Wildlife Worldwide Brochure - Winter/Spring 2021/22

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Winter/Spring | 2022 Expert-led small group tours and tailor-made holidays

Thank you for the incredible support you have given us over the last two years - it has been amazing. I am absolutely delighted to say that in addition to a number of UK-based trips, we have been able to get clients away on long-awaited holidays to Finland, Spain, Iceland and other parts of Europe, as well as Zambia and Brazil. We have been particularly flattered by the interest in our new UK trips and are thrilled to have operated so many of them with such success. The feedback we have received was so positive that you will find our collection has been vastly expanded and now includes the wonderful Scottish Highlands and Islands as well as Norfolk, Yorkshire, Sussex, Suffolk, Devon and Hampshire amongst other places.

Last summer we launched our very own Wildfair 2021 to fill the void created by the cancellation of Birdfair. The penultimate weekend in August was sacrosanct for many wildlife enthusiasts, and the event was often the first thing pencilled into any diary or calendar. We were so overwhelmed by the support for our inaugural Wildfair that it will now become an annual fixture. Plans are well under way and we look forward to a bigger and better Wildfair in 2022 - keep an eye on your inbox and our website for details.

As usual we’ve been working hard behind the scenes and are pleased to announce the introduction of a wonderful range of new trips. Our brochure features a brand-new Festival of Wildlife to the

Ngorongoro Conservation Area in Tanzania for 2024, a relaxing ‘long-stay’ to the lesser-visited North Luangwa National Park in Zambia, an adventure to the Isle of Skye with its famed fauna and mountains of the Cuillins, a twin-centre safari combining Sri Lanka and India, and new whale watching trips to the Azores and California’s Monterey Bay.

We’ve also added Uganda and Alaska to our portfolio of wildlife photography tours and are excited to announce two videography trips led by highly acclaimed wildlife filmmaker Neil Aldridge - one to the Scottish Cairngorms and one to Finland. With the rapid development of digital cameras - let alone the advances in mobile phone technology - many photographers who once considered still photos to be the Holy Grail are turning their lenses to shooting video footage and creating short films. These trips offer mentoring in the same way as our photographic trips and are designed to help you develop your skills and achieve the best possible results.

We hope this brochure gives you inspiration and we look forward to chatting to you about your next wildlife holiday.

Welcome 30 years’ experience of designing the finest wildlife holidays2

All holiday prices in this brochure are based on two people sharing a room/cabin, and include flights from the UK, wildlife activities, accommodation and transfers (except where specified). Prices are correct at time of going to print. For full details contact our expert wildlife team.


Tanzania: Festival of Wildlife 2024 NEW 4/5

Zambia: North Luangwa – Off the Beaten Track NEW 6/7

Uganda: Great Apes & African Oddities NEW 8/9

Botswana & South Africa: Kalahari Nights NEW 10/11

Namibia: A Photographic Wonder NEW 12/13

Africa Under Canvas: The Joys of Mobile Camping 14/15

UK: Small Group Tours 16/19

Isle of Mull: The Eagle with the Sunlit Eye 20/21

Isle of Skye: Eagles, Otters & Cetaceans NEW 22/23

Small Group Videography Workshops NEW 24/25

Azores: All Creatures Great & Small NEW 26/27

Slovenia: Julian & Dinaric Delights 28/29

Spain: In Search of the Bearded One 30/31

USA: Monterey Bay – Blues & Breaches NEW 32/33

Alaska: Exploring the Alexander Archipelago NEW 34/35

A Taste of Canada 36/37

Brazil: The Pantanal’s Big Five NEW 38/39

Colombia: Mammals & Birds NEW 40/41

Big Cats: Out of Africa NEW 42/43

India & Sri Lanka: A Tail of Two Cats NEW 44/45

Sri Lanka: A Secret Wilderness 46/47

Polar Voyages: Trips of a Lifetime 48/49

Group Tours Calendar 2022-2024 50/55

Tanzania: Festival of Wildlife 2024 NEW 56

Small Group Tours

Our collection of small group tours has rapidly expanded and we now offer a wide range of over 250 trips to some of the wildest places on Earth. Travelling as part of a small group can be hugely rewarding, allowing you to meet like-minded wildlife enthusiasts and benefit from the expertise of a naturalist tour leader. If you prefer to travel independently, or with your friends and family, a large number of our group tours can be adapted and organised on a private basis.

Tailor-made Holidays

We excel at tailoring holidays which allow you the freedom and flexibility to travel how, when and where you want to. You may want to see a certain species, visit specific locations, or need to travel at a certain time of year. To guide you through the options, we provide ‘trip ideas’, designed by our expert team to give you an idea of the possibilities and prices, and we can create a holiday to meet your exact requirements. We can also tailor a selection of our photography holidays with a private photographic tour leader - contact us for more details.

Book with Confidence

In these uncertain times our ‘Book with Confidence Promise’ (details on our website) and the full Covid-19 cover available from a number of travel insurance companies means you can plan and book your wildlife holiday with complete peace of mind. We work closely with our overseas partners to ensure the operation of all our holidays is fully compliant with the new protocols in place for safe travel.

Opening Hours

We are open from 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday, and also on Saturdays from 9am to 1pm in January, February and March.

Front cover & main image by Nick Garbutt sales@wildlifeworldwide.com 01962 302055 www.wildlifeworldwide.com 3

Tanzania Festival of Wildlife 2024

In true Festival fashion we will have exclusive use of Ndutu Safari Lodge and in addition to the expert local team, we will be joined by a team of photographers, sculptors and artists, offering a comprehensive programme of workshops, talks and tutorials that will be available alongside the usual morning and afternoon game drives.

The Festival takes place in April when over two million migratory animals made up of wildebeest, zebra, eland and Thomson’s gazelle will gradually be easing westwards, following the rains and the new grass it brings. At this time, it’s anticipated that the great herds will still be within striking distance of the lodge, allowing us to enjoy this magnificent spectacle, but significantly also leaving behind areas void of the easy pickings of migration and therefore forcing the resident predators, of which there are many, to work harder for their meals. The timing represents a period of transition, not only for the wildlife, but also for visiting tourists, as the mobile camps relocate north, making for a more exclusive experience.

The Ndutu region of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area is famed for its big cats and is arguably one of the best places in Africa to see lion and cheetah. The enormous acacia studded grasslands are the perfect habitat for both, but they also hold a tantalising variety of other sought-after species. Both serval and caracal roam these lands, as do striped hyena, bat-eared fox and three species of jackal. Falling within a conservation area rather than a national park we are also afforded a greater level of flexibility and can venture off road in pursuit of sightings, an important consideration in such a vast wilderness.

In addition to our stay at Ndutu Safari Lodge, we are offering a pre-Festival extension to the world famous Ngorongoro Crater, a lost world of Eden that provides refuge to the Big Five, alongside a wealth of ungulates and vibrant flamingo-filled lakes. Our base will be the Ngorongoro Sopa Lodge, the only lodge on the Eastern Rim with breathtaking views out over the crater.

Post Festival, there will be the option to join a 3-night walking safari in a remote camp before continuing on to the verdant forests of Manyara National Park

for two nights, offering a completely contrasting experience to our time at Ndutu. For those with a passion for primates there is the opportunity to travel to neighbouring Uganda to visit sites for both mountain gorillas and chimpanzees.

The Festival promises to be the experience of a lifetime and we’d love you to join us.

NEW Festival of Wildlife 2024

Apr 2024

days, from £5,995

Festival of Wildlife Extensions

Ngorongoro Crater: 7 - 11 Apr, from £1,995

Serengeti Walking Safari: 18 - 24 Apr, from £3,495

Uganda Gorillas: 18 - 23 Apr, from £2,795

Uganda Gorillas & Chimps: 18 - 25 Apr, from £4,995

(Uganda prices exclude permits)

We’re delighted to announce that our 2024 Festival of Wildlife will be held in Tanzania, in the vast wildlife-filled plains of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, on the edge of the Southern Serengeti. This area is considered by many to be one of the finest wildlife watching destinations in the world.
Chris Breen Nick Mackman Helen Bryon Nick Garbutt Bret Charman Jonathan Truss
30 years’ experience of designing the finest wildlife holidays4
Image by Nick Garbutt
“Ndutu is a place that leaves an indelible mark. It’s addictive: when you’ve visited once, you’ll want to return again and again, and I can think of no better place to host a Festival of Wildlife”.
Tour Leader and Wildlife Photographer, Nick Garbutt
sales@wildlifeworldwide.com 01962 302055 www.wildlifeworldwide.com 5

North Luangwa

Off the Beaten Track

There are two things that Africa seems to have in bucket loads which I don’t think any other continent has in quite the same way - firstly vast open spaces that seem to go on forever, and secondly an ever-present population of magnificent mammals, birds, insects and reptiles. The combination of the two is utterly intoxicating for wildlife enthusiasts, birders and photographers alike.

Imagine sitting in front of your chalet, by the side of the huge silty Luangwa and Mwaleshi Rivers at their confluence, with your binoculars or camera in hand, looking out at the whole of Africa. There are a hundred or more hippos in front of you, impala and waterbuck coming to drink, baboons playing on the far bank, elephants having a dust bath at the river’s edge, crocodiles basking in the heat, Cape turtle doves calling in the background, and a raptor or two overhead. And most importantly of all, there’s no one else for miles around. This is wilderness. This is North Luangwa at its very best.

On our new North Luangwa – Off the Beaten Track safari we spend a whole week at Takwela – a beautiful camp in a wild and remote part of Zambia’s Luangwa Valley. With near exclusive access to about 50 kilometres of the fabulous Luangwa River, there really is no one else around and we have the camp entirely to ourselves. This is the ultimate wilderness experience in a park of nearly 5,000 square kilometres.

As you would imagine, the game viewing from Takwela is second to none. There are expertly guided game drives both day and night and you can also enjoy walking safaris in the company of an armed scout (both morning and afternoon) to see the wildlife at its own ‘eye-level’… it really is a wonderful experience. A full week on safari gives you plenty of time to explore the park which hosts a highly successful black rhino sanctuary and healthy populations of lion, spotted hyena, elephant, buffalo, leopard, Cookson’s wildebeest and wild dog amongst others. The birding here is superb too with bee-eaters, rollers, waxbills, hornbills, and numerous raptors all possible.

Being based at a single camp for an extended period allows for a more immersive experience, the opportunity to sit back and observe the comings and goings of the park’s wild inhabitants or to simply rest in the shade of a tree with a good book and to soak in the sounds of the bush. If recent events have left you in need of an escape, this must surely be the perfect tonic.

Getting to Takwela is an adventure in itself, with a light aircraft journey from Mfuwe in the south flying over a dramatic riverine landscape which delivers you directly into the heart of North Luangwa National Park. From here a short game drive takes you to the river and your first chance of seeing Zambia’s iconic wildlife before you get into a canoe for the short river crossing to camp itself.

This is a week-long safari like no other, in a wilderness that needs to be seen to be believed.

If you’re looking for an immersive experience in the African bush, our new small group trip to Zambia’s North Luangwa ticks all the boxes. Founder Chris Breen explains why this vast remote park offers the ultimate wildlife-filled safari.
30 years’ experience of designing the finest wildlife holidays6

NEW North Luangwa - Off the Beaten Track

Escape to the bush with a 7-night stay at Takwela Camp in the remote North Luangwa National Park. Enjoy morning, afternoon and night drives as well as walking safaris or simply relax by the river and watch the wildlife come to you.

15 Jun, 10 Aug & 7 Oct 2023

11 days, from £4,995 – Group size: 8

sales@wildlifeworldwide.com 01962 302055 www.wildlifeworldwide.com 7

Uganda Great Apes & African Oddities

Team member and photographer Bret Charman leads our new Uganda Photo Safari and explains why this is a must for anyone with a passion for wildlife photography. Bret takes us into the heart of this verdant country in search of some of the world’s most sought-after primates.

For many years now I have had a real problem – an addiction to the African continent and its wildlife. Having travelled widely in Africa, Uganda was always a little bit of an enigma. Why go there when there are so many other places to visit? Well, it all fell into place when I experienced the ‘Pearl of Africa’ for myself, and I had a wildlife experience like no other.

I was on a mountain road, skirting my way around the edge of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, escorted by our ranger. As we arrived in a small village, surrounded by tea plantations and banana trees, I alighted the vehicle to be met by my porter (a key part of any successful gorilla trek).

The path meandered through the planted rows of tea and before long, I entered the national park. This forest is unlike anywhere I have ever been before, a unique type of rainforest, a little more like a cloud forest, but with a unique African twist to it. I can’t put my finger on it, but it certainly has an ethereal quality. Just as I soak up this new world, our armed ranger receives a radio message from the guards who protect the gorilla family – they’re somewhere above us.

It’s now that we start to climb up a narrow trail leading through the thick forest. My porter is carrying my camera bag and I’m using a walking stick for support. Wearing gardening gloves, a solid pair of walking boots and lightweight cotton clothing, I feel like some sort of adventurous Monty Don. After an hour of walking up the slope, climbing higher into this ‘other worldly’ forest we suddenly stop. The

ranger turns off the path and into the forest, beckoning me to follow. I take this new path, avoiding the spikeladen branches and break through to a small stream. On the other side of this stream is a small rise and it’s here that I’m told the gorillas are close and I must now only take what I need. My porter and my bag must stay behind. I grab my camera and proceed through the thick scrub that lays before me.

That’s the moment my world changes forever – I’m only metres away from a female mountain gorilla nursing her young. I don’t take any photos. I simply stand and stare. It’s only as my guide points to my side I realise I’m accompanied by a young male, and just beyond him is the silverback. I finally remember to take a few photos here and there, but for the most part I’m too emotional to move. A toddler approaches me, working its way along a tree trunk and reaches out. I’m not allowed to touch it and I keep moving away until we’re only a couple of metres from one another. I feel tears running down my cheek. I know I will never be able to explain this moment and there’s no need to. You just have to experience it for yourself.

Of course, there’s so much more to Uganda. The chimpanzees of Kibale Forest, tree-climbing lions of Queen Elizabeth National Park and the shoebills of Mabamba Swamp are all notable highlights. In fact, we have combined all these incredible wildlife encounters on our new dedicated photography trip. You can join me in 2023 for a unique wildlife photography tour that will allow you to make the most of these remarkable opportunities.

