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The New Press

spring 2010

spring 2010

(see page 28)

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cover_in.kpcs4.indd 1

06/10/09 3:04 PM

Contents BY TITLE

The Torture Memos Kill Khalid Gristle The Lexicon of Labor The Long Road to Baghdad The Stiglitz Report Mismeasuring Our Lives The World Has Changed Bitterly Divided Protest Nation The Citizen Machine Losing Our Cool Not Written in Stone Let’s Get Free 1877 The Freedoms We Lost Things We Share The Sylvia Chronicles A Plague of Prisons The Lost Soul of Higher Education Lives We Carry with Us Were You Born on the Wrong Continent?


Bellesiles, Michael A.


Butler, Paul


Byrd, Rudolph P.

17 10–11


Cole, David


Coles, Robert



Cooper, David D.



Cox, Stan


Drucker, Ernest


10–11 12

Fitoussi, Jean-Paul


Gardner, Lloyd C.


Geoghegan, Thomas


9 7 28


Hollander, Nicole


McCarthy, Anna


McCarthy, Timothy Patrick





McGeough, Paul



McMillian, John


21 22–23

Moby Murray, R. Emmett


Park, Miyun


Schrecker, Ellen

26–27 28

Sen, Amartya Smith, Barbara Clark Stiglitz, Joseph E. Walker, Alice

4–5 6 4–5 25 9 20 8–9 10–11

Walljasper, Jay


Ward, Kyle


Williams, David







29149 New Press Spring 2010.indd 1


37 38–40

10/1/09 9:38:27 AM

The Torture Memos Rationalizing the Unthinkable Edited and witH introductory commentary by David Cole With a foreword by Philippe Sands

Available Now

PAPERBACK O RI GI NAL  The secret justice depart ment me mo s u se d to j u stif y abu se   after 9 / 11, contextualized b y a ward- w inning constitu tional sc h olar da vi d cole

A dark and painful chapter in our history. —President Barack Obama

On April 16, 2009, the Justice Department released never-before-seen secret memos legitimizing the brutal interrogation techniques used by the CIA under the Bush No Equal Justice: Race and Class in the American Criminal Justice System David Cole Paperback, $15.95, 978-1-56584-566-4

administration’s “war on terror.” Now, for the first time, the key documents are compiled in one remarkable volume, showing that the U.S. government’s top attorneys were instrumental in rationalizing acts of torture and cruelty, employing chillingly twisted logic and Orwellian reasoning to authorize what the law absolutely forbids. This collection gives readers an unfiltered look at the tactics approved for use in the CIA’s secret overseas prisons and at the incredible arguments advanced to give interrogators a green light. Originally issued in secret by the Office of Legal Counsel between 2002 and 2005, the documents collected here are, in the words of awardwinning scholar and author David Cole, “the smoking guns” of the torture debates.

Less Safe, Less Free: Why America Is Losing the War on Terror David Cole and Jules Lobel Paperback, $17.95, 978-1-59558-415-1

Cole’s introductory essay tells the story behind the memos and presents a compelling case that, instead of demanding that the CIA conform its conduct to the law, the nation’s top lawyers were malfeasant, contorting the law to conform to the CIA’s

Available Now

abusive and patently illegal conduct. He argues eloquently that official accountability

Paperback, 978-1-59558-492-2 $17.95 / £12.99 / $22.50 CAN 51⁄2” x 81⁄4”, 304 pages Current Affairs/Law

for these legal wrongs is essential if the United States is to restore fidelity to the rule of law.

David Cole is a professor of law at Georgetown University, the legal affairs correspondent for The Nation, a frequent contributor to the New York Review of Books, and the author of the American Book

Award–winning Enemy Aliens. He lives in Washington, D.C. Philippe Sands, QC, is a leading international lawyer, a law professor at University College London, and the author of Torture Team. He lives in London.



29149 New Press Spring 2010.indd 2

10/1/09 9:38:31 AM

Kill Khalid The Failed Mossad Assassination of Khalid Mishal and the Rise of Hamas Paul McGeough

NO W IN PA PERBACK  “ A must-read ” ( Jon L ee An derson ) t h at o f f ers a gripping acco u nt o f th e botc h ed a ssassination attempt t h at beca me a pivotal mo ment in th e ri se of Ha m a s

A pacey, riveting, and controversial book that has all the compulsion of a Le Carré novel. —John F. Burns, london bureau chief, The New York Times

“[P]roviding a fly-on-the-wall vantage of the rising diplomatic panic that sent shudders through world capitals” (Toronto Star), Kill Khalid unfolds as a masterpiece of investigative journalism. In 1997, the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad poisoned Hamas leader Khalid Mishal in broad daylight on the streets of Amman, Jordan. As the little-known Palestinian leader slipped into a coma, the Mossad agents’ escape was bungled and the episode quickly spiraled into a diplomatic crisis. A series of highstakes negotiations followed that ultimately saved Mishal and set the stage for his phenomenal political ascendancy to his current position as chairman of Hamas. In Kill Khalid, acclaimed reporter Paul McGeough reconstructs the history of

[M]ore than just a thriller with endnotes. The author’s accumulated contacts over the years have given him rare access to most of the individuals at the centre of the Hamas story. —The Times Literary Supplement

An incisive insider’s history about one of the world’s most intractable conflicts—and a ripping yarn to boot. —Jon Lee Anderson, staff writer, The New Yorker


Hamas through exclusive interviews with key players across the Middle East and

—Vanity Fair

in Washington, including unprecedented access to Mishal himself, who remains to

McGeough’s work reminds us what real journalism looks like.

this day one of the most powerful and enigmatic figures in the region. A “sobering reminder of how little has been achieved during sixty years of Israeli efforts in


Palestine” (Kirkus), Kill Khalid tracks Hamas’s political fortunes across a decade of

[A] riveting account of Israel’s botched poisoning of Mishal.

suicide bombings, political infighting, and increasing public support, culminating in the battle for Gaza in 2007 and the current political stalemate.

—Library Journal


Paul McGeough is the chief correspondent for and a former editor of Australia’s Sydney Morning Herald and the author of three books on the Middle East. He has twice been named Australian Journalist of the Year and in 2002 was awarded the Johns Hopkins University– based SAIS Novartis prize for excellence in international journalism.

Paperback, 978-1-59558-501-1 $19.95 / £13.99 / $24.95 CAN 6 1⁄8” x 9 1⁄4”, 512 pages Political Science/Current Affairs (Hardcover edition: 978-1-59558-325-3) Not available in Australia

He lives in Sydney, Australia.


29149 New Press Spring 2010.indd 3


10/1/09 9:38:41 AM

29149 New Press Spring 2010.indd 4

10/1/09 9:38:49 AM

Gristle Why You Should Think Twice About Meat edited by Moby with Miyun Park

PAPERBACK ORI GI NAL  For o m nivores and vegans alike, a hard - hitting and   ey e- opening guid e to the m eat you eat an d its ef f ect on t h e environ ment ,   f rom t h e world’s m ost fam ous vegan One of the best things that modern animal agriculture has going for it is that most people . . . haven’t a clue how animals are raised and processed. —Peter Cheeke, professor of animal agriculture, Oregon State University

Where’s the beef? In the news, that’s where. More than ever, meat is making the headlines and “flexetarians”—people who eat meat but are concerned about how it is produced and its impact on human health and the environment—have emerged as a passionate and informed group. The facts are compelling: contamination cases are on the rise, obesity has become pandemic in the United States, and industrial livestock farming is the cause of 20 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions. It’s no wonder that millions of people are thinking twice about meat. An information-packed, lively, and informative little guide, Gristle tackles this historic shift in the American diet head-on. Multiplatinum musician Moby brings together ten of the country’s leading foodies, policy makers, food-business leaders, and food activists, who lay out how and why the oveconsumption of industrially produced meat unnecessarily harms agricultural workers, communities, the environment, and human health—as well as animals. In the tradition of Michael Pollan’s The Omnivore’s Dilemma, Gristle combines hard-hitting facts with a light touch and includes fascinating charts and illustrations depicting the stark realities of America’s industrial food system.

