Switching It Up

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Switching it up Activities Inside: • Stories of Energizing Electricity • Build a Battery • Design a Generator • Elementary Baseload Balance

• Electric Circuits • Coal Plant Conundrum • Current Electricity Affair

Grade Levels:





Subject Areas: Science




Teacher Information &Background Teaching students, especially young students, about electricity can be a daunting task. One of the problems is that electricity is not something that can be seen, felt, and interacted with – not safely, anyway! Children and many adults sometimes struggle to understand what is going on for this very reason! As far as most are concerned, plugging in and turning on a device is “auto-magic.” Many students have learned to take electricity for granted. By the time they are in middle school, most know what a circuit is, and have some understanding of current and voltage. However, if you ask any typical teenager the source(s) of the electricity he or she uses, they will probably struggle. It is important for young people to understand and consider the sources and process involved in generating the electricity that they depend so heavily on. The activities in this sampler have been designed to provide a foundation for teaching your students about electricity. From sources of energy to generation to distribution and utilization, this collection of activities will help your students develop an appreciation for all that must come together to power their lives. Stories of Energizing Electricity are narrated pantomimes in which students act out the process of obtaining an energy source, transporting it, and using it to generate electricity. You, or someone you designate, provide the words while your students provide the visual aids. Students of any age can do these activities; you might want to have older students write their own scripts or come up with their own props to make the activity more challenging. The STEM design challenges Build a Battery and Design a Generator, encourage your students to design, build, test, and revise a battery or generator. The first part is a brief teacher demonstration where you will show them how a battery or generator works. Then, using materials you provide and parameters you determine, students move scientifically through the engineering and design process. Student activity pages encourage students to explain what they change with each revision. Elementary Baseload Balance is a simplification of an activity already within the NEED coal and wind curriculum guides, Baseload Balance. In this version, a pan balance is used to visually illustrate how demand and generation are balanced to avoid blackouts or wasted energy. If you do not have a double-pan balance available, alternative directions using a meter stick can be downloaded by clicking this link: www.need.org//Files/curriculum/Elementary_Baseload_Balance.pdf.

Coal Plant Conundrum is a debate-style activity where students assume a role in a mock community discussion about an aging coal plant. In the activity, students present arguments in favor of one option or another, and must base their arguments on facts about coal and electricity generation. Current Electricity Affair is an activity where students present small news stories or forums about different topics in electricity generation, distribution, and use, and its environmental implications. Students can use props and costumes if you wish. They may write their own script or use the script provided. This is a good opportunity to have classes of older students partner with younger students to produce a program about electricity for their classmates or the rest of the school.

Electric Circuits are activities showing how to wire simple DC series and parallel circuits. Students use batteries, wires, light bulbs, and switches to build simple circuits. The brightness of light bulbs is the basis for comparison in each circuit type.


©2018 The NEED Project

Switching It Up




Stories of Energizing Electricity

Natural Gas



Solar CSP

Solar PV


Yellow ball Yellow ribbon Artificial plants Sock puppets Cardboard tube Plastic tubing (2 pieces) Hot pot or bottled water Bar magnets Metallic ribbon Rope Light bulb Extension cord Construction paper

Yellow ball Yellow ribbon Artificial plants Small shovels or trowels Bucket Empty box Hot pot or bottled water Plastic tubing Bar magnets Metallic ribbon Rope Light bulb Extension cord Construction paper

Yellow ball Ping pong balls Small shovels Bucket Drinking straws Rubber bands Hot pot or bottled water Plastic tubing Bar magnets Metallic ribbon Rope Light bulb Extension cord Construction paper

Yellow ball Yellow ribbon Mirrors Meter Stick Hot pot Plastic tubing (2 pieces) Hot pot or bottled water Bar magnets Metallic ribbon Rope Light bulb Extension Cord Construction paper

Yellow ball Yellow ribbon Ping pong balls Empty box Rope Light bulb Extension cord Construction paper

Yellow ball Yellow ribbon Table or desk top Large cardboard pieces (2) Bar magnets Metallic ribbon Rope Light bulb Extension cord Construction paper

Build a Battery

Beakers Alligator clip wires Digital multimeters or microammeters Water Salt

Lemon juice Other slightly acidic fluids (vinegar, sodas, hydrogen peroxide, etc.) Assorted fresh fruits and vegetables Wires or pieces of assorted metals

Design a Generator

2 small motors, in tact 1 small motor, disassembled 1 hand-generated flashlight Microammeter, or digital multimeter Recycled / repurposed objects to use to build generators (plastic jars, water bottles, wooden dowel rods, etc.)

Alligator clips Masking tape Insulated fine-gauge wire Strong, small magnets – 4 per student group

Elementary Baseload Balance

Double-pan balance Gram weight set OR plastic building blocks


Electric Circuits

D-cell batteries D-cell battery holders Pieces of wire with both ends stripped or alligator clips

Switches Mini light bulbs with sockets

Coal Plant Conundrum

Props or costumes, as desired

Current Electricity Affair

Art supplies, props, or costumes, as desired

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Switching It Up



Stories of Energizing ElectricitY This activity, or similar versions titled A Cool Coal Story or Nifty Natural Gas Story, can be found in the following NEED guides at www.NEED.org: ElectroWorks Elementary Science of Energy Intermediate Science of Energy Wonders of Oil and Natural Gas Exploring Oil and Natural Gas

Grade Levels Primary, grades K-2 Elementary, grades 3-5

&Background This activity allows students to act out the steps involved in generating electricity from five different energy sources: Natural gas; Coal; Uranium; Solar (Concentrated Solar Power); Solar (Photovoltaics); and Hydropower. Emphasis is placed on the energy transformations along the way. NOTE: Many of the suggested props and materials can be used for more than one energy source story.

 Objectives Students will be able to explain how electricity is generated from each of five energy sources. Students will be able to identify energy transformations involved in electricity generation from five different energy sources.

 Suggested Materials

Intermediate, grades 6-8

Natural Gas



Solar CSP

Solar PV



Yellow ball Yellow ribbon Artificial plants Sock puppets Cardboard tube Plastic tubing (2 pieces) Hot pot or bottled water Bar magnets Metallic ribbon Rope Light bulb Extension cord Construction paper

Yellow ball Yellow ribbon Artificial plants Small shovels or trowels Bucket Empty box Hot pot or bottled water Plastic tubing Bar magnets Metallic ribbon Rope Light bulb Extension cord Construction paper

Yellow ball Ping pong balls Small shovels Bucket Drinking straws Rubber bands Hot pot or bottled water Plastic tubing Bar magnets Metallic ribbon Rope Light bulb Extension cord Construction paper

Yellow ball Yellow ribbon Mirrors Meter Stick Hot pot Plastic tubing (2 pieces) Hot pot or bottled water Bar magnets Metallic ribbon Rope Light bulb Extension Cord Construction paper

Yellow ball Yellow ribbon Ping pong balls Empty box Twisted rope Light bulb Extension cord Construction paper

Yellow ball Yellow ribbon Table or desk top Large cardboard pieces (2) Bar magnets Metallic ribbon Rope Light bulb Extension cord Construction paper

1-3 class periods

Number of Students Natural Gas: 20-26 Coal: 17-22 Uranium: 21-26 Solar CSP: 17-22 Solar PV: 11-13+ Hydropower 20-22

Extensions Have students create pantomimes and props to demonstrate other energy sources used to generate electricity, such as wind and geothermal energy.

Simulation Stories, pages 6-9 Stories of Energizing Electricity chart, pages 10-11


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Procedure 1. Select a pantomime and story with which to start. Assign roles to students. Gather the supplies for the activity that are not readily available in your classroom. Alternatively, you may provide the story or chart to the class and have them source or create their own props entirely. 2. Have students use art supplies and construction paper to make any props they desire to complete the story. 3. Read the entire narration aloud, indicating what each student should do at each point in the story. 4. Have students move to the front of the room and line up in order for the story. 5. Read the entire narration aloud again, pausing only a moment for each motion in the story. 6. Upon conclusion of the story, have students switch roles. Rotate in any students who could not participate the first time. 7. Repeat steps 4-5 as many times as your schedule permits. 8. Move on to a different energy source, and repeat the entire process as many times as you can or as student interest allows, or have students create their own story and energy flow based upon their learning. 9. Use the chart to compare similarities and differences between the stories of generation for each source.

Student Roles Natural Gas



Solar CSP

Solar PV


Sun (1) Radiant energy (2-4) Plants (1-3) Sock puppets (1-2) Construction paper “sediment” (2) Cardboard tube “drill” (1) Tubing “gas pipeline” (1) Blue paper “gas flame” (1) Hot pot “boiler” (1) Tubing “steam line” (1) Turbine (1) Generator magnets (3) Generator coils (1) Rope “distribution lines” (2) Light (1)

Sun (1) Radiant energy (2-4) Plants (1-3) Shovels and buckets for “miners” (1-2) Coal “train” (1) Box “furnace” (1) Hot pot “boiler” (1) Tubing “steam line” (1) Turbine (1) Generator magnets (3) Generator coils (1) Rope “distribution lines” (2) Light (1)

Sun (1) Crumbled paper “Earth rocks” (5-6) Ping pong ball “radioactivity” (1) Shovels and buckets “miners” (1-2) Uranium “centrifuges” (1-2) Drinking straw “fuel rod assembly line” (2-3) Overheated student (1) Hot pot “boiler” (1) Tubing “steam line” (1) Turbine (1) Generator magnets (3) Generator coils (1) Rope “distribution lines” (2) Light (1)

Sun (1) Radiant energy (2-4) Mirrored solar concentrators (3-5) Hot pot “heat exchanger” (1) Hot pot “boiler” (1) Tubing “steam line” (1) Turbine (1) Generator magnets (3) Generator coils (1) Rope “distribution lines” (2) Light (1)

Sun (1) Radiant energy (2-4) Ping pong ball “electrons” (1) Electric circuit (2) Empty box “inverter” (2) Rope “distribution lines” (2) Light (1)

Sun (1) Radiant energy (2-4) Blue lake and water droplets for “evaporation” (1) Cotton “condensation clouds” (1) Blue lake for “precipitation” (1) Cardboard “dam” (1) River water (5) Turbine (1) Generator magnets (3) Generator coils (1) Rope “distribution lines” (2) Light (1)

©2018 The NEED Project

Switching It Up



Simulation Stories

Natural Gas Sun – Nuclear Energy: Nuclear fusion in the sun produces vast amounts of energy. Radiant Energy: The sun’s radiant energy is transferred to Earth by electromagnetic waves. Chemical Energy: Radiant energy is absorbed by tiny green plants in the ocean and changed to chemical energy by photosynthesis. Storing Chemical Energy: Tiny animals in the ocean eat the plants and store their chemical energy. Natural Gas Formation: The tiny plants and animals died. Over millions and millions of years, they were covered by many layers of dirt and rock. The high pressure changed them into natural gas. Natural Gas Production: A well is drilled into the ground to locate natural gas. The gas is brought out of the ground through the well. Distribution: The gas is transported by pipeline to an electric power plant. Thermal Energy: At the power plant, natural gas is burned, changing the chemical energy in the gas to thermal energy. Thermal Energy: The thermal energy from the energy source heats water. Water becomes steam. Steam – Motion Energy: Steam travels down pipes to the turbine. Motion Energy: Steam causes the turbine blades to spin. Electrical Energy: The turbine is connected to the generator, causing the magnets to spin around the copper coils, producing electricity. Electricity Transmission: Electrical energy travels down the power lines to our homes. Electricity Use: Electrical energy powers our homes.

