Dive Newsletter Auuumn 2012

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Issue 1

Autumn 2012

New Destinations Indonesia uncovered

Holiday Planner where to go when


latest updates

Š Darek Sepiolo - Walindi Resort, Papua New Guinea

Welcome...to What’s Bubling

At Dive Worldwide we have been creating innovative, responsible and unique diving holidays for over 10 years. Our experienced team have lived all over the world working in the dive and travel industries. Our in-depth knowledge ensures we are best equipped to provide you with the most up-to-date and personal service, to tailor-make your holiday specifically to your needs. In a fast-pace, constantly changing, hi-tech world, ‘what’s hot’ is an ever-changing beast and we are leading the way in ensuring you are kept informed of the very latest trends, destinations, news and special offers. We do this primarily through regular eNews, Facebook postings and Tweets and now, with the launch of ‘What’s Bubbling’.

top tips, hear about new affiliations, read inspirational holiday reports from fellow travellers, as well as hear about our latest travels, and those of our guest writers … and so much more!

‘What’s Bubbling’ is the first in a series of regular updates written by divers for divers. Here you can find out more about where to dive and when; improve your diving skills and learn

Remember, we welcome your comments, photos and dive stories. Simply post on facebook.com/diveworldwide or email us at sales@diveworldwide.com.

Met the Team....... Our friendly and professional team of dive enthusiasts are ready to help you create the itinerary of a lifetime. Whether you are highly experienced or wish to learn to dive or improve your skills, go on a liveaboard or resort based holiday, we will provide you with an unforgettable dive experience.

ff Teresa Bennett Dive Worldwide’s founder and Managing Director, Teresa is our font of all knowledge. With over 30 years in the dive and travel industries, there’s not much – nor many people - that Teresa doesn’t know! Widely travelled, Teresa’s particular passion is for the South Pacific. ff Sarah Wight Sarah grew up in Indonesia and her sixteenth birthday present was a PADI Open Water course. Since then she has spent time underwater in the Caribbean, Europe, Middle East, Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia and Australia. ff Phil North Phil completed his Divemaster in 2005 before working in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Egypt. An award winning underwater photographer, Phil has travelled extensively and amassed over 1500 dives. ff Charlie Munns Charlie learnt to dive in Australia in 1991 and it was love at first dive. Charlie has lived and worked throughout the world. He has dived in the UK, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, USA, Palau and Yap and spent 2.5 years working in Chuuk. ff Michele Coral Michele learnt to dive off Plymouth in March 1990 and hasn’t had a non diving holiday since. She became an instructor and worked in Turkey, the Red Sea and South Africa, before coming home and managing a highly successful 5* PADI IDC centre.


Talk to an expert on 0845 130 6980 to plan your perfect trip

Issue 1

Competition Winer Fiji We waved goodbye to the grey skies and rain of London and landed in Fiji 23 hours later. Our first few days were spent sailing round the Yasawa islands - picture postcard tropical paradises. My UK experience came in handy as the sea was a bit choppy by Fijian standards!!

by Steve Malone

It was then on to a luxury small island resort where we treated ourselves to an incredible helicopter transfer! With white sandy beaches, palm trees, food, cocktails, sun, sea….. Matamanoa was the perfect way to end the trip. As with all the best holidays, time flew. As the 747 rumbled down the runway, I wondered if anyone would mind if I bought a few more raffle tickets from Bite Back next year.

It was on to Matava on the island of Kadavu. As the boat draws in to the small jetty, the traditional Fijian bures nestled in the lush tropical forest come into view – amazing! Diving the beautiful Astrolabe reef we saw plenty of healthy hard and soft coral, yellowfin tuna, Spanish mackerel and reef sharks.

Don’t miss out. Visit www.bite-back.com to buy your raffle tickets! The winning ticket will be drawn on New Year’s Day and you could be heading to Fiji too! Steve travelled with us in May 2012 and his prize holiday for two was donated by Tourism Fiji, Dive Worldwide and hosts.

We were treated to fresh fruit grown at Matava for breakfast and lots of fresh fish (no shark obviously!)