Moby is one of the world’s most critically acclaimed and commercially successful musicians. Known for his political and social activism, he has been a vegan for more

Contributors include: Moby Frances Moore Lappé and Anna Lappé, bestselling authors and co-founders of the Small Planet ­Institute Lauren Bush, celebrated model and founder of FEED Projects and the Lauren Pierce fashion line Paul Willis, manager of the ­Niman Ranch Pork Co. Wayne Pacelle, chairman of the Humane Society Christine and Julie Chavez ­Rodriguez, human rights activists and Cesar Chavez’s granddaughters and others March Paperback, 978-1-59558-191-4 $14.95 / £10.99 / $18.95 CAN 5 1⁄4” x 7 1⁄2”, 160 pages with 30 b&w images throughout Health

than fifteen years. He is the co-founder of the tea café Teany, as well as a nationally distributed line of beverages and a cookbook by the same name. He lives in New York City. Miyun Park is the executive director of Global Animal Partnership. She lives in Washington, D.C. WWW.THENEWPRESS.COM

29149 New Press Spring 2010.indd 5


10/1/09 9:38:50 AM

The Lexicon of Labor More Than 500 Key Terms, Biographical Sketches, and Historical Insights Concerning Labor in America R. Emmett Murray with a new introduction by elaine bernard and a foreword by thomas geoghegan

P A PER BACK   A t horoughly updated e dition o f t h e cle ver, f u n -to-rea d co mpilation o f union lang uage and lore

Fills a longstanding void . . . ​by far the largest compilation of definitions of words and phrases used in the specialized vocabulary of unionists. —Northwest Labor Press

A critical resource, not just as a guide to the U.S. labor movement’s often-hidden past, but as a spotlight on labor’s living history. —Janine Jackson, Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting Also Available

For close to two centuries, we in the American labor movement have spoken our own language. It is a rich idiom, laden with humor and barbs, heady with history. . . . Problem is, fewer and fewer of us speak it, and even fewer on the outside understand it or know how it came about. —From the Prefatory Note to The Lexicon of Labor

First published in 1998, The Lexicon of Labor found a large and appreciative following among readers who were grateful to have the vibrant, powerful language of the labor movement captured in a lively single volume. This long-awaited revised and updated edition includes dozens of new terms and developments that will introduce a new generation to the labor lexicon, even as labor’s strength grows in the Obama era. From Frederick Douglass to Cesar Chavez, from the 1886 Haymarket riots to the Change to Win federation formed in 2005, this classic labor lexicon provides concise, enlightening sketches of over five hundred key places, people, and events in American labor history. A practical resource for students and journalists, The Lexicon

of Labor is as entertaining for longtime union members seeking to get reacquainted with the traditions of the movement as it is for newcomers wishing to discover the unique language and history of unionism. Wage Theft in America: Why Millions of Working Americans Are Not Getting Paid—And What We Can Do About It Kim Bobo Paperback, $17.95, 978-1-59558-445-8

March Paperback, 978-1-59558-226-3 $17.95 / £12.99 / $22.50 CAN 5 1⁄2” x 8 1⁄4”, 208 pages Reference/History (Previous edition: 978-1-56584-456-8)

“Worth reading aloud while walking the picket line” (The Seattle Times), The

Lexicon of Labor also includes a new introduction by labor expert Elaine Bernard as well as explanations of major legislative acts and definitions of key legal terminology. It is the perfect introduction to the history of labor in America.

R. Emmett Murray (1939–2008), a longtime newspaperman, was past president of the Pacific Northwest Newspaper Guild, Local 82. Elaine Bernard is the executive director of the Labor and Worklife Program at the Harvard School of Law. She lives in Somerville, Massachusetts.



29149 New Press Spring 2010.indd 6

10/1/09 9:38:52 AM

The Long Road to Baghdad A History of U.S. Foreign Policy from the 1970s to the Present Lloyd C. Gardner

NOW IN PAPERBACK  The stunning inves tigation o f t h e deep h i storical root s of   th e U.S. mis ad venture in I raq—all t h e more ti mel y a s t h e U. S . in vol ve ment in A fgh ani s tan d eepens Perceptive and damning . . . ​Gardner makes a powerful case for the continuities between past and present policies. This is bound to be a classic text on U.S. foreign policy in the modern era.

[An] essential volume.

—Daniel Ellsberg, author of Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers

—Stephen Kinzer, former New York Times correspondent

A sweeping and authoritative narrative that will be essential reading for years to come, The Long Road to Baghdad places the Iraq War in the context of U.S. foreign policy since Vietnam, casting the conflict as a chapter in a much broader story of American diplomatic and military moves in the region. With “a keen grasp of sprawling subject matter” (Kirkus), Lloyd C. Gardner, one

—Library Journal

Riveting precisely because it is presented so calmly and clearly.

[A]mongst the most closely researched and information-rich accounts of how and why U.S. foreign policy has evolved. —Socialist Review (UK) Also Available

of the nation’s premier diplomatic historians, illuminates a vital historical thread connecting Walt Whitman Rostow’s defense of U.S. intervention in Southeast Asia; Zbigniew Brzezinski’s renewed attempts to project American power into the “arc of crisis” (with Iran at its center); and, in the aftermath of the Cold War, the efforts of two Bush administrations, in separate Iraq wars, to establish a “landing zone” in that critically important region. Far more disturbing than a reckless adventure inspired by conservative ideologues or a simple conspiracy to secure oil, Gardner’s account explains the Iraq War as the necessary outcome of a half-century of doomed U.S. policies. A “well-argued study that gives a sharp historical and intellectual framework for understanding the current Iraq war” (Publishers Weekly), The Long Road to Baghdad has sobering implications for a positive resolution of the present quagmire.

Lloyd C. Gardner is Research Professor of History at Rutgers University and the

Three Kings: The Rise of an American Empire in the Middle East After World War II Lloyd C. Gardner Hardcover, $25.95, 978-1-59558-474-8

March Paperback, 978-1-59558-476-2 $18.95 / £13.99 / $23.95 CAN 5 1⁄2” x 8 1⁄4”, 320 pages History/U.S. (Hardcover edition: 978-1-59558-075-7)

author, editor, and co-editor of more than a dozen books, including Pay Any Price: Lyndon Johnson and the Wars for Vietnam and Iraq and the Lessons of Vietnam

(available from The New Press). He lives in Newtown, Pennsylvania. WWW.THENEWPRESS.COM

29149 New Press Spring 2010.indd 7


10/1/09 9:38:55 AM

Two major new economic reports on the state of the global economy and how we assess it going Forward,

The Stiglitz Report Reforming the International Monetary and Financial Systems in the Wake of the Global Crisis Joseph E. Stiglitz and Members of a United Nations Commission of Financial Experts With an introduction by Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann, United Nations General Assembly President

P A PER BACK original  The co mpre hen siv e—an d controvers ial— analy s is b y a bl ue -ribbon international com mission of t he cau se s an d re me die s f or o u r world econo mic crisi s , written b y a U.N. committee c haired b y t h e N obel P rize –w inning econo mi st Topics covered include: • growing inequality as a source of the crisis • global imbalances • the failure of regulation • restructuring financial markets • bailouts • the role of central banks • “too-big-to-be-resolved” financial institutions • the global reserve system • innovative sources of financing March Paperback, 978–1–59558–520–2 $15.95 / $19.95 CAN 5 1⁄4” x 7 1⁄2”, 192 pages Economics

Our multiple crises are not the result of a failure or failures of the system. Rather, the system itself ​. . . ​is the cause of many of these failures. —from The Stiglitz Report

The fact that our global economy is broken may be widely accepted, but what precisely needs to be fixed has become the subject of enormous controversy. In 2008, the president of the United Nations General Assembly convened an international panel, chaired by Nobel Prize–winning economist Joseph Stiglitz and including twenty leading international experts on the international monetary system, to address this crucial issue.

