THE GUIDE 3 19 15

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March 19, 2015

In THE NEWS this week... St. Patrick’s holds last fish fry of the season

Who are these folks and where are they reading THE NEWS?

• • • •

Read all these stories, and MUCH MORE in THE NEWS this week - SUBSCRIBE TODAY!

City agrees to $50k settlement with former mayor Summer school is topic at EB School Board meeting Guest Columns, School News & Sports, 4-H & Club News Weddings, Engagements, Anniversaries, Community Events, Area Obituaries, Recipe Box, Color Photos, More!

Find THE NEWS at: McElroy’s Winthrop Speede Shop Winthrop The News & The Guide Winthrop Fareway Independence Hartig Drug Independence

Casey’s (3 downtown locations)

Independence Music Station Independence

S&K Collectibles

Independence Widner Drug Manchester

The BEST value in the county!

Order your subscription to THE NEWS today! THE GUIDE is an edition of THE NEWS, an independent community newspaper, locally owned and operated by Mary Beth Smith and Steven C. Smith, Goodnight in the Morning Communications, Inc. Mary Beth Smith, Managing Editor Kris Wilgenbusch, Admin. Assistant Christine Dale, Assistant Editor Donna Jensen, Community Correspondent

REGULAR DEADLINE: 10 AM Mondays OFFICE HOURS: 8:30-4:30 M-F (closed Wednesdays) PO Box 9, 225 W. Madison St., Winthrop IA 50682 PHONE: 319-935-3027 or 319-327-1810 NEWS email: ADVERTISING email: WEBSITE: Serving the community by publishing legal notices for Buchanan County, East Buchanan Community School District, and Cities of Brandon, Independence, Winthrop, Quasqueton, and Rowley, IA.

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PAGE 6 March 19, 2015

The News & The Guide

Fund and Resource Development Advisory Committee awards over $3000 Regional Medical Center’s (RMC) Fund and Resource Development Advisory Committee (FRDAC) recently awarded the Delaware County American Red Cross Ambassadors $2,500 to support local blood services and chapter needs. It also awarded the Manchester Police Department $1,000 for D.A.R.E. Programs to be presented at West Delaware and St. Mary’s Schools. FRDAC was formed to support health and education in RMC communities. For information on this program, contact RMC Donor Relations Specialist Kelly Walton, at 563-927-7780. Pictured at left: ARC Account Manager Whitney Joachim, RMC System and Fund Development Director and FRDAC Chair Mike Briggs, and Marcia Burkle, RMC Auxiliary Coordinator and FRDAC Member. Top right: Manchester Police Chief Jim Hauschild, D.A.R.E. Officer and Manchester Police Lieutenant

You can always find The News at these fine area stores: McElroy’s Foods Winthrop Speede Shop Winthrop The News & The Guide Winthrop

Fareway Independence Hartig Drug Independence Casey’s General Store Downtown Independence Locations

Music Station Independence S&K Collectibles Independence Pronto Mart Manchester Widner Drug Manchester

Goodbye Mr. Grey! * New First Communion &RQÂż UPDWLRQ Gifts New &ROOHJLDWH Gifts

New 0HOLVVD 'RXJ Puzzles & Toys


Welcome to 50 Shades of







Widner Drug and Widner Gift Shoppe 6 )UDQNOLQ 6W 0DQFKHVWHU ‡ ‡

Jim Wessels, and RMC FRDAC member Linda Bessey. (Courtesy Photo)

Heritage seeds available at Heartland Acres

For the seventh year, Heartland Acres Agribition Center in Independence is a local outlet for Seed Savers Exchange (SSE) seeds. Founded in 1975 in Decorah, SSE saves and shares heirloom garden seeds. The seeds are available for sale in the center’s Gift Shoppe. Gardeners from every corner of the world brought seeds when their families immigrated to America. Throughout the colonial period, traditional seeds brought by European settlers enriched the legacy of food crops that Native Americans grew and traded for centuries. Saving seeds passed from generation to generation ensures future gardeners will have an opportunity to enjoy the unique tastes and textures from grandparents’ gardens. In addition, preserving heirloom seeds helps protect diverse genetic diversity for years to come. Seed Savers Exchange and Heartland Acres Agribition Center are both listed as partner sites of Silos & Smokestacks, a National Heritage Area in Iowa that seeks to preserve and tell the story of American agriculture. Heartland Acres is open 9 AM-4:30 PM Monday through Friday. Beginning Memorial Day weekend, the campus will also be open 9 AM-4:30 PM Saturdays and noon-4:30 PM Sundays throughout summer. Heartland Acres is at 2600 Swan Lake Blvd, Independence, exit #252 on Highway 20.

Shoot for a Cause Auction & Rafe March 21

Pat‛s Tap, Independence

Proceeds go to Trick’s Ride. Trick’s Ride raises money for gas cards for others going through treatment.

Live Auction at 2 PM

Rafe tickets available $1 per ticket 6 for $5 - 12 for $10 - 24 for $20

Many auction & rafe items have been donated. (Gift baskets, quilts, wine rack, green fees, jewelry, gift certiďŹ cates and much more). The list keeps growing.

The News & The Guide

Public Notice

Quasqueton City Council Mayor Chad Staton called the monthly meeting to order at 7pm on March 9th, 2015. Council members in attendance were; Nelson, Payne, Mausser, Stanford and Werling. Others attending the meeting were; Fire Chief Vanous and Elizabeth Vanous (sleeping almost entire meeting), Attorneys Jim Peters and RJ Longmuir, Deputy Ratchford, Insurance Agent Evers, Public Works Sandberg and Clerk Arnold. Pledge of Allegiance was recited and roll call was taken. There were no citizens present for open forum. Unless otherwise stated all motions were unanimous. A motion was made by Stanford and second by Mausser to approve previous minutes. A motion was made by Payne and second by Stanford to approve all bills and outstanding Alliant bill that had not yet been received. Payne motioned to approve current law enforcement report received, this was seconded by

Public Notice

East Buchanan Community School Board Minutes – March 9, 2015 Prior to the beginning of the regular meeting, the board recited the East Buchanan Mission Statement: “To challenge students to think critically, communicate effectively, develop values and contribute to society.” BOARD MEMBERS: Aaron Cook, Greg Schmitt, Brian Crawford, Matt Walthart, George Aberle SUPERINTENDENT: Dan Fox PRINCIPAL: Travis Schueller SECRETARY: Beth Weepie VISITORS: Visitors from the community were present at the meeting. Approval of Agenda: Motion was made by Schmitt second by Aberle to approve the agenda. Motion carried with all ayes. Approval of Consent Agenda: Motion was made by Aberle second by Schmitt to approve the consent agenda which includes the following: Approve the resignation/early retirement of Susan Sloan as Title I Teacher; Approve the resignation/ early retirement of LuAnn Reck as Associate; Approve the resignation of Seth Gage as Boys Track Coach; approve the hire of Jon Doese as FFA/Science Teacher; Approve the transfer of Abbey Thurn from 4th grade to TAG (.60 FTE); Approval of the February 9 and February 11, 2015 minutes; March bills attached to minutes herein; Motion carried with all ayes. Preliminary 2015-2016 Budget Hearing: Motion was made by Walthart, second by Crawford to schedule the public hearing for the 2015-2016 Budget for April 13, 2015 at 6:40 p.m. Motion carried with all ayes. Administrative Reports: Mr. Schueller, Mr. Fox and Mr. Schloss presented their monthly administrative reports. Second Reading Board Policies: Motion was made by Walthart, sec-

March 19, 2015 Mausser. A motion was made by Nelson and second by Stanford to approve Resolution 15-03 (Road Closure) for Car Show. Council discussed if any changes needed to be done to renewal of ICAP insurance. Council further discussed changing current speed limit on north edge of town from Spruce St to Locust St to 25mph. Lawyer is going to draft paperwork to have a hearing done for this. A motion was made by Nelson and second by Stanford to accept amendment of restricted residence district to exclude property located south of West Linn St. and West of Water Street. Peter Murray and Angie Constable were requesting that they be allowed to have beauty shop placed in garage that they are building. In accordance with city ordinance book chapter 170, this is already allowed; tenants were told that they would have to pay for additional sewer charge each month. City council discussed donations that had already been received by different individuals and organizations for new LED sign that is to be placed in front of City Hall. A motion was made by Werling and second by Stanford to have City

pay for this bill upfront and be reimbursed through additional donations that were expected to come in yet. Council discussed campground proposals that had been received. There were 3 that wanted to do all the jobs and had received a total of 9 inquiries on partial jobs. Council member Mausser suggested selecting someone and having them return to council in June to see how things were going. A motion was made by Stanford and second by Mausser to contract with Scott Cooksley. A motion was made by Nelson and second by Werling to approve clerks report. Council discussed options that were given to update ordinance book, it was felt that the need to update the entire book was there, however this is going to be budgeted for FY16-17. Council discussed having an oncall person to assist public works when there is a need for more than one person to accomplish the job. A motion was made by Stanford and second by Werling to hire Jeff Nelson for $10 per hour. A motion was made by Mausser and second by Werling to accept public works report. Vanous gave QES report, ad-

