THE GUIDE 11 12 15

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PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID Goodnight in the Morning Comm.

November 12, 2015

In THE NEWS this week... de!

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Read these stories, and MUCH MORE in THE NEWS this week -

s r hold hapteraiser d anity C r Hum supper fun fo t in a it ate Hab cert, soup articip con ls to p cus u l schoo Local Youth Ca cipes, Loca s, Re olumning, More! C te Favori Advertis

S stad ves ven C. ry Bran h representati k ov. Ter it Iowa G olds along w of Labor, Haw n t Io ey Kim R US Departmen e (HCC) and ce e en eg d th ll e im ly o h en m C Ju T min fro at Indep munity etween ry ing to e Com S made a stop Nov. 5 to ac is seek the mumps. B 100 laborato on K at ey f pabreak o er, more than ps occurred s waWOR and Heating pany’s partici m ed g b m er s of mu d the number Novem Plumbin ge the local co programs off an ed case ng d confirm ersity of Iowa rimarily amo , knowle prenticeship part of 0 ap p iv on in Their visit was g Nathe Un to increase, . 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S&K Collectibles

Independence Widner Drug Manchester

The BEST value in the county!

Order your subscription to THE NEWS today!

THE GUIDE is an edition of THE NEWS, an independent community newspaper, locally owned and operated by Mary Beth Smith and Steven C. Smith, Goodnight in the Morning Communications, Inc. Mary Beth Smith, Managing Editor Kris Wilgenbusch, Admin. Assistant Christine Dale, Assistant Editor Donna Jensen, Community Correspondent

REGULAR DEADLINE: 10 AM Mondays OFFICE HOURS: 8:30-4:30 M-F (closed Wednesdays) PO Box 9, 225 W. Madison St., Winthrop IA 50682 PHONE: 319-935-3027 or 319-327-1810 NEWS email: ADVERTISING email: WEBSITE: Serving the community by publishing legal notices for Buchanan County, East Buchanan Community School District, and Cities of Brandon, Independence, Winthrop, Quasqueton, and Rowley, IA.

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PAGE 6 November 12, 2015

The News & The Guide

Independence hosts Holiday Open Houses Story/Photos by Donna Jensen, Community Correspondent

On Nov. 7 Independence Holiday Open Houses were held at downtown merchants. Laree’s held a Holiday Preview with many wines on sale and delicious treats to try while shopping for Christmas gifts. Pictured on opposite page are Deb Schilling of Hopkinton, Diane Lahr of Worthington, Ellen Jasper of Dyersville and Kim Schnittjer of Delhi at Laree’s.

S & K Collectibles

Mary’s Flower Patch & Gifts

Another business featuring beautiful items was Mary’s Flower Patch & Gifts. Pictured at left are Sandy Johnson of Independence, along with her grandchildren Kaleb and Maggie Opfer of Central City admiring an angel on display. Customers could enjoy Christmas cookies and hot apple cider while looking at the gifts and decorations. Pictured above are Tammy Fleming of Jesup and Janis Matthias of Waverly looking around for Christmas gift ideas at S&K Collectibles. There were many delicious treats to try and a beautiful entrance display. The mild weather allowed quite a few shoppers to get a head start on their holiday shopping.

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The News & The Guide

November 12, 2015 PAGE 7


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Public Notice

REGULAR MEETING OF THE WINTHROP CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 04, 2015 The Winthrop City Council met in regular session on Wednesday, November04, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. Mayor, Gerald Dennie presiding. Council Members present: Melissa Hesner, Mark Kress, Ann Myers, Leland Sprague and Lee White. Individuals present: Library Board Member Katie Williams, Sheriff Bill Wolfgram, Fire Chief Chris Hare, Government Students, PWD Shawn Curtis and City Clerk Mary Ryan. Motion Hesner, second White to approve the Consent Agenda: prior meeting minutes (October 07, 2015), current bills, monthly financial report, and After the Hours (Liquor License, Sunday Sales and Outdoor Service Permit). All ayes. Library Activity Report presented by Katie Williams. Insurance Company is requiring an exit ramp be constructed outside library’s east door. City will provide library with a bid. Law Enforcement Activity Report presented by Sheriff, Bill Wolfgram. Fire Department Activity Report presented by Fire Chief, Chris Hare. Dan Hare building project reviewed. City’s current building code

ordinance restricts giving variances for nonconforming building projects. Alternatives meeting code will be discussed with Hare. Motion Myers, second Kress to approve Resolution 2015-15, setting the Ctiy’s Bank Depository Limits. All ayes. Peter’s Law Office letter, concerning contract with Fehr-Graham Engineering, reviewed by Council. Motion Kress, second Myers to approve signing contract with FehrGraham, for engineering services, as received. All ayes. Motion Myers, second White to approve Resolution 2015-16, agreeing to become a member of the Fiscal Year 2016, INRCOG Safety Program. All ayes. Motion Hesner, second Sprague to adjourn. All ayes. Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. BILLS TO BE APPROVED NOVEMBER 04, 2015 COMPANY-PURPOSE-A M O U N T PAYROLL.......................9 , 7 0 5 . 9 5 PAYROLL TAXES .........2 , 8 2 1 . 0 2 I.P.E.R.S. .......................1 , 3 1 5 . 5 4 ALLIANT ENERGY-GAS & ELECTRIC ..............................3 , 4 3 4 . 2 0 EAST BUCHANAN SCHOOL-KIDS CORNER LAND LEASE .......1 . 0 0 EAST BUCHANAN TELEPHONEPHONE/FAX/INTERNET ..2 0 2 . 9 2 GAFFNEY QUARRIES-ROAD ROCK/DIRT JEFFERSON STL.O.S.T...........................1 , 8 8 6 . 1 5 HACH CHEMICAL-WATER TESTING SUPPLIES.................2 3 2 . 5 9 HYDRITE CHEMICAL- W A T E R PLANT CHEMICALS ........4 7 8 . 0 0 IA ONE CALL-UTILITY LO-

CATES ................................2 2 . 5 0 MENARDS-FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ..................................4 4 6 . 2 6 CABINET-FIRST RESPONDERS ..................................1 4 7 . 0 0 POLLUTION CONTROL-SEWER PLANT GRINDER REPAIRS ..........................38,805.00 R.E.C.-STREET LIGHTS....9 9 . 2 5 RYAN, MARY-TRAINING-MILEAGE ....................................4 6 . 0 0 SMALL TIME CONSTRUCTIONBATEMAN-50/50 CONCRETE FOR SIDEWALK ..............8 5 0 . 0 0 JEFFERSON ST CURB & GUTTER-L.O.S.T. ............... 21,118.50 STATE HYGIENIC LAB-WATER TESTING .........................1 2 . 5 0 THE NEWS-PUBLISHING ..........................................4 0 7 . 3 2 U.S. POST OFFICE-WATER BILL POSTAGE ........................1 3 1 . 0 5 UTILITY EQUIPMENT-METERS, CONNECTIONS ...............3 0 0 . 8 2 WALMART-FURNACE FILTERS, BATH TISSUE, MISC. ........3 5 . 1 7 WASTE MANAGEMENT- ...........G A R B A G E / R E CYCLING, CITYHALL DUMPSTER .......................................4 , 7 8 8 . 7 2 CITYHALL DUMPSTER ...4 6 . 0 0 WEX BANK-GAS -SHOP ...8 3 . 2 1 FIRST RESPONDERS .......4 6 . 5 8 WIELAND & SONS LUMBER CO.-SCHOOL GOLF SIGN HARDWARE .................................4 0 . 6 0 *******LIBRARY***** BAKER & TAYLORBOOKS ............................5 7 2 . 4 4 BERNS, SHAY- PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT-POSTAGE ............................................4 0 . 0 0 DEMCO-SUPPLIES .........1 0 0 . 8 5

