November 6, 2014
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Halloween Fun for ALL AGES! Read all these stories, and much MORE, in THE NEWS this week!
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PAGE 6 November 6, 2014
The News & The Guide
For All Your Local News,
Buchanan County Health Center EVERY CALORIE COUNTS
We make many food decisions every day. We have to decide how much to eat, what to eat, and when to eat it. Do we grab that handful of sweets or pass by the candy jar? Do we snack on that family size bag of chips throughout the day or be content with a single serving? “Grazing� is a habit that can be a major downfall for many dieters. Just 100 extra “mindless calories� per day creates 10 extra pounds of body fat in a year! If you are struggling with your weight, you may be consuming too many calories throughout the day that you don’t hold yourself accountable for. YES, every calorie really does count! Many people find themselves not considering the calories they consumed away from the kitchen table. Avoid eating in your car or when you are standing up. Sit down for meals, and even snacks, and pay attention to every bite. This will help you realize when you are satisfied and may prevent overeating. Also avoid skipping meals. You may think you are saving yourself calories, but it will actually just cause you to binge eat later in the day when your body is starving for food and energy.
If you control your cravings during the day, maybe you are one of those nighttime eaters that consume hundreds of calories late in the evening and into the night. To help curb nighttime eating, avoid boredom! Many people The News eat mindlessly at night because they have nothing more to do, so find something other than snacking in front of the tv to occupy your mind. Go for a The Newsyour & Theteeth Guideimmediwalk or work on your favorite hobby. Also, try brushing ately after the evening meal. Nighttime grazing won’t sound so appealing if you have a fresh, mint taste in your mouth. Living well with Working to change negative eating patterns can be very beneficial to your diet plan. You don’t have to change your entire lifestyle to see positive reBuchanan County sults. Start simple- cook smaller meals so there are no leftovers, take the high-calorie snacks out of your office, and fill up your evenings with ac- Center Health tivities. Staying focused and being committed to your plan will help you avoid those extra calories throughout the day because, YES, every calorie counts!
SUBSCRIBE What is ASTYM? TODAY 319-935-3027
ASTYM is an advanced form of soft tissue mobilization in
Buchanan County Healthphysical Centertherapy utilizing instruments to quickly identify ar319-332-0850 eas of soft tissue changes, and effectively treat these areas.
Your partner in building healthier communities.
Emergency services are among the most critical offerings for any community hospital. Chest pains, fractures, lacerations, car accidents, head trauma, dizziness, vomiting, unresponsiveness or trouble breathing - real emergencies like these come into the BCHC Emergency Department every day. To best respond to these emergencies, BCHC formed a new partnership with East Central Iowa Acute Care (E.C.I.A.C.), which fully staffs the emergency services at St. Luke’s in Cedar Rapids, and provides partial VWDIĂ€ QJ IRU *UXQG\ &RXQW\ 0HPRULDO +RVSLWDO LQ *UXQG\ &HQWHU DQG -RQHV 5HJLRQDO 0HGLFDO &HQWHU LQ $QDPRVD This new group brings a huge amount of emergency care expertise, and we hope to see a larger number Kelly Bose, RN, Bonnie Corkery, RN, and Kelly Clement, RN, are among the experienced care providers at BCHC. Emergency Department nurses are all extenof local people stay in town and VLYHO\ WUDLQHG DQG KDYH WDNHQ VHYHUDO DGYDQFHG FHUWLĂ€ FDWLRQV VXFK DV $GYDQFHG allow BCHC to be their “Hospital of &DUGLDF /LIH 6XSSRUW $&/6 3HGLDWULF $GYDQFHG /LIH 6XSSRUW 3$/6 DQG 7UDXPD 1XUVH &RUH &XUULFXOXP 71&& 7KHVH DGYDQFHG FHUWLĂ€ FDWHV DUH UHQHZHG Choiceâ€? as a result. every 2 and 4 years.
ECIAC goals in serving Emergency patients are: 1. To provide rapid and high quality care to our patients in the Emergency Department. :RUN ZLWK ORFDO SULPDU\ FDUH SURYLGHUV WR LQFUHDVH WKH QXPEHU RI SHRSOH ZKR FDQ VWD\ LQ ,QGHSHQGHQFH IRU FDUH 8OWLPDWHO\ IHZHU SDWLHQWV ZLOO QHHG WR EH WUDQVIHUUHG PDNLQJ UHFRYHU\ DQG IROORZ XS FDUH PRUH convenient for them and their families. :RUN ZLWK ORFDO (06 VHUYLFHV WR VXSSRUW DQG LPSURYH FDUH SURYLGHG E\ DUHD¡V À UVW UHVSRQGHUV The BCHC Emergency Department is open 24/7/365 to be provide high quality and fast service. For more information about the BCHC Emergency Department go to
Expertise. Convenience. Excellence. 1600 First St East, Independence, Iowa 50644
ASTYM starts the re-growth process to promote healthy soft tissue and reduce scar tissue that may be causing pain and/or movement restrictions. Soft tissue consists of muscles, tendon, ligaments, etc. Chronic soft tissue problems are usually due to scarring or degeneration. This scarring and degeneration can result in pain and limitations of movement. Degenerated tissues are weak and prone to injury. This can be caused from factors such as overuse, age, and improper movements which put stress on other tissues. Scarring can happen on top of skin, but also inside the body around the joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The body naturally lays down scar tissue in response to irritation or injury. This thick, tough scar tissue restricts movement and causes pain. $67<0 LV VFLHQWLÂż FDOO\ GHYHORSHG DQG UHVHDUFKHG DQG KDV a high success rate when other approaches may fail. It can resolve underlying causes of soft tissue problems, rather than just temporarily relieving symptoms. Some of the clinical diagnoses that have responded well include: Â&#x2021; 3ODQWDU IDVFLLWLV Â&#x2021; 6KLQ VSOLQWV Â&#x2021; +LS SDLQ EXUVLWLV Â&#x2021; :ULVW SDLQ 1-4 p.m. Â&#x2021; (OERZ SDLQ Â&#x2021; &DUSDO WXQQHO V\QGURPH Wee Willyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;˘ Quasqueton Â&#x2021; 6KRXOGHU SDLQ Proceeds will go towards If ASTYM is deemed appropriate, treatment is provided Cedar Valley Hospice twice weekly with ASTYM, along with giving a stretching $5 to enter and therapeutic program for daily home exercise. ASTYM sample treatments$5 lastto 6-12 sessions. chili and vote )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ FRQWDFW WKH 3K\VLFDO 7KHUDS\ 'HSDUW For more information call PHQW DW WKH %XFKDQDQ &RXQW\ +HDOWK &HQWHU Call Wee Willyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s at 319-934-9301 319-332-0850
Copies of THE NEWS are available at the following fine businesses:
Winthrop: THE NEWS, 225 W. Madison, McElroyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Foods. and Speede Shop Independence: Fareway, S&K Collectibles, Hartig Drug, The Music Station, and Caseys Manchester: Widner Drug
Saturday, Nov. 8
CHILI - COO Gary Fank at 319-981-4819
April 7, 3 PM
Leadership, After Hours, W Experience $10 entry fee pe Limit of 10 te and Dedication Public Taste Testing, for a F
Buchanan County
Public will vote Ifor sincerely appreciate all the help on th and supportFor you gave during the Choi â&#x20AC;&#x153;Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Â&#x2021; \HDU :HVWEXUJ 7RZQVKLS 7UXVWHH campaign. Â&#x2021; \HDU %RDUG RI 'LUHFWRUV IRU 5(& Thank you for all who voted for Â&#x2021; \HDU YROXQWHHU %UDQGRQ )LUVW 5HVSRQGHU me for County Supervisor. Please join us for an Â&#x2021; \HDU YROXQWHHU IRU %UDQGRQ )LUH 'HSDUWPHQW I will continue to do my best for all fun, friends and inÂ&#x2021; 2ZQHU RI +LFNH\ ([FDYDWLQJ DQG 'UDLQDJH Buchanan County. - Larry Hickey IRU \HDUV Â&#x2021; 0DUULHG \HDUV WR 5LWD FKLOGUHQ DQG All proceeds go to Wa JUDQGFKLOGUHQ
The News & The Guide
November 6, 2014
Influenza activity low in Iowa, two strains circulating Submitted by IDPH
Surveillance by Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) shows while flu activity in the state remains low, there are two strains of the virus circulating. “This is the perfect time to get your flu vaccination,” said IDPH Medical Director Dr. Patricia Quinlisk. “Identification of two circulating strains means that without a flu vaccination, an individual could become ill with the flu two different times.” This season’s flu vaccines cover three or four strains of flu, depending on which type of vaccine you receive. Quinlisk said the early identification of several flu strains circulating in the state means the upcoming influenza season could be more severe than a typical season. IDPH and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend annual influenza vaccinations for everyone six months of age and older. Vaccination is important for those with contact with people more vulnerable to the complications of flu, including babies, children with asthma, and the elderly. IDPH also recommends pregnant women be vaccinated to protect themselves, and to pass on some immunity to their baby. The flu is a serious respiratory illness caused by viruses. The flu comes on suddenly and symptoms may include fever, headache, tiredness, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, and body aches. Illness typically lasts 2-7 days, and often puts healthy people in bed for days. Influenza may cause severe illness or even death in people such as the very young or very old, or those who have underlying health conditions. Influenza is not a “reportable disease” in Iowa, which means health care providers are not required to notify IDPH each time a patient tests positive for influenza; however, IDPH conducts year-round statewide influenza surveillance through the Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network. This surveillance indicates what types of influenza viruses are circulating and how widespread influenza illness is. For more information about where and what kind of influenza is in Iowa, go to www.idph. Contact a health care provider or local health department to find out where the vaccine is available or use the Flu Vaccine Finder at
Independence merchants launch Holiday Season
During last weekend’s Holiday Open House event in Independence, S & K Collectibles featured specials throughout the store, door prizes, treats and apple cider. They have free gift wrapping and gave a gift with every purchase. Their store is filled with many delightful ideas for holiday gifts. S & K Collectibles S & K also serves as a satellite office for THE NEWS – shoppers can purchase individual editions, buy subscriptions, place classified ads, and drop off news items and photos at this convenient Independence location. Mary’s Flower Patch & Gifts also held its Holiday Open House and featured a beautiful arrangement of lighted canvas prints, ornaments, scarves, holiday picks, garlands, battery candles, jewelry and much more. The store was filled with the aroma of candles and many people came to shop. There was caramel apple cider, home-made goodies and door prizes.