The Stiglitz Report, released by the committee in late 2009, sees the recent financial crisis as the latest and most damaging of several concurrent crises—of food, water, energy, and sustainability—that are tightly interrelated. The analysis and recommendations in the report cover the gamut from short-term mitigation to deep structural changes, from crisis response to lasting reform of the global economic and financial architecture. The report establishes a bold agenda for policy change, both broad in scope and profound in its ambitions, that is sure to be the gold standard for understanding and contending with the international economy for many years to come. The Stiglitz

Report is essential reading for anyone concerned about a secure and prosperous world.

Joseph E. Stiglitz is a professor of economics at Columbia University and the recipient of a John Bates Clark Medal and a Nobel Prize. He is also the former senior vice president and chief economist of the World Bank. His books include Globalization and Its Discontents, The Three Trillion Dollar War, and Making Globalization Work. He lives in



29149 New Press Spring 2010.indd 8

10/1/09 9:38:59 AM

under the direction of the celebrated, Nobel Prize–winning economist Joseph Stiglitz

Mismeasuring Our Lives Why GDP Doesn’t Add Up The Report by the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress Joseph E. Stiglitz, Nobel Prize Economist Amartya Sen, Nobel Prize Economist Jean-Paul Fitoussi, Coordinator of the Commission

P A PER BACK original  A major , timel y ne w report on wh y GD P is a deepl y f law e d in dicator of econo mic per f ormance and social progres s —and h o w to de v elop better in dicators of societal well-being—b y t h e reno wne d N obel P rize –winning econo mi st s The [financial] crisis is teaching us a very important lesson: those attempting to guide the economy and our societies are like pilots trying to steer a course without a reliable compass. —from Mismeasuring Our Lives

In February 2008, amid the looming global financial crisis, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France asked Nobel Prize–winning economists Joseph Stiglitz and Amartya Sen, along with the distinguished French economist Jean-Paul Fitoussi, to establish a commission of leading economists to study whether Gross Domestic Product (GDP)—the

Economics for the Rest of Us: Debunking the Science that Makes Life Dismal Moshe Adler Hardcover, $24.95, 978–1–59558–101–3

most widely used measure of economic activity—is a reliable indicator of economic and social progress. The commission was given the further task of laying out an agenda for developing better measures.

Mismeasuring Our Lives is the result of this major intellectual effort. The authors offer a sweeping assessment of the limits of GDP as a measurement of the well-being of societies—considering, for example, how GDP overlooks economic inequality (with the result that most people can be worse off even though average income is increasing) and does not factor environmental impacts into economic decisions. In place of GDP, Mismeasuring Our Lives introduces a bold new array of concepts from sustainable measures of economic welfare to measures of savings and wealth to a “green GDP.” At a time when policy makers worldwide are grappling with unprecedented global financial and environmental issues, here is an essential guide to mea-

Field Guide to the Global Economy Sarah Anderson and John Cavanagh with Thea Lee Paperback, $17.95, 978–1–56584–956–3

March Paperback, 978–1–59558–519–6 $15.95 / $19.95 CAN 5 1⁄4” x 7 1⁄2”, 176 pages Economics

suring the things that matter.

Amartya Sen is Lamont University Professor and professor of economics and philosophy at Harvard University. The author of numerous books, including Identity and Violence, Rationality and Freedom, and Development as Freedom, he is also the re-

cipient of a Nobel Prize in economics. He lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Jean-Paul Fitoussi is a professor of economics at Sciences-po and the president of OFCE (Sciences-po Center for Economic Research, Paris). He lives in Paris. WWW.THENEWPRESS.COM

29149 New Press Spring 2010.indd 9


10/1/09 9:39:06 AM

29149 New Press Spring 2010.indd 10

10/1/09 9:39:16 AM

The World Has Changed Conversations with Alice Walker Alice Walker edited with an introduction by rudolph p. byrd

A s tunning illumination of t he heart and min d of one o f t h e w orld’ s mo st celebrate d li v ing writers, in conversation with si xteen leading c u ltu ral f igu res of ou r da y

We grow and we change. That is our hope as human beings.

Praise for Alice Walker:

—from The World Has Changed

Alice Walker’s career has spanned four decades, from critically acclaimed novelist

A major American writer, [and] a cause for gratitude, delight, and celebration.

and Pulitzer Prize–winning author of The Color Purple to influential essayist, poet,

—Tillie Olsen

activist, spiritual mentor, and popular blogger.

Just when you think Alice Walker has empathized her way as far as any writer can go, she goes further.

In The World Has Changed: Conversations with Alice Walker, the unique vision underpinning Walker’s extraordinary body of work is explored in a series of conversations between Walker and other significant literary and cultural figures, including Gloria Steinem, Howard Zinn, Pema Chodron, Claudia Tate, Margo Jefferson, William Ferris, and Paula Giddings. The final interview, with noted literary scholar Rudolph P.

—Gloria Steinem Also Available

Byrd, was conducted specifically for this book. Each conversation represents a different stage in Walker’s artistic and spiritual development; taken together, they offer an unprecedented angle of vision on her career as well as on her personal and political development. Byrd sets Walker’s work into context with an introductory essay and a comprehensive annotated bibliography of her writings. The World Has Changed is a major new addition to the Walker canon and an accessible and comprehensive introduction to the life and writings of “a muse for our times” (Amy Goodman, Democracy Now! ).

We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For: Inner Light in a Time of Darkness Alice Walker Paperback, $15.95, 978-1-59558-216-4

Alice Walker is one of the most prolific writers of our time, known for her literary fic-


tion, including the Pultizer Prize–winning The Color Purple, her many volumes of po-

Hardcover, 978-1-59558-496-0 $24.95 / $30.95 CAN 4 1⁄2” x 7 1⁄4”, 272 pages with 16 b&w photographs throughout Biography Translation Rights: The Wendy Weil Agency Available in the U.S. and Canada only

etry, and her powerful nonfiction collections. Her advocacy for the dispossessed has spanned the globe. She lives in Northern California. Rudolph P. Byrd is a professor of American studies and the founding director of the James Weldon Johnson Institute at Emory University. His books include The Essential Writings of James Weldon Johnson and Charles Johnson’s Novels: Writing the American Palimpsest.


29149 New Press Spring 2010.indd 11


10/1/09 9:39:19 AM

Bitterly Divided The South’s Inner Civil War David Williams

NO W IN PA PERBACK  I n a book that Kirkus calls “ certain to pro v oke, ” an   ab s orbing look at t he internal ri f t w ith in th e C onf e deracy t h at tore   apart t h e South d uring the Civil War Lays out some tradition­upsetting arguments that might make the granite brow of Jefferson Davis crack on Stone Mountain. —Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Compelling. —The Post and Courier

With this book, the history of the Civil War will never be the same again. —Publishers Weekly

Fast-paced, informative, and rich with detail. —Hindsight

In an eye-opening book that Booklist praised as “impressively documented, essential Civil War reading,” historian David Williams lays bare the myth of a united confederacy, revealing that the South was in fact fighting two civil wars—an external one that we know so much about and an internal one about which there is scant literature and virtually no public awareness.