DYERSVILLE COMMERCIAL-DIRECTOR AD.......................3 6 . 0 0 OELWEIN PUBLISHING-DIRECTOR AD ..............................7 9 . 6 0 STAPLES-SUPPLIES .........1 0 . 0 0 WALMART-DVDS .............1 0 3 . 3 6 *******FIRE DEPARTMENT******* CDW-GOVERNMENT-AUDIO/ VIDEO EQUIPMENT-AFG FEMA GRT ..................................9 6 7 . 6 1 MENARDS-SPEAKERS, MISC.AFG FEMA GRANT ..........2 2 0 . 0 2 WALMART-AUDIO/VIDEO EQUIPMENT-AFG FEMA GRT.1 , 8 5 9 . 5 0 WEX BANK-GAS ................9 3 . 0 6 TOTAL BILLS TO BE PAID ............................88,253.14 TOTAL BILLS BY ACCOUNT: . GENERAL ...................14,950.61 LOCAL OPTION TAX ..23,004.65 ROAD USE TAX ............1 , 0 4 5 . 0 0 UTILITY .......................49,252.88 FEMA FIRE GRANT ......3 , 0 0 7 . 1 3 TOTAL .........................88,253.14 ***ACCUMULATED COMP TIME*** 10/21/15 CURTIS-91 HOURS OCT. RECEIPTS WATER/SEWER/LANDFILL CUST. .....................................21,889.35 LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX ................................5 , 6 6 8 . 9 6 BUCHANAN CO. PROPERTY TAX ..............................68,013.38 ROAD USE TAX ............7 , 9 8 8 . 0 1 ST OF IOWA DIRECT LIB AID.................................1 , 2 2 1 . 9 8 FEMA-FIRE GRANT......2 , 8 8 4 . 0 0 T O W N S H I P S - F I R E PYMT.............................3 , 7 9 5 . 0 0 INTEREST AND MISCELLANEOUS ..........................1 , 3 9 9 . 0 6 TOTAL .......................112,859.74

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PAGE 8 November 12, 2015

For All Your Local News, Subscribe to THE NEWS See page 16 for details!

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR BUCHANAN COUNTY HEALTH CENTER NOTICE OF LETTING Description of Work Ambulatory and Therapy Expansion to Buchanan County Health Center (BCHC) consisting of approximately 70,000 square feet of new construction, site improvements, and existing building renovation. Architect: INVISION 501 Sycamore, Suite 101 Waterloo, Iowa 50704-1800 Telephone: 319.233.8419 Fax: 319.233.9772 Pre-Bid Meeting A pre-bid meeting will be held on December 3, 2015 at 9:00 AM at BCHC Meeting Rooms A & B, 1600 First Street East, Independence, Iowa. Attendance is recommended but is not mandatory. Bid Opening Time, Date and Location Buchanan County Health Center will receive Bids on or before 2:00 PM on December 15, 2015 at the Business Office (Emergency Entrance on Northeast), Buchanan County Health Center, 1600 First Street East, Independence, Iowa; attn.: Ben Stevens, CFO. Bids received after this time will not be accepted. A public Bid Opening will be held in Meeting Rooms A & B at BCHC, 1600 First Street East, Independence, Iowa immediately following. The bids will be presented to and considered by the Board of Trustees of the Buchanan County Health Center at 8:00 a.m. on December 22, 2015 in Meeting Room A at the Buchanan County Health Center located at 1600 First Street East, Independence, Iowa, and such proposals received will be acted upon at such time and place or at such later time and place as may then be fixed. Owner will issue an authorization letter and tax exemption certificate to the contractor and/or subcontractors for the purchase or use of building materials, supplies, and equipment to be used on this project only. DO NOT INCLUDE SALES TAX ON YOUR BID FORM. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of 60 calendar days after the date of the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids. Public Hearing: Buchanan County Health Center November 17, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. Type of Bid Bids shall be based on a stipulated sum contract. Examination of the Documents The Bid Documents may be examined at the following: Master Builders – Electronic Plan Room (221 Park Street, Des Moines, IA 50306 515-288-7339) Bid Documents may be ordered by contacting Rapids Reproductions which is located at 6201 Chancellor Drive, Cedar Falls, IA 50613 (Contact Carrie Dutler ( or by phone: 319.277.5538). There will be a $200 refundable deposit required on the plans and specifications. Unsuccessful bidders must return their drawings and specifications to Rapids Reproductions or INVISION in good condition, and within 14 days of the award of contracts in order to receive a refund of their deposit. Bid Security and other Bonds Bid security in the amount of five percent of the Bid must accompany each Bid in accordance with the Instruction to Bidders. The successful bidder shall be required to provide performance and payment bonds, each in the amount of 100 percent of the Contract Price. Schedule Notice of Award will be issued within 60 days of the receipt of the bids. Construction Period: Approximately 24 months Owner’s Right to Reject Bids The Buchanan County Health Center Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive informalities and technicalities, and to enter such contracts as it deems in the best interest of the Hospital. Bidders shall be prepared to submit a performance bond and payment bond conditioned on the faithful performance of the contract. Out-of-state bidders shall be prepared to submit an Out-ofState Contractor Bond to the Iowa Division of Labor in accordance with Chapter 91C of the Code of Iowa. By virtue of statutory authority, a preference will be given to products and provisions grown and produced within the State of Iowa, and to Iowa labor to the extent lawfully required under Iowa law. Iowa law provides that on public improvements a resident bidder shall be allowed preference as against a nonresident bidder from a state or foreign country which gives or requires a preference to bidders from that state or foreign country. The preference so allowed shall be equivalent to the preference given or required by the state or foreign country in which the nonresident bidder is a resident. It is the intent of the Owner to award a contract to the lowest responsible, responsive bidder provided the bid has been submitted in accordance with the bidding requirements. The Owner reserves the right to waive informalities or irregularities. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Published by order of the Board of Trustees of Buchanan County Health Center, Independence Iowa. By: Ben Stevens Title: CFO

The News & The Guide

Harvest activities wound down, while fall tillage, tiling, and fertilizer applications continued during the week ending November 8, 2015, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. Farmers used the 5.5 days suitable for fieldwork to harvest corn for grain, harvest soybeans, and haul and spread manure. Reports of anhydrous application were received, although some farmers are waiting for cooler weather before applying. Topsoil moisture levels rated 0 percent very short, 11 percent short, 83 percent adequate, and 6 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture levels rated 2 percent

very short, 13 percent short, 80 percent adequate, and 5 percent surplus. Ninety-three percent of the corn crop for grain has been harvested, 9 days ahead of last year, and 2 days ahead of the 5-year average. There were reports of corn piles on the ground at some ethanol plants and local elevators. Ninety-eight percent of the soybean crop has been harvested, one week ahead of last year. Grain movement from farm to elevator was rated 51 percent moderate to heavy. Off-farm grain storage availability was rated 78 percent adequate to surplus. On-farm grain storage availability was rated 69 percent TM

Chris (left) has lived with HIV since 2011.

Do you know your status? Ask your doctor for a test.