Coal Sun – Nuclear Energy: Nuclear fusion in the sun produces vast amounts of energy. Radiant Energy: The sun’s radiant energy is transferred to Earth by electromagnetic waves. Chemical Energy: Radiant energy is absorbed by green plants and changed to chemical energy by photosynthesis. Storing Chemical Energy: Green plants die and are compressed under extreme pressure for a very long time and become coal. Chemical Energy: Coal is mined from the ground by digging it out.


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Distribution: Coal is carried to the power plant by trains. Thermal Energy: Coal is emptied from the train and burned in a boiler. Thermal Energy: The thermal energy from the energy source heats water. Water becomes steam. Steam – Motion Energy: Steam travels down pipes to the turbine. Motion Energy: Steam causes the turbine blades to spin. Electrical Energy: The turbine is connected to the generator, causing the magnets to spin around the copper coils, producing electricity. Electricity Transmission: Electrical energy travels down the power lines to our homes. Electricity Use: Electrical energy powers our homes.

Uranium Formation of Earth and its Rocks: Billions of years ago, rocks swirled around the sun. Slowly they stuck together to form the Earth. Uranium was buried in the ground. Nuclear Energy: Some rocks have uranium and give off nuclear energy. Uranium Mining: Rocks containing uranium are dug out of the ground and transported for processing. Uranium Processing: Uranium is extracted from the rocks and concentrated in machines called centrifuges. Uranium Fuel: Concentrated uranium is packaged in small fuel pellets. These pellets are stacked into rods, and the rods are added to a fuel rod assembly. Thermal Energy: Uranium fuel pellets release nuclear energy, which is changed into vast amounts of thermal energy. Thermal Energy: The thermal energy from the energy source heats water. Water becomes steam. Steam – Motion Energy: Steam travels down pipes to the turbine. Motion Energy: Steam causes the turbine blades to spin. Electrical Energy: The turbine is connected to the generator, causing the magnets to spin around the copper coils, producing electricity. Electricity Transmission: Electrical energy travels down the power lines to our homes. Electricity Use: Electrical energy powers our homes.

©2018 The NEED Project

Switching It Up



Solar (CSP) Sun – Nuclear Energy: Nuclear fusion in the sun produces vast amounts of energy. Radiant Energy: The sun’s radiant energy is transferred to Earth by electromagnetic waves. Concentration: Thousands of mirrors concentrate and reflect sunlight onto one location. Thermal Energy: The concentrated sunlight heats a fluid, making it very hot. The fluid flows to a heat exchanger. Thermal Energy: The thermal energy from the energy source heats water. Water becomes steam. Steam – Motion Energy: Steam travels down pipes to the turbine. Motion Energy: Steam causes the turbine blades to spin. Electrical Energy: The turbine is connected to the generator, causing the magnets to spin around the copper coils, producing electricity. Electricity Transmission: Electrical energy travels down the power lines to our homes. Electricity Use: Electrical energy powers our homes.

Solar (PV) Sun – Nuclear Energy: Nuclear fusion in the sun produces vast amounts of energy. Radiant Energy: The sun’s radiant energy is transferred to Earth by electromagnetic waves. Photoelectric Effect: Sunlight strikes electrons in a solar cell, giving them more energy. Electric Current: The energized electrons move through a circuit. DC to AC Power: The electric current is changed from direct current to alternating current in an inverter. Electricity Transmission: Electrical energy travels down the power lines to our homes. Electricity Use: Electrical energy powers our homes.


©2018 The NEED Project

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Hydropower Sun – Nuclear Energy: Nuclear fusion in the sun produces vast amounts of energy. Radiant Energy: The sun’s radiant energy is transferred to Earth by electromagnetic waves. Water Cycle and Thermal Energy: Sunlight warms the water in lakes and oceans, causing it to evaporate. In the atmosphere, water condenses into clouds, and eventually falls to the ground as precipitation. Runoff and Reservoirs: Water runs down hills and collects into rivers. A dam is built, which slows down the flow of water, creating a reservoir. Gravitational Energy: As water builds up behind the dam, it stores gravitational energy. Motion Energy: Water moves through the intake in the dam and through the penstock, flowing faster and faster as it moves. Motion Energy: Swiftly flowing water causes the turbine blades to spin. Electrical Energy: The turbine is connected to the generator, causing the magnets to spin around the copper coils, producing electricity. Electricity Transmission: Electrical energy travels down the power lines to our homes. Electricity Use: Electrical energy powers our homes.

©2018 The NEED Project

Switching It Up




Prop & Action: Students use sandbox shovels or garden trowels to “dig” construction paper or real coal

Distribution: Coal is carried to the power plant Prop & Action: Students load by trains. imaginary pellets into drinking straws, then bundle straws with Prop & Action: Student

NG Production: A well is drilled into the ground to locate natural gas. The gas is brought out of the ground through the well.

Uranium Fuel: Concentrated uranium is packaged in small fuel pellets. These pellets are stacked into rods, and the rods are added to a fuel rod assembly.

Prop & Action: Students remove ore from buckets, hold it in their hands, and with outstretched arms spin quickly but safely

Prop & Action: Large pieces of brown and black paper and cardboard; plants and sock puppets are dropped to the floor and are buried

Uranium Processing: Uranium is extracted from the rocks and concentrated in machines called centrifuges.

Chemical Energy: Coal is mined from the ground by digging it out.

Prop & Action: Students drop plants to floor and stomp on them

Prop & Action: Students use sandbox shovels or garden trowels to “dig” construction paper uranium and place it in a bucket

Uranium Mining: Rocks containing uranium are dug out of the ground and transported for processing.

Prop & Action: Ping pong or super balls; student gently tosses balls outward

Nuclear Energy: Some rocks have uranium and give off nuclear energy.

Prop & Action: One student holds a yellow ball; several other students hold crumbled brown paper and walk in a circle around the “sun”, eventually getting closer and putting their “rocks” together to form “Earth”

Formation of Earth and its Rocks: Billions of years ago, rocks swirled around the sun. Slowly they stuck together to form the Earth. Uranium was buried in the ground.


Natural Gas Formation: The tiny plants and animals died. over millions and millions of years, they were covered by many layers of dirt and rock. The high pressure changed them into natural gas.

Sun – Nuclear Energy: Nuclear Sun – Nuclear Energy: fusion in the sun produces vast Nuclear fusion in the sun amounts of energy. produces vast amounts of energy. Prop & Action: Yellow Ball Prop & Action: Yellow Ball Radiant Energy: The sun’s radiant energy is transferred Radiant Energy: The to Earth by electromagnetic sun’s radiant energy is waves. transferred to Earth by electromagnetic waves. Prop & Action: Long pieces of yellow ribbon; students wave the Prop & Action: Long pieces ribbon in the air. of yellow ribbon; students wave the ribbon in the air Chemical Energy: Radiant energy is absorbed by tiny Chemical Energy: green plants in the ocean and Radiant energy is changed to chemical energy absorbed by green by photosynthesis. plants and changed to chemical energy by Prop & Action: Artificial plants or photosynthesis. paper “seaweed; students move up from the floor and “float” Prop & Action: Artificial around plants; students bring plants up from floor as they “grow” Storing Chemical Energy: Tiny animals in the ocean eat the plants and store their Storing Chemical chemical energy. Energy: Green plants die and are compressed under extreme pressure Prop & Action: Sock puppets; for a very long time and sock puppet animals “eat” the become coal. plants

Natural Gas

Stories of Energizing Electricity

Source Formation and Production


Interactive Energy Simulations

Prop & Action: Yellow Ball

Prop & Action: Yellow Ball

Prop & Action: Yellow Ball

Sun – Nuclear Energy: Nuclear fusion in the sun produces vast amounts of energy.


Gravitational Energy: As water builds up behind the dam, it

Prop & Action: Students move in a line, crouched down, like water in a river. A student holds up 2 large pieces of cardboard, simulating a dam, blocking the water flow.

Radiant Energy: The sun’s radiant energy is transferred to Earth by Radiant Energy: The sun’s Radiant Energy: The radiant energy is transferred electromagnetic waves. sun’s radiant energy is to Earth by electromagnetic transferred to Earth by waves. Prop & Action: Long pieces of yellow electromagnetic waves. ribbon; students wave the ribbon in Prop & Action: Long pieces of the air toward the “lake” with water yellow ribbon; students wave “droplets” Prop & Action: Long the ribbon in the air pieces of yellow ribbon; students wave the ribbon Water Cycle and Thermal in the air Photoelectric Effect: Energy: Sunlight warms the water Sunlight strikes electrons in lakes and oceans, causing it to evaporate. In the atmosphere, Concentration: in a solar cell, giving them more energy. water condenses into clouds, and Thousands of mirrors eventually falls to the ground as concentrate and reflect precipitation. sunlight onto one Prop & Action: Ping pong location. balls; student holds balls still, then starts to wiggle them Prop & Action: blue construction about paper lake with blue paper droplets, Prop & Action: Students sitting on the table. One student with mirrors reflect “evaporates” the water droplets sunlight onto a meter by picking them up out of the lake stick with a “power and lifting them up overhead to the tower” taped to it sky. Second student, with cotton or white paper on the backs of his Thermal Energy: The hands, takes the condensation from concentrated sunlight the evaporation student’s hands. heats a fluid, making it Condensation then moves his very hot. The fluid flows hands over Precipitation student’s to a heat exchanger. hands, slowly letting the water droplets fall. Precipitation catches Prop & Action: Hot pot water droplets and deposits them in and tubing; student lifts the reservoir. hot pot and pours it through tubing Runoff and Reservoirs: Water runs down hills and collects into rivers. A dam is built, which slows down the flow of water, creating a reservoir.

Sun – Nuclear Energy: Nuclear fusion in the sun produces vast amounts of energy.


Sun – Nuclear Energy: Nuclear fusion in the sun produces vast amounts of energy.