(Donna Jensen Photos)
Mary’s Flower Patch
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PAGE 8 November 6, 2014
Upper Iowa again ranked top military-friendly college
Upper Iowa University in Fayette has been named once again as a top military-friendly school by both Military Advanced Education (MAE) and (formerly known as G.I. Jobs). UIU has made each list since they were created by the publications. UIU President William R. Duffy II, a retired lieutenant colonel in the Army, said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Throughout its history, UIU has been committed to providing educational programs to students who serve our nation. Since our young male students and faculty members marched off to serve in the Civil War, we have had close ties with the military. As a result, UIU has developed solid, high quality, affordable programs that allow military service members to earn their degrees in a variety of ways â&#x20AC;&#x201C; on campus, at educational centers on base or in the local community, online and through the self-paced degree program. Students can continue their degree program even when they are deployed in areas of the world without reliable computer access, which enhances their ability to advance their career while serving their country,â&#x20AC;? Duffy said. The MAE â&#x20AC;&#x153;Guide to Military-Friendly Colleges & Universitiesâ&#x20AC;? honors the top 20% of colleges, universities and trade schools in the country that are doing the most to embrace America's military service members, veterans, and spouses as students and ensure their academic success.
Church of Christ United
2nd Annual Fall Craft & Vendor Show
The News & The Guide
Bloom Elevator receives new life at Heartland Acres Submitted by Heartland Acres
Bloom Manufacturing, located west of Independence, has evolved over the years and manufactured items to meet the needs of a changing economy and customer base. The origins of the company date back to the early 1900s. Early days of the company were focused on design and manufacture of grain elevators, corn cutters, and grain augers. The items were well known throughout the area for being reliable, efficient and affordable. Some of their equipment can still be seen in farming operations in Amish communities. Heartland Acres received a donation of a Bloom Manufacturing elevator from Mike Sindt in Charles City. The elevator sat outside for many years and was deteriorating. Sindt decided Heartland Acres would be a great place to display the item for others to see. Prior to display, the elevator is being cleaned up, sealed with linseed oil and having minor repairs so the gears will turn again. The elevator may end up with a small gas or electrical motor mounted to it, which would have been the preferred method of powering the el-
evator back in the day. This and many other items are on display at Heartland Acres to tell the story of the areaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s local manufacturing and agricultural economy. Pictured: Jerry Shaffer takes a moment from the care and restoration of a recently donated Bloom Manufacturing elevator. Shaffer has been with Heartland Acres for seven years. At 80 years young, Jerry knows this type of equipment and, in some cases, used it back in the day. (Courtesy Photo)
Saturday, Nov. 8 9 AM-2 PM East Buchanan High School Gym, Winthrop Shop with over 50 vendors Stop in for lunch For information call or email Carol at 319-961-8030 or
John P Evers Agency John Evers An Outstanding Customer Experience J.D. Power and Associates certified 309 1st St. E. Distinguished Insurance Agency Independence, IA 50644 OfďŹ ce: 319-334-7141; 319-935-3213 Fax: 319-334-7312
American Family Mutual Insurance Company and its Subsidiaries American Family Insurance Company Home Office - Madison, WI 53783 Š 2011 005239 - 7/11
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November6,6,2014 2014 PAGE PAGE99 November
The results are in: Statewide results are in and Governor Terry Branstad wins a record
Iowa makes history
VL[WK WHUP -RQL (UQVW EHFRPHV ,RZD·V LWV À UVW ZRPDQ HOHFWHG WR VHUYH LQ Congress and Rod Blum will replace Bruce Braley in Iowa’s First District. State Representative Bruce Bearinger retained his seat in District 64. How did Buchanan County vote? See below.
November 6, 2014
The News & The Guide
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The News & The Guide
November 6, 2014
Iowa Crop and Weather Report
Dr. Craig Thompson delivers 1000th baby Submitted by Regional Medical Center
On Oct. 23, Dr. Craig Thompson delivered the 1000th baby of his career at Regional Medical Center. Eden Marie Wulfekuhle was welcomed by parents, Thomas and Brittany Wulfekuhle at 9:38 PM. Dr. Thompson shares, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The whole 35 years have gone by fast. What we had to work with in the beginning of my career in delivering babies is so different than now. â&#x20AC;ŚYou look at the kids you have delivered having kids and it does give you a feeling of the longview of life. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fun to see all these young couples starting families and witnessing that same miracle of life and how it ties them together all that much stronger. You get to work with families at a real important but yet vulnerable time in their life, and you have to help guide them through that. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s always a privilege and an honor when someone trusts you with their life. But, when you work with someone and they trust you not only with their life but also their babyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s about as high of honor as it gets.â&#x20AC;? Pictured: The Wulfekuhle family â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Brittany, Thomas, and baby Eden. (Courtesy Photo)
Join us for a party ...
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Thank you for allowing me to celebrate these 20 years!
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Buchanan County Review"
Iowa farmers were able to harvest one-quarter of the Stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s corn crop during the week ending November 2, 2014, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. There were 6.4 days suitable for fieldwork, the second most days suitable statewide this crop season. Other activities for the week included fall tillage, manure and fertilizer application, corn stalk baling, and hauling grain. Topsoil moisture levels rated 0 percent very short, 4 percent short, 84 percent adequate, and 12 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture levels rated 1 percent very short, 5 percent short, 83 percent adequate, and 11 percent surplus. Southwest Iowa was the wettest with almost one-third of its topsoil and subsoil in surplus condition. Sixty-one percent of Iowaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s corn acreage was harvested, 4 days behind 2013 and 10 days behind the five-year average. Moisture content of corn at harvest was estimated at 18 percent. Seventy-six percent of the corn crop was reported in good to excellent condition. Soybean harvest reached 91 percent complete, 3 days behind last year but a day ahead of normal. This was the first time this season soybean harvest was ahead of average. Grain movement from farm to elevator was rated 60 percent moderate to heavy, increasing 2 percentage points from the previous week. Although off-farm grain storage availability was rate 89 percent adequate to surplus, a few elevators were running short on storage space or limiting incoming grain. On-farm grain storage availability was 83 percent adequate to surplus. Hay and roughage supplies were estimated at 97 percent adequate to surplus. Livestock conditions were normal, with more cattle turned out on corn stalk fields.
By Harry Hillaker, State Climatologist, Iowa Department of Agriculture & Land Stewardship Iowa enjoyed its driest week in nearly two years. Only a handful of locations picked up any measurable rain with 0.05 inches near Badger (Webster County) being the most reported. The statewide average precipitation was a trace while normal for the week is 0.55 inches. The early portion of the week was unseasonably mild with daytime highs mostly in the sixties and seventies. Temperatures in far southwest Iowa soared into the eighties on Sunday (26th) with Sidney the warm spot at 85 degrees. A strong cold front moved into the state on Tuesday (28th) with daytime highs mostly in the forties for the remainder of the week across northern Iowa. There were scattered areas of freezing temperatures across western Iowa on Wednesday (29th) morning and northern Iowa on Thursday (30th) morning. However, a hard freeze impacted much of the northwestern two-thirds of Iowa on Friday (31st) morning and statewide on Saturday (1st) morning. The weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lowest temperatures were reported across northeast Iowa on Saturday morning with 14 degree readings at Elkader and Stanley. The statewide average temperature for the week was 0.6 degrees below normal. Soil temperatures at the four inch depth were averaging in the mid-forties across most of Iowa as of Sunday (2nd).
FAREWAY 1400 3RD AVE. S.E. MEAT DEPT., 334-2249 GROCERY DEPT., 334-3847
OPEN 8:00 AM TO 9:00 PM Monday-Saturday Closed Sunday
Christmas in the Country November 14-16
Treat your Party Guests, Employees and Customers with Fresh, Made to Order Holiday Gift Baskets, Be sure to check out our Fruit Trays, Relish Trays, great selection of Wine, Cheese, Meat & Beer and Spirits! ShrimpTrays...
Come Celebrate Christmas at The Depot Where: Illinois Central RR Depot 1111 5th Avenue NE Independence, Iowa When: November 8&9, 15&16, 22&23, 29&30 and December 6&7. Hours: Saturdays Noon - 8pm and Sundays Noon - 5pm There will be 78 Christmas Items to bid on - the highest bidder on December 7st at 3pm will receive WKDW LWHP $OO SURÂżWV JR IRU RXU SURMHFWV Admission is FREE! :H ZRXOG DSSUHFLDWH D FDVK RU IRRG GRQDWLRQ IRU WKH ORFDO IRRG SDQWU\ 7KDQN \RX
Grocery 319-334-3847 Meat Dept. 319-334-2249
Happy Holidays from all of us at Buchanan County Tourism!
