Your Future in Marine Hydrokinetics
Teacher Guide
Career and Technology Education activities that provide hands on experience with electricity, magnetism, and generating electricity from marine environments.
Ele Int
Grade Level: Pri
Subject Areas:
Social Studies
Teacher Advisor y Board
Constance Beatty Kankakee, IL
La’Shree Branch Highland, IN
Jim M. Brown Saratoga Springs, NY
Mark Case Randleman, NC
Lisa Cephas Philadelphia, PA
Nina Corley Galveston, TX
Samantha Danielli Vienna, VA
Shannon Donovan Greene, RI
Michelle Garlick Long Grove, IL
Michelle Gay Daphne, AL
Nancy Gi ord Harwich, MA
Erin Gockel Farmington, NM
Robert Griegoliet Naperville, IL
DaNel Hogan
Tucson, AZ
Greg Holman Paradise, CA
Barbara Lazar
Albuquerque, NM
Robert Lazar
Albuquerque, NM
Leslie Lively Porters Falls, WV
Melissa McDonald Gaithersburg, MD
Paula Miller Philadelphia, PA
Hallie Mills St. Peters, MO
Jennifer MitchellWinterbottom Pottstown, PA
Monette Mottenon Montgomery, AL
Mollie Mukhamedov Port St. Lucie, FL
Cori Nelson Win eld, IL
Don Pruett Jr. Puyallup, WA
Judy Reeves Lake Charles, LA
Libby Robertson Chicago, IL
Amy Schott Raleigh, NC
Tom Spencer Chesapeake, VA
Jennifer Trochez MacLean Los Angeles, CA
Wayne Yonkelowitz Fayetteville, WV
NEED Mission Statement
The mission of The NEED Project is to promote an energy conscious and educated society by creating effective networks of students, educators, business, government and community leaders to design and deliver objective, multisided energy education programs.
Permission to Copy
NEED curriculum is available for reproduction by classroom teachers only. NEED curriculum may only be reproduced for use outside the classroom setting when express written permission is obtained in advance from The NEED Project. Permission for use can be obtained by contacting
Teacher Advisory Board
In support of NEED, the national Teacher Advisory Board (TAB) is dedicated to developing and promoting standardsbased energy curriculum and training.
Energy Data Used in NEED Materials
NEED believes in providing teachers and students with the most recently reported, available, and accurate energy data. Most statistics and data contained within this guide are derived from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Data is compiled and updated annually where available. Where annual updates are not available, the most current, complete data year available at the time of updates is accessed and printed in NEED materials. To further research energy data, visit the EIA website at
© 2023
2 ©2023 The NEED Project Your Future in Marine Hydrokinetics Teacher Guide Printed on Recycled Paper
Your Future in Marine Hydrokinetics
Your Future in Marine Hydrokinetics was originally developed by The NEED Project with funding from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and the U.S. Department of Energy, Water Power
Office. NEED would also like to acknowledge Mr. Walter Schurtenberger of Hydrokinetic Energy Corporation and The College of the Florida Keys for his technical advisement and support in the creation of this unit. NEED is grateful to its Teacher Advisory Board team and staff members for designing this unit:
©2023 The NEED Project Your Future in Marine Hydrokinetics Teacher Guide 3
Shannon Donovan Robert Griegoliet Christine Lauer Paula Miller Doug Keaton Tom Spencer Table of Contents Standards Correlation Information 4 Materials 5 Teacher Guide 6 Rubrics For Assessment 13 MHK Bingo Instructions 14 MHK Resources 16 Multimeters, Ohm’s Law, and Measuring Electrical Values 17 Units and Conversions Master 19 MHK Bingo 20 Evaluation Form 23
Standards Correlation Information
Next Generation Science Standards
This guide effectively supports many Next Generation Science Standards. This material can satisfy performance expectations, science and engineering practices, disciplinary core ideas, and cross-cutting concepts within your required curriculum. For more details on these correlations, please visit NEED’s curriculum correlations website.
Common Core State Standards
This guide has been correlated to the Common Core State Standards in both language arts and mathematics. These correlations are broken down by grade level and guide title, and can be downloaded as a spreadsheet from the NEED curriculum correlations website.
Individual State Science Standards
This guide has been correlated to each state’s individual science standards. These correlations are broken down by grade level and guide title, and can be downloaded as a spreadsheet from the NEED website.
4 ©2023 The NEED Project Your Future in Marine Hydrokinetics Teacher Guide
Your Future in Marine Hydrokinetics Materials
Electricity and Magnetism
Alligator clips
Iron nails
9-volt batteries
DC motors
Disassembled DC motors
Masking tape
Shake-light flashlights
Science of Electricity
28 Gauge magnet wire
Alligator clips
Masking tape
Wooden dowels
Plastic bottles
Foam tubes
Rubber one-hole stoppers
Discovering MHK Technology
Craft wood
CTE Model Wave Generator
Small screws, nuts, bolts, other fasteners
Permanent markers
Strong, rectangular magnets
Digital multimeters
Large and small nails
Sharp scissors or utility knives
Fine-grain sandpaper
Push pins
Hand-operated pencil sharpeners
Repurposed materials such as plastic bottles, yard signs, etc.