ond by Schmitt to approve the second reading of the following board policies: Policy #100 – Legal Status of the School District Policy #101 – Educational Philosophy of the School District Policy #102 – Equal Educational Opportunity Policy #102.E1 – Section 540 Notice of Nondiscrimination Policy #102-E2 – Grievance Form for Complaints of Discrimination or Non-Compliance with Federal or State Regulations Requiring NonDiscrimination Policy #102.E3 – Grievance Documentation Policy #102-E4 – Section 504 Student and Parental Rights Policy #102-R1 – Grievance Procedure Policy #103 – Long-Range Needs Assessment Policy #103.R1 – Long-Range Needs Assessment Policy #104 – Anti-Bullying/Harassment Policy #104 – Anti-Bullying/Harassment Policy Student Handbook Provision Policy #104.E1 – Anti-Bullying/Harassment Complaint Form Policy #104.E2 – Witness Disclosure Form Policy #104-E3 – Anti-Bullying/ Harassment Disposition Complaint Form Policy #104-R1 – Anti-Bullying/Harassment Investigation Procedures Motion carried with all ayes. Future Facility Update: Christine Dale presented a summary of the recent survey that was sent to the community regarding a bond issue. The Facilities Committee stated that they would like to see a space assessment performed along with an energy audit. Current Facility Update: Mike Kerkove spoke to the board about the gym floors. Scoreboards: Matt Walthart spoke to the board about the scoreboards for the football, softball and baseball fields. The cost to replace all three is $28,000 that will be donated completely by the Athletic Booster Club. Motion was made by Walthart,

second by Crawford to adjourn the meeting at 9:42 p.m. Motion carried with all ayes. Next regular board meeting is April 13, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. /s/ Beth Weepie, Board Secretary All motions carried on a five to zero vote unless otherwise noted. The above are not official minutes until approved at the next regular board meeting. A copy of the official minutes may be viewed in the office of the Board Secretary any Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Vendor Name-Check Description-Amount ACTIVITY FUND Bland’s Flower Shop-FlowersSweatheart Dance ............$ 1 8 . 7 5 Chase Card Services-Steel Floor Jack ..................................$ 8 1 . 8 8 Chase Card Services-RoomsMorningside Trip .............$ 2 6 5 . 4 4 Chase Card Services-Second City Tickets-Accounting Trip ..$ 1 6 5 . 5 0 Chase Card Services-Room-Waverly-Honor Band..............$ 9 0 . 7 2 Chase Card Services-Fairfield Inn-Rooms-State Wrestling .....................................$1,198.33 Children’s Miracle Network-Donation ..................................$ 1 3 2 . 1 3 Coe College Music Department-Honor Band Registration ........................................$ 1 7 5 . 0 0 Designs Unlimited-State Wrestling Shirts ..............................$ 7 3 3 . 0 0 Designs Unlimited-5th/6th Club VB Shirts ..............................$ 3 1 6 . 0 0 Designs Unlimited-7th/8th VB Shirts ................................$ 9 9 . 0 0 Edgewood Locker, Inc.-Accounting Fundraiser Orders .......$1,741.50 The Flower Mill-Senior Night Flowers-BB/Wrestling...............$ 5 6 . 0 0 Hot Lunch Fund-Milk/Juice ..........................................$ 5 2 . 8 0 Hot Lunch Fund-Snacks-Elm Project ...................................$ 2 8 3 . 5 4 Iowa High School Speech Association-State Individual Speech Registration................................$ 3 3 . 0 0 J & M Fundraising-Butterbraid Fundraiser Supplies.....$2,870.00 Brent Lenox-Meals-State Wrestling ...................................$ 4 0 . 6 6 Monticello Sports-MS B-Track Jerseys ................................$ 5 7 6 . 0 0

vised council of new van they purchased from the City of Aurora for $1 and also new fireman Laird that had joined. Treasurer report was given by the Mayor. Attorney Peters introduced new Attorney RJ Longmuir to the council. A motion was made by Stanford and second by Payne to appoint Longmuir as the Cities New Assistant Attorney. Mayor asked council if they wanted to have evergreen trees sprayed again this year. A motion was made by Stanford and second by Mausser to use Spray Away Company. Mayor advised everyone that going to have Community Volunteer Cleanup Day set for March 28; citizens should meet at City Hall at 8am. Mayor also advised council that new shower house should be started within next 2-3 weeks. It was noted that parking area for boats and cars was going to in empty lot by shower house. Council members discussed resident in the city that had dogs in cages, could be seen as being in-humane. Discussion was also made on how the road in front of cemetery needed to be repaired and also that

PEPSI-COLA-Water/Juice ........................................$ 1 8 7 . 2 6 Pioneer Manufacturing-Paint-BB/ SB Foul Lines .................$ 1 2 1 . 0 0 Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc-Milk/ Juice ............................... $ 11 4 . 5 0 Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc.-Milk/ Juice ............................... $ 11 4 . 5 0 Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc.-Milk/ Juice ............................... $ 11 4 . 5 0 Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc.-Milk/ Juice ............................... $ 11 4 . 5 0 US Foods-Snacks.............$ 9 5 . 4 4 US Foods-Snacks...........$ 1 2 4 . 1 0 Wal-Mart Community-SuppliesSweatheart Dance ............$ 6 4 . 1 8 Wal-Mart Community-SuppliesConferences .....................$ 2 2 . 1 4 Wal-Mart CommunitySupplies-My Side of Mountain...............$ 2 7 . 1 2 Wal-Mart Community-Coffe UrnsMy Side of Mountain .........$ 7 9 . 8 4 Wal-Mart Community-Snacks-Iowa Assessments ....................$ 8 4 . 7 5 Wal-Mart Community-SuppliesFeed Store ......................$ 1 0 1 . 4 9 Scott Zhiss-Plate/Engraving ..........................................$ 1 3 . 4 5 General Fund-MS B BB Official ....................................$ 7 0 . 0 0 Phil Steffen-MS B BB Official ....................................$ 7 0 . 0 0 David Baker-BB Official ....$ 8 5 . 0 0 Loren Wood-BB Official ....$ 8 5 . 0 0 Todd Ambrosy-BB Official .$ 9 5 . 0 0 Iowa High School Speech Association-District Individual Speech Registration .............................$ 8 0 . 0 0 McElroy’s Food Market-Coaches Room - Wrestling Tournament................................$ 1 8 7 . 3 9 General Fund-MS B BB Official ....................................$ 7 0 . 0 0 IA High School Athletic Assoc-Coaches Wristbands State Wrestling.........................$ 1 6 0 . 0 0 Jeff Niehaus-MS B BB Official ....................................$ 7 2 . 5 0 GENERAL FUND AEA 267-OFFICE SUPPLY/ REG ................................$ 9 7 2 . 2 8 Advanced Systems, Inc-COPIER REPAIR ..........................$ 4 1 9 . 4 9 Alliant Energy-SERVICE .......................... $11,684.62 Ames CSD-1ST SEM SPED TUI .............................$13,385.90 Black Hawk Wast Disp, Inc.-G A R BAGE..............................$ 5 9 9 . 0 0 Brent Lenox-REIMB FUEL

East Buchanan Telephone Co-Op -Phone Lines 3/15 ............2 0 1 . 0 1 Wal-Mart-rug/towels/file cards ...................................3 6 . 5 7 CIWA-Mthly Water ..............5 0 . 9 2 Iowa Prison Industries-street & no parking signs ....................1 4 8 . 11 Deb Hemsath-QB Payroll update.....................................7 9 . 5 0 Radio Ag-pagers & batteries .....................................4 7 3 . 7 0 Iowa Ass. of Municipal UtilitiesMembership dues for 2015 ..........................................2 9 0 . 0 0 Quasky Mart-3/15 Statement..................................4 5 4 . 4 1 Iowa Communities Pool Administrators-Insurance ...........7,573.30 Staton Dream Rentals, LLC............................................7 5 . 0 0 RJS Welding LLC-repair bucket on tractor ...............................6 5 0 . 0 0 John Deere Financial-bulbs/toilet paper ..................................3 4 . 6 7 Peters Law Office-Professional Services ............................3 5 7 . 0 0 Waste Management of WI-MN-Feb Pickup ............................2,962.79 Iowa Wireless-Cell Phone 2315....................................3 6 . 0 7 City of Aurora ........................1 . 0 0 Alliant Utilities-Feb Bill ...3,539.66 TOTAL .........................22,754.94

water street should be maintained differently. Options were discussed on different types of material used for roads; council felt complete cement replacement over many years would be the best option. Mayor advised council to drive through the city and check roads for standing water. Ditches need to be checked this year for debris and leveling. Nelson suggested that council should look into getting tablets or i-pads to replace all the paper and also get information from clerk quicker. A motion was made by Stanford and second by Nelson to adjourn meeting at 8:45pm. Rowley Savings Bank-941 Payment..................................8 3 4 . 9 2 Ipers..................................5 2 0 . 2 4 Arnold, Anita I ...................6 9 1 . 2 2 Sandberg, Jay D ............2,002.73 U. S. Post Office-Mail/samples .....................................5 5 . 5 0 Kevin’s A-1 Vacuum-Service vacuum.......................................8 0 . 0 0 Keystone lab-Wasterwater Analysis 2/15 .............................2 2 3 . 5 0 John Deere Financial-payment/ part ...................................3 5 8 . 8 9 Office of Auditor of State-Periodic Exam Fee .........................9 0 0 . 0 0 The News-Minutes/Job Ad ..........................................1 2 4 . 2 3