November 6, 2014
The News & The Guide
Tips to help smokers quit
Deadline to seed winter hardy cover crops extended to Nov. 15
American Cancer Society offers tips to quit during the Great American Smokeout Celebrate more birthdays with the American Cancer Society by quitting smoking during this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Great American Smokeout on Thursday, Nov. 20. For those looking to â&#x20AC;&#x153;kick the habit,â&#x20AC;? here are some helpful tips on how to break free from a smoking addiction. 1) Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t keep it a secret. Include friends and family in the quitting process; they can offer much-needed support. 2) Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not alone. More and more people are trying to break free from cigarettes and there are many support options available. Many communities, employers, and health care organizations have free or low-cost counseling and support available to help you quit. Call the American Cancer Society at 1-800-227-2345 to find out whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s available locally. 3) Consider using medication to help. There are prescriptions and overthe-counter medications that can help one deal with withdrawal symptoms or even help to reduce the urge to smoke. Talk to a doctor first, but some medicine could help. 4) Dump the memories. Clear usual smoking areas of any reminders of cigarettes â&#x20AC;&#x201C; like lighters, ashtrays, or matches. Ask other smokers not
to smoke around you, and clean the house and car thoroughly to remove the smell of cigarettes. 5) Avoid places where smokers gather. Go to the movies or other places where smoking is not allowed. 6) Stay calm and stay busy. You may feel some nervous energy but it can be countered by physical and mental activities. Take long strolls and deep breaths of fresh air, and find things to keep hands busy, like crossword puzzles or yard work. There are a lot of leaves on the ground at this time of year. 7) Talk to your doctor. Before beginning any plan to quit smoking, check with a doctor to see what might be the best approach. Remember, quitting smoking is very personal and there isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t one perfect method. 8) When the urge to smoke strikes, do something else. If a craving for a cigarette is coming on, take a deep breath, count to 10 and then do something else. Call a supportive friend. Do brief exercises such as push-ups, walking up a flight of stairs, or toe touches. Anything that will take your mind off cravings. 9) One will hurt. Many people fall into the trap of thinking that if they only have one cigarette it is okay.
But even that one smoke can get you back in the habit of smoking full time. Keeping a supply of oral substitutes like carrots, apples, raisins, or gum handy can help. 10) Water, water everywhere. Drink lots of fluids to help curb cravings. Water is the best for this, and pass up on coffee and alcohol if they trigger a desire to smoke. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not easy to quit smoking. Studies indicate cigarettes are more addictive than heroin, and the first three weeks after quitting are said to be the most difficult. If you stumble along the way to giving up smoking, just try again. The key is to stick with it. You can quit! The American Cancer Society can help. Contact the American Cancer Society 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 1-800-227-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society created the trademarked concept for and held its first Great American Smokeout in 1976 as a way to inspire and encourage smokers to quit for a day. One million people quit smoking for a day at the 1976 event in California. The Great American Smokeout encourages smokers to commit to making a longterm plan to quit smoking for good.
Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey and State Agronomist Barb Stewart with USDAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Natural Resources Conservation Service announced farmers participating in state cost-share and most federal financial assistance programs now have until Nov. 15 to plant winter hardy cover crops and still qualify for assistance. The seeding date is extended following the announcement that only 81% of Iowaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s soybeans and 36% of corn were harvested as of Oct. 26. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The crop report indicates both corn and soybean harvests are behind the five-year average,â&#x20AC;? said Northey. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Extending the deadline to Nov. 15 will allow additional farmers to get cover crops planted while still benefiting water quality.â&#x20AC;? Winter hardy cover crops include cereal rye, winter wheat, triticale, among others. An extension was given to farmers last year, too, following a late harvest. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Late seeded winter hardy cover crops provided adequate spring growth for erosion control last year when allowed to grow to at least eight inches tall before termination,â&#x20AC;? said Stewart. Guidance from Iowa State University confirmed cover crops planted through the Nov. 15 deadline still have the potential to provide a substantial reduction in nutrient losses and soil erosion. The following applies to cover crops planted in the extension period (Oct. 16-Nov. 15): â&#x20AC;˘ Cover crops will be seeded as soon as possible after harvest of the principal crop. â&#x20AC;˘ The cover crop to be seeded must be winter hardy (i.e. cereal rye, winter wheat, triticale). â&#x20AC;˘ The cover crop will be no-till drilled in crop residue. â&#x20AC;˘ Allow cover crop to add growth as long as possible in the spring prior to termination to maximize benefits. (Must be allowed to grow until at least 8-inches for those participating in federal programs.) â&#x20AC;˘ The extension does not apply for all federal programs. Contact a NRCS office regarding questions. Farmers approved for cost-share assistance who are still unable to plant cover crops should contact their local Soil and Water Conservation District office.
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The News & The Guide
November 6, 2014
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November 6, 2014
That makes me sick
Commercial Ag Weed, Insect, Plant Disease CIC set for Nov. 12
The Iowa Department of Public Health tion of a bagged salad mix. Cyclospora is a (IDPH) recently issued the 2013 Iowa Sur- rare parasite that can cause prolonged, watery veillance of Notifiable and Other Diseases diarrhea, which, if left untreated, can last weeks Report. The annual report provides a yearly to months. Only 10 cases of Cyclospora had snapshot of what, how, and when events af- been reported in Iowa prior to 2013. Cases infect public health. In 2013, more than 71,000 creased by nearly 315% last year. In addition laboratory results of infectious diseases and to the Cyclospora outbreak, 59 other outbreaks conditions were submitted to IDPH disease affecting more than 1,100 people were reported surveillance programs. and investigated in 2013. The most common In general, the number of reported cases of implicated pathogen was norovirus and outvaccine-preventable diseases decreased when breaks occurred most frequently in restaurants, compared to the previous three-year average long-term care/assisted living facilities, schools/ (2010-12); however, the number of reported child care facilities, and homes. Hepatitis A cases increased. Other significant elements of the 2013 reDiseases spread via insects continue to im- port include an increase in enteric or diarrheal pact Iowans. In 2013, there was a notable diseases, which are typically associated with number of these diseases reported to IDPH in- contaminated food or water. For instance, cluding Dengue fever, Lyme disease, malaria, there were 342 cases of Shigellosis reported Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and West Nile to IDPH last year, an increase of 518% from virus. Of these diseases, Lyme disease and 2012, when 91 cases were reported. West Nile virus increased when compared to For the complete IDPH 2013 Iowa Surveilthe previous three-year average. “We expect lance of Notifiable and Other Diseases Report, to see an increase in imported insect-borne visit diseases in the future,” said IDPH Medical Director Dr. Patricia Quinlisk. “Chikungunya is a mosquito-borne disease that has become common in the Caribbean and Iowans who vacation and are bit by an infected mosquito there can come home and become ill. If you’re traveling to areas outside the U.S., it’s important to know what diseases are circu512 20th Ave SW, Independence lating there and how to protect 319-334-3761 1-800-545-4869 yourself against them.” • Collision Repair See Allen During the summer of 2013, • Frame Straightening 136 Iowans from 35 counties for Paintless • 24 Hour Towing and Recovery were diagnosed with Cyclospo• Paintless Dent Removal Dent riasis as part of a multi-state • Used Car Sales outbreak linked to consump• Computerized FREE Estimates
A Commercial Ag Weed, Insect and Plant Disease Management Continuing Instructional Course (CIC) for commercial pesticide applicators will be shown Wednesday, Nov. 12 at Buchanan County ISU Extension and Outreach, 2600 Swan Lake Blvd., Suite A, Independence. Registration begins at 8:30 AM and the course is 9-11:30 AM; cost is $45 and must be pre-paid. To register or learn more, contact Rosemary at 319-334-7161. CICs available for commercial pesticide applicators certified in categories 1A, 1B, 1C and 10, along with Certified Crop Advisor Continuing Education Units in soil and water management and pest management. Interested participants should bring their CCA number. Topics include water quality protection; pests, pest management and pesticides; phytotoxicity; and pesticide stewardship.
IDPH annual report summarizes what made Iowans ill
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The News & The Guide
IN THE MATTER OF THE TRUST: TED L. JAMES TRUST, dated August 27th, 1997 To all persons regarding Ted L. James, deceased, who died on or about the 26th day of October, 2014. You are hereby notified that Karen A. Dickinson, James F. James and Gary W. James are the trustees of the TED L. JAMES TRUST, dated the 27th day of August, 1997. Any action to contest the validity of the trust must be brought in the District Court of Buchanan County, Iowa, within the later to occur of four (4) months from the date of second publication of this notice or thirty (30) days from the date of mailing this notice to all heirs of the decedent settlor and the spouse of the decedent settlor whose identities are reasonably ascertainable. Any suit not filed within this period shall be forever barred. Notice is further given that any person or entity possessing a claim against the trust must mail proof of the claim to the trustee at the address listed below via certified mail, return receipt requested, by the later to occur of four (4) months from the second publication of this notice or thirty (30) days from the date of mailing this notice if required or the claim shall be forever barred unless paid or otherwise satisfied. Dated this September 30, 2014. TED L. JAMES TRUST, dated August 27, 1997 Karen A. Dickinson, PO Box 16, Keota, IA 52248 James F. James, 315 W Hamilton Street, Winthrop, IA 50682 Gary W. James, PO Box 495, Wellsburg, IA 50680 A.J. Flickinger, ICIS PIN#: AT0002604, Attorney for Trustee 316 1st St. East, Independence, IA 50644 Date of second publication: November 13, 2014.