Electricity Generation

Electricity Transmission

8408 Kao Circle, Manassas, VA 20110

Electricity Utilization

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carries bucket of coal and “chugs” like a train to the power plant

Plastic tubing, connect tube to hot pot used above

Student arms, student stands with arms outstretched and bent upwards at the elbow, student spins as steam touches them

Prop & Action

Light bulb and extension cord, student pulls chain on light bulb or switches it on

Electrical Energy: The turbine is connected to the generator, causing the magnets to spin around the copper coils, producing electricity.

Prop & Action: Student arms, student stands with arms outstretched and bent upwards at the elbow, student spins as steam touches them

Motion Energy: Swiftly flowing water causes the turbine blades to spin.

Prop & Action: “Dam” opens the intake by separating the cardboard pieces near the bottom. River students crouch down again and quickly move through.

Prop & Action: Ping pong balls enter a box in a straight line, and come out the other Prop & Action: Bar magnets, side traveling up and down in metallic ribbons, three students a wave-like pattern hold bar magnets, one student is “wrapped” in metallic ribbon or wire, students with magnets “spin” around copper wire

Rope, start with rope twisted then pull apart the twists to designate the low voltage lines that come into our homes

Electricity Use Electrical energy powers our homes.

Prop & Action

Electrical energy travels down the power lines to our homes.

Bar magnets, metallic ribbons, three students hold bar magnets, one student is “wrapped” in metallic colored ribbon or wire, students with magnets “spin” around copper wire

Electricity Transmission

Prop & Action

Electrical Energy The turbine is connected to the generator, causing the magnets to spin around the copper coils, producing electricity.

Prop & Action

Motion Energy Steam causes the turbine blades to spin.

Prop & Action

DC to AC Power: The electric current is changed from direct current to alternating current in an inverter

Prop & Action: Ping pong balls are passed to another student

Steam travels down pipes (plastic tubing) to the turbine.

Hot pot or bottled water, student lifts up hot pot

Steam – Motion Energy

Prop & Action

Electric Current: The energized electrons move through a circuit.

Prop & Action: Student fans him/herself, pretending to be very, very hot

Prop & Action: “River” students move in close together and stand up

Thermal Energy: Uranium fuel pellets release nuclear energy, which is changed into vast amounts of thermal energy. Motion Energy: Water moves through the intake in the dam and through the penstock, flowing faster and faster as it moves.

stores gravitational energy.

a rubber band

Thermal Energy The thermal energy from the energy source heats water. Water becomes steam.

Prop & Action: Small construction paper blue flame

Thermal Energy: Coal is Distribution: The process gas emptied from the train is transported by pipeline to an and burned in a boiler. electric power plant. Prop & Action: bucket of Prop & Action: Plastic tubing coal is dumped into an empty box decorated with flames to be the boiler Thermal Energy: At the power plant, natural gas is burned, changing the chemical energy in the gas to thermal energy.

Prop & Action: Cardboard tube, held vertically. Push tube down toward the floor.

Elementary-Intermediate STEM Challenge: Build a Battery Grade Levels Elementary, grades 3-5 Intermediate, grades 6-8


& Background A battery is also called an electrochemical cell, or something that uses chemicals to generate an electric current. In this activity, students will learn what is necessary for a functioning electrochemical cell and will keep and build one that produces that greatest amount of current using the materials provided.

45-90 minutes

 Objectives


Students will be able to explain the basic components of an electrochemical cell. Students will be able to explain how to produce electricity using a battery.

Challenge students to develop a battery strong enough to power a device, such as an LED or small buzzer.

 Suggested Materials Beakers (one per student group) Alligator clips (two per student group) Digital multimeters or microammeters (one per test station) Water Salt Lemon juice Other slightly acidic fluids (vinegar, sodas, hydrogen peroxide, etc.) Assorted fresh fruits and vegetables Wires or pieces of assorted metals STEM Challenge worksheet, pages 14-15

Procedure Gather materials you will use for the demonstration and student design challenge. Set up stations for students to test their batteries.

Teacher Demonstration:

1. Add water to a beaker until it is about 3/4 full. Dissolve about a teaspoon of salt in the water. 2. Clip a piece of pure copper (wire, metal strip, pre-1982 penny) to one alligator clip. Clip the other end of the alligator clip to the red post on one microammeter. 3. Clip a piece of another metal (iron, zinc) to the other alligator clip and connect this wire to the black post on the microammeter. 4. While students watch, and so they can see the gauge on the microammeter, dip the two pieces of metal barely into the salt water. Slowly immerse them further in the salt water, taking care to not immerse the alligator chips. 5. Ask students to describe what they see. 6. Touch the two pieces of metal together in the salt water. Ask students to describe what happens to the microammeter. 7. Remove the pieces of metal and exchange one of them for a different metal. Repeat steps 4-6. 8. Select a fruit or vegetable. 9. Using a pair of scissors, make two holes in the fruit. Insert the piece of copper in one and another metal in the other. Attach the alligator clips to the pieces of metal and connect to the microammeter. Ask students to describe what they observe on the microammeter. 10. Change the copper in the fruit for a different metal and repeat. If the needle on the microammeter dips below zero, reverse the connection.


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11. Make a stack of pennies, nickels, and construction paper squares soaked in salt water as follows: Place a penny on the table. Place a wet paper square on the penny. Add a nickel, then another piece of wet construction paper. Add a penny and another piece of construction paper. Continue the pattern, using 5 pennies, 9 squares of paper, and ending with the fifth of 5 nickels. Rubber-band the “sandwich” together tightly. Lay it on its side on the table. Touch one alligator clip to one end of the coin battery, and the other to the other end. If the needle dips below zero, reverse the connection. Have students describe what they observe on the microammeter.

Student Design Challenge

1. Explain to students that you want them to design and build a battery with materials you provide. Tell them the goal is to make the strongest current they can with the materials, and any other parameters you determine (such as limits on materials, etc.). Remind students that the design process is to develop a plan, build the design, test the design, then revise the design, repeating as many times as necessary to achieve the design objective or as time allows. 2. Ask students about their observations during the demonstration. Ask students what all three batteries had in common. List these commonalities on the board or somewhere students can access them. 3. Instruct students to begin their design work. 4. Allow students plenty of time to work through the challenge, test their designs, and revise. 5. Keep a running score of the highest current from student batteries.

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Switching It Up



STEM Challenge: Build the Best Battery!  ? Question What materials will make the best battery?

Hypothesis Write a sentence or two describing what you will use and how you will build the best battery.

Design Requirements (set by your teacher) Write down the requirements described by your teacher. What is the goal of the activity? What limits has your teacher set for the activity?

Materials Your teacher will provide a list of suggested or required materials for this activity.

First Design


Revision #1

Revision #2

Revision #3

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Revision #4

Switchging It Up


Design Make a diagram of your first design. Label it. Then build it, test it, and revise as necessary. Every time you change your design, make a new diagram. Include a description explaining what you are changing, and why.

First Design

Revision #1

Revision #2

Revision #3

Revision #4

 Data Record your experimental data:


Microammeter Reading

First Design Revision #1 Revision #2 Revision #3 Revision #4 Revision #5

 Conclusion 1. What was the highest microammeter reading you took? 2. What was the highest microammeter reading in the class? 3. What materials did the battery with the highest reading have?

4. What materials do the best batteries use, based on your results and what your classmates did? Use evidence from the activity to explain your answer.

©2018 The NEED Project

Switching It Up



Intermediate-Secondary STEM Challenge: Design a Generator A similar, more prescribed activity, Science of Electricity can be found at shop.need.org, and within the following NEED guides: Exploring Hydroelectricity Energy of Moving Water Energy from Uranium Exploring Nuclear Energy

Grade Levels Intermediate, grades 6-8 Secondary, grades 9-12

Time 2-5 class periods

Extensions If you have access to a device called a Genecon, a handheld crank-style generator, demonstrate it to students. Allow them to look at the parts inside. This is a good time to discuss gear ratios, too. NEED’s Exploring Wind Energy contains an activity focused on gear ratios when generating power from wind, and can be downloaded free from shop.need.org. You may find it helpful to first have students build a design that works well, though this may limit their design creativity. Science of Electricity instructions and kits can be obtained at shop.need.org. The instructions are a free PDF download and the kits are available for purchase by calling NEED offices.

&Background All generators take advantage of the same principle: A moving magnetic field will generate electric current in a coil of a conductor. Regardless of size, generators use this concept to generate electricity. This STEM challenge pushes students to develop a device using materials you provide that will generate a maximum of electric current.

 Objectives Students will be able to explain how to generate electricity. Students will be able to build a simple generator and use it to generate electric current.

 Suggested Materials 2 Small motors, in tact 1 Small motor, disassembled 1 Hand-generated flashlight Microammeter, or digital multimeter Alligator clips Masking tape Sufficient quantities of insulated fine-gauge wire Recycled / repurposed objects to use to build generators (plastic jars, water bottles, wooden dowel rods, etc.) Strong, small magnets – 4 per student group STEM Challenge worksheet, Pages18-19 NOTE: Motors and flashlight can be sourced from the NEED Science of Energy Kit.

2 Preparation Make copies of the STEM Challenge worksheet as needed. Gather enough materials for students. Define the parameters by which you will measure students’ design. Decide how much of the work will be done in class and how much students must do outside of class. Turn on the shake flashlight and leave it on overnight, allowing the rechargeable battery inside to fully discharge. Tape a small masking tape flag to the shaft of one in-tact motor. Set up stations for students to test their generations.

Procedure Teacher Demonstration

1. Connect the two in-tact small motors to each other using alligator clips. 2. Emphasize to students that there are no batteries or other power sources attached to the apparatus. 3. Have a student help you by holding the motor with the tape on the shaft. Ask him/her to verify that there are no batteries or other power sources attached to the apparatus.


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4. Grab the shaft of the other motor and give it a quick, sharp turn. The faster and more it turns, the better the effect. The shaft of the other motor should move a bit. The tape flag makes this easy to see. 5. Ask students to explain what they saw. After students have shared their thoughts, explain to them that the motor you turned was acting as a generator, and the electric current generated by your turn is what powered the second motor. 6. Hold the disassembled motor up for students, and remove the inner section. Describe and identify the various parts of the motor, and pass it around for students to examine. 7. Hold up the shake flashlight. Identify the internal parts. Explain to them that the internal battery has been depleted. 8. Tilt the flashlight so the magnet inside moves to one end of the flashlight. The LED inside should flash. 9. Tilt the flashlight so the magnet inside moves to the other end of the flashlight. The LED inside should flash again. 10. Keep tilting the flashlight back and forth, allowing the magnet to move slow enough to be seen and demonstrating that the motion of the magnet is what is generating the electric current lighting the LED. 11. Pass the flashlight around for students to examine.

Student Design Challenge

1. Explain to students that you are challenging them to design a generator that maximizes current. Show them the microammeter or digital multimeter, and explain to them that they will be using it as a test station to determine how much electric current their designs produce. 2. Ask students about their observations during the demonstration. Ask students what both generators had in common. List these commonalities on the board or somewhere students can access them. 3. Instruct students to begin their design work. 4. Allow students plenty of time to work through the challenge, test their designs, and revise. 5. Keep a running score of the highest current from student generators.