Craft materials such as foam, plastic, wire, etc.
Display boards and art supplies (optional)
DC motors (for electrified models)
Digital multimeters (for electrified models)
Shake-light flashlights
1 Gallon water jugs, empty
Heavy gauge plastic bags
Clear plastic tubing
Cylindrical magnets
Rubber stoppers
Magnet wire
Repurposed materials such as water bottles, cardboard, yard signs, etc.
Sand, gravel, other dense material for anchoring structures
Large plastic tubs (4-5 gallon+)
Hot glue guns and glue sticks
Utility knives
Waterproof duct tape
String, fishing line, etc.
Alligator clips
Digital multimeters
Fine-grain sandpaper
Parafilm or other waterproofing supplies
Pool noodle, styrofoam, or buoyant material
Fishing bobbers or floats
Anchors or weights
©2023 The NEED Project Your Future in Marine Hydrokinetics Teacher Guide 5
Teacher Guide
Grade Level
Secondary, grades 9-12
7-14 class periods depending on the length of class periods and the activities you choose to conduct
Magnet Safety
The magnets in the Model Wave Generator are very strong. In order to separate them, students should slide/twist them apart. Please also take the following precautions:
Wear safety glasses when handling magnets.
Use caution when handling the magnets. Fingers and other body parts can easily be pinched between two attracting magnets.
When students set the magnets down they should place them far enough away from each other that the magnets won’t snap back together.
When you are finished with the magnets and ready to store them, put a small piece of cardboard between them.
Keep magnets away from your computer screen, cell phone, debit/credit cards, and ID badges.
Do not allow the magnets near a person with a pacemaker or similar medical aid. The magnetic field can affect the operation of these devices.
Water moving in the oceans has a large amount of kinetic energy. Marine Hydrokinetics (MHK), also known as Marine Renewable Energy (MRE), involves the use of technology to harness this energy from the oceans to generate electricity to power our lives. MHK incorporates power from ocean surface waves, ocean currents and tidal movements, and even the power produced from thermal and salinity differences throughout the waters of the world.
Your Future in Marine Hydrokinetics is an exploratory unit for secondary students in a CTE classroom environment that includes teacher and student guides containing comprehensive background information on energy, the properties of fluids and waves, electricity, hydrokinetic technologies, and specific skills needed in the future MHK/MRE field. Students will review energy forms and sources, electricity generation and transmission, water movement in the oceans, and the technology under development to utilize the energy in ocean waves, currents, and tides. Activities included have been curated with a CTE classroom in mind and can be easily modified according to the skill level of the students. The curriculum includes hands-on, inquiry-based explorations, group presentations, and cooperative learning activities. Many of the materials suggested can be gathered from a craft, hobby, or sporting goods store, and are substituted easily with similar materials found in your classroom and beyond.
Energy exists in many forms, and those forms can be transformed into other forms.
We use ten energy sources for our energy needs; five are renewable and five are nonrenewable.
Electricity is generated when a coil of conducting wire is moved in an electric field, or when magnets are moved through or around a coil of conducting wire.
Electricity can be generated using the energy found in tides, ocean currents, and waves.
Marine hydrokinetic technologies are primarily experimental or developmental.
When MHK technology is ready to be installed on a utility scale, many geographic and environmental factors must be considered.
When MHK technology is ready to be installed on a utility scale, there will be a great demand for people trained to pilot the vessels specifically designed to install and maintain the equipment.
@Science Notebooks
Throughout this curriculum, science notebooks are referenced. If you currently use science notebooks or journals, you may have your students continue using these. A rubric to guide assessment of student notebooks can be found on page 13 in the Teacher Guide.
In addition to science notebooks, student worksheets have been included in the Student Guide. Depending on your students’ level of independence and familiarity with the scientific process, you may choose to use these worksheets instead of science notebooks. Or, as appropriate, you may want to make copies of worksheets and have your students glue or tape the copies into their notebooks. The rubric can also be used to evaluate student work in this format.
6 Exploring Marine Hydrokinetics ©2023 The NEED Project Your Future in Marine Hydrokinetics Teacher Guide
Read the Teacher and Student Guides thoroughly and decide how you are going to implement the unit in your classroom.
Obtain the materials needed for the hands-on activities using the materials list on page 5.
To save time and anticipate student struggles, you may want to assemble one Science of Electricity Model prior to using it with the class. Become familiar with the operation of the model and the other equipment in the kit, especially the multimeter. Directions for using the multimeter are included on Student Guide page 30. A more detailed discussion of multimeters and measuring electricity can be found in this guide on pages 17-19.
For Discovering MHK Technology, decide if you will have students build models that actually generate electricity or that are visually illustrative only.
Preview the three parts of the CTE Model Wave Generator and decide how you will approach them. Part 1 can be done as a teacher demonstration while Parts 2 and 3 work well as small-group activities. However, if you have a small class, you might want to have them work as one group on the entire activity.
The tubs of water needed for the CTE Model Wave Generator should be sufficiently deep such that student models can be submerged and move freely, but small enough to be pushed to generate waves. Placing thick wooden dowel rods or pieces of PVC pipe beneath the tub can make generating waves easier.