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The News & The Guide
November 6, 2014
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Public Notice
Buchanan County Board of Supervisors October 27, 2014 The Buchanan County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, October 27, 2014 with Ellen Gaffney, Chairman in the Chair, Gary Gissel and Ralph Kremer present. Absent, none. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Motion by Kremer second by Gissel to approve the minutes of the October 20th meeting. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gissel second by Kremer to approve the employee reimbursement claims filed with the County Auditor for payment in the amount of $523.60. All in favor, motion carried. Supervisor Gaffney presented information regarding the hog confinement application for Mark and Don Toale. After discussion, motion by Gissel second by Kremer to approve the construction permit for Mark and Don Toale. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gissel second by Kremer to go into closed session at 9:05 a.m. to discuss strategy with counsel in matters presently in litigation or where litigation is imminent and disclosure would likely prejudice or disadvantage the county pursuant to Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(c). All in favor, motion carried. The Board came out of closed session at 9:31 a.m. .Motion by Gissel second by Kremer to approve the settlement agreement with Lila Givens. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gissel second by Kremer to adjourn at 9:45 a.m. All in favor, motion carried. Ellen Gaffney, Chairman ATTEST: Cindy Gosse, Auditor Claims paid the month of October: Advanced Systems Inc, Supplies .............................6 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 Agvantage Fs Inc, Fuel..9 , 2 6 6 . 6 4 Allen Memorial Hospital Corp, Serv ..................................2 0 2 . 0 0 Alliant Energy, Serv .......1 , 9 2 4 . 6 7 Altorfer Inc, Repairs .......3 , 8 7 8 . 7 8 American Resource Consultants, Supplies ............................2 1 7 . 4 8 Anderson Erickson Dairy, Inmate Provisions .........................3 6 6 . 4 1
AT&T, Serv..........................4 0 . 3 4 B & B Farm Store Inc, Supplies ....................................7 6 . 0 1 B2b Computer Products Llc, Supplies ..................................9 3 7 . 5 0 Babros, Timothy E, Equipment..................................4 7 5 . 0 0 Bagbys Automotive, Repairs ...............................1 , 3 0 0 . 4 0 BankIowa, Fees ..................1 3 . 7 8 Benton’s Ready Mixed Concrete, Concrete ......................8 , 0 0 4 . 0 0 Berns, Allan, Mileage Reimb Per Diem .................................8 2 0 . 4 8 Birdnow Motor Trade, Repairs ..................................2 0 8 . 9 5 Black Hawk Co Sheriff, Serv ............................................9 7 . 6 8 Black Hawk Grundy, Serv ..........................................2 1 3 . 0 0 Black Hills Energy, Serv ...1 7 6 . 6 2 Blake, Scott J, Repairs ..1 , 9 7 9 . 1 0 Bockenstedt, Burke, Well Rehabilitation ............................6 0 0 . 0 0 Bodensteiner Implement Co, Parts ...............................2 0 0 . 9 9 Brecke Inc, Repairs .......1 , 4 1 9 . 2 3 Brown, Marlene, Mileage Reimb .................................1 7 . 9 2 Bruening Rock Products Inc, Rock ..............................5 , 4 2 0 . 8 2 Buchanan Co Auditor, Serv ..........................................3 4 4 . 4 4 Buchanan Co Extension Office, Regist ...............................1 7 5 . 0 0 Buchanan Co Public Health Dept, Serv ...............................1 , 9 8 0 . 0 0 Buchanan Co Sheriff, Serv ..........................................7 1 3 . 0 0 Burkhart, Tai, Mileage & Cell Phone Reimb ...............................1 0 2 . 8 4 Catt Trust, Charles M, Fencing Reimb ..........................10,598.00 CDW Government LLC, Parts .................................2 0 9 . 6 9 Central IA Water Assn, Serv ..........................................5 2 5 . 3 4 Central Iowa Distributing, Supplies ..................................2 9 3 . 6 0 Centurylink, Serv ................7 6 . 0 0 Chemsearch, Supplies .....2 6 5 . 1 6 Chief Supply Corp, Uniforms.................................1 4 3 . 1 6 Citizen Herald, Publications ..........................................5 6 9 . 9 2 City Laundering Co, Serv ..........................................4 0 3 . 1 3 Coast To Coast Computer Prod, Supplies .........................1 , 3 8 1 . 8 8 Compass Minerals, Winter Salt ..............................17,539.29 Connell, Karen, Mileage Reimb ...................................1 . 6 8 Consolidated Energy Co, Fuel..............................13,624.64 Construction Materials, Supplies ...............................1 , 1 6 2 . 2 5 Copy Systems Inc, Supplies
Tiling, Land Clearing, Waterways, Terraces, Septic Systems & Water Lines.
NOVEMBER 7-8, 2014
67.62 acres crop land, average CSR1 is 70.40, assessor parcel
67.38 acres cropand land, average CSR1 is 79.15, assessorTownparcel #04.11.300.001 04.11.300.008 Section 11, Madison #110100000200 and 110100000300 Section 10, Coffins Grove ship, Buchanan County 1 mile North of Lamont on Hwy. 187 Township, Delaware County or adjacent to 1726 & 1746 130th and the intersection of 120th Street. Ave., Manchester For an Information Packet email email For an Information Packet
%//%//%,,%Ų ((!5Ų %.Ų !*0!.ŲŗŲ 2!*,+.0
ACCEPTING SEALED BIDS UNTIL NOVEMBER 14, 2014 AT 5:00 PM 67.38 acres crop land, average CSR1 is 79.15, assessor parcel #110100000200 and 110100000300 Section 10, Coffins Grove Township, Delaware County or adjacent to 1726 & 1746 130th Ave., Manchester For an Information Packet email
Randy Willie, Broker
Tim Rasmussen 334-3053
Randy Willie, Broker
114 Commercial St., Strawberry Point MECUM.COM563-933-4411 OR 262�275�5050
..........................................1 3 5 . 8 0 Corkery Farm Land Inc, Tiling Reimb ...............................3 2 0 . 0 0 County Case Mngt Serv, Regist ................................... 1 , 0 11 . 5 0 Cy &Charleys Inc, Serv .1 , 0 1 9 . 2 5 Dan Corbin Inc, Serv .....4 , 5 6 0 . 7 5 Daves Enterprises, Parts .....................................13,913.00 Dell Marketing LP, Equip/ Parts ..............................5 , 1 4 1 . 4 4 Dental Distributors Inc, Supplies ..................................2 9 0 . 9 0 Des Moines Stamp Co, Supplies ....................................2 7 . 5 0 Diamond Enterprises, Serv ...............................1 , 9 0 0 . 0 0 Dingbaum, Victoria, Serv ..3 2 9 . 9 6 Dons Truck Sales Inc, Serv .............................10,845.42 Dooley-Rothman, Sarah, Serv ..................................1 5 0 . 0 0 Dorman, Jeffrey K, Right Of Way .............................1 , 0 5 0 . 0 0 Doyle, Tom, Mileage Reimb ............................................1 3 . 4 4 East Buchanan Telephone, Serv ..................................9 9 9 . 5 4 East Central Iowa Rec, Utilities .................................. 8 11 . 4 1 Embassy Suites Hotel, Lodging .....................................7 7 2 . 8 0 Erpelding, Bruce A, Rent ..1 2 5 . 0 0 Esch, Laurie, Meal Reimb ....6 . 8 4 Fairbank, City Of, Utilities ..........................................1 0 8 . 0 3 Fareway Foods, Supplies ..........................................2 7 4 . 11 Farm & Home Publishers, Platbooks ................................7 5 0 . 0 0 Farmers Mutual Telephone Co, Serv ..................................1 6 2 . 9 8 Fastenal Co, Parts ............1 8 4 . 3 1 Fayette Co Sheriff, Serv .....8 6 . 1 2 First Street Deli, Supplies ...5 6 . 2 5 Franzen, Clair, Serv ..........2 0 0 . 0 0 Furness, Jerry, Clothing Reimb ...............................1 9 9 . 9 5 Gaffney, Ellen, Mileage Reimb ...............................3 0 0 . 7 2 Gaffney Quarries, Rock .......................................8 , 9 9 7 . 1 7 George A Lanxon Piling Sales, Serv .............................20,064.00 Goodwill Industries, Serv ..5 9 6 . 0 0 Greenley Lumber Co, Parts ............................................ 1 1 . 9 6 Greiner, Rick, Clothing Reimb ...............................1 5 0 . 0 0 Hamilton, Loren J, Serv ....1 0 0 . 0 0 Hardware Hank, Supplies ...2 1 . 8 5 Hartig Pharmacy, Imate Provisions .....................................4 . 8 9 Hawkeye Alarm Co, Serv....7 2 . 0 0 Hepke, Steve, Meal Reimb ............................................1 3 . 0 2 Hewlett-Packard Co, Equip .............................5 , 5 4 1 . 0 9