30 years’ experience of designing the finest wildlife holidays8
NEW Uganda Wildlife Photo Safari Join award-winning wildlife photographer Bret Charman on this trip of a lifetime to Uganda as we hope to enjoy photographic opportunities for mountain gorilla, shoebill, chimpanzee, tree-climbing lion and the rest of the intriguing wildlife this splendid country has to offer. 11 Oct 2023 13 days, from £8,995 – Group size: 6 Main image by Bret Charman sales@wildlifeworldwide.com 01962 302055 www.wildlifeworldwide.com 9

Botswana & South Africa Kalahari Nights

Wildlife Travel Consultant, Tour Leader and general wildlife nut Helen Bryon, reminisces over visits to her favourite desert, the Kalahari. Spanning much of southern Africa, this vast area supports all manner of wildlife, from the weird to the wonderful, and she can’t wait to experience more!

It’s cold. I can see his breath as he exhales next to us. His black mane, silhouetted like a halo, shines in the spotlight as he sits quietly, not 10 metres away from us. We are stunned into silence at his magnificence and his proximity.

Pride is etched into every single whisker of his regal profile. A dull thud as he flops to his side, the dust scattering as his great head lands on the hard baked, cracked earth. He sighs audibly, his open amber eyes giving away nothing. His tail is still, his breathing deep, and a sense of wonder builds as we share his world for a few precious moments. “Look up.” I urge quietly after a few minutes. Tearing our eyes away from him, on this crystal-clear winter’s night, 2,500 jewels of the Milky Way hang glittering, suspended above us.

A roar from the south heightens our senses. His females are on the relentless search for more prey. Springbok and kudu no doubt remain still to avoid detection; their large, beautiful eyes, always wary. He will of course follow, but for now we simply relish his extraordinary presence as thoughts of home, trappings of another world fall away, insignificant when faced with his primeval existence. In one fluid moment he stands, answering a silent communication and walks away from us. His disappearance elicits complex emotions - overwhelming elation, awe, and a sense of peace juxtaposed with a tinge of melancholy for his threatened and vanishing world.

Over the last few months, whilst our ability to experience such moments first-hand has been temporarily out of reach, I have often replayed this sighting, along with many others, relishing the emotions generated by the

mighty Kalahari. I yearn to breathe its air, to feel its dust between my toes, to feel the velvet crescent seed pods of the camelthorn, to contemplate the absolute majesty of oryx horns silhouetted against a never-ending sky. I long to watch the sun rise and set, a huge orange orb bathing the sky in exquisite colour as it slowly sinks beneath the horizon. But primarily I want to just sit amongst wildlife, absorbing the moment, watching and contemplating its ever-present quest for survival.

This may be a desert but it’s far from devoid of life so when you find water stay by it, and if you’re lucky, let the magic unfold. You may not find the quantity or volume of species here that other, less harsh environments support, but you will find quality. And you will find the unusual. Aardvark, pangolin, honey badger, brown hyena, caracal, African wild cat, black rhino, striped polecat, aardwolf, raptors, bat-eared fox, wild dog, Cape fox, cheetah and meerkat to name but a few. All you need to do is choose your preferred style of travel and we’ll get you there.

Choose from mobile camping, combining the Central Kalahari Game Reserve with Lake Ngami and the incredible Makgadikgadi Pans on Botswana’s Rare Mammals or head south across the border to South Africa. From there, join our Kalahari Conservation Experience to get your hands dirty and be actively involved in wildlife management for the country’s largest Big Five Private Reserve, or consider South Africa’s Rare Mammals for possibly the best chance of adding aardvark, pangolin and wild dog to your species lists whilst staying at an incredible private lodge. I don’t know about you but I’m already packing!

NEW Kalahari Conservation Experience

Get involved with a range of conservation-based activities ranging from predator monitoring to game counts, vegetation surveys and anti-poaching efforts whilst enjoying sightings of wild dog, cheetah, lion, elephant, white and black rhino and some rarer predators too.

8, 15 & 22 Sep 2023;

6 & 13 Sep 2024

10 days, from £3,695

Group size: 6

South Africa’s Rare Mammals in Style

Encounter some of South Africa’s rarest and most sought-after mammals from the comfort of a luxurious private lodge. Possible highlights include ground pangolin, aardvark, aardwolf, Cape fox and brown hyena, alongside lion, wild dog and plains game.

2 & 9 Jun 2023

10 days, from £10,595

Group size: 9

30 years’ experience of designing the finest wildlife holidays10

Rare Mammals

In addition to black-maned lion and cheetah, there

a range of smaller, less well-known mammals

we hope to find including aardwolf, brown hyena, meerkat and aardvark.

21 Jan, 22 Apr & 6 May 2023 12 days, from £6,495 – Group size: 6 sales@wildlifeworldwide.com 01962 302055 www.wildlifeworldwide.com 11

Namibia A Photographic Wonder

Wildlife Travel Consultant, photographer and Tour Leader Emma Healey talks us through the highlights of our new photography trip to Namibia which she will be leading from September 2023.

When I hear “Namibia”, I’m immediately transported to open desert landscapes, rolling sand dunes, elephants bathing in white sand, huge expanses of scrubland bustling with different species and endless wildlife photography opportunities … and we’ve introduced a new photographic trip to capture some of the greatest wonders of this incredible country.

We begin in Erindi Private Nature Reserve which focuses on a number of conservation initiatives and is home to a tantalising variety of rare and endangered species such as cheetah, wild dog and even pangolin and aardvark. In addition to enjoying a mixed programme of photography focused game drives and bush walks, there are also two superb waterholes close to the lodge that provide a constant stream of activity.

From Erindi it’s on to Etosha National Park, a highlight for most visitors to Namibia. The word Etosha literally means ‘great white place’ and it really is great in so many ways. Visiting the area in September gives us the best chance of seeing the iconic ‘ghost elephants’ which shower themselves with white clay from Etosha Pan to protect themselves from the strong sunlight, making them look as though they’re made of marble. The striking contrast of these white elephants offset against the pink skies of the evening sun making for some dramatic images. Observing these majestic creatures first at the waterholes and later striding purposely through the park, their white bodies contrasting starkly with the tawny colours and whites of various antelope species, is a sight you won’t forget.

As well as driving out to the salt pans, we’ll also enjoy the unique experience of photographing subjects from a ground level hide, enabling us to get a completely different perspective of our targets. Fortunately encountering elephants on an African safari remains a common place experience, but the behaviour exhibited by Namibia’s elephants is quite unlike anything you may have experienced elsewhere.

Another highlight of Namibia is the desert and the seemingly endless backdrop of sand dunes – a landscape that is constantly changing with the wind. Travelling through the area, you can hardly believe that this barren place is home to a number of species, including elephant and rhino which have adapted to call the desert home. We spend time in the Namib Desert to capture images of these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat.

As well as the larger animals, we will also be on the lookout for wildlife at the other end of the spectrum. As a keen macro photographer, I drive friends and family crazy if we’re in a rainforest location as I always have my head in the bushes looking for tiny things. This is also the case in Namibia where a huge number of small creatures live under the safety of the sand. You would never think it was home to a dynamic ecosystem of tiny animals and resilient flora and fauna. We will spend a full day looking for treasures such as the Namib dune gecko, the Namaqua chameleon and Peringuey’s adder.

This trip features an exciting variety of habitats, wildlife and photographic opportunities and I can’t wait to explore it with you.

30 years’ experience of designing the finest wildlife holidays12

NEW Wonders of Namibia: A Photographic Safari

Travelling through the iconic salt pans of Etosha National Park into the dry, sandy deserts, we watch and photograph the incredible resident wildlife including the iconic elephant, lion, rhino and leopard before heading to the dunes of Swakopmund where we focus on Namibia’s smaller inhabitants.

Sep 2024

days, from £8,995

Group size: 6

sales@wildlifeworldwide.com 01962 302055 www.wildlifeworldwide.com 13

The Joys of Mobile Camping Africa Under Canvas

For the quintessential African experience there is nothing better than staying under canvas. Team member Brian Wood shares his experience of our fully serviced mobile camping trips which have many of the same comforts as a lodge, but also the bonus of having just the thickness of a canvas between you and the bush!

After a day in the field having enjoyed some fantastic wildlife sightings, you return to camp where you’re greeted by the camp crew and the aroma of something suitably delicious cooking on the fire. As dinner commences so begins the storytelling as everyone reflects on the day’s sightings, excitedly adding their personal highlights between mouthfuls. Dinner complete, it’s on to the campfire, where a nightcap or two is enjoyed gazing at the magnificent night sky and the enchanting flicker of the fire (bush TV).

Retiring to your tent, the night watch begins. For some, exhausted from all the day’s excitement, it can be a short watch as sleep takes hold and whisks you away to another world, but for those still riding the day’s adrenaline, a night of guessing the source of the noise ensues. The sound of creatures snuffling, scuffling, scratching, growling, whooping, barking or roaring just a metre or two away, or carried on the breeze from afar, toy with the mind. Emerging the following morning, a cursory glance at the tracks around the tent reveal what animals have passed through in the night, confirming or dispelling your night’s suspicions.

The camping of today is not like the camping of yesteryear. Walk-in tents with a real bed and mattress, comfortable bedlinen, a bedside rug and table, and solar-powered LED lighting ensure that it’s a far more comfortable experience. If it’s a bit chilly, you get a bushbaby (safari-speak for a hot water bottle) to warm your bed. At the back of your tent is your own open-roofed, private bathroom, equipped with a long-drop toilet with a proper seat, and a bucket shower – you just ask for the bucket to be filled with water at your chosen temperature (hot, warm or – in the hot season – cold). Each morning the canvas washbasin outside your tent is filled with warm water when you get your wake-up morning call. What more could you want?

Throughout your stay the camp crew serve delicious food and drink, clear up, make your bed, and do any essential washing. All camp chefs produce an extraordinary variety of tasty and filling meals from a kitchen that consists of a few fire-blackened pots and pans, a kettle over an open fire and an oven heated by hot embers that bakes an endless stream of fresh bread, muffins and cakes. If you’re a meat eater, the braais (barbecues) are to die for, but vegetarians are increasingly well catered for too! One thing is certain: no one ever goes hungry on safari!

If that wasn’t enough, one of the perks of mobile camping is that you remain close to the action – right in the thick of it and with the flexibility to change your schedule for the day in the event that something really special unfolds in the bush.

I would implore everyone to try mobile camping at least once - do this and there’s every chance that you’ll be hooked for life.

30 years’ experience of designing the finest wildlife holidays14

Okavango Delta Safari

Combine the unique wilderness experience of fully serviced mobile camping with the comfort of an intimate private lodge. In the company of expert guides we’ll explore on foot, by mokoro and through game drives, encountering some of the finest wildlife on the continent.

5 Jun 2023 & 15 Jun 2024 12 days, from £7,495 – Group size: 12

Best of Botswana

Visiting three of northern Botswana’s prime wildlife areasMoremi Game Reserve, Khwai Concession and Chobe National Park - this small group mobile camping safari offers the chance to see a fabulous variety of wildlife, including lion, leopard, wild dog and elephant.

17 Jun, 11, 15 & 27 Jul, 19 Aug, 16 Sep & 14 Oct 2023 13 days, from £6,795 – Group size: 6

sales@wildlifeworldwide.com 01962 302055 www.wildlifeworldwide.com 15

UK - Small Group Tours

Our collection of expert-led small group holidays in the UK now offers a choice of over 40 trips. Whether you have a passion for birds, botany, lepidoptera or mammals we have something to tick all the boxes. Here are some of our favourites.

Somerset Levels in Winter with Mike Dilger

Led by acclaimed naturalist Mike Dilger, this trip explores one of the UK’s finest wetlands. Each winter many thousands of waterfowl and waders take up residence here, attracting the attention of marsh harriers and peregrines. Wigeon, pintail and teal fill the network of pools, while lapwing and golden plover congregate on the wet grassland, and

re-introduced cranes and recently arrived great egrets continue to flourish. The highlight is the appearance of huge murmurations of starlings which darken the evening skies.

18 Jan 2023

4 days, from £675

Group size: 7

Norfolk in Late Winter

In late winter a wide variety of birds congregate along the North Norfolk coastline and in the forests and grasslands of the Brecks. Evening raptor roosts are great places for hen and marsh harriers, barn and short-eared owls, merlin and peregrine, while shorelark, twite and flocks of geese, ducks and waders are seen along the coast. In

the Brecks hawfinch, lesser spotted woodpecker, firecrest, crossbill and goshawk hold sway, while unkept farmland offers grey partridge, yellowhammer and perhaps corn buntings.

7 & 10 Mar 2023 4 days, from £745 Group size: 7

NEW Wildlife of the Forest of Dean & Wye Valley

Enjoy a short break exploring Gloucestershire’s Forest of Dean and Wye Valley in search of these ancient habitats’ outstanding wildlife. This includes some scarce and sought-after woodland birds such as goshawk, nightingale, pied flycatcher, firecrest, wood warbler and hawfinch, plus mammals rarely found elsewhere in

England such as wild boar and recently reintroduced beaver and pine marten. There’s also an abundance of dragonflies, butterflies, and orchidsincluding scarce and local species.

2 & 5 May 2023 4 days, from £795 Group size: 7

Somerset Levels in Spring with Mike Dilger

Enjoy an exciting spring break at this renowned Ramsar site in the knowledgeable and enthusiastic company of TV naturalist Mike Dilger. This is the season for migrants and breeding birds: bearded tit, Cetti’s warbler, water rail and marsh harrier are all present, while hobbies feast on dragonflies and the reedbeds echo with the boom

of bitterns. Re-introduced common cranes thrive and this is a fantastic place to see herons. The rich flora includes several species of orchid, and a variety of reptiles and amphibians are possible.

2 & 5 May 2023

4 days, from £795

Group size: 7

30 years’ experience of designing the finest wildlife holidays16

Lancashire in Spring

Each spring waders crowd into the Lancashire coast en route to breed in the Arctic, making it an important feeding ground. Morecambe Bay’s shallows fill with curlew, redshank, knot, dunlin and oystercatcher, plus many wildfowl, while the wetlands and hedgerows resound to the song of warblers and other migrants. At Leighton

Moss we seek marsh harrier, bittern, bearded tit and Cetti’s warbler, Bowland Forest is home to merlin, hen harrier, ring ouzel, dippers and stonechat, and at Foulshaw Moss we look for tree pipit and osprey.

8 May 2023 4 days, from £795

Group size: 7

Suffolk’s Coast & Heaths in Late Spring

Suffolk offers some of England’s finest birdwatching at any time of year, but in late spring its coast and heathland is home to an extraordinary range of breeding birds. These include marsh harrier, avocet, bittern and bearded tit in the reedbeds and marshes, while the heaths support woodlark, Dartford warbler, tree pipit and stone curlew. Along the

shoreline, the dunes and shingle are home to many rare coastal plants and insects. This short break is timed to see the best of this, when the reserves are brimming with life.