Activity 1: Electricity and Magnetism &Background
Generating electricity involves capitalizing on the principles surrounding electromagnetism. As one of the four fundamental forces of nature, electromagnetism allows us to use changing magnetic fields to induce electric current in a conductor. The two parts of this activity allow students to explore electromagnetism and see its effects.
Students will be able to explain how electricity and magnetism are related.
Students will be able to demonstrate electromagnetism using at least two different devices.
9-volt battery
2 DC motors
2 Alligator clips
Disassembled motor
Shake-light flashlight
Masking tape
Electricity and Magnetism worksheets, Student Guide pages 24-25
2 Preparation
Gather materials for student use.
If appropriate, assign reading Student Guide pages 2-8 as a homework assignment the night before you conduct the activity.
Prepare copies of the handouts as needed.
©2022 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 7 Your Future in Marine Hydrokinetics Teacher Guide
1. Introduce the activity to students. Explain that electricity and magnetism are related. Go into as much or as little detail as is appropriate for your students. Have students read pages 2-8 in the Student Guide.
2. Forewarn students that leaving the alligator clips attached to both terminals of the 9-volt battery in Part 1 essentially short-circuits the battery, draining it of its energy and making it get very hot. In some cases, 9-volt batteries left to short-circuit have ruptured. Advise students to connect the alligator clips to the second terminal only when they are ready to test the electromagnet.
3. Allow students sufficient time to complete both parts of the activity.
4. Have students reconvene as a large group.
5. Using a shake-light flashlight, talk about its operation and explain how the parts contribute to its operation. Ask students which parts are important for generating electricity and which parts are used to create light. This will be important when students conduct Part 1 of the CTE Model Wave Generator in a later activity.
If your students are already familiar with the basic concepts of electromagnetism, have them go further into what factor(s) affect the strength of an electromagnet. They can investigate number of turns around the nail, thickness of wire used, size of the nail, voltage of the battery, and so on. The strength of the magnet can be demonstrated by the maximum distance at which the magnet will act on another object, such as a paper clip or another nail. Understanding how the variables contribute to electromagnet strength will help students understand how transformers work and the variables surrounding increasing power output of a generator or alternator.
Have students use digital multimeters to calculate the power used by the motors in Part 2. Pages 17-18 contain a detailed explanation of using multimeters to measure electricity. Provide additional batteries or DC power sources and motors of varying sizes and have students investigate the power used by them. An investigation such as this will help students understand the relationships among voltage, current, power, and motor size.
Activity 2: Science of Electricity
Students will be able to demonstrate and describe how electricity is generated.
! Caution
The magnets used in this model are very strong. Refer to page 6 of this guide for more safety information.
Use caution with nails and scissors when puncturing the bottle.
1 Small bottle
1 Rubber stopper with ¼” hole
1 Wooden dowel (12” x ¼”)
4 Strong rectangle magnets
1 Foam tube
1 Small nail
1 Large nail
Magnet wire
Permanent marker
1 Pair sharp scissors
Masking tape
Fine sandpaper
1 Push pin
1 Multimeter with alligator clips
Hand operated pencil sharpener
Utility knife
Science of Electricity instructions, Student Guide pages 28-30
8 ©2023 The NEED Project Your Future in Marine Hydrokinetics Teacher Guide
2 Preparation
Build one Science of Electricity model for student reference and to help you assist your students in the trickier parts of the build.
Gather materials for student use and prepare copies of the instructions as needed.
Tips for Assembly
You may want to pre-sharpen the dowel rods or slice rubber stoppers in half width-wise, using half on each side of the rotor, to make assembly easier.
To streamline the process of winding wire around their bottles, have them thread a pencil or dowel through the wire spool and have one student hold this in their hands while another student winds wire.
Before students wind wire around their bottles, have them tear several 5 cm pieces of masking tape and have them hanging off the edge of their table or lab bench as they work. Students can tape their wire coils as they go to prevent a seemingly catastrophic, spontaneous unspooling of wire.
One tip of a large, sharp pair of scissors can be inserted into the hole in the bottle to shave away some of the plastic so the dowel turns freely. The dowel needs to be able to spin unimpeded.
When connecting the sanded ends of magnet wire to alligator clips, have students wrap the wire around the clips. Otherwise, the fine wire may pull easily from the alligator clip.
1. Introduce the activity. Demonstrate the model you have already assembled, explaining the various parts.
2. Divulge to students the areas in which you struggled a bit, explaining how you overcame those struggles and providing tips to help them be successful.
3. Allow students enough time to assemble their models. If one class period is not sufficiently long enough, make sure students have wrapped all of their wire coils before stopping for the day so they do not lose track of where they were.
4. After students have finished building and testing their models, ask them how their models compare to the simple DC motors they worked with in Activity 1.
5. Discuss with students how their models, and the DC motors they worked with in Activity 1, are the same as utility-scale generators, and how they are different.
You might want to build your model according to the student directions, and then have students modify the model to use a different container, or varying numbers of magnets or turns of wire, and compare their results. Challenge students to design a model that produces electricity in greater amounts than your model did.