Iowa Department of Public Health


Neva E. Hardy is soliciting written bids for the purchase of the following described real estate: The Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼; the Southwest ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of Section 35, Township 89 North, Range 8 West of the 5th P.M. in Buchanan County, Iowa; and Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of said Section 35, thence North 2 rods, thence East 2 rods, thence South 82 rods to the South boundary line of said Section 35, thence West 2 rods, thence North 80 rods to the place of beginning AND The North ½ of the Southeast ¼ of Section 34, Township 89 North, Range 8 West of the 5th P.M. in Buchanan County, Iowa, Except for Parcel C and Parcel D, part of the Northwest ¼ Southwest ¼ of Section 34, Township 89 North, Range 8 West of the 5th P.M., Buchanan County, Iowa. Containing 154 acres m/l. Terms of the Sale: 30% due on December 9, 2015 with remainder due in cash at closing, on or about March 1, 2016, upon delivery of merchantable abstract of title and warranty deed. Successful bidder must sign real estate contract on day of sale and pay down payment. Seller will pay real estate taxes prorated to date of possession. Interested bidders must submit written bids by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 8, 2015. Bids will be submitted to the office of Craig, Wilson & Flickinger, 316 1st St. East, Independence, IA 50644; bids will be for the total cash sale price of farm. All person who submit written bids are invited to be present at the VFW Hall, 128 3rd Ave NE, Independence, Iowa 50644 on the 9th day of December, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. when all bids will be opened. Bidders will have an opportunity to raise their bid on the farmland. Seller reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Information concerning the property may be obtained from the office of Craig, Wilson & Flickinger, 316 1st St. East, Independence, IA 50644 – (319) 334-6061.         

adequate to surplus. Hay and roughage supplies were rated 97 percent adequate to surplus. Livestock conditions were described as good, with reports of calves being weaned and beef cattle gleaning harvested corn fields. WEATHER SUMMARY Unseasonably warm weather prevailed until Thursday (5th) with temperatures returning to near normal for the remainder of the reporting week. Showers and thunderstorms quickly moved across the southeast one-half of Iowa with the passage of the cold front on Thursday. No rain of consequence fell across the northwest one-half of the state during the week while the Thursday thunderstorms brought a maximum reported rain total of 1.13 inches to the Dubuque Airport. The statewide average precipitation total was 0.18 inches or about one-third of the weekly normal of 0.53 inches. Daytime temperatures reached into the seventies somewhere in Iowa each day from Monday (2nd) through Thursday (6th). Des Moines, Glenwood and Shenandoah reported the week’s highest temperatures with 79 degree readings on Monday (2nd). On the other extreme, Atlantic and Bedford recorded lows of 24 degrees on Saturday (7th) morning while Elkader reported 23 degrees on Sunday (8th) morning. Temperatures for the week as a whole ranged from about five degrees below normal over the southeast corner of Iowa to 11 degrees above normal over the northwest with a statewide average of 8.9 degrees above normal. This was the warmest start to November since 2008. Soil temperatures as of Sunday (8th) were averaging in the mid to upper forties statewide. ***AMENDED NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SPECIAL HOSPITAL BOARD MEETING*** BUCHANAN COUNTY HEALTH CENTER WILL BE HOSTING A SPECIAL BOARD MEETING AT 10:00 A.M. NOVEMBER 12 17, 2015 TO DISCUSS THE BCHC AMBULATORY AND THERAPY ADDITION. THE MEETING WILL BE HELD AT THE HOSPITAL IN MEETING ROOM A, 1600 FIRST STREET EAST, INDEPENDENCE, IA. THE HOSPITAL BOARD OF TRUSTEES WILL REVIEW AND TAKE ACTION ON THE BUILDING PROJECT OVERVIEW, TIMELINE, FUNDING SOURCES, BUILDING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, FORM OF CONTRACT, ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS AND ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS THE PUBLIC MAY HAVE. THIS MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.

The News & The Guide

November 12, 2015 PAGE 9

The Schoenjahn Report By State Senator Brian Schoenjahn

Tailoring education and training to veterans

There is plenty we can do to help our veterans in their transition to civilian life, including going to college, getting job training and transferring their military skills to today’s work world. Colleges and universities award educational credits to veterans for military education, training and experience. This year, we expanded this benefit to National Guard members and Reservists, saving them time and money in completing their degrees. We also voted to give Iowa service members and veterans more flexibility in using their college aid. Rather than limiting National Guard Educational Assistance to semesters of attendance, or the trimester or quarter equivalent, we are giving

How You Can Avoid 7 Costly Mistakes if

Hurt at Work Each year thousands of Iowans are hurt at work, but many fail to learn the Injured Workers Bill of Rights which includes: 1. Payment of Mileage at $.56 per mile 2. Money for Permanent Disability 3. 2nd Medical Opinion in Admitted Claims. . . . A New Book reveals your other rights, 5 Things to Know Before Signing Forms or Hiring an Attorney and much more. The book is being offered to you at no cost because since 1997, Iowa Work Injury Attorney Corey Walker has seen the consequences of client’s costly mistakes. If you or a loved one have been hurt at work and do not have an attorney claim your copy (while supplies last) Call Now (800)-707-2552, ext. 311 (24 Hour Recording) or go to Our Guarantee- If you do not learn at least one thing from our book call us and we will donate $1,000 to your charity of choice.

Fish Fry every

)ULGD\ ‡ 30 Dine in or carry out

COMING EVENTS! Thursday, Nov. 12

EB Cheer Team Fundraiser, 6-8 PM Friday, Nov. 27

CMA Recording Artist Jake McVey 9 PM

them 120 credit hours of undergraduate study so that they can schedule their courses in a way that works best for them. These initiatives build on other successful efforts to help veterans transition to civilian work. For example, recent experience driving large trucks in the military may allow veterans to bypass the drive skills test when applying for an Iowa commercial driver’s license (CDL). To qualify here in Iowa, a veteran must: • Be an Iowa resident. • Hold a valid Iowa driver’s license. • Apply for a Military Skills Test Waiver to add a CDL endorsement to their license. • Present evidence of military CDL. • Provide documentation of military service. Since the program began in 2011, more than 10,000 men and

Come Celebrate Christmas at The Depot

:KHUH Where: ,OOLQRLV &HQWUDO 55 'HSRW Illinois Central RR Depot WK $YHQXH 1( 1111 5th Avenue NE ,QGHSHQGHQFH ,RZD Independence, Iowa

When: :KHQ November 8&9, 15&16, 22&23, 29&30 1RYHPEHU and December 6&7. 'HFHPEHU +RXUV Hours: 6DWXUGD\V 1RRQ SP DQG 6XQGD\V 1RRQ SP Saturdays Noon - 8pm and Sundays Noon - 5pm 7KHUH ZLOO EH &KULVWPDV ,WHPV WR ELG RQ There will be 78 Christmas Items to bid on - the 7KH KLJKHVW ELGGHU RQ 'HFHPEHU WK DW SP highest bidder on December 7st at 3pm will receive ZLOO UHFHLYH WKDW LWHP $OO SURILWV JR IRU RXU WKDW LWHP $OO SURÂżWV JR IRU RXU SURMHFWV SURMHFWV Admission is FREE! :H ZRXOG DSSUHFLDWH D FDVK RU IRRG GRQDWLRQ IRU WKH ORFDO IRRG SDQWU\ 7KDQN \RX

Happy Holidays from all of us at Buchanan County Tourism! INDEPENDENCE

FAREWAY 1400 3RD AVE. S.E. MEAT DEPT., 334-2249 GROCERY DEPT., 334-3847

OPEN 8:00 AM TO 9:00 PM Monday-Saturday Closed Sunday

Treat your Party Guests, Employees and Customers with Fresh, Made to Order Holiday Gift Baskets, Be sure to check out our Fruit Trays, Relish Trays, great selection of Wine, Cheese, Meat & Beer and Spirits! ShrimpTrays...


Saturday, Nov. 28

Whitetails Unlimited Banquet Thursday, Dec. 3

Girls Night Out Vendor Fair HOURS: Sun 9AM-10PM Mon-Thurs 11AM-Midnight Fri-Sat 11AM-2AM

'RZQWRZQ 4XDVTXHWRQ ‡ 319-934-3445 Call to book your party or banquet today!