18 & 21 May 2023

4 days, from £795

Group size: 7

The Splendours of Wester Ross

The unspoilt west coast of the Highlands is renowned for its scenery and summer light, while golden and white-tailed eagles soar above the peaks where ptarmigan roam and red deer browse. Hidden glens and native Caledonian forest hide pine marten and elusive wild cat, while Loch Maree hold rarities that include Scotland’s most important

population of black-throated diver. Lowland heath and heather moor are home to hen harriers and red grouse, and one of Europe’s highest concentration of otters is found along the coast.

6 days, from £1,295

Group size: 7

Isle of Mull Wildlife Extravaganza

Mull offers some of the UK’s best wildlife watching, and we explore from the exclusive comfort of Knock House - with access to the Benmore Estate, including some seldom visited areas. With any luck we’ll see otter, white-tailed and golden eagles, hen harrier and shorteared owl, while a trip to the Treshnish Isles lets us watch the UK’s most charismatic

seabird, the puffin. Another boat trip in search of cetaceans offers chances of harbour porpoise, common and bottlenose dolphins and even minke whales.

21 May, 11 & 18 Jun 2023

8 days, from £2,995

Group size: 12

“I enjoyed enhancing my knowledge of birds through the enthusiasm and knowledge of Mike Dilger. Mike’s knowledge of the species, and where to find them, all made for a top rate experience”
Peter O, Somerset Levels in Spring, May 2021
sales@wildlifeworldwide.com 01962 302055 www.wildlifeworldwide.com 17

UK - Small Group Tours

These are just a selection of our trips in England, Scotland and Wales. To view the full range, including dedicated photography workshops and tours please see our website.

NEW Butterflies & Birds of Sussex

Sussex’s varied habitats form a mosaic of rolling downs and lowland heath, with examples of oak and elm woodland, that supports a bewildering array of butterflies. Our visits to prime sites, in the company of Terry Goble, also reveal a range of birds, plants, reptiles and mammals. Lying at the northern extremity of several species’ range, means that

surprises are always possible. Continental swallowtails have bred here, large tortoiseshells turn up occasionally and recently a colony of longtailed blues have thrived.

The Farnes & Northumberland in Early Summer

Isle of Mull Wildlife Cruise

This cruise circumnavigates the Inner Hebridean island of Mull, one of the best places in the UK to see otters. Aboard the chartered Seahorse II we search for seabirds, grey and harbour seals, basking shark and cetaceans such as minke whale and common dolphins. The birdlife includes divers, golden and whitetailed eagles, plus peregrine

3 days, from £450

Group size: 7

Northumberland, with its remote and rugged coastline, islands and moors, is a great place for wildlife, but the start of summer is possibly the best time of all. Offshore, the Farne Islands have seabird colonies - Arctic and sandwich terns, puffins, razorbills, guillemots, shags, fulmars, kittiwakes and eiders - as well as grey seals, while nearby Coquet Island

has the UK’s only roseate terns. Along the coast are common and little terns, while inland you can find breeding dipper, goosander, grey wagtail, tree pipit, redstart, red grouse and spotted flycatcher.

12 & 17 Jun 2023

6 days, from £1,195 Group size: 7

and merlin, while the machair habitat of neighbouring Coll is home to corncrake and breeding waders. Weather permitting, we land on Lunga and Staffa to look for grey seals, puffins and guillemots, and visit Fingal’s Cave.

7 days, from £2,295 Group size: 10

NEW Wild Pembrokeshire

Naturalist Barry Embling reveals Pembrokeshire’s idyllic coast and prolific wildlife as we explore the mainland’s wildlife hotspots and enjoy boat trips to its famed offshore islands at the westernmost extremity of South Wales. The cliffs above Skomer and Ramsey’s rocky shorelines are tightly packed with colonies of guillemots,

razorbills and kittiwakes, but it’s the endearing puffins that are the star of the show, while a few kilometres offshore Grassholm is easily spotted due to the 39,000 pairs of gannets that render it white.

10 & 17 Jul 2023 5 days, from £1,345 Group size: 7

30 years’ experience of designing the finest wildlife holidays18

“Terry could not have worked harder, been more amenable, or more pleasant and charming! He is an absolute fund of knowledge on butterflies, birds, plants and the best- and littleknown places to find them and went out of his way to help me see and understand what I was looking at.”

Hilary F, Butterflies & Birds of Sussex, September 2021

Norfolk in Late Summer

Late summer/early autumn is one of the best times of year for waders, waterfowl and seabirds in Norfolk. At peak migration an astonishing number of knot, godwit, oystercatcher and other waders are seen flying overhead at RSPB Snettisham. Additionally, the marshes around North Norfolk’s coast all have impressive gatherings

of waders, with some sites recording over 20 species per day. We visit RSPB Titchwell Marsh and Norfolk Wildlife Trust’s Cley Marshes among others for the best coastal birding.

8 Sep 2023 5 days, from £925 Group size: 7

Islay & Jura in Autumn

Islay and its neighbour Jura offer a chance to see wildlife amidst glorious scenery, with spectacular gatherings of wildfowl. Each autumn barnacle geese arrive from their breeding grounds in the high Arctic, along with Greenland white-fronted geese and smaller numbers of pale-bellied brent, pink-footed and wild Canada geese. Other

waterbirds include whooper and mute swans, eider, Slavonian grebe, goldeneye, long-tailed duck and wigeon. Otters, harbour and grey seals are seen around the coast, while Jura has thousands of red deer.

7 days, from £1,895 Group size: 7

Autumn in the Scottish Highlands

The Highlands are at their most dramatic in autumn when mists linger in the glens, red deer stags roar on the hills, golden eagles soar over the peaks and red grouse call on the moors. We explore the Caledonian pine forest, glens and lochs with naturalist Mike Dilger in search of crested tit, Scottish crossbill, red-throated diver and Slavonian grebe,

while the beguiling variety of mammals includes red deer, brown and mountain hares, red squirrel, pine marten and otter.

Isle of Mull Wildlife in Autumn

12 Nov 2022; 22 & 29 Oct 2023 8 days, from £1,695 Group size: 7

Join this exclusive autumn holiday to Mull, specifically timed to see the majestic spectacle of the red deer rut and huge numbers of Atlantic grey seal pups on a boat trip that provides excellent photographic opportunities. Amidst the stunning autumnal colours we also hope to see inquisitive otters, both whitetailed and golden eagles as

we explore in search of the island’s fabulous array of birds and mammals, while each evening we return to our delightful base at the heart of the Benmore Estate. 8 days, from £2,795 Group size: 12

sales@wildlifeworldwide.com 01962 302055 www.wildlifeworldwide.com 19

Isle of Mull

The Eagle with the Sunlit Eye

Team member Sarah Malcolm recounts her experiences of our ‘Isle of Mull in Autumn’ tour, describing how golden and white-tailed eagle have given Mull the name ‘Eagle Island’, yet otter, hen harrier and more will vie to be your highlight…

The Isle of Mull is of the isles the fairest, Of ocean’s gems ‘tis the first and rarest; Green grassy island of sparkling fountains, Of waving woods and high tow’ring mountains.

Martin Martin, 1716

Whilst the green grassy island was instead seasonal with reds, oranges and browns, Martin’s description holds true 300 years on and paints the evocative setting in which we watched Mull’s wildlife.

Over the course of our week-long stay on Mull in October we were enraptured by raptors, as a golden eagle perched on the glen peak dwarfing the buzzards that tormented it into flight and a hen harrier nimbly quartered the moorland in search of unsuspecting meadow pipits and small mammals. On coastal lochs and bays white-tailed eagles held court, ever watchful over the feeding waders and wildfowl.

‘Iolaire sùil na grèine’ is Gaelic for white-tailed eagle and translates to ‘eagle with the sunlit eye’. Boarding the Lady Jayne at Ulva ferry port with the water a mirror glaze of the blue skies and fluffy white clouds overhead, we were to experience the golden eyes of Europe’s largest raptor firsthand. Circling our boat, adjusting its two metre wingspan in its surprisingly dynamic flight, it plucked the offered fish from the water.

Watching goosander, greenshank and curlew from the shoreline, a gap in the brooding clouds released the sun’s rays onto Salen harbour, turning the waters silver. A porposing harbour seal darted through the metallic scene, determined to convince us of its species dynamism as its kin lay hauled out in a mass of unmoving lumps nearby. Their larger cousins, the grey seal, staked their territory in the more remote Treshnish Isles.

Our boat trip via the dramatic basalt columns of Fingal’s cave, brought us to the archipelago which in autumn is peppered with pinnipeds. The grey seal pups, their eyes deep black pools, fatten and grow here before they are ousted by the island’s spring tenants – puffin.

Pressing playback on the camera trap I was immediately confronted by a wet nose and a bristle of whiskers. The otters in Loch Na Keal are no exception to the species stereotype of curious and entertaining. After an intimate encounter with the

camera the otter trotted to the edge of the pontoon to join her cub and disappear out of shot into the cool water. With over 400 kilometres of suitable coastal habitat, the island supports one of the highest densities of Eurasian otters in the UK and we had several daylight sightings of these enamouring creatures.

Enclosed by Loch Na Keal on the west and Loch Ba on the east, Knock House provides an excellent central base. After days filled with drives, walks and boat trips we would return to our sanctuary, knowing that open log fires and delicious meals awaited.

Knock House was not the only roof over our heads during the week. Exploring the vast Benmore Estate on foot, where red and fallow deer were completing their rut, we ducked into the log fire warmed bothie by the river for lunch as a dipper darted upstream.

This tour to the Isle of Mull was the first in our series of departures operating through the spring, early summer and autumn. All based at the fabulous Knock House and led by an expert team of naturalists, they offer a fascinating insight into this remarkable island.

Isle of Mull Wildlife Extravaganza

Go in search of a wealth of bird and mammal life in the company of either Mike Dilger or Nick Baker. Key species on this trip include otter, white-tailed and golden eagle, puffin, seal, common and bottlenose dolphin and potentially minke whale.

21 May, 11 & 18 Jun 2023 8 days, from £2,995 Group size: 12

30 years’ experience of designing the finest wildlife holidays20
Main image by Mull Charters sales@wildlifeworldwide.com 01962 302055 www.wildlifeworldwide.com 21

Isle of Skye Eagles, Otters & Cetaceans

The Isle of Skye is often described as the Highlands in miniature. From the sculpted Cuillin mountains, wild rushing rivers and waterfalls, to the dramatic sea cliffs and stunning remote beaches – it has it all! Tour Leader David Lambie introduces our new trip to this Scottish wilderness.

Spotting the sleek half-submerged head of an otter, sliding silently and gracefully through the water amongst the similarly coloured kelp and bladderwrack along one of Skye’s rocky shorelines is a special moment. Should they then climb out of the water you can watch and listen as they noisily consume their ‘catch of the day’ such as a lumpsucker or a shore crab, this is pure wildlife-watching bliss and just another day on the Isle of Skye!

During our week on the island, we will get the chance to visit many of the quieter corners of Skye where white-tailed and golden eagles soar, sometimes side by side, while they’re busy hunting and feeding their chicks. It’s also a place offering unusual and unique opportunities. We will travel on the last manually operated turntable ferry in the world, visit ‘Camusfearna’ – home to Gavin Maxwell’s otters in his famous book Ring of Bright Water – and take a boat to the Small Isles to visit Canna with its bustling puffin colony. With the long days of mid-June we have plenty of daylight hours to play with. As dusk falls we will listen out for a rasping corncrake and observe red deer coming down off the high hills to graze, using a night vision camera to aid us in our quest.

The waters around Skye are also well known for cetaceans, with several shore-watching locations offering the chance of minke whales, short-

beaked common dolphins, harbour porpoise, or if we’re very lucky even orca. Our chances will be further boosted during our day-long boat trip to Canna where apart from watching out for marine mammals, seabirds will also be a highlight including the enigmatic puffin. Later in the week a half-day trip out of the main harbour town of Portree will bring us closer to the magnificent white-tailed eagles as they come down to feed near the boat giving unbeatable views.

It’s not all about the here and now. Dinosaurs roamed Skye millions of years ago and their footprints remain - embedded in the soft sediments that then turned to rock - just one part of Skye’s amazing history that will also feature during our week here. Castles, crofting, abandoned bothies and great Scottish fare and hospitality are all other local highlights. We might even be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of a sky-dancing grey ghost, a male hen harrier displaying to a female over the moors where they breed, or a black guillemot, known as ‘tysties’ locally, swimming underwater from a high vantagepoint on the cliffs.

Tour leader David Lambie has worked with wildlife in Scotland his whole career and has a passion and experience second to none. With a background in forestry, the RSPB and ecology, his knowledge and local expertise will ensure a warm welcome in the Highlands and a rewarding and memorable visit to the wonderful Isle of Skye.

NEW The Wild Wonders of Skye

From the comfort of two of the island’s best hotels, we will enjoy a fabulous week of wildlife and scenery on the spectacular Isle of Skye. Exploring through a mix of gentle walks, drives and boat trips we’ll go in search of eagles, otters, whales, dolphins and so much more.

10 Jun 2023

7 days, from £2,995 – Group size: 11

30 years’ experience of designing the finest wildlife holidays22
“With one of the highest densities of white-tailed and golden eagles in the UK, a very healthy otter population and a rich marine life, the Isle of Skye offers some of the best wildlife watching in the UK, amongst some varied and spectacular scenery.”
Dan Free, General Manager
image by Dani Free
sales@wildlifeworldwide.com 01962 302055 www.wildlifeworldwide.com 23


In the Cairngorms & Finland

With videography becoming ever more popular we are delighted to offer two new dedicated trips specialising in this field, led by multi award-winning photographer, filmmaker and wildlife guide Neil Aldridge. In this article Neil gives us a flavour of what we can expect on these exciting trips.

The call over the radio came “Dive, dive, dive!” The osprey was coming.

I held my breath. Out of nowhere and with talons outstretched, the magnificent bird thundered into the water. I locked my camera on just in time to film it launch into the air, dripping wet, clasping breakfast for its hungry chicks.

An osprey hunt can be a smashand-grab affair, which makes it a wonderful filming and photography challenge. It’s also an experience that stays with you forever and, for me, it’s the top wildlife watching encounter we can experience in Britain. That’s why we’ve worked this opportunity into our brand-new Cairngorms Videography Workshop.