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Activity 3: Discovering MHK Technology &Background
Marine hydrokinetic technology is a rapidly evolving field. This activity provides an opportunity for students to explore the different technologies currently in development. It also gives students the opportunity to hone their modeling skills by asking them to build a representative model of the technology. Because of the speed with which MHK technology is being adapted and developed, the same group of students could engage in this activity in sequential years and not repeat their research or findings.
Students will understand the different technological areas of MHK generation currently in development.
Students will be able to build a model of a device given its description and photographs or drawings.
The following materials are suggestions of the kinds of things students can use to build their models. Teachers are encouraged to utilize what they have available without incurring significant additional expense.
Craft wood
Small screws, nuts, bolts, other fasteners
Repurposed materials such as plastic bottles, yard signs, etc.
Craft materials such as foam, plastic, wire, etc.
Display boards and art supplies (optional)
DC motors (for electrified models)
Digital multimeters (for electrified models)
Discovering MHK Technology worksheet, Student Guide pages 31-32.
2 Preparation
Spend some time using internet resources to read about the most prominent MHK technologies currently under development.
Decide if you will pre-assign students to groups or if you will allow them to form their own small groups.
Determine how much in-class time you will devote to the activity, and how much must be done outside of class.
Make a physical or digital copy of the worksheet with resource links for students.
Make a list of the technologies you wish students to investigate and decide the manner in which you will assign them to student groups.
Gather supplies for students to use to build their models and/or make their presentations.
1. Have students read Student Guide pages 9-23. This can be done as a pre-reading homework assignment.
2. As a class, summarize the information students have read.
3. Present the activity to students, giving an overview of what the activity will entail. If students will be electrifying their models, explain to them how that will be accomplished.
4. Assign student groups the technology you wish to have them explore.
5. Preview the internet resources listed on the student worksheet. If you are providing others, preview those as well.
6. Give students time to start planning their presentations and designing their models as a group.
7. As students work on their projects, they may need assistance or suggestions as they build their models and finalize their presentations.
8. Before students present their models, provide them with the rubric or grading scheme you will use to score them.
9. After all of the presentations are completed, have a class discussion about which technology they believe will be most feasible at utility-scale.
10 ©2023 The NEED Project Your Future in Marine Hydrokinetics Teacher Guide
Students with limited internet access outside of school should be allowed time during the school day to gather information and work together on their presentations. This can be accomplished by devoting some entire class periods to this task or by providing part of each class period on sequential days.
Decide if you will allow power tools, and if so, under what circumstances students will use them.
Because waterproofing can be a significant challenge for students building electrified models, testing models should be done using air pushed by fans as the energy source rather than flowing water. Advanced students can be instructed in building waterproof models.
If you have a 3-D printer available for student use, this project can be a great way to help students hone their 3-D modeling and printing skills.
The models and presentations students develop are great for community outreach or a parent night.
Have students investigate which technology, if any, would be appropriate to install within your school community. If your community is not located near any large bodies of water, choose a place on the map to explore.
Collaborate with a social studies teacher to discover the cost of each type of technology and whether it is appropriate for implementation in a developing country.
Activity 4: CTE Model Wave Generator
Wave energy is accessible any place there is a very large body of water; it is not limited to just oceans. The Great Lakes and inland seas also have waves sufficient in size to be used to generate electricity. Wave generators take advantage of the steady oscillation of waves in an up-and-down, or rocking, motion. This activity shows students a working device in the form of the shake-light flashlight, then challenges them to build two models, one horizontal and one vertical, that generate electricity from wave action.
Students will understand the variables that affect the voltage a generator can produce.
Students will understand the relationship between electricity and magnetic fields.
Students will be able to build, test, and modify a design given a specific problem or set of parameters.
2 Shake-light flashlights
1 Heavy-gauge, zip-close, plastic bag large enough to hold one flashlight
Alligator clips
Digital multimeter or galvanometer
Empty 1-gallon water jug, with cap
Utility knife
Clear plastic tubing
Two rubber stoppers
Magnet wire
1 Cylindrical magnet
Alligator wires
Digital multimeter or galvanometer
At least 1 large tub of water, 4-5 gallons or more; clear containers are better but not necessary.
Hot glue guns and extra glue sticks
Fine-grain sandpaper
Parafilm or other means of waterproofing
Clear plastic tubing
Cylindrical magnets
Fishing line
Hot glue gun
Magnet wire
Pool noodle, Styrofoam, or other buoyant materials
Fishing bobber or floats
Waterproof duct tape
Repurposed plastic containers
Heavy objects for anchoring
Alligator clips
©2023 The NEED Project Your Future in Marine Hydrokinetics Teacher Guide 11
2 Preparation
Read through each part of the activity. The first two parts build up to a design challenge activity where students design, build, and test their own wave generator models.
To save on materials and cost, you may choose to do Part 1 as a demonstration and discussion rather than individual or small group activity.
Prepare copies of the handouts as needed.
It may be helpful to have pieces of large wooden dowel or thick-walled PVC under the tub of water to facilitate a rocking motion to produce consistent waves.