Grocery 319-334-3847 Meat Dept. 319-334-2249

women nationwide – including Reservists and National Guard members – have taken advantage of this opportunity. This is good for our economy because truckers are in high demand to move goods throughout the country. The American Trucking Association estimates a shortage of 35,000 to 40,000 drivers because older operators are retiring faster than younger people enter the profession. For more information on transitioning from a military to civilian CDL, go to


NOTICE OF PROPOSED ACTION BY THE PEOPLE’S MEMORIAL HOSPITAL OF BUCHANAN COUNTY a/k/a BUCHANAN COUNTY HEALTH CENTER TO INSTITUTE PROCEEDINGS TO ISSUE ITS HOSPITAL REVENUE BONDS OR NOTES AND BORROW MONEY IN A PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $24,000,000 The Board of Trustees (the “Board�) of the People’s Memorial Hospital of Buchanan County a/k/a Buchanan County Health Center (the “Hospital�) will meet on the 17th day of November, 2015, in Meeting Room A at the Buchanan County Health Center, 1600 First Street East, Independence, Iowa (the “Hospital’s Campus�), at 10:00 a.m., for the purpose of instituting proceedings and taking action to issue its hospital revenue bonds or notes, in one or more series, (the “Bonds�) and borrow money in a principal amount not to exceed $24,000,000 for the purpose of (1) paying a portion of the costs of an improvement project to construct, improve, equip, expand and/or remodel the Hospital’s hospital facilities located on the Hospital’s Campus including, without limitation, a new medical office building, an expanded therapy and wellness center, , a remodeled pre/post-surgery unit, and other building and site improvements (the “Project�); (2) refinancing the outstanding principal amount of its Hospital Revenue Note (Buchanan

County Health Center Project), Series 2009 originally issued to finance hospital improvements; and (3) paying issuance costs related to the Bonds. The facilities financed and refinanced will be owned by the Hospital. The Bonds will not constitute a general obligation of Buchanan County, Iowa, nor will they be payable in any manner by taxation but will be payable solely and only from the revenues of the Hospital. The Hospital proposes to borrow the money in the foregoing principal amount pursuant to authority contained in Chapter 347 of the Code of Iowa. The Hospital plans to provide interim financing for a portion or all of the costs of the Project through the issuance of bonds, notes or other obligations (the “Interim Obligations�) pursuant to authority contained in Section 76.13 and Chapter 347 of the Code of Iowa, which Interim Obligations will be issued in anticipation of the issuance of the Bonds and will be payable from the proceeds of the Bonds, the net revenues of the Hospital and other sources. At the aforementioned time and place, oral or written objections may be filed or made to the proposal to issue such Bonds and borrow such money. After receiving objections, the Board of the Hospital may determine to issue such Bonds and borrow such money, in which case, the decision will be final unless appealed to the District Court within fifteen (15) days thereafter. By order of the Board of Trustees of People’s Memorial Hospital of Buchanan County a/k/a Buchanan County Health Center.


November 12, 2015

The News & The Guide

Find THE NEWS at:

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American Family Mutual Insurance Company, American Family Insurance Company, 6000 American Parkway, Madison, WI 53783 ©2015 010611– 6/15

Lobby Hours. M-F 8:30-4 Saturdays 8-11 Drive-up Hours M-F 8-4, Saturdays 8-11

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The News & The Guide

November 12, 2015 PAGE11

Vendor and craft show raises funds for local church The annual Winthrop Vendor/Craft Show had approximately 50 booths and a concession stand for those wishing to get a jump on their holiday shopping. The event, held Saturday at East Buchanan High School, raised approximately $1,200 for Church of Christ United in Winthrop. (Christine Dale Photo)

There’s There’s more more to to this little this card little card than youthan think! you A Message From: East-Central Iowa REC think!

Christmas gift packs are arriving! Stop by and check us out for all your holiday needs.

Ă? East-Central Ă? Ă? Iowa Ă?REC A Message from:


We carry See our selection of Cigars & Accessories Q 0 2 # LP BB Get your Ice, Firewood, Coolers, Wine bags rs e d n Cyli too! and the Col d e s t carry-out beverages in town!

Escape to the "Good 'Ole Days" of bobbiesocks and poodle skirts In our 1950s Ice Cream Parlor. Widner’s is a MUST STOP when in Manchester.

Ice Cream Treats * Sandwiches * Salads and Snacks

Widner Ice Cream Parlor

111 South Franklin St., Manchester


Monsanto’s ROUND UP Diagnosed with a serious medical condition, including Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, after exposure to Monsanto’s Round Up pesticide? You may be entitled to compensation ADVERTISEMENT

Call Andrus Wagstaff, PC Toll Free: 866-795-9529

Members, present your Co-op Connections Card when making purchases and SAVE! Independence/Buchanan Co. Area Retailers ‡ Best Western Plus: 10% off regular rate room of your choice (subject to availability). ‡ Bill’s Pizza & Smokehouse: ½ off on an appetizer with purchase of 2 regularly priced dinner entrees. ‡ Cy & Charley’s Tire & Appliances: Save $5.00 on purchase of $50 or more (not to be combined with other offers on same product or service). ‡ E & T NAPA Auto Parts: 10% off wiper blades purchased and free install on wiper blades. ‡ Fabulous Fridays: Buy one accessory and get one half off at equal or lesser value. ‡ Heartland Acres Agribition Center: $2 discount on adult admission (discount not valid with other promotions). ‡ In the Country Garden & Gifts: 10% off purchases of $25 or more; also valid for orders made online, use coupon code: coop. ‡ 2IĂ€FH 7RZQH ,QF 5DGLR 6KDFN 10% off everything except computer desktops and laptops. ‡ Okoboji Grill: 10% discount on food, excluding beer and liquor. ‡ Pinicon Ford Lincoln Mercury: $100 additional discount off new retail unit out of stock or ordered; $50 off any used unit in inventory after you’ve made your best deal; 5% off any parts and service sold at regular price. Offer not valid with any other promotions or coupons. ‡ Styles Unlimited: $5.00 off perm and color services. ‡ THE NEWS: Order a 2 year subscription and get 2 months FREE!

Healthcare Participants ‡ Mark Zimmer OD ‡ Hartig Drug Co. ‡ Jesup Pharmacy

‡ Ryan Pharmacy ‡ Wal-Mart Pharmacy

The Co-op Connections Card, offered by ECI REC in partnership with Touchstone EnergyŽ, connects member-consumers with discounts on everything from hotel stays to prescription drugs, dental visits, eyecare, and more. Visit us at and click on the Co-op Connections Card to see additional participating businesses and current healthcare providers within ECI REC’s service area. It’s a moneysaving tool we’re proud to offer to our member-consumers.

Ă? ATTENTION Ă? East-Central Iowa REC Member-Consumers! Remember your Co-op Connections Connections Card Co-op Card thisholiday summerseason! at the this Buchanan County Fair!

ECI REC member-consumers who have misplaced their Co-op Connections Card can simply contact us: ‡ Call us toll-free at 877-850-4343 ‡ Email us at

PAGE 12 November 12, 2015

The News & The Guide

Attention All Businesses East Buchanan Telephone Cooperative Directory

Nova Directories will be contacting businesses in the area for our 2016 telephone directory. This directory is distributed into Aurora, Quasqueton, Stanley, Winthrop, and Independence. Ask the sales representatives about our “On-line Web Directory� on Every advertising customer is entitled to be included in the On-line Web Directory at no charge. Let Nova Directories' sales representatives assist you in putting your business in the phone book as well as the On-line Web Directory. If you haven't been contacted for advertising, please call Nova Directories at 888-891-6925.

Hungry for more

LOCAL NEWS? Subscribe to


Get a whole year for as little as $32See page 16 for details!