The behind the scenes footage we see at the end of wildlife documentaries have become a favourite with viewers, allowing us to understand how the beautiful shots we see on screen are captured, and to dream about capturing stunning wildlife moments of our own. I’m so excited that we have created tours to Scotland and Finland for anyone who feels inspired or intrigued to learn how to film wildlife, to capture more than just photographs or to build their video portfolio. There’s no better way to learn than in the field, so on these trips we’re looking for some of Britain and Europe’s most epic species to capture, from ospreys, red squirrels and dolphins to bears, wolves and wolverines.

These workshops aren’t just full of high-octane moments like osprey hunts though. The natural world

is as beautiful as it’s exciting. That’s why for me, the magic of a summer’s evening spent in Scotland’s Abernethy Forest rivals filming wildlife behaviour. I find it hugely rewarding and peaceful capturing a time-lapse of the light sweeping across a stunning landscape or using a macro lens to discover a tiny world most people never look close enough to see.

The great thing about modern DSLR, mirrorless and bridge cameras is that they offer excellent video quality, and we can effortlessly switch between video and still modes when we’re in these moments in the field. In fact, much of what you see on TV or Netflix is shot using mirrorless cameras, so there’s really no need to worry about whether you have the right camera to join us in Scotland or Finland if you’re already enjoying your photography.

For each trip, we’ve secured lodges that give us the best chance to see a range of exciting wildlife. Both lodges also give us the chance to have daily workshop sessions on the techniques that you want to learn – whether it be time-lapsing and macro or camera trapping and drone filming. Whatever your interest and experience level, the small group number means that you’ll receive personalised expert guidance.

Europe has so much to offer, and with the huge rewilding efforts taking place across Scotland and Europe, now is a particularly exciting time to discover, film and photograph the wildlife on our doorstep. I look forward to sharing it with you.

NEW Cairngorms Videography Workshop

Ospreys, red squirrels and woodland birds will be amongst your subjects on this summer workshop in the heart of the Cairngorms National Park.

6 days, from £1,695

Group size: 8

NEW Finland Videography Workshop

Venture to the beautiful boreal forests of Finland to film and photograph bears, wolves, wolverines and a variety of birdlife.

3 Jun 2023

7 days, from £3,095

Group size: 8

30 years’ experience of designing the finest wildlife holidays24
Image by Neil Aldridge sales@wildlifeworldwide.com 01962 302055 www.wildlifeworldwide.com 25

Azores All Creatures Great & Small

Is there a season more magical than spring? A time of re-birth, re-awakening of snowdrops, blossom, and later, the return of summer migrants. Thank goodness for the earth tilting on its axis in our favour as the North Pole is drawn towards the sun bringing a sense of expectation, anticipation, hope, and of course, a dusting off of flipflops, barbecues and bottles of Pimms!

For us humans, the changing of the seasons requires little thought, but I have long been fascinated by the response from the natural world. How a subtle change in day length, in the sun’s position in the sky, in temperature and precipitation, can signal to all manner of earth’s creatures that it’s time to move. How incredible it is to me, that nature wins over nurture, as brood parasitic chicks (e.g. cuckoos) respond to an urge so strong, that they follow their instincts to migrate rather than following learned behaviour from their host parents.

Whales, of course, are the kings and queens of migration, wandering the oceans, with (generally speaking) calves following their mothers from warm, subtropical waters, where they overwinter, breed and give birth, before returning to summer feeding grounds in the poles. Navigating obstacles and predators en route, they undertake some of the longest journeys on the planet so stopover points where they can feed and recuperate a little, before continuing on their way, must be very welcome. And that, in a nutshell, is how we find ourselves in the Azores in May!

A tantalising 28 species of cetaceans have been recorded here and it’s fast becoming known as ‘the’ whale watching hotspot in Europe. Blue whales (being just shy of the length of a Boeing 737, you’ll know it when one of these surfaces in the vicinity!), sleek fin whales (the second largest creature on the planet) and shy sei whales all migrate through these nutrient rich waters en route to Iceland, Greenland, Labrador and beyond. Residents, on the other hand (they know a good thing when they see it!) include mighty sperm

whales and bottlenose, short-beaked common and Risso’s dolphins. Plenty of other whale species have been recorded in these waters and sublime striped dolphins, depicted by the ancient Greeks due to their beautiful flowing markings, may also be seen.

Basing ourselves on the largest island, São Miguel, our stunning cliffside accommodation offers incredible views out over clear, indigo waters, but for a closer look at what lies beneath, we’ll be setting out to sea every morning in our private vessel, binoculars and cameras in hand. Afterwards, a hearty lunch, perhaps a little local wine, and then time to explore the islands themselves.

Rising from the depths of the Atlantic, where the Eurasian, North American and African tectonic plates meet, the nine islands of this archipelago are all tips of submerged volcanoes. Hot springs and calderas are reached via hydrangea-lined roads, their heads as blue as the sky above, contrasting beautifully with the lush, fertile, green interiors. Tea plantations sit alongside small villages, and all this is only a few hours away from Blighty!

NEW Whales & Dolphins of the Azores

Join us in the Azores as we head out on daily boat trips to enjoy the astounding diversity of whales and dolphins that frequent these waters of the Atlantic where more than 20 species of cetacean can be observed during the spring including blue, fin and sei whale.

5 & 12 May 2023 8 days, from £2,595 Group size: 10

Wildlife Travel Consultant Helen Bryon is delighted to be leading our brand-new whale watching holiday to the Azores. Timed to coincide with a peak in sightings of migrating giants, they will be supported by a fabulous cast of dolphins, pelagic birds, turtles and of course, the islands themselves.
30 years’ experience of designing the finest wildlife holidays26
sales@wildlifeworldwide.com 01962 302055 www.wildlifeworldwide.com 27

Slovenia Julian & Dinaric Delights

Like many of us, I have spent the past year dreaming of adventures overseas. Where would I go next? What might I see? Well, in September, the world had already started to open up and I jumped at the opportunity to head back to one of Europe’s hidden gems – Slovenia.

Flying across the Alps on a gorgeous late summer’s evening, the mountain tops were bathed in a glorious light that made for an incredibly enticing sight after what seemed like a lifetime away. Touching down in Ljubljana, the sun was setting over the Julian Alps, luring me up into the mountains.

I stayed in a delightful location between Lakes Bled and Bohinj, nestled on the edge of the forest, enjoying sightings of black squirrel, golden eagle and butterflies galore. The highlight here though is undoubtedly the spectacular scenery – high peaks, magnificent waterfalls and limestone gorges. It’s the perfect place to unwind, enjoy countless walks and unrivalled views.

After a few days in the Alps proper, it was time to head south and explore the forest-clad hills of the Dinaric Alps. This karst limestone landscape is a haven for a wide array of species, from unique oddities such as the olm (found in only a few caves) to the large mammals formerly found across much of Europe. I was primarily here for bears. In fact, the southern hills of Slovenia provide sanctuary for over 800 European brown bears, as well as smaller populations of European lynx and grey wolf.

The bears here are incredibly shy and wary of encounters with people. As such, bear watching (and photography) is carried out from a range of purpose-built hides scattered throughout the forest. The numerous hides each have a different feel to them, but are all situated in beautiful settings, allowing you to build up a stunning portfolio of images in a relatively short amount of time.

Sitting in a hide is a form of meditation for me. Only the sounds of the forest and the sights before me keeping me company. The jays squabble in front of the hides and the black squirrels are busy foraging for food, and all the while I keep my eyes peeled for any sign of a bear. After an hour or so, the sunlight is dappled by the surrounding beech trees and there is movement on a slight rise. There in front of me is a gorgeous young bear, silently making its way across the forest floor in search of food. It’s a younger bear and a little nervous, but it slowly makes its way through the trees, stopping and checking for any potential danger. Seeing a bear in the heart of Europe’s forests is a treat like no other, and this bear, like every other in Slovenia is a sight to behold.

We offer two unique groups tours to enjoy Slovenia’s beautiful forests and the bears that call them home. Join us in spring, just as the Dinaric Alps come to life and the bears are busy feeding-up after the hard winter months. Alternatively, you can join us in the autumn for a shorter break, focusing on the bears, hopefully with cubs in-toe, amidst beautiful autumn colours and light. We also offer a tailor-made holiday to combine bear watching and a stay on Lake Bled.

Brown Bear Photography in Spring

Join us in spring to visit the wildlife rich nation of Slovenia. Our base is in the southern Dinaric Alps region, home to a population of over 400 brown bears which we will observe and photograph in dedicated hides, along with expert tuition from wildlife photographer Bret Charman.

14 May 2023

6 days, from £2,095

Group size: 8

Team member and photographer Bret Charman hopped on a plane to Slovenia to explore the natural wonders of Slovenia’s forests and mountains where he enjoyed incredible brown bear sightings.
30 years’ experience of designing the finest wildlife holidays28

Slovenia: Bears & Lake Bled

Combine four nights bear watching with three nights at a superb hotel on the shores of Lake Bled. This easy paced self-drive holiday allows you to enjoy two of Slovenia’s most beautiful regions and is the perfect option for anyone looking for a relaxing wildlife holiday.

Trip idea, May-Sep 8 days, from £1,895

Image by Bret Charman
sales@wildlifeworldwide.com 01962 302055 www.wildlifeworldwide.com 29

Spain In Search of the Bearded One

Not without reason, this week-long tour to search for the enigmatic, beautiful, and endangered Iberian lynx has been a favourite with Wildlife Worldwide clients since its inception. Encompassing visits to the Andújar mountains and the world famous Doñana National Park – the two core areas where the species tenuously held on for survival just a whisper in time away – it also enables us to sample the rather peculiar similarities between two areas that outwardly look so different.

Searching for ‘the bearded one’ – as it’s colloquially sometimes referred to – provides us with a magnificent opportunity to enjoy the faunal and floral riches of these areas and during our patient waits and searches for its sometimes ghost-like appearance, we have plenty of time to look for many of the other residents that share its habitat.

The pleated landscape of holm and cork oak dehesas in Andújar is reminiscent of closed parkland, liberally peppered with rounded granitic boulder outcrops which also appear to tumble down to the very bottom of the deep valley of the river Jándula through huge expanses of wild olives, terebinth and mastic trees and a dense cover of gum cistus, tempts the watcher to imagine a lynx at every turn! More often than not though, any movement is more likely to be one of the abundant red or fallow deer, or with greater luck, a colourful mouflon or perhaps even one of the impressive local Iberian ibex, while in the dusk half-light, shadowy wild boar start to roam. Down at the river itself, Eurasian otters play out their secretive lives, sometimes allowing us excellent views from right above them, further illustrating the mammal

diversity present. While the humble European rabbit may not seem of much interest, it’s the critical cornerstone for survival of the Iberian lynx and indeed the whole suite of predators in the western Mediterranean.

Not surprisingly, the birdlife in this seemingly remote area is remarkable too, with a wealth of species likely. The mighty cinereous and Eurasian griffon vultures, Spanish imperial and golden eagles, feisty Iberian magpies, yaffling Iberian green woodpeckers, colourful Eurasian hoopoes, delightful little owls, scarce blue rock thrush, black wheatear and grumbling Dartford warblers.

The almost dead-flat terrain in and surrounding Doñana on the other side of Seville, especially when based in the unique little town of El Rocío, couldn’t appear to be more different! Not only are the extensive umbrella pine stands enriched by the same variety of trees and larger bushes however, but there are social and cultural similarities too - you’ll need to come to find out about these!

Lynx watching here is aided by local guides as we take a long morning out through the restricted part of the National Park in 4-wheel drive vehicles, in addition to carrying out a couple of early morning and/or evening watches at other key sites. We also mix in some of the variety afforded by being near the coast by visiting several wetland habitats for their abundant birdlife. The rice fields are full of avian life including storks, egrets, spoonbills, ibis and the exquisite black-winged kite. The rich coastal area is a wintering ground for abundant terns, waders, gulls and greater flamingos in the salt pans. And, with luck on a sunny day, there’s a very reasonable chance of spotting a Mediterranean chameleon or two hunting in the bushes.

Tour Leader John Muddeman has been leading our trips in search of the elusive Iberian lynx for over ten years and here provides a unique insight into our Iberian Lynx Quest tour.
30 years’ experience of designing the finest wildlife holidays30

Iberian Lynx Quest

Explore two of Spain’s wildest protected areas which are the last refuges of the rarest cat in the world, the critically endangered Iberian lynx with John Muddeman, and enjoy fantastic birding with some of the Iberian Peninsula’s most magnificent raptors.

15 Jan, 8 & 15 Oct 2023

8 days, from £1,895 – Group size: 12

Iberian Lynx in Andújar

Enjoy a private tailor-made itinerary with a local naturalist guide searching for Andújar Natural Park’s Iberian lynx population, estimated at around 80 adults. Several other wild animals thrive here including wild boar, mouflon, red, fallow and roe deer, Egyptian mongoose, and a wealth of birdlife.

Trip idea, Sep - Jun 5 days, from £1,495

sales@wildlifeworldwide.com 01962 302055 www.wildlifeworldwide.com 31

Monterey Bay Blues & Breaches!

Hello, my name is Helen Bryon, and I am a biophiliac. A bio what?

I had to look it up after hearing it on Countryfile recently but now, suitably informed, there’s no doubt in my mind that I am acutely affected by the biophilia hypothesis. It says that we have an innate need to connect with nature and to surround ourselves with life forms, whether they be flora or fauna, or in my case both. There’s no doubt that a simple appreciation of the natural world drives us, just look at the hype when Sir David Attenborough advertises a new series on the TV!

I find a daily walk to the clifftop, taking in deep lungful’s of fresh air invigorates me, whilst seeing, smelling and listening to the sea brings a joy and peace to my soul that’s addictive and utterly fulfilling. The light is never the same and the cloudscape is ever changing, but I rarely consider how the underwater topography has a direct effect on what’s happening at the surface.

To illustrate this, imagine a place that reaches the depths of the Grand Canyon, but is only a stone’s throw from the shoreline. What weird and wonderful creatures might we find clinging to and adapting to life in its deep trenches, on its precipices, in its tributaries and in its shallower waters? What deep sea loving creatures may be forced to the surface as the ocean hits the continental shelf and therefore what wonders may unfold accordingly?

Blue whales feeding on an abundance of krill as an influx of cold water brings them ridiculously close to shore perhaps? Orca waiting to predate upon minke whales, California sealions, northern elephant seals or super pods of Pacific white-sided dolphins? Sea otters basking in the kelp forests, preposterously endearing and always on the lookout for food as they have to eat a quarter of their body weight every day? What about Risso’s and northern right whale dolphins? Or humpbacks – the whale watchers whale – doing what they do best, tail and fin-slapping, fluking, peduncle throws, spy-hopping and best of all… breaching (all 45 tonnes of them if you’re lucky).