Trip Report Papua New Guinea We spent five nights at Lissenung at the end of a long adventure to New Zealand, the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea, all arranged by Sarah at Dive Worldwide. Out of the four diving resorts we stayed in, Lissenung was undoubtedly the best. A beautiful small private island fringed with a white sand beach, you can walk around Lissenung in 20 minutes. It’s in New Ireland, just a short boat journey from Kavieng and we visited in the middle of June - the start of the dry season. However it can still rain and a thunderstorm is not uncommon. Our bungalow on stilts was set amongst coconut palms and a tropical garden, with beautiful flowering shrubs and trees including exquisite wild purple orchids. The walls and roof are made from woven palm leaves; very authentic. They offer privacy and comfort with an en-suite bathroom and private verandah. The shower is cold water, but because it’s so warm

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Autumn 2012

by Paula Newson

and humid this is quite refreshing. If you are a vegetarian, meals can be a bit of a challenge, but they produced good food with very limited resources. The diving was great – quite challenging at times. The two best dives were Albatross Passage with sharks, rays and colourful corals on the walls, and Deep Pete, a plane wreck at 40 metres. This was an amazing sight as you descended because it was completely covered in shoals of sweetlips and other fish, including a lion fish. The resort has a very photographer friendly setup, so snap away! The owners, Ange and Dietmar are lovely – we felt so welcome. Their dog, Chivas, entertained us by swimming with Lissy the turtle, who returns annually after laying her eggs somewhere safe. Lissenung is indeed, paradise. Paula & Dougie Newson travelled with us in June 2012.



An archipelago of huge volcanic peaks breaking the surface in the mid-Atlantic, the Azores is a spectacular region to visit for diving, hiking and whale watching. The Gulf Stream ensures a mild and humid climate year round. The lush green islands are untouched by mass tourism and the surrounding waters hold a rich marine biodiversity, most notably of whale and dolphin species. Marine life is abundant and topography spectacular; the subtropical waters attract large pelagic species and there’s plenty to see amongst the rocky reefs and caves. Spend time exploring São Miguel, Faial or Pico islands during your stay. Visibility is 30 metres on average and the most comfortable diving season is May-Oct. Talk to Charlie who has just returned from the Azores to create your ideal adventure. For non-dive days, our colleagues at Wildlife Worldwide operate escorted whale watching trips, which can form part of your holiday.

Blue Shark Adventure From £1095 per person (inc. flights)

Discover and encounter blue sharks in the Azores. Dive Worldwide has teamed up with ‘Dive the Azores’ to offer you an unforgettable shark adventure. The experienced local crew are knowledgeable and passionate about sharks, whilst ensuring your safety at all times. The week long itinerary includes flights from the UK, transfers, accommodation (BB), two blue and mako shark adventures and four local dives around Pico and Faial. For those who are qualified, Nitrox is free of charge. Due to the nature of the dives, prerequisites include a buoyancy and trim check dive, Advance Open Water qualification and 50 logged dives. The chance to interact with these amazing species in open water and not be confined to a cage is a truly exhilarating experience you will never forget. To safely dive with sharks, knowledge, skills, discipline and extreme care are required. Prior to getting in the water you will be given a fully certified SSI presentation on shark behaviour and shark diving conduct to ensure safe diving. The Azores is one of the best destinations in the world to dive up close and personal with blue sharks in blue water and with frequent mako shark sightings, this is definitely one for the logbook!


Talk to an expert on 0845 130 6980 to plan your perfect trip

Issue 1

Autumn 2012

by Graham Buckingham

Defending the high seas on the high street

Bite-Back Raising funds for shark and marine conservation isn’t the easiest task in the world so it’s always exciting when a switched-on dive company recognises the issues facing the oceans and wants to support Bite-Back’s work. By combining its passion for scuba diving in the most beautiful locations on the planet with a desire to protect these fragile eco-systems, Dive Worldwide has marked itself out as a leader in the global dive holiday industry. For that reason, Bite-Back is delighted to be working with Dive Worldwide and its clients to raise awareness and vital funds for its key campaigns. All the money raised will allow Bite-Back to keep running its innovative series of campaigns to safeguard threatened marine species - including shark, swordfish, marlin, monkfish, skate and rays - by challenging retailers and restaurants to put conservation before commerce and no longer sell them. Since 2004, the charity’s pioneering programmes have helped prompt the UK’s very biggest fish retailers - ASDA, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, Tesco and Waitrose - to end the sale of a number of these key species. As a result it is now no longer possible to buy shark or marlin from any UK supermarket. And, as part of Bite-Back’s ambition to eliminate retail opportunities for any shark products, it is also responsible for ending the sale of shark cartilage capsules in 550 Holland & Barrett health food stores. Without doubt though, the catalyst for all these victories has been the support of like-minded divers from around the world. Simply by taking part in Bite-Back’s online campaigns these divers have helped create a movement that can confidently demand a change in the way retailers buy and sell seafood. But it’s Bite-Back’s latest campaign - to end the sale of shark fin soup in Britain - that is most likely to resonate with divers. And

