THE GUIDE 7 14 16

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July 14, 2016

In THE NEWS this week... air F e e S hotos , 2016 July 14


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Read these stories, and MUCH MORE in THE NEWS this week -


D l se mee ome Bonita counci t. The Mayor onday nigh the 4th Ward osition to bec p ll e gM fi n th ti to ed ee m gn ates si id to d re n h ca ac ments sion of stin Dallenb Police Chief. his com rehen Du dependence Holland began ghn verbally e, Silva, w a n le outsid ft: Ma new In n Jon son Vau ank; from le uffy, Fairb 15 the council perso , council per Vaughn to step the disD tured n ed 20 As minatio olland to ask r Davis calm d Kuhse l- Pic ank; Lynn Winthrop; o ia n n a e a g d offer Fairb Mayo ame of Tod n disting H s Con Aman iker, promp k your ass.” gh en and Mis leted a year Alyssa Rin ily Martins; Risse, acted, arded th l kic a Em with Vau mp Princess ing, “I’l Holland forw as approved named a recently co is fall will at- Fair Queen throp; Hann inthrop; y sa u w B d ss W th in y d , d se ly an W d e n h is u A n n a u o territory st r, w e e y. io c K e ll g it to ik ie cro ran cy. lle cuss E, is a rve the er was en Thursday at Luther Co ersity of Iowa women Rin bank; Jaci F azleton; Dan e vacan Ave., N H e a Rinik ir to fill th 5 2nd ent. 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THE GUIDE is an edition of THE NEWS, an independent community newspaper, locally owned and operated by Mary Beth Smith and Steven C. Smith, Goodnight in the Morning Communications, Inc. Mary Beth Smith, Managing Editor Christine Dale, Assistant Editor Donna Jensen, Community Correspondent untynew ananco

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PAGE 6 July 14, 2016

The News & The Guide

Living Well with Buchanan County Health Center Peas and Carrots Encouraging your young child to try new foods can be a challenging task. Many kids insist on eating the same familiar things day after day. They prefer peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at every meal. How do you get your child to enjoy new healthy options?! Always introduce a new food to your child by eating it with them. As their role model for healthy behaviors, this shows them that you

like it also. Also, remember to make the experience fun and enjoyable, and avoid pressuring or forcing your child to try something. Here are other tips for introducing new, healthy options to your children. •Encourage them to try at least one bite, but avoid forcing the situation. Keep the experience positive. •Let your child choose which new food he/she wants to try. They will feel more in control if they can pick.

•Offer new foods at the beginning of the meal. If your child is hungry, they are more apt to give in and try it. •Encourage everyone in your family to try new foods. Kids echo what they see and hear so be a good role model! •Mix it up. If you tried to get your child to eat cooked vegetables and they turned away, try serving them raw. Many kids prefer colorful and finger-friendly foods.

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THE NEWS is a locally owned and operated newspaper, established in 1892. Find THE NEWS at: Winthrop: THE NEWS Office, McElroy’s Foods and Speede Shop Independence: Fareway, S&K Collectibles, Hartig Drug, The Music Station, Casey’s Manchester: Widner Drug

Call to subscribe: 319.327.1810

Schedule children’s back-to-school dental appointments


•Give your child credit when they do agree to sample new things. Try creating a visual chart by displaying pictures of healthy foods you wish for them to be introduced to. Then, let them mark the chart once they’ve tried it. •Don’t give up. Just because your child showed disgust the first time he/she tried broccoli doesn’t mean they won’t like it the next time you attempt. Keep trying! •Relax. Remember that it’s ok for your child to not like everything you set in front of them. It is normal for everyone (including us as adults) to have food favorites and food dislikes.

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As the summer days click away, parents should take a few minutes to think about midyear checkups. Scheduling appointments this summer for dental, vision and annual physical wellness checkups can create less hassle in August when busy parents are also gathering school supply lists and arranging car pools. In Iowa, all children entering kindergarten and ninth grade are required to have a dental screening before school starts, according to the Iowa Department of Public Health. These preventive checks help with early identification of dental health issues and other overall health problems. Regular dental exams for children of all ages, especially during the summer or over school breaks, can reduce the number of school days students miss due to dental pain and appointments. A survey by Delta Dental showed that 18% of students miss at least one half day of school per year due to dental appointments. “We know that preventive dental health care routines, such as having dental exams twice a year and regular brushing and flossing, contribute tremendously to overall health,” said Dr. Jeff Chaffin, vice president and dental director for Delta Dental of Iowa. “The investment in time to schedule dental appointments this summer is one that will pay off with less time out of school and possibly fewer dental emergencies.” To get more enjoyment out of summer and prepare for back to school, parents can: • Check with their dental insurance provider to determine available benefits to take advantage of preventive checkups. • Review the health registration requirements of their local school and the state of Iowa Department of Public Health to determine what appointments children need before the next school year. • Schedule appointments in July or early August for their child’s regular dental health examinations and overall well-child checkups. • Ask their dentist about applying dental sealants. Sealants, a thin plastic coating applied directly to teeth, help prevent bacteria from settling into the natural pits and grooves of teeth where most tooth decay in children develops. They can reduce the chances of a tooth forming new decay by up to 70%. • Based on their child’s extra-curricular activities, ask their dentist about a customfitted mouthguard to protect the child from impact injuries to teeth and gums. A few minutes of planning now can save the stress later this summer of trying to squeeze in required dental health exams for school-age children.


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The News & The Guide

July 14, 2016 PAGE 7

Iowa Crop Report Hit or miss rains allowed Iowa farmers 4.5 days suitable for ďŹ eldwork for the week ending July 10, 2016, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. Activities for the week included herbicide and insecticide applications to soybeans and second cutting of hay. There were scattered reports of crop damage due to strong winds and hail. Topsoil moisture levels rated 5 percent very short, 19 percent short, 72 percent adequate and 4 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture levels rated 4 percent very short, 17 percent short, 75 percent adequate and 4 percent surplus. South central and southeast Iowa were the driest areas of the State with 49 percent rated short to very short on subsoil moisture. Twenty-nine percent of the corn crop had reached the silking stage. Corn condition rated 79 percent good to excellent. Soybeans blooming reached 40 percent, 2 days ahead of both last year and the ďŹ ve-year average. Six percent of soybeans were setting pods, 4 days ahead of normal. Soybean condition rated 77 percent good to excellent this week. Nearly all of the State’s oat crop was headed. Oat acreage turning color reached 75 percent, with 16 percent of the oat crop harvested for grain or seed, 4 days ahead of last year. The statewide oat crop condition rating was unchanged from last week at 80 percent good to excellent. The second cutting of alfalfa hay reached 67 percent, more than 2 weeks ahead of last year and 11 days ahead of the average. The third cutting of alfalfa hay got underway this week. Hay condition was rated at 72 percent good to excellent, while pasture condition rated 61 percent good to excellent. Livestock were generally reported to be in good condition, beneďŹ ting from cooler temperatures.

Traveling Vietnam Memorial to visit Urbandale this fall

The Wall That Heals, a 250-foot half-scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial that stands in Washington DC, will be hosted by Team Welcome Home on the front lawn of Living History Farms in Urbandale, Sept. 29 through Oct. 2. The Wall That Heals honors the more than three million Americans who served in the U.S. Armed forces during the Vietnam War and its walls bear the names of the more than 58,000 men and women who made the ultimate sacriďŹ ce in Vietnam. The traveling replica is designed to bring The Wall’s healing legacy to communities across the U.S., and to those who have not had the chance or the ability to visit the real structure. The exhibit includes a mobile Education Center comprised of photos of service members whose names are found on The Wall; letters and memorabilia left at The Wall in DC; a map of Vietnam and a chronological overview of the conict in Vietnam. The exhibits tell the story of the Vietnam War, The Wall and the era surrounding the conict, and are designed to put American experiences in Vietnam in a historical and cultural context. The Wall That Heals is free of charge to visit and open 24 hours during it’s time at Living History Farms. Since its debut in 1996, more than two million people have visited The Wall That Heals sites. It has made stops in nearly 400 U.S. communities. Children of all ages and families are welcome and encouraged to visit. The event will be hosted by a group of local volunteers known as Team Welcome Home, an unincorporated, nonproďŹ t association supported by the Iowa Veterans Foundation. For more information visit

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PAGE 8 July 14, 2016



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The News & The Guide

Hospice of Comfort reports scam

With school out and temperatures rising, summer is in full swing in Iowa. Iowa’s state parks oer an endless list of activities to get outdoors, stay active and enjoy all Iowa has to oer. Just in time for summer, June was named Great Outdoors Month to encourage Iowans to take advantage of the state’s recreational activities, enjoy its nature and commit to caring for Iowa’s natural resources. The initiative promotes outdoor activities and appreciating Iowa’s natural resources through biking, swimming, hiking, paddling, ďŹ shing, hunting, boating, bird watching and camping. I happily support this initiative, because I believe cherishing Iowa’s natural resources. Backbone State Park is Iowa’s ďŹ rst state park, recognized in 1920. Iowa now has 72 state parks, and thousands of Iowans have plans to visit the state parks this summer. You and your family can book a reservation now for camping, cabins, day-use lodges and picnic shelters online. Visit or http:// or call 1-877-427-2757 to make a reservation. Travel Iowa is also a great place to look for fun family activities this summer. Request Travel Iowa’s Iowa Travel Guide by calling 1-800-345-IOWA or view it online at Visit for more Iowa trip ideas. It is my honor and a humbling experience to be the State Representative for our community. I appreciate the messages and correspondence I receive from people in the District. You can always contact me anytime at or 515-281-3221.

Fishing for a Good Return? Check out Advantage Checking! s (OOK A COMPETITIVE INTEREST RATE ON BALANCES UP TO s .O MINIMUM BALANCE REQUIREMENTS s TO OPEN s !DDITIONAL TRANSACTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS ARE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO EARN THE QUALIFYING INTEREST RATE Contact a customer service representative today for a copy of the terms and conditions of this account

nity Commu . . g. Bankin

Hospice of Comfort is informing the public about a solicitation for donations targeting those in the Manchester and Delaware County areas. The Hospice Support Fund (a program of the New Hope Foundation, Inc.), located in MerriďŹ eld VA, has been soliciting community members through personalized charity mailers. Their solicitation includes a plea for its 2016 Annual Fund Drive to support the nationwide eort to bring end of life home hospice care to all Americans. “We, at Hospice of Comfort, want the community to know the soliciting did not come from our organization and believe it to be a scam,â€? stated Regional Medical Home Care and Hospice of Comfort Director Kristin Drabek. While Hospice Support Fund may actually exist, according