..........................................$ 5 0 . 6 6 Buchanan County Health CenterPURCH SERV .............$2,100.00 CJ Cooper & Associates, Inc.-BUS DRIVER TESTING .........$ 2 0 7 . 4 0 Chase Card Services-SUPPLIES .............................$ 4 2 6 . 5 2 City Laundering Co.-PURCH SERV ................................$ 3 6 . 1 5 City Of Winthrop-WATER AND SEWAGE ........................$ 3 9 5 . 8 5 Copy Systems Inc-ELEM COPIER REPAIR ..........................$ 1 9 2 . 4 5 Crop Production ServicesGROUNDS MAINT ...........$ 8 0 . 0 0 Dept of Admin Services-TSA FEE.................................$ 4 0 0 . 0 0 Dwayne Manning-ACTIVITY PURCH SERV ................$ 7 5 5 . 0 0 East Buchanan Coop TelephoneSERVICE .....................$1,291.42 Holdings, Inc.-LMC SUBSCRIPTION...............$ 3 7 . 8 8 Hawkeye Stages-DARE TRIP ...............................$ 6 4 5 . 0 0 Herff Jones, Inc-GRAD SUPPLIES ...............................$ 2 5 . 4 4 Houghton Mifflin Company- I O W A ASSESSMENTS.............$ 2 4 0 . 5 0 Independence CSD-1st Sem SPED TUI .............................$60,295.27 Iowa Assoc Of School BoardsBOARD PURCH SERV ..$ 7 0 0 . 0 0 Kress Heating, Plbg. & Elect. Inc.-IND TECH FURNANCE REPAIR ...............................$ 1 5 0 . 5 0 Lakeshore Learning MaterialsPRE-K EQUIP .............$4,233.97 Linn Co-Operative Oil Co-DIESEL ..............................$3,440.96 Manchester Carquest-BUS REPAIRS .............................$ 1 4 0 . 1 5 Marick, Inc.-WALK-IN FREEZER REPAIR ..........................$ 6 8 1 . 9 7 Marion Independent CSD-3RD QTR OE .......................$3,060.50 Mc Elroys Food Market-F O O D SUPPLIES ......................$ 4 7 2 . 6 2 NE IA Choral Directors Assoc- E L HONOR CHOIR REG ..... $ 11 4 . 0 0 Nathaniel Chesher-REIMB FUEL ................................$ 8 3 . 8 7 North-Linn CSD-1ST SEM SPED/ OE TUI.......................$23,802.42 Northwest Evaluation AssociationMAPS TESTS ..............$5,684.00 Print Express/Brennan PrintingSURVEY MAILING .........$ 4 6 7 . 1 2 Rite Price Office Supply-BUS ED SUPPLY............................$ 1 9 . 8 0

Sadler Power Train-BUS REPAIR ...............................$ 1 6 3 . 9 0 School Bus Sales Co-BUS REPAIR ...............................$ 1 7 1 . 6 1 Shelly Marie Reck-VOCAL JUDGING ...................................$ 9 0 . 0 0 Software Unlimited-ACCTNG SOFTWARE ................$9,995.00 Standard Auto Parts-BUS REPAIRS .............................$ 2 8 4 . 6 4 Starmont CSD-3RD QTR OE/ SPED TUI ....................$9,723.70 Superior Welding Supply-IND TECH SUPPLY .................$ 4 6 . 5 0 Swisher & Cohrt-LEGAL SERV ...........................$1,039.50 TNT Repair-PURCH SERV ..........................................$ 5 0 . 0 0 The News-BOARD PURCH SERV ..............................$ 5 9 6 . 1 2 Thompson Truck & Trailer, Inc.BUS PARTS .....................$ 3 1 . 6 9 Travis Schueller-REIMB TRAVEL .....................................$ 1 4 . 0 0 UPS-POSTAGE ..................$ 9 . 0 5 US Cellular-CELL PHONE$483.11 Van Meter Electric Supply Co-VA C BAGS................................$ 5 9 . 3 8 Walmart Community-BRCS U P PLIES .............................$ 1 9 7 . 1 7 Weber Paper Company- . B U S BARN SUPPLIES ........... $ 11 9 . 2 6 West Delaware CSD-TRANS AGRMNT-JAN/FEB .....$4,771.67 Wieland & Sons Lumber-CoI N D TECH SUPPLY ...............$ 3 3 5 . 5 0 Wilson Art Thru PhotographyCOMPOSITES..................$ 5 0 . 7 5 Wilson Restaurant Supply Inc.-FCS SUPPLY..........................$ 1 4 0 . 7 9 Winthrop Building Supply-M A I N T SUPPLY............................$ 8 0 . 1 8 TOTAL .....................$165,746.23 Nutrition Fund A & P Food Equipment-Service Work on Mixer ................$ 1 8 0 . 0 0 Earthgrains-Food ............$ 8 1 3 . 3 8 Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc.-Milk/ Juice ............................ $3,116.82 Presto-X-Monthly Service ..........................................$ 4 9 . 8 6 John Reidy-Refund Lunch Account .................................$ 7 5 . 8 5 Reinhart Foodservice-F o o d / S u p plies .............................$3,184.27 US Foods-Food/Supplies .............................$7,627.51 TOTAL .......................$15,047.69

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PAGE 8 March 19, 2015

The News & The Guide


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The News & The Guide

Living Well with Buchanan County Health Center

Springing Forward For many of us, the switch to daylight savings time is an annual rite of exhaustion. Some of us breeze through the change seamlessly, yet others feel “out of sorts.â€? If you are someone who has trouble dealing with this sudden disruption in your routine, it is for good reason. Even though our brains know that the time on the clock has changed, our bodies’ internal clock does not. To help reset your internal clock, here are some quick changes to help you adapt. •Practice good sleeping habits, with a comfy bed, a quiet room and white noise to drain out sounds if necessary. •Expose yourself to daylight soon after waking. Doing so helps adjust the circadian rhythm. •Avoid bright light in the evening. Computer screens mimic daylight and throw your circadian rhythm off. •Perk up with coffee or another caffeinated beverage in the morning and avoid caffeine in the afternoon or evening. •Exercise 30 to 40 minutes in bright light (before 5 pm) daily. Buchanan County Health Center 319 – 332 – 0850








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March 19, 2015

BCHC offers MyHealth Patient Portal

New dietary guidelines reveal positive effects about eggs and cholesterol

Personalized healthcare at your fingertips Submitted by BCHC


For the past year, Buchanan County Health Center has offered MyHealth Patient Portal to patients visiting BCHC. MyHealth Patient Portal provides patients and their families online access to their healthcare information at any time. This convenient service allows for patients to easily and securely view lab results, radiology reports, medications and user instructions, discharge instructions, and health summaries, including past appointments and procedures from the comfort of their own homes. By using MyHealth Patient Portal, patients can educate themselves on the services and treatments they have received at BCHC, especially after emergency care or in-patient stay. To create an account or to login, visit patient-portal. For all other questions, contact Health Information Management at 319-332-0899 or e-mail ptportal@

The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, the nation’s top nutrition panel, has dropped warnings about eating foods high in cholesterol. Experts now say cholesterol in the diet is no longer considered a “nutrient of concern.� “The Iowa Egg Council welcomes the release of this report, and it amplifies that eggs are great for our health. Additionally, eggs are great for Iowa’s economy,� said Iowa Egg Council Executive Director Randy Olson. Eggs are nutrient rich, making them one of the few foods that naturally contain vitamin D. In addition to Vitamin D, including the highest quality protein, eggs promote healthy brain function and eyesight. Eggs are an excellent source of choline, which contributes to fetal brain development. Eggs, also, provide small amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin, two nutrients that contribute eye health. Iowa ranks #1 in egg production, producing 15 billion eggs annually. Iowa egg industry generates 2 billion in total statewide sales annually, 8,000 jobs statewide and $424 million in personal wages. Additionally, the Iowa egg industry contributes $19.3 million to the state general tax revenues every year.

