THE GUIDE 4 7 2016

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PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID Goodnight in the Morning Comm.

April 7, 2016

In THE NEWS this week... nI side 75¢

, 2016 April 7


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as $32 for a ! WHOLE YEAR


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THE GUIDE is an edition of THE NEWS, an independent community newspaper, locally owned and operated by Mary Beth Smith and Steven C. Smith, Goodnight in the Morning Communications, Inc. Mary Beth Smith, Managing Editor Kris Wilgenbusch, Admin. Assistant Christine Dale, Assistant Editor Donna Jensen, Community Correspondent


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PAGE 6 April 7, 2016

The News & The Guide

“Did you know?” WWII John Deere Tractor Tanks – A1 and A2

By Craig Johnson, Executive Director Heartland Acres

It was 1940 and America was headed to war. Despite efforts to stay out of the growing world war, America and American manufactures were in process of developing the armaments needed for the battlefield. To be prepared, prototype equipment was being made for trials and field studies by many US manufactures. John Deere Tractor Works was one of many companies involved in the development and building of equipment that could be used on the battlefield. From this grew two tractors designed to be “tractor tanks.” The base tractor was a 1940 model A. Two versions were built and known as A1 and A2. The tractors were prototyped with twin 30 caliber machine guns mounted to enclosed ball turrets on either side of a tractor. Each machine gun was individually operated by a GI who was enclosed in an armored shell with a small viewing port. The tractor tank driver was also enclosed in an armored shell and had two small viewing ports. After several attempts on simulated battlefield conditions it was determined by the U.S. Army that the tractor tank designs wouldn’t work and couldn’t be approved for com-

bat. What the tractor tank design did allow for was the capability to manufacture many in short amount of time. Both the A1 and A2 prototype tractor tanks were subsequently scrapped and all that remained were a handful of drawings used in the design and build, along with several letters of correspondence from John Deere management and the U.S. War Department. The tractor tanks were gone for good. Fast forward to 2002. Several history buffs from Iowa knew of the tractor tank programs and were interested in recreating them as a tribute. With ideas and some of the original drawings and pictures of the prototype tractors, the history buffs were set to recreate history. By 2006 the A1 and 2 were reborn. Today, the result of their determination can be seen in two accurately recreated 1940 John Deere Model A tractors tanks. The recreated 1940 Model A, John Deere A1 and A2 Tractor Tanks are part of the “Ag in the Military” exhibit at Heartland Acres through mid-summer 2016. The display rep-

Manchester Garage Sale for Camp Courageous opens April 11

resents how agriculture has played a part in military from feeding troops to developing equipment. These most recent additions to the exhibit are on loan from the owners of the A2, Leo Milleman and Curtis Clark, and the owner of the A1, Brian Anderson of Ames. More of the history on the reproduction prototype “tractor tanks” may be found in the exhibit. Find many more fascinating displays, hands-on activities and learn about the ongoing story of agricultural heritage at Heartland Acres in Independence.

Pictured: Leo Milleman and Brian Anderson from Ames with their reproduction WWII John Deere Tractor Tanks in front of Heartland Acres.

Winthrop Fire & Rescue

Soup Fundraiser Sunday, April 17 10:30 am - 1:30 pm

Winthrop Fire Station Serving: Variety of Soups, Maid Rites, Grilled Cheese Sandwiches & Homemade Desserts Cost: FREE WILL DONATION Proceeds go toward fire station expansion project.

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The 40th annual Manchester Garage Sale for Camp Courageous is about to open for business. Just as Camp Courageous has grown from 211 campers served during the summer of 1974 to nearly 7,000 individuals served with special needs year-round today, so has the Manchester Garage Sale grown from the garage of a camper parent in 1976, to its present donated building located at 913 East Main St., in Manchester. The sale opens Monday, April 11and will remain open until about the second week in October. Hours are Monday-Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM and Saturday from 8:30-noon. Run by over 50 dedicated volunteers, the Manchester Garage Sale is camp’s largest fundraiser. During the six months the store is open, volunteers are constantly busy accepting donations, sorting, pricing, and displaying items, along with making sales. They also collect items off the camp’s needs list, for the camp. For many, the Manchester Garage Sale goes year-round as they continue to collect items, along with washing and mending donations. They are also constantly making improvements to the building, like installing air conditioning and carpet. The Manchester Garage Sale is a win-win situation. People who donate their personal items to the sale, have the opportunity to clean house, and know their things will go for good use. The buyer has the opportunity to get needed items at a very reasonable price, and the camp obtains items it needs, along with much needed financial support. In the past couple of weeks, 100s of Leo Greco items and other antiques have been donated, going back many decades. For more information call 563-927-2120.

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The News & The Guide

April 7, 2016 PAGE 7

Hungry for more

Living Well with Buchanan County Health Center Why do I feel dizzy?

Have you ever been awoken by the sensation that the room is spinning? Does lying down in bed, turning over in bed or leaning forward to pick an item off the floor cause a sensation like you have had too many to drink? If you answer “yes” to these situations, it is possible that you are dealing with a condition known as positional vertigo (medically called Benign Proxysomal Positional Vertigo or BPPV). BPPV is an inner ear problem that affects the vestibular system. Resulting symptoms are short periods of dizziness, often described as a room spinning sensation, that are affected by certain head movements. Often times people will deal with this type of dysfunction for weeks, months or even years, chalking up their symptoms to “just getting older.” Others will have such severity with their symptoms that they seek immediate medical intervention for fear of stroke or heart related issues. Other accompanying symptoms can include: nausea, vomiting, dizziness and loss of balance. Diagnosis from a Physical Therapist that is trained in neurological problems, such as these, is fairly simple. The affected person is placed in a position so the treating therapist can see if certain involuntary eye movements occur, which helps to determine if it is positional vertigo, what type it is and how to treat the issue. Just as simple as the diagnosis is, the treatment is the same. With vertigo, it is a matter of going through a few head positions to help correct the inner ear problem. The issue can typically be resolved within 1-4 sessions. These vestibular system symptoms are not something that you have to live with. There can be an answer to your question, “Why do I feel dizzy?” For more information, contact the Physical Therapy Department at the Buchanan County Health Center. Article written by Kelly Harrold, DPT.

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Carrie Gudenkauf, LUTCF Agent The Gudenkauf Agency

319.935.3701 319.935.3712 fax 274 W. Madison Street P.O. Box 125 Winthrop, IA 50682

PAGE 8 April 7, 2016

The News & The Guide

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The News & The Guide

April 7, 2016 PAGE 9

Iowa spring turkey season is right around the corner

Iowa’s premier spring hunting season is approaching and hunters will be going through their equipment, patterning their guns and securing vacation days to pursue the elusive Eastern wild turkey. Spring turkey hunting begins with the youth-only season April 9-17, followed by the first of four regular seasons on April 18. Of the estimated 50,000 turkey licenses that will be purchased, only about 20 percent of hunters will find success. “Turkeys have home field advantage,” said Jim Coffey, forest wildlife technician for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. “We are going to his turf and trying to get him to act in a way that goes against nature. It’s a challenge.” In the timber, hens will answer the male turkey’s call when she is ready to breed. Turkey hunters will try to replicate hen calls to gain the attention of the Tom, and then frustrate him enough that he will come to the hunter. The good news for hunters is that there will be a large number of two year old gobblers to call this spring thanks to a successful hatch in 2014. Those two-year-old birds will likely be anxious to show off their moxie as they try to establish themselves as the dominant Tom for the flock. “Those birds will be wide spread in groups of two to five and likely respond to calls well, competing to see which bird can get to the “hen” first, which is good news for hunters,” Coffey said. The early spring thaw has jump-started turkey activity and spring green-up that is changing the timber quickly. Hunters may purchase two spring turkey licenses, with at least one valid May 4-22 during the fourth season.

Get your Grad!


Deadline to Get Your Grad is

Thursday, April 28!

THE NEWS will once again publish the keepsake East Buchanan Graduation Edition in May, and area individuals and businesses are invited to sponsor graduates (the price is $48 each). Each senior spotlight will feature his or her picture, profile, and sponsoring business or individual name and city. Please call the newspaper office at 319-935-3027 today to sponsor a student! Seniors are listed below -- those with an asterisk have already been sponsored.

East Buchanan Community School District Class of 2016 Commencement: May 22 at 2:00 PM

Benning, Christopher Beyer, Allison Brown, Dalton Butville, Constance *Cabalka, Griffin Collison, Anna *Cook, Holly *Cooksley, Kylee Dudley, Alma *Fangman, Drew Fangman, Gradon

*Ford, Kyra *Fox, Dannica *Franck, Alissa *Francois, Jacqueline *Goedken, Taniesha *Griffin, Markia *Hare, Alicia

Holst, Cody *Keating, Kyle *Kelly, Jared

*Kerkove, Paige *Kremer, Ryan *Kress, Justin *Lentz, Jordan

Martin, Matisen *Meyer, McKinley *Moreland, Bridgette Petersen, Johnathan *Ryan, Connor *Schmitt, Jacob

*Schulte, Hunter

Shea, Jordann Slaymaker, Hannah *Teel, Taylor *Van Raden, Andrew *Wessels, Kyle *White, Brianna *White, Nile *Witherow, Anthony *Witherow, Matthew


April 7, 2016

The News & The Guide

Last chance for Private Pesticide Course

Iowa State University Extension & Outreach Black Hawk County will offer a “Last Chance” Private Pesticide Applicator Continuing Instructional Course (CIC) for private pesticide applicators at 1 PM April 14 at 3420 University Ave., Waterloo. Preregistration is encouraged, the course runs for approximately two and a half hours. To register or for information, contact Sheila Walitshek at ISU Extension and Outreach Black Hawk County 319-234-6811. The course will fulfill 2015 recertification requirements for private pesticide applicators. A listing of additional locations at

Drainage doesn’t cost - it Pays! Tim or Ryan Rasmussen 319.334.3053

Preventing drug overdose deaths

By Senator Brian Schoenjahn

Prescription overdoses kill more Americans each year than all other drugs combined. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 44 people die from a prescription painkiller overdose every day. Though Iowa ranks 45th in the nation for overdose fatalities, the number of Iowa drug deaths--a majority of which are related to prescription medications--has more than quadrupled in recent years, increasing from 12 in 2005 to 52 in 2014. Between 2009 and 2014, 646 Iowans lost their lives to opioids. SF 2218, which has passed the House and Senate, would provide better access to a life-saving emergency drug that counteracts the effects of an opioid overdose. First responders, emergency medical service providers, police, firefighters and licensed health care professionals could maintain a supply of the opioid antagonist and administer it in cases of an overdose. A “person

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in a position to assist,” including a family member, friend, caregiver, substance abuse facility employee and others, could also administer the emergency drug. Iowa Department of Public Health will establish standards and procedures for prescribing, distributing, storing and maintaining a supply of the antagonist, as well as for the training and authorizing people to administer it. First responders, EMS providers, law enforcement, fire departments and prescribers will be immune from legal liability for administering the antagonist as long as they act in good faith. The opioid antagonist will not harm a person if it turns out they were not overdosing. SF 2218 has been sent to the Governor for his signature.

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The News & The Gu de

Ap 7 2016 PAGE11

Senior Spring Cleaning to be held April 21 This week at the Capitol I joined my colleagues in an attempt to provide oversight for the impending April 1st transition to privatized Medicaid Although the plan has been delayed twice by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services problems continue to arise with coverage and contract approval The Governor’s plan which was never voted on in the Legislature is the most rapid Medicaid transition timeline of any state that has attempted to move towards a managed care model On Wednesday anecdotal evidence provided on the House floor reinforced what I have been hearing from the people I serve for months now – the only guarantee with this rapid transition is confusion I believe that we have an obligation to at least provide more oversight of the system to ensure that no Iowans fall through the cracks Unfortunately I’m afraid that the stories I have heard all session are only the beginning of the problems to come in the near future In other news the House passed legislation to create jobs in the manufacture of byproducts from renewable fuels The Rural Caucus supported this legislation since it was first introduced in the House in a concerted effort to generate jobs in our rural counties Governor Branstad’s plan to divert monies from the School Infrastructure Fund to water quality was not well received by either party spurring an increased effort on water quality funding in the House As we continue to debate this issue I have reiterated the importance of a plan that is locally administered and farmer led We must recognize that every area of the state is unique in its people topography soil type livestock concentration and farming practices Contact me anytime at bruce bearinger@legis iowa gov or 515-281-3221

Prairie Hills Assisted Living in Independence will host a Senior Spring Cleaning event from 10-11:30 AM on Thursday April 21 Many are overwhelmed at the thought of spring cleaning or are ready to downsize and find it hard to let go of sentimental items Because senior citizens often find it hard to part with a lifetime of precious memories speaker Kerri Shimp of Caring Transitions will share strategies to help The event is free and open to the public There will be refreshments and door prizes For information call 319-334-2000

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S n d

to Appointees approved ILP&T Board of Trustees

in regular session City Council met presiding and all The Independence Mayor Bonita Davis Appointments to Monday night with was except Dustin Dallenbach. Board of Trustees members present Light & Power (IL&P) Mayor Davis again the Independence a row. asked fourth meeting in to the board. She addressed at the is for appointments brought suggestions Gerald Stetler and Lance Fricke. Stetler Jan. the council to approve board whose appointment expired of the a current member board on Jan. 11. proposed to join the ILP Board of 1. Fricke was first Steve Elliott of the on the At the Dec. 28 meeting, current members his wish to retain works Trustees expressed he feels the group for term. Elliott stated The board has plans board for the next made vast changes. toward better service cohesively and has and is also working Gerald Stetler’s Chair future improvements Elliot and Board and pricing plans. 1, 2016. page 5. terms expired Jan. Story continues on

By Steven C. Smith

By Christine Dale Assistant Editor

pushing Time moves fast, moments aside remarkable obscuring in history and who par-ordinary people that ticipated in making history. resides Barbara Rothman Livat Prairie Hills Senior She ing in Independence. and has a cheery smile and a discerning gaze, by might be overlooked through one wandering those the sitting area with The gathered to watch RothRoth Price is Right. But man has an extraordinary


postings for Reduced weight limit four bridges approved

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some Rothman recalled ocof the “stunts” that performed Showmobile Units their by the curred during a at installations affected story. free time. During lived in Newark Army build-up resulting their At age 20, Rothman stop in Chicago, more and from the 1961 Berlin crisis evNJ, aching for something director warned THE NEWS own. She joined the and again during the Cuban Buchanan County sure By Kris Wilgenbusch, longing to be on her her Monday meeting, eryone, “Make of these Don initial dismay of make crisis. The success During their regular Gary Gissel, Ellen Gaffney, and U.S. Army to the you kids don’t to father was support- performances demonstrated Brian Keierleber Board of Supervisors mother, although her In had any trouble.” County Engineer to recent Her older brother a need for entertainment. down Shonka met with four bridges. Due ive from the start. While walking U.S. Army U.S weight limits for in high school. 1963, the Third Chapthe following bridges discuss reduced served while she was had basic train traindetermined that Chicago streets with the was formed she Showmobile unit inspections, it was lower weight limits. as After enlistment, with pelle and their boyfriends, reAlabama, before enlisted men and women Newton Township, should be posted they were ing at Fort McClellan, at Fort Benja- with south of 325th Street, two women noticed because one -Thomas Avenue, taking advanced training She graduated performers.stateside, Rothman’s unit attention of to 10 tons; lot a ceiving Based Avenue, Middlefield Section 30, reduced other white. U.S. to min Harrison in Indiana. miles west of York was black and the computer operator toured throughout the Eastern to de -250th Street, 0.14 reduced to 10 tons; de- couple a common at the top of the last 23, the 1960s, it was not page 21. women, and worked perform for soldiers preparing Township, Section Story continues on perform- During Rothman and Chappelle declass that allowed band, perform punch cards. sight. So for Vietnam. The the sorting and collating worked with part traveled by bus. cided to switch, each walking with equipment she and ers arrived Rothman recalled Rothman laughed dismissed her despite Rothman said they typically evening other’s boyfriend. driver who stared men who largely the proud that she was by 3 PM and set up for as she recalled one The her skill but she was them. stayed overnight so intently, he hit a parked car. to performance, then Buchanan later was, mornable to prove herself submitted to the audition leaving in the morn comment to them to be before now director’s can base The opportunity on In 1964, an 2016 grant cycle. Grant applications Showmo Army Showmo“You’ll get us killed!” occasion for Foundation for its ing. (CST) April 1, for the Third U.S. performance, County Community Rothman took a Another memorable unit was in art applications is midnight In one memorable a can-can bile was announced. part as a backdeadline to submit when the in the following areas: back a awarded to projects Rothman was performing and flew Rothman was able to stop environment, chance and obtained 2016. Grants are West and they were watch the betterment, education, used her sewing when her shoe came loose in the Key bus to ground singer and and culture, community and human service. costumes while on offstage … hitting a general and get out of the the returned it skills to help mend the early manned be found on health, historic preservation head. She said he launch of one of application may rg. the road. The online grant missions. website at www.buchananccf.o after the show. concept was soldiers] Gemini Story continues on page 5. The Showmobile Community Foundation’sannounced in June 2016. Completed “It was good for [the cared when the 10th (CST) will be developed in 1951 Grant recipients later than midnight to know that someone visit,” Barbara Rothman. Company was be submitted no Pictured, inset: to Special Service applications must funding. Rothman) enough about them appre units were be considered for page 21. appre- (Photo courtesy Sarah formed. Showmobile April 1, 2016, to Story continues on the Zorba the Greek said Rothman. Soldiers and rotated Top: Performing members produced in Japan World of Summer ciated it when unit Second U.S. The Wonderful from Korea. them. song with through Rita DiCarlo, made an effort to visit program in hap- are Judi Kelly, Jacqui Bell, Rothman, what hap Army adopted the Barbara “I always wondered them.” Eddie Grimes, 1955. pened to some of Sue Smith. singer Carolyn Porter, and The unit’s lead City Council approved Rohlfing drives Winthrop Daniel a left: meeting, 3 At plant for and Barbara During their Feb. was Anita Chappelle, at the city water Essex, Carolyn Porter (left), to advertise pump and valves member of The installing a new Bids were also reviewed for Rothman, in a gondola at a cost of $25,391. follows: Independence show. a group best known pollution control as “Eas- the Carnival in Venice Third United “Eas furnace in city hall and Johnson Plumbing the Billboard hit for replacing the courtesy $3,525, photos Cooling & Done.” (Period Johnson the bid from ier Said Than Show website, Plumbing, Heating Council approved former States Army Soldier Chappelle was a & Heating $3,400. in with all ayes. page 21. Marine who enlisted Plumbing & Heating Story continues on the Army in 1964.

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PAGE 12 April 7, 2016

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Iowa mayors encouraged to sign Monarch Pledge Des Moines’ Mayor, Frank Cownie, was the first mayor in Iowa to take the National Wildlife Federation’s Mayors Monarch Pledge. The pledge acknowledges the monarch butterfly population has declined by more than 90% in the last two decades. Mayors who sign agree to promote education and opportunities to create landscapes that provide habitat for monarchs and other beneficial pollinators. “Monarchs are one of many species in decline and we can work together to prevent this. As Iowa’s capital city and first to sign the pledge, we welcome other Iowa mayors to join the fight for our planet,” said Cownie. The City of Des Moines with its partners, including Plant. Grow. Fly., will implement actions to encourage citizens and communities to plant milkweed, the host plant of the monarch butterfly, and other activities. Blank Park Zoo’s Plant.Grow.Fly. is a collaboration of almost 50 local, regional and national partners committed to save native pollinators, like butterflies and bees. Plant.Grow.Fly. encourages the planting of butterfly gardens to increase habitat for pollinators. To date, over 500 gardens have been registered with the project. Sondra Cabell, Naturalist with Buchanan County Conservation Board states, “As a partner with Blank Park Zoo’s Plant. Grow. Fly. program, Buchanan County Conservation would like to encourage local mayors to pledge through Mayors for Monarchs to make their towns and cities more monarch inviting. We would love to work with local mayors to develop plans and discuss specific possibilities for their city on a one-to-one basis.” Local mayors are encouraged to sign the pledge Pictured: Monarch butterfly caught at a tagging event near Fontana Nature Center south of Hazleton.

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The News & The Guide

Public Notice

Buchanan County Board of Supervisors March 28, 2016 The Buchanan County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, March 28, 2016 with Don Shonka, Chairman in the Chair, Ellen Gaffney present and Gary Gissel attending telephonically. Absent, none. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to approve the minutes of the March 21st meeting.All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to approve the employee reimbursement claims filed with the County Auditor for payment in the amount of $680.66. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gissel second by Gaffney to approve the liquor license for the Independence Motor Speedway, Independence. All in favor, motion carried. Kevin Blanshan, Executive Director of the Iowa Northland Regional Council of Governments presented a resolution supporting a professional administration proposal for the NDR grant. After discussion, motion by Gissel to approve the resolution of support. Motion died for lack of a second. Motion by Gissel second by Gaffney to approve the service contracts between Buchanan County and Superior Cleaning for cleaning the courthouse and the public health/DHS office building and authorize the Chairman to sign. All in favor, motion carried. At 9:18 a.m. the public hearing regarding the Paul Yearous rezoning request was called to order with Kris Wilgenbusch and Matt Even, Zoning Administrator present. Mr. Even read the minutes of the Zoning Commission meeting and stated their vote was 5 to 0 to approve rezoning. After discussion, motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to close the hearing at 9:21 a.m. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to approve the following resolution. On roll call vote: Ayes – Gaffney, Gissel & Shonka; Nays – None. Motion carried. RESOLUTION 16-26 WHEREAS, Gaffney proposed the adoption and enactment of a Zoning Ordinance Amendment on the 7th day of March 2016, which action is recorded in Book X Page 123 of the Minutes of the Board of Supervisors; and WHEREAS, the same was duly published in the Independence Bulletin Journal, an official newspaper of general circulation in the county and complying with Sections 618.3 and 618.14 of the Code of Iowa, on 23rd day of March 2016; and UPON MOTION made by Gaffney and second by Gissel a vote was held to suspend the requirement for three successive readings and votes, which motion passed by a vote of a majority of the Board of Supervisors, as follows: THOSE VOTING FOR SUSPENSION OF THE REQUIREMENT: Gaffney, Gissel and Shonka THOSE VOTING AGAINST SUSPENSION OF THE REQUIREMENT: None NOW THEREFORE the following was read and voted upon by the Board of Supervisors, and it passed by a vote of a majority of the Board of Supervisors: AND IT IS NOW THEREFORE ENACTED AND ORDAINED: ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 16-A-01 BUCHANAN COUNTY, IOWA The rezoning of property located in Liberty Township, Sections 20, 7.58 acres from “A-1”agricultural to “I” industrial. The rezoning of the following described property is approved: Commencing 110 ft. east of the northwest corner of the NW qtr, NW qtr, Sec. 20, T88N, R8W of the 5th P.M., Buchanan County, Iowa, th E542 ft., S262 ft., SE422 ft., S91 ft., SE 257 ft., SW 389 ft. NW 2,006 ft., N503 ft. to the point of beginning.

April 7, 2016 PAGE 13 To allow for quarrying sand. THOSE VOTING FOR THE PASSAGE: Gaffney, Gissel and Shonka. THOSE VOTING AGAINST THE PASSAGE: None Passed this 28th day of March 2016. Motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to approve the following solicitation for bidding for 2016 lawn care. All in favor, motion carried. SOLICITATION FOR BIDDING The Buchanan County Board of Supervisors will accept bids for a contract for mowing at one or all of the following locations: Buchanan County Courthouse, 210 5th Ave. NE, Independence, Iowa. Buchanan County Human Services building, 1413 1st St. West, Independence, Iowa. Buchanan County EMA building, 2107 205th St., Independence, Iowa. Independence Area Food Pantry, 201 2nd Ave. N.E., Independence, Iowa. Bids must be submitted on a perjob basis. The proposed contract will have the following provisions: Mowing and trimming shall be completed after 5:00 p.m. during a normal workweek, Monday through Friday or during daylight hours on Saturday. Contractor will be responsible for the pick-up and removal of lawn debris. Lawn care services shall be provided at such intervals that shall guarantee a neat and presentable condition of the lawns at all times, depending on weather conditions. The contract term shall be one year. Within two week(s) following the County’s acceptance of a bid, the successful bidder must provide to the County proof of adequate liability insurance coverage. For purposes of this paragraph, “adequate liability insurance coverage” shall mean coverage amount of not less than Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000) for personal injury proximately caused by negligence of the contractor, Six Hundred Thousand Dollars ($600,000) for any one accident proximately caused by negligence of the contractor, and Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000) for any damage to property proximately caused by negligence of the contractor. Said insurance policy shall name Buchanan County as an insured. Failure to provide such proof within the two-week period shall be grounds for setting aside the bid and reopening the bidding process. All bids shall be submitted on bid proposal forms which can be obtained at the County Auditor’s office. Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope mailed or given to the Buchanan County Auditor’s office not later than 9:00 a.m., Monday, April 18, 2016. The words “lawn bid” must be written on the outside of the envelope. Bids will be opened beginning at 9:15 a.m., April 18, 2016 in the Supervisors boardroom at the Buchanan County Courthouse. At 9:25 a.m. the public hearing regarding the correction of a zoning legal description was called to order with Kris Wilgenbusch, Brian Keierleber and Matt Even, Zoning Administrator present. Mr. Even read the minutes of the Zoning Commission meeting and stated their vote was 5 to 0 to approve rezoning. After discussion, motion by Gissel second by Gaffney to close the hearing at 9:28 a.m. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gissel second by Gaffney to approve the following resolution. On roll call vote: Ayes – Gaffney, Gissel & Shonka; Nays – None. Motion carried. RESOLUTION 16-27 WHEREAS, Gaffney proposed the adoption and enactment of a Zoning Ordinance Amendment on the 7th day of March 2016, which action is recorded in Book X Page 124 of the Minutes of the Board of Supervisors; and WHEREAS, the same was duly published in the Independence Bulletin Journal, an official newspaper of general circulation in the county and complying with Sections 618.3 and 618.14 of the Code of Iowa, on 23rd day of March 2016; and UPON MOTION made by Gissel and second by Gaffney a vote was

held to suspend the requirement for three successive readings and votes, which motion passed by a vote of a majority of the Board of Supervisors, as follows: THOSE VOTING FOR SUSPENSION OF THE REQUIREMENT: Gaffney, Gissel and Shonka THOSE VOTING AGAINST SUSPENSION OF THE REQUIREMENT: None NOW THEREFORE the following was read and voted upon by the Board of Supervisors, and it passed by a vote of a majority of the Board of Supervisors: AND IT IS NOW THEREFORE ENACTED AND ORDAINED: ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 16-A-02 BUCHANAN COUNTY, IOWA The rezoning of property located in Liberty Township, Sections 5, 1.66 acres from “I” industrial to “A-1” agricultural to correct an error in the legal description on previous rezoning requests. The rezoning of the following described property is approved: Commencing at the NE corner of the NW fractional qtr. Sec. 5, T88N, R8W of the 5th P.M., Buchanan County, Iowa, thence S475 ft., to the point of beginning, thence E288 ft., S165 ft., W308 ft., N165 ft., E20 ft. to the point of beginning. (Zoning Ordinance Amendment #93-A-8) Commencing at the NE corner of the NW fractional qtr., Sec. 5, T88N, R8W of the 5th P.M., Buchanan County, Iowa, thence E20 ft. to the point of beginning, thence S475 ft., E45 ft., N475 ft., W45 ft. to the point of beginning. (Zoning Ordinance Amendment #93-A-12) THOSE VOTING FOR THE PASSAGE: Gaffney, Gissel and Shonka. THOSE VOTING AGAINST THE PASSAGE: None Passed this 28th day of March 2016. At 9:30 a.m. the public hearing regarding the Nick Dennie rezoning request was called to order with Kris Wilgenbusch, Brian Keierleber, Janice Franck, Joe McGrath, Mac McGrath, Pat Bevans, Dan Schmitt, Nick Dennie and Matt Even, Zoning Administrator present. Mr. Even read the minutes of the Zoning Commission meeting and stated their vote was 3 to 2 to deny rezoning. After discussion, motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to close the hearing at 9:43 a.m. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to approve the following resolution. On roll call vote: Ayes – Gaffney, Gissel & Shonka; Nays – None. Motion carried. RESOLUTION 16-28 WHEREAS, Gaffney proposed the adoption and enactment of a Zoning Ordinance Amendment on the 7th day of March 2016, which action is recorded in Book X Page 124 of the Minutes of the Board of Supervisors; and WHEREAS, the same was duly published in the Independence Bulletin Journal, an official newspaper of general circulation in the county and complying with Sections 618.3 and 618.14 of the Code of Iowa, on 23rd day of March 2016; and UPON MOTION made by Gaffney and second by Gissel a vote was held to suspend the requirement for three successive readings and votes, which motion passed by a vote of a majority of the Board of Supervisors, as follows: THOSE VOTING FOR SUSPENSION OF THE REQUIREMENT: Gaffney, Gissel and Shonka THOSE VOTING AGAINST SUSPENSION OF THE REQUIREMENT: None NOW THEREFORE the following was read and voted upon by the Board of Supervisors, and it passed by a vote of a majority of the Board of Supervisors: AND IT IS NOW THEREFORE ENACTED AND ORDAINED: ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 16-A-03 BUCHANAN COUNTY, IOWA The rezoning of property located in Liberty Township, Sections 1, 3.95 acres from “A-1” agricultural to “R-1” residential. The rezoning of the following described property is approved: Commencing S351.923 ft. at a

bearing of 179.8559° from the NW corner of NE qtr., Sec. 1, T88N, R8W of the 5th P.M., Buchanan County, Iowa, thence E691.283 ft. at 91.5350°, SW240.003 ft. at 188.5278°, W655.003 ft. at 268.4069°, N274.078 ft. at 359.8547° to the point of beginning. To allow for the addition of a single-family dwelling. THOSE VOTING FOR THE PASSAGE: Gaffney, Gissel and Shonka. THOSE VOTING AGAINST THE PASSAGE: None Passed this 28th day of March 2016. County Engineer, Brian Keierleber presented the plans for the construction of a concrete slab bridge. After discussion, motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to approve the plans for a continuous concrete slab bridge located on 235th St., west .75 miles from Co. Road W-40 in Liberty Township, project #BROS-C010(96)--8J-10, FHWA#81940. All in favor, motion carried. Engineer Keierleber presented information on a slab bridge design for a bridge replacement in Westburg Township. No action was taken until additional information can be obtained. Engineer Keierleber presented information for a pedestrian bridge for Cedar Rock. No action was taken until additional information can be obtained. Discussion was held regarding the seasonal mower position for the secondary road department. After discussion, it was agreed to advertise and hire for a seasonal mower position. Motion by Gissel second by Gaffney to adjourn at 10:16 a.m. All in favor, motion carried. Don Shonka, Chairman ATTEST: Cindy Gosse, Auditor Claims paid the month of March: 310 3rd St South, Serv .....1 2 5 . 0 0 Aable Pest Control, Serv ....5 5 . 0 0 Advance Auto Parts, Repairs ..................................1 4 0 . 5 5 Alliant Energy, Serv .......3 , 9 0 7 . 3 5 AltorferInc, Repairs ...........1 0 5 . 0 0 Ames Environmental Inc, Regist ......................................1 2 5 . 0 0 Anderson Erickson Dairy, Inmate Provisions .........................3 5 1 . 8 4 Appliance Plus Of Oelwein, Supplies ....................................2 9 . 9 9 AT&T, Serv..........................4 1 . 2 6 Auditor of State, Fees .......6 2 5 . 0 0 B & B Farm Store Inc, Supplies .................................. 11 4 . 7 3 B2b Computer Products, Supplies ..................................4 2 0 . 0 0 BankIowa, Fees ....................4 . 0 0 Berns, Allan, VA Per Diem/Mileage....................................7 3 8 . 7 6 Black Hawk Co Sheriff, Serv ............................................2 1 . 0 6 Black Hills Energy, Serv ...3 2 5 . 8 1 Bob Barker Co Inc, Supplies ..................................6 1 5 . 3 3 Brandon Water Works, Serv ..........................................1 5 5 . 0 0 BreckeInc, Service Contract................................5 , 5 3 5 . 0 0 Bruening Rock Products Inc, Rock ..............................1 , 2 1 4 . 4 4 Buchanan Co Conservation Board, Serv ....................................7 5 . 0 0 Buchanan Co Sheriff, Serv.....136.48 Buds Electric Inc, Repairs...825.60 Burkhart, Tai, Mileage/Cell Reimb .................................8 4 . 4 0 Buzynski, Scott, Meal Reimb. 1 7 . 6 1 Cabell, Sondra, Fuel Reimb/B’well Winner ................................3 8 . 4 9 Campton Oakhill Cemetery, Grave Repairs .............................1 4 0 . 0 0 Carrot-Top Industries Inc, Supplies ....................................8 0 . 6 8 Case Mngt Service, Serv ..4 9 0 . 5 0 Cashen, Ross, Reimb....1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 CDW Government, Supplies ...............................1 , 4 7 6 . 0 6 Central IAWaterAssn, Serv....210.06 Central IA Distributing, Supplies ....................................8 8 . 4 0 Centurylink, Serv ..............4 4 9 . 1 0 Chesmore, Chris, Equip Reimb .................................1 6 . 7 3 Chief Supply Corp, Uniforms.................................3 1 2 . 9 7 Christopherson & Sons, Parts......949.80 Citizen Herald, Publications..898.81 City Laundering Co, Serv .5 4 7 . 5 9 CMIInc, Supplies ..............8 1 4 . 3 1 Coast To Coast Computer Products, Supplies ...................1 5 5 . 3 3 Cohen, Dan, B’Well Winner...25.00 Conference Technologies Inc,

Serv ..................................2 5 0 . 0 0 Connell, Karen R, Mileage Reimb ...................................2 . 1 6 Consolidated Energy Co, Fuel................................5 , 3 0 2 . 5 1 Coohey, Rodney, Cold Patch .............................1 , 4 3 3 . 6 0 Creative Product Sourcing Inc, Supplies ............................1 5 3 . 4 1 Crop Production Services, Chemicals ...................................1 2 5 . 0 0 CTK Group, Regist ...........9 7 5 . 0 0 Cy&Charleys Inc, Repair..1,420.20 Dahls Auto Glass, Serv.....2 2 0 . 0 0 Delaware Co Sheriff, Serv ..4 2 . 0 0 Dons Truck Sales Inc, Parts ..............................4 , 2 9 2 . 1 4 Doyle, Thomas, Mileage Reimb .................................1 3 . 5 0 East Central IA Rec, Serv....1,012.78 Elite K-9 Inc, Supplies ......1 3 2 . 9 0 Eric Zieser Constructiion Llc, Bridge Pymt ..............................7 , 3 5 0 . 0 0 Esch, Laurie, Mileage Reimb...20.52 Eschens Clothing, Uniforms..447.60 Even, Maureen, B’Well Winner ......................................2 5 . 0 0 Evizzit LLC, Serv ..............3 9 0 . 0 0 Fairbank, City Of, Serv .....1 3 0 . 6 0 Fareway Foods, Supplies .6 7 9 . 4 9 Farmers Mutual Telephone Co, Serv ..................................1 2 6 . 7 6 Fastenal Co, Parts ............3 3 6 . 1 3 Fayette Co Sheriff, Serv .....5 2 . 4 0 Friends of Fontana Park, Supplies ..................................2 1 9 . 0 0 G & LLawn Rangers, Serv....3,762.40 Gaffney Quarries, Rock .1 , 5 5 6 . 8 5 Gardiner Thomsen, Audit Ser. ..............................23,100.00 Gazette Communications Inc, Publications...............................8 9 . 7 2 Gissel, Gary, Mileage Reimb ...............................1 4 9 . 5 8 Greenley Lumber Co, Parts ..........................................8 2 5 . 0 0 GrowmarkInc, Fuel ........7 , 6 7 0 . 8 9 Hansen, Kim, Mileage Reimb...1.08 Hardware Hank, Parts ........3 9 . 9 8 Hartig Pharmacy, Supplies .2 5 . 2 7 Hawkeye Alarm Co, Supplies ...............................1 , 4 8 8 . 2 0 Hulbert, Dave, VA Per Diem/Mileage....................................5 2 9 . 0 6 ICUBE, Dues ....................2 0 0 . 0 0 IEMA, Dues ......................3 5 0 . 0 0 IIW Engineers & Surveyors Pc, Serv .............................25,817.59 Independence Light & Power, Serv ............................. 11,804.16 Independence LP, Serv ......4 8 . 0 0 Independence Plumbing, Repairs ..................................1 8 5 . 5 2 Independence Postmaster, Rental Fee ...................................4 2 9 . 0 0 Industrial Supply Solutions, Supplies ..................................1 7 2 . 8 0 Inmate Services Corp, Serv ......3 5 0 . 0 0 ICAP, Ins ........................1 , 7 5 3 . 2 2 IDOT, Repairs ...................2 8 3 . 1 3 INRCOG, Serv ...............3 , 0 2 3 . 2 5 Iowa Prison Industries, Signs..............................1 , 3 0 7 . 3 0 Iowa Secretary Of State, Notary Renewal..............................3 0 . 0 0 ISAC, Regist .....................2 2 5 . 0 0 Iowa State University, Regist ......................................5 5 0 . 0 0 Isaacs, Jessica, B’Well Winner.25.00 J & D Body Shop, Serv .....5 0 0 . 0 0 John Deere Financial, Repairs ..................................6 9 5 . 4 4 Johnson Co Medical Examiner, Serv ..................................2 9 3 . 4 9 Johnson PlbgHtg& Ac, Serv ............................................6 4 . 0 0 Kamin, Ray, Mailbox Reimbursed.................................1 5 . 0 0 Karsten, Larry, Serv ..........1 0 0 . 0 0 Keierleber, Brian, Boot/Meal Reimb ...............................1 6 6 . 6 8 Kelly, Amy, Mileage/Cell Reimb/ B’well Winner ....................1 0 5 . 0 8 King, Candice, Mileage Reimb .................................2 1 . 6 0 Knapps Service, Repairs ..7 3 7 . 6 8 Kwik Trip Stores, Fuel.........8 3 . 7 7 Lamont, City Of, Serv .......1 8 3 . 5 2 Laughlin, Victor, Mileage Reimb .................................3 6 . 3 4 Lechtenberg Janitorial, Supplies ..................................1 7 8 . 1 5 Lexisnexis, Serv ...............1 5 6 . 0 0 Lindgren, Richard D, Serv...200.00 Linn Co EMA, Hazmat Serv ...............................4 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 Linn Co Sheriff, Serv ..........6 0 . 1 6 Luigis, Serv .........................3 6 . 1 3 Mac I Inc, Serv..................6 7 0 . 0 0 Mail Services LLC, Renewals/Postage....................................7 5 8 . 6 3 Marco Technologies LLC, Serv ...............................2 , 5 0 3 . 0 8 Marlow, Amy, Mileage/Cell Reimb/ B’well Winner ....................3 0 8 . 1 2 McGraw, Kriss A, Shipping .6 5 . 7 3 McGraw-Riley, Eleanor, Mileage

Reimb .................................2 5 . 9 2 Medical Associates, Serv...1,571.00 Menards, Supplies ..............7 3 . 5 0 Mental Health Institute, Educational...42.50 MidAmerican Energy Co, Serv ...............................3 , 3 8 7 . 7 4 Mills, Karla, Mileage/Cell Reimb ...............................3 7 6 . 3 8 Monkeytown Office Supply, Supplies ....................................7 5 . 9 7 MorphotrakInc, Service Contract................................6 , 3 2 2 . 0 0 Mph Industries, Repairs....1 2 3 . 0 1 Muscatine County, Serv......2 1 . 5 8 Myers-Cox Co, Inmate Provisions ..............................6 , 4 4 0 . 2 9 Napa Auto Parts, Parts ..1 , 4 2 9 . 0 0 NE District ISAA, Regist ...1 7 5 . 0 0 Neopost USAInc, Meter Rental .......................................4 2 9 . 0 6 Oelwein Police Dept, Serv ..2 1 . 0 0 Oelwein Publishing Group, Publications ...........................1 , 6 7 2 . 3 2 Office Max Inc, Supplies .....7 3 . 5 5 Office Systems Division Inc, Supplies .................................. 11 9 . 8 0 Office Towne Inc, Supplies ...............................1 , 1 4 7 . 7 1 Ohrt, Corbin, Serv.............1 0 0 . 0 0 O’Reilly Automotive Inc, Supplies ..................................5 3 4 . 2 1 Paul Niemann Construction Co, Rock .................................3 2 4 . 6 0 Pech, David, Mileage Reimb ............................................1 9 . 4 4 Phil Chalmers Enterprises, Educational ...................................9 9 . 0 0 Pinicon Ford, Repairs ....1 , 1 9 6 . 0 4 Polk Co Sheriff, Serv ..........4 9 . 7 2 Power Plan, Parts ........10,285.05 Print Express, Serv ...........3 5 7 . 0 0 Quality Computer Service Inc, Repairs ....................................7 3 . 0 0 Racom Corporation, Service Contract............................104,188.37 Radio Communications Co Inc, Serv .................................. 2 11 . 5 1 Ray Allen Mfg LLC, Supplies ..................................2 3 6 . 9 4 Redi Driver Inc, Parts .........2 6 . 0 9 Roepke, Leland C, VACommExp/ Mileage Reimb....................4 1 . 2 0 Rowley Cemetery Assn, Grave Repairs ..................................1 8 8 . 0 0 Rowley, City Of, Serv..........1 2 . 5 0 Safety Vision, Repairs ......5 0 6 . 0 0 Service Roofing Co Inc, Repairs ..................................1 4 5 . 6 8 Shonka, Don, Mileage Reimb ...............................2 0 8 . 4 4 Short, Janice, Mileage Reimb .................................1 4 . 5 8 Shred Master, Serv .............9 9 . 6 8 Signs & More, Uniforms......6 1 . 0 0 Spahn& Rose Lumber Co, Parts .................................2 2 8 . 4 8 Spahn& Rose Lumber Co, Brandon Shop ............................58,430.05 Stanley Convergent, Service Contract...................................3 1 8 . 0 0 State Hygienic Laboratory, Well Test Kits ............................1 0 0 . 0 0 State Medical Examiner, Serv ...............................1 , 9 0 8 . 0 0 State Of Iowa, Serv ............1 5 . 0 0 Staton, Chad, Mileage Reimb...7.56 Steil Welding, Repairs ........3 5 . 7 5 Superior Cleaning Services Ltd, Serv ...............................3 , 2 7 1 . 8 4 Superior Welding Supply, Supplies ..................................1 0 0 . 9 8 Taylor, Alan, VA Per Diem/Mileage....................................6 0 6 . 8 4 Tek Supply, Supplies ........7 7 9 . 9 0 Tisl, Vanessa, B’Well Winner. . 2 5 . 0 0 Uniform Den Inc, Uniforms...415.47 US Cellular, Serv ...........1 , 6 6 4 . 6 3 US Postmaster, Postage...2,000.00 Van Wyngarden & Abrahamson Inc, Serv ...........................1 8 3 . 2 0 VandeVoorde, Brenda, B’Well Winner ......................................2 5 . 0 0 VandeVorde, Gerald L, Mileage Reimb .................................1 4 . 0 4 Veridian Credit Union, Fees..51.90 Verizon Wireless, Serv .....5 6 8 . 0 3 Verns True Value Inc, Supplies ..................................4 6 3 . 0 8 VGM Group Inc, Serv ....1 , 0 4 1 . 4 4 Visa, Supplies ................5 , 0 2 7 . 7 9 Walker, Terry V, Repairs ...1 4 5 . 0 0 Walmart, Supplies ................5 . 4 7 Waste Management, Serv......2,563.86 Waterloo Schools Printshop, Forms ...............................1 0 1 . 8 0 Welch, William J, VACommExp/ Mileage Reimb....................3 6 . 8 8 Westpfahl, Austin, Meal Reimb...9.21 White Funeral Home Inc, Serv...842.43 Wilgenbusch, Kristin, Mileage Reimb .................................1 9 . 4 4 Windstream, Serv .............4 9 4 . 7 4 Winthrop News, Publications...1,126.00 Winthrop, City Of, Serv .....1 2 0 . 4 8 Xerox Corp, Serv ................3 4 . 4 4 Zee Medical Service Co, Supplies..208.40 Total ..........................372,361.85


April 7, 2016

The News & The Guide


WHAT a DEAL 25 Words for just $6. Only 10¢ for each additional word. Call 319-327-1810

PRAYER TO ST. JUDE “May the Sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us.” Say this prayer for 9 days; by the 8th day your

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The City of Lamont is accepting applications for the part-time position of City Clerk. Must be responsible, self-motivated, energetic, enjoy challenging assignments and working with the public. Good computer knowledge and excellent communication skills are necessary. General duties include agenda preparation and official minutes of council meetings, municipal records management, accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, and budgeting. Reference and background checks required. Wages DOQ EOE Inquiries and applications contact: City of Lamont, 644 Bush Street, P.O. Box 240, Lamont, IA 50650, (563) 924-2194 or Application Deadline: May 16, 2016, by 5:00 pm at City Hall.

Independence Public Library Page

Part-time summer position (approx.15 hours per week during June and July) for responsible high school/college student with flexible schedule. People skills and basic computer knowledge a must. Job application and description available during library hours and at: Deadline is April 12

QUASKY LITTLE LEAGUE FUNDRAISER Quasky Boys & Girls Little League Fundraiser, April 17, 4-7 PM, Wolfey’s. Ribs, pizza and 1-2kw sides for $10.

Subscribe Today! 319. 327.1810

PRE-PAYMENT is required for Thank You and Classified Ads before publication. These are not billed. Send payment ($6.00 for up to 25 words, 10 cents per word after) with your ad to PO Box 9, Winthrop IA 50682 or drop off at 225 W. Madison, Winthrop.

Statewide Classifieds HELP WANTED - PROFESSIONAL Customized Newspaper Advertising is seeking an Inside Account Executive, located in Des Moines, IA. Represent newspapers across the country selling advertising solutions in print and digital. Work with base accounts+ responsible for new business. Cover letter/resume: (INCN) HELP WANTED- TRUCK DRIVER QLF Transportation – Class A CDL Drivers/Tankers. Great Pay, Home Weekends, and Benefits! Potential of $60,000 plus per year! Contact Tony 608-935-0915 Ext 16


The City of Winthrop is accepting applications for LIFEGUARDS. Applications may be picked up at East Buchanan Community School or at the City Clerk’s Office. Applications should be returned to: City of Winthrop, P.O. Box 98, Winthrop, Iowa 50682, or dropped off at the City Clerk’s Office. Application deadline is April 25, 2016. EOE, Veteran’s Preference

CDL A DRIVERS - *$7,500 Sign-OnBonus MEDICAL BENEFITS on DAY 1 & $65k+ in your FIRST YEAR!!! *GUARANTEED PAY *Profit Sharing *401k WITH COMPANY MATCH & MORE! Email resume: mnhr@ or Call Hollie Now! (507) 664-3038 (INCN) TanTara Transportation is hiring Company Drivers and Owner Operators for Flatbed, Van, or Tank. Excellent equipment, pay, benefits, home weekly. Call 800-650-0292 or apply (INCN) MEDICAL CARE Switch and save with affordable health insurance. Can your family

save $500/month? Explore smaller deductibles and premiums. Medical underwriting required. Free phone quotes (800) 378-1405 (INCN) MISCELLANEOUS Advertise your EVENT, PRODUCT, or RECRUIT an applicant in this paper plus 40 other papers in Northeast Iowa for only $110/week! Call 319-327-1810 or email: scsmith@ SPORTING GOODS GUN SHOW-April 8,9,10 Central IA. Fairgrounds, Marshalltown. Friday 4-9pm Sat. 9am-5pm, Sunday 9am-3pm. Large Selection of guns & ammunition for sale. Info: (563) 608-4401 (INCN)

High School Assistant Baseball Coach

East Buchanan Community School District, Winthrop, is seeking applicants to fill High School Assistant Baseball Coach. To apply, contact Superintendent Dan Fox, East Buchanan Community School District, 414 5th Street North, Winthrop, IA 50682, phone: 319-935-3767. East Buchanan is an Equal Opportunity Employer

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The News & The Guide

April 7, 2016 PAGE 15

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Public Notice

The Independence City Council met in regular session in the council chambers at 6:30 p.m., on Monday, March 28, 2016. Mayor Davis called the meeting to order with Council Members Lenius, Vaughn, Hill, Dallenbach, Grover and Brown in attendance. Council Member Holland was absent. Complete council proceedings are on file in the office of the City Clerk for public viewing. Hill/Vaughn to approve the agenda for the regularly scheduled meeting held March 28, 2016. Ayes: All. Absent: Holland. Public comments were received and placed on file. Lenius/Grover to accept and approve the consent agenda that approves the following: 1) The Minutes of the March 14, 2016 Regular Meeting. 2) The Minutes of the March 14, 2016 Budget Hearing, Special Session 3) The City Financials for the month of February. Ayes: All. Absent: Holland. Dallenbach/ Brown to approve the following bills for payment. Ayes: All. Absent: Holland. ACCESS SYSTEMS Equip Contract 669.00 ADVANCE AUTO PARTS Veh Maint 10.99 AFLAC PRE-TAX 916.14 ALLEN OCCUPATIONAL Hearing Tests 445.00 AMERICAN TEST CENTER Inspect 1,125.00 AMPERAGE FUNDRAISING Aquatic Center 4,063.72 ASTLEFORD, AARON WL Challenge 32.50 AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS Service 853.00 BLACKHAWK AUTOMATIC Inspect 590.00 BODENSTEINER IMPLEMENT Service 510.97 BOLTON & MENK, INC. Projct 1,040.00 BOOS, CHRISTOPHER Reimburse 8.29 BRIMEYER FURSMAN, LLC Training 8,400.00 BRODART CO Books 735.03 BROWN SUPPLY CO Snow Equip 12,000.05 BUCHANAN COUNTY FIRE Dues 25.00 CARD SERVICES-LIBRARY Supplies 1,745.08 CARD SERVICES operating 1,414.45 CENGAGE LEARNING Books 40.28 CENTRAL UNITED LIFE UL INS 48.32 CENTURYLINK Phones 822.12 CITY LAUNDERING Bldg Maint 376.83 COLLECTION SERVICES Withholding 290.00 COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA Snow Removal 2,154.09 CONSOLIDATED ENERGY Utility 3,965.58 CREATIVE PRODUCT SOURCE DARE 437.14 CULLIGAN TOTAL WATER Supplies 40.61 CY & CHARLEY’S FIRESTONE Veh Maint 274.47 DANKO EMERGENCY EQUIP Valve 46.29 DATA TECH Consult 3,844.47 DECKER SPORTING GOODS Supplies 3,652.75 DEMCO Labels 227.74 DON’S TRUCK SALES INC Veh Maint 3,711.70 EAST-CENTRAL IOWA R.E.C. Utility 3,232.91 EDWARD JONES & CO DC 1,180.00 ELECTRIC PUMP INC Service 15,634.11 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING & Supplies 797.74 FAHR BEVERAGE INC Concessions 274.62 FAIRCHILD COMM Maint 135.00 FASTENAL CO Supplies 37.50 FELD FIRE Sensor 164.70 FIRST STREET DELI Training 210.65 FOX ENGINEERING Prof Services 692.10 GRAINGER INC Supplies 501.16 GRAYBAR Processor 3,696.24 GREENLEY LUMBER CO Supplies 171.25 GROUP SERVICES INC $afe-T Fund 2,339.48 HARDWARE HANK Supplies 10.45 HILLTOP MOTORS INC Veh Repair 103.00 HOOVER, BARRY WL Challenge 12.50 HORN, KRISTINA Mailbox 25.00 HUPP ELECTRIC MOTORS Service Call 450.00 HYDRITE CHEMICAL CO Supplies 2,485.60 IA DEPT OF PUBLIC HEALTH Pool Permit 1,095.00 IAPMO 2016 Dues 150.00 INDEPENDENCE CHAMBER Banquet 50.00 INDEPENDENCE L & P Utility 32,606.63 INDEPENDENCE PLUMBING Service 3,399.49 INDEPENDENCE POLICE DEPT Petty Cash 22.19 INDEPENDENCE LIBRARY Petty Cash 26.13 INRCOG FY17 Transit 3,159.94 IRS FED/FICA TAX 21,804.57 IOWA FIRE CHIEFS’ ASSN Dues 75.00 IOWACE Dues 35.00 IPERS PROTECTIV 25,477.91 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL Op Supplies 1,399.24 JOHNSON, DANNY WL Challenge 12.50 JOHNSON, JASON WL Challenge 20.00 JOHNSON, KRISTA LYNN WL Challenge 20.00 KEYSTONE AEA 1 Seminar 36.00 LAW ENFORCEMENT SYSTEMS Supplies 152.00 LL PELLING CO Supplies 660.45 M&T BANK- 305533 NON-IPER 563.47 MCDONALD, CONNIE Uniform 7.50 MID COUNTRY MACHINERY Equip Maint 486.80 Utility 7,938.68 MIDAMERICAN ENERGY CO MIDWEST SAFETY COUNSEL Supplies 1,129.60 MONKEYTOWN Paper 416.60 NAPA AUTO PARTS Supplies 999.39 NORTH CENTRAL LAB Supplies 612.28 NE IA INSPECTIONS Dues 135.00

OCCIDENTAL LIFE INS 50.00 OELWEIN PUBLISHING CO Publicat 504.08 O’REILLY AUTO PARTS Supplies 3.77 OVERHEAD DOOR CO Bldg Maint 527.00 PACIFIC LIFE DC 325.00 PAYROLL CHECKS PAYROLL 61,492.13 PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE Books 59.25 PEPSI-COLA GEN. Concessions 536.73 PERMA-BOUND Books 388.58 PINICON FORD Veh Maint 1,083.09 PIONEER TELEPHONE Telephone 114.27 PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL Equip Lease 324.93 PRINT EXPRESS Poster 82.00 PURCHASE POWER Postage 233.99 R & R CAFE Training 288.90 RADIO COMM CO Equip Maint 224.80 RECORDED BOOKS, LLC Audio Books 377.03 RJS WELDING LLC Maint 101.00 ROBERTS STEVENS Legal Exp 1,700.00 RODER, ALBERT W. Training 87.36 RYAN EXTERMINATING INC Bldg Maint 95.00 S & K COLLECTIBLES Shipping 91.88 SCHOLASTIC LIBRARY Books 416.80 SCHOOL BUS SALES Tommy Gate 2,797.50 SCOTT EXCAVATING Services 1,160.00 SIGNS & MORE Sign 788.88 SPAHN & ROSE LUMBER Supplies 22.49 STELTER, TABRA Reimburse 16.00 SUPERIOR CLEANING SERVC Bldg Maint 3,932.74 T & W GRINDING & COMPOST Compost 5,000.00 TASC FLEX 971.11 TEAMSTERS LOCAL 238 UNION DUES-PD 906.00 TESTAMERICA LAB Labs 1,912.05 TEVIS, SHAWN WL Challenge 32.50 THREE OAKS GREENHOUSE Basket Dep 738.00 TIMBER CITY BOOKS Books 60.00 TOM’S AUTOMOTIVE EQUIP Maint 1,748.26 TREASURER-STATE OF IA TAX 7,312.00 TRUE VALUE HARDWARE Supplies 827.87 UNUM LIFE/AD&D INS 681.19 US CELLULAR Phone 468.40 US POLICE CANINE ASSOC Registration 125.00 USA BLUE BOOK Supplies 447.19 VAN DEEST, KIM IT Services 1,250.00 VAN METER INDUSTRIAL INC Equip Maint 2,400.48 VEENSTRA & KIMM, INC. Projct 23,198.67 VIETH CONSTRUCTION INC 2015 St Proj 57,065.02 VISU-SEWER INC Services 3,570.00 VITAL IMAGERY LTD Renewal 50.00 WALMART Supplies 1,154.18 WALTER AVIATION, INC. Mgr Contract 4,583.33 WASTE MANAGEMENT Garbage 36,040.79 WATERLOO SOX Tourney 175.00 WBC MECHANICAL INC Boiler Maint 2,710.07 WELLMARK BCBS HEALTH BEN 35,748.15 WINTHROP NEWS, THE Legal Publicat 254.55 WPPI ENERGY Utility 959.91 XEROX CORPORATION Equip Contract 429.33 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS Nozzle 51.60 CLAIMS TOTAL- $457,857.84, GENERAL FUND- $204,079.73, LIBRARY FUND- $21,844.37, HOTELMOTEL TAX FUND- $1,710.05, STREETS DEPT - ROAD USE T FUND- $49,186.70, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FUND- $1,968.86 CAP PROJ - STREET IMPROVE FUND- $57,065.02, TIF PROJECTS FUND- $23,198.67, WATER FUND- $19,327.48 SEWER UTILITY FUND- $77,137.48, SELF INSURANCE FUND- $2,324.48, SELF INSURANCE - ENTERPRISE FUND- $15.00 Petitions were heard from the public. Officer Lau, Independence Police Department, gave an update to the Council on Code enforcement. John Evers, American Family Insurance, shared the City has only a $500.00 increase in premium from last year’s coverage cost on the renewal. This included additions such as three new vehicles, the K9 and the greenhouse. Grover/Lenius with a motion to approve a 5K Fundraiser for the Buchanan County Animal Shelter on July 16, 2016 provided the proper coverage is obtained. Ayes: All. Absent: Holland. Lenius/Grover with a motion to approve the Independence Chamber to hold Friday Night Live @ 5 events subject to the proper insurance and licensing. Ayes: All. Absent: Holland. Steve Slessor, Buchanan County Health Center, presented to the Council as part of the Communication Plan for the addition and remodeling of the Buchanan County Health Center. Dallenbach/Grover with a motion to receive and file proof of publication of notice of Amending Provisions Pertaining to Natural Gas Franchise Chapter 110. Ayes: All. Absent: Holland. Hill/Grover with a motion to hold the Public Hearing with a written objection from Wapsie Valley Creamery, Inc. on file. Ayes: All. Absent: Holland. Mark Nielsen, Wapsie Valley Creamery, Inc., addressed the Council with a concerns on the Franchise Fee. Karen Connell, 312 2nd Avenue SW, addressed the Council to state this is affecting our industry. Leon Bachman, 400 17th Ave NW, stated that the cost of living for seniors was zero this year, and this should be taken into consideration when putting a Franchise Fee out there. Stephanie Harvey, Independence Light & Power Board, asked are these funds specifically earmarked and is there a listing available? Vaughn/Lenius to introduce a motion to close the hearing and receive and file oral and written comments. Ayes: All. Absent: Holland. Hill/Dallenbach with a motion to receive and file proof of publication of notice of Amending Chapter 65 Official Traffic Controls. Ayes: All. Absent: Holland. Grover/Brown with a motion to hold the Public Hearing with no objections on file. Ayes: All. Absent: Holland. Grover/Dallenbach to introduce a motion to close the hearing and receive and file oral and written comments. Ayes: All. Absent: Holland. Grover/Brown to introduce a motion to receive, file and consider adopting the Ordinance for the first time. Ayes: All. Absent: Holland. Lenius/Hill introduced a Resolution approving the Award for bid on the Municipal Pool Project to Portzen. Ayes: All. Absent: Holland. Res No. 2016-17. Comments were heard from Council and Staff: Vaughn/Grover to adjourn. Ayes: All. Absent: Holland. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.


Public Notice

NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING ON DESIGNATION OF THE INDEPENDENCE HOUSING URBAN RENEWAL AREA, AND ON PROPOSED URBAN RENEWAL PLAN AND PROJECT Notice Is Hereby Given: That at 6:30 p.m., at Independence City Council Chambers, Independence, Iowa, on April 11, 2016 the City Council will hold a public hearing on the question of designating as the Independence Housing Urban Renewal Area (the “Urban Renewal Area”), pursuant to Chapter 403, Code of Iowa, the real property in the City of Independence generally described as follows: Certain real property situated in the City of Independence, County of Buchanan, State of Iowa located in said City bearing Buchanan County property Tax Identification Parcel #1009100012. The subject matter of the public hearing will also include a proposed urban renewal plan and project for the Urban Renewal Area identified above, pursuant to Chapter 403, Code of Iowa, a copy of which plan is on file for public inspection in the office of the City Clerk. The general scope of the proposed urban renewal plan, as more specifically described therein, includes the following: Increasing the tax base and promoting economic growth in Independence by encouraging economic development, constructing necessary public improvements and assisting private enterprise through tax increment financing incentives. The initial project to be undertaken under the plan will consist of using tax increment financing in support of the development of residential housing and the corresponding construction of public infrastructure in the Area. At the hearing any interested person may file written objections or comments and may be heard orally with respect to the subject matter of the hearing. /S/Jeena Lynch, City Clerk

Public Notice

East Buchanan Board Meeting Minutes March 30, 2016 Special Meeting Prior to the beginning of the regular meeting, the board recited the East Buchanan Mission Statement: “To challenge students to think critically, communicate effectively, develop values and contribute to society.” BOARD MEMBERS: Greg Schmitt, Brian Crawford, Chad Staton, Aaron Cook, Shawn Stone ABSENT: None SUPERINTENDENT: Dan Fox BOARD SECRETARY: Beth Weepie VISITORS: Visitors from the community were present at the meeting. Approval of Agenda: Motion was made by Schmitt, second by Staton to approve the agenda. Approval of Consent Agenda: Motion was made by Schmitt, sec-

HRSA awards $5,686,076 through voluntary home visiting program

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) announced approximately $5,686,076 in funding to Iowa to support the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (Federal Home Visiting Program). These funds allow grantees to continue to expand voluntary, evidence-based home visiting services to women during pregnancy, and to parents with young children up to kindergarten entry. The home visiting program provides support for preventive health and prenatal practices such as helping mothers find suitable prenatal care, improve their diets, and reduce use of tobacco, alcohol, and illegal substances. The Federal Home Visiting Program serves almost 40 percent of U.S. counties with high rates of low birth weight infants, teen births, families living in poverty or infant mortality. More than 2.3 million home visits have been conducted through the Federal Home Visiting Program, serving parents and children in 825 counties in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and five territories. Nearly 80 percent of families participating in the program had household incomes at or below 100 percent of the Federal Poverty Level.

ond by Crawford to approve the Consent Agenda. Items on Consent Agenda included: Hire of Nathan Reck as H.S. Girls Basketball Coach; Transfer of Alecia Schoonover from Asst. High School Girls Basketball Coach to Middle School Girls Basketball Coach; Approve the hire of Tina Kelly as 5th grade teacher. Motion carried with all ayes. Facilities Presentation: Struxture Architecture presented the recent plans on the possible addition to the facility which includes a gymnasium with stage; changes to the north parking lot to add space; remodeling of the current shop building; and safe room/multipurpose room addition. A great number of people were present from the community to ask questions and review the plans. Total cost of the addition went from 8.2 million to 6.2 million as per the request of the board. Adjournment: Motion was made by Crawford, second by Staton to adjourn the meeting at 6:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Beth Weepie Board Secretary

April 7, 2016

The News & The Guide

Are you gettingTHE NEWS? March 24, 2016 75¢

March 31, 2016

Est. Buchanan County Review 1892

Review 1892 Est. Buchanan County

Council hears objections to franchise fee, approves pool bid

Reagan Kress

By Steven C. Smith

Area kids enjoy Easter activities y

Independence City Council met in regular session Monday with Mayor Davis presiding. Council heard from several community members on the consideration of implementing a 4% franchise fee on natural gas sales in Independence. Speakers addressed city spending, debt, and additional fees during public comments and a franchise fee public hearing. On March 14, council approved a revenue purpose statement, a preliminary step in establishing a utility franchise fee for the sale and distribution of natural gas within the city. Fee revenues from its franchise with MidAmerican Energy may be used or expended for capital improvements. Monday night’s hearing was to consider amending the natural gas franchise to include a 4% fee for residential and non-residential gas service effective July 1, 2016, for the duration of the 25-year franchise agreement. Story continues on page 18.

A troubled journe to freedom

Holocaust survivor shares her story

Easter Bunny hops to Independence

By Christine Dale, Assistant

Brady Hogan and Jase Lenox Youngsters throughout the area visited Buffalo Creek Golf Course north of Winthrop on March 26. They had fun making crafts, decorating and eating treats, visiting with the Easter Bunny and participating in an egg hunt.


school and granted. Freedom to attend It is easy to take freedom for om to be and to live without fear. Freed to work. Freedom to dream om was freed that any, Germ ’s 1930 in a child. However, for Jews ascended to power. extinguished when Adolf Hitler . Born Susi youth her of ories mem vivid At 86, Susan Warsinger has began to ood in western Germany Hilsenrath, her carefree childh ingly dark happy world became terrify change in 1933. Little Susi’s Kennedy 75¢ Kelchen April 7, 2016 brewed on the horizon. as a developing Nazi storm Story continues on page 5. a to next s stand Susan Warsinger ship Pictured: Holocaust survivor lf (both circled in blue) as their photo of her brother and herse (Christine Dale Photo) U.S. the in r harbo reached safe

children Despite a sudden sleet, many ty Fairgrounds visited the Buchanan Coun r eggs. Easte 2,800 for hunt on Saturday to d serve 4-H’ers and FFA members helpe raise to ing Build breakfast in the Thom nts. funds for fairground improveme

Tucker Erickson

By Kris Wilgenbusch, THE NEWS


During their regular Monday meeting, Buchanan County Board of Supervisors Ellen Gaffney, Don Shonka, and Gary Gissel (via telephone) held public hearings on three zoning requests. The first hearing was on a request by Paul and Nancy Yearous to rezone 7.58 acres from “A-1” Est. Bucha Prime Agricultural to “I” Industrial to bring the current nan Coun ty Reland use18 of sand quarry into compliance with Buchanan view 92 County Zoning Ordinance regulations. The property is located in the NW ¼, NW ¼,i Sec 20, T88N, R8W at n g The county zoning e 2364 250th Street, Independence. S p o r t s P re v i commission had previously approved this request. Story continues on page 18.

Th BEST e VA aroun LUE d! Subsc ribe for as Today lit grams as $Gal 3 a raisestlefunds for extra-curricular pro

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Winthrop C & C Club holds annual meeting

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Hundreds enjo Spring Adven y tures

NEWS visors meeting, Buchanan County Super During their regular Monday tes from ey met briefly to approve minu The Don Shonka and Ellen Gaffn or. Audit ty Coun s filed with the meeting on March 14 and claim 782.95 to to approve the claims for $130, Independen short meeting was necessary or. with the County Audit Heartlan a. ce Public Library meet the deadline for payment aged Acres partnered a full agend be held March 28, with Da with n Wardell fo Agribition Center The next regular meeting will Heartland Ac r a children’s program and IPTV’s res. on April 2 The event, ca at was part of lled Spring Adventures On in nity-wide rea e Book One Independ the Heartland, en ding campaig ce Through rea n that bega , a commudin n in Februa and exhibits g, events, discussiThis ry. year’s theme announced ons, pe , rformanparade ces, community One Book One is By build Kris Wilgenbusch, wh ing a sense ofTHE NEWS On Saturda ile promoting literacWinthrop y. Community & Commercial Club held their annual meeting March 21 at City y, time with Da over 225 area childHall ren with several community members present. An election of officers for the upcoming n feeding live Wardell, milking cows enjoyed story year, was held. At the 2015 annual meeting, President Kris Wilgenbusch announced her chicks, “driv ing” a tracto grinding corn, and more. resignation 2016. After much discussion, a motion was passed to elect Dawn Kress r, makingfor crafts For more inf , Andrea Cook-Smith as vice president, Annette Kress as treasurer, as the new president, ormation ab Independen ou t One Bo ce Library at okJayme and Beyer On e, call the as secretary. 319-334-2470 The . theme for the 2016 Winthrop Days parade is “Small Town Pride, United We Pictured at rig Stand.” The group held a contest for parade theme suggestions and the winners were Twin Row tra ht: Aidan Johnson “d riv Hare and Janis Bateman. The parade will be held at 5 PM on June 18. Please note cto Hollie from left, Sh r, manufactured aroun ing” a Wards aw d this a low time change from previous years. 39.isBe Ruper of Ind n and Jasmine Hutchthat19 ependence, ens and GrDays, will take place during Father’s Day weekend per usual – June 17 and ace posing with Winthrop School District supporters anan Buch Wa East 18 this year. Winthrop Girls Little League teams will host a tournament in the park. Frimany rd ell. drew The Buccaneer Spring Gala Saturday at the Monti day night activities include 5K run/walk, movie in the park, and ball games. Saturday and fine art booster clubs on event, which featured to raise funds for the athletics the for sold were s ticket events will include ball games, kiddie pedal pull, parade, dinner in the park, inflatables, ately 225 Community Center. Approxim street dance, and fireworks. and silent auctions. Wilgenbusch Photos) a dinner, raffles and both live Volunteers are needed to help with this event – contact Dawn Kress at 319-961-9287. y and Jake Van Scoyoc. (Kris Dudle Rob are right at red Pictu By Kris Wilgenbusch, THE


Buchan a ast


between Buchanan The event was coordinated the Independence County ISU Extension and Chamber of Commerce. r Bunny Pictured above with the Easte Sanchez of are Samuel, Gabriel and Mya Photos) Dale stine Independence. (Chri

Supervisors approve claims

County Supervisors approve zoning requests

(Kris Wilgenbusch Photos)


75 Cents



Supervisors ap sale of bridges prove During thefi Area former irrefi regulaghter r Mondaypleads chanan Coun meeting, ty Superv len rs Gary Gisse BuGainsurance ffney, and Do iso guiltysato fraud l, Eln Shonka le of By Kris Wilge

nbusch, TH


approved thefireseven braidg Terry Russell former e strucStrawberry were opGroth, tures. BeforePoint ened, guilty the board bid s fighter, recently in Clayton County District citizens pled regarding the met with concerned Court toStaree charge Fraud – ePresenting False structur t westofofInsurance on 30 Br 6th an don Di fraud cases spanning Information in rso a string of insurance in Jeffe n Township, agonal Boulevard secti counties. The guilty high Clayton Buchanan, Delaware trestle brand idge over Li on 13. This is a tected on plea entered Feb. 16, marked the Cr third strea eekconviction (a pro- rem). The cit me ize ns wo e the br lated tosethese cases idgefor remGroth. ain in place uld like to his tor be ica caus “Occasionally,l va aslue in .this case, evidence doesn’t surface Howe ver, it curre e of its not me ntly doand federa for years, butetonce it ldoes, enforcement es insurguidelaw lines to be an historica listed l structure. identify ance company investigators those After discu whoascommitwas approv ssi ed on to , it Comted the and prosecute them,” Iowa Insurance thefraud sale; further remove that bridge fro optio missioner Nick Gerhart said. “… We all end m up paying ns to be resea pres erve it will rched. for insurance as it drives up insurance premiums Bids openfraud ed at 9:30 AM for all , and bidders lowIowans.” ed to raise bid were als. Final bid Story on page 18. - Structure s arecontinues as follow on 130th St reet west of s: anan Delaw are Ave. in BuchMadison To Section 24 wn to Jerry Slatt ery for $250 ship, - Structure 0. on Follow us at: Ave., in Mad 150th Street west of Taylor ison Townsh Jerry Slattery ip, Section 31 to for $25. - Structure on 305th St Highway 15 reet west of 0, Io to Jerry Slatt Homer Township Secti wa ery for $120 on 17 0. - Structure on Ave in Jeffe 325th Street west of Carter rson Townsh Jerry Slattery ip, Section 29 to fo - Small wood r $1900. north of 33 en structure on Nolen Av 0th Street in Cono To enue Section 29 wnsh to Je - Small wood rry Slattery for $1900. ip, nue in Liberty en structure on Michae l AveTo wnship, Secti Priebe for $1 on 18 to Da . le - Small wood en structure north of 22 8th Street in on Upper Avenue Middlefield ship, Section To 4 to Jerry Sl attery for $8 wn00. Story contin ues on page 20.

School board, community he ars presentatio n on revised fa cilities plan

By Kris Wilge


h, THE NEWS In a special me classroom Buchanan Sc eting on March 30, additions; to the ho remodel, im architects Ad ol Board met with St East furnish and eq ru pr am Van Go rp and Craig xture prove the sit uip a greenhouse; and ove, erdteger to e. rev to imSchweling and ex iew revised plans for Revised pla remodpanding scho ns inc lude gymn stage, addin the first tim ol facilities asium g . e the board , administra It was modeling cu space to north parking with community tion, and lot rre me tipurpose ro nt shop, and safe room , replans, and the mbers viewed the om rev /m re The origina were many in attenda ised requested by addition. With the rev ulisions, nce. the school l facilities the plan wa bo failed in a bo im s reduced fro ard, total cost of nd vote (52% provement plan $6 2015. The m $8.2 millio - 48%) on Se .2 million. me Th approval to asure, which required pt. 8, for $5.3 millio e next bond vote wo n to pa uld a n bonds not to ss, was for general ob 60% of the safe ro as it would not includ be ligation om, which e cost exceed $7,15 wi “state penn funds to bu 0,000 to pr y” funds, the ll be paid for with ild, furnish ov ide and that were us sa athletic, safe ed for the rec me type of funds room addition equip fine arts, pans ent s, and storag e and de ion. The date for an ele elementary exction has no termined. t been Archite Story contin cts ues on page 20. Schwerd Adam Van Gorp and Cr teger presen aig Copyright 20 16 t revised pla www.thebu n. chananco

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