Bitterly Divided skillfully shows that from the Confederacy’s very beginnings white Southerners were as likely to have opposed secession as supported it, and they undermined the Confederate war effort at nearly every turn. In just one of many telling examples in this rich and surprising narrative history, Williams shows that when

Also Available

planters grew too much cotton and tobacco and exempted themselves from the draft, plain folk called the conflict a “rich man’s war” and rioted. Many formed armed antiConfederate bands. Southern blacks, in what W.E.B. Du Bois called “a general strike against the Confederacy,” resisted in increasingly overt ways, escaped by the thousands, and forced a change in the war’s direction that led to emancipation. This immensely readable and riveting new analysis takes on the Confederacy’s

A People’s History of the Civil War: Struggles for the Meaning of Freedom David Williams Paperback, $24.95, 978-1-59558-125-9

popular image and reveals it to be, like the Confederacy itself, a fatally fractured edifice.

David Williams is the author of A People’s History of the Civil War (The New Press),


Plain Folk in a Rich Man’s War, Johnny Reb’s War, and Rich Man’s War. A native of

Paperback, 978-1-59558-475-5 $21.95 / £15.99 / $27.50 CAN 5 1⁄2” x 8 1⁄4”, 320 pages History/Civil War (Hardcover edition: 978-1-59558-108-2)

Miller County, Georgia, he holds a PhD in history from Auburn University. He is a professor of history at Valdosta State University in Valdosta, Georgia, where for the past twenty years he has taught courses in Georgia history, the Old South, and the Civil War era.



29149 New Press Spring 2010.indd 12

10/1/09 9:39:21 AM

Protest Nation Words That Inspired a Century of American Radicalism edited by Timothy Patrick McCarthy and

John McMillian

PAPERBACK O RI GI NAL  Fro m Eugene Deb s and P au l R obes on to Angela Dav i s an d   Har v e y Milk , a co mpend ium o f w ords t hat s p u rred t wentieth - century A merican   R adical t h ou ght and action This is an extraordinary collection of the voices of American dissidents. Even to browse through it is to be delighted and inspired. —Howard Zinn, author of A People’s History of the United States

America has recently reawakened to the idea that real change is possible. Yet this present moment is just a point on a journey that extends over a century of activism and struggle.

Protest Nation is a guide through the speeches, letters, broadsides, essays, and manifestos that form the twentieth-century backbone of this tradition—a much more accessible trade edition of The Radical Reader, which was published for the academy. Here are the words—from socialists, feminists, union organizers, civil rights workers, gay and lesbian activists, and environmentalists—that have served as beacons

Contributors include: Stokely Carmichael Rachel Carson Cesar Chavez Betty Friedan Marcus Garvey Allen Ginsberg Emma Goldman Abbie Hoffman Harvey Milk Peter Singer and many others Also Available

for millions. Their radical arguments and ideas are links in a chain reaching from the present back through decades of radical thinking and movement-building. Brief introductory essays by the editors provide a rich biographical and historical context for selections including a fiery speech by the great socialist orator Eugene Debs, the original Black Panther Party Platform, and Peter Singer’s astonishing treatise on animal liberation, among many others.

Timothy Patrick McCarthy is Lecturer and Director of the Human Rights and Social Movements Program at the Harvard Kennedy School. He is a co-editor of The Radical Reader and Prophets of Protest (both published by The New Press). John McMillian

is the author of Tom Paine’s Children and co-editor of The Sixties: A Journal of History, Politics and Culture. They both live in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

The Chomsky-Foucault Debate: On Human Nature Noam Chomsky and Michel Foucault Paperback, $14.95, 978-1-59558-134-1

April Paperback, 978-1-59558-504-2 $17.95 / £12.99 / $22.50 CAN 5 1⁄2” x 8 1⁄4”, 352 pages Political Science/American History


29149 New Press Spring 2010.indd 13


10/1/09 9:39:26 AM

The Citizen Machine Governing by Television in 1950s America Anna McCarthy

Th e little- known civic mission of early tele vi sion broadca sting, recou nte d by   a ri s ing s tar in Cinema St ud ies—a book th at w ill c h ange th e wa y we t h ink abou t   th e gol den age of television An original and bold assessment of television in the postwar years . . . a terrific contribution to all people trying to make sense of our current media and political situation. —Robert W. McChesney, co-author, The Death and Life of American Journalism Rich Media, Poor Democracy: Communication Politics in Dubious Times Robert W. McChesney Paperback, $18.95, 978-1-56584-634-0

The Citizen Machine is the untold political history of television’s formative era. Looking behind the scenes of early television programming, historian Anna McCarthy discovers that producers, sponsors, and scriptwriters had far more in mind than simply entertaining (and selling products). Long before the age of PBS, leaders from business, philanthropy, and social reform movements were all obsessively concerned with TV’s potential to mold the right kind of citizen. After World War II, inspired by the perceived threats of Soviet communism, class war, and racial violence, members of what was then known as “the Establishment”

Viral Spiral: How the Commoners Built a Digital Republic of Their Own David Bollier Hardcover, $26.95, 978-1-59558-396-3

were drawn together by a shared conviction that television broadcasting could be a useful tool for governing. The men of DuPont, the AFL-CIO, the Advertising Council, the Ford Foundation, the Fund for the Republic, and other organizations interested in shaping (according to American philosopher Mortimer Adler) “the ideas that should


be in every citizen’s mind,” turned to TV as a tool for reaching the masses.

Hardcover, 978-1-59558-498-4 $28.95 / £20.99 / $35.95 CAN 6 1⁄8” x 9 1⁄4”, 336 pages with 50 b&w images throughout History/U.S.

Based on years of pathbreaking archival work, The Citizen Machine sheds new light on the place of television in the postwar American political landscape. At a time when TV broadcasting is in a state of crisis and a new political movement for media reform has ascended the political stage, here is a vital new history of the ideas and assumptions that have shaped not only television, but our political culture itself.

Anna McCarthy is an associate professor in the department of cinema studies at New York University. She is the co-editor of the noted


journal Social Text, as well as the author of Ambient Television. WWW.THENEWPRESS.COM

29149 New Press Spring 2010.indd 14

10/1/09 9:39:34 AM

Losing Our Cool Uncomfortable Truths About Our Air Conditioned World (and Learning to Get Through the Summer Without It) Stan Cox

A f reewh eeling and groundbreaking inve stigation into h o w ou r grow ing   reliance on air cond itioning has transf orme d t h e planet—and its   continuing con sequence s for us all With energy at the root of the biggest crises we face, airconditioning must be dealt with as a subject of debate, not as an assumption. To wrestle with the question of air-conditioning is to confront the staggering task we face in keeping the world habitable for humans.

Praise for Stan Cox’s Sick Planet :


—Vandana Shiva

In Losing Our Cool, scientist and environmental journalist Stan Cox shows that indoor climate control is colliding with an out-of-control outdoor climate. In America, energy consumed by home air-­conditioning and the resulting greenhouse emissions have doubled in just over a decade; energy used to cool retail stores has risen by twothirds. And six out of every seven gallons of diesel fuel U.S. forces haul into Iraq and Afghanistan are used to run air-conditioning. Reporting from some of the world’s hot zones—from Arizona and Florida to India—Cox documents the surprising ways in which air-conditioning changes human experience: giving a boost to the global warming that it is designed to help us endure, providing a potent commercial stimulant, making possible an impossible commuter economy, and altering migration patterns. Though it saves lives in heat waves, it may also be altering our bodies’ sensitivity to heat; our rates of infection, allergy, asthma, and obesity; and even our sex drive. Air-conditioning has helped change the political hue of the United States. It has even served as an instrument of torture. Cox argues that by reintroducing traditional cooling methods as well as putting newer technologies into practice—and by moving past industrial definitions of comfort—we can make ourselves comfortable and keep

A must-read for anyone concerned about matters of health and survival—that is, everyone. Cox’s revelatory book is a ­ Silent Spring for the twentyfirst century. —Jeffrey St. Clair

A radical treatment proposal, to be sure, but the diagnosis is sobering. —The Guardian

Cox does the critically important work of illuminating the abuses that globalization has spawned. —The Texas Observer

June Hardcover, 978-1-59558-489-2 $24.95 / £17.99 / $30.95 CAN 5 1⁄2” x 8 1⁄4”, 256 pages Science/Environment

the planet comfortable, too.