Welcome to California’s Monterey Bay! A year-round marine mammal watching mecca that we choose to visit in summer – August to be exact –when its rich and varied waters are at their most prolific.

We’ll enjoy morning and afternoon excursions aboard our private vessel, whilst our luxurious harbourside hotel couldn’t be closer to the action if we tried, so embrace your inner Steinbeck as we explore the stunning scenery, bays, coves and coastline of Big Sur, all while trying to unlock its wildlife secrets.

So, there we have it. Biophilia. A love of life and the need to get out into the natural world and enjoy it. Something tells me this will be fulfilled in absolute spades next August!

Introducing another brand-new whale watching extravaganza, Wildlife Travel Consultant Helen Bryon is looking forward to getting up close and personal with blue whales, orca and humpbacks (to name but a few) in the Pacific.
30 years’ experience of designing the finest wildlife holidays32

NEW Whales & Dolphins of Monterey Bay

Also known as ‘the Serengeti of the Sea’, Monterey Bay is teeming with marine wildlife. Accompanied by Helen, this tour spends an entire week heading out on whale watching boat trips and exploring the coastline to experience the bay’s most iconic species, such as sea otter, humpback whale and northern elephant seal.

30 July 2023

9 days, from £5,295 – Group size: 11

sales@wildlifeworldwide.com 01962 302055 www.wildlifeworldwide.com 33


Exploring the Alexander Archipelago

Photographer and Tour Leader Bret Charman introduces our unique new photographic itinerary to the Alexander Archipelago in south-east Alaska. We explore this beautiful landscape by day in a specially modified catamaran and come ashore at night to stay in remote lodges.

Our Seldom Seen Alaska Photography tour encompasses the pristine and special wilderness of South-east Alaska where humpbacks erupt out the water in feeding spectacles, bears patrol the coastlines and icebergs calve from glaciers to share the seas with orca, otter and gargantuan Steller’s sealion. The stylish tufted puffins with their elaborate head plumage will feature in our portfolio of photographed pelagic birds, while shorebirds and raptors rival for our attention.

Each day we navigate the islands and wildlife rich waters of the Alexander Archipelago aboard our private catamaran as we travel between comfortable lodges, each in an idyllic setting. Our expedition takes us along the volcanic and glacially carved shorelines of Kruzof Island and the so-called Alaskan ‘ABC Islands’ of Admiralty, Baranof and Chichagof, as well as the

Islands of Kuiu, Mitkof and Kupernof.

As we journey through the glacier-cut fjords, our captain will endeavour to manoeuvre the vessel to allow us to capture images of iconic Alaskan wildlife against the incredibly scenic backdrop. The trip features some of the continent’s most fantastic scenery with waterfalls, rugged mountains and wild coastlines offering a seemingly endless source of inspiration. With exclusive use of the vessel, we will have the opportunity to capture images during the golden hour of the morning and evening when the landscape is bathed in soft light with pastelcoloured skies.

As we adjust to the scenery we welcome the wildlife into our frame, hoping to capture images of a tantalising variety of iconic North American species. This photography expedition explores the waters of one of the only places in the world where you can

30 years’ experience of designing the finest wildlife holidays34

see the fascinating spectacle of humpback whales ‘bubble-net feeding’. This cooperative feeding strategy can include as many as 20 whales exploding out of the water, throats bulging on the abundant supply of herring these waters hold. The distinctive plumes of a whale’s blow may reveal a passing grey or minke whale or a pod of orca as we listen to their vocalisations on the amplified hydrophone system.

While in the ’Little Norway of Alaska’ – Petersburg – we focus on the LeConte Glacier. This glacier is extremely active, producing a colossal number of icebergs that decorate the adjacent fjord like jewels of sapphire. Here we have a great opportunity to experiment with our camera settings to achieve creative and unusual images.

While in Gustavus a local naturalist and professional photographer joins our group as we set out to photograph life

NEW Seldom Seen Alaska Photography

From our private catamaran we photograph marine mammals in all their majesty, as well as bears, birds, and spectacular scenery as we explore this unspoiled frontier of Alaska. With expert guidance from Bret Charman this expedition is a feast for any nature photographer.

22 Jun & 10 Jul 2023, 10 Jun & 8 Jul 2024 16 days, from £9,895 – Group size: 6

in the tidepools before venturing on to the network of forest trails where we hope to photograph brown bear as they emerge from the towering Sitka spruce to forage along the bountiful coastline.

Exploring Sitka Sound, Salisbury Sound, Hoonah Sound, Fredrick Sound, Icy Strait and dozens of bays and inlets we should have plenty of opportunities to photograph characterful sea otters playing in the kelp forests, and with luck both harbour and Dall’s porpoise as they move through the bays. Ever present bald eagles will become a feature of the trip too as we view them perched or soaring overhead.

Combining expert local knowledge with photography guidance, enthralling wildlife, and magnificent scenery, this tour will leave you revisiting your photos and memories for many years to come!

sales@wildlifeworldwide.com 01962 302055 www.wildlifeworldwide.com 35

A Taste of Canada

Canada’s wild landscapes are home to bears galore including black, spirit, brown - or grizzly - and polar bears, while the remote fjords and oceans attract a wealth of whales and dolphins. In addition to our small group tours we have a fantastic range of trip ideas that can be tailored exactly to your requirements, here we highlight a few of our most popular. Contact our expert team to plan your Canada adventure!

30 years’ experience of designing the finest wildlife holidays36

Vancouver Island Self-drive

Set your own pace as you travel around Vancouver Island in search of grey or humpback whales (depending on season), orca, white-sided dolphin, sea lion, sea otter and black bear.

Trip idea, May - Oct – 15 days, from £3,995

Classic Polar Bears

An unforgettable trip to the ‘Polar Bear Capital of the World’ in northern Canada to see polar bears in the wild: an incredible wildlife encounter.

Trip idea, Oct - Nov – 7 days, from £7,295

Safari Slowly on Canada’s West Coast

Immerse yourself in the beautiful surroundings of Farewell Harbour Lodge in the Broughton Archipelago. Enjoy encounters with grizzly and black bear, humpback whales, bald eagle and orca.

Trip idea, Jun - Oct – 10 days, from £5,895

Whales of the Bay of Fundy Self-drive

The Bay of Fundy is a haven for migratory birds, but it’s the whales that draw visitors back year after year, with fin, humpback, minke and rare North Atlantic right whales all possible.

Trip idea, Jun - Aug – 9 days, from £2,245

Wild Canada in Winter

The Cariboo Mountains Provincial Park is home to some of Canada’s most iconic mammals including Canadian lynx, wolf and moose – if you’re lucky you might even see the Northern Lights.

Trip idea, Feb - Mar – 9 days, from £4,595

Humpback Whales in Newfoundland

Take a long weekend break during the summer months and enjoy boat trips where sightings of orca, humpback, fin and minke whales are all common.

Trip idea, Jun - Aug – 5 days, from £1,795

Yukon’s Ice Bears

This wildlife spectacle sees up to 50 grizzly bears arrive at Bear Cave Mountain to feast on salmon. Travel when it gets colder, and you can see the bear’s wet fur freezing from the icy air.

Trip idea, Sep - Oct – 15 days, from £10,695

Whales of Tadoussac & Saguenay Fjord

Whale watch by zodiac, sea kayak or take a scenic cruise in the fjord on this self-drive itinerary that offers the chance of beluga, blue, minke and fin whales.

Trip idea, Jun - Sep – 10 days, from £2,795

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The Pantanal’s Big Five

The vast open wetlands of the Pantanal in west central Brazil are an incredible destination to observe and photograph wildlife. A fantastic variety of exciting species combined with typically high-quality sightings has led the Pantanal to become one of the leading wildlife viewing locations in South America, with many of the continent’s most elusive species frequently observed.

This exciting new trip goes in search of five of Brazil’s most sought-after species, seeking to observe these magnificent animals in their natural habitat, and with luck, capturing a stunning range of images of each. Arguably the Pantanal’s most famous resident, the jaguar, is frequently encountered along the vast network of waterways that typify this region, found resting in the shade of a tree or perhaps stalking an unsuspecting capybara or caiman. This same habitat provides refuge to another of Brazil’s big hitters, the ever so charismatic and entertaining giant river otter. Found in small family groups, they’re highly vocal and ferocious predators, consuming large amounts of fish and it’s not unknown for them to drive a jaguar away from an area if they feel threatened.

Weighing up to 170 kilogrammes the Brazilian tapir is the largest terrestrial mammal in South America and despite their large size, it can be a challenge to find, moving silently through the undergrowth and often only active at night. However, they frequent specific fruiting trees and watering holes, particularly in the late dry season and this presents us with our best opportunity to view them.

There can be few creatures more bizarre looking than the giant anteater and rightfully it’s very often near the top of most people’s wish list when visiting Brazil. Whilst the Pantanal has a healthy population of this species, we specifically target them in the area around Bonito, where the vast open grasslands studded with termite mounds allow for better photographic opportunities. With two full days dedicated to this area, we have a great chance of encountering our quarry.

Our fifth and final target, is of the avian variety, the hyacinth macaw, an iconic species of the Pantanal and at a metre in length, the largest flying parrot species in the world. We’re likely to see and hear these magnificent birds flying overhead throughout our time in the Pantanal, but there are a couple of locations where we hope to be able to observe them feeding on the ground or roosting at a lower elevation, allowing for some fantastic photographic opportunities.

In our quest for Brazil’s Big Five we can expect to encounter a wealth of other mammals, birds, and reptiles, from ocelot and howler monkeys to jabiru storks and toco toucans. Every day will present an extraordinary range of subjects and with our exclusive vehicle and boat, we will endeavour to maximise the photographic opportunities at every turn. We will also travel south into the heart of the Pantanal National Park, encountering lily-covered lagoons and stunning landscapes seldom visited by other tourists.

I’d heard a lot of hype about the Pantanal before my first visit and travelled with high expectations, but the experience far exceeded anything I ever imagined, and I can’t wait to return.

Wildlife photographer and Travel Consultant Emma Healey returns to the Pantanal leading our new photography trip focusing on five of the region’s most sought-after species including its most famous resident, the jaguar.
30 years’ experience of designing the finest wildlife holidays38

NEW Brazil’s Big Five Photo Safari

Join either Emma Healey or Bret Charman as we photograph five of the Pantanal’s most desirable species – jaguar, giant river otter, Brazilian tapir, giant anteater and hyacinth macaw, in addition to a wealth of other mammals, birds and reptiles.

Sep & 19 Oct 2023

days, from £6,995

Group size:

8 Image by Nick Garbutt sales@wildlifeworldwide.com 01962 302055 www.wildlifeworldwide.com 39

Wild Colombia

Mammals & Birds

Colombia is, pound for pound, arguably the most biodiverse country in the world. Doing justice to this incredible wildlife destination in one visit is simply impossible, however, we’ve developed a fantastic range of tours that showcase the country’s most spectacular wildlife. These include a ‘Colombia’s Birding Highlights’ tour that focuses on the very best birding to be found in the country, a dedicated ‘Colombia Bird Photography’ trip and a ‘Colombia’s Rare Mammals’ tour, with key targets including spectacled bear and mountain tapir.

However, here we highlight a new and unique tour ‘Wild Colombia’s Mammals and Birds’. The brief for the tour is simple - to cover a diverse range of habitats at a considerate pace while staying in the best lodges in each location, and of course, seeking out the unique range of mammals and birds as we go!

The tour commences in the tropical eastern Llanos plains, where we stay in a comfortable lodge with a welcoming swimming pool. Here we seek out endemic primates including ornate titi and Brumback’s night monkey, as well as giant anteater – arguably South America’s most iconic mammal. Spectacular birds will also be on show and might include scarlet ibis, lettered aracari, king vulture and great potoo.

From here we move into Colombia’s central Andean region, stopping along the way at a local coffee ‘finca’ for a quick tasting session. The area is a hummingbird paradise, and we shall encounter a kaleidoscopic range including the rare and endemic buffy helmetcrest, sword-billed hummingbird, rainbow-bearded thornbill and shining sunbeam, to mention only a few. Other iconic wildlife here includes Andean condor and perhaps even an elusive mountain tapir or mountain coati. Our 3-night stay in these high climbs will be in a spectacularly located

comfortable mountain lodge, featuring naturally occurring thermal hot-spring pools. We’re yet to find a better way to unwind after an exciting day’s wildlife watching than to step into one of these pools with a glass of wine, as hummingbirds whizz overhead!

From the mountains we descend into the warm tropical Magdalena Valley, to a small lodge with an inviting swimming pool. Here we explore the Rio Claro Reserve, where we are on the lookout for more special mammals including endemic silvery-brown bare-faced tamarin and neotropical otter. The Magdalena Valley also holds a range of endemic birds including white-mantled barbet, beautiful woodpecker and sooty ant-tanager, and we shall make a special effort to find these avian delights. From here we relocate to Colombia’s most unique habitat – the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. This isolated mountain range is distinct from the Andes and holds a very special range of wildlife including a suite of birds found nowhere else on earth. Such gems as Santa Marta mountain tanager, Santa Marta parakeet and Santa Marta woodstar will no doubt dazzle us as we explore the lush moss-clad cloud forests of the region. Here we stay in the spectacular El Dorado Lodge that features hummingbird gardens and rooms with sweeping panoramic views – there really is nowhere quite like it.

The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta overlooks Colombia’s Caribbean coastline, and it’s here, in an exclusive beach lodge, that we spend the last days of the tour. In the nearby Tayrona National Park we search out several species of primates including Colombian red howler monkey and the endemic and charismatic cotton-top tamarin – arguably our top mammal target on the tour. There will also be time to enjoy the beach, sample delicious seafood and perhaps a poolside cocktail or two as we no doubt recount the spectacular and diverse range of mammals and birds seen throughout the tour!

Colombia is fast establishing itself as one of the leading countries in Latin America for wildlife travel, with an incredible variety of birds and mammals possible, alongside a rich and fascinating history. In this article expert local guide Robin Smith talks us through our latest offering to this remarkable nation.
30 years’ experience of designing the finest wildlife holidays40
NEW Wild Colombia’s Mammals & Birds Travelling from mountains to coast we combine Colombia’s finest birding highlights with its wealth of mammals and primates. By visiting a variety of habitats, we have the best opportunity to encounter our target species including cottontop tamarin and a host of hummingbirds. 8 Feb & 14 Mar 2024 17 days, from £5,795 – Group size: 8 Main image by Robin Smith sales@wildlifeworldwide.com 01962 302055 www.wildlifeworldwide.com 41

Big Cats

Out of Africa

In a sense the safari industry was born in Africa, and with it our love affair with big cats. With the passage of time, the flames of passion have shown no signs of diminishing, if anything, they have grown more intense. Of course, any wildlife destination offers so much more to enjoy than one species or type of animal, but canvas opinion today and seeing lion, leopard or cheetah in Africa remains towards the top of any ‘hope to see’ list.