Carrie Gudenkauf, LUTCF Agent The Gudenkauf Agency

Established 1995


319.935.3701 319.935.3712 fax 274 W. Madison Street P.O. Box 125 Winthrop, IA 50682

St. John’s PTO

Annual Bazaar

Saturday, Nov. 21, 8AM - 1PM St. John’s School Multi-Purpose Room 314 3rd Street NE • Independence

Homemade Cookies, Candies, Crafts, Canned & Preserved Items, Silent Auction, Raffles Coffee, Juice, Cinnamon Rolls in morning Chili & Maid-rites , bars , served 11- 1

Rafe tickets sold at Fareway and Walmart

Passing Out Cards? Let us help you present your card to 17,622 readers! Place your card in our directory for only $25 each month! Call Today! (319) 935-3027 or (319) 327-1810 A1FIXCOM COMPUTER REPAIR (central Iowa)


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Phone: 319-334-4559 • Cell: 319-269-3260

Soft • Smooth • Clean Luxury Meter Heads Water Softeners

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Independence Soft Water Co. Steve Doan • (319) 334-4100

Now Hiring Class A CDL Drivers Experienced and Students

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Iowa State University

Field Specialist I/II-Family Finance Iowa State University Extension and Outreach is seeking qualified candidates for a Human Sciences Specialist position to be filled at the Field Specialist I or II level. The position will focus on Family Finance within Human Sciences. The position will promote Extension engagement and education with individuals, families, and communities. This position serves Region 4 (Allamakee, Chickasaw, Clayton, Fayette, Howard, and Winneshiek Counties) and Region 9 (Black Hawk, Bremer, Buchanan, Butler, Grundy, and Tama Counties) with a base office location negotiable within the counties served. Responsibilities include providing educational opportunities through programming leadership, delivery, consultation, technical assistance and support for integrated content in the areas of human sciences with primary focus on aspects of family finance. Additional duties include the development of program materials and the provision of staff and volunteer training, as well as the development of educational models that may be used by the Extension and Outreach system to effectively build relationships with individuals, families, and communities. In addition to Field Specialist I duties listed above, a Field Specialist II will create and deliver comprehensive and complex programming, conduct needs assessment activities and identify and implement innovative ways to meet clients’ needs, take an active role in the development of interdisciplinary programming, and provide leadership/supervision and subject-matter expertise at the local, area and state level.

Apply online at search for vacancy 50463P. ISU is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.


³,I ZH FDQœW ¿[ LW you do not pay� Contact us at: or call 319.332.8851 Julie’s Elite Cleaning, LLC AFFORDABLE CALL TO SCHEDULE TODAY! Natural Products Used! Business or Residential Maintenance Cleaning Spring and Fall Cleaning Post Construction Move in Ready/Market Ready And More! Call Julie: 563-608-5736

The News & The Guide

November 12, 2015 PAGE 13



WHAT a DEAL 25 Words for just $6. Only 10¢ for each additional word. Call 319-327-1810 PRE-PAYMENT is required for Thank You and Classified Ads before publication. These are not billed. Send payment ($6.00 for up to 25 words, 10 cents per word after) with your ad to PO Box 9, Winthrop IA 50682 or drop off at 225 W. Madison, Winthrop. Thank you.


A special thank you goes out to all family and friends who remembered me on my 75th birthday with cards and telephone calls. I loved hearing from everyone. Marlys Miller

Statewide Classifieds BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN YOUR OWN DOLLAR, BIG BOX $, MAIL/SHIP, PARTY, OR WOMENS CLOTHING/ACCESSORY/BOUTIQUE STORE, 100% FINANCING, OAC FROM $59,900 100% TURNKEY, 1-877-500-7606, HEALTH AND BEAUTY IF YOU HAD HIP OR KNEE REPLACEMENT SURGERY AND SUFFERED AN INFECTION between 2010 and the present time, you may be entitled to compensation. Call Attorney Charles H. Johnson 1-800535-5727 (INCN) HELP WANTED- HEALTH CARE RN’s up to $45/hr LPN’s up to $37.50/hr CNA’s up to $22.50/hr Free gas/weekly pay $2000 Bonus AACO Nursing Agency 1-800-6564414 Ext. 12 (INCN)

HELP WANTED- MANAGERIAL Agfinity Incorporated at Eaton, CO, is seeking a qualified CEO/General Manager. This is a multi-location energy, feed, grain, agronomy, and TBA cooperative with sales of $300 million. Business degree and or successful agricultural business management experience desired. To Apply: / For more info contact Larry Fuller, 701-220-9775 or Email larry.fuller@ (INCN)

Butler Transport Your Partner in Excellence. CDL Class A Drivers Needed. Sign on Bonus. All miles paid. 1-800-528-7825 or www. (INCN)

HELP WANTED- TRUCK DRIVER QLF Transportation – Class A CDL Drivers/Tankers. Great Pay, Home Weekends, and Benefits! Potential of $60,000 plus per year! Contact Tony 608-935-0915 Ext 16

SPORTING GOODS GUN SHOW! Open to the public. November 20, 21, 22. Jackson County Fairgrounds, Maquoketa, IA. 5-9pm Friday, 9am-5pm Saturday, 9am-3pm Sunday. Buy/Sell/Trade!

MISCELLANEOUS Advertise your EVENT, PRODUCT, or RECRUIT an applicant in this paper plus 40 other papers in Northeast Iowa for only $110/ week! Call 319-327-1810 or email:

The Independence Community School District is hiring Substitutes! • Teachers • Nurses • Bus Drivers • Paraprofessionals • Food Service Workers • Custodians To apply for these positions, please visit our website at http://www.independence. You can also pick up a substitute packet at the Central Administration Office, 1207 First Street West, Independence, IA. EOE

We can’t thank you enough for your presence to help us celebrate our 50th anniversary. We appreciate all the cards, gifts, flowers and other expressions of well wishes. We are blessed to have so many family and friends in our lives. It’s a day we will always remember. Bill & Vivian Davis

Thank You

The family of John J. Richardson deeply appreciates the many expressions of sympathy we received at the time of his death - prayers, visits, food, flowers, cards and memorials. A special “Thanks” to the BCHC/Long Term Care for the loving care he received. Also, “Thank-You” to the Aurora Methodist Church and the Aurora American Legion.

Velma Richardson & Family


Seasonal Office Help Wanted Independence

Part-Time Seasonal office help wanted in a professional office setting. Experience with income tax preparation, bookkeeping, payroll, or Quickbooks considered a plus. Please send resume to: Gosling & Company, P.C. 217 N Franklin St Manchester, IA 52057

REGISTERED NURSE Regional Medical Center, based out of Manchester, Iowa, has new Registered Nurse opportunities!

 Home Care/Hospice RN (Full-Time; Weekdays 8am-4:30pm (1 day per week until 6pm; rotating on-call, weekends and holidays)  Emergency Department RN (Part-Time; Rotating 12-hour shi�s)  Excellent Benefit Package  Apply Online: or call 563-927-7578.


Visit our website for a full listing of available positions!

BUSY medical office seeking Licensed RN, LPN or Certified Medical Assistant

This full time, fast paced and high volume positions requires a candidate that is mature, dependable, detail oriented, and able to multi-task. Must have good communications skills and enjoy working in a team environment. Retirement benefits, paid holidays and vacation. Send resume to Medical Associates of Independence, PO Box 351, Independence IA 50644 EOE

Every shopping dollar spent at home comes back to you in the form of better schools, improved roads, and community programs.

Business & Service Directory


November 12, 2015

AUCTIONEERING EMMETT DONNELLY Auctioneering & Appraisal Service Certified Appraiser & Full-Service Marketing


AUTO SALES BIRDNOW Dealerships 1-888 Birdnow 1-888-247-3779 toll free Jesup, Oelwein, Monona, Cascade Chevy, Ford, Buick, Mercury, Pontiac, Lincolon, Cadillac We have NE IA Covered!

