3 minute read
The Last Ever
from Open House Issue 102
by TheNABD
You’ve Been Nabbed Rally
Tickets are now on sale for the 30th You’ve Been Nabbed Rally.
May 5th – 7th 2023 at The Royal Cheshire Showground, Flittogate Lane, Tabley, Knutsford, WA6 0HJ.
Get your tickets now and join us in celebration of 30-years of this glorious event (and 32-years of the NABD).
The 30th You’ve Been Nabbed Rally is going to be a spectacular event!
This will be the ‘Last Ever’ You’ve Been Nabbed Rally* (because none of us are getting any younger) so it’s definitely ‘Not to be Missed’!
This 30th Anniversary event will feature:
• An iconic Bike & Trike Show (Sponsored by Back Street Heroes Magazine).
• Two stages featuring live music.
• A huge ‘Smacked Arse’ Comedy Show (with very special guests).
• A Real-Ale festival bar with 40+ Real Ales & traditional Ciders.
• Two traditional bars with booze at low prices.
• Two discos.
• Exotic Dancers.
• 40+ trade stalls.
• Clean, well-maintained toilets.
• Excellent facilities for people with disabilities.
• Hot Showers.
• A wide range of food stalls.
• Professional 24-hour 1st Aid/medical cover.
• Professional security cover.
Royal Coronation Coverage…
A big screen in the Family Marquee on Saturday afternoon for those who wish to watch the Royal Coronation live.
(Unfortunately, this will coincide with the huge ‘Smacked Arse Comedy Show’ in the Adult’s Only Marquee, due very bad planning by the government and the monarchy).
For those who like to dress-up, the Fancy Dress theme on Saturday is ‘Kings & Queens’ etc. (or anything even vaguely related to monarchy).
You don’t have to be an NABD member or a disabled biker to attend and we don’t care how you get there, just so long as you get there!
Advance tickets are £35.00 (before April 30th 2023). The price on-the-gate will be £45.00. (Camping & bike/trike parking are included in the price).
Cars and campervans are welcome (free parking for blue badge holders).
Advance tickets and details of vehicle passes etc. can be found at https://nabd.co.uk/shop3/6-rally-tickets
NB. This is a ‘Strictly No Dogs’ event (except registered & insured disability assistance dogs with accreditation).
Tickets are available via https://nabd.co.uk/ shop3/6-rally-tickets or by phone on 0161 749 7050 (transaction fees apply).
Tickets can also be purchased via the post. Cheques should be made out to ‘NABD’ and sent to: NABD, Unit 20, The Bridgewater Centre, Robson Avenue, Manchester, M41 7TE. (Please enclose an A5 stamped & addressed envelope for return)
For further ongoing information see: https://www. facebook.com/events/496866025599749/
* Though this will be the Last Ever You’ve Been Nabbed Rally, the NABD will continue going from strength to strength and we will be organising some brand-new events in 2024 (if not sooner).
NB. For further information about why this will be the last You’ve Been Nabbed Rally, see the ‘Chairman’s Chunk’ in this issue of the Open House Magazine.
Rick Hulse - NABD Chairman
Have you had a NABD grant? We need your help!
You may have noticed a distinct lack of articles in the magazine about the people who have received a NABD grant and modified their transport.
Well, this isn’t a choice from me, or anyone else. It’s because people seem to be reticent about sending us pictures and a few words on their newly adapted steed.
So, if you have received a grant from the NABD over the past 3 years or so please send me a few words and a couple of photos about it. I am in the situation now where I am having to spread out the very few reports we have received, so that we can have at least one in each magazine. But our members would like to hear where their donations are going.
All you need to do is send me a couple of photos, one of you with the bike/trike or whatever, and one of the adaption.
Obviously, the more pictures the better.
They need to be a minimum of 500Kb for publication (so send me the originals, rather than off Facebook or other social media – they compress the pictures to a much lower size).
If you are not up to writing much, just give me a few words explaining why you applied for the grant, what the grant was for and what it has meant to you since getting it. Any information you like. I can then write something for you.
If you’re not sure, or have any questions, just email me and we can talk about it.
Email me at; openhouse@thenabd.org.uk or you can send it all on a disc or something to the office; NABD, Unit 20, The Bridgewater Centre, Robson Avenue, Urmston, Manchester, M41 7TE. (Please no printed pictures or printed documents... I can’t use them!)
Cheers, Vic