Before joining the Land Institute in Salina, Kansas, as senior scientist in 2000, Stan Cox worked as a U.S. Department of Agriculture geneticist for thirteen years. His environmental writing has been widely published. He is the author of Sick Planet: Corporate Food and Medicine. WWW.THENEWPRESS.COM

29149 New Press Spring 2010.indd 15


10/1/09 9:39:45 AM

Not Written in Stone Learning and Unlearning American History Through 200 Years of Textbooks Kyle Ward

P A PER BACK ORI GI NAL  In the tradition of James w. Loewen’s Lies My Teacher Told Me ,   a Teaching version of the book that offers a crash course in the “history of history” and how prejudices color the way each generation looks at the nation’s past Students, teachers, and general readers will learn more about the past from these passages than from any single work, however current, that purports to monopolize the truth. —RAY RAPHAEL, AUTHOR OF FOUNDING MYTHS

History Lessons: How Textbooks from Around the World Portray U.S. History Dana Lindaman and Kyle Ward Paperback, $17.95, 978-1-59558-082-5

Kyle Ward’s celebrated History in the Making struck a chord among readers of popular history. “Interesting and useful,” according to Booklist, the book “convincingly illustrates how texts change as social and political attitudes evolve.” With excerpts from history textbooks that span two hundred years, History in the Making looked at the different ways textbooks from different eras present the same historical events.

Not Written in Stone offers an abridged and adapted version of History in the Making specifically designed for classroom use. It’s a book that teachers have been eagerly awaiting; in it Ward cleverly juxtaposes short excerpts sampled from dozens of textbooks, touching on the greatest hits of U.S. history, from accounts of History in the Making: An Absorbing Look at How American History Has Changed in the Telling over the Last 200 Years Kyle Ward Paperback, $17.95, 978-1-59558-215-7

June Paperback, 978-1-59558-144-0 $22.50 / £15.99 / $27.95 CAN 6 1⁄8” x 9 1⁄4”, 368 pages History

Columbus’s first voyage and the Salem witch trials to the Boston Massacre, experiences of African American soldiers during the Civil War, and the Philippine-American War. When read together, the excerpts reveal the shifting biases, politics, and cultural preferences in both our understanding of our own history and in what we teach our children about the past. Each section also includes a brief overview of the subject as well as questions for discussions and analysis. An exciting new educational tool, Not Written in Stone is destined to become a touchstone of classroom teaching about American history.

Kyle Ward is an associate professor at Vincennes University. A professor of history and political science, he has taught at both the high school and university level. He is the author of History in the Making, a co-author (with Dana Lindaman) of History Lessons (both from The New Press), and the author of In the Shadow of Glory. He lives in

Terre Haute, Indiana.



29149 New Press Spring 2010.indd 16

10/1/09 9:39:48 AM

Let’s Get Free A Hip-Hop Theory of Justice Paul Butler

N OW IN PA PERBACK  I n a book Library Journal call s “ req u ire d reading f or all concerne d about their neighborhoo d s an d ou r criminal j u stice sy stem, ”   a f ormer f ederal prosecutor’s rad ical argu ment f or re f orm Destined to make us all think in new ways about the concept of justice, the role of hip-hop in American culture, and the power that everyday people have to shape and influence their environment. —Henry Louis Gates Jr., Harvard University

Useful analyses and original suggestions regarding the debate about how best to incarcerate fewer people ​. . . ​a debate that should have begun years ago. —California Lawyer

Paul Butler was an ambitious federal prosecutor, a Harvard Law grad who gave up his corporate law salary to fight the good fight—until one day he was arrested on the street and charged with a crime he didn’t commit. The Volokh Conspiracy calls Butler’s account of his trial “the most riveting first chapter I have ever read.” In a book Harvard Law professor Charles Ogletree calls “a must read,” Butler looks at places where ordinary citizens meet the justice system and explores what “doing the right thing” means in a corrupt system. Since Let’s Get Free’s publication, Butler has become the go‑to person for com-

Intriguing ​. . . ​the building block for future scholarship and conversations about racial issues affecting real people. —LA Daily Journal

A can’t-put-it-down call to action ​. . . ​smart and very entertaining.

mentary on criminal justice and race relations: he appeared on ABC News, Good

—Danny Glover

Morning America, and Fox News ; published op‑eds in the New York Times and other

A fresh and thought-provoking perspective on the war on drugs, snitches, and whether locking so many people up really makes Americans safer.

national papers; and is in demand to speak across the country. The paperback edition brings Butler’s groundbreaking and highly controversial arguments—jury nullification (voting “not guilty” in drug cases as a form of protest), just saying “no” when the police request your permission to search, and refusing to work inside the system as a snitch or a prosecutor—to a whole new audience.

A former federal prosecutor, Paul Butler is the country’s leading expert on jury nullification. He provides legal commentary for CNN, NPR, and the Fox News Network, and has been featured on 60 Minutes and profiled in the Washington Post. He has written for the Post, the

—Anthony Romero, executive director, American Civil Liberties Union

June Paperback, 978-1-59558-500-4 $16.95 / £12.99 / $20.95 CAN 5 1⁄2” x 8 1⁄4”, 224 pages Criminal Justice/Law (Hardcover edition: 978-1-59558-329-1)

Boston Globe, and the Los Angeles Times, and is a law professor at

George Washington University in Washington, D.C. WWW.THENEWPRESS.COM

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10/1/09 9:39:54 AM

29149 New Press Spring 2010.indd 18

10/1/09 9:40:02 AM

1877 The Year of Living Violently Michael A. Bellesiles

A s weeping history t hat brilliantly recaptu res one o f t h e f e w tr u l y pi votal   y ear s in U .S. history, with a fla m boyant cast o f c h aracter s t h at inclu de s   Bill y t h e K id and And rew Carnegie In 1877 violence reoriented the United States . . . ​in ways that would determine its history for at least the next century. —From the Introduction to 1877

1877 was a year that many Americans wanted to forget. Rutherford B. Hayes had just become president, following Ulysses S. Grant, in a contested presidential election. The country was gripped by a deep depression. In the wake of the 1876 election, white supremacist mobs swept across the South, killing and driving out the last of the Reconstruction state governments. A strike involving millions of railroad workers turned violent as it spread from coast to coast, and for a moment seemed close to toppling the nation’s economic structure. In the West, pitched battles raged between the U.S. Army and the Plains Indians. Describing a time of nearly unimaginable violence and upheaval, celebrated historian Michael Bellesiles reveals that the fires of 1877 also fueled a hothouse of cultural and intellectual innovation. It was the year when John D. Rockefeller secured his fortune, when Henry James published The American, when Alexander Graham Bell founded the Bell Telephone Association, and when Winslow Homer and Thomas Eakins launched their outrageous art shows. Bellesiles relates the story of 1877 not just through dramatic events but also through the lives of famous and little-known Americans: Mark Twain, Crazy Horse, and Susan B. Anthony; the detective Allan Pinkerton and President Rutherford B. Hayes; the black poet Albery Allson Whitman and Mary Putnam Jacobi, a pioneer in women’s health issues; Ida B. Wells; Billy the Kid; and John D. Rockefeller.

Michael A. Bellesiles teaches history at Central Connecticut State University. He is the author of numerous books, including Arming America: The Origins of a National Gun Culture. He lives in Connecticut.