Hickey, Larry J, Serv....12,328.00 Hi-Way Products Inc, Guardrail ..................................6 , 7 2 0 . 0 0 Hulbert, Dave, Mileage Reimb Per Diem .................................6 5 0 . 0 8 IA Water Environment Assn, Regist ........................................2 5 . 0 0 IDALS Apiary Program, Serv ....................................6 6 . 6 9 Illowa Culvert & Supply, Culverts .............................33,772.80 Indep Light & Power, Utilities ...............................13,232.21 Indep Postmaster, Postage ..........................................6 7 9 . 0 0 ICAP, Ins ...........................2 0 3 . 5 8 IA Community Serv Assoc, Dues ...................................5 0 . 0 0 IDNR, Permits...................3 2 5 . 0 0 IDOT, Certificate .................1 0 . 0 0 Iowa Prison Industries, Supplies ..................................4 9 5 . 7 0 ISAC, Regist .....................5 1 0 . 0 0 ISU, Regist .......................7 5 0 . 0 0 Iowa Wall Sawing, Serv .......................................3 , 6 0 0 . 0 0 J & D Body Shop, Serv .....4 0 0 . 0 0 JJ Keller & Associates, Supplies ....................................3 0 . 0 0 John Deere Financial, Parts860.31 Junk, Robert, VA Mileage Reimb ...............................3 5 5 . 0 4 K Construction Inc, Bridge Payment.............................32,561.34 Keierleber, Brian, Meal & Clothing Reimb .................................4 3 . 5 6 Kelly, Amy, Mileage & Cell Phone Reimb .................................6 0 . 0 8 Ken’s Electric, Serv .....12,957.46 Knapps Service, Parts/Repairs ..................................2 0 4 . 0 0 Kremer, Ralph, Mileage Reimb ...............................3 4 5 . 2 4 Kwik Trip Stores, Fuel.......5 4 0 . 0 6 Lamont, City Of, Utilities .....4 7 . 7 3 Law Enforcement Systems, Supplies ....................................8 2 . 0 0 Letts, Kathy, Meal Reimb.... 1 1 . 1 2 Lexisnexis, Serv ...............1 5 6 . 0 0 Lifeline Training Ltd, Regist ..........................................1 9 9 . 0 0 Lindsay, Brian M, Well Plugging ...................................8 0 0 . 0 0 LSI, Co Cost ..................1 , 3 9 9 . 5 0 Madison CemAssoc, VA Grave Markers/Care ....................2 3 6 . 0 0 Mail Services LLC, Printing/Postage....................................7 3 1 . 0 8 Manatts, Serv ...................1 2 3 . 4 0 Manson, Chad J &Christel M, Right Of Way ............................6 0 0 . 0 0 Marco, Billable Copies Overage.................................6 , 0 4 1 . 2 3 Marlow, Amy, Mileage & Cell Phone Reimb ...............................1 9 5 . 2 4 Martin, Lori, Rent Refund ...7 5 . 0 0 McClintock, Gary F, Serv ....9 0 . 0 0 Medical Associates, Serv..6 2 5 . 0 0
114 Commercial St., Strawberry Point 563-933-4411
MHDS-ECR, Region Payment...........................198,028.00 MidAmerican Energy Co, Utilities ....................................2 0 1 . 1 5 Midwest Underground, HydroSeeder .........................31,000.00 Mills, Karla, Mileage Reimb ..........................................4 7 6 . 5 6 Monkeytown Office Supply, Supplies ....................................8 0 . 0 6 Myers-Cox Co, Inmate Provisions ..............................3 , 6 0 8 . 8 4 Napa Auto Parts, Parts .....5 8 7 . 8 0 NACO, Dues .....................4 5 0 . 0 0 Networking Solutions, Support ................................9 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 Oelwein Glass Inc, Supplies ..........................................2 3 4 . 3 2 Oelwein Publishing Group, Publications ...........................1 , 0 2 7 . 8 5 Office Max Inc, Supplies ...7 1 2 . 0 9 Office Towne Inc, Supplies ..........................................4 8 6 . 0 2 Operation Threshold, FY15 Approp ...............................2 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 O’Reilly Automotive Inc, Parts ...................................4 2 . 0 4 Orkin Exterminating Co, Serv ............................................5 8 . 4 8 Ott, Karen, Clothing Reimb ..........................................1 7 3 . 9 3 Pathways Behavorial Serv, Serv ..................................3 9 0 . 0 0 Paul Niemann Construction Co, Rock ............................82,193.86 Pech, David, Mileage Reimb ............................................1 9 . 0 4 Pinicon Ford, Serv .......71,660.98 Positive Promotions, Supplies ..................................1 4 6 . 5 0 Power Plan, Parts ........12,544.14 Print Express, Supplies ....6 1 8 . 9 0 Priority Dispatch, Maint Agreement....................................7 8 . 0 0 Quasqueton Cem Assn, VA Grave Markers.............................3 1 6 . 0 0 Ratchford, Rick, Bands .......2 9 . 2 5 Ray O’Herron Co Inc, Parts ..............................3 , 5 4 7 . 0 2 Reiff Funeral Home, Serv ....................................... 1 , 11 3 . 4 5 Ricoh USA Inc, Serv ...........3 0 . 9 8 Roepke, Leland C, VA Commissioners Exp .........................4 1 . 8 0 Rowley, City Of, Utilities .....1 2 . 5 0 RV Horizons Inc, Rent ......1 0 0 . 0 0 Ryherd, John, Mileage Reimb .................................1 6 . 8 0 Sadler Power Train Inc, Parts .................................5 9 5 . 0 0 Schumacher Elevator Co, Serv ..................................4 0 0 . 0 0 Scots Supply, Parts ..........2 5 0 . 8 1 Scott, Harry L & Connie, Rent ..................................3 2 5 . 0 0 Security Storage, Rent .....4 2 5 . 0 0 Sherrets, Larry, VA Commissioners Exp .....................................2 5 . 0 0
Shield Technology Corp, Serv ...............................6 , 8 1 0 . 0 0 Short, Jan, Mileage Reimb ............................................1 4 . 5 6 Shred Master, Serv .............3 7 . 5 0 Signs & More, Supplies ....1 6 2 . 8 7 Slattery, John, Mileage Reimb .................................1 0 . 0 8 Spahn& Rose Lumber Co, Supplies ...............................3 , 0 3 2 . 3 1 Spangler Cemetery Assoc, VA Grave Markers ....................5 2 . 0 0 St Lukes Hospital CPC, Regist ...................................... 11 0 . 0 0 State Hygienic Laboratory, Supplies ..................................4 3 0 . 0 0 Steil Welding, Parts ..........1 0 2 . 8 0 Stetson Bldg Products, Parts ..............................1 , 0 8 1 . 7 7 Superior Welding Supply, Rental .......................................2 2 1 . 8 3 Tessco Inc, Parts ...........2 , 0 0 9 . 8 3 Three Rivers Fs Inc, Serv ..........................................2 1 2 . 0 0 TMA Laser Group Inc, Supplies ...............................1 , 1 9 3 . 7 6 Treasurer State of Iowa, Sales Tax ....................................2 5 2 . 0 0 Tritech Forensics Inc, Supplies ..................................1 7 9 . 0 0 Trumbauer, Melissa, Mileage & Meal Reimb ......................3 6 0 . 6 1 Tyler Technologies Inc, Software ..................................2 5 0 . 0 0 Ubben Building Supplies Inc, Supplies ..................................4 4 7 . 0 0 US Cellular, Serv ...........1 , 4 5 0 . 6 7 US Postmaster, Postage .......................................3 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 VanRaden, Mike, Meal Reimb .................................3 0 . 8 4 Veridian Credit Union, Fees ............................................5 3 . 2 0 Verizon Wireless, Serv .....5 0 8 . 2 9 Visa, Postage/Supplies..1 , 4 6 4 . 0 7 Walmart, Supplies ............1 8 9 . 4 4 Waste Management, Fees...............................2 , 6 0 2 . 8 1 Watson & Ryan Plc, Serv ..........................................4 3 0 . 5 0 Webb Concrete, Serv .......8 0 0 . 0 0 Weber Paper Co, Supplies ..........................................6 1 3 . 9 5 Wedeking, James H, Buffalo ....................................1 , 4 7 7 . 0 0 Welch, William J, VA Commissioners Exp ...............................3 7 . 3 2 Windstream, Serv .............4 7 2 . 3 3 Winthrop News, Publications ..................................6 5 9 . 7 2 Winthrop, City Of, Utilities...1 8 . 7 8 Xerox Corp, Serv ................5 0 . 3 6 Zee Medical Service Co, Supplies ..................................1 8 9 . 7 0 Total ..........................762,539.34
PUBLIC NOTICE... IT IS YOUR RIGHT TO KNOW and be informed of the functions of government that are embodied in public notices. Since self-government charges all citizens to be informed, this newspaper urges every citizen to read and study these notices. We strongly advise those citizens seeking further information to exercise their right to access public records and public meetings.
November 6, 2014
The News & The Guide
JOIN OUR DYNAMIC TEAM! Buchanan County Health Center has full and part time positions available. Please refer to for a complete listing and to complete an application. PRE-PAYMENT is required for Thank You and Classified Ads before publication. These are not billed. Send payment ($6.00 for up to 25 words, 10 cents per word after) with your ad to PO Box 9, Winthrop IA 50682 or drop off at 225 W. Madison, Winthrop. Thank you.
THANK YOU A sincere thank you to all our family and friends for all the beautiful cards and gifts we received on our 60th wedding anniversary. We enjoyed hearing from so many. It was truly appreciated. Thanks again and God bless. Leo and Lois Francois pp
FOR SALE Winthrop: Move right in! 2 bdr home! Many new updates! $59,500. Call Kevin @ 563-920-3103 or F&G Realty @ 563-927-4410.