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March 19, 2015

The News & The Guide

U.S. pork exports up 10% in 2014

For the fourth year in a row, U.S. pork exports eclipsed the $6 billion mark. In 2014, 4.803 billion bounds of pork and pork variety meats valued at $6.674 billion were exported, up 2% and 10%, respectively from 2013. In 2014, 26.5% of U.S. pork and pork variety meat were exported adding $62.45 per hog marketed. Strong pork variety meat demand around the world continues to increase exports and positively impact producer profitability. For every $1 million of pork variety meats exported, the live value of hogs increased by $0.20 per cwt, according to a regression analysis conducted by Iowa State University.

Comedian Steve Sabo March 21

Buchanan County 4-H Building Doors open 6 PM - Adult Humor Show 8 PM

Tickets $15 Tickets available at Edward Jones & Dunlap Motors, Independence Designs Unlimited, Winthrop or Julie Althaus, 319-981-4905 For more information contact or any Fair Board member

With the ninth week of session almost complete there are many important issues that are arising. I need the help of my constituents by reaching out and letting me know which issues are most important to them and how they would like to see the legislature take action. I recently had the distinct privilege of meeting with many groups at the Capitol. Members of AFSCME and the Buchanan County Supervisors visited to discuss their concerns and give information on the state of the county. I want to thank the AFSCME group from Independence MHI for taking the time to come to Des Moines and discuss the importance of mental health institutions. There were a multitude of very important bills debated this week including bills regarding absentee ballot voting, HF 287 on unsafe airbags and providing penalties, several bills

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that strengthen penalties on predatory offenders, HF 449 and other bills regarding mental health provisions and programs. There are many important issues this session and I am doing my best to speak with as many people from my district as possible on each issue. Please reach out to me with any issues or concerns. The expansion of broadband access to all corners of Iowa has been a priority of both parties in the House and Senate, and bills are moving forward in each chamber. At this time, the bills are not identical, but both have the same goal of expanding broadband internet access to more Iowans. The House bill allows for a 10-year property tax exemption for companies that expand broadband to targeted service areas. A targeted service area is one that doesn’t have access to broadband with 25 megabits per second of download and three megabits per second of upload speed. The definition of statewide school infrastructure funding is changed to clarify that school infrastructure funding includes the acquisition or installation of information technology infrastructure. A grant program is set up to be administered under the Office of the Chief Information Officer, but the bill does not appropriate any money to this fund. The broadband bill in the House, House File 576, has passed out of the Commerce Committee and is now in the House Ways & Means Committee due to the allowance for property tax exemption for companies that expand broadband access to certain areas in Iowa. As always the seat I reside in is not mine, it belongs to the people of my district of whom I serve. I hope that I can have many conversations with constituents regarding this session and the priorities of House District 64. Please reach out to me with any concerns, questions, or ideas for this session of the Iowa Legislature. It is my honor and a humbling experience to be the State Representative for our community. I appreciate the messages and correspondence I receive from people in the district. You can always contact me anytime at bruce.bearinger@legis.iowa. gov or 515-281-3221.

You’re invited

to be part of our First Anniversary Celebration! Winding Creek Meadows Assisted Living in Jesup has been helping older adults stay independent and enjoy their lives for a year now.  So we’re throwing a party! Join us for food, music and fun.Â

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The News & The Guide

March 19, 2015

Starmont applying for grant

Starmont Community Schools is applying for a $25,000 merit-based grant to enLocal schools make best decisions hance education in science and math. The funds would be used to construct a new for students greenhouse used for all grades K-12 to in Iowa’s public and private schools won’t be able to start enhance education. next school year before the week of Sept. 1 because Family Consumer Science and Agriculof a recent decision by Gov. Branstad. The announceture classes will collaborate using hydroment surprised many schools, educators and parents. ponics to grow vegetables to be used in For years, school calendar decisions have been made the classroom as well as using worms to by local school boards based on their own community compost waste from the lunch program. and student needs. Many schools have already approved In order to receive the grant, area farmnext year’s school calendar because parents and students ers must nominate Starmont to prove schedule their plans around the start of school, athletics community support. Farmers must be 21 and holiday breaks. or older and actively engaged in farming Supporters argue that local control over school calenof a minimum of 250 acres of corn or dars is necessary for several reasons, including: soybeans; 40 acres of open field vege• Dual-enrollment classes - Some want to align with a lotables; or 10 acres of tomatoes, peppers cal college or university so that students can also take classes for college credit. • Summer college courses - Teachers and students can take summer college courses and/or cucumbers grown in protected culture. Nominations have to be subwhen local school and college calendars align. • Advanced Placement - Many students take advanced placement exams for college credit. mitted by April 1. The date of exams is set nationally in early May. A later start date means less time for stu- For details call 563-933-4598 or visit dents to prepare. • Scheduling exams - Many schools want to give first semester exams before winter break. This practical approach requires less reviewing and makes more time for new learning in the second semester. Ensuring student achievement and success is the responsibility of our schools. The directive from the Governor to require a later school start date conflicts with ensuring students’ educational needs come first. That’s why I voted this week for SF 227, which would allow the school calendar to be a local decision, taking into account local needs. Upcoming public forums • Saturday, April 4 - Town hall listening post with Rep. Bruce Bearinger, 9:30 AM, Arianna’s Kitchen, 1826 1st St. W, Independence.


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PAGE 12 March 19, 2015

The News & The Guide

ICSD offers agility and endurance training

Public Hearing

Story/Photo submitted by Fusion Forward

For the month of March, approximately 80 7-12th grade student athletes are taking part in Mustang Agilities Training. This agility and endurance training is held from 3:30-4 PM every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at the Independence Jr/Sr High School gymnasium. ICSD Athletic Director Justin Putz points out, “In this program we have a goal of improving student athlete’s speed and agility while at the same time showing a school wide commitment to improving every day. We believe this will lead to greater pride and better results in Independence athletics.” Students work at six stations two days a week and alternate with a different six on the other two days. Stations are designed to improve lateral and vertical

explosive movements. In addition to developing their athletic skills, coaches also work to improve student camaraderie. For information, contact ICSD Activities Director Justin Putz at jputz@independence.k12. or 319-334-7400.


Craig Moroney

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The Winthrop City Council will hold a public hearing on issuing a Special Permit, in the Restricted Residence District, for Dwayne and Tracy Manning, 454 2nd St. N, Winthrop, Iowa, for construction of a garage on the adjoining lot to the south. The Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, April1st, 2015, at 7:00 p.m., in the Winthrop City Hall Building.

Notice of Public Hearing

The Winthrop City Council will hold a public hearing on Ordinance #171, Wednesday, April 1st, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the Winthrop City Hall. Anyone wishing to be heard is urged to attend. ORDINANCE # 171 AN ORIDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WINTHROP, IOWA, BY AMENDING PROVISIONS PERTAINING TO RESTRICTED RESIDENCE DISTRICT (CHAPTER 120). BE IT ENACTED by the Council of the City of Winthrop, Iowa: SECTION 1. CHAPTER MODIFIED. Chapter 120, Section 120.06 (3) (G) MAXIMUM HEIGHT, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Winthrop, Iowa, is repealed and the following adopted in lieu thereof: Chapter 120 Section 120.06 (3) (G) Maximum Height 120.06 (3)(G) Maximum Height: Principal Building – 45 feet, measured from the final grade to the highest point of a wall. Accessory Building- 10 feet, measured from the final grade to the highest point of a wall. And 20 feet, measured from the final grade to the highest point on a roof. SECTION 2. SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. If any section, provision or part of this ordinance shall be adjudged invalid or unconstitutional, such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any section, provision or part thereof not adjudged invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 3. WHEN EFFECTIVE. The ordinance shall be in effect from and after its final passage, approval and publication as provided by law.


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The News & The Guide

March 19, 2015


Statewide Classifieds


HELP WANTED Diesel Technicians: $2,500 Sign-on! Competitive pay, Great Benefits! 21yoa. EOE. M/F/D/V. Apply: 877-220-5627. 2-2BAA HELP WANTED DRIVERS Drivers: $1,000 Sign-on! Great Benefits! CDL-A or B, 1yr exp, 21yoa req. EOE. M/F/D/V. Apply jobs. or 877-220-5627. 2-2BAA

HELP WANTED: The City of Winthrop is accepting applications for LIFEGUARDS. Applications may be picked up at East Buchanan Community School, or at the City Clerk’s OfďŹ ce. Applications should be mailed or returned to: City Clerk’s OfďŹ ce, 354 W Madison, P.O. Box 98, Winthrop, IA 50682. Application deadline is April 24. (E.O.E.) Veteran Preference Employer. (E.O.E.) Veteran Preference Employer.