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STEM Challenge: Design the Generator!  ? Question How is a generator assembled?

Hypothesis Describe what materials you will need to build the best generator.

Design Requirements (set by your teacher) Write down the requirements described by your teacher. What is the goal of the activity? What limits has your teacher set for the activity?

Materials Make a list of the materials you will use in your design.

First Design


Revision #1

Revision #2

Revision #3

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Revision #4

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Design Make a diagram of your first design. Label it. Then build it, test it, and revise as necessary. Every time you change your design, make a new diagram. Include a sentence explaining what you are changing, and why.

First Design

Revision #1

Revision #2

Revision #3

Revision #4

Revision #1

Revision #2

Revision #3

Revision #4

 Data Record your experimental data:

First Design

 Conclusion 1. What was the highest microammeter reading you took? 2. What was the highest microammeter reading in the class? 3. What was the design of the generator with the highest reading? How was it different from yours?

4. What does the best generator look like, based on your results and what your classmates did? Use evidence from the activity to explain your answer.

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Elementary Baseload Balance A more thorough demonstration of this activity is played out in the original Baseload Balance, recommended for grades 6-12 and found in Exploring Coal and Exploring Wind. Download these resources at shop.need.org.

Grade Levels Primary, grades K-2 with guidance Elementary, grades 3-5

Time 30-45 minutes

Number of Students Any number of students can do this activity

Extensions Have students keep a daily log of things that are turned on and off throughout the day. They should list the time of day something is turned on and something is turned off. Discuss these lists and see how they compare to the changing demand in this activity. As a class, decide how you might update this activity to reflect your class’s energy use. Invite a representative from your utility company to talk to your class about managing demand for electricity and how the utility keeps up with changing consumer demand.


&Background Most students don’t give electric power much thought until the power goes out. Electricity plays a giant role in our day-to-day lives. This activity demonstrates how electricity supply is adjusted to meet the demands of consumers. It also encourages students to explore the differences between baseload and peak demand power, and how energy source cost and availability factor into the decisions made in power generation. You will lead your students through a hypothetical day, consisting of morning, all day, evening, and night. As the time of the day changes, students are encouraged to think about how their energy use changes. Brass or plastic weight sets or plastic building bricks are used to represent power demand or power generation, and you can adjust the activity according to the age and abilities of your students. Some groups may be able to self-direct in this activity and determine the mass in grams or the number of plastic bricks to use, and others will need your guidance and direction. A simple, double-pan balance is used to show how demand for electricity is balanced with generation by electric power producers. NOTE: If you do not have access to a double-pan balance, you can download an alternative procedure at: www.need.org//Files/curriculum/Elementary_Baseload_Balance.pdf.

Objectives Students will be able to explain how demand for electricity changes throughout the day. Students will be able to list energy sources used for baseload generation and those that can be used for peak demand.

 Suggested Materials Double-pan balance Gram weight set OR plastic building blocks Clock Cheat Sheet, page 23 Balance Placards master, page 24 Peak Demand and Generation Cards master, page 25

2 Preparation In this activity, a five gram weight will represent 5 MW of load or generation. If your weight set has enough pieces to accommodate this activity, use it. If not, collect enough plastic building bricks, using a scale of one brick is equal to 5 MW of load or generation (two bricks of the same size equal 10 MW). Consult the Cheat Sheet to see how many you will need. If you use building bricks, you may want to designate one color for generation and one color for demand. If you teach younger students and decide to use bricks, you might assemble brick sets representing the different amounts of load or generation as written in Procedure. Use a dry-erase marker to label them.

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Copy Balance Placards. Cut them apart and fold them on the dotted line to make tent-style labels that stand up. Copy and cut apart Peak Demand and Generation Cards. Designate one student to be the time keeper. That student will be responsible for indicating the time on the demonstration clock as you move through the activity.

Procedure 1. Start by explaining what demand, load, generation, baseload, and peak mean in this activity. Demand is our desire for electricity exactly when we want it. Load is the amount of electricity we pull from the grid. Generation is the amount of electricity that power plants produce. Baseload or base generation refer to electricity use or production at all times of the day or night, all year long. Peak demand or generation refer to electricity use or production that vary at different times of the day or night, and different times during the year. For example, hospitals use power all day and all night, and coal-fired power plants generate power all day and night. However, we may only use air conditioning during the warmer months and usually more in the afternoon and evening than in the morning. Some energy sources, like solar and wind, are only able to produce power at certain times of the day. Some energy sources, like hydropower and natural gas, can be used as base generation, and can increase their generation to meet peak demand. 2. Distribute the peak load or generation cards to students. Hand them as many weights or bricks as they need, or have them calculate what they need, depending on age and ability. 3. Place the balance on the table in front of you. Place the “Demand” card on one side of the balance such that students can read the word. Place the “Generation” card on the other side of the balance in a similar fashion. 4. Say, “All day and all night, we use electricity. Our refrigerators run, hospitals take care of people, and factories produce goods.” Place 115 MW worth of bricks or weights in the Demand pan. The balance will tip to the Demand side. 5. Say, “All day and all night, power plants produce electricity. Coal, natural gas, hydropower, and nuclear power plants run all day and all night, generating electricity.” Place 115 MW worth of bricks or weights in the Generation pan. The pans should now be balanced. 6. Say, “See how the two pans are balanced? Electric utility companies are careful to make only as much electricity as we will use. If they produce more electricity than needed, the energy is wasted and cannot be stored. If they don’t produce enough, some things we need will not be able to work correctly.” 7. Instruct the time keeper to set the clock to read 7:00. Say, “It is now 7:00 in the morning, and people are getting up to start their day. Who has the morning peak demand?” As this student comes to the table with the balance, ask students to think of things they use in the morning that need electricity. Answers may include things like a coffee maker, toaster, the lights in the bathroom, or an electric toothbrush. When the Morning Peak Demand student places the weights or bricks in the pan, the balance should tip toward Demand. 8. Say, “What will the power company do now?” Allow students a moment to think about what should be done. Allow them to see the card the Morning Peak Demand student had, and know how much demand was placed on the system. Ask students to come to a consensus about what peak power source(s) should be utilized to balance the scale. 9. The student(s) with the power source(s) to meet morning demand should place their weights or bricks in the Generation pan. The pans should now be balanced. 10. Say, “Utilities try to make sure they spend as little as possible while meeting demand. This way they don’t have to bill customers even more in the future. How much money did it cost to meet the morning demand? Do you wish to change the sources you used?” Allow students some time to discuss this and come to a consensus, adjusting the Generation pan as appropriate.

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11. Say, “Some things are turned on and run all day long, like lights at a school or computers at a business. Who has all day demand?” As this student comes to the front, ask students to think of things that we use during the day that use electricity. Answers may include things like television, computers, and any machines at school. The All Day Demand student should place the correct number of weights or bricks in the Demand pan. 12. Say, “What will the power company do now?” Allow students a moment to think about and come to a consensus about what should be done. Remind them to consider the cost of their choice. Students should add generation weights or bricks to balance the pans. 13. Instruct the time keeper to move the clock to 5:00. Say, “It’s now 5:00 and the end of the day. School is over, offices are closing, and people are going home for the day. What do we need to do to the Demand pan?” Allow students to think about what should be done, and come to a consensus. 14. As students remove the morning demand and perhaps the all day demand weights or bricks from the Demand side of the balance, the balance will tip toward the Generation pan. 15. Use your hand to equilibrate the balance so it’s even on both sides. Say, “Are there any other adjustments we need to make? Does someone have a card that says, ‘Evening Peak Demand’?” As that student comes forward, ask students to think of things that might be used in the evening, but not during the day. Ask students to guess whether evening demand would be less than, the same as, or greater than demand during the day. As the Evening Peak Demand student lays the appropriate weights or bricks in the Demand pan, hold the balance steady until students decide how demand will shift in the evening. Then remove your hand, allowing the balance to equilibrate. 16. Say, “What about generation? What will happen to the source(s) you have chosen to use to generate power during the day?” If students have chosen solar power, they will need to remove that from the generation side of the balance and replace it with something else. They may or may not need to add or subtract generation depending on what they did with the all day long demand. 17. Instruct the time keeper to move the clock to read 11:00. Finally, say, “It is now 11:00 pm, and everyone is in bed or will be in bed very soon. We are back to baseload and base generation.” Remove all of the peak demand weights or bricks, and remove excess generation weights or bricks, returning to the same amount you started with at steps 4-5. 18. Discuss with students how demand and generation changed throughout the day. Ask them how they think it changes from one month to the next, or how different seasons affect the demand and generation of electricity.


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Cheat Sheet Demand and Generation Equivalents MW Equivalent

Total mass of weights

Bricks needed (examples)


5 grams

1 2x2


10 grams

1 2x4 or 2 2x2


15 grams

1 2x2, 1 2x4


20 grams

2 2x4


25 grams

1 2x2, 2 2x4


30 grams

3 2x4


35 grams

1 2x2, 3 2x4


40 grams

4 2x4


45 grams

1 2x2, 4 2x4


50 grams

5 2x4


55 grams

1 2x2, 5 2x4


60 grams

6 2x4


65 grams

1 2x2, 6 2x4


70 grams

7 2x4


75 grams

1 2x2, 7 2x4


80 grams

8 2x4


85 grams

1 2x2, 8 2x4


90 grams

9 2x4


95 grams

1 2x2, 9 2x4


100 grams

10 2x4


105 grams

1 2x2, 10 2x4


110 grams

11 2x4


115 grams

1 2x2, 11 2x4

Time of Day



Baseload (all day, all night)

115 MW

115 MW


20 MW

20 MW

All day

15 MW

15 MW


15 MW

15 MW

Demand and Generation Amounts

*NOTE: Baseload remains on the balance throughout the activity. Morning, all day, and evening are added and removed according to the time during the activity, and whether students consider the all day activities to be included with evening. The maximum demand or generation on the balance is 150 MW.

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Balance Placards


Generation 24

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Peak Demand and Generation Cards

Morning Peak Demand 20 MW

Natural Gas Peak Generation 10 MW $150 any time

All Day Peak Demand 15 MW

Wind Generation 10 MW $45 evening only

Evening Peak Demand 15 MW

Solar Generation 10 MW $75 daytime only

Natural Gas Peak Generation 10 MW $90 any time

Hydropower Peak Generation 5 MW $50 any time

Natural Gas Peak Generation 5 MW $90 any time

Hydropower Peak Generation 10 MW $60 any time

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Electric Circuits These activities are excerpted from Electroworks, which has additional wiring schemes and other explorations with electricity and magnets. You can download a copy by navigating to shop.need.org and choosing “Electricity and Magnetism” from the side menu.