THANK YOU We would like to thank everyone that sent us cards for our 50th wedding anniversary. It was great to hear from so many friends and relatives. We really appreciate the kindness. Tom and Karen Hoefer pp
THANK YOU You overwhelmed us with your gifts, flowers, and cards on our 60th wedding anniversary. For this we are most thankful and grateful for your kindness. Special thanks to our family who are always giving us support. Margaret Ann and John C. Hogan pp
CLASSIFIED ADS WORK! PLACE YOUR AD TODAY! Call 319.935.3027 or 319.327.1810
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Public Notice
Buchanan County Board of Supervisors October 20, 2014 The Buchanan County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, October 20, 2014 with Ellen Gaffney, Chairman in the Chair, Gary Gissel and Ralph Kremer present. Absent, none. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Motion by Gissel second by Kremer to approve the minutes of the October 14th meeting. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Kremer second by Gissel to approve the claims ďŹ led with the County Auditor for payment in the amount of $290,473.86. All in favor, motion carried. Roadside Manager, Sherlyn Hazen presented the monthly report of the Roadside Management Department. The new hydro seeder is
installed. The spraying is ďŹ nished for the season. Manager Hazen will be speaking about the Buchanan County program to the Sierra club. There is a lot of bucket truck tree trimming to do this winter. After discussion, motion by Gissel second by Kremer to accept the monthly report. All in favor, motion carried. Community Services Director, Julie Davison presented the monthly report of her department. Case Management has served 125 clients. Part-time staff will increase hours on a short term basis due to an employee absence. Two staff members are preforming Regional social work. The State will not provide equalization money for FY16 and the counties currently at $47.28 levies will be required to reduce them. Buchanan County will be required to reduce the tax mental health dollars by $76,725. Eight residents received rental assistance and 9 residents received utility assistance. Twenty-four veterans were served. Motion by Gissel second by Kremer to accept the monthly report. All in favor, motion carried.
IT Director, Ray McDonald presented his monthly report. Director McDonald is working with the Sheriffâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s department on the ICOP software. The software update in the Recorderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ofďŹ ce should be completed in November. McDonald continues to work on the Prolaw software in the County Attorneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ofďŹ ce. After further discussion, motion by Kremer second by Gissel to accept the report. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Kremer second by Gissel to approve the following resolutions. On roll call all voted aye thereon. Motion carried. RESOLUTION 14-76 AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 14-A-12 BUCHANAN CO, IOWA The rezoning of property located in Perry Township, Section 32, four acres from â&#x20AC;&#x153;A-1â&#x20AC;? agricultural and to â&#x20AC;&#x153;R-3â&#x20AC;? residential. BE IT ORDAINED: That Section IV of the Buchanan County, Iowa, Zoning Ordinance be amended to reďŹ&#x201A;ect the zoning
change on the ofďŹ cial zoning maps as follows: Starting at the NE corner of Parcel N in the NW qtr. NE qtr., Sec. 32, T89N, R10W of the 5th P.M., Buchanan County, Iowa, thence E525 ft., S450 ft., W310 ft., NW476 ft. to the point of beginning. To allow construction of a single-family dwelling with a small business with an annual business permit. The Buchanan County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on the aforementioned amendment at 9:45 a.m. on November 10, 2014 in the Supervisorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Chambers of the Buchanan County Courthouse, Independence, Iowa. Passed this 20thday of October 2014. RESOLUTION 14-77 AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 14-A-13 BUCHANAN CO, IOWA The rezoning of property located in Jefferson Township, Section 22, 4.3 acres from â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;? industrial and to â&#x20AC;&#x153;Câ&#x20AC;? commercial. BE IT ORDAINED:
1600 First St East Independence, IA 50644 319-332-0999
Snow Removal
East Buchanan Community School District is seeking bids for snow removal during the 2014-2015 school year. Please send sealed bid to: 6XSHULQWHQGHQWÂśV 2IÂżFH (DVW %XFKDQDQ &6' WK 6WUHHW 1RUWK :LQWKURS ,$ Bids are due Monday, November 10, 2014 at 12 Noon.
The City of Lamont is accepting applications for a full-time assistant Public Works employee. Duties shall include all aspects of public works including water and waste water system operations, streets, parks, as well as vehicle, equipment, building, and grounds maintenance and repairs. Deadline to apply: Tuesday November 18, 2014 at 5:00 pm. Application/job description available at City of Lamont, 644 Bush Street, PO Box 240, Lamont IA 50650-0240, phone (563) 924-2194 or email: FLW\RĂ&#x20AC;DPRQW#ZLQGVWUHDP QHW Wages DOQ EOE
American Red Cross
Winthrop Community Blood Drive Friday, November 7â&#x20AC;˘ 1-6 PM
Church of Christ Fellowship Hall, 534 W. Madison, Winthrop Walk-ins Welcome. Appointments Preferred.
For appointment, call Marilyn at 319-935-3681
The need is constant. The gratiďŹ cation is instant. Give blood.â&#x201E;˘ That Section IV of the Buchanan County, Iowa, Zoning Ordinance be amended to reďŹ&#x201A;ect the zoning change on the ofďŹ cial zoning maps as follows: Beginning at the NW corner of the NW qtr. of the SW qtr. Sec. 22, T87N, R10W of the 5th P.M., Buchanan County, Iowa. Thence 846.3 ft. to the point of beginning, thence S60o11â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, E1240 ft., N88o56â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, W1070 ft., N0o39â&#x20AC;? E486.6 ft. to the point of beginning. To rezone from Industrial to Commercial and include a photography studio as a principal permitted use within the Commercial District. The Buchanan County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on the aforementioned amendment at 9:50 a.m. on November 10, 2014 in the Supervisorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Chambers of the Buchanan County Courthouse, Independence, Iowa. Passed this 20th day of October 2014. Motion by Kremer second by Gissel to approve the following resolution. On roll call all voted aye thereon. Motion carried. RESOLUTION 14-78
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has the power to abate taxes on property that is owned by a political subdivision of the State of Iowa per Iowa Code Section 445.63. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors authorizes the County Treasurer to abate taxes, penalty and costs under the name of the City of Stanley, parcels # and # in the amount of $2,030 for the years 2010 through 2013 payable 2011-15. Passed this 20th day of October 2014. Supervisor Gaffney presented information regarding the Removable Storage Encryption Policy. After discussion, motion by Gissel second by Kremer to approve the Buchanan County Removable Storage Encryption Policy as recommended by the IT Committee. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gissel second by Kremer to adjourn at 9:33 a.m. All in favor, motion carried. Ellen Gaffney, Chairman ATTEST: Cindy Gosse, Auditor
The News & The Guide
November 6, 2014
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East Buchanan Telephone Cooperative Winthrop • 935-3011 or 1-866-327-2748
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Aurora Plumbing & Electric Aurora 634-3837
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Iowa KidsNet celebrates National Adoption Month in November Iowa KidsNet joins child welfare advocates and families across the country in celebrating November’s National Adoption Month, a time to raise awareness for the more than 104,000 children in the United States who are waiting to be adopted from foster care and to recognize the people who make a difference in their lives. “Every child and teen deserves to have a forever family, a permanent connection to a car-
ing and supportive adult,” said Theresa Lewis, project director for Iowa KidsNet. “This November, we encourage more Iowans to consider becoming foster or adoptive parents, especially for older youth, or to get involved in other ways.” Thanks to the many Iowans who already serve as foster and/or adoptive parents, as caregivers and in other supporting roles, many children and teens are safely reunited with
OR Viewing CALL Dan’s Date Cell Nov. 13-22 563-920-1171
their parents, cared for by relatives or adopted into loving forever homes. However, Lewis says there aren’t enough adoptive families to keep more than 26,000 teens nationwide from aging out of the foster care system each year. “Children and teens enter the foster care system through no fault of their own, and they’re no different than other youth you know, except they shoulder the worries of where they will live next month, where their siblings are and how to adjust to new schools, homes and environments,” Lewis said. “More than anything, they need the encouragement, love and trust of a family who will provide a stable home and help them succeed.” More foster adoptive homes are also needed for sibling groups and children with special needs or behaviors, who may have experienced abuse or neglect. There is also a need for more African American and Latino families to become foster or adoptive parents. In all Iowa counties, Iowa KidsNet offers free post-adoption support to families who have adopted a child through the Iowa Department of Human Services. Iowa KidsNet also offers several ways to get involved in supporting youth in foster care:
November 6, 2014 Page 19
• Start the process to foster or adopt a child. Iowa KidsNet holds information sessions on foster care and adoption regularly in Waterloo. For dates and times, or to register, visit • Become a volunteer or advocate. Become a youth mentor or volunteer for an agency that helps youth in foster care. Access resources to share with a business, church or community group at • Finalize your adoption. Join thousands of families in finalizing their adoptions in November. Waterloo will hold Adoption Friday on Nov. 14. To get involved, contact Kara Magnison at 319-337-4523. Iowa KidsNet is a statewide collaboration of agencies that utilizes a unique, cohesive approach to provide recruitment, training, licensing and continued support to individuals who wish to become foster and adoptive parents. Iowa KidsNet is a partnership of six Iowa social service agencies, including Four Oaks, Children’s Square USA, Family Resources, Lutheran Services in Iowa, Quakerdale and Youth and Shelter Services. For information, call 1-800-243-0756 or visit
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er is Octoibonal t a h! N Mont Pork
October 23, 2014
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October 30, 2014
Iowa leads list of top co-ops
Iowa is home to more top-100 agricultural cooperatives than any other state, according to recently release d USDA data. The number of top-10 0 co-ops in Iowa, 16, is up from 11 a decade ago. Farmer-owned co-ops play a major role in making it an agricultural powerhouse. USDAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s annual list of the nation â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s top-100 agricultural cooperatives, by business volume, indicates Minne sota ranks second among the states, with 13. It is followed by Nebraska with nine, Illinois and Wisconsin with Âż YH HDFK WKHQ &DOLIRUQLD ,QGLDQD Kansas, Missouri and Ohio, which are all tied with four. Like the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ag co-op sector as a whole, the top 100 cooperatives also enjoyed a third consecutive year of record sales. They reported revenu e of $174 billion in 2013, an increa se of almost 9% over the $166 billion reported in 2012.
