word documents as we cannot use them. Also images printed on inkjet printers or using plain paper are of no use whatsoever so please don’t send them.
Submissions may be edited before publishing. Please remember that articles received after copy dates CANNOT be included.
Copy Date for the next issue of Open House (Issue 103) is 31st March 2023.