One great way to waterproof your students’ models is by using a thin layer of paraffin. Parafilm is a commercially available product that is a thin layer of paraffin on waxed paper and often found in chemistry laboratories. Application of parafilm involves simultaneously stretching and wrapping the film. The wax film sticks to itself when stretched and pressed gently.
Part 3 has students designing their own models that are oriented vertically. Page 46 of the Exploring Marine Hydrokinetics Student Guide has directions for building a working model using the suggested materials. It may prove helpful if you review this activity to provide some tips or suggestions if students are struggling to design their own models.
When students are designing their vertical generator models in Part 3, it is important to keep the diameter of the coil such that the magnet is very near it. Use cylindrical magnets that are just a bit smaller than the inner diameter of the tubing you provide. While students might choose different materials or designs for their vertical generators, they will not get any measurable output if the coil of wire is too far away from the moving magnetic field.
1. Have students read the informational text about wave energy generation in the student guide on pages 11-13. This can be assigned as homework the night before the activity.
2. Work through Part 1 with students. You may decide to do all of the steps yourself while students watch, or you may decide to have each student do one step at a time while you read or provide instructions.
3. Ask students about buoyancy and why it’s important to this model, and then to scaling up this model to utility-scale generation.
4. Introduce Part 2. Explain that students should design and build a model very similar to the flashlight that will be water-tight and float without needing the plastic bag. Allow students enough time to complete Part 2.
5. Discuss the results of Part 2 with students. Ask them to compare their results to the results of Part 1, and the functioning of Part 2 as compared to Part 1. As a class, discuss and work through issues students encountered. These issues may arise in Part 3, so it’s important to discuss them here.
6. Introduce Part 3. Show students the materials you have prepared for them to use. This part of the activity is designed to be a designtest-modify process. Remind students to change only one thing at a time when modifying their designs so they know which change(s) yield the greatest improvement.
7. When students have finished, discuss their results. Project or draw a table similar to the one shown below and allow students to identify and discuss the pros and cons of horizontal and vertical designs.
8. It’s simple enough to build a small-scale model such as the ones in this activity. However, scaling a model up to utility-scale generation is quite another story. Ask students what kinds of materials they think a large-scale device based on their models might employ. Discuss the problems they think engineers might encounter when scaling up to utility-scale generation.
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Rubrics For Assessment
Inquiry Explorations Rubric
This is a sample rubric that can be used with inquiry investigations and science notebooks. You may choose to only assess one area at a time, or look at an investigation as a whole. It is suggested that you share this rubric with students and discuss the different components.
4 Written explanations illustrate accurate and thorough understanding of scientific concepts.
The student independently conducts investigations and designs and carries out his or her own investigations.
Comprehensive data is collected and thorough observations are made. Diagrams, charts, tables, and graphs are used and labeled appropriately. Data and observations are presented clearly and neatly with appropriate labels.
The student clearly communicates what was learned and uses strong evidence to support reasoning. The conclusion includes application to real life situations.
3 Written explanations illustrate an accurate understanding of most scientific concepts.
The student follows procedures accurately to conduct given investigations, begins to design his or her own investigations.
2 Written explanations illustrate a limited understanding of scientific concepts.
1 Written explanations illustrate an inaccurate understanding of scientific concepts.
The student may not conduct an investigation completely, parts of the inquiry process are missing.
The student needs significant support to conduct an investigation.
Culminating Project Rubric
Necessary data is collected. Observations are recorded. Diagrams, charts, tables, and graphs are used appropriately most of the time. Data is presented clearly, and neatly.
Some data is collected. The student may lean more heavily on observations. Diagrams, charts, tables, and graphs may be used inappropriately, have some missing information, or are labeled without 100% accuracy.
Data and/or observations are missing or inaccurate.
This rubric may be used for any group work you ask the students to complete.
The student communicates what was learned and uses some evidence to support reasoning.
The student communicates what was learned but is missing evidence to support reasoning.
The conclusion is missing or inaccurate.
4 Project covers the topic indepth with many details and examples.
Subject knowledge is excellent.
3 Project includes essential information about the topic. Subject knowledge is good.
2 Project includes essential information about the topic, but there are 1-2 factual errors.
1 Project includes minimal information or there are several factual errors.
Content is very well organized and presented in a logical sequence.
Content is logically organized.
Content is logically organized with a few confusing sections.
There is no clear organizational structure, just a compilation of facts.
Project shows much original thought. Ideas are creative and inventive.
The workload is divided and shared equally by all members of the group.
Project shows some original thought. Work shows new ideas and insights.
The workload is divided and shared fairly equally by all group members, but workloads may vary.
Project provides essential information, but there is little evidence of original thinking.
Project provides some essential information, but no original thought.
The workload is divided, but one person in the group is viewed as not doing a fair share of the work.
The workload is not divided, or several members are not doing a fair share of the work.
©2023 The NEED Project Your Future in Marine Hydrokinetics Teacher Guide 13
MHK Instructions
Bingo is a great icebreaker for a NEED workshop or conference. As a classroom activity, it also makes a great introduction to an energy unit.
5 minutes
45 minutes
Bingos are available on several different topics. Check out these resources for more bingo options!