The Great Railroad Strike of July 1877

29149 New Press Spring 2010.indd 19

In 1877: • The Bessemer steelmaking process is applied to barbed wire, leading to the transformation of the West. • Anthony Comstock, America’s self-proclaimed moral guardian, arrests contraception crusader Ezra Hervey Heywood. • Thomas A. Edison shouts “hello,” creating the first recorded message. • Frederick Douglass is named United States Marshal for the District of Columbia, the first appointment of a black man to public office. • John Wanamaker opens the first modern department store in Philadelphia. • Albert Augustus Pope opens the first bicycle factory. • The Washington Post begins publication. • The Quaker Mill Company begins making oatmeal, and James Harvey Kellogg invents granola. June Hardcover, 978-1-59558-441-0 $26.95 / £19.99 / $33.95 CAN 6 1⁄8” x 9 1⁄4”, 368 pages with b&w images History/U.S. WWW.THENEWPRESS.COM


10/1/09 9:40:04 AM

The Freedoms We Lost Consent and Resistance in Revolutionary America Barbara Clark Smith

A brilliant an d original exam ination o f American f reedo m a s it e xi sted   before t h e Revolution, fro m t he sm ith sonian’ s c u rator of social h i stor y

The freedoms of subjects in colonial America included participatory forms that, however wanting by some standards, many people who lived two-and-a-half centuries ago dearly prized. —from The Freedoms We Lost Founders: The People Who Brought You a Nation Ray Raphael Hardcover, $29.95, 978-1-59558-327-7

The American Revolution is widely understood—by schoolchildren and citizens alike— as having ushered in “freedom” as we know it, a freedom that places voting at the center of American democracy. In a sharp break from this view, historian Barbara Clark Smith charts the largely unknown territory of the unique freedoms enjoyed by colonial American subjects of the British king—that is, American freedom before the Revolution. The Freedoms We Lost recovers a world of common people regularly serving on juries, joining crowds that enforced (or opposed) government edicts, and

Founding Myths: Stories That Hide Our Patriotic Past Ray Raphael Paperback, $15.95, 978-1-59558-073-3

supplying community enforcement of laws in an era when there were no professional police.

The Freedoms We Lost shows that American patriots relied on colonial-era traditions of political participation to drive the Revolution forward—a Revolution which


eventually betrayed them as leading patriots gravitated toward “monied men” and

Hardcover, 978-1-59558-180-8 $25.95 / £18.99 / $31.95 CAN 5 1⁄2” x 8 1⁄4”, 272 pages History/U.S

elites who would limit the role of common men in the new democracy. By the end of the 1780s, she shows, Americans discovered that forms of participation once proper to subjects of Britain were inappropriate—even impermissible—to citizens of the United States. In a narrative that counters nearly every textbook account of America’s founding era, The Freedoms We Lost challenges us to rethink what it means to be free.

Barbara Clark Smith is the curator of social history at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History. Her publications include the book After the Revolution and “Revolution in Boston,” a handbook for the National Park Service Freedom Trail.


She lives in Washington, D.C. WWW.THENEWPRESS.COM

29149 New Press Spring 2010.indd 20

10/1/09 9:40:07 AM

Things We Share A Field Guide to the Commons edited by Jay Walljasper with an introduction by bill mckibben

PAPERBACK O RI GI NAL  A field guid e to i d entif ying and s av ing th e things w e all o wn   in common— fro m water to the I nternet , an d every t h ing in betw een

The commons is everything we inherit or create together and must pass on, undiminished, to future generations. —from

An ancient idea with pressing relevance in our own time, the commons is many things: it is air, water, wildlife, and parkland; the airwaves, the Internet, and highways; knowledge passed down through generations, cutting-edge research sponsored by the government, and local public libraries. At times invisible and unnoticed, the commons makes modern life possible.

Things We Share, edited by veteran progressive journalist Jay Walljasper, is the indispensable introduction to a concept that touches all of us. In an accessible field-guide format—replete with illustrations, charts, and other visual materials— Walljasper frames each chapter around a single concept from the commons move-

The commons are: airwaves art community gardens highways the Internet libraries public parks public schools software taxes water Also Available

ment, with additional contributions by such luminaries as Robert Reich, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Vandana Shiva, Peter Barnes, Peter Linebaugh, Maude Barlow, Chuck Collins, and many others.

Things We Share is for anyone interested in new ways of thinking about our shared values—and about how we can begin to work for a new kind of society.

Jay Walljasper is a fellow and editor of and editor-at-large for Ode Magazine. He was also the longtime editor-in-chief of the Utne Reader. Wall-

Field Guide to the U.S. Economy: A Compact and Irreverent Guide to Economic Life in America Jonathan Teller-Elsberg, Nancy Folbre, and James Heintz Paperback, $16.95, 978-1-59558-048-1

jasper’s articles have been published widely and he is the author of The Great Neighborhood Book and Visionaries: People and Ideas to Change Your Life. He lives in

Minneapolis, Minnesota. Bill McKibben is an American environmentalist, writer, and bestselling author of Deep Economy. He lives in Ripton, Vermont.

July Paperback, 978-1-59558-499-1 $18.95 / £13.99 / $23.95 CAN 7 1⁄2” x 9 1⁄4”, 256 pages with 40 b&w images throughout Social Science/Reference


29149 New Press Spring 2010.indd 21


10/1/09 9:40:15 AM

29149 New Press Spring 2010.indd 22

10/1/09 9:40:21 AM

The Sylvia Chronicles 30 Years of Graphic Misbehavior from Reagan to Obama Nicole Hollander

P A PER BACK ORI GI NAL  Three decades o f q u e stionable American f a sh ions, relation sh ips , an d politics —as seen thro ugh t he eye s of one o f ou r mo st belo ve d co mic c h aracter s

Sylvia—that hard-drinking, chain-smoking, wisecracking dame whose voice, one imagines, would be as coarse as the wild hair she tames with her trademark scarf. —People Magazine

Praise for Nicole Hollander and Sylvia : [V]erbal switchblades. —The New York Times

Hollander has channeled her acerbic wit and razor-sharp sensibilities through the

The most outspokenly feminist cartoonist in mainstream publication.

incomparable and irascible Sylvia, a Chicago original whose hilarious commentary on

—People Magazine

Since drawing her first Sylvia strip in 1979, the nationally syndicated cartoonist Nicole

American life has won over millions of loyal readers. Self-appointed pundit (on issues that range from health care reform to caffeinated beverages), cat-lover, and ardent

The toughest woman in America.

feminist, Sylvia has provided America with a much-needed weekly dose of political

—The Village Voice

and personal sanity.

The Sylvia Chronicles presents Sylvia’s singular take on contemporary politics, from the early days of Reagan to the latter days of Palin. Along the way, she takes

[A] sharp observer of the American scene. —The Seattle Times

on subjects as varied as the hazards of allowing death-row convicts a last smoke, an imaginary exchange with Donald Rumsfeld’s younger brother, and the dangers of tex-

Also available

ting while driving an SUV and reaching across the seat for a Snickers bar—recording not only the most memorable, and memorably outrageous, events of the past three decades, but also the often-overlooked absurdities of our daily lives. Charting thirty years of fashion, food, sexual mores, and political hypocrisy,

The Sylvia Chronicles is nothing less than a jaded history of our times. Nicole Hollander is the creator of Sylvia, an internationally syndicated comic strip

Studs Terkel’s Working: A Graphic Adaptation Adapted by Harvey Pekar, edited by Paul Buhle Paperback, $22.95, 978-1-59558-321-5

that appears in over eighty newspapers, including the Chicago Tribune, the Detroit News, the Boston Globe, and the Seattle Times. She has published sixteen collections


of Sylvia strips, as well as Female Problems and My Cat’s Not Fat, He’s Just Big-

Paperback, 978–1–59558–494–6 $21.95 / £15.99 / $27.50 CAN 8” x 10”, 208 pages Comics & Graphic Novels

Boned. She lives in Chicago.