Have a Spooktacular Halloween!
Grassley visits Independence
Plans for The price of heat 2016 music trip announce As of mid-October, residential d propane prices entered the 2014-15 at EB school board mee heating season at an average of about ting By Christine Dale, $2.30 per gallon, four cents per gallon
Zombies infect runners at Independe
nce event
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By Kris Wilgenbusch, THE NEWS
During their regular Monday Buchanan County Board of Supervisors meeting, Ralph Kremer, Gary Gissel and Ellen Gaffney approved a master matrix for Mark and Don Toale who are constructing a new facility on an existing site in Westburg Township, Section 11. The master matrix is a scoring system regulated by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources that is used to evaluate the sites of permitted conďŹ nement feeding operations. Story continues on page 22.
Buchanan County Career Fair a success
Businesses from Fairbank, Jesup, Independence, Winthrop, and Lamont took part in a career fair held at Heartland Acres in Independence last Tuesday. Ninety-four prospective employees attended the event, which was sponsored by Buchanan County Economic Development Commission (BCEDC), Sedona StafďŹ ng Services, and, in part, by THE NEWS and THE GUIDE. According to Sandra Ford of Sedona Staffing, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Participating businesses made some good connections with potential employees. We had a total of 22 vendors that participated. We were very pleased with the outcome of the career fair and look forward to our next one in the future.â&#x20AC;?
Supervisors approved department monthly reports
Hatch, Vernon make stop in Buchanan County
Supervisors approve Master Matrix
Senator Charles Grassley made a whistle stop in Independence Oct. 23 to show support for area candidates. Pictured from left: Clayton Ohrt, Senator Grassley, Craig Johnson and Gary Gissel. Ohrt and Gissel are running for Buchanan County Supervisor, and Craig Johnson is a House District 64 candidate. (Steven C. Smith Photo)
Assistant Editor
9RFDO PXVLF WHDFKHU 7KDQ &KHVKHU DQ lower than one year ago. Wholesale G LQVWUX mental music teacher Ron Landis propane prices averaged nearly $1.12 presented a preliminary proposal for the 2016 per gallon, music trip to over 13 cents per gallon the East Buchanan (EB) School lower than the Oct. 14, 2013, price. Board meetin g Submitted by Independence held Oct. 14. Although dates and Residential heating oil prices averitinerary deChamber of Commerce WDLOV DUH \HW WR EH Âż QDOL]HG WKH E aged $3.52 RDUG DSSURYHG per gallon, almost 33 cents 2Q 6DWXUGD\ 2FW ]RPELHV their plan to travel to Nashville per gallon lower than last year at the and Memp his LQYDGHG WKH %XFKDQDQ &RXQW LQ 0DUFK &KHVKHU HVWLPDWHV same time. \ VWXGHQWV The average wholesale Fairgrounds for the 2nd Annua will participate, with one chaper heating oil price for the start of the l one require Indee Zombie Run. Runners IRU HYHU\ IRXU VWXGHQWV &RVW IRU WK 2014-15dheating season is $2.67 per H WULS ZLOO EH DQG ]RPELHV UHSUHVHQWLQJ RYHU approximately $700 per student. gallon, nearly 44 cents per gallon 60 communities in Iowa and Proposed destinations include lower when compared to the same Ryman Ausurrounding states participated ditorium and a master class time rbilt last year. at Vande in the 5K obstacle course, with University. Previously, Landis had traveled the youngest participant being with another school music group Ancient to the area. sports drinks 14 years old and the oldest beHe shared that visiting Presid Research ent Andre w suggests ancient gladiators ing 62. Jacksonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s home, a studio Elvis may have enjoyed their own version Presle y had Of the 345 runners who parrecorded in, and the Gibson guitar of Gatorade, or at least that is the ďŹ ndfactory are ticipat ed, 227 survived and 118 also possible destination sites. WWII Airman returns home ing of forensic anthropologists. Analywere infected. The best time &KHVKHU VDLG VWXGHQWV MXVW FRPSO sis focused on a gladiator cemetery *RY 7HUU\ %UDQVWDG RUGHUHG Ă&#x20AC; DJV WR vivor awards. An extra life did HWHG D IXQG of 19:01 bies was earned by Jusalike were invited to an raiser and another one is schedu found near an ancient stadium site in EH Ă&#x20AC; RZQ DW KDOI VWDII LQ KRQRU led for this RI 6WDII tin Hajek of Marion. Runners become available to those who apocalyptic after party Sgt. Maurice L. Fevold, who was at the winter. The choir will sing the nationalTurkey, anthem which contained remains of UHFHLYHG WZR Ă&#x20AC; DJV DW WKH EH were registered or became reg- open-air pavilion located a 21-year old Badger/Eagle Grove on the at the Black Hawks hockey game Nov. nearly istered the 15 as70 people, mostly men aged day of the race ginning of the race, representas fairgrounds with food, drinks SDUW RI DQRWKHU IXQGUDLVHU FRQWDFW 20-30, native assigned to the 599th Bomb , organ &KHVK donors, through a part- and HU IRU who died between the second er LQJ OLYHV ,I ]RPELHV SXOOHG DOO music. Awards were given ticket information, 319-935-3367 Squadron, 397th Bomber Group and third centuries. nership with the Iowa Organ . Ă&#x20AC; DJV U to the best dressed male and feXQQHUV EHFDPH LQIHFWHG &KHVKHU QRWHG $OO 6WDWH $XGLWLRQ Because Roman scholars of the time 0HGLXP 8 6 $UP\ $LU &RUSV 2 V ZLOO EH Q DQG QR ORQJHU TXDOLÂż HG IRU VXU Donor Network. PDOH ]RPELHV DORQJ ZLWK PHG held Oct. 25 at West Delaw 'HF WKH Âż UVW GD\ RI DY described are and sevent 3RVW UDFH UXQQHUV DQG ]RP h a special diet followed by LD als for the surviving and best- JUDGHU $XVWLQ &RRN ZDV D tion operations for the Battle of gladiators, FFHSWHG WR VL QJ LQ researchers decided to the timed runners. WKH 2SXV +RQRU &KRLU RQ 1RY analyze %XOJH )HYROG DQG Âż YH FUHZ PHP bone fragments found in the EHUV Procee In ds other from business, middle school Firstcemetery. the Indee Zomtook off from Saint Quentin, France Lego Although evidence did not , ELH 5XQ EHQHÂż W WKH %XFKDQDQ /HDJXH FRDFK &ODLU )UDQ] onboard a B-26G Marauder bombe HQ JDY indicate H D UHS RUW WR gladiator diets were signiďŹ r &RXQW\ )DLU $VVRFLDWLRQ DQG the board regarding progre aircraft to attack an enemy-held ss of the elemen cantly- different than the rest of the rail,QGHSHQGHQFH $UHD &KDPEHU tary and middle school (grade road bridge in Eller, Germany. population, calcium and strontium s 6-7) teams. Their RI &RPPHUFH )RU LQIRUPDWLRQ Story continues on page aircraft was shot down by enemy ratios 26.found in the bones showed antiYLVLW ZZZ LQGHH]RPELHUXQ FRP DLUFUDIW Âż UH QHDU 6HIIHUQ *HUPDQ\ signs that the athletes likely con (Courtesy Photos) which borders Belgium. A total sumed a special post-battle drink also of 10 U.S. aircraft were recorded described in ancient texts. The special as lost in the vicinity of Seffern during formula? Vinegar, water and ash, this By Kris Wilgenbusch, THE NEWS VSHFLÂż F PLVVLRQ which Romans used as a ďŹ&#x201A;avoring and During their regular Monda Fevold, the aircraftâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s armorer-gunfornan medicinal purposes. y Bucha &RXQW\ %RDUG RI 6XSHUYLVRUV PHH QHU DQG WKH HQWLUH FUHZ ZHUH RIÂż WLQJ (OOHQ FLDOO\ Gaffney, Ralph Kremer and Gary declared deceased Dec. 23, 1944, Gissel but ap- penalty proved several monthly departmental Death their remains were never recove red. In reports . Support for the death penalty has Roadside Management Direct 2006, information was received or Sherof a eroded in the last 10 years according to O\Q +D]HQ LQIRUPHG WKH ERDUG WKD possible aircraft crash site in Belgiu W WKH Q m. HZ survey. Gallup research cona recent hydro-seeder had arrived and ,Q 0DUFK D -3$& ,QYHVWLJ she had spent DWLRQ ducted since 1937 shows support for the two days seeding roadsides. Team surveyed the purported crash Seeding death will penalty peaked in 1994 with 80% continue as weather permits. site, where human remains and Sprayingof of physiAmericans in favor of implementing roadsides is done for the year, cal evidence were recovered in exceptthe 2012. forpenalty for convicted murders. In some minor hand spraying In 2014, DNA testing positively for noxiou s survey results indicate 63% favor 2014, weeds LGHQWLÂż HG WKH UHPDLQV DV EHORQJL . Tree trimming also continues. QJ WR the death penalty over life in prison. &RPPXQLW\ 6HUYLFHV 'LUHFWRU Fevold and other crew members -XOLH 'DYL from The greatest change in opinion VRQ VKDUHG KHU UHSRUW &DVH PDQ the missing aircraft. DJHPHQW UH was from Democrats; in 1994, 75% mains steady; the department Services in memory of Maurice has had some FeMike Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Loughlin hosted a fundra were for the death penalty compared GLVFKDUJHV &XUUHQWO\ WKHUH DUH WZ iser for Jack Hatch, Iowa State vold were held Oct. 19 in Fort Governor, in Independence Tuesd R HPSOR\ Dodge Senator and candidate for Iowa to 49% in 2014. Independent and ay evening. Also pictured is his ees who are doing social work with full military honors by the Cedar Rapids City Councilwom for the whole running mate Monica Vernon, Iowa an. The event was held at the Republican voters also were less faregion National Guard. , due to the fact Independence VFW Hall. there are a couple The Hatch-Vernon pledge includ es a tax cut for middle-class Iowan FRXQWL HV LQ WKH UHFHQWO\ IRUPHG (DVW & vorable to the death penalty. In 1994, programs, less debt for colleg s, guaranteed universal pre-K HQWUDO e graduates and economic develo 80% of independents and 85% of ReMental Health Services Region pment focused on â&#x20AC;&#x153;growth from community-up, not the other way that do not the have social worke around.â&#x20AC;? publicans supported the death penalty, rs. This employee time Hatch professes equal pay for equal work, and support for engag compared to 62% of independents and ZLOO EH ELOOHG WR WKH (DVW &HQWUDO tion of soil erosion while cleani ing ag produ cers 5HJLRQ in the preven DQG ng and restoring Iowa waterw 76% of Republicans in 2014. %XFKDQDQ &RXQW\ ZLOO EH UHLPEX ays. (Steven C. Smith Photo) UVHG November 6, 2014 Story continues on page 26.