HELP WANTED Positions available include Seasonal General Laborers and Seasonal CDL Drivers.

PRE-PAYMENT is required for Thank You and Classified Ads before publication. These are not billed. Send payment ($6.00 for up to 25 words, 10 cents per word after) with your ad to PO Box 9, Winthrop IA 50682 or drop off at 225 W. Madison, Winthrop. Thank you

ADOPTION Adoption- Enthusiastic, active, devoted couple seek to adopt and create unconditionally loving, adventurous family. All allowed expenses paid. Hillary and Joel. 1-800-515-1005. (INCN) HELP WANTED- HEALTH CARE RN’s up to $45/hr, LPN’s up to $37.50/ hr, CNA’s up to $22.50/hr Free gas/ weekly pay $2,000 bonus AACO Nursing Agency 800-656-4414 (INCN) HELP WANTED- TRUCK DRIVER Truck Driver for Nussbaum. OTR, home weekly. $1000 Sign On Bonus $1050 weekly guarantee. $63,000 average earnings. New, Maintained Equipment Visit Call 866764-3907 (INCN) Class A CDL Local Drivers for IA & MINN. $20.00/hr some jobs up to$35.00/ hr plus Benefits. Call Monson & Sons @ 1-800-463-4097 ext 110/109. EOE Hiring Regional Class A CDL Drivers. New Pay Package. Home Most Week-

HELP WANTED: The City of Winthrop is accepting applications for SUMMER HELPER. $8.00 per hour, 20-25 hours per week, PLUS: $1,000 lump sum (meter reading, if 90% completed within allowable time frame). Applicant must be 16 or older and possess a valid driver’s license. Duties include/but not limited to: mowing, trimming, painting, hydrant ushing, meter reading. Applications may be picked up at East Buchanan School or City Clerk’s OfďŹ ce. Applications should be mailed or returned to: City Clerk’s OfďŹ ce, 354 W Madison, P.O. Box 98, Winthrop, IA 50682. Application deadline April 24. (E.O.E.) Veteran Preference Employer.

To view specific job locations and apply go to or contact 1-800-346-0058. AA/EOE

East Buchanan Community School District

Open Position


Justice for GMO Corn Losses! Ta legal action for ďŹ nancial losses Take caused by Syngenta’s GMO corn seed. Get the compensation you deserve! Call us today for a free consultation.


INSTRUCTION, SCHOOLS AIRLINES CAREERS- Get FAA certified Aviation Maintenance training. Financial aid if qualified -Job placement assistance. CALL now. Aviation Institute of Maintenance 1-888-682-6604 (INCN) SPORTING GOODS GUN SHOW-March 20-22 Onalaska Omni Center, 255 Riders Club Road, Onalaska, WI. Fri 3-8pm, Sat 9am-5pm, Sun 9am-3pm. FREE PARKING Admission:$6-14 & Under FREE. Buy/ Sell/Trade 608-752-6677 (INCN)

WANTED TO BUY OR TRADE WANTED: 190SL, 280SL Mercedes or other pre-1972 Foreign Sportscar or Convertible. Porsche, Jaguar XKE, Ferrari, etc. ANY CONDITION! FAIR OFFERS! Mike 520-977-1110, $1,000 FINDERS FEE! (INCN) Advertise your EVENT, PRODUCT, or RECRUIT an applicant in this paper plus 40 other papers in Northeast Iowa for only $110/week! Call 319-327-1810 or email:


Driver/Yard Help Part time but could work into full time. At least a Class B CDL and must be 21 or older. EOE. Apply in person at Crop Production Services, 1435 W 220th St., Winthrop, IA 50682. For more information, call 319-935-3481.

Experienced drivers and new Class A CDL holders should apply ($6,000 tuition reimbursement for TXDOLÂżHG FDQGLGDWHV

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Butler Transport Your Partner in Excellence. CDL Class A Drivers Needed. Sign on Bonus. All miles paid. 1-800528-7825 or

GUN SHOW- March 27, 28 & 29 Central Iowa Fairgrounds, Marshalltown. Fri. 4-9PM, Sat. 9AM-5PM, Sun. 9AM-3PM. Large selection of guns and ammunition for sale. More info or (563) 608-4401 (INCN)


East Buchanan Community School District, Winthrop, is seeking applicants for: Full-Time School Bus Route Driver To apply, contact Superintendent Dan Fox, East Buchanan Community School District, 414 5th Street North, Winthrop, IA 50682, phone: 319-935-3767.


ends, and $1500 Sign-On Bonus! Call 1-888-220-1994 or apply at Drivers: Need CDL A or B, to relocate vehicles from and to various locations throughout U.S. --No forced dispatch –Call to speak with a recruiter at: 1-800501-3783. (INCN)


THANK YOU We wish to say “thank you� to everyone who remembered us on our 50th anniversary with cards, calls, gifts or messagesespecially Kel, Kim, Kody and family for making our getaway so “special.� The Batemans Boomer (Jim) & Betty Jean

Public Notice

CITY OF BRANDON REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MARCH 9, 2015 The City Council of Brandon, Iowa met in regular session on Monday, March 9, 2015 at City Hall. Mayor Stacy called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Council members present: Kelly Thomas, Joseph Redenbaugh and Pat Aldrich. Absent: Travis Cornwell and Ron Boyer. At 5:30 p.m. motion made by Thomas/Aldrich to open Public Hearing- Budget Estimate Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2015- ending June 30, 2016. All ayes. Motion carried. No one in attendance spoke either for or against it and no written correspondence was received prior to this council meeting. Motion Redenbaugh/Thomas to close Public Hearing at 5:32 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried. Motion Thomas/Redenbaugh to pass Resolution 2015-0301 adopting Fiscal

Year 2015-2016 Budget Estimate and CertiďŹ cation of taxes. Roll call vote: Ayes- Aldrich, Thomas, and Redenbaugh. Nays- none. Motion carried. Motion Thomas/Aldrich to approve Consent agenda which included approval of agenda, the minutes of February 9th council meeting, treasurer’s report and payment of bills. All ayes. Motion carried. Greg Troeger, representing Unite Private Networks, was in attendance to address inquiries about the right-of-way agreement request. Motion Aldrich/Redenbaugh to approve right-of-way agreement for ďŹ ber optic cables to Unite Private Networks, LLC. All ayes. Motion carried. Council reviewed February record of performance from the Buchanan County Sheriff’s Department. Deputy Ben Ward was in attendance to answer any questions. He advised the Mayor and council that he will let the Sheriff know that Brandon would like more presence of law enforcement during daytime hours. Motion Aldrich/Thomas to approve liquor license renewal for Brandon Kwik Stop. All ayes. Motion car-

ried. Joe Elsinger, MSA project engineer, was unable to attend tonight’s meeting but left written information on wastewater treatment facility upgrades. Motion Redenbaugh/Aldrich to publish Public Notice- Antidegradation Alternatives for the City of Brandon. All ayes. Motion carried. Brandon resident Brian Thomas was in attendance to present information on Iowa Motor Vehicle Division’ s requirements for dealer’s license to sell retail in Iowa. Brandon resident Jeremy Nichol was in attendance to give update on BACC Park Committee progress. Motion Thomas/Aldrich to adjourn at 6:28 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried. /s/ Guy Stacy, Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Danette Lujan, City Clerk Alliant Energy-utilities ..$ 2 , 3 9 7 . 7 5 Windstream-telephone & internet...................................$ 1 4 3 . 0 5 Waste Management-garbage contract January ................$ 2 , 0 9 6 . 4 4 Premier Technology-computer repair service .....................$ 2 1 0 . 0 0 Brandon Kwik Stop-vehicle fuel for

city truck February ..........$ 1 3 8 . 5 0 Peters Law OfďŹ ce-legal services ....................................$ 2 6 4 . 0 7 Petty cash-lumber- $3.84 & stamps - $70.38 ............................$ 7 4 . 2 2 OfďŹ ce of Auditor of State-periodic exam fee .........................$ 9 0 0 . 0 0 OfďŹ ce Towne-adding machine rolls ..........................................$ 1 0 . 4 9 USA Blue Book-testing supplies ................................$ 2 7 3 . 0 3 The News-legal publications ................................$ 1 4 5 . 1 0 Urban Services-water & sewer testing ...................................$ 6 3 0 . 0 0 Joseph Enos-medical reimbursement................................$ 3 3 2 . 2 2 Joseph Enos-cell phone reimbursement December March .....$ 5 0 . 0 0 IAMU-2015-16 water dues & research assessment.........$ 4 2 2 . 1 5 Keystone Labs-water & sewer testing ...................................$ 1 0 0 . 3 0 IPERS-February .............$ 6 0 9 . 5 2 EFTPS-Fica, Medicare, Fed WH February .........................$ 8 5 1 . 5 6 Enos & Lujan-wages February................................$ 4 , 0 9 6 . 2 3 TOTAL .......................$ 1 3 , 7 4 4 . 6 3


March 19, 2015

The News & The Guide

Allen College earns recognition

Allen College has been named to the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll with Distinction, which is the highest federal recognition an institution of higher education can receive for its community service work. Among Allen College’s established 27 community partners are Buchanan County Public Health Department, Cedar Valley Hospice, Hawkeye Valley Area Agency on Aging, and Jesup Community Schools. These partners are the focus of service-learning and service projects developed by Allen College students. “We are honored to have the community service that our students, faculty and staff provide to the Greater Cedar Valley be recognized on the President’s Honor Roll,� said Allen College Chancellor Dr. Jerry Durham. “We want our students to lead lives of service not only while they are at Allen College but after also after they complete their education and move to other communities.� Six other Iowa colleges – Buena Vista University, Loras College, Central College, Simpson College, Saint Ambrose University, and Wartburg College – were also named to the Honor Roll with distinction. Allen College was named to the 2014 honor roll with distinction based on the service hours and activities performed during the 2013-14 academic school year. During that academic year, 493 of the 580 enrolled students were engaged in community service activities for a total of 7442 hours.