What has changed dramatically, particularly over the past 20 years, is the opportunity to see big cats in other parts of the world. It was not too long ago that the notion of seeing a snow leopard, a jaguar, or a puma was unheard of. Such things resided in the realms of fantasy. These species remained shrouded in mystery, and out of reach, perhaps adding to their allure. No emotional being would ever contest that big cats are supremely majestic and beautiful. Few other animals set the pulse racing in the way that they do.

As arguably the most beautiful of all cats, the tiger for many represents the ultimate animal to see in the wild. And despite their place in the world remaining precarious (as is the case for all big cats), they have never been easier to see. Over the past decade populations in India (where most remaining tigers live) have rebounded, with relatively healthy numbers now inhabiting many of the premier (and less well-known) tiger reserves. Coupled with this, improvements in rules and regulations in many parks, has dramatically improved the ‘tiger watching’ experience. Therefore, there has perhaps never been a better time to experience the spinetingling thrill of hearing early morning alarm calls in an Indian forest and then catching a glimpse of a shimmering orange and black flank as a tiger walks along a forest edge.

India is also home to another even more elusive big cat, the mythical snow leopard, for good reason often referred to as the ‘grey ghost’ or ‘ghost of the mountains’. It’s only 15 years ago that we were all ‘wowed’ by pictures beamed into our living rooms of a wild female hunting a goral (type of wild goat)

during the BBC’s landmark Planet Earth series. Now viewing such wildlife is possible yourself. The mountains of Ladakh in northern India are prime snow leopard habitat. A delightful homestay lodge at the head of a beautiful remote valley offers the chance, not only to experience the awe-inspiring grandeur of the Himalayas, but also to immerse oneself in the realm of an animal that defines the very essence of wilderness. The snow leopards influence is pervasive, infiltrating the consciousness and sub-consciousness of Ladakis and visitors alike. And the thrill of seeing one slink across a snowcovered mountain slope sears memories into the mind that will last forever.

Across the globe, at the foot of South America, lies a similarly stunning and harsh landscape, the rugged mountains of Torres del Paine in Patagonia, that are home to the world’s most visible pumas. Certain areas both inside and outside the national park (that superficially resemble UK moorland) supports high densities of guanacos, the pumas’ main wild prey, and these have consequently become the prime areas to look for cats. What sets this experience apart is that most puma tracking is done on foot. Walking freely through the environment of both prey and predator make this an extremely immersive, visceral experience. And because so many of the cats are now tolerant and pay little attention to the interest they draw from humans, it’s possible to observe and photograph them at very close quarters.

Further north, the Pantanal forms the largest wetland in South America – a bridge between the humid Amazonia forests further north and the colder, temperate regions to the south. This semi-aquatic world is a refuge for a water-loving big cat, the jaguar: the continent’s quintessential apex predator. So much more than a ‘beefed up’ leopard, a jaguar is more a Rottweiler in cats clothing – thick-set, muscle-bound and oozing attitude. Exploring the rivers and backwaters that cut through mosaics of forest and grassland offers the chance to see and photograph jaguars intimately. The prime areas are extensive and the waterways a labyrinth, so it’s always possible to get away from others and find jaguars to photograph in solitude where opportunities are regularly plentiful and varied.

Everyone loves big cats. No other group of animals combines grace, elegance, beauty and power in such a compelling and seductive way. Like so many, wildlife photographer Nick Garbutt is bewitched by their spell …
30 years’ experience of designing the finest wildlife holidays42

Tiger Trails & Wildlife Photography

No other animal sets the pulse racing quite like a tiger. Join wildlife photographer Nick Garbutt in Bandhavgarh and Kanha National Parks on a photographic journey to discover one of India’s most iconic big cats.

15 Feb 2023

16 days, from £6,895

Group size: 8

Pumas, Condors & Landscapes in Winter

Explore Torres del Paine and Patagonia with wildlife photographer Nick Garbutt in the austral winter for ample opportunities to capture images of puma, Andean condor and unsurpassable landscapes.

3 Aug 2024 16 days, from £12,995

Group size: 6

NEW Jaguar Special

Visiting the vast wetlands of the North and South Pantanal, we travel in pursuit of the region’s apex predator in addition to a wealth of other exciting mammals and birds including giant river otter, giant anteater and Brazilian tapir.

30 Sep 2022 19 days, from £12,195

Group size: 10

Image by Nick Garbutt
sales@wildlifeworldwide.com 01962 302055 www.wildlifeworldwide.com 43

India & Sri Lanka

A Tail of Two Cats

Geologically, Sri Lanka is an extension of peninsular India that broke from the mainland perhaps as recently as the Miocene Epoch. Now separated by the Palk Strait and Gulf of Mannar, just a ghostly tendril of natural limestone shoals suggests the former land connection between the two. After millions of years of separation, the flora and fauna of each country hold remarkable parallels whilst revealing exciting contrasts.

Our tour takes us first to India where we explore the picturesque hills and valleys of Nagarhole National Park. The Park gets its name from the combination of two Kannada words, ‘naga’ meaning snake and ‘hole’ meaning streams. True to its name, various serpentine streams fork through the rich tropical forests of the park. This jewel, located in the southern state of Karnataka, is unlike the parks on Central India’s beaten track. With a very strict limit on the number of vehicles entering each day, sightings of tigers, leopards and wild dogs are rarely crowded and we encounter them almost daily.

Chital deer, with jungle mynas perched on their rumps and antlers, lustrous Indian giant squirrels, handsome stripenecked mongooses, and elephant tuskers standing placidly at the edge of the forest support the majestic cast of wildlife on parade through this park.

Nagarhole is home to India’s only regularly seen black panther (a melanistic leopard). Though there are known to be black panthers in several Southern Indian parks, Nagarhole’s male is the only one which inhabits the heart of a tourist area and has grown up accustomed to jeeps. Since Kipling created the character of Bagheera in The Jungle Book, this male is unquestionably the most photographed and most loved black panther in India’s history.

From the serpentine streams of Nagarhole, we journey across the ocean divide to the Land of Lakes. Our time in Sri Lanka will be spent in Wilpattu National Park. Wilpattu means ten lakes, ‘wil’ meaning lake and ‘pattu’ meaning ten in Tamil. In this lowland forest, we navigate through ebony, mahogany, satinwood, and teak trees in search of leopard, sloth bear and elephant which are some of the large mammals recognisable from your first week. However, unlike on the continent, those we encounter in Sri Lanka are subspecies. Geographic isolation has resulted

in Sri Lanka having one of the highest rates of biological endemism in the world.

Historic existence of tiger on Sri Lanka has been supported by fossil discoveries but for many thousands of years the Sri Lankan leopard has been the island’s apex predator. The subspecies is not only larger but their behaviour also contrasts with their Indian cousins; lounging on rocks and mounds, these confident cats rarely even haul their kill into trees. Without tiger, the Sri Lankan sloth bear are easier to see as they confidently scuttle around the park, noses trained to the ground tracking the termite scent. These entertaining creatures will be another focus of our safaris here.

This two-week itinerary gives our small group the opportunity to enjoy a fantastic number of dedicated safari drives. In both India’s Nagarhole and Sri Lanka’s Wilpattu we will search for iconic mammals as well as excellent birdlife. Expert naturalist guides in each destination will help you to compare, contrast and importantly enjoy the remarkable wildlife of each country.

NEW Wildlife of India & Sri Lanka

In this small group, your expert naturalist guides will give you more than just a taste of what India and Sri Lanka have to offer. Experience the best of both with safaris in these exceptional parks in search of leopard, sloth bear, tiger, elephant and much more.

17 Feb 2023 14 days, from £4,995 Group size: 6

Our new group tour combines two destinations. A Wildlife Worldwide favourite, Nagarhole National Park in India and Sri Lanka’s largest park Wilpattu. Team member Sarah Malcolm encapsulates how both parks support exquisite wildlife yet are contrasting in experience.
30 years’ experience of designing the finest wildlife holidays44
sales@wildlifeworldwide.com 01962 302055 www.wildlifeworldwide.com 45

Sri Lanka A Secret Wilderness

Wildlife Travel Consultant Sarah Malcolm depicts our small group tour to Sri Lanka’s rarely visited wildernesses where we encounter a profusion of captivating flora and fauna. Guided by expert naturalists, we explore four of Sri Lanka’s exclusive parks for sloth bear, slow loris, leopards and more.

You might hear the rustle of a bumbling bear before it emerges onto the earthen track that weaves through the sal and teak forest. Twitching nose trained to the ground and preoccupied with the scent of termites. Without the threat of tiger, the Sri Lankan sloth bear is a confident sub-species, much like the large languorous leopards here, which assume apex predator position. Sri Lanka is notorious for its dense populations of leopard, and we hope to see them in areas unfilled by other tourists.

Across four quiet parks we can expect magnificent and varied birdlife, unusual and iconic mammals, and private safari-style camps. The destinations we visit range from the south-east to the northern central zone and the northeast, each offering a unique habitat and insight into this captivating country.

Our tour begins in an exclusive luxury camp at Ahaspokuna. With no roads into camp, we enter on foot, experiencing wonderful tranquillity and privacy as we navigate the hidden 900 hectare area of pristine wilderness in search of elephant, porcupine and even pangolin, whilst expert local guides teach us about the forests, rivers, and grasslands of this unique ecosystem.

From here we move south-east, to the coastal mangroves of Kumana. This is an outstanding reserve, awash with waterfowl and wading birds which thrive in splendid variety. Contiguous with Yala – the island’s most visited national park – leopard, elephant, buffalo, and crocodile populations extend into the mangrove, kumbuk trees, karan fern, open marsh and inland palu forests that shape the habitat of Kumana.

Continuing north to Maduru Oya which, in addition to its forest and vibrant biodiversity, is prized as the source of five nationally important reservoirs and consequently spectacular birdlife and even fishing cat. Elephants pass through the lush forest and towering guinea grass to the reservoir in front of the camp, bringing the safari to you.

Journeying to the north-west coast, Sri Lanka’s largest national park, Wilpattu, is our final destination. Remarkably, this excellent park, which is home to leopard, elephant, a myriad of birds, and Sri Lanka’s finest site for seeing sloth bear, is little visited. Over three peaceful days we take a series of morning and afternoon safari drives in quest of spectacular mammals, birds and reptiles. As the daytime search for leopard and sloth bear ends, we turn our focus to the nocturnal creatures such as the endemic grey slender loris.

This unique tour offers everything you could wish for in Sri Lanka. Evenings spent by the campfire, enclosed in a private wilderness, listening to the calls of jackal or the nervous bark of a sambar or chital deer in the darkness and then wakening to the dawn orchestra of birds and call of old-world monkeys.

Based in African-style safari camps, each superbly located and immaculately furnished, we enjoy delicious local food and daily excursions into the country’s little known protected areas in search of their wonderful wildlife. If you are hungering for a Sri Lankan experience which takes you off the beaten track, into the heartland of this magical country, and introduces you to its charming people and wildlife, this is emphatically the tour for you.

30 years’ experience of designing the finest wildlife holidays46

Lanka – Off the Beaten Track

Gain an exclusive and immersive



quiet from


experience from our
group Sri
safari, which takes us to four
reserves and intimate camps. Whilst
tourists, these parks are packed with dazzling birds, mammals and reptiles. 12 Nov 2022 14 days, from £4,120 - Group size: 6 sales@wildlifeworldwide.com 01962 302055 www.wildlifeworldwide.com 47

Polar Voyages

Trips of a Lifetime

Founder Chris Breen has seen first-hand the benefits of travel – both for the traveller and local communities – countless times, and how we have recently been left longing for more. Here he summarises the quintessential trips that should deservedly feature on every wildlife enthusiast’s ‘must visit’ list.

One of the many things that I have learned over the course of restrictions and lockdowns is how important and valuable it is to be able to travel. To experience the many wonders of our incredible planet in all its glory – from the sometimes searing heat of the tropics to the freezing temperatures of the poles – and to be able to enjoy it at a pace that really enables you to soak up lifelong impressions is truly enriching. We have increasingly found that people are wanting to take that ‘once in a lifetime’ holiday, the trip they have been thinking about doing for many years but never felt the time was quite right… and now it is.

For me, there are three places on earth that I would put in to the ‘once in a lifetime’ category – though in reality there are many more! – and they are all at the planet’s extremes. To begin with,

there really is nowhere more incredible than South Georgia. Deep in the South Atlantic, and three days sailing from the Falklands, it’s about as inaccessible as anywhere on earth. It’s a place of wonder and delight, a place where king penguins live in their hundreds of thousands – probably millions. It feels as though a beach landing is only possible if the kings make space, and if they do, they have to inspect all the visitors as they disembark to ensure they are worthy. It’s a place where 5-metre-long elephant seals do battle on the beach and where wandering albatrosses with a 3.5 metre wingspan nest before heading out into the oceans for a life of travel themselves. In South Georgia it’s the wildlife that rules.

Antarctica, which can easily be combined with South Georgia, is high up on the list too. Towering glaciers; Adélie, gentoo, rockhopper, king and (in some places) emperor penguin colonies; leopard, crab-eater and elephant seals,

and of course fabulous whale watching. You can be in a canoe listening to the sound of minke whales breathing nearby, in a zodiac in awe of the feeding humpbacks, or watching from the ship’s deck as a pod of orcas goes by. These days you can spend a night camping on Antarctica’s ice, or hike some of the icy hills, and for those who’d rather not travel across the infamous Drake Passage by ship you can now fly into Antarctica and board your vessel in the calm sheltered waters.

If the joy of seeing a polar bear is a lure then the Arctic is calling you and there are two exceptional places to visit. Firstly Svalbard in the Norwegian Arctic where with luck you will also see beluga, humpback, minke and possibly even blue whales, as well as spectacular seabird colonies on gigantic cliffs and huge ‘haul outs’ of ringed seals and walruses.

Join us on the trip of a lifetime!

30 years’ experience of designing the finest wildlife holidays48

Around Spitsbergen

Sail through a spectacular landscape and enjoy spectacular wildlife encounters in this polar bear and birding paradise. Highlights include the 14th of July Glacier, vast seabird colonies, walrus, Arctic fox and the mighty polar bear.