Biomass Bingo—Energy Stories and More
Change a Light Bingo—Energy Conservation Contract
Coal Bingo—Coal guides
Energy Bingo—Energy Games and Icebreakers
Energy Efficiency Bingo— School Energy Experts and School Energy Managers
Hydrogen Bingo—H2 Educate
Hydropower Bingo — Hydropower guides
Nuclear Energy Bingo— Nuclear guides
Oil and Natural Gas Bingo— Oil and Natural Gas guides
Science of Energy Bingo— Science of Energy guides
Solar Bingo—Solar guides
Transportation Bingo— Transportation guides
Wind Energy Bingo—Wind Energy Guides
Get Ready
Duplicate as many MHK Bingo sheets (found on page 32 of the Teacher Guide) as needed for each person in your group. In addition, decide now if you want to give the winner of your game a prize and what the prize will be.
Get Set
Pass out one MHK Bingo sheet to each member of the group.
Give the group the following instructions to create bingo cards:
This bingo activity is very similar to regular bingo. However, there are a few things you’ll need to know to play this game. First, please take a minute to look at your bingo sheet and read the 16 statements at the top of the page. Shortly, you’ll be going around the room trying to find 16 people about whom the statements are true so you can write their names in one of the 16 boxes.
When I give you the signal, you’ll get up and ask a person if a statement at the top of your bingo sheet is true for them. If the person gives what you believe is a correct response, write the person’s name in the corresponding box on the lower part of the page. For example, if you ask a person question “D” and they give you what you think is a correct response, then go ahead and write the person’s name in box D. A correct response is important because later on, if you get bingo, that person will be asked to answer the question correctly in front of the group. If they can’t answer the question correctly, then you lose bingo. So, if someone gives you an incorrect answer, ask someone else! Don’t use your name for one of the boxes or use the same person’s name twice.
Try to fill all 16 boxes in the next 20 minutes. This will increase your chances of winning. After the 20 minutes are up, please sit down and I will begin asking players to stand up and give their names. Are there any questions? You’ll now have 20 minutes. Go!
During the next 20 minutes, move around the room to assist the players. Every five minutes or so tell the players how many minutes are remaining in the game. Give the players a warning when just a minute or two remains. When the 20 minutes are up, stop the players and ask them to be seated.
Give the class the following instructions to play the game:
When I point to you, please stand up and in a LOUD and CLEAR voice give us your name. Now, if anyone has the name of the person I call on, put a big “X” in the box with that person’s name. When you get four names in a row—across, down, or diagonally—shout “Bingo!” Then I’ll ask you to come up front to verify your results.
Let’s start off with you (point to a player in the group). Please stand and give us your name. (Player gives name. Let’s say the player’s name was “Joe.”) Okay, players, if any of you have Joe’s name in one of your boxes, go ahead and put an “X” through that box.
When the first player shouts “Bingo,” ask them to come to the front of the room. Ask them to give their name. Then ask them to tell the group how their bingo run was made, e.g., down from A to M, across from E to H, and so on.
14 Exploring Marine Hydrokinetics ©2023 The NEED Project Your Future in Marine Hydrokinetics Teacher Guide
Now you need to verify the bingo winner’s results. Ask the bingo winner to call out the first person’s name on their bingo run. That player then stands and the bingo winner asks them the question which they previously answered during the 20-minute session. For example, if the statement was “can name two renewable sources of energy,” the player must now name two sources. If they can answer the question correctly, the bingo winner calls out the next person’s name on their bingo run. However, if they do not answer the question correctly, the bingo winner does not have bingo after all and must sit down with the rest of the players. You should continue to point to players until another person yells “Bingo.”
A. Knows the percentage of U.S. electricity supplied by hydropower
E. Can explain what a generator does
I. Knows the source of energy that drives the water cycle
M. Can name the effect responsible for the curving of ocean and wind currents
B. Knows the unit used for distance on water and in the air
F. Knows the name for the highest part of a wave
J. Knows what energy source causes ocean waves
N. Knows the state that produces the most hydropower
C. Can name the energy transformation involved with MHK devices
G. Can name the device that captures the energy of moving water
K. Can explain the force that produces tides in the ocean
O. Can name one challenge of siting a device in ocean water
D. Can name two types of marine or hydrokinetic energy
H. Can name the energy source that supplies most of U.S. electricity
L. Can name one factor or force responsible for ocean currents
P. Knows the name of the device that increases or decreases voltage for transportation or safe use
wave, tidal, currents, OTEC, salinity gradient
generator converts kinetic energy into electrical energy crest a turbine captures the energy of moving water natural gas produces about 40% of U.S. electricity
solar energy drives the water cycle ocean waves are caused primarily by wind tides are mostly formed by the gravitational pull of the moon wind, salinity, temperature, density, gravity, or oceanfloor
mile motion to electrical Coriolis Effect
Washington State corrosion (salt water), access, friction, etc. transformer
©2022 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029 15 Your Future in Marine Hydrokinetics Teacher Guide
rainfall nautical
depending on
MHK Resources
U.S Department of Energy, Water Power Technologies Office
Marine Energy Program -
Marine Energy Basics -
Glossary with video explanations -
Interactive Project Map -
U.S. Department of Energy & National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Marine Energy OpenEI Portal (PRIMRE)
MRE Basics -
Educator Resources -
Renewable Energy Discovery Island (REDi) -
US. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Energy 101: Marine and Hydrokinetic Energy Video -
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Hydrokinetic Energy
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Marine Energy Research
U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
European Marine Energy Centre
16 ©2023 The NEED Project Your Future in Marine Hydrokinetics Teacher Guide
Multimeters, Ohm’s Law, and Measuring Electrical Values
Any professional who works with electricity and electronics needs to know how to use a digital multimeter properly to measure voltage, current, and resistance. These values are related to each other through Ohm’s Law, which states that the voltage through a circuit or portion of a circuit is equal to the product of the current and resistance. Being able to take measurements and using Ohm’s Law to calculate unknown values allows us to understand what is going on in a DC circuit or system. Direct Current (DC) is provided by a cell, battery or a power supply, and can be shown as a one-way arrow from the negative terminal (anode) to the positive terminal (cathode) of that power source.