Grade Levels

&Background For electrons to flow through a wire, the wire must make a complete path of circle. This path is called a circuit. A battery produces electricity when it is part of a circuit. You can add a switch to a circuit to open and close the path. You can also add a load to the circuit so that the electricity can do work as it flows through the circuit. A light bulb is an example of a load. This activity leads students through constructing simple series and parallel circuits, and shows students how each type of circuit affects current and voltage.


Elementary, grades 3-5

Students will be able to construct simple DC circuits. Students will be able to demonstrate how to construct simple series and parallel DC circuits.

Intermediate, grades 6-8

 Suggested Materials

Secondary, grades 9-12

Materials are per student group; we recommend 2-3 students per group. 2 D-cell batteries 2 D-cell battery holders 7 Pieces of wire with both ends stripped or alligator clips 2 Switches 2 Mini light bulbs with sockets Electric Circuits worksheet, pages 27-29

Time 45-90 minutes

2 Preparation Gather materials for students to use. Make copies of the student activity pages as needed.

Procedure 1. Introduce the activity. Explain circuits and what series and parallel mean. If you are teaching older students, explain how voltage and current differ in series and parallel circuits (voltage is additive in series, current is additive in parallel). 2. Allow students enough time to complete the activity, probably 1-2 class periods. Younger students may need assistance connecting wires.


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Electric Circuits  ? Question How does wiring in series and parallel affect the brightness of light bulbs in a circuit?

Hypothesis Write a sentence that explains how you think series and parallel wiring affects the brightness of light bulbs in a circuit.


2 D-cell batteries 2 D-cell battery holders 7 Pieces of wire with both ends stripped or alligator clips 2 Switches 2 Mini light bulbs with sockets

Procedure 1. Place the batteries in the battery holders. Make sure the light bulbs are tightly twisted into their sockets.

Diagram 1

2. Connect wires to one battery holder. Connect one wire to a switch. Connect the other wire to a light bulb. Make sure the switch is open, then connect the other end of the light bulb to the other end of the switch with another wire. You have just wired a simple, DC circuit. (Diagram 1)


3. Close the switch and record your observations in good detail because you will be comparing other observations to this one. What specifically does the light bulb look like? 4. Open the switch. Disconnect the wire from the negative end of the battery, but allow it to stay connected to the bulb. 5. Using another wire, connect the positive end of the second battery to the negative end of the first battery. Reconnect the wire you removed from the first battery and attach it to the negative end of battery two. You should have two batteries connected, one after the other, with an open switch and a light bulb. This is a series circuit with two power sources and one load. (Diagram 2)

Diagram 2 + +

6. Close the switch and record your observations. How does the light bulb look now compared to one light bulb? 7. Open the switch. Disconnect the wire from one side of the light bulb.

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8. Use another wire to connect the second light bulb to the first light bulb, then reconnect the wire to the second light bulb from the second battery. You should now have two batteries in line with one switch, followed by two light bulbs in line. This is a series circuit with two power sources and two loads. (Diagram 3) 9. Leaving the switch open, use your pencil or finger to follow the path electricity will flow when the switch is closed. How many pathways are present? _______ That is how you know it is a series circuit.

Diagram 3 + +

10. Close the switch and record your observations. How do the light bulbs look now compared to the first light bulb from step 3? 11. Open the switch and disconnect everything. 12. Connect each light bulb to each switch. It doesn’t matter which side of the switch is connected to the light bulb. 13. Connect one light bulb-switch pair to one battery.

15. Using your finger or pencil, trace the pathway(s) electricity can travel. How many paths are there? ______ This is how you know it is a parallel circuit.

Diagram 4


14. Connect the second light bulb-switch pair to the same battery. You will have two wires coming from each end of the battery; one will connect to one bulb-switch pair and the other wire will connect to the other bulbswitch pair. This is a parallel circuit. (Diagram 4)

16. Close both switches and record your observations. How does the brightness of each bulb compare to the brightness in step 3? 17. Now open just one switch. Record your observations and comparison to the brightness of the bulb in step 3. 18. Open both switches. Disconnect both wires from the negative end of the battery. 19. Use a wire to connect the positive end of the other battery to the negative end of the first battery.

Diagram 5 +


20. Connect one light bulb-switch pair to the set of batteries. 21. Connect the second light bulb-switch pair to the set of batteries. You should have two wires coming from each end of the battery stack; one will connect to one bulb-switch pair and the other wire will connect to the other bulb-switch pair. This is a parallel circuit with two power sources. (Diagram 5) 22. Close both switches. Record your observations. How does the brightness of each bulb compare to the brightness you observed in step 3? 23. Open one switch and record your observations. How does this brightness compare to that in step 3? 24. Open both switches and disconnect everything. Return the materials to the location your teacher designates.


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 Data Record your observations in the data table below. Be detailed. Step Number

Circuit Type


Simple DC circuit


Series circuit with 2 power sources and 1 load


Series circuit with 2 power sources and 2 loads


Parallel circuit with two loads, both switches closed


Parallel circuit with two loads, one switch open and one switch closed


Parallel circuit with two power sources and two loads, both switches closed


Parallel circuit with two power sources and two loads, one switch open and one switch closed


 Conclusion 1. In which circuit did the light bulb(s) shine the brightest? In which circuit were the light bulb(s) the most dim? 2. Incandescent light bulbs are brighter when more current runs through them. Knowing this, which circuit(s) had the most current running through the light bulbs? 3. Challenge: With teacher permission, connect the two batteries in parallel rather than in series (refer to the light bulbs to identify how to do this) and connect a light bulb and switch to one battery. Have your teacher approve your wiring scheme. Before closing the switch, predict what you think the light bulb will look like, then close the switch and see if you were correct.

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Coal Plant Conundrum This activity is taken from Exploring Coal, which can be downloaded from shop.need.org.

Grade Levels Intermediate, grades 6-8 Secondary, grades 9-12

Time 2-4 class periods

Number of Students 21 roles are written 4-5 panelists (students or adults)

&Background This activity is designed to engage students in applying what they know about energy sources and electricity generation, and participate in a mock public hearing about a fictitious power plant. The activity is centered around the town of Anthracity, Pennsylvania, where a large, aging, coal-fired power plant (Coal Valley Power Plant) sits. Many of the town’s inhabitants are employed at the power plant, or are indirectly tied to it through service occupations. Students each assume a role, as defined in the student worksheet, and decide what that character would like to do with the power plant. There are several options outlined for students; each must stay in character and defend his/her position in a factual way, in a town hall meeting.

Objectives Students will be able to explain how decisions are made regarding power plant fuel type. Students will be able to participate in a discussion using a debate format, supporting and defending their viewpoints and reaching a consensus as necessary.

 Suggested Materials Computer and internet access Coal Plant Conundrum worksheet, pages 31-33

2 Preparation Familiarize yourself with the activity and the roles listed on the student worksheet. Decide which role you will assign to each student. Make copies of the activity pages for each student. Assign students or recruit a group of adults to act as the panelists for WattsUp power company.

Procedure 1. Introduce the activity and explain that each student will adopt the perspective of the role to which they are assigned. Advise students that they may be asked to take a viewpoint that differs from their own actual opinion. 2. Provide ground rules for the debate and discussion format, or set the rules as a class. 3. Explain that each student will have 3 minutes to present his or her character’s point-of-view. 4. Give a brief introduction to bias in reporting. Instruct students on how to find good information and how to detect overtly biased reporting. Encourage students to consult objective, unbiased sources as much as possible. 5. Give students time to research their viewpoint. 6. Conduct the debate, allowing students to present their viewpoints to the panel. Evaluate each student on his/her presentation. 7. After each role has presented their viewpoint, have the panel from WattsUp make their decision.


8. Discuss as a class what factors go into decision making of this type, and how they think their opinions might have shaped the decision of the panel. What were the challenges of presenting their viewpoints? ©2018 The NEED Project

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Coal Plant Conundrum & Background Many factors go into deciding what to do with an older coal power plant. Some of the factors include how well the plant is functioning; how expensive an upgrade vs. constructing a new plant would be; the cost to operate the plant in its current condition; the cost to operate an upgraded plant; the cost to change fuel systems; the cost and complexity to maintain different fuel options; air quality standard regulations; and the demand for the power being produced. Many people from multiple professions and perspectives are affected when a generating company decides to switch over or close an existing power plant. Because no two situations are identical, careful consideration must be given to each option from many different people and perspectives. This activity focuses on the fictitious community of Anthracity, Pennsylvania. On the outskirts of town there is an older coal power plant that was built in the late 1970s. The generating capacity of Coal Valley Power Plant is 250 MW, but in recent years it has only been operating at about 45 percent capacity due to demand and the cost of coal. New federal air quality regulations will require Coal Valley to either change its fuel or add new equipment to decrease the mercury, sulfur, nitrogen, and particulate matter in the emissions. The nearest natural gas pipeline is 60 miles away and the shortest route to connect Coal Valley to it runs through rural farm land. The company that owns Coal Valley, WattsUp, is locally owned and operated. They must decide how to proceed and are going to hold a hearing on all of its options. At the hearing, community members and employees at Coal Valley will be permitted three minutes to express their opinion on the best route for WattsUp to take. There are four options available:

uOptions 1. Retrofit Coal Valley with the proper equipment needed to meet the new air quality standards. Change nothing about the fuel or equipment already existing in the power plant. This is the least expensive route for WattsUp, but also does not increase the production output of Coal Valley. The cost of retrofitting the plant would be passed along to its customers in Anthracity and throughout Pennsylvania. 2. Completely convert Coal Valley to natural gas. Doing so would require significant modifications to the plant, but the boiler and turbine would remain unchanged. The gas line would need to be extended to Coal Valley and employees would need to be retrained to operate a gas power plant. Coal Valley could be used for both baseload and peak load generation, and the cost to operate Coal Valley would decrease because natural gas is less expensive than coal. Increased power output would result in higher earnings for Coal Valley and WattsUp. However, because Coal Valley’s main coal supply comes from the mine 15 miles away, many community members could lose their jobs. This is the second most expensive option for Coal Valley, and the capital costs would mean increased rates for many years to come in Anthracity and the surrounding areas. 3. Convert Coal Valley to a natural gas and coal co-fired plant. The gas line would need to be extended to Coal Valley and a boiler to accommodate natural gas would need to be installed. Some air quality equipment would need modification, but not as extensively as if the plant remained all coal. Co-firing would allow Coal Valley to be used as a baseload supplier as well as a peak load supplier. A gas line would need to be built to Coal Valley, and employees would need to be trained on natural gas use and safety. The amount of coal that Coal Valley uses would go down, and some employees at the nearby coal mine would lose their jobs. 4. Combine one of the three options above with the addition of an additional turbine, called combined cycling. A combined cycle plant uses the thermal energy remaining in the emission gases to generate more steam to turn a second turbine. The efficiency of the power plant is increased by 75-80 percent. Changing from a simple cycle to a combined cycle would increase the power output of the plant and increase the revenue at Coal Valley, but it is almost as expensive as building a second power plant on site. All of the costs listed in options 1-3 remain, plus the additional cost of building a second boiler-turbine system. This is the most expensive option, and its impact on the community also depends upon the type of fuel that WattsUp ultimately chooses for Coal Valley.