Trip idea, May - Oct 10 days, from £5,525

Classic Antarctica

This voyage is a perfect introduction to the Antarctic. Encounter huge rookeries of gentoo, chinstrap and Adelie penguins, beaches adorned with wallowing elephant seals, and whales and dolphins in some of the world’s most remarkable scenery.

Trip idea, Nov - Mar 11 days, from £6,775 (voyage only)

Frozen South Adventure

This unique wildlife expedition visits the Falklands and South Georgia where we spend plenty of time ashore to make the most of the long hours of daylight, mingling with hundreds of thousands of penguins and watching huge elephant seals fighting on the beaches.

14 Nov 2022 20 days, from £15,595 (voyage only)

sales@wildlifeworldwide.com 01962 302055 www.wildlifeworldwide.com 49


Mar 2022

Destination Tour Name

India Ultimate Tiger Safari

England Norfolk in Late Winter

France The Dordogne in Early Spring

Sri Lanka Blue Whales, Dolphins & Leopards

Spain Secret Wilderness of Extremadura

Colombia Colombia's Rare Mammals

Costa Rica Costa Rica's Wildlife Wonders

India Nagarhole's Tigers, Wild Dogs & Leopards

Sri Lanka Sri Lanka - Off the Beaten Track

England Hampshire Bird Photography Workshop

India Nagarhole's Tigers, Wild Dogs & Leopards

Iceland Arctic Fox Photography

China Sichuan's Sensational Mammals & Birds

Costa Rica Cloud Forests, Jungles & Volcanoes

Apr 2022 Scotland

Early Spring in the Scottish Highlands

Portugal Alentejo & Algarve in Spring & Autumn

Zimbabwe Classic Zimbabwe Safari

Borneo Wild Borneo

Mexico Great Whales of Mexico's Pacific Coast

Croatia, Montenegro

The Unknown Adriatic

India Nagarhole's Tigers, Wild Dogs & Leopards

Slovakia Spring Birding in Slovakia

Borneo Borneo Rainforest Photography Workshop

May 2022 England

NEW Wildlife of the Forest of Dean & Wye Valley

Poland Primeval Forests & Marshes

England Somerset Levels in Spring with Mike Dilger

Portugal Birds, Whales & Dolphins of Madeira

France Spring Birds, Orchids & Prehistory in Wild Dordogne

Belarus Secret Wildlife Wilderness

England Lancashire in Spring

Azores NEW Whales & Dolphins of the Atlantic

Botswana Sketchbook Safari with Trevor Waugh

Borneo Borneo's Rare Mammals

England Suffolk's Coast & Heaths in Late Spring

Hungary Spring Photography of the Steppe & Forests

Hungary Steppe & Forests in Spring

Scotland Festival of British Wildlife

England Suffolk's Coast & Heaths in Late Spring

Scotland NEW Spectacular Skye in Spring

Finland Boreal Predators Photography

Wales Skomer's Perfect Puffins

Zambia Bangweulu Wetlands & South Luangwa National Park

South Africa South Africa's Rare Mammals in Style

Wales Red Kite & Night Sky Photographic Workshop

Romania Romania's Wildlife Highlights

Finland Boreal Predators Photography

Wales Red Kite & Night Sky Photographic Workshop

Finland Brown Bear Photography with Tom Mason

Ireland The Burren & Aran Islands

Departure Date Duration Price from

3 Mar 12 days £3,395

5 Mar 4 days £695

8 Mar 5 days £1,475

11 Mar 14 days £3,195

12 Mar 8 days £1,775

13 Mar 17 days £5,175

13 Mar 12 days £3,895

13 Mar 10 days £3,495

13 Mar 14 days £3,995

17 Mar 2 days £395

20 Mar 10 days £3,495

23 Mar 7 days £3,195

26 Mar 16 days £4,995

26 Mar 14 days £4,495

1 Apr 8 days £1,595

2 Apr 8 days £1,975

2 Apr 11 days £4,795

7 Apr 15 days £6,495

7 Apr 10 days £5,795

9 Apr 9 days £1,995

10 Apr 10 days £3,495

12 Apr 5 days £1,395

24 Apr 18 days £11,995

1 May 4 days £745

2 May 8 days £1,845

3 May 4 days £775

5 May 5 days £1,045

7 May 8 days £1,795

8 May 8 days £1,995

9 May 4 days £745

13 May 8 days £2,495

14 May 10 days £5,995

16 May 14 days £3,995

19 May 4 days £745

21 May 7 days £2,295

21 May 8 days £1,645

21 May 8 days £2,995

22 May 7 days £745

22 May 4 days £745

25 May 6 days £2,495

May 3 days £795

May 12 days £6,895

May 10 days £10,595

May 4 days £695

May 8 days £1,895

May 6 days £2,495

May 4 days £695

Jun 6 days £2,395

Jun 8 days £1,895

Here we highlight our upcoming small group wildlife holidays in our 2022-2024 Calendar. For further information or to book contact our expert team, or visit our website.
Jun 2022
Tours 2022 All holiday prices in this brochure are based on two people sharing a room (or cabin), and include flights from the UK, wildlife activities, accommodation, services of an expert leader and transfers. * Voyage only. Prices are correct at time of going to print. For full details contact our expert wildlife team. Dedicated photography tour 30 years’ experience of designing the finest wildlife holidays50

We Create Outstanding Wildlife Holidays

Jun 2022 Wales Skomer's Perfect Puffins

Botswana Botswana's Wild Dogs

Zambia Classic South Luangwa Safari

Brazil Wildlife of the Pantanal

Scotland The Splendours of Wester Ross

England Norfolk in Early Summer

England NEW Butterflies & Birds of Sussex

Borneo Borneo's Wildlife

Canada Wildlife of the Canadian Rockies

France Birds, Butterflies & Wildflowers of the Dordogne

Scotland NEW The Wild Wonders of Skye

Finland Brown Bear Explorer

Scotland Isle of Mull Wildlife Extravaganza

England Lundy Island Sketchbook Safari with Trevor Waugh

Finland NEW Finland Videography Workshop

South Africa South Africa's Rare Mammals in Style

Botswana Okavango Delta Under Canvas & Lodge Safari

Botswana Best of Botswana

Brazil Wildlife of the North & South Pantanal

England The Farnes & Northumberland in Early Summer

Zambia Classic South Luangwa Safari

Austria Close-up on Alpine Nature, with Alex Hyde

Slovenia Brown Bear Photography in Spring

2 Jun 3 days £795

4 Jun 10 days £4,595

4 Jun 10 days £3,195

6 Jun 12 days £4,495

6 Jun 6 days £1,295

6 Jun 5 days £975

7 Jun 3 days £450

8 Jun 14 days £7,995

11 Jun 14 days £7,145

11 Jun 8 days £1,795

11 Jun 7 days £2,995

12 Jun 8 days £1,995

12 Jun 8 days £2,795

14 Jun 5 days £850

15 Jun 7 days £2,995

17 Jun 10 days £10,595

18 Jun 12 days £5,995

18 Jun 13 days £5,995

18 Jun 14 days £5,495

18 Jun 6 days £985

18 Jun 10 days £2,995

18 Jun 8 days £2,395

19 Jun 6 days £2,095

Scotland Isle of Mull Wildlife Cruise 22 Jun 7 days £2,295

Scotland Isle of Mull Wildlife Extravaganza with Nick Baker

Scotland NEW Cairngorms Videography Workshop

Wales Red Kite & Night Sky Photographic Workshop

Wales Skomer's Perfect Puffins

Jul 2022 Brazil Wildlife of the Pantanal


NEW Okavango Delta Under Canvas & Lodge Photo Safari

England NEW Butterflies & Birds of Sussex

Finland Brown Bear Explorer

Poland Butterflies & Moths of Southern Poland

South Africa Zimanga - Wildlife & Night Sky Photography

Tanzania Serengeti Migration Special

Scotland The Splendours of Wester Ross

Wales NEW Wild Pembrokeshire

South Africa South Africa's Rare Mammals Photo Safari

Botswana Best of Botswana

Finland Boreal Predators Photography

Russia Wrangel Island Exclusive with Mark Carwardine

Botswana Best of Botswana

Aug 2022 USA


Whales & Dolphins of



North Luangwa


Cats of Mountain and Steppe




of South

26 Jun 8 days £2,795

27 Jun 6 days £1,695

27 Jun 4 days £695

Jun 3 days £795

1 Jul 12 days £4,495

2 Jul 12 days £6,495

5 Jul 3 days £450

10 Jul 8 days £1,995

Jul 9 days £1,845

10 Jul 10 days £5,495

10 Jul 10 days £5,195

Jul 6 days £1,295

Jul 5 days £1,295

Jul 10 days £10,995

Jul 13 days £5,995

Jul 6 days £2,495

Jul 15 days £9,195*

Jul 13 days £5,995

9 days £4,695

3 days £450

15 days £5,945

11 days £4,995

14 days £3,995

14 days £6,995

5 days £1,095

16 days £5,595

16 days £5,495

13 days £3,295

8 days £1,745

Destination Tour Name Departure Date Duration Price from
Monterey Bay 1 Aug
England NEW
& Birds
Sussex 2 Aug
from the Cape to Kalahari 5 Aug
Zambia NEW
- Off the Beaten Track 7 Aug
Borneo Borneo's Rare Mammals 8 Aug
Mongolia Mongolia:
12 Aug
Netherlands Waders in
18 Aug
Natural Highlights
Africa 29 Aug
Sep 2022 Colombia Colombia Bird Photography 1 Sep
Armenia Cranes, Raptors & Culture 2 Sep
Poland Birding in
& the Carpathians 3 Sep
Our small group trips are available on a private, tailor-made basis, to find out more contact our expert team. Image by Bret Charman sales@wildlifeworldwide.com 01962 302055 www.wildlifeworldwide.com 51


Sep 2022

Destination Tour Name Departure Date Duration Price from

Romania Focus on the Danube Delta

Borneo Borneo's Orangutans

England NEW Butterflies & Birds of Sussex

Borneo Borneo's Rare Mammals

England Norfolk in Late Summer

Namibia Namibia Wildlife & Wilderness

Namibia NEW A Wilderness Adventure

Slovenia Brown Bear Photography in Autumn

Brazil Wildlife of the Pantanal

Hungary Hungary's Rare Mammals

Indonesia Primates & Komodo Dragons

South Africa NEW Kalahari Conservation Experience

Botswana Best of Botswana

Brazil NEW Brazil's Big Five Photo Safari

South Africa NEW Kalahari Conservation Experience

Botswana Best of Botswana

Brazil NEW Jaguar Special

Oct 2022 England Lancashire in Autumn

Namibia A Living Desert

Borneo Borneo's Rare Mammals

Namibia Skeleton Coast & Etosha

Uganda Uganda's Unforgettable Wildlife

Zambia NEW North Luangwa - Off the Beaten Track

3 Sep 8 days £2,695

4 Sep 11 days £4,695

6 Sep 3 days £450

8 Sep 14 days £3,995

9 Sep 5 days £895

10 Sep 17 days £4,995

11 Sep 14 days £6,495

12 Sep 5 days £1,795

13 Sep 12 days £4,495

13 Sep 8 days £1,895

14 Sep 15 days £7,495

16 Sep 10 days £3,495

17 Sep 13 days £5,995

25 Sep 14 days £6,495

25 Sep 10 days £3,495

26 Sep 13 days £5,995

30 Sep 19 days £12,195

3 Oct 4 days £745

7 Oct 14 days £8,795

8 Oct 14 days £3,995

9 Oct 15 days £6,795

10 Oct 14 days £5,395

13 Oct 11 days £4,995

Botswana Best of Botswana 15 Oct 13 days £5,995

England Islay & Jura in Autumn

Zambia Classic Kafue Safari

Spain Iberian Lynx Quest

Scotland Autumn in the Scottish Highlands

Brazil NEW Brazil's Big Five Photo Safari

Scotland Isle of Mull Wildlife in Autumn

15 Oct 7 days £1,895

15 Oct 11 days £6,195

16 Oct 8 days £1,795

16 Oct 8 days £1,695

19 Oct 14 days £6,495

Oct 8 days £2,795

Spain Wild Spain 24 Oct 8 days £2,195

Indonesia Raja Ampat's Birds of Paradise

China Sichuan's Sensational Mammals & Birds

Zambia South Luangwa Photo Safari

Nov 2022 Colombia Colombia's Birding Highlights

Gambia West African Birdwatch

Zambia Zambia's Wild West - Kafue & Liuwa Plain

India North-west India's Rare Mammals

Ethiopia Ethiopian Endemic Wildlife

Zambia South Luangwa Wildlife Art Safari

Zimbabwe Mana Pools - Wild Dogs & Elephants Photography

Colombia Colombia's Rare Primates with Kate Humble

Costa Rica Costa Rica's Wildlife Wonders

Scotland Autumn in the Scottish Highlands

Lanka Blue Whales, Dolphins & Leopards

Lanka Sri Lanka - Off the Beaten Track

Argentina, Falkland Islands


South Adventure

Luangwa Photo Safari

Ethiopia - A Unique Wonder

Raja Ampat's Birds of Paradise

Birds & Big Cats

NEW Nagarhole


Birds & Tigers in Central India

Tigers, Wild Dogs & Leopards

25 Oct 16 days £8,795

29 Oct 16 days £4,995

31 Oct 10 days £3,995

4 Nov 16 days £5,295

4 Nov 12 days £2,195

Nov 11 days £6,595

Nov 13 days £4,995

Nov 17 days £4,895

Nov 10 days £5,895

Nov 11 days £8,295

Nov 15 days £6,895

Nov 12 days £4,075

Nov 8 days £1,695

Nov 14 days £3,295

Nov 14 days £3,995

Nov 20 days £15,595*

Nov 10 days £3,995

Nov 15 days £6,195

Nov 16 days £8,795

Nov 15 days £4,195

Nov 10 days £4,595

Nov 17 days £4,995

Dec 10 days £3,595

Dec 2022 India Nagarhole’s
Tours 2022-2023 30 years’ experience of designing the finest wildlife holidays52

We Create Outstanding Wildlife Holidays

small group trips

Jan 2023

India Nagarhole's Tigers, Wild Dogs & Leopards

Greece Pelicans of Lake Kerkini

Kenya Masai Mara Photo Safari

India Wild Karnataka

Greece Pelicans of Lake Kerkini

available on a private, tailor-made basis,

find out more contact our expert team.