Ohm’s Law is written as V=IR where V stands for voltage in Volts (V), I stands for current in Amps (A), and R stands for resistance in Ohms (Ω). Another way to write Ohm’s Law is as shown: V
©2023 The NEED Project Your Future in Marine Hydrokinetics Teacher Guide 17
OFF 750 200 µ 200 2000 µ 20 m 200 m 10 hFE 1000 200 20 2000 m 200 m 2000 K 200K 20K 2000 200 V --- V A --CE DIGITAL MULTIMETER Ω NPN PNP E E B B C E E C 10AD C V mAΩ C OM ! ! 1 0 A ma x u n fu se d 750VAC 1000VDC 200m A max 500V max DISPLAY DC VOLTAGE ROTARY SWITCH RESISTANCE AC VOLTAGE DC CURRENT
Multimeter measuring voltage across the LED and resistor. The meter reads 7.49 V under load when powering this circuit. The meter is set to the 20V DC range.
Multimeter connected in series, measuring current. The meter in this case reads 18.1 mA or milliAmperes. The meter is set to the 200 mA range.
Measuring Voltage: Voltage is measured in parallel to the load on the circuit. Place one lead on one side of the load and the other on the other side. If the meter has a negative reading, reverse the connections. If the meter shows a 1 at the far left, increase the scale one click and try again. The circuit must be powered to make this measurement.
Measuring Current: Current is measured in series with the load. Disconnect the load from the power supply and insert one lead of the multimeter. Connect the other lead of the multimeter to the power supply. If the display is negative, reverse the connection, and if there is a 1 in the far left of the display move the scale up one click.
Measuring Resistance: This is the only measurement made with the power disconnected. Touch the two leads to either side of the device or circuit segment you are measuring. The resistance scale is also used to determine whether a circuit provides a complete path for current, or circuit continuity.
The meter in set to the 2000 Ω or 2K Ω range. The resistor is 330 Ω by color code - with a gold (5%) tolerance band - so the acceptable range is between 313.5 Ω and 346.5 Ω. This resistor is slightly out of tolerance and should be replaced.
18 ©2023 The NEED Project Your Future in Marine Hydrokinetics Teacher Guide
Units and Conversions
1 Ampere = 1 Coulomb / second
1 Coulomb = 6.24 x 1018 electrons; if electrons were grains of sand, one Coulomb would fill a triple-axle dump truck.
1 Volt = 1 Joule / Coulomb; Joule is the SI unit for energy. 1 Joule = 1 kg m2 / s
1 Ohm = 1 Volt / Ampere
Each of these units may be modified by prefixes:
Prefix Symbol Power of 10
Terra T 1 x 1012
Giga G 1 x 109
Mega M 1 x 106
kilo k 1 x 103
Larger than 1
Smaller than 1 milli m 1 x 10-3
centi c 1 x 10-2
micro μ 1 x 10-6
nano n 1 x 10-9
pico p 1 x 10-12
It is important to pay attention to the prefixes on a meter’s scale; for example, if the scale is set to “20 mA” and your reading is 3.47, you are measuring 3.47 mA and need to make sure you are calculating with that measurement appropriately. 3.47 mA = 0.00347 A. There are more prefixes than those listed in the table above; however, these are the most common.
©2023 The NEED Project Your Future in Marine Hydrokinetics Teacher Guide 19
A. Knows the percentage of U.S. electricity supplied by hydropower
E. Can explain what a generator does
I. Knows the source of energy that drives the water cycle
M. Can name the effect responsible for the curving of ocean and wind currents
B. Knows the unit used for distance on water and in the air
F. Knows the name for the highest part of a wave
J. Knows what energy source causes ocean waves
N. Knows the state that produces the most hydropower
C. Can name the energy transformation involved with MHK devices
G. Can name the device that captures the energy of flowing water
K. Can explain the force that produces tides in the ocean
O. Can name one challenge of siting a device in ocean water
D. Can name two types of marine or hydrokinetic energy
H. Can name the energy source that supplies most of U.S. electricity
L. Can name one factor or force responsible for ocean currents
P. Knows the name of the device that increases or decreases voltage for transportation or safe use
20 ©2023 The NEED Project Your Future in Marine Hydrokinetics Teacher Guide
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U.S. Energy Geography
Maps are a great way for students to visualize the energy picture in the United States. This set of maps will support your energy discussion and multi-disciplinary energy activities. Go to energy-in-society/?PortfolioCats29 to see energy production, consumption, and reserves all over the country!