75 Cents
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BCEDC Executive Director George Lake said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;From an economic development standpoint, it appears that life in Buchanan County and Iowa is going well. Most statewide indicators point to positive growth in the economy. Sales tax collections are increasing beyond projections, exports from Iowa companies are growing, new home and commercial construction has increased from last year and Buchanan Countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s unemployment rate is at 4.4%. However, the silver lining of a growing business sector is a little tarnished.â&#x20AC;? BCEDC and Sedona StafďŹ ng sponsored last weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s career fair in order to assist local busi-
nesses in connecting with qualiďŹ ed employees. A growing business sector requires an expanding workforce and low unemployment means that companies must compete for a shrinking pool of employees. The BCEDC was established for the purpose of facilitating business growth in the countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s manufacturing and technology sectors. Lake commented, â&#x20AC;&#x153;When Buchanan Countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s existing businesses are thriving, our schools, retail businesses and the housing sectors will also thrive.â&#x20AC;? Where will Buchanan County businesses locate workers in an environment of low unemployment? Lake explained, â&#x20AC;&#x153;According to data supplied by Iowa Workforce Development, approximately 6,700 Buchanan County residents commute to surrounding counties for work. The goal of sponsoring the career fair was to establish a venue where commuting workers could connect with local businesses. By all accounts, the Career Fair was a success.â&#x20AC;? Pictured: Craig Schroeder, Innovative Ag Services human resources generalist, speaks to potential employees at the recent Buchanan County Career Fair. (Steven C. Smith Photo)
C & C Club makes donations
During the regular monthly meeting of Winthrop Community and Commercial Club ofďŹ cers, Brian Kelchen and Annette Kress presented checks to Church of Christ United, Kids Corner and Winthrop Fire Department for their help this summer during RAGBRAI. Nine groups helped plan and worked at the event when thousands of bicyclists came through Winthrop in July. After expenses were paid, each group received a check for $748.70. The event proďŹ ted $6738.30. Pictured from left: Janis Bateman, Tiffany Bowers, Annette Kress, Brian Kelchen, and Nick Krum. (Kris Wilgenbusch Photo)
Find Buchanan County election results on page 9!
Trick or treat!
You never knew what kind of creature you might encounter last Friday as all ages enjoyed Halloween! Pirates (left) and the Incredible Hulk (right) were part of Independence Chamber of Commerce downtown trick-or-treating and Widner Drug Store staff (center) showed off their costumes in Manchester. (Steven C. Smith Photos)
Senior friendly electronics A new electronic tablet computer designed to meet the needs of those age 75 or older is being test-marketed in Iowa. The â&#x20AC;&#x153;grandPadâ&#x20AC;? has an easy to navigate, customizable interface that allows users to check email, make video calls via Skype, share photos, listen to music and more. Available as a subscription service for $60 per month, developers went directly to senior centers for input on design and functions. An electronics store with sites in Decorah and West Union is the ďŹ rst retail outlet in the U.S. to offer the tablet.
The case of expiring copyright The heirs of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle will not get their day before the U.S. Supreme Court after it refused to hear their appeal. Author Leslie Klinger sought to use material from Doyleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s original Sherlock Holmesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; stories as part of two Holmes anthologies featuring stories written by modern authors. The Doyle estate countered that, although copyright is expired on most of the stories, the detective himself should still be considered under copyright because traits developed in later books are still protected. As such, the estate maintained Klinger needed permission to use Holmes or pay a licensing fee. The last of Doyleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s works featuring the great detective will not be in public domain until 2022. A U.S. district court decision stating that Klinger could use characters from the stories in the public domain was supported by a federal appeals court.
75 Cents
Council hears plan for Veterans Memorial Reviews plans for new city hall, police department By Steven C. Smith
Independence City Council met in regular session Oct. 27. Mayor Bonita Davis called the meeting to order with council members Holland, Lenius, Vaughn, Hill, Dallenbach, Grover and Brown in attendance. Members of the VFW and American Legion updated the council on a Veterans Memorial project that was started in July of 2011. The proposed site is at the corners at 1st Street E and 3rd Avenue SE in Independence. VFW Post 2440 Commander Roger Allen said it is estimated over 11,000 vehicles go through the intersection and that â&#x20AC;&#x153;using that location, people will be able to stop in and spend money in town.â&#x20AC;? Allen distributed the plan design, old and revised proposals, and photos of other community veterans memorials. He also pointed out that Mayor Davis has a ďŹ le and correspondence from meetings held in August 2012 between the previous mayor and the VFW and American Legion, which are working together on the memorial.
Council member Robert Hill asked if the organizers are looking to the city to fund some of the project. Allen stated they are interested in learning if there is any federal funding available. The current proposed memorial cost comes to $71,049.72. Mayor Davis asked about fundraising. Although members of the groups have visited other communities, they have not consulted them on how to raise money. Jim Lawler commented the VFW will take the lead and get information; but, it has to be a community project. Mayor Davis asked if, and how, the project may affect the current Veterans Park in town. Allen pointed out that the current park is just that, a Veterans Park, and this new site would be a Veterans Memorial. City Manager Al Roder said the ďŹ rst step is to conďŹ rm what can or cannot go on that corner. City Attorney Carter Stevens inquired if the city would maintain the area or would there be a maintenance agreement. Allen suggested the VFW could volunteer to handle maintenance. Hill expressed his opinion that this is a good project and asked the group to come back with
Nobody covers community news like THE NEWS! YES! Send THE NEWS to me: Name ____________________________________ Address __________________________________ _________________________________________ Phone ____________________________________ Prices for one-year subscription: In Buchanan County $32 Outside Buchanan County $35 Outside Iowa $38 Mail, with check, to PO Box 9, Winthrop IA 50682
a solid plan before looking at ďŹ nancing and determining whether a portion of the project could be funded. David M. (Mike) Smock, representing Sheehan-Tidball Post 30 American Legion, thanked the council for allowing them to express their views. Smock commented, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We envision this project will be an asset to all veterans the city and the community as a whole â&#x20AC;Ś I propose that the city council, veterans organizations, as well as other organizations and the chamber of commerce get together with an organizational meeting to see where it goes from there. I have stopped at many towns and looked at their Veterans Memorials. I have talked with people from each town and every person says you need to involve every organization for this great project.â&#x20AC;? In other business, Independence Chamber of Commerce Director Michelle McBride presented an Indee Main Street Matters Committee request to participate in a downtown pilot study sponsored by the Iowa Economic Development Authority. Story continues on page 22.
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Name ____________________________________ Address __________________________________ Get into the holiday spirit with Christmas at the Depot
DNR interns help prevent pollution
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Pollution Prevention Intern program has helped state businesses save over $75 million since 2001. This year, 14 upper-level engineering students interned at companies to improve energy efďŹ ciency, conserve water, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Accomplishments included reduction of 219 tons of hazardous waste, reduced water usage by 440,276 gallons, and lowered electricity usage by 1.5 million kilowatt hours.
Beginning Saturday, Christmas at the Depot will feature more than 75 Christmas items for silent auction each Saturday and Sunday through Dec. 7. Buchanan County Tourism Bureau hosts the fun holiday event, which continues to grow in popularity each year. This is the 15th year the event will be celebrated at the historic Illinois Central Railroad Depot and the 23rd the Tourism Bureau has celebrated it in Independence. Items are donated for the auction from all 11 Buchanan County towns, including many small Christmas trees decorated by individuals and organizations. The Depot is located at 1111 5th Ave. NE,
Independence, and visitors may stop in to view the delightfully decorated holiday items from noon - 8 PM on Saturdays and noon - 5 PM Sundays. The items are available for bid and the highest bidder as of 3 PM on Sunday, Dec. 7 gets the item. All proďŹ ts go to Depot projects. Admission is free; however, a donation to the Independence Area Food Pantry is appreciated. Pictured are items from the 2013 Christmas at the Depot. (Mary Beth Smith Photos)
_________________________________________ Phone ____________________________________ Prices for one-year subscription: In Buchanan County $32 Outside Buchanan County $35 Outside Iowa $38 Mail, with check, to PO Box 9, Winthrop IA 50682