World-renowned pianist Dan Knight to perform

Independence Public Library brings Steinway artist, pianist, and composer Dan Knight (pictured) to the community. Enjoy the solo piano suite “A Day in the Gardens of Monet� composed and performed by Dan Knight at 7 PM March 27 at the Independence Jr/Sr High Performing Arts Center. Dan Knight has built a worldwide reputation as, according to Claude Nobs, artistic director of the Montreux Jazz Festival, “one of the finest solo pianists in the world.� No less than saxophone legend Sonny Rollins has said of him simply, “Man, you’re great.� His musical background informs his teaching in a fusion of the best of both the classical and the jazz worlds. As a composer, pianist, and improviser, Knight continues to extend the boundaries of style and composition in his performances of classical music, jazz, and free improvisation. “A Day in the Gardens of Monet,� was inspired by the works of impressionist artist Claude Monet and his home and gardens in France. His contemporary classical compositions range from works for solo piano to symphonic pieces, from solo and ensemble vocal music to instrumental performance pieces and works for ballet and modern dance. Admission is free and open to the public, courtesy of the Hotel/Motel Tax Funding Grant. For information, call the library at 319-334-2470.


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The News & The Guide

March 19, 2015

Women’s City Bowling Tournament held


Kristen Tevis, Peggy Decker, Susie Kuper, and Jamie Morgan

Info/Photos submitted by Michelle Ohrt

The Independence Women’s City Bowling Tournament was held Feb. 7 and 8 and Feb. 14 and 15. Winners are as follows: • All Events Scratch Winner – Peggy Decker • All Events Handicap Winner – Tina Peterson • Scratch Team Winner – Lucky 10 Lanes (in no particular order) Peggy Decker, Susie Kuper, Kristen Tevis, Amanda Decker (absent from picture), and Jamie Morgan • Handicap Team Winners – Lucky 10 Lanes (in Shirley Everett and Karen Dunlap no particular order) Peggy Decker, Susie Kuper, Kristen Tevis, Amanda Decker (absent from picture), and Jamie Morgan • Doubles Scratch Winners – Peggy Decker and Jamie Morgan • Doubles Handicap Winners – Shirley Everett and Karen Dunlap • Singles Scratch Winner • Singles Handicap Winner – Liz Faust

Tina Peterson


Liz Faust

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March 19, 2015

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March 5, 2015 www.thebuchanancoun

March 12, 2015

Story/Photos by Christine Dale, Assi stant

75 Cents

Cattlemen hold annual banquet


r For the first time in five years, the Buchanan County Dairy Producers named a dairy princess at its banquet held Saturday, March 7 at the Buchanan County Healthy Lifestyles (Senior) Center, Independ ence. Taniesha Goedken, daughter of Dean and NEWSNancy Goe By Kris Wilgenbusch, THE dken, was named princ ng,2015 ess meeti ay Mond r for regula . She is active in FFA At their and a vi-ent Super stud at East Buchanan Scho Buchanan County Board of ol Disey and sors Don Shonka, Ellen Gaffn trict. approved Stor Gary Gissel (via telephone) y continues on page 27. Pictured: Buchanan the sale of five bridges. County Dairy PrieDale from ed Roy alty, front row from left: Bids were receiv 2014 Litry, Slatte be, Brian Donnelly, Jerry tle Mr. Herdsman Carson Curtis with Gordy Alex Davis, Craig Allen and his sister and 2015 Little Miss Milked to Fenner. Bidders were allowmaid, Allie Curtis; 2014 Little Miss were bids initial Milk after bids, maid their Kels raise ey Krogmann and her the sale read. Supervisors approved brother 2015 Little Mr. Herdsma n of each bridge as follows: Garrett Krogmann. Back row: 2014 of 35 n Sectio e, 15 Iowa Dairy Princess 1. Ringold Avenu Alternate for ry Pflu Rylie ghaupt and 2015 Buc Cono Township to Jerry Slatte hanan Cou nty Dairy Princess $850; Taniesha AvGoendken . 2. 200th Street East of Deaco ship enue, Section 27 of Perry Town ; to Craig Allen for $2100 Nathen 3. 215th Street, West of of ByBethel Avenue, Section 31 elly for ron Township to Brian Donn

an Co. Dairy Princess

75 Cents

County Pork Producers annual awards banquet hold

Supervisors approve sale of bridges

Carcass Scan Evaluation winners were recBuchanan County Cattlemen’s rs ay in ognized, with winne Banquet was held last Saturd ss unds in the Steer Carca indust the 4-H building at the fairgro , Lentz n DeAn The FDIC released banking Class: Doug 2014, showing in Independence. President results for the last quarter of a Maranda Rathe, Jordan and imLentz opened the evening with ch, Kleits Cody , an overall positive performance Lentz was s banks. Iowa welcome and an invocation proved loan demand at Iowa’ prime Baylee Kleitsch, Brian billion in given by LuAnn Horak. A banks provided more than $49.5 Goedken, Keegan Kehend of 2014, up rib meal served 180 people with total loans and leases by the War- rli, Jaci Francois, Dylan since the end desserts provided by Wapsi from $45.7 billion, or 8.3%, Brehme-Happel, and farm, estate, riors 4-H Club. of 2013. Loan demand in real Natalie Svoboda. Marnts all saw Following the meal, Lentz introcommercial and consumer segme Vice ket Heifer Carcass Class rs: directo of board the duced increases from the year prior. winners were: Alyssa Secrean, for 2014 President Doug Lehm Nationally, bank net income e Riniker, Hunter Crawbillion the year tary Dale Priebe, Treasurer Georg declined slightly from $154.3 ford, Clayton Walthart, s, Hume Gary deand in part by Richardson; prior, to $152.6 billion, driven Van Becca Walthart, Aman d. The number George Vande Vorde, Dean cline in mortgage loan deman da Riniker, Danielle Mark lage, Sperfs fell Andy list” Note, GoedBrian blut, of banks on the FDIC “problem Young also He r to 291. The Merfeld, and Rusti Kane. for the 15th consecutive quarte FFA ken, and Heath Weber. supported by gave recognition to 4-H and FDIC Deposit Insurance Fund, Dean Van Note reportthe billion, or just members, public officials, and bank premiums, grew to $62 ed on the 20 locations Iowa Farm Automation in StanISU Extension Office staff. over 1% of insured deposits. where the organization were nts nceme named Associate Member annou Additional past year. During ley was this beef grilled chamYear. Cattleman of the Year made, including listing fair ey cattlemen served of the Farm custom rate survwork to John Slattery who Evaluation RAGBRAI, the went Scan ss Award Carca serLamand pions, hours. in Rates for custom machine win- 1400 dinners in two spoke about the day he started se for 2015, winners, Steer Carcass Class Aurora, Ron Carpenter’s vices are showing a slight increa business – August 13, t Heifer Carcass ont Days, cattle the Marke m and the Custo ners, and Farm game, also his farm, Iowa football was according to the 2015 Iowa Origin which Local The 1971, rs. Class winne ed include Rate Survey. Categories survey wedding day. He and his Breeder Award was won ng, spraying, information on tillage, planti wife, Ann, received a Charo by Kelly Short. and forages. harvesting and hauling grain lais Angus heifer as a wedThe fair champions were: 1.2% from Farm custom rates increased from her parents. gift Steer, t ding Marke pion inare Cham 2014 survey results. These values Story continues on page 5. Dylan Brehme-Happel; both custom tended only as a guide to help custom work Reserve Champion MarPictured, top, from left: operators and people who hire ; Fisher Libby ket Steer, 2015 Beef Princess Mandy done arrive at a reasonable rate. y Champion Market Heifer, Surve Rate m n, 2014 Beef Queen Custo Rawso Farm The 2015 Iowa Hunter Crawford; Reserve County ISU Brittney Fuller and 2013 Beef is available through Buchanan Champion Market Heifer, Lucretia Mangrich. Queen sion. Exten Heath Weber; Champion Cattleman of the Year Breeding Heifer, Carson winner John Slattery Award Long winter’s nap Frye; Reserve Champion from a sleep and Doug Lentz. According to data gathered Luke , Heifer ing grillBreed the , people Carcass Scan winners, from , Zombie Run were among tracking app called Sleep Cycle Lawless; Champion Local Origin states do stay last year. Van Note pre- left: Jordan Lentz, Keegan Kehwho live in colder, snowier pion Local Or- ing locations Cham ; Fisher r n Libby Golde sunnie in the with rli, Heath Weber, Hunter Crawin bed a little longer than those Champi- sented Dale Priebe da eer rn states, includ- igin Breeder, Kelly Short; Spatula Award for his volunt ford, DeAnn Lentz, and Maran states. Those in Northweste of Gain, Jordan Lentz; and s as, Rate on variou Dakot at the beef and g ing grillin Rathe. Gain, work with ing Montana, Wyom Reserve Champion Rate of minutes sleep throughout the year. uts cooko averaged seven hours and 20 Maranda Rathe. nts stayed per night, and Colorado reside of three more under the covers an average states. other in people than es minut ed the Users of the app in Hawaii receiv seven ing just least amount of sleep, averag states, n easter South of hours. Residents a, averaged including Georgia and Florid slightly more.