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Procedure In this activity, your teacher will assign each student a role to play. You, and the rest of your class, will research the opinions from the perspective of your assigned roles, and on the given date will present your opinions in an effort to influence WattsUp’s decision. You must rely on good research skills, looking at all the angles, and the option you favor must be in line with the character you have been assigned to play. Each point you present must be backed up by at least two facts. These can include scientific evidence, economic principles, or moral or ethical standards. At the mock hearing, you will be limited to three minutes to present your point-of-view. It will be helpful to write out or outline your key points so you don’t forget anything. You will be graded on how well you present your perspective, the facts that back up your opinion, and whether you make a good case.

uRoles 1.

Axe Meanything, a local coal miner who works with Chip Chopper. Axe and Chip are best friends and have been close for many years.


Big Banker, manager and co-owner of the local bank. Big is very, very successful, and enjoys helping families purchase their first home because another mortgage is more interest income for the bank.


Cary Cornplanter, farmer who owns land through which the natural gas line must run. Can also make money selling land for the natural gas line, but is not concerned about lost revenue from crops because Cary is a dairy farmer, and the cattle can graze on the land after the line is completed.


Cassie Cashkeeper, a local wealth manager who is in charge of most retirement and investment funds for the people of Anthracity and its surrounding areas. Has invested significantly in WattsUp and is extremely interested in its financial success.


Chip Chopper, a coal miner at the mine 15 miles from Anthracity. Understands that the coal mined at his facility goes primarily to Coal Valley.


Dr. Breatheright, an allergist concerned about air quality and the health of his or her patients.


Einstein Smith, chemistry teacher at the high school. Einstein’s special talent is being able to explain very complex concepts in simple terms.


Ellie Electrified, senior production manager at Coal Valley. Works very hard to maintain Coal Valley and thinks of the entire plant and its workforce as his/her pride and joy. Ellie is very protective of Coal Valley, and will do just about anything to keep Coal Valley operating for generations to come.


Jesse Justaskme, Ellie’s administrative assistant. Fifteen years younger and works even harder than Ellie and is the only one who truly knows everything that goes on at Coal Valley. Jesse secretly wishes to be in charge one day, and is studying very hard to learn about new technology in power plants. He’s taking online and night courses in electrical engineering and graduating in 18 months. At that point, Jesse will be qualified to oversee and operate any existing or additional part of Coal Valley.

10. Larry Jones, Kindergarten teacher, who is very kind, considerate, caring, and protective of his students. Has had three students absent this month with asthma-related illness and is concerned about the emissions from Coal Valley. 11. Mark Middleaged, a parent with one child in middle school, one child in high school, and one child in her first year of college. Works in middle management at Coal Valley and worries about being able to pay for 12+ years of college tuition. 12. Mayor Milquetoast, mayor of Anthracity who has a hard time standing up to political pressure. Would like to have better air quality in Anthracity but doesn’t want to step on the toes of WattsUp or the managers at Coal Valley. 13. Mel Fixit, the local mechanic who fixes everything. Mel hasn’t met a machine that can’t be fixed, but wouldn’t mind a new line of work, perhaps at Coal Valley if the pay was right. 14. Natalie Nimby, a parent with two children in Ms. Trampoline’s preschool class. Natalie wants plenty of electricity to run her air conditioner, entertainment system, washer, dryer, double refrigerator, double freezer, wine chiller, hot tub, swimming pool filter, computer, and other necessities, but does not want any power plants near her house. Dislikes ugly construction projects. She requires more electric power than any of her neighbors. 15. Ollie Oilcan, the owner of the only gas station in town. Concerned with revenue. Sees an opportunity for business expansion if more employees are hired at Coal Valley.


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16. Pete the Plumber, a pipefitter when there’s work. 17. Senator Smoothtalker, U.S. Senator representing the state. Smoothtalker is concerned about the community of Anthracity. Wants to ensure the economic and environmental health of the area, but mostly wants to ensure another term as a U.S. Senator. 18. Susie Shopper, owner of a small grocery store in Anthracity. Concerned about keeping a steady stream of customers to support business. 19. Taylor Trampoline, a preschool teacher with an effervescent personality. Loves people, especially children, and is enthusiastic about new projects – any new projects. Doesn’t have strong opinions one way or another but when a decision is made is very enthusiastic and helpful. 20. Terry Traction, farmer who owns land through which the natural gas line must run. Selling some of the land for construction of the natural gas line would put much-needed money into Terry’s pocket right away, but would decrease Terry’s revenue from crops Terry can plant in the future. 21. Travis Treehugger, whose personal opinion is that everything should be run on solar power, but is willing to compromise a little as long as the environment is considered first.

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Current Electricity Affair The full version of this activity is titled Current Energy Affair, and comes complete with additional leads, questions, and scripts. Download it by visiting shop.need.org.

Grade Levels Intermediate, grades 6-8 Secondary, grades 9-12

Time 45-90 minutes

&Background This activity is modeled after a television news broadcast with student correspondents reporting on three major areas of electric power generation. Using NEED’s electricity infosheet from the Energy Infobooks and these story leads, students develop presentations on three areas of electric power generation.

Objectives Students will be able to develop a story with a beginning, middle, and end, built around a concept related to electricity. Students will be able to describe electricity generation, transmission, distribution, and use, and its climate implications.

Additional Resources

 Suggested Materials

NEED’s Energy Infobooks or infosheets will be helpful for students when writing their stories. Download the individual infobook pages by visiting www.NEED.org/energyinfobooks.

One copy of the Story Leads and Questions handout for each student One electricity infosheet for each student (from the appropriately leveled Infobook) Sample scripts for the alternate procedure (optional) Art supplies

2 Preparation Make copies of the handouts or scripts as needed. Make copies of electricity pages from Infobooks if needed, or students can access the PDFs from the NEED website. Gather art supplies, props, and costume pieces for students to use as desired.

Set-up Procedure 1. Familiarize yourself with the activity and the information in the electricity infosheet. Decide if you will ask students to write their own stories or use the alternate procedure on page 34. 2. Separate students into groups. 3. Introduce the activity to the class. Explain that the students will be working in small groups and give them guidelines for working together. 4. Give this explanation of the activity to the class: You have all probably seen television shows in which investigative reporters go behind-the-scenes to uncover information about various feature stories. In this activity, you will be the investigative reporters assigned to uncover stories about electricity. Background information and story leads have been written for each group. Your job is to develop a news story to teach your audience about one area of electricity.


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5. Distribute the story leads, questions, and any infosheets necessary to each group. Students may also use independent research.

NOTE: If you are using the alternate procedure (see below), explain to the students that their assignment is to perform the script.

6. Instruct each group to read through their research and information and their story lead and compile a list of important facts. Emphasize that their list must answer the questions that correspond to their lead on the question sheet. Have the students read their lead and decide how to incorporate their list of facts into the story. Students should develop their story and rehearse their presentations. Provide students enough time to complete and prepare presentations, and advise them of when presentations occur. 7. When it’s time for the group presentations, make sure students have the Story Leads and Questions handout with them so they can answer the questions from the presentations of other topics. You can use the following lead to introduce the students’ presentations: What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when someone mentions your local electric power company? Well, if that image in your mind is not a positive one, you haven’t been reading all the information you get in your monthly utility bill. Electric utilities are promoting a unique new partnership among the makers, buyers, and users of electric power—a sort of Utilities & Us approach to electricity. To bring you up-to-date, Current Electricity Affair presents an in-depth profile on the new relationship between electric utilities and their customers. Featured all this week are stories on what’s up with our utilities. 8. After the presentations are completed, you may choose to collect or go over the answers to the questions on the handout as time permits.

Alternate Procedure Divide students into groups, distribute the sample scripts, and have the groups learn their scripts to make presentations to the class instead of creating their own scripts. The class will answer the questions on the handout during the presentations.

©2018 The NEED Project

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Story Leads The Electrolympics — Generation, Transmission, and Distribution

Change for the Better — Relying on Environmentally-Friendly Sources

Olympic athletes have their own events, but they also work together as a team to win as a country. It is the same in the Electrolympics. Today, we will be interviewing athletes who work together to make sure that your lights go on when you flip that switch. We’ll be talking to the fuel jumpers who get the water really steamed up, the athletes in the steam medley who run the course from boiler to turbine to condenser and back. Let’s hear what the volt vaulters have to say about boosting the team’s morale, and from the long distance runners who carry the torch over high-voltage lines. Our last interviews will be with the sprinters who carry the baton to neighborhood substations, and those who run the obstacle course through the wiring in our homes.

Coal and natural gas are the country’s two largest electricity sources. They are nonrenewable resources, though, and using them to generate electricity produces air pollution and carbon dioxide. Uranium does not produce any emissions, but its use leads to waste products that must be stored hundreds of years. What energy sources are available that do not lead to negative environmental effects? What can we do to use them more often? We are talking to leading scientists and engineers to see what can be done about this issue.

Crime Watch — Investigating the Nation’s Energy Losses Theft is always in the news. Usually cash, jewelry, or cars are stolen. Our news team has just uncovered the loss of quadrillions of units of energy. The disappearance of energy is happening at all of the nation’s power plants. And what’s more shocking—it’s been going on for more than 100 years. Where does the loss take place and who is responsible? What can we do to prevent further losses? Our investigative news team brings us this exclusive interview with the detectives assigned to the case.

Current Electricity Affair Questions The Electrolympics — Generation, Transmission, and Distribution

Change for the Better — Relying on Environmentallyfriendly Sources

1. Why is electricity called a secondary source of energy?


What are the leading energy sources for generating electricity?

2. What are the nation’s top sources of energy for the generation of electricity?


What renewable sources are used for generating electricity?


What are the major problems with using coal and natural gas to generate electricity?

4. How is electricity transported from the power plant to the customer?


What are the biggest drawbacks to using renewable sources for generating electricity?

5. What do transformers do?


What is Economy of Scale? How is it making renewable energy more affordable?

3. How does high pressure steam or falling water produce electricity?

Crime Watch — Investigating the Nation’s Energy Losses 1. How many units of electrical energy would 200 units of coal produce in a power plant? 2. Most of the energy lost at a thermal power plant is in what form? 3. How much energy is used simply to operate a power plant? 4. How much energy is lost transporting electricity from the power plant to you? 5. What is a more efficient type of power plant?


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The Electrolympics— Generation, Transmission, and Distribution SAMPLE SCRIPT CAST: Sportscaster Johnna Makilowatt: Interviewer Captain Coal: Fuel Jumper

Coal: Well, there are the turbine games and the generator games. I’m in the turbine games. Johnna: Is that sort of like the summer and winter Olympics?

Distilled Water: Steam Medley Runner Generator (G) Electron: Volt Vaulter Transmission (T) Electron: Marathon Runner Distribution (D) Electron: 15,000 Meter Runner House (H) Electron: Steeplechaser Johnna: I am here today at the Electrolympics to talk to the key players in the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity. These tireless participants have been bringing all of us the benefits of alternating current since the successful delivery of electricity from Niagara Falls to the city of Buffalo, NY in 1896. Here comes the Captain of the Electric Team, Coal. Excuse me, Captain, could I ask you a few questions for our audience out there? Coal: Sure, Johnna. Shoot. Johnna: First of all, why do you and your energetic team work so hard to make electricity? Coal: Our audience demands it, Johnna. About 40 percent of all the energy used in the U.S. is electricity. Consumers use electricity to simplify and enrich their lives. Johnna: And what part do you play in making all that electricity? Coal: I bring the heat! To make electricity, I superheat water into steam to turn the turbines. Burning natural gas or oil, or splitting uranium atoms, produce heat, too. Johnna: So you’re the one that starts electrons on the way to our homes? Coal: Well, Johnna, electrons don’t actually travel from the power plants to your homes. Electrons actually travel in a series of closed loops, each loop passing their energy on to the next loop, sort of like a relay race.

Coal: Very similar, Johnna. My event is called the Fuel Jump. In all thermal power plants, the fuel is used to heat pure, distilled water in a boiler. I enter the bottom of a boiler 20 stories high and catch fire. As I burn, I give off an incredible amount of heat to the water in the boiler. Then, exhausted after so much effort, I am sent through scrubbers to be cleaned of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and ash, and exit through the smoke stack. I only run one event. Johnna: So you pass your baton of heat to the water. What does the water do with it? Coal: Let me get some of my teammates over here to explain it to you. Johnna, I’d like you to meet Distilled Water. Water: Hi, Johnna. Let me tell you what I do with that heat after Coal passes it to me. I run a hot and fast race from the bottom of the boiler to the top, picking up heat as I go. By the time I reach the top, I’m all steamed up and race down huge pipes like a hurricane into the turbine. There I pass my energy on to the turbine blades, which spin like giant windmills. Johnna: I guess you’re exhausted then, just like Coal? Water: Oh, no. I start the race all over again. But first I have to cool down into water again. I get pumped through some cool water and head back to the boiler to the starting line. Johnna: Those are the turbine games. What can you tell me about the other events? Water: Those are all run by different electrons. Here comes one of the generator electrons now. Let me get him/her to tell you about the generator games.

Johnna: Tell our viewers about all the events here at the Electrolympics.

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The Electrolympics—Generation, Transmission, and Distribution G Electron: Hey, Johnna. I hear you want me to tell you about my travels. My event is the Volt Vault, which begins in the wires wrapped around the generator called the stator. The turbine spins a large magnet called a rotor and that magnetic field sends me coursing through the stator. At high amperage and low voltage, I race through the wires to the power plant transformers, driven by that amazing alternating current. In the transformer, I pass on my low voltage current, then I race back to the stator to start all over again. The transformer changes my current into high voltage current and passes it on to Transmission Electron, all in a series of closed loops.

D Electron: No, not me—that’s the one over there, the House Electron. My loop stops at that little tub-like transformer on the pole outside your house. I pass my energy on there and head back to the substation for another load.

Johnna: I see. So what event does the Transmission Electron do? Is he a vaulter, too?

Johnna: How long do these events take?

T Electron: No, Johnna. I’m no jumper; I’m a long distance runner. I run a marathon across those high steel towers you see along highways. I run at high voltage all the way to a neighborhood substation where I pass my energy on to a step-down transformer, and head back to the power plant. That transformer takes my energy, which I carried at about 345,000 volts, and drops it down to about 12,000 volts before it passes it on to Distribution Electron. Johnna: Wow! Those transformers can do a lot with alternating current. Here comes Distribution Electron now. Let’s see what kind of event he runs. Hey! D.E., talk to me! D Electron: I’m a short distance runner, Johnna. I pick up the current at the transformer in the substation, and run over those lines you see in your neighborhood. Johnna: Oh, so you’re the one that brings electricity into our houses?

H Electron: That’s where I come in. The transformer on the street drops the voltage to 120 or 240 volts, then I pick it up and run the obstacle course of wires in your house. I keep running all around your house as long as power is given to me at the pole. I never go away from home.

T Electron: Less than one second. Faster than you can say “electrolympics!” Johnna: You all deserve a medal. H Electron: We don’t need any medals. In fact, we owe our efficiency to two metals—copper and aluminum. They conduct us with speed and safety. Lightweight aluminum moves us over high power lines and copper transports us inside. Johnna: Well, folks. You’ve just heard an incredible story of a race run every day of the year so that you have power at the flick of a switch. With that, I now switch you back to our studio, thanks to the marvel of electricity.

Crime Watch— Investigating the Nation’s Energy Losses SAMPLE SCRIPT Brown: They heat my home and office, keep my food cold, give me light, and run my appliances—my dryer, coffee maker, things like that.

CAST: Entropy Brown: Interviewer Detective Columbo: Chief Investigator on the Case Detectives 1, 2, and 3: (create your own names) Brown: Good evening. This is Entropy Brown, reporting to you from the downtown headquarters of the team investigating the alleged theft at the nation’s electric power plants. This hand-picked investigating team is headed by none other than the world-renowned Detective Columbo, who is with me now. Detective Columbo, do you have any suspects in the case, and do you expect to make any arrests soon? Columbo: Well, Ms. Brown, it’s still early in the investigation. At this time, we haven’t really determined who or what is responsible for the reported losses. As a matter of fact, the team and I are still trying to determine whether any Laws of Thermodynamics have been violated at all in the power plants’ conversion of fossil fuels and uranium into electricity. Brown: You mean it’s possible that a crime has not been committed? Columbo: Precisely. If no laws have been broken, then there is no crime. Detective 1: Furthermore, there must be a victim. In this case, we haven’t determined if there is a victim. No complaint has been filed. Brown: Well, Detective Columbo, if you need a complaint, I’ll file one. There are documented losses at every power plant in the country, sir. Every day, at every thermal power plant, for every 100 units of energy consumed, only 35 units of energy are produced. That is a loss of 65 units of energy. I’m sure that I, as a consumer, am paying for those losses. Detective 2: Well, let’s take a look at the alleged crime, Ms. Brown. Tell me, what exactly is it that goes into these power plants? Brown: Well, several fuels. Mostly, coal and natural gas. Then there are the nuclear plants that use uranium and the hydro plants that use falling water. Some plants also burn petroleum. Columbo: And what do all these energy sources do for you?

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Detective 1: Why don’t you use these energy sources directly? Brown: Well, they’re not convenient for me to use myself. I’d never be able to take uranium ore and use it to run my hair dryer. Detective 2: You’re right about that. Until the first electric power system, most energy consumers were dependent on nearby rivers for their power. Detective 3: Electric power distribution gives us the freedom to live wherever we want and not have to be bothered with the problems of using those fuels directly. Brown: But what does all this have to do with the losses at the power plants? Columbo: That’s a good question. You see, the power plants are forced to obey the Laws of Thermodynamics. Whenever energy resources are converted to electricity, there is a loss of usable energy. Most of the energy lost at thermal power plants is in the form of heat. Some of the heat is absorbed by the equipment, some is lost to the atmosphere. Detective 1: And energy is lost turning the turbines. Friction produces heat and sound. Detective 2: Energy is lost in the generator, too, as the magnet is rotated inside the coil. Detective 3: It takes a lot of energy to produce the steam to turn those turbines. But, all the energy in the steam isn’t transferred to the turbines. After the steam has done its job, it’s still steam—it still has a lot of heat energy in it. It has to be cooled and turned into water again before it can be piped back to the boiler. Some of that heat can be recovered, but a lot is lost. Columbo: That’s what happens to the 65 percent of energy lost. Detective 1: Up to eight percent of the electricity produced is used to run the equipment at the power plant.


Crime Watch—Investigating the Nation’s Energy Losses Detective 2: And another seven percent is lost as the electricity is sent over the transmission lines. Columbo: That’s the trade-off we have to accept for convenience. Brown: So, what you’re saying is energy is lost because power plants are obeying the law, not because there has been a crime. But isn’t wasting energy a crime? Columbo: But is energy being wasted? That’s the real question here, isn’t it? Tell me this, Ms. Brown, what uses would we have for these fuels if we didn’t use them to make electricity? How would we use the energy stored in uranium and coal, especially? Think of it this way—aren’t we salvaging the energy trapped in these fuels by using them to make electricity? Brown: Mr. Columbo, I never thought of it that way. Salvaged energy rather than lost energy.

Brown: But what about the simple arithmetic of 100 units in, 35 units out? Detective 1: Well, power plants are becoming more efficient all the time. Early power plants only produced four units of power for every 100 units consumed. Detective 2: And what about you, Ms. Brown? Your body produces less useful energy than those thermal power plants! Brown: You mean I waste more energy than those power plants I’m complaining about? Detective 3: This sounds serious. I think we’d better take you downtown. Brown: (Yelling as she is led off by the detectives.) But wait!! Wasn’t I just obeying the Laws of Thermodynamics?

Columbo: And consider this—before electricity, most energy use was crude, dirty, and often dangerous. The electricity we receive today is a finelytuned, pure energy that can run the most complicated computers and lasers. What would we do without it?


©2018 The NEED Project

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Change for the Better – Relying on Environmentally-friendly Sources SAMPLE SCRIPT Walt: I’m Windy Walt. I’m not just a blowhard, I actually generate a lot of electricity in some areas. Life is a breeze for me!

CAST: Robin Renewable: Interviewer King Coal: Old scientist who has long investigated the usefulness of coal as an electricity provider Naturally Gassy: younger scientist promoting the natural gas industry; natural gas is rapidly becoming the leading energy source for generating electricity Wanda Water: engineer from New Hampshire who builds hydropower plants Windy Walt: engineer who designs and builds wind turbines Sam Solar: engineer who is working on improving solar photovoltaics Robin: Greetings from the Electricity Generation Symposium, where we have scientists and engineers from the leading electricity providers talking about ways to generate electricity and be kinder to the environment. Why don’t you all introduce yourselves and tell us a little about what you do for electricity generation? Coal: Well, since I’m the oldest and have been doing this the longest, I guess I’ll go first. I’m King Coal, one of the first on the scene with electricity generation. I’m responsible for thousands of megawatts of electricity, and my work is well known in the electric generation community. Gassy: (Mumbling) Yeah, well known for stinking up the joint! Coal: What’s that, Gassy? Speak up so I can hear you! Gassy: Uh, er, nothing! I’m Naturally Gassy. I haven’t been involved with the electricity community as long as King Coal, but I’m moving up in the ranks fast! In fact, in many places, I’m ahead of the old king here on the podium. Wanda: Hello, I’m Wanda Water, I use the energy of moving water to generate electricity. I don’t burn anything, unlike some people! Gassy: Really, Wanda? That wasn’t what the young lady asked us to talk about. Robin: MOVING ON… Walt?