©2023 The NEED Project Your Future in Marine Hydrokinetics Teacher Guide
Anemometers and solar cells and light meters — oh my! Getting your guides and kits (or refills) has never been easier! Check out NEED’s official online store at
22 ©2023 The NEED Project Your Future in Marine Hydrokinetics Teacher Guide
Your Future in Marine Hydrokinetics Evaluation Form
©2023 The NEED Project Your Future in Marine Hydrokinetics Teacher Guide 23
State: ___________ Grade Level: ___________ Number of Students: __________ 1. Did you conduct the entire unit? Yes No 2. Were the instructions clear and easy to follow? Yes No 3. Did the activities meet your academic objectives? Yes No 4. Were the activities age appropriate? Yes No 5. Were the allotted times sufficient to conduct the activities? Yes No 6. Were the activities easy to use? Yes No 7. Was the preparation required acceptable for the activities? Yes No 8. Were the students interested and motivated? Yes No 9. Was the energy knowledge content age appropriate? Yes No 10. Would you teach this unit again? Yes No Please explain any ‘no’ statement below. How would you rate the unit overall? excellent good fair poor How would your students rate the unit overall? excellent good fair poor What would make the unit more useful to you?
Comments: Please fax or mail to: The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle FAX: 1-800-847-1820 Manassas, VA 20110 Email:
AES Clean Energy Development
American Electric Power Foundation
Appalachian Voices
Arizona Sustainability Alliance
Baltimore Gas & Electric
Berkshire Gas - Avangrid
BP America Inc.
Bob Moran Charitable Giving Fund
Cape Light Compact–Massachusetts
Celanese Foundation
Central Alabama Electric Cooperative
The City of Cuyahoga Falls
Clean Virginia
Con uence
Delmarva Power and Light
Department of Education and Early Childhood
Development - Government of New
Brunswick, Canada
Dominion Energy, Inc.
Dominion Energy Charitable Foundation
East Baton Rouge Parish Schools
East Kentucky Power Cooperative
EDP Renewables
EduCon Educational Consulting
Enel Green Power North America
Exelon Foundation
Foundation for Environmental Education
Georgia Power
Gerald Harrington, Geologist
Government of Thailand–Energy Ministry
Greater New Orleans STEM
GREEN Charter Schools
Green Power EMC
Guilford County Schools–North Carolina
National Sponsors and Partners
Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory CouncilScale Up
Iowa Lakes Community College
Iowa State University
Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation
Illinois International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Renewable Energy Fund
Independent Petroleum Association of New Mexico
Kansas Corporation Energy Commission
Kansas Energy Program – K-State Engineering Extension
Katy Independent School District
Kentucky Environmental Education Council
Kentucky O ce of Energy Policy
Kentucky Power–An AEP Company
Liberty Utilities
Llano Land and Exploration
Louisiana State Energy O ce
Louisiana State University – Agricultural Center
Marshall University
Mercedes Benz USA
Minneapolis Public Schools
Mississippi Development Authority–Energy Division
Motus Experiential
National Fuel
National Grid
National Hydropower Association
National Ocean Industries Association
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
NC Green Power
Nebraskans for Solar
NextEra Energy Resources
Nicor Gas
NCi – Northeast Construction
North Shore Gas
O shore Technology Conference
Ohio Energy Project
Oklahoma Gas and Electric Energy Corporation
Omaha Public Power District
Paci c Gas and Electric Company
Peoples Gas
Performance Services, Inc.
Permian Basin Petroleum Museum
Phillips 66
PowerSouth Energy Cooperative
Prince George’s County O ce of Human Resource Management (MD)
Prince George’s County O ce of Sustainable Energy (MD)
Providence Public Schools
Quarto Publishing Group
The Rapha Foundation
Renewable Energy Alaska Project
Rhoades Energy
Rhode Island O ce of Energy Resources
Salal Foundation/Salal Credit Union
Salt River Project
Salt River Rural Electric Cooperative
Schneider Electric
C.T. Seaver Trust
Secure Futures, LLC
Shell Carson
Society of Petroleum Engineers
South Carolina Energy O ce
Southern Company Gas
Snohomish County PUD
SunTribe Solar
United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey
University of Iowa
University of Louisville
University of North Carolina
University of Northern Iowa
University of Rhode Island
U.S. Department of Energy
U.S. Department of Energy–O ce of Energy
E ciency and Renewable Energy
U.S. Department of Energy - Solar Decathlon
U.S. Department of Energy - Water Power Technologies O ce
U.S. Department of Energy–Wind for Schools
U.S. Energy Information Administration
United States Virgin Islands Energy O ce
Virginia Cooperative Extension
We Care Solar
West Virginia O ce of Energy
West Warwick Public Schools
©2023 The NEED Project 8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110 1.800.875.5029