-end Iowa banks post positive year results ry


Goedken named Buchan

Story/Photos by Connie Arend

Th BEST e VA aroun LUE d! Subsc ribe for as TodaGoy vernor visits Indep endence, little Manchester as

$ WHO 32 for a LE YE AR!

Handwashing dishes that children

Swedish researchers found were living in households where dishes likely to washed by hand were 40% less holds using develop allergies than in house than 1,000 a dishwasher. Parents of more ed regarding 7- and 8-year-olds were survey es, and whether allergies, dishwashing practic resh foods. farm-f or nted the child ate ferme where Swedish children in households ate more who and d, washe hand dishes were had an even fermented or farm-fresh foods, lower risk of developing an allergy.

By Kris Wilgenbusch,


Buchanan County Pork Producers held their annual meeting and banq uet March 7 at Wolfey’s Wapsi Outback in Qua squeton. Approximate ly 100 people enjoyed the delicious meal, prog ram and entertainment. As a member of the 2014 Buchanan Cou nty Pork Producers roya lty, Little Miss Pigt ails Kate McKenna Wilg enbusch thanked ever yone for a fun year represen ting and promoting the pork industry througho ut the county. A than k you from 2014 Sir Hamelots Carter and Clay Wilgenbusch was read by their sister Markia Griffin. Buchanan County Pork Royalty for 2015 was announced. Holl y Cook will serve as Pork Queen, Kate Dolan as Little Miss Pigtails and Drew Copenhaver as Sir Hamelot.

Pictured, from left: Story continues on page 2015 Royalty Little 28. Miss Pigtails Kate Dola Drew Copenhaver and n, Sir Hamelot Buchanan County Pork Queen Holly Cook. (Heather Thompson Photos)

New city/police offices nix ed due Supervisors hear to high bids reports, discuss bridge options