Or visit us on the web at www.diveworldwide.com

this is where new support and funds will be crucial in helping the charity achieve success. Already, the first stage of this new project is underway. Thanks to the help of Bite-Back supporters the charity has identified and exposed more than 80 restaurants in the country currently selling the controversial dish. Sadly, as more reports come in, the list is expected to reach 100. It’s therefore uplifting to know that this campaign has already found support from Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, Gordon Ramsay, Bear Grylls, Martin Clunes and Monty Halls plus the top London advertising agency, Ogilvy & Mather. Considering this is only one of a number of campaigns due to be launched in 2013, it’s going to be an exciting year for BiteBack. Please be part of its breakthroughs and please choose to make a donation when you book your next scuba adventure with Dive Worldwide. For more information, visit www.bite-back.com and for regular updates please ‘Like’ BiteBack on Facebook. As firm believers in taking proactive steps to protect our marine wildlife, Dive Worldwide is proud to actively support Bite-Back. Get involved! Find out more - email us at sales@diveworldwide.com


Dive into Costa Rica Stretching just 240 kilometres from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean, Costa Rica is one of the few places on earth to offer an incredible diversity of scenery, climate and adventure opportunities. Enjoy spectacular panoramic views from volcanoes, an exceptional wildlife biodiversity and diving in two bodies of water. Costa Rica’s underwater wonders range from coastal coral reefs to offshore islands. Diving in the Pacific, from the Gulf of Papagayo to Caño Island, is the type of adventure most divers only dream of; abundant marine life ranging from reef sharks to humpback whales, giant manta rays to turtles and puffer fish to barracuda to name only a few. With so much to see and do, it’s key to ensure you maximise your precious holiday time. While we have suggested itineraries to help discover the possibilities open to you, our specialist dive consultants will work with you to develop your holiday of a lifetime, whether you are looking for a dedicated dive holiday or a mixture of land and sea adventure. © Phil North

North Pacific Explorer

From £2,095 per person (inc. flights) Day 1. Depart UK for Costa Rica. On arrival in San José, transfer to your hotel for overnight stay (BB). Day 2. Early transfer to Ocotal Beach Resort for four nights (BB) on the Papagayo Gulf. Afternoon at leisure. Night dive (optional). Days 3-5. Dive the Gulf of Papagayo. Your dive pack includes three days diving (6 dives) to some of the 41 dive sites. Encounter massive schools of fish, giant manta rays, sharks, whales, turtles, mobula rays and more. Day 6. Morning at leisure to relax. After lunch, transfer to Arenal Manoa Hotel, La Fortuna for two nights (BB). Day 7. Morning hiking tour to La Fortuna Waterfall. The trail runs through pasture and rainforest, offering chances to spot tropical wildlife. Late afternoon, visit Ecotermales Hot Springs (includes evening meal). Day 8. Morning at leisure, before transferring back to San José for final night (BB). Day 9. Morning at leisure. Depart San José. Day 10. Arrive UK. Call us for your own tailor-made itinerary.


Talk to an expert on 0845 130 6980 to plan your perfect trip

Micronesia and Palau

Autumn 2012

by Charlie Munns

Most people only have a vague idea where Micronesia is. It is always on the crease on the map, a dot among lots of other dots. Getting there is not easy and perhaps that is key to its magic. If too many people went, surely the allure would have rubbed off long ago. For most Europeans, the journey involves around 30 hours of travel, and so the time, money and effort required will deter all but the most determined. Those that persevere are in for a holiday of a lifetime. Palau

Palau is simply stunning, both above and below. There are numerous hotels and liveaboards to choose from and diving is year round, although between December and April the seas are at their calmest. The diving in Palau is truly world class. There is so much variable topography here and the marine life reflects that. Stunning mandarin fish can be found in the lagoons of the beautiful Rock Islands, while nudibranch of all colours are twoa-penny. German and Ulong Channel play host to lonesome Napoleon wrasse or a plethora of white tip sharks. The Blue Hole is a must, while Blue Wall will cause your heart to make that extra beat, fighting your way to the edge of the drop off as you fumble about trying to use a reef hook for the first time. As you fly in the current, take your time to admire a large school of grey reef sharks as they rest nonchalantly in the water column. Mantas fly past, as does the time. Some of the best diving is to the south and especially the island of Peleliu. Steeped in WW2 history, these shores were witness to savage battles between the US and Imperial Japanese forces.


East of Palau is the tiny island of Yap, a true gem of the Pacific. Greeted by topless ladies at the airport and famous for its resident mantas, the island offers so much more than diving.

