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if yoU sAid finAncEs, you’re probably right. But have you ever thought about where the best place is to retire? Being strategic about location can make a big impact on your quality of life, and perhaps help your savings go a bit further. Visual Capitalist examined data from personal finance platform, WalletHub, which ranked the best U.S. states for retirement as of 2023 using 47 metrics across three dimensions: Affordability (7 metrics worth 40 points); Quality of Life (22 metrics worth 30 points); Health Care (18 metrics worth 30 points.)
The final scores (visualized as the bars in the infographic on the opposite page) represent each state’s weighted average across all metrics. According to this methodology, Virginia is currently the best state for retirement. Although it does not excel in any one category, it scores consistently well across all three to create a very balanced retirement profile. This gives it a slight advantage over second place Florida, which excels in quality of life and affordability, but falls behind in terms of health care. Third-placed Colorado is a mirror of Florida, offering excellent health care but a lower quality of life in comparison.
Diversi Ns The Foo Bird
"Oh, no! Those are foo birds, and to shoot one means terrible things will happen to you!” The man figured that was only a superstition of the natives and shot one down.
A mAn WEnt to Africa to do some game hunting. While there, he hired a young native to accompany him as his guide. Soon, a large flock of birds flew overhead, and the hunter took aim. The guide grabbed his arm and said
Then the rest of the flock returned and pooped all over him. He hollered at the boy, "I must have some water right away to wash this mess off.” The boy said "Oh no! To wash the crap of the foo bird off means immediate death!” somEtimE lAtEr, tWo brAvE explorers set out to find the mythic bird. They sailed among the islands of Indonesia, inquiring with the locals. After several days, they were pointed to a lonely atoll far from all of the others. As they sailed closer, the air suddenly filled with a loud screeching "FOO! FOO!" In fear, they leapt into the water to avoid the fabled turds of death.
Again, the hunter ignored his advice, found water, and cleaned himself off. Sure enough, he dropped dead then and there. The moral of this story is, "If the foo shits, wear it."
Hiding by the boat, they scanned the skies and the waters, but saw no birds, only a small pod of tropical sea lions swimming past, one of which emptied its bowels in the water as the pod swam away. The two men pulled themselves back
This ranking is based on data and the methodology used and may not be applicable to any individual’s particular needs and preferences. Visit <HERE> for a complete list of the rankings and the methodology used. n onto the boat, covered in slimy shit.
The first stood there thoughtfully for a moment, but the second began scraping himself clean. The first man saw this and shouted, "NO!" ...but it was too late: His companion dropped dead where he had been standing on the boat. He lifted his friend in his arms, and while weeping said, “How wrong we were! All along, we hunted for a mythical bird, but there are deadlier creatures in these lands, as any seal can plainly foo!"