$2550; G onv33 e rof nor 4. Overland Avenue, Sectio ry forstad Slatte y Bran Cono Township to JerryTerr By Steven C. Smith was in the area $1025; Independence City Cou By Kris Wilgenbusch, of Hancil met in regular sessi n 19week visitTHE NEWS 5. 130th Street, Sectiolast on Monday night with Mayor Davis presi for At their regular Mon ry ding and all council mem ing Slatte Jerry businesses day meeting Buchanan zleton Township to City Manager Al Rod bers present. visors Ellen Gaffney, County Superer reported to the coun and attractions. Don Shonka and Gary $4100. cil there was only one bid for the new phone) approved mon Gissel (via teleMunicipal Building Carwith conti nues thly reports from Buch Project. The plan was Supervisors also metStory to build a police stati anan County Public for on Health and GIS Dep or 27. and city offices adja on page artment. cent to the current rie Dunnwald, housing direct city hall. Roder said Public Health Director the one bid was for $847 Family. Amy Marlow reported ,000 with alternatives that could bring Cedar Valley Friends of the Health Needs Assessme the Community the price down to $809 rePictuation red: Gov. nt and Health Improvem ,000. project was estimated Dunnwald shared inform cal Public Health Serv ent plan and Loat $710,000, not to exce The proposed ble availa Terry ms Bran progra stad three ices Grant Application the g ed To repay the loan, Rod gardin $750,000. were Mar completed. low her er h had gave rece throug prop an update on the mea osed reallocating the rent cost of $52,000 in Buchanan County ives a sles outbreak. Currently curthere have been 170 per year that the city lesso includ n in e safe reported cases in the pays to lease space Buchanan County for organization. Programs United States. Measles is a highly cont polic and e depa ce splic rtme violen ing stic nt agious disease with fiber space. After discussion of the shelter for dome a high susceptibility rate. Those not prote project and the single itional optic s, Trans cables cted from measles have ommended council bid, Roder recsexual assault victim a 90% chance of coming reject the bid because n with the disease if North andFarm County it was well beyond • Buchanan dow erseast the scope of what had they are around som Rehousing Programfrom mea been sles eone with and/ discu or ssed. “It exceeds my Mutu ng. Board ente holds r a room up to two hour al Telephone Co-op Gen project cost so I am Iowa Permanent Housi targetedConservation s after someone with eral Manager Tony Lang measles not able to recomme has left the ucvolunteer appreciation dinner constr ILP& the room T ved and Telec nd . appro Indiv mov in omm the visors ing iduals with measles unications Manager Mart current structure,” he Super forward• Arrows giou s even are fly at Wapsie Valley, said. contay befo d/b/a Dies Cou n re burg See the ncil voted to not awar rash appears with the . the March 4 video of contract for the proje tion permit for Luke Minio d aJesupinclu the governor’s commen onset of symptoms ct. archery ding invitationals high fever, cough, runn for t iseboo permi ts – go to: The://ww w.fac There remains anot y nose and red watery Prairie Gold, LLC.https PublicofHeal Calendar Events, Recipes, her year on the curr eyes th sBuc Fre. asks in Revi hana site that g ew-Io n-Co resid ent lease with the ents pay close attention untycounty and it is not clea an addition to an existin wa/303474862787 Local tion regarAdvertising, to informar whether the county ding vaccinations and will be willing to renew and/or extend proof of More! mont Township. tween 1957 it. and 1972 may need addit immunity. Those born bepreGosse Cindy or ional protection; some County Audit cines during that perio vacStory continues on page ing upd do not provide full meas sented information regard 27. les protection. Marchpolicy 19,. 2015 75 Cents Story continues on page dating the county personnel 27. to ved Story /Phoappro to submitted by Hear After discussion, it was tland Acres ways of Heartlan Gallo d Acre Exhibition Center in hire Attorney Michael Winthrop City Council Inde The . met com pend policy in ed ence the regu lar ses- for July 1, welsion March 4 with May Des Moines to update Governor Terry Branstad while he 2015 - June 30, 2016 was in the area on or by the busi appro ved gove . . The The city will hire a sum rnor made time in his An update was given presiding. Council mem Gerald Dennie hiring will also be ness mer helper at $8 . women schedule to see new on the city sewer bers present were Office itemsBest ey’s at Hea states for rtlan per hour, plus $1,000 d Acre plant. A “letter of objec Melissa Hesner, Mark Buchanan County Attorn s for the coming tour for meter reading tion” was sent to the Kres al s, Ann Myers, Dept Amo To find rRenew the most environment ist season. Urban ce ng othe disp (paid lays,suitable Lela The Independen if 90% of meters are . of nd the Natu Spra gove ral Resources as new gue and Lee White. rnor viewed a recently read). sed. 1954 discus for the American woman, WalletHub testin Corv Also was t loan g ette in dmen ed Con Two public hearings requirements are being attendance were Dwa vertible in the Car Mus Area Amen implemented. Sewer yne Manning, BuchBy Kris Wilgenbusch,were THE NEWS eum; a 1963 Farmall alk 806 Dies sidew examined all and the District el,eswhic The first concerns a Spec set for April 1. past flow and monitorin h U.S. anan County Sheriff Bill won states The amendment includ Grand Champion - Year ial Restmeeting, g data has been forAt their regular Monday Wolfgram, library ricted ResiBuchg a a 13 at the addin of Columbia across key metrics. The One nts, 2014 veme awar Iowa denc impro d ward boar e State street ed to Fehr Graham Engi d member Janet Jame and Fair; and it for Dwa yneofandSupervisors, an opportunity to see ananPerm County Board neering. s, PWD Shawn Tracy Man- Don new hand data and The set ranges from medianhad earnings station activ ning to construct a garag the ities. Bids for a new lawn Curtis and City Clerk project for polices-on tour accompa e on adjoi Mary Ryan. Shonka and Ellen Gaffney approved several mower were re- (deed nied by city and coun of In- to was ning lot women’s preventhe Cityworkers forfemale view Cou restr ed ncil as ictio municipal buildingfor ty follows: Knapps $14, approved the monthly n willGary senta be deve tivesin, as monthly reports. Gissel lopedwas a repre andabsent. 650 and roun sendIowa tive healthtocare. ranks 13th thewell as Heartland law en- Rowley surforcement activity repo ding owners notified). Equipment $14,225. dependence. It was decided Acre d mem Roadside Management Sherlyn TheDirector rt given by Sheriff bers and volunteers. other hearrt s boar(1), 99. Coun- ing is suppo nation, trailing Minnesota Massacil approved purchasin Wolfgram and the law on remo letter of recommendation in ving roof Story cont g it from Rowley Hazen reported that pitch tree trimming throughenforcement conrequirements St. Patrick Church in Winthrop held inue chusetts (2), Vermont (3), Maryland (4) s on page for Equi ts. Ordi tract 5. pment and to have a nanccounty with Buchanan Cou e #171,continues, of these projec perta ining out the and bucket work hitch to nty max the last fish fry of the season on for insta apimum $34, and New Hampshire (5). lled height of princ 000 on the mower In other business, the board for $474.01. ing andemployees will begin ipal oncebuild seasonal accessory start. March 13. The popular fundraiser y rank in key areas Following count is Iowa’s build ing. proved claims filed with the Discussion was held regarding reimburseoften draws about 600 diners but one for women: auditor for $496.15. ment to seasonal employees for continuing of the four events drew well over 700. • 13th – Median Earnings (adjusted for education for commercial pesticide applicaMonies raised are used for various cost of living) tion. No decision was made at this time. endeavors, including social concerns, • 6th – Unemployment Rate Emergency Management Director Rick scholarships, and church events. • 15th – Percentage of Women Living Wulfekuhle stated work continues on eyein Poverty (Donna Jensen Photos) wash stations being put in service. A safety • 25th – High School Dropout Rate review and walk-through will take place • 6th – Uninsured Rate April 1. Severe weather awareness week be• 18th – Life Expectancy at Birth gins March 23. A countywide school drill is • 11th – Top-Rated Hospitals Score By Steven C. Smith settlement. The agreement calls for the city to pay also planned for March 23. • 24th – Preventive Health Care The City of Independence has come to an ap- Scharff $50,000 to settle the matter. Environmental Health Director Chad BeThe lowest ranked states overall are parent settlement with former Mayor Carl Scharff Scharff filed the lawsuit alleging he had been a atty updated the board on proposed changes South Carolina (47), Oklahoma (48), over a lawsuit filed in February against the city target of violations to his civil rights and due proto septic installation regulations requiring Louisiana (49), Mississippi (50) and and former police officer David Winger. cess. The lawsuit resulted from a series of events contractors to be certified septic installers. Arkansas (51). City Council went into closed session at the March when Scharff was mayor. He was arrested by No decision was made at this time in imple9 meeting to discuss the matter. Upon returning to Winger in the fall of 2012 during a disturbance menting the change. Gas prices open session, council members voted to authorize call at the Majestic Bar & Grill in Independence. Story continues on page 4. The U.S. average retail price for City Attorney Carter Stevens to accept a proposed Story continues on page 4. regular gasoline rose about 15 cents from a couple weeks ago, based on the weekly price survey by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The price of gasoline goes up every year at this time as refiners switch from By Christine Dale, Assistant Editor for a new gym was lower (46%) and a greenhouse coach, fourth grade teacher Abbey Thurn will winter-blend gasoline over to summerSuperintendent Dan Fox informed the East received the least support (26%). transfer to the TAG position next school year, blend. This year, with the additional Buchanan (EB) School Board during its regular Most respondents did not attend EB; however, and Jon Doese was hired as science teacher and 10-cent per gallon tax increase passed by meeting March 9 that there may be changes to the majority attends school events often or oc- FFA advisor. lawmakers in February, and signed into the summer school program. According to state casionally. Overall, 59% stated they would either • Athletic Director Pat Schloss gave an update on law effective March 1 by Gov. Branstad, law, students who do not demonstrate reading definitely or probably support a bond issue. department activities. Both the high school boys prices at the pump jumped even higher. proficiency by the end of third grade may be held Maintenance Supervisor Mike Kerkove followed and girls track teams had more than 20 students According to the U.S. Environmental back a year unless they participate in summer up with an evaluation of the high school gym floor signed up, including a good number of freshmen. Protection Agency (EPA), conventional school, beginning in May 2017. • During discussion of the Iowa Core, Secby APS Sports Floors from Minnesota. The good summer-blend gasoline contains 1.7% EB has already taken the first steps by providing news is that the floor, which was installed in the ondary Principal Travis Schueller discussed the more energy than winter-blend gas, a universal screening in reading for kindergarten 1960s, has enough material left for two sandings, process teachers are developing to teach to core which is one reason why gas mileage is through third grade students. The FAST test will which could extend its life considerably. The bad curriculum standards, which includes learning slightly better in the summer. However, be used three times per year to determine read- news is that there is excessive moisture under the targets, depth of knowledge, success criteria and the summer-blend is also more expening proficiency. Students who need help will be wood floor, with 21% moisture around the holes activities to elicit knowledge. sive to produce, and that cost is passed monitored and given additional help. • There will be no Kindergarten Round-up due where the volleyball uprights are placed and 12% on to the motorist. Fox said parents of students who do not read at grade under the rest of the floor. It should have had only to poor attendance in recent years. A Spring Fling The switch between the two fuels level are strongly encouraged to have their children 6% given the time of year it was examined. Kerk- Family night is planned for April 22 that will alhappens twice a year, once in the fall to participate in summer school, even if the student is ove will work to identify issues causing the prob- low students and families to become acquainted winter-blend and again in the spring to not yet in third grade. The program, which is open lem and how they might be addressed. with the staff and classrooms. summer-blend. to all K-5 students, is being reviewed to determine • Board member Matt Walthart gave an update “Dead spots” on the floor will cost approxi-

See Inside...

See Inside!

Branstad visits Heartlan

d Acres

Council renews law enfor

cement contract

Supervisors approve monthly reports

St. Patrick’s holds last fish fry of the season

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City agrees to $50k settlement with former mayor

Summer school is topic at EB School Board meeting Survey results presented

Nobody covers community news like THE NEWS! Homes sales and prices rising

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Iowa Association of REALTORS® (IAR) report that February home prices are up, sales are up and they are selling faster when compared to last year. The median sale price increased by 7.5% to $128,916 from February 2014. Sales rose by 5%, with 1,971 homes sold last month. Homes continue to sell faster in 2015, and homes sold last month were on the market for an average of only 94 days, compared to 103 days in February last year.

ways it can be made more reading intensive. This legislation also affects students who have an IEP (individualized education plan). Fox said all students whose reading ability is deficient may progress to fourth grade if they attend summer school; those who do not will repeat third grade. In other business, a member of the Facilities Citizen Committee shared results of a recent survey. More than 200 surveys were completed, with 59% in favor of constructing an inclement weather (safe) room, followed by 53% supporting a new industrial technology shop/vocational agriculture classroom, and 52% in favor of remodeling the old gym to better serve as an auditorium. Support

mately $100 each to repair; however, the specialist warned that dead spots will shift to other spots and every gym has them. A new floor will cost $79,00-$85,000, plus an additional $8,200 to take out the existing floor. It was recommended the middle school gym floor be replaced with rubber flooring since that area is used as a lunchroom. The cost to replace the floor will be approximately $28,000 plus $4,400 to remove the old floor. In other business: • Both Title I teacher Susan Sloan and associate LuAnn Reck will take early retirement at the end of this year. Seth Gage resigned as boys track

on scoreboards. The Athletic Boosters wish to go ahead and replace the football, softball and baseball scoreboards even though the softball/ baseball scoreboards have not met the 15-20 year life expectancy. Fundraising for the football scoreboards is nearly done. Fox suggested delivery on the softball/baseball scoreboards be held off until after next winter to reduce weathering on the new equipment. • A public hearing on the preliminary 2015-16 budget was set for 6:40 PM April 13. The public is welcome to attend the next board meeting, which is scheduled for 6:30 PM Monday, April 13.

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Prices for one-year subscription: In Buchanan County $32 Outside Buchanan County $35 Outside Iowa $38 Mail, with check, to PO Box 9, Winthrop IA 50682

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