BROWN’S SALES & LEASING Guttenberg 1-800-747-1611 Elkader 1-800-747-2505

The News & The Guide







www.fawcettsfuneralhome. com


Masonry & Concrete Work Brick, Block & Stone All Types of Construction Ron Connolly 319-334-4623


Commercial • Residential • Poured Walls & Basements • Sidewalks & Driveways Independence 319-334-6754



CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES Winthrop 1-800-397-2747



Independence 319-334-7103

Independence 319-334-6033 1-800-572-3110

AUTO SERVICE DUNLAP MOTORS, INC. Independence 319-334-7103

IOWA TRANSMISSION REBUILDERS Independence 319-334-2040


Independence 319-334-4970


SHERBON’S FLOWER MARKET Walker 319-448-4682

FOOD McELROY’S MAIN STREET DELI Winthrop 319-935-3354

NANCY’S PIT STOP Food • Gas • Diesel Ryan 563-932-2020

WEE WILLYS Quasqueton 319-934-9301


Propane-Gas-Diesel Fuel OilsMotor Oils & Lubes 800-338-3021

5 $ y l On eek aw

Winthrop & Lamont 319-935-3327


Independence, Quasqueton & Winthrop 319-334-2501


Quasqueton, Independence & Jesup 319-334-2595


HARDWARE HARDWARE HANK Formerly Coast to Coast Independence 319-334-2362

HAULING PAUL YEAROUS TRUCKING Rock, Sand, Dirt, Decorative Rock, Lime Spreading 319-334-3033 319-934-3734



Physical, Occupational, Speech Therapy

Jane Priede, PT Joan O’Loughin-Good PTA

Independence 319-334-5155

6AM-6PM M-F or by appt.



General Contracting Commercial * Residential * Ag Windows

563-924-2889 888-924-2889

FRANCK CONST., LLC Terry & Tyler Franck Winthrop, Iowa 319-934-3682




CONSTRUCTION INC. Commercial • Agricultural • Residential 319-334-4246

GREENLEY LUMBER CO. Independence 319-334-3705 (800) 609-3705


CONSTRUCTION, INC Concrete & Construction 9’ brick pattern walls Independence 319-334-9982

SCHROEDER’S CASH SUPPLY Dundee 563-924-2051


Real Estate & Insurance Independence Phone 319-334-7118 Fax 319-334-2264

INSURANCE AMERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE Winthrop 319-935-3213 800-619-4835


Independence 319-334-6066 We carry all lines of insurance

SMITH INSURANCE Lamont 563-924-2816 1-800-890-9419 Aurora 319-634-3737

Independence 1-800-588-4171

Custom Computers, Richoh Copiers & Fax, Office Supplies, Free Delivery


E.B. TELEPHONE Winthrop 319-935-3011


Tire Sales & Repair Auto • Implement Large Truck Winthrop 319-935-3098



Free Estimates - Insured Craig Moroney 319-935-3990 or 1-800-545-5356 Cell: 319-521-9384



PHARMACY Independence 319-334-7171

238 S. Main St. Fayette 563-425-4530 800-246-0024





Over 18 years experience in alternative heating.

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November 12, 2015

The News & The Guide

Are you gettingTHE NEWS? Fetch thesestories inside

Christmas at the Depot opens Walker named Independence baseball coach Independence Garden Club sets spring plant sale date Favorite Columns, Recipes, Local Advertising, More!

Happy Halloween!

October 29, 2015

75 Cents

unwary Zombies prey onen in Independ ce www.thebuchanancoun

nners u r y n Ma ed, but infectsurvive most

November 5, 2015

Buchanan County Election Results

Blayne and Greg Jordon (aka Spider Man and the Incredible Hulk).

75 Cents

Downtown Independence celebrates All Hallow’s Eve

According to County Auditor and Commissioner of Elections Cindy Gosse, unofficial municipal election results from Tuesday’s vote are as follows, with 15 of 15 precincts reporting:

Aurora: Mayor – Jean Kivell 21. Council Members – vote for five: Dale Buckman 27, Shelly Dawson 25, Jody C. Gage 23, Deborah Hundley 22, Jerry Meyers 24, Richard Rau 23, Tammy Schweitzer 31, David Young 43 Brandon: Mayor – Guy Stacy 47. Council Members – vote for three: TraMore than a thousand costumed children turned out to trick or treat in vis Cornwell 37, Dennis Halligan 38, e downtown Independence on Oct. 30. The event was sponsored by the provid to rship partne newed its Patrick Lehman 45 Independence Area Chamber of Commerce and downtown merchants. early 300 runners from across organ donor awareness for BuchFairbank: Mayor – Bill Cowell 148. les Donna Jensen Samantha Hoveland of Masonville with Paizley, James and Rebecca the state scrambled over obstac y leading up to the 5K Council Members – vote for two: Taies as anan Count to Photos Graham, Ellie and Brooke Hoveland. and fought to avoid zomb Obstacle Course. According mara Erickson 79, Ronald C. Miller 80, Indee Zombie See more photos on page 24! nan County ranks Bucha IDN, they participated in this year’s the Ronald J. Woods 122. Council Member nan County Run held Oct. 24 at the Bucha raiser for very low in number of registered to fill vacancy – vote for one: Gregory a fund s – 94th out of the donor Fairgrounds. The 5K run is organ iation and InMike Harter 92, Tina Robinson 74 rthe Buchanan County Fair Assoc 99 Iowa counties. By registe could enjoy Mayor – vote for one: Gerof Commerce. Following the run, participantsHazleton:food dependence Area Chamber ing with IDN, runners could the fastest times onyL.with with two flags Hajek has received one of VandeVorde 78. Council Memlyptic Awards Ceremald help Apoca to an flag also extra an e eister, During the event, runners start a row. Emily Burm ut receiv in d, witho years finishe course who three the . h bers – vote for two: Amy Ekstrand 58, those Of music throug By Kris Wilgenbusch, THE NEWS and attempt to get them survive the race. t female runner and from Marion, was the fastes If runners get to l (730) and Christopher Hayzlett 59, Troy McAllisDuring their regular Monday meeting, Buchanan infected and 194 survived. awarded zombies capturing the flags. Pictured top left: Jason McGil ved” 84 were the best with a time of 26:04. Medals were “survi Zomhad they n Best flag d Mario one of name ter 55 County Board of Supervisors met with Dan Hoover least were Hajek at the end with Survivor Justin runners per age Heidi Magsaman (727) they were “inin 21 minutes to the surviving, best-timed ie Run) of rural Troy Mills to discuss a possible fence line Independence: Council Member age bies. (Photos courtesy Indee Zomb kids 40 and if they cross without one, time, completing the course year This r. Chamber group and by gende Area ce enden dispute. Hoover feels that areas of a fence recently Indep at Large – vote for one: Karen Conds. .” secon 59 fected wave. also benefit- and Westphal said 9-14 participated in the family constructed by Gary Peiffer (d/b/a Gary’s Auto) is on Habitat fo nell 274, Robert E. Hill 388. 2nd Ward The Iowa Donor Network (IDN) of Commerce Director Alissa r Humanityhis property. Hoover has had the property surveyed. Zombie Run reconcert, so Chapter ho Council – vote for one: Denny Vaughn ted from the race. The Indee up supper Novembe lds The was constructed following a rezoning fufence r 12 ndraise 110, Dave Winger 51.,4th Local scho 20Ward r 15 Council ols to pa ww.thebuc hearing in May. Peiffer had 9.17 acres rezoned – vote for one: Dustin Dallenbachw83, Youth Caucrticipate in ha na Kris Wilgenbusch, THE NEWS By nc Suy from “A-1” agricultural to “I” industrial, for his The us Count ou yees. nan S. Hanna 50 Favorite Co meeting, BuchaDebra insurance for city emplo lumns auto salvage business. The request was passed with During their regular Monday m vide BlueCross/BlueShield absent)– vote for one: David Shonka Mayor ey (Don Jesup: the plan by $128,750 75 Cents Advertisin, Recipes, Local ent reduces the city’s cost of ors Gary Gissel and Ellen Gaffn pervis agreem g, new By Steven C. Smith courtr the following restrictions: use limited to automoage the Mo Mayo for cover with areas re same ! al, sand and saltThR. Bishop 167, Larry Thompson 361. met Monday night yees essentially the opened bids for snow remov e Iow Independence City Council Buch- at Large – vote for bile recycling/rebuilding parts business, an eightwas while providing city emplo andathe ng De pa Services buildi ts. Council Member rtment of Pu ers present. A public hearing By Stephanie Abel-Hohenzy most difficult stage alone. Her in 1982, a Board of Directors isreceiv house, Public Health/Human increased life insurance benefi seekin blic Health s: and Davis presiding and all memb foot fence to be constructed on the north property follow or908 as at an ed rty ing g prope adopt to g ed were readin mi acquir Cedar Hospice Two bids John A.nim Crawford 176, Darren By Ste lish city the second son, Brooks, remembers how was formed. ven Valley breakthree: C. Smith anan County Senior Center. Bids were reviewed to demo .75;ize a serious outheld, and council approved : line from the northeast corner of building 210 feet of the$6593 received /Jail, house mump es - CourtNo in Indepen- “fired up” she was, which, he pertaining to No Parking Zones Engbretson 145, Richard Mott 436, IowaHospice s.yBe Story continues on page 21. 3rd Ave. SE. Three bids were Gov. Tebegan tween Jul -Henderson Exterior Servic ve dinance amending provisions mber,nan rrytheBran east within six months, and number of vehicles Count 2nd 7th Ave. NE and 500 Ratch y from from an Bucha 00 west and mo d ; feet $22,5 sta of 101 $3320 re dence with dream of a bid Ki es, d side, low m Reynolds and Lt. Go adds, Russ Solomontha 327, Dawn Vogel 380 n 10 confirm 0 lab Public Health/Human Servic v. wasn’t uncommon and the council approved the Pictured above: DoroSecond Street NE on the south cannot exceed 15 on west of the building for more along oratory fro mother. ed cases of PM. mu vote Lamont: Elea- m US Depa with representatfor the ive s ocforcuone: iveshis mother when Senior Center, $2700. ford Trucking & Excavating. thy Burkhart, second Avenue NE from 7 AM to 5 Public–mp than one week. ;Mayor rred at ey the rtment of rsity of /Jail, $5399 houseUn ng, Police Chief Randy Dorothy Burkhart ission re-appointments were Iow Labor, Hawk she set her mind to aran nor McGraw Riley 44.d Council Member e CoWhen mmunity & L Lawn Rangers LLC - Court continan the numb g the reports portion of the meeti -G Durin City Planning and Zoning Comm nu from left, joined ’s Senio After the fence was constructed, Hoover had his y e Chad Co , tment Count to depar 2019) ers lle 1, the inc ge and heldKSthe hand of her only and Bucha (HCC (expiring Jan. se, for She pri two: JoDee Devlin waWOR ) and something. atadLarge –rea vote ed that Officer Chris Cass undergr Health/Human Services, $2989 Iomade a stop longtime friends approved as follows: John Evers property surveyed due to his concerns about the uate students marily among Plumbdaughter, r (2020), Dor- Miller report upon for assisFenne called Lynn, for the fi nal at Tami been ), Ind started talking have r (2017 en ep office ing Houg . . K9 en 28,Lawn Mary Ann Dozark no incide dence and Heating of Sept. 30, Center, $2299 rs,As38 recently deployed Beatty (2018), John Kitty Myers and placement of the fence. According to information Range are: being s nc ents L charge e ointm & of drug G in re-app on time in July 1978, it changed d ved mu kn Nov. 5 to acto friends and mps wa – vote for one: owledge the Adjustment have all resulte Quasqueton: The board of supervisors appro Buchanan othy Smith (2018). Board of Lorraine Mochal orted in tio her life. loc provided to the supervisors, areas of the fence is Davis tance three times, which al comp her that or adjacent Mayors rep It bothered enlisted their Wulfekuhle (2020), Lloyd 5). co69. Mostency Chad L. Staton Council Member n in apprenticeship any’s participa which had the low bid. s. tuntie filed (see K9 story on page Jeff Simmons (2021), Julie at Cedar Valley on Hoover’s property. After discussion, the supergemen stu ). Mana de (2017 nts ndal pro at the age of 35, Lynn would Emerg Kirke are by the gra help to gather Vernie , ved HC immu ms offered C. Their vis mumps atpriLarge Supervisors also appro vote for. niz three: Terry ed ag (2019), Virginia Sleeper ( 2018) Hospice’s Diakuhle visors directed Hoover to contact to Newton TownproainstKress it wachildren or Wulfe Rick her two s part ofgrow support to –sta several not Coord in the ved with GroupServices to rtinsal. g65, thesee hoinator kinShelia y weervecasew dergarte monthly report presented by William Kress Payne A revised contract was appro mond and Pearl de by ship Trustees to discuss the issue. r,66,im propo ork durin n; 74, munit or livema life herg husband’s tional Ap community. Nafor a disast y can- wa prenticeship 10-15 yeTom Legislative work continues ne Webb 59 Gala celebrating the mitiga In other business, County Engineer Brian Keiera ars aft for leted er , We side. As Lynn’s main careall comp ek. owing outbr “She went right cur. StudeRowley: izational meetings have been eak for organization’s 30th – vote one: to oc leber met with the board to set a bid-letting date nts underMayor from - RitaPictured giver, it was diffi cult to watch to the town’s promi. All organ States d lef Unite l t: 25 OG. centra the Ju INRC of liv qu with stin Curry, Josh artersChris tion grant lyingOrr in Webster ents across much anniversary in 2009. All for bridge materials to replace a bridge on 215th recent clo M. Knutson 23, Sue 48. Resid suc Hare se used. her body go through the fi h be Gr e will as ov Chief includ nent family physicians, ne Rift Fire er, dorms, apart Josh flying airpla fraternitiesCouncilCounc Billings, Mich of the Midcontinent Sheriff’s Office Wulfekuhle and Winthrop methree: Street, east of Nathan Bethel Road. The letting date – vote for nts, Kathy rces and Member nal stages of breast cancer. Dr. Myers and Dr. Mochal, and three ladies were pioneers Submitted by Buchanan Co. not be alarmed to Rocks ae sororiiltieand Huma of mafic rocks. In the whno Resou s, Janaszak including and visitors should Richard Cu l Perrett, and those64, Lisa attended the Iowa Disaster parence. has in starting Independence’s yTerri rticHemsath will be Dec. 14, with bids opened at 9:45 PM. Bids count low to the large volumes ipaThe 66, It wasn’t until she traveled flying Northeast Iowa residents, rry te ne contheir wives and said fl at out, in , airpla Confe rocks ity this gro Go ss these Secur , v. activitie as athletics, SupportupFuncsoon be- witne Bransta an Superior region Governor’s Homeland must be received by the Auditor’s office by 9 AM her band, 68 Parizek d Lt.Florida those in Buchanan County, may broader Cedar Rapids Lake Emergency and social ev s such Reyn d to nickel, copGov. home and vol- ‘We are going to start a hos- first hospice. Also pictured on their at hig in the area. ground near the tain significant resources of received full state approval ents,for he risStanley: in this that day. Keierleber estimated that construction on are one (no olds.unteered for a hospice there, pice.’ When my mother asked are Cedar Valley Hospice turned gin to see low flying aircraft Mayor – vote . nts. ” renewal stwill ists will and Waterloo region Inset: Curry per and platinum group eleme tion plans and “Storm Ready On Noywide still the supporters Alma Kimball, Pat is v. to the bridge will begin in early spring. ban ct 6, that she learned the value and burn contra U.S. Geological Survey scient de the for something, you didn’t turn under votes). Council Member – vote for fi ve sc ysical is count ribes Iowa Depa the The airplane ne surthe benefits “We plan to use the new geoph week. Wulfekuhle stated that Public certain and Burnell Haven and WilHealt During their meeting, the board also approved the g permitsrtment of comfort such a program could her down,” said Brooks. h,burnin conduct a high-resolution airbor a re- USGS through EON Geosciences. The airof HC (no votes) potener, Un is howev there ive if ay); C ine rsi Mond determ of an ty pro (as help under d Johnson residents should grams off of Iowa, in effect bur Nielsen. pilots data to following: enced er terminally ill patients in experi vey to study the rock layers Dorothy often went door to by ation Co the ed pre in inform Winthrop: Mayor – vote for one: Gerun operat exist be pa lete to ty Public ring r resources ble. For comp recommend workers forand their families. ning this craft will simila availa be for begin tial may Iowa He for Above: Dorothy’s daughter, astern ed -Hiring of Conservation Technician Michael alt northe approv ed h, of a trade wh door asking for donations but gion to tha trained and W.t Dennie 36. Council Member Universi ile to Indepenthey –work. Upon area. This research is meant ber. When who are specially ty tt their local fire chief. students lessald of Iowa Maas, effective 11-9-15, at $14.15 per hour; her return the Depar atthree: door raising money was difficult Lynn, died of breast cancer a tha week and lasting into Novem flights are coordinated survey and contac nfor25 ement of vote 34, Leland yearsAnn be giv resulting low-level flying. All (Steven C. Sm deep rocks, beneath limestone old Myers were opened for the replac Bids study en sho n Porat the age of 35. Her death, a -Claims filed with county auditor for $372,177.41; istratio dence, she set out on a mission from uld ed thi Admin at fi rst since the concept of receiv on rd the data analysis is complete, ist was ith Aviati (or “b bid scient Photos) 33, R. do White 35 ooLee muone ste research- with the Federal r”) mps vacciSprague sandstone layers,” said USGS ment of Human Services. Only se ved. and – to start a local hospice. She hospice was generally foreign in part, influenced Dorothy was ne to bid geologic maps will help USGS ance with U.S. law. haappro $3250. The lt disease spr of Denver-based reof mineral to ensure accord ter & Porter Construction forIt is impo and ead. part Benjamin Drenth, a to start a hospice in Indepenng didn’t want another family to be -Liquor license for Three Elms Golf Course, rta to meeti ht 19 to most. Although there had nt thoug Oct. ers improve an assessment is tha from area es t as many minut The survey possible rec students Supervisors also approved as t searcher leading the study. LLC. 41.e a third resources in the region. By Steven C. ever have to go through life’s been only a few contributions, dence. for $776.eiv billion-year-old Midcontinen MMor Story continues on page 17. dose of the R vaccine Smith As part of this of the 1.1 claims filed with County Audit stretches that re in structu the Ind major a ep next two we before Than research, a low- Rift, eks ular endence City Council Mayor Da ksg me session Mon vis, who ad large vaccina iving break. Multipl day night wi t in reg- afraid of mits to be e Bonita tio dogs, was th ing the UI campu n clinics will be held persu on memb Davis presiding and all Mayor the council s, and third dais to swear aded to leave ers except Au doses of MM vaccine will council By Kris Wilge in partment’s R The me be given, fre sti nbusch, TH newest memb the police dee of charge, all students eting was a n Grover present. E NEWS During the me Tyton. The to mayo er, K9 Offic mixed bag, ir dog r co fro er teria. For inf eting the vaccination cri Supervisors regular Monday meeti ormation ab - cops wi nfronting her fear of m the dled by Offic trained with and is ha Gary Gisse ng, Buchan out the clinic ndogs, to visit studenth e Chris Ca th beards, to l, Don Sh an Co pro ved monthly ss who ass the mayor tha s, ment an employe eal reports from onka and Ellen Gaffn unty ured complaint. e harasst The most co and Public ey the departm jump or bite. he is gentle and would mmon sympto Health. ents of GIS/E apnot headache, an ms are fever, GI /E9 911 9 Coordina d tor James Qu Story continu under the jaw swollen salivary gland of Jan. 20, inn s es on page . The diseas inf 20 orm 16 5. hearing los with CodeRE , Buchanan County wi ed the board that as s, aseptic me e can lead to ll cancel its D emergency Buchanan Co ningitis (infec tion of the pro agreement notification ximately 9,0 co weekends thr unty Tourism Christm system. Cu 78 county spinal cord) vering of the brain an as at the De rrently, apreplaced by ough Dec. 6. citizens use d an po and noon to Al who have rea d, in 20-30% of males 5 PM Sund Hours are noon-8 PM t continues system maint ert Iowa, a statewide CodeRED. It will be ch ays at the Illi Saturdays em ain erg ed by en can cause pa ed puberty the diseas cy notificat Iowa Departm nois Central and Emergen Depot in Ind ion e inful, swoll Railroad ent of Home cy Managem ependence. en testicles sterility. land Security ent. View many and delightfully de Anyone can and holiday corated small trees Story continu contract mu items dona more comm mps, but it es on page ted from is on in infan throughout the 5. ts, children young adult county. Th and s. est bidder as e highThe mump Winthrop Ci of 3 PM s virus is spr ty lets of saliva ead by dro or Gerald De Council met in regular S u n d a y, por mucus fro ses nn nose, or thr m the mouth Mark Kress ie presiding and council sion Nov. 4, with MayDec. 7 is oa , , Ann Myers members Me usually when t of an infected perso , lissa Hesne da nc e. aw n, Al the person co ard ed so present we Leland Sprague and Le es or talks. e White in att r, ug re hs, lib Sheriff Bill sneezrary board me their speItems used enWo by an infect person, suc students, PW lfgram, Fire Chief Chris mber Katie Williams, h as cups or ed cial item. D Shawn Cu Hare, governm soft drink can can also be rtis, and City ent class s, co Proceed Clerk Mary s rus, which ma ntaminated with the vifrom the sile y Story continu Ryan. items are sha spread to others if tho nt es on page se red. auction will 4. be used for Generally, symptoms 2016 Buchan an Co un of mumps ty Tourism pro pear 12-25 apjec days after Admission infection, bu usually withi is free; howe ts. t n ver, a nation for the spread diseas 18 days. A person can Independenc doe Food Pantry e they become from three days befor is appreciated Area e ill until fou . r days after, until sympto Pic tured: There or ms resolve. Submitted by are over 70 Un fections can small decorat Cedar Valley be commun apparent ined trees, an Friends of the Nov. 14-22 ica other festiv d Family is National Story continu ble. e holiday ite many Hunger & we ek, observe ms for es on page bid, including Home d yearly to 5. the un help increase lessness Awareness se delightful derstanding, donations by public aw red uc e stigma and Bu to focus on encourage loc areness and County Maste chanan the pressing al communitie issues of hu r Did you kn nger and ho s Winthrop C& Gardeners, Steven C. Sm ow ? melessness. C, ith • In Buchan and THE NE Susan Oline, an County, Photos WS (include 2,4 foo 30 d ins ind ecure, accord ividuals are sa subscription est ing )! im Insecurity in to Feeding ate America, Ov d to be Iowa by Co unty in 2013 erall Food . Story continu es on page 4.


Supervisors hear about fence line complaint

Independence hospice pioneer’s vision See Inside! becomes a reality

agreement Council approves new insurance

oval bids Supervisors open snow rem Mumps incidenc e the rise in east on ern Iowa

local mineral resources this week Low-level flights to begin assessing

Gov. Branstad Apprenticesh and Lt. Gov. Reynolds h ig ip Week in Ind ependence hlight National

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Council meeti

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Hunger & Hom Awareness W elessness eek 2,430 in Bu

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