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Sam: I’m Sam Solar, and I’d love to become the most visible electricity generator in the world! Muahahaha! Robin: Feeling sinister today, Sam? Sam: No, not really. I’m a very powerful energy source, but I’m just not utilized as much as I could be. I do have big dreams, though. Coal: Keep dreamin’ kid. You can’t match me for energy density. Gassy: (Mumbling) No one can match you for regular DENSE-ity either. Coal: What’s that, Gassy? Speak up so I can hear you! Gassy: I said NOBODY CAN MATCH YOU FOR DENSITY. Robin: Coal, what do you mean, Sam can’t match you for energy density? Coal: Well, my dear, it goes something like this. You see, I’m the compressed remains of an awful lot of stored chemical energy. Sam: Yeah well where do you think you got that stored energy? Huh? Huh? From ME. That’s right. Tell the story the right way, old man. Coal: It’s true. My energy did come from Sam, but that was a very, very long time ago, when my lands were covered with rich, thick, swampy plant life. Those plants died and were buried. They turned into peat, and then into me. So you see, Robin, I have a lot of energy in a little bit of space. That’s what energy density is – how much energy is in a certain amount of space. Gassy: (Mumbling) There’s an awful lot of space, all right. Between your ears! Coal: What’s that, Gassy? Speak up so I can hear you! Gassy: I said YOU DEFINITELY TAKE UP A LOT OF SPACE.

Switching It Up



Change for the Better – Relying on Environmentally-friendly Sources Coal: Yes, I do. I have the most reserves of any energy source here. Gassy: Yes, yes, but let’s not forget, further work is unlocking more reserves of natural gas. We haven’t even begun to study all the ways to extract me from the ground. Besides, using you releases a lot of toxic emissions rich in sulfur, mercury, nitrogen… Robin: Gassy, can you please speak in plain English? Gassy: Sorry. Yes. Burning coal releases air pollution that natural gas does not produce. Natural gas might not be as energy dense as coal, but it’s much cleaner. Wanda: Not so fast, Gassy. Burning you does create carbon dioxide, and nearly all climate scientists agree that burning sources like natural gas and coal for energy is dramatically changing global climate. Walt: Yes, that is why my turbines are becoming so popular. We don’t burn anything! Wanda: Neither do my turbines. Walt: Yes, but using your turbines can require that valleys be flooded by building a dam. Sam: Uuuuhhh ooooohhhh Walt! You said a bad word! Walt: I did not! A dam is a marvel of engineering. Sam: Ha! You said dam again! Walt: Stop being so childish. Sam: (giggling) Sorry, I can’t help myself. Robin: ANYWAY… Wanda, can you tell us why your turbines haven’t been increasing in use?


Wanda: Thanks for bringing that up, Robin! (makes a face) Well the sad fact is, I’m being used in about as many places as possible in the United States. There are some places with … those marvels of engineering … that are used for flood control where my turbines could be installed, but for the most part, I am where I am, and that’s all there is to that.

Robin: Is it, though? Haven’t I heard of other technologies using the energy of moving water? Wanda: Oh yes! Of course! Some people are working on capturing the energy of ocean waves and tides, but those ideas are not being used widely yet in the U.S. We are hopeful, though, that some day waves and tides can generate significant amounts of electricity for our country. Coal: Until then, there’s KING COAL! Gassy: (Mumbling) I didn’t know kings ranked second. Coal: What’s that, Gassy? Speak up so I can hear you! Gassy: I said GET USED TO BEING SECOND. Coal: (sighing) You’re right. People just don’t use me like they once did. I’ve tried to clean up my act, I really have. We’ve researched and found lots of ways to use coal that are clean. We have scrubbers that remove sulfur and nitrogen, and we have looked into ways of turning coal to gas and burning the gas. But this technology is expensive, and most people don’t want to make that huge investment. Sam: I can relate to that! Robin: Why is that, Sam? Sam: Well, despite the fact that there are no harmful emissions when using photovoltaics, and even though solar energy is cheap to use, utilizing solar energy requires a substantial up-front investment to purchase and install the equipment. The technology is just not economically feasiRobin: In English, please, Sam. Sam: Sorry. Yes. The problem is that even though solar panels don’t produce air pollution, and even though sunlight is free, it costs a lot of money to buy solar panels and have them installed. It can take up to 25 years to earn that money back in energy savings. Robin: But aren’t prices coming down? And aren’t more and more people having solar panels installed on their homes and at places like businesses, schools, and government buildings? ©2018 The NEED Project

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Change for the Better – Relying on Environmentally-friendly Sources Sam: True! It’s called the economy of scale.

Coal: Oh. Yeah. (looks confused)

Robin: How does weighing yourself enter into it?

Robin: Well, where does that leave us in using more renewable energy sources to generate electricity?

Sam: No, not that kind of scale! Economy of scale means when we produce more of something, it costs less to make each one. More solar panels are being made and installed, so the cost for one panel is less than it was even five years ago. Walt: Just like wind turbines! They used to be really expensive and not very efficient. But we’ve managed to improve efficiency in the design, and some are being manufactured near where they will be installed. Robin: And where is that, Walt? Walt: Well, to be honest, the best wind for generation is not located near major population centers. However, we are able to install wind turbines with little disruption to land use, and the electricity generated is transmitted to the grid just like any other electricity. Some companies have built manufacturing facilities near where wind turbines are being installed, so transportation is less expensive. Gassy: (Mumbling) Unlike coal, which has to be dragged halfway across the country by train! Coal: What’s that, Gassy? Speak up so I can hear you! Gassy: I said COAL CAN BE LEFT OUT IN THE RAIN.

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Walt: Well I think we’re definitely getting there. It won’t happen overnight, though. We need more time to continue to develop technology, and for people to understand the trade-offs in seeing my turbines places they haven’t been seen before. Coal: They ARE kind of ugly, Walt. Walt: Beauty is in the EYE OF THE BEHOLDER, Coal! Robin: Does anyone have anything to add? Sam: Yes. Don’t be surprised when we see solar and wind taking over the world! Muahahaha! Seriously, Coal and natural gas have been great to help us build our society because they’re so high in energy density. I honestly don’t see them going away any time soon. But great scientists and engineers are working all the time to find ways to make their use cleaner for the environment. I think we will start to see technologies with coal and natural gas that are environmentally friendly, and more renewable resources like wind, solar, and water, being put to use to generate electricity. Robin: Well, that about wraps it up for us here at the Electricity Generation Symposium. Thanks to all the scientists and engineers for telling us Watt’s up!


National Sponsors and Partners Alaska Electric Light & Power Company Albuquerque Public Schools American Electric Power Foundation American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers Armstrong Energy Corporation Robert L. Bayless, Producer, LLC BG Group/Shell BP America Inc. Blue Grass Energy Cape Light Compact–Massachusetts Central Alabama Electric Cooperative Chugach Electric Association, Inc. Citgo Clean Energy Collective CLEAResult Clover Park School District Clovis Unified School District Colonial Pipeline Columbia Gas of Massachusetts ComEd ConocoPhillips Constellation Cuesta College David Petroleum Corporation Desk and Derrick of Roswell, NM Direct Energy Dominion Energy, Inc. Dominion Energy Foundation DonorsChoose Duke Energy Duke Energy Foundation East Kentucky Power E.M.G. Oil Properties Energy Trust of Oregon Ergodic Resources, LLC Escambia County Public School Foundation Eversource Exelon Exelon Foundation First Roswell Company Foundation for Environmental Education FPL The Franklin Institute George Mason University – Environmental Science and Policy Gerald Harrington, Geologist Government of Thailand–Energy Ministry Green Power EMC Greenwired, Inc. Guilford County Schools–North Carolina Gulf Power Harvard Petroleum Hawaii Energy Idaho National Laboratory Idaho Power ©2018 The NEED Project www.NEED.org

Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation Illinois International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Renewable Energy Fund Illinois Institute of Technology Independent Petroleum Association of New Mexico Inter-County Energy Jackson Energy James Madison University Kansas Corporation Commission Kentucky Department of Energy Development and Independence Kentucky Environmental Education Council Kentucky Power–An AEP Company Kentucky Utilities Company League of United Latin American Citizens – National Educational Service Centers Leidos Let’s GO Boys and Girls, Inc. Linn County Rural Electric Cooperative Llano Land and Exploration Louisville Gas and Electric Company Midwest Wind and Solar Minneapolis Public Schools Mississippi Development Authority–Energy Division Mississippi Gulf Coast Community Foundation Mojave Environmental Education Consortium National Fuel National Grid National Hydropower Association National Ocean Industries Association National Renewable Energy Laboratory NC Green Power Nebraskans for Solar New Mexico Oil Corporation New Mexico Landman’s Association NextEra Energy Resources NEXTracker Nicor Gas Nisource Charitable Foundation Noble Energy Nolin Rural Electric Cooperative Northern Rivers Family Services North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality North Shore Gas Offshore Technology Conference Ohio Energy Project Oklahoma Gas and Electric Energy Corportation Opterra Energy Pacific Gas and Electric Company PECO Pecos Valley Energy Committee Peoples Gas

Pepco Performance Services, Inc. Petroleum Equipment and Services Association Phillips 66 PNM PowerSouth Energy Cooperative Providence Public Schools Quarto Publishing Group Read & Stevens, Inc. Renewable Energy Alaska Project Resource Central Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources Robert Armstrong Roswell Geological Society Salt River Project Salt River Rural Electric Cooperative Sam Houston State University Schlumberger C.T. Seaver Trust Secure Futures, LLC Shelby County RECC Shell Shell Chemical Sigora Solar Singapore Ministry of Education Society of Petroleum Engineers David Sorenson South Kentucky RECC South Orange County Community College District Sports Dimensions Sustainable Business Ventures Corp Taft Union High School District Tesla Tri-State Generation and Transmission TXU Energy United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey University of Kentucky University of Maine University of North Carolina University of Rhode Island University of Tennessee University of Wisconsin – Platteville U.S. Department of Energy U.S. Department of Energy–Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy U.S. Department of Energy–Wind for Schools U.S. Energy Information Administration United States Virgin Islands Energy Office Wayne County Sustainable Energy Western Massachusetts Electric Company Eversource Yates Petroleum Corporation

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