1 Jan 10 days £3,595

5 Jan 5 days £1,345

7 Jan 10 days £5,995

Jan 11 days £3,495

9 Jan 5 days £1,345

Spain Wild Spain 9 Jan 8 days £2,195

Greece Pelicans of Lake Kerkini

Spain Iberian Lynx Quest

England Somerset Levels in Winter with Mike Dilger

Poland Winter Wildlife Photography in Poland

Botswana Botswana's Rare Mammals

India Wild Karnataka

Japan Japan's Winter Wildlife

India NEW Kanha Photo Safari

Japan Japan's Winter Wildlife - Photography Special

Feb 2023 India India's Wild South

Japan Japan's Winter Wildlife - Photography Special

Botswana Birding Botswana

Chile Chile's Rare Mammals

Uganda Uganda's Unforgettable Wildlife

India Tiger Trails & Wildlife Photography

India Ultimate Tiger Safari

India, Sri Lanka NEW Wildlife of India & Sri Lanka

India Nagarhole's Tigers, Wild Dogs & Leopards

India India's Big Cats

Mar 2023

Apr 2023

13 Jan 5 days £1,345

15 Jan 8 days £1,895

18 Jan 4 days £675

20 Jan 7 days £1,795

21 Jan 12 days £6,595

Jan 11 days £3,495

22 Jan 11 days £5,795

28 Jan 10 days £4,095

29 Jan 11 days £6,095

5 Feb 12 days £3,995

8 Feb 11 days £6,095

11 Feb 10 days £4,995

13 Feb 15 days £6,395

13 Feb 14 days £6,295

15 Feb 16 days £6,895

16 Feb 12 days £3,695

17 Feb 14 days £4,995

19 Feb 10 days £3,595

19 Feb 23 days £8,395

Poland Poland's Winter Wildlife 24 Feb 7 days £1,775

Australia Australian Wildlife Photo Safari 26 Feb 17 days £7,495

Costa Rica Costa Rica's Wildlife Wonders

Botswana Botswana's Rare Mammals

India Nagarhole's Tigers, Wild Dogs & Leopards

France The Dordogne in Early Spring

England Norfolk in Late Winter

India Ultimate Tiger Safari

England Norfolk in Late Winter

Sri Lanka Blue Whales, Dolphins & Leopards

England Norfolk in Late Winter

Scotland Early Spring in the Scottish Highlands

India Nagarhole's Tigers, Wild Dogs & Leopards

Botswana Botswana's Rare Mammals

Scotland Early Spring in the Scottish Highlands

Finland, Norway Northern Lights & Lapland Birds

Iceland Arctic Fox Photography

China Sichuan's Sensational Mammals & Birds

India Nagarhole's Tigers, Wild Dogs & Leopards

Iceland Arctic Fox Photography

Nagarhole's Tigers, Wild Dogs & Leopards

Croatia, Montenegro

The Unknown Adriatic

Borneo Borneo's Rare Mammals

India Nagarhole Photo Safari

Slovakia Spring Birding in Slovakia

Zimbabwe Classic Zimbabwe Safari

Botswana Botswana's Rare Mammals

Botswana Desert to Delta

India Nagarhole's Tigers, Wild Dogs & Leopards

Poland Primeval Forests & Marshes

4 Mar 12 days £4,175

4 Mar 12 days £6,595

5 Mar 10 days £3,595

7 Mar 5 days £1,595

7 Mar 4 days £745

9 Mar 12 days £3,695

10 Mar 4 days £745

10 Mar 14 days £3,295

10 Mar 4 days £745

11 Mar 8 days £1,745

12 Mar 10 days £3,595

18 Mar 12 days £6,595

18 Mar 8 days £1,745

20 Mar 7 days £3,295

22 Mar 7 days £3,395

25 Mar 16 days £4,995

26 Mar 10 days £3,595

28 Mar 7 days £3,395

Apr 10 days £3,595

Apr 9 days £1,995

Apr 14 days £4,195

Apr 10 days £4,595

Apr 5 days £1,495

Apr 11 days £5,195

Apr 12 days £6,595

Apr 12 days £6,195

Apr 10 days £3,595

Apr 8 days £1,975

by Bret Charman

Destination Tour Name Departure Date Duration Price from
sales@wildlifeworldwide.com 01962 302055 www.wildlifeworldwide.com 53

Group Tours 2023-2024

Destination Tour Name

May 2023

England Somerset Levels in Spring with Mike Dilger

England Wildlife of the Forest of Dean & Wye Valley

England Somerset Levels in Spring with Mike Dilger

England Wildlife of the Forest of Dean & Wye Valley


NEW Whales & Dolphins of the Azores

France Spring Birds, Orchids & Prehistory in Wild Dordogne

Botswana Botswana's Rare Mammals

Belarus Secret Wildlife Wilderness

Borneo Borneo's Rare Mammals

England Lancashire in Spring

Azores NEW Whales & Dolphins of the Azores

Scotland Isle of Mull Wildlife Extravaganza with Nick Baker

Borneo Borneo's Rare Mammals

Brazil Wildlife of the Pantanal

Jun 2023

South Africa South Africa's Rare Mammals in Style

Botswana Botswana's Wild Dogs

Finland NEW Finland Videography Workshop

Scotland Isle of Mull Wildlife Photography

Jul 2023

Date Duration Price from

2 May 4 days £795

2 May 4 days £795

5 May 4 days £795

2 May 4 days £795

5 May 8 days £2,595

6 May 8 days £1,945

6 May 12 days £6,595

7 May 8 days £2,095

7 May 14 days £4,195

8 May 4 days £795

12 May 8 days £2,595

21 May 8 days £2,995

28 May 14 days £4,195

31 May 12 days £4,695

2 Jun 10 days £10,595

3 Jun 10 days £5,895

3 Jun 7 days £3,095

4 Jun 8 days £3,095

England Norfolk in Early Summer 5 Jun 5 days £995

Botswana Okavango Delta Safari

Finland Boreal Predators Photography

South Africa South Africa's Rare Mammals in Style

France Birds, Butterflies & Wildflowers of the Dordogne

5 Jun 12 days £7,495

9 Jun 6 days £2,595

9 Jun 10 days £10,595

10 Jun 8 days £1,945

Scotland NEW The Wild Wonders of Skye 10 Jun 7 days £2,995

Scotland Isle of Mull Wildlife Extravaganza with Mike Dilger 11 Jun 8 days £2,995

England The Farnes & Northumberland in Early Summer 12 Jun 6 days £1,195

Bulgaria Butterflies & Birds of Bulgaria

Finland Boreal Predators Photography

Zambia NEW North Luangwa - Off the Beaten Track

England The Farnes & Northumberland in Early Summer

Austria Close-up on Alpine Nature, with Alex Hyde

Botswana Best of Botswana

Brazil Wildlife of the North & South Pantanal

Scotland Isle of Mull Wildlife Extravaganza

Botswana Okavango Delta Photo Safari

Alaska, USA NEW Seldom Seen Alaska Photography

Scotland The Shetland Islands with Mike Dilger

South Africa South Africa's Rare Mammals Photo Safari

Brazil Wildlife of the Pantanal

Poland Butterflies & Moths of Southern Poland

Alaska, USA NEW Seldom Seen Alaska Photography

Wales Wild Pembrokeshire

Botswana Best of Botswana

South Africa Zimanga - Wildlife & Night Sky Photography

Botswana Best of Botswana

Borneo Borneo's Rare Mammals

Wales Wild Pembrokeshire

Chile Pumas, Condors & Landscapes in Winter

Brazil Wildlife of the Pantanal

Botswana Best of Botswana

USA NEW Whales & Dolphins of Monterey Bay


01962 302055

15 Jun 9 days £1,475

15 Jun 6 days £2,595

15 Jun 11 days £4,995

17 Jun 6 days £1,195

17 Jun 8 days £2,495

17 Jun 13 days £6,795

18 Jun 14 days £5,495

18 Jun 8 days £2,995

21 Jun 12 days £7,695

22 Jun 16 days £9,895

24 Jun 8 days £2,595

30 Jun 10 days £10,995

1 Jul 12 days £4,695

9 Jul 9 days £1,995

Jul 16 days £9,895

10 Jul 6 days £1,345

Jul 13 days £6,795

Jul 10 days £5,795

Jul 13 days £6,795

16 Jul 14 days £4,195

17 Jul 6 days £1,345

Jul 16 days £10,995

Jul 12 days £4,695

Jul 13 days £6,795

Jul 9 days £5,295

To book any of the small group holidays above, or for further information, please call our expert
. 30 years’ experience of designing the finest wildlife holidays54

We Create Outstanding Wildlife Holidays

Aug 2023 Colombia Colombia Bird Photography


NEW North Luangwa - Off the Beaten Track

Mongolia Mongolia: Cats of Mountain and Steppe

Borneo Borneo's Rare Mammals

Brazil Wildlife of the Pantanal

Botswana Best of Botswana

Sep 2023

Poland Birding in Krakow & the Carpathians

South Africa

NEW Kalahari Conservation Experience

Brazil NEW Brazil's Big Five Photo Safari

England Norfolk in Late Summer

Namibia Namibia Wildlife & Wilderness

Zambia Sacred Combe Safari

Namibia NEW Wonders of Namibia: A Photographic Safari

South Africa

NEW Kalahari Conservation Experience

Botswana Best of Botswana

Borneo Borneo's Rare Mammals

Brazil Wildlife of the Pantanal

South Africa

Oct 2023

NEW Kalahari Conservation Experience

Canada Festival of Bears

England Lancashire in Autumn

Zambia NEW North Luangwa - Off the Beaten Track

Spain Iberian Lynx Quest

10 Aug 16 days £5,995

10 Aug 11 days £4,995

11 Aug 14 days £6,995

13 Aug 14 days £4,195

14 Aug 12 days £4,695

19 Aug 13 days £6,795

2 Sep 8 days £1,895

8 Sep 10 days £3,695

8 Sep 14 days £6,995

8 Sep 5 days £925

9 Sep 17 days £5,295

13 Sep 13 days £10,795

15 Sep 17 days £8,495

15 Sep 10 days £3,695

16 Sep 13 days £6,795

17 Sep 14 days £4,195

20 Sep 12 days £4,695

22 Sep 10 days £3,695

1 Oct 9 days £7,995

2 Oct 4 days £795

7 Oct 11 days £4,995

8 Oct 8 days £1,895

Uganda Uganda's Unforgettable Wildlife 10 Oct 14 days £5,995

Uganda NEW Uganda Wildlife Photo Safari 11 Oct 14 days £8,995

Botswana Best of Botswana 14 Oct 13 days £6,795

Spain Iberian Lynx Quest 15 Oct 8 days £1,895

Brazil NEW Brazil's Big Five Photo Safari

Brazil Wildlife of the Pantanal

Scotland Autumn in the Scottish Highlands

Zambia Classic Kafue Safari

China Sichuan's Sensational Mammals & Birds

Scotland Autumn in the Scottish Highlands

Nov 2023 Zambia Zambia's Wild West - Kafue & Liuwa Plain

Sri Lanka Blue Whales, Dolphins & Leopards

Zambia NEW Festival of Wildlife

Feb-Nov 2024

Wild Colombia’s Mammals & Birds

Colombia NEW Wild Colombia’s Mammals & Birds

Alaska, USA NEW Alaska’s Humpback Bubble-net Bonanza

Tanzania NEW Festival of Wildlife

Ecuador Galapagos Wildlife Cruise

Ecuador Galapagos Exclusive with Mark Carwardine

Scotland Festival of

19 Oct 14 days £6,995

Oct 12 days £4,695

Oct 8 days £1,845

Oct 11 days £6,195

Oct 16 days £4,995

Oct 8 days £1,845

Nov 11 days £6,895

Nov 14 days £3,395

Nov 10 days £5,495

Feb 17 days £5,795

Mar 17 days £5,795

Mar 12 days £7,095

Apr 11 days £5,995

Apr 15 days £10,495

May 15 days £12,595

8 days £3,295

16 days £9,995

12 days £7,495

12 days £7,695

days £9,995

days £10,995

days £3,895

10 days £3,895

days £8,995


Destination Tour Name Departure Date Duration Price from
Colombia NEW
British Wildlife 18 May
Alaska, USA NEW Seldom Seen Alaska Photography 10 Jun
Botswana Okavango Delta Safari 15 Jun
Botswana Okavango Delta Photo Safari 22 Jun
Alaska, USA NEW Seldom Seen Alaska Photography 8 Jul 16
Chile Pumas, Condors & Landscapes in Winter 3 Aug 16
South Africa NEW Kalahari Conservation Experience 8 Sep 10
South Africa NEW Kalahari Conservation Experience 13 Sep
Namibia NEW Wonders of Namibia: A Photographic Safari 14 Sep 17
Zambia South Luangwa Wildlife Art Safari 9 Nov 10 days
Image by Nick Garbutt
Our small group trips are available on a private, tailor-made basis, to find out more contact our expert team. sales@wildlifeworldwide.com 01962 302055 www.wildlifeworldwide.com 55

Festival of Wildlife Tanzania

01962 302055 sales@wildlifeworldwide.com www.wildlifeworldwide.com Long Barn South, Sutton Manor Farm, Bishop’s Sutton, Alresford, Hampshire, SO24 0AA, United Kingdom ©Wildlife Worldwide 2021 No portion of this brochure may be reproduced without the prior written consent of Wildlife Worldwide. Over 500 locations worldwide, handpicked for the best wildlife viewing. 30 years’ experience of designing the finest wildlife holidays Knowledgeable & passionate team of wildlife experts Small group wildlife & birding trips worldwide Flexible tailor-made holidays Committed to conservation & responsible tourism Expert local naturalist guides 24-hour on-call service for peace of mind 100% independent 100% financial protection We create outstanding wildlife holidays Wildlife Worldwide is part of The Natural Travel Collection Ltd, a small independent travel company that places a special emphasis on sustainable small group and tailor-made holidays. Photographs courtesy of: Bret Charman, Chris Breen, Dani Free, Emma Healey, John Lehmann, Jose Luis Ojeda Navio, Kurt Kaelin, Micky Wiswedel, Mull Charters, Neil Aldridge, Nic Davies, Nick Garbutt, Patrick Bentley, Paul Sharman, Robin Smith & Sarah Malcolm. Apologies for any omissions.
Join us for a celebration of wildlife in the Ndutu region of Tanzania’s Ngorongoro Conservation Area, an area famed for big cats, vast herds of migrating wildebeest and a wealth of other mammal and bird species. With exclusive use of Ndutu Safari Lodge and an expert team it promises to be incredible! (See pages 4-5.) 9 Apr 2024 11 days, from £5,995

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