29149 New Press Spring 2010.indd 23


10/1/09 9:40:24 AM

A Plague of Prisons The Epidemiology of Mass Incarceration in America Ernest Drucker

A para digm- shifting look at our criminal j u stice sy stem t h at see s prison s   as t h e problem, not t he solution

Ernie Drucker has long been a leader in new ways of thinking about issues of crime and drugs. He’s helped us to imagine a true public health approach to these problems. —Marc Mauer, Executive Director, The Sentencing Project

Race to Incarcerate Marc Mauer Paperback, $15.95, 978-1-59558-022-1

When Dr. John Snow first traced an outbreak of cholera to a water pump in the Soho district of London in 1854, the field of epidemiology was born. Taking the same public health approaches and tools that have successfully tracked epidemics of flu, tuberculosis, and AIDS over the intervening one hundred and fifty years, Ernest Drucker makes the case that our current unprecedented level of imprisonment has become an epidemic—a plague upon our body politic. Drucker, an internationally recognized public health scholar and Soros Justice Fellow, spent twenty years treating drug addiction and another twenty studying

Prison Profiteers: Who Makes Money from Mass Incarceration Edited by Tara Herivel and Paul Wright Paperback, $18.95, 978-1-59558-454-0

AIDS in some of the poorest neighborhoods of the South Bronx and worldwide. He compares mass incarceration to other, well-recognized epidemics using basic public health concepts: “prevalence and incidence,” “outbreaks,” “contagion,” “transmission,” and “potential years of life lost.”

August Hardcover, 978-1-59558-497-7 $25.95 / £18.99 / $31.95 CAN 5 1⁄2” x 8 1⁄4”, 272 pages Criminal Justice/Law

He argues that imprisonment—originally conceived as a response to individuals’ crimes—has become mass incarceration: a destabilizing force that undermines the families and communities it targets, damaging the very social structures that prevent crime. Sure to provoke debate, this book shifts the paradigm of how we think about punishment by demonstrating that our unprecedented rates of incarceration have the contagious and self-perpetuating features of the plagues of previous centuries.

Ernest Drucker is a professor at Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine and at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health. He is editor-in-chief of the international Harm Reduction Journal, a Soros Justice Fellow,


and a founder and former chairman of Doctors of the World/USA. WWW.THENEWPRESS.COM

29149 New Press Spring 2010.indd 24

10/1/09 9:40:30 AM

The Lost Soul of Higher Education Corporatization, the Assault on Academic Freedom, and the End of the American University Ellen Schrecker

Th e res pons e to Tenured Radicals an d Illiberal Education —a ma j or criti q u e of   h ow political an d financial attack s on t h e academ y are u n der mining ou r s y ste m   of h igh er education Traditional academic freedom is much harder to defend in an institution that must struggle for the resources it needs to keep its current operations afloat. —from The Lost Soul of Higher Education

The American university is under attack from two directions, argues Ellen Schrecker in this major new foray into the public debates over our troubled system of higher education. On the one hand, outside pressure groups have staged massive challenges to academic freedom, beginning in the 1960s with attacks on faculty who took stands against the Vietnam War, and crescendoing more recently with well-funded campaigns against Middle Eastern studies scholars. Connecting these dots, Schrecker reveals a distinct pattern of concerted efforts to undermine the legitimacy of forms of scholarly study deemed to threaten the status quo. At the same time, Schrecker deftly chronicles the erosion of university budgets and the encroachment of private-sector influence and business-friendly priorities into academic life. From the dwindling numbers of full-time faculty to the collapse of library budgets, Besieged depicts a system increasingly beholden to corporate America and starved of resources it needs to educate a new generation of citizens. A sharp riposte to the conservative critics of the academy by the leading historian of the McCarthy-era witch hunts, The Lost Soul of Higher Education reveals a system in peril—and with it the vital role of higher education in our democracy.

Ellen Schrecker is a professor of history at Yeshiva University who has written extensively about the Cold War red scare. Among her books are No Ivory Tower, The Age of McCarthyism, Many Are the Crimes, and Cold War Triumphalism. Schrecker is

Praise for the work of Ellen Schrecker: If the national memory is ever to reach closure on this tragic episode, Schrecker’s analysis is a significant and compelling contribution. —Los Angeles Times

[Schrecker’s] thoughtful and earnest new study, Many Are the Crimes, offers the most comprehensive view yet of the process that turned a legal, political, economic, and cultural crusade into “the home front of the Cold War.” —San Francisco Chronicle

A valuable contribution for anyone who would understand the dynamics of the domestic cold war. —The Nation

August Hardcover, 978–1–59558–400–7 $27.95 / £19.99 / $34.95 CAN 5 1⁄2” x 8 1⁄4”, 336 pages Politics/Education

the former editor of the American Association of University Professors’ magazine, Academe. She lives in New York City.


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10/1/09 9:40:32 AM

29149 New Press Spring 2010.indd 26

10/1/09 9:40:41 AM

Lives We Carry with Us Profiles of Moral Courage Robert Coles edited by david d. cooper

brilliant portraits b y t he Pulitzer P rize –winning au t h or w h o m An drew Greele y call s “h umani s t, political activist, p sychiatri st , min strel , wandering stor y teller, my stic , wis e man , poet , dissenter” By now most people know Robert Coles. Or for their own sake they ought to. . . . ​To read his books . . . ​is to make him a lasting friend. —The New York Times Book Review

Beginning in 1970 with an engaging in-depth portrait of psychoanalyst and historian Erik Erikson in the pages of the New Yorker and cresting, most recently, with a compelling book-length sketch of rock icon and songwriter Bruce Springsteen, Robert Coles has made the biographical profile his signature genre. This beautiful book pulls together for the first time a diverse selection of a dozen of Coles’s profiles, originally published in premier magazines over the span of five decades but never before collected in book form. In these portraits, Coles finds a way to synthesize his unique gifts: the interpretive dexterity of a renowned psychiatrist, the observational skills of an influential documentarian, and the empathic sensitivity of a

Profiles include: James Agee Ruby Bridges Dorothy Day Erik Erikson Anna Freud Dorothea Lange Flannery O’Connor Walker Percy W. Eugene Smith Bruce Springsteen Simone Weil William Carlos Williams Also Available

great teacher. Depicting the famous, the lesser known, and the unknown—a tiny African American child threading her way through a cascade of racial epithets in the streets of New Orleans, a middle-aged New England poet facing cancer, an eighty-three-yearold New Mexico mother and wife who finds solace in the secrets of an inscrutable god—Lives We Carry with Us is Robert Coles’s paean to his kinships, a memoir of those guardian spirits who shaped, challenged, and inspired one of the great moral

A Life in Medicine: A Literary Anthology Edited by Robert Coles and Randy Testa Paperback, $19.95, 978-1-56584-849-8

voices of our era. August

Robert Coles is professor emeritus at Harvard University and the author of numerous books, including his Children of Crisis series, for which he won a Pulitzer Prize. He has also won a MacArthur Award, a Presidential Medal of Freedom, and a National Hu-

Hardcover, 978-1-59558-502-8 $24.95 / £17.99 / $30.95 CAN 5 1⁄4” x 7 1⁄2”, 224 pages Biography

manities Medal. He lives in Massachusetts. David D. Cooper is a professor of writing, rhetoric, and American cultures at Michigan State University. He lives in East Lansing, Michigan. WWW.THENEWPRESS.COM

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10/1/09 9:40:45 AM

Were You Born on the Wrong Continent? How the European Model Can Help You Get a Life Thomas Geoghegan

Th e R eno wned labor lawyer an d acclaime d a u t h or po se s t h e q u e stion o f t h e mo ment : wh et h er life is better in Europe ( And w h y Germany is ou tco mpeting u s)

Praise for Thomas Geoghegan’s books:

See You in Court : Charming. . . . ​Ambitious . . . ​ ­eminently readable. —Adam Liptak, The New York Times

Entertaining. . . . ​The essential charm of Geoghegan’s writing is his honest, self-deprecatory style. —The Washington Monthly

If you could start over, would you rather live in the free-fall United States, where you can fight to the top against a lot of anxious Ayn Randers, or would you rather be in Europe and putt-putt in neutral in a cozy little social democracy? —from Were You Born on the Wrong Continent?

