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TNR outplays DEM

TNR outplays DEM

Aparent’s sacrifice for their children cannot be measured by lengths of time and words, however the value of a moment with an overseas loved one is a head above water chase.

Overseas Filipino Workers or OFWs are renowned as heroes of today’s era and are the strong pillars of the Philippine economy. OFWs experience various types of hardships- physical, mental, social, and emotional. They are also martyrs—not only for their love for their families but more importantly their significant contributions to the country’s economy.


Gabrielle Lorra Egacila is a grade 10 student of Santa Cruz National High School and is a daughter of an OFW. Her mother is a factory worker in Japan and has worked there since Gabrielle’s elementary days.

Ever since a child Gabrielle did her best in school participation and extra-curricular activities, she made sure to make her mom proud of her even though she’s in abroad.

High school years have been tough for Gabrielle especially in her puberty stage when she deeply needed her mom’s advices and attention. She said that she went through a tough phase because there was no one to talk to in times of despair so she kept it to herself.

As a parent you’ll see in your child’s eyes that he/she is hurting, but in this case where the mom is a thousand miles away they could only dream of the moments where they can have a glimpse of their child. Her mom seldom comes home in the Philippines, most of it are once a year, twice a year or sometimes none.

Every year there is a school competition held on Santa Cruz National High School’s Intramurals day, a pageant of beauty and athleticism. Mr. and Ms. Intramurals are always the crowd favorite to watch not only they can see beautiful and handsome faces but they can scream in glory for their candidates. Gabrielle was chosen to be this year’s blue eagle candidate, with a beautiful face and nice physique she can win it over a smile.

As the tension rises, each teams are yelling to the top of their lungs and as the energy heightens the vibe the queen of the skies has brought home the title as Ms. Intramurals of 2019. Outstanding was an understatement, there were no words she could’ve felt when she was crowned.

She also won a couple of contests, she achieved a lot since her first year high school until the fourth and she can only wish that her mother was here to see those. Even though she is happy for winning these she can’t help but to feel sad whenever she remembers her mom.

Her advice to all the students who have OFW parents is to do their best and make them proud, and make yourself feel worth it of your parent’s sacrifices. To accept that life will always have its fair share of challenges, but no problem is too big if you aspire to be great in the future.

“Being an Overseas Filipino Worker is not a piece of cake and it is not easy to be away from your family. Just remember what and why they had to come to that position, the reason why they had to go there and be thankful.” Gabrielle Egacila said.

Gabrielle’s achievements have made her mom feel an unexplainable measure of happiness and pride. OFWs may be an entire ocean apart from us but their dedication and hard work is felt to the ground, and a parent’s love is a tip apart from their children.

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