Fact File


Issue 1

Land temp: 22OC - 32OC year round Water Temp: 27OC - 30OC year round Visibility: 10 metres - 40 metres+ Average 20 metres Current: Drift in Yap and Palau (select sites) Season: Year round, best Nov-Apr Accommodation: Resort or Liveaboard

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Named the ‘Land of Stone Money’, huge chunks of rock were brought from Palau and Guam and carved to create their unique currency, allowing the indigenous people to buy land, settle disputes and arrange marriage. Underwater, Yap is perhaps at its best from late November to April. Mantas are the main attraction with upwards of 100 throughout the season, although present year round, all individually identified by the local divers. The walls on the outer reefs are sensational. Drift diving on dramatic drop-offs with critters tucked into every crevice. Don’t be surprised to stumble across species that haven’t been tagged in any fish identification book. It is more common than you may think! No liveaboards ply Yap’s waters so the land based resorts are the only option.

Chuuk (Truk Lagoon)

Arguably the biggest draw for divers to this region is, as the license plates declare, ‘The Worlds Greatest Wreck Diving Destination’. Chuuk, the second largest atoll in the world is home to over 60 wrecks, ranging from small landing craft, to huge merchant vessels and aeroplanes. The average ship is over 100 metres. Bullets, bottles, bombs and bones are frequent sightings, as well as the most personal and delicate of items; bamboo chopsticks, sunglasses, books, and photographs.

Charlie Munns - A professional diver for 8 years, now a Specialist Consultant at Dive Worldwide. He lived and worked in Micronesia and has dived Chuuk, Yap and Palau. The region holds a very special place in his heart.




Due to its remote location this area to the east of Borneo sees relatively few divers, which is why its still a relative secret. Derawan - A photographer’s paradise, with a great mix of drift and critter diving. Kakaban - Dive in the sting-free jelly fish lake, a unique experience. Sangalaki - Home to a number of manta ray cleaning stations and green turtle hatcheries.

Maratua Derawan

Gangga & Bangka Bunaken Manado

Kakaban Berau Sangalaki


Maratua Atoll - BIG Fish Country. Encounter hammerhead and leopard sharks, manta rays and schools of barracuda.


Year Round

The second largest marine protected area in Indonesia, the park encompasses stunning coral reefs, white sand beaches and an amazing wealth of cetaceans. Shore, boat and liveaboard diving are offered from this luxurious resort. Enjoy a level of service, remoteness and tranquillity rarely found anywhere else.


© Tara North


This beautiful tropical island has many diverse dive sites, offering exceptional diving for all levels; from protected shallow bays to exhilarating drift dives.

© Phil North


Menjangan Island - Home to the Coral Reef Conservation Project and critters in Secret Bay.


Tulamben - Highlights include the USS Liberty Wreck, the drop-off at Kubu and an amazing marine life on house reefs.


Nusa Lembongan - Drift dives and seasonal migrations of manta rays and mola mola (Sep).


Declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1991, this is one of the largest protected zones in the world and includes one of the richest marine environments you’ll ever visit. Explore coral reefs, pinnacles and walls. Encounter manta rays, dugong, whales and sharks. Discover critters and dragons. Enjoy exhilarating drift dives.

Tulamben Denpasar Nusa Lembongan

May - Nov

Labuan Bajo Komodo

The best way to experience this area is by liveaboard, some of which operate year round.


Liveaboard Resort


Talk to an expert on 0845 130 6980 to plan your perfect trip

Issue 1



do Lembeh


Year Round

A year round diving destination suitable for divers of all levels, this region is best explored by combining the areas which offer a distinct and diverse marine environment. Bunaken - This Marine Park has an immense marine biodiversity, amazing visibility and pristine steep walls. Lembeh Strait - The ‘Muck Diving’ capital of the world. This small area regularly attracts photographers and divers interested in weird and wonderful critters. Gangga & Bangka - Located at the conjunction of the Indian and Pacific Oceans with more than 30 world-class dive sites, marine life is abundant and diverse.

Autumn 2012

The world’s largest archipelago, Indonesia lies across the equator stretching from the Asian mainland to Papua New Guinea. These 17,000 islands combine miles of coastline, rich volcanic soil, warm equatorial currents, nutrient-rich up-wellings and a tropical climate that together create a biological wonderland. At the heart of the Coral Triangle, the region is well known for its exceptional marine biodiversity and some of the best and most remote diving in the world. Featured here are the most popular areas from our Ultimate Diving Collection. Talk to us to arrange your trip of a lifetime.

Raja Ampat Sorong Manokwari Cenderawasih Bay

© Cary Yanny


Triton Bay

Ambon Bay

West Papua Ambon

Sep - May

© Marcel Hagendijk

‘Critters without crowds’, Ambon Bay is home to some of the best muck diving in the world and a 137 metre long wreck. Ambon’s intriguing shoreline has a habit of throwing up the weird and the wonderful, most famously the new species of frogfish discovered by Maluku Divers in 2008. A photographers dream - no two dives are ever the same. The journey may be adventurous but the rewards are well worth it.

Dec - Apr

The least populous province of Indonesia features what many describe as the final frontier in diving terms. Exploratory diving on untouched pristine reefs with such an abundance and biodiversity of marine life, it’s hard to know where to start. The ‘Bird’s Head Seascape’ features the following destinations. Raja Ampat - Marine Park with colourful, fish and critter filled reefs. Features the main islands of Misool, Salawat, Batanta and Waigeo. Home to Cape Kri and wobbegong sharks. Cenderawasih Bay - Marine Park with fringing reefs, endemic species and unique topography where deep dwelling fish (and whale sharks) are found in shallow waters. Triton Bay - Discover the amazing soft corals and marine life by liveaboard taking you from Sorong to Ambon and beyond.

© Phil North

Or visit us on the web at www.diveworldwide.com


Capture Underwater Africa with Cary Yany Accomplished photography instructor Cary Yanny will lead three tours to South Africa and Mozambique in 2013. During these, she will teach photographic principles & techniques and animal & fish behaviour, in order to improve the guests’ results in wildlife photography. With a maximum of eight participants, personal attention is paramount. Learn and develop wide-angle techniques, composition, lighting, an understanding of animal behaviour, underwater model photography, the post processing of images and end with a one-to-one photo critique. The itinerary includes three locations providing some of the best summer underwater and photo opportunities Southern Africa has to offer. Spend time at Aliwal Shoal, Ponta do Ouro and on land at Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game Reserve. Expect to encounter plenty of sharks and large marine life.

Observing, photographing and understanding the natural history of animals has been Cary’s personal passion throughout her life. Join her on an exclusive adventure. A real trip of a lifetime! 8 Nights From £2345 per person (9-17 Mar) Excludes Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game Reserve 10 Nights From £2695 per person (17-27 Feb / 27 Feb – 9 Mar) Price includes flights. Contact Dive Worldwide for details. All images © Cary Yanny

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Talk to an expert on 0845 130 6980 to plan your perfect trip


Issue 1

Autumn 2012

New for 2013... Critters without Crowds in Ambon

MV Orion - Maldives

Maluku Divers Resort is a small, intimate and purpose built diving resort in a remote area of Indonesia. Expect the unexpected, where macro life abounds. Photographers are well catered for and there’s plenty to shoot, if you can find it!

It’s all about you! Pamper yourself on board this luxurious super cruiser complete with on-board masseuse, jacuzzi and sauna. The itineraries are decided according to daily conditions. Expect to see the best that the Maldives has to offer at any time of year. Nitrox is complimentary.

© Marcel Hagendijk

When to visit: Prices from:

September -May £2175 per person (inc. flights)

Tigers in the Bahamas

When to visit: Prices from:

Tahiti – BIG deal!

Tiger Beach Shark Excursions with Stuart Cove’s, offer the thrill of encounters with tiger, lemon and reef sharks. Spend a week on Grand Bahama, combining a cosmopolitan holiday with the charm of historic villages and underwater adventure.

French Polynesia offers history, hospitality, luxury, charm, picture perfect islands and an abundant marine life, especially when diving the ‘passes’, where everything is BIG. Explore reefs and lagoons and encounter sharks, manta rays or whales, depending on the season.

© Stephen Frink

When to visit: Prices from:

February - June £3195 per person (inc. flights)

Thailand Aggressor

When to visit: Prices from:

Taking those first bubbles can be daunting. Our partners on Koh Tao know this only too well. Learn to dive with a small, professional and experienced team, offering a quality diving experience and giving you the personal attention you need. Price below includes full open water course.

© Tara North

Year Round £2875 per person (inc. flights)

Year Round £4495 per person (inc. flights)

Learn to Dive in Thailand

Operations begin in March 2013 and the boat is already proving a popular choice with luxury liveaboard enthusiasts. The week long itineraries concentrate on the underwater highlights of the Andaman Sea including the Similan Islands.

When to visit: Prices from:

Year Round £2495 per person (inc. flights)

When to visit: Prices from:

May – October £1945 per person (inc. flights)

Fiji Siren Operations begin in Sep 2013. Itineraries visit the Koro Sea (Savusavu, Taveuni and Wakaya island) offering adventure diving, a mix of soft corals and pelagic encounters. Dive Worldwide have been offering holidays to Fiji for over 10 years. We highly recommend extending your stay. Call us for your own tailor-made itinerary. When to visit: Prices from:

Year Round £2295 per person (boat only)

Or visit us on the web at www.diveworldwide.com


Compact Camera Workshop

UW Photo tips

by Tara North Many underwater photographers opt for cheaper, smaller compact cameras, but how can you maximise your results without upgrading your gear? The trick is knowing how to get the most out of the equipment you have. The underwater environment poses two central challenges: Firstly water absorbs light quickly - at 30metres little sunlight is able to penetrate, which means even on a bright sunny day, photographs taken at depth without flash will be dark. Secondly water also absorbs different coloured light at different rates. Red and orange are lost first, green and blue last to go. As a result photos often look monocrome at depth green and blue are the dominant colours.

Photographers use two main methods to resolve this: Firstly using a Flash, the light travels a relatively short distance through the water so still contains the full spectrum of colours. A flash will also provide extra light to illuminate your subject. Alternatively, the white balance setting on your camera helps replace lost colours by shifting the colour spectrum towards the red end. However this does not add any extra light to your image so is best used in shallow water.

Top Photo Destinations fLembeh - Birthplace of muck diving, there’s a weird and wonderful world down there. Eco Divers Digital Photo & Video Center is a dedicated facility staffed by qualified photography instructors and technicians, providing you with all you need. fWalindi - The reefs of Kimbe Bay are extraordinarily rich with fantastic diversity of marine creatures. These colourful corals are home to great subjects such as gobies, anemone fish, and spider crabs. Larger subjects include barrel and elephant ear sponges and a shallow plane wreck. fBonaire - With incredible visibility, abundant fish life and a healthy reef system, wide-angle opportunities are naturally abound. Buddy Dive Digital Photo is a fully equipped dedicated centre and a great place to learn your trade. fMaldives - Choose an island with a house reef and spend your days ‘shooting’ the fish. Liveaboard guests may have more chance to capture those classic manta ray and whale shark moments. fBali - A paradise for photographers, renowned for its incredibly rich macro marine life, Bali has it all; house reefs, wrecks, walls and schooling pelagics. Look out for our dedicated, expert led trips in 2013, open to photography enthusiasts of all levels.


Talk to an expert on 0845 130 6980 to plan your perfect trip

Issue 1

Autumn 2012

Top Tips ffGet close - A very important tip is to minimise the amount of water between you and your subject. ffPoint your camera up or on a level - Don’t shoot down on a subject. Try to get below it - the water column makes a much better background than the sea floor. ffPick your subjects wisely - If you can’t get close to and on the same level as your subject - choose something else to photograph. The best subjects are small and slow moving. ffDon’t kick up sand or silt - Small particles suspended in the

water can ruin your photo. ffImprove your dive skills - Improving your buoyancy, will have a beneficial effect on the quality of your photographs. ffStudy fish behaviour - Anticipating where a fish will go next makes it much easier to get the perfect photo. ffRespect the reef - Never risk harming the reef or other underwater life in pursuit of a photograph! If you can’t photograph your subject without jeopardising the reef choose another one!


Get the Gear


With a vast choice of cameras and underwater housings, it can be hard to select the best equipment for your cash. Here are a few things to look out for in an ideal underwater camera.

fAdds extra light fReplaces lost colour


fClose / small subjects fAt depth fColourful subjects



ffForce your flash on ffStay close, your flash only travels a limited distance ffTry manual mode - the flash will light your subject - adjusting the settings alters the background

ffMacro Mode - focus close to a subject ffWhite Balance - set the white balance manually ffManual Mode - have full control of the settings


ffStrong - look and feel sturdy ffDepth rating - rated well below the maximum depth you wish to dive at ffAdd ons - compatible with additional extras such as lenses or strobes

White Balance Why

fReplace lost colour


fLarger subjects fIn the shallows


ffTurn your flash off ffManual white balance: set using a white slate ffNo manual white balance: choose the preset that adds the most red (usually underwater or cloudy)

Extras Tara North is an award winning underwater photographer. Alongside her husband she managed an underwater photography and videography academy in Thailand and has travelled and photographed extensively in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Honduras and Egypt.

ffExternal Strobe - adds extra light and reduces backscatter ffWide-Angle Lens - allows you to get closer to your subject

All images ©Tara North

Or visit us on the web at www.diveworldwide.com


Holiday Planer - where to go and when...

People are always asking us when it’s best to go to a destination. Well, that really depends on you and what you want from your holiday. However, we have put our heads together to give you a selection of destination ideas to help you plan your next holiday from our Ultimate Diving Collection.



December ● January ● February

March ● April ● May



Winter Sun ● Whale Sharks ● Wildlife Safari

Manta Rays ● Whale Sharks ● Thresher Sharks

On Mafia Island, Chole Bay’s clear waters offer wonderful snorkelling and water sports. On the outer reef you’ll experience some of the richest reefs with an unparalleled variety of corals and tropical fish. We recommend a few nights extended stay visiting a wildlife game reserve on the mainland.

An island nation with a fantastic and diverse marine eco-system, there are plenty of amazing opportunities to travel here year round. However the BIG Fish Tour is at its best during these months. This exclusive and popular itinerary offers adventure and plenty of WOW moments.



Similan Islands ● Manta Rays ● Value for Money

Hammerheads ● Schools of Pelagics ● Adventure

The ‘Land of Smiles’ has graceful people, natural beauty, a rich culture, stunning tropical beaches and world-class diving. It’s this combination that makes Thailand such an attractive destination. During the winter months diving conditions are at their best in the Andaman Sea on the west coast.

Lush tropical vegetation, a fascinating cultural mix, endemic wildlife and a fabulous underwater world, this is a very special diving destination and a great place to visit throughout the year whether just for diving or to extend your adventure in the rainforest. The season at Layang Layang is short (Mar-Aug).


Turks & Caicos

Wrecks ● Manta Rays ● Best of Everything

Humpback Whales ● Wall Diving ● Black Coral

With more ocean than land, some of this region’s best sights are underwater. Each island group has its own culture and character as well as diving highlights. Head to Truk Lagoon for its WW2 wrecks, Palau for its sharks, reefs and wrecks, and encounter majestic manta rays in Yap.

A year round destination, one of the main reasons to visit now is for the humpback whale migration. Grand Turk and Salt Cay (a UNESCO World Heritage Site) offer the best chance of an encounter. This is a fantastic place to relax and enjoy some rustic charm, deserted beaches and great diving.



Eagle Rays ● Sardines and Sailfish ● Winter Sun Boasting a warm, tropical climate, winter is a great time to visit the east coast of Mexico, for adventures topside and underwater. Learn to dive in the Caribbean Sea. Explore the caverns of the Cenotes and drift along the walls with the turtles.


© Simon Rogerson

Manta Rays ● Whale Sharks ● Warm Dry Season

© Simon Rogerson

A chain of over 1,000 islands with white sandy beaches, swaying palms and world-class diving, the Maldives are blessed with a prolific marine life. Resorts with house reefs, channel diving and liveaboard safaris, it’s suitable for snorkellers and divers alike.


Cape Verde

Icescapes ● Unique ● Trip of a Lifetime

Turtles ● Whales ● Value for Money

Antarctic diving reveals a world of ice, where glaciers, gigantic icebergs and a unique blend of marine life greet you. With plenty of diving opportunities along your voyage, no two days will be alike – a truly inspiring and unforgettable experience await.

A short-haul destination, which often surprises divers, has plenty of underwater treasures. The average visibility is 40 metres and water temperature of 25OC. The volcanic topography is home to plenty of marine life. There are wrecks to explore and large pelagic encounters to be had.

Winter Liveaboard Saman Explorer - Oman

Spring Liveaboard MV Sea Hunter - Cocos Island

Humpback Whales ● Manta Rays ● City of Winchester Wreck

Hammerheads ● Marbled Rays ● Wide-Angle Photography

Suitable for advanced divers, this seasonal itinerary departs from Mirbat, in the south. The week long trips explore the Hallaniyat Islands; home to pristine corals, large pelagics and uncharted sites.

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, this rugged, remote island offers one of the most outstanding dive destinations in the world and is THE place to go diving with sharks.

Talk to an expert on 0845 130 6980 to plan your perfect trip

Issue 1

Autumn 2012

Although the list isn’t exhaustive, we’ve taken into consideration migrations, sunshine, seasons and offer our expert knowledge on why it’s best to travel to certain places at different times of the year. It’s our way of helping you decide when you think the best time is. Sometimes, the answer is – the wet season! We hope that some of the destinations featured below will be on your ‘bucket list’ and highly recommend booking these trips at least six months in advance to avoid disappointment, longer for exceptional liveaboard safaris.


June ● July ● August


September ● October ● November

South Africa


Sardine Run ● Aliwal Shoal ● Wildlife Safari

Wrecks ● Technical Diving ● Great Visibility

A natural phenomenon, the sardine run is one of the most amazing wildlife spectacles in the world. Recommended for experienced divers, time your holiday right and you’ll be part of it! Miss it, and you’re in for a great chance of plenty of shark encounters throughout the year.

A short flight from the UK, this is one of the best wreck diving destinations in Europe. Travel here in the autumn months, when all the crowds have gone and the sea is still warm. The sun shines most days of the year and it’s a great place to expand on your diving education.



Soft Corals ● Manta Rays● Beqa Lagoon

Sharks ● Manta Rays● Honeymoon

The amazingly diverse marine life includes large pelagics, an infinite variety of macro life, thousands of species of fish and hundreds of types of corals and sponges. The best time to visit is Apr-Oct. To enjoy all that Fiji has to offer and get the best experience, visit at least two out of the 333 islands.

A premier underwater destination for observing anything BIG, the islands are known as the shark capital of the Pacific. There are plenty of other reasons to visit; an extraordinary variety of islands, reefs and lagoons make each a unique destination.

© Simon Rogerson

Costa Rica


Leatherback Turtles ● Corcovado NP ● Caño Island

Coral Spawning ● Shore Diving ● Photography

Visitors enjoy an incredible diversity of scenery, climate and adventure opportunities, panoramic views from volcanoes, exceptional wildlife and the opportunity to dive in two bodies of water. It’s a place where the ‘green season’ offers the rains, but simultaneously, more wildlife to its shores.

This ‘diver’s paradise’ is a perfect all-year family holiday destination, with little rainfall and plenty to see and do. The calm, clear waters are home to one of the oldest marine parks in the Caribbean. Recommended for learners, photographers, snorkellers, windsurfers and technical training.



Green Turtles ● Orangutans ● Macro Heaven

Mola Mola ● Manta Rays ● Critters

Diving is fantastic here year round, but the summer months offer the best overall conditions. Diving at Sipadan is spectacular, but permits are needed. The majority of dives are on the reefs of Mabul and Kapalai, home to plenty of critters.

The world’s largest archipelago, this nation lies across the equator and at the heart of the Coral Triangle. There are plenty of reasons and seasons to visit. Bali is a beautiful tropical island with plenty of culture and a diverse marine life. This is a great time of year for unique marine life especially on Lembongan.

© Jens Kuhfs



Humpback Whales ● Tropical Paradise ● Remote

Whale Sharks ● Unique Topography ● Paradise

This small archipelago offers plenty of BIG diving experiences. Only a fraction of the reefs have been explored, offering divers plenty to discover. Dramatic landscapes, astounding visibility and an abundance of marine life make this a spectacular destination to visit.

Blessed with a tropical climate, it’s always a good time to visit, but it’s now when you’re most likely to encounter the largest fish in the sea. The MCSS run daily encounters Aug-Oct. Unique granite boulder formations, sweet lips, turtles, sharks and plenty of invertebrates are common on most dives.

Summer Liveaboard Galapagos Aggressor

Spring Liveaboard Mermaid I - Komodo National Park

Wolf and Darwin ● Once in a Lifetime ● Biodiversity

Dugong ● Drift Diving ● Manta Rays

The Humboldt Current brings cooler water from Jun-Nov, with it come larger pelagics. This is whale shark season, but expect sharks, turtles, mantas and dolphins too! Recommended for experienced divers.

Trips operate seasonally covering this world-class dive region. Highlights include the massive sponges and gorgonians off Moyo Island, schools of pelagics, critters and dragons. Take your camera!

Or visit us on the web at www.diveworldwide.com


While Dive Worldwide focuses on marine life and all that can be seen underwater, Wildlife Worldwide is the UK’s leading specialist in tailor-made wildlife holidays ‘topside’. Offering the widest range of destinations - from Europe to the furthest corners of the globe - our highly skilled, well-travelled and knowledgeable team creates bespoke trips and expertly guided tours for individuals, couples, families and small groups. With two decades of providing exceptional personal service built on the foundations of knowledge, expertise, reliability and quality, Wildlife Worldwide is also fully bonded to ensure your peace of mind and financial protection. When it comes to the call of the wild, we are ready to help you plan the trip of a lifetime. Talk to us today about your next wildlife adventure

0845 130 6982


Se us at... LIDS 2013 - 23-24 March 2013 Once more we will be exhibiting at London International Dive Show showcasing the very best dive destinations in the world! DIVE 2013 - Autumn 2013 At time of going to press, DIVE 2013 dates have not yet been confirmed, but we’ll be there. Meet the experts We are currently lining up special guest speakers for a series of events to be held here at our offices in central Winchester, and in key locations around the UK.

The first two will be: November: Shark & Marine Conservation with BITE-BACK February: Underwater Photography with Maria Munn To ensure you don’t miss out on the details, register your interest today by emailing sales@diveworldwide.com. Keep an eye on our website for who/what/when and come and join us!

Financial Protection

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Dive Worldwide is fully licensed for your financial protection. We are an ATOL bonded tour operator authorised by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and a member of the Association of Bonded Travel Organisers Trust Ltd (ABTOT). So you can book your holiday with us in confidence!

We are always interested in hearing from you. We are keen to read your holiday reports, see your photos and videos, and hear your thoughts and ideas on what’s happening in the diving world. Meet the team at key shows, come along to our specialist events and share with us and like-minded folk online. Stay in touch!

Talk to an expert on

0845 130 6980

Overseas +44 (0) 1962 302 087 Email: sales@diveworldwide.com Web: www.diveworldwide.com Address: Capitol House, 12-13 Bridge Street, Winchester SO23 0HL

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