In the 2008 presidential election, Newt Gingrich was among those who claimed that Barack Obama wanted to bring us “European socialism,” or, as Jacob Weisberg put it, “He wants to make us French.” In an idiosyncratic, entertaining travelogue that plays on public policy, Thomas Geoghegan asks what our lives would be like if we lived them as Europeans. Sneaking away from his workaholic American life, he takes five trips during which he tries to

Which Side Are You On? :

understand so-called European socialism firsthand. After visiting France, he ventures

One of the finest nonfiction books by a contemporary author I’ve ever read. It’s incredibly informative, frequently moving, loaded with fresh insights, and often laugh-out-loud funny.

into Germany to see what some call the “boring” Europe. There he finds the true

—Hendrik Hertzberg

A classic . . . ​Geoghegan knows how to write with verve, intelligence, charm, and power. —The Nation

August Hardcover, 978-1-59558-403-8 $25.95 / £18.99 / $31.95 CAN 5 1⁄2” x 8 1⁄4”, 304 pages Social Science/Current Affairs


“other”—an economic model with more bottom-up worker control than that of any other country in the world—and argues that, while we have to take Germany’s problems seriously, we also have to look seriously at how much it has achieved. Social democracy may let us live nicer lives; it also may be the only way to be globally competitive. This wry, timely book helps us understand why the European model, contrary to popular neoliberal wisdom, may thrive well into the twenty-first century without compromising its citizens’ ease of living—and may just be the best example for the United States to follow.

Thomas Geoghegan is a practicing attorney and the author of several books, including the National Book Critics Circle Award finalist Which Side Are You On?, In America’s Court, and See You in Court (all available from The New Press). He contributes

regularly to The Nation, the New York Times, and Harper’s and lives in Chicago.


29149 New Press Spring 2010.indd 28

10/1/09 9:40:46 AM

The New Press Bestselling Backlist



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The New Press Bestselling Backlist


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10/1/09 9:41:39 AM


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10/1/09 9:41:50 AM

The New Press Bestselling Backlist


Studs Terkel

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10/1/09 9:41:59 AM


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10/1/09 9:42:11 AM


Index of Authors and Titles

10 Excellent Reasons for National Health Care 1877 Adamson, Rebecca Adler, Moshe Alexander, Michelle All Alone in the World Arnove, Anthony Asch, Chris Myers The Assassination of Julius Caesar Ayers, William Barlow, Maude Bellesiles, Michael A. Berlin, Ira Bernstein, Nell Beyond the Bake Sale Big History Bitterly Divided Blue Gold Brewer, Rose Brown, Cynthia Stokes Buhle, Paul Butler, Paul Byrd, Rudolph P. Caldicott, Helen Calegari, Nínive Clements Chafe, William H. Chesney-Lind, Meda Chitty, A.B. Chomsky, Noam The Citizen Machine City Kids, City Teachers Clarke, Tony Classroom Conversations Cole, David Coles, Robert Collins, Chuck The Color of Wealth The Consumer Society Reader Cooper, David D. Cox, Stan Crenshaw, Kimberlé Critical Race Theory Cushman, Kathleen

The Darker Nations Davies, Don

29149 New Press Spring 2010.indd 35

30 18-19 30 30 31 31 34 32 32 29 34 18–19 34 31 29 32 12 34 30 32 30 17 10-11 34 29 32 31 30 34 14 29 34 29 2, 31 26-27 30 30 34 26-27 15 31 31 29 32 29

Delpit, Lisa Diamond, Julie Dodson, Lisa Dr. Seuss Goes to War Drucker, Ernest Economic Apartheid in America Economics for the Rest of Us Eggers, Dave Ellis, Catherine The Essential Chomsky Everyday Antiracism “Exterminate All the Brutes”

30 30 29 34 34 29 32

Favreau, Marc Field Guide to the U.S. Economy Fires in the Bathroom Fitoussi, Jean-Paul Folbre, Nancy Foley, Michael S. Ford, Patricia Founding Myths The Freedoms We Lost From the Folks Who Brought You the Weekend

34 30 29 9 30 32 29 32 20 30

Gardner, Lloyd C. Gavins, Raymond Geoghegan, Thomas “The Good War” Gotanda, Neil T. Gristle Guitton, Stephanie

Hard Times Heintz, James Hellman, Judith Adler Henderson, Anne T. The Herb Kohl Reader Herivel, Tara J. History in the Making Hollander, Nicole Holt, Douglas Home Fronts Hope Dies Last Invisible Punishment Irons, Peter Johnson, Vivian R.

29 29 30 34 24

7 32 28 33 31 4-5 31 33 30 34 29 29 31 32 22-23 34 32 33 31 31 29

10/1/09 9:42:12 AM


Kill Khalid Kohl, Herbert Korstad, Robert Law Lit Leondar-Wright, Betsy Let’s Get Free The Lexicon of Labor Lichtenstein, Nelson Lies My Teacher Told Me Lindqvist, Sven Lives We Carry With Us Livingston, Martha Loewen, James W. The Long Road to Baghdad Losing Our Cool The Lost Soul of Higher Education Lui, Meizhu Mapp, Karen L. Mauer, Marc May It Please the Court McCarthy, Anna McCarthy, Timothy Patrick McGeough, Paul McMillian, John Mexican Lives Miletta, Alexandra Miletta, Maureen Miller, Steven F. Minear, Richard H. Mismeasuring Our Lives Moby The Moral Underground Moulthrop, Daniel Murolo, Priscilla Murray, R. Emmett

3 29 32 31 30 17 6 30 34 32 26-27 30 34 7 15 25 30 29 31 31 14 13 3 13 34 29 29 34 34 9 4-5 30 29 30 6

The New Jim Crow No Equal Justice Not Written in Stone Nuclear Power Is Not the Answer

31 31 16 34

O’Brien, Mary O’Malley, Brendan P. Other People’s Children

30 32 29

Parenti, Michael Park, Miyun Pekar, Harvey

29149 New Press Spring 2010.indd 36

32 4-5 30

Peller, Gary A Plague of Prisons Pollock, Mica Prashad, Vijay Prison Profiteers Protest Nation P.S.

31 24 29 32 31 13 33

Race Race to Incarcerate Raphael, Ray Remembering Jim Crow Remembering Slavery Robles, Bárbara Rosenbaum, Thane

33 31 32 32 34 30 31

Say It Plain Schor, Juliet B. Schrecker, Ellen Sen, Amartya The Senator and the Sharecropper Smith, Barbara Clark Smith, Stephen Drury Stiglitz, Joseph The Stiglitz Report The Studs Terkel Interviews The Studs Terkel Reader Studs Terkel’s Working The Sylvia Chronicles Teachers Have It Easy Teller-Elsberg, Jonathan Terkel, Studs Things We Share Thomas, Kendall The Torture Memos Touch and Go Walker, Alice Walljasper, Jay Wal-Mart Ward, Kyle Welcome to the Aquarium Were You Born on the Wrong Continent? Williams, David Working The World Has Changed Wright, Paul Yeskel, Felice

34 34 25 9 32 20 34 8-9 8 33 33 30 22-23 29 30 33 21 31 2 33 10-11 21 30 16, 32 29 28 12 33 10-11 31 30

10/1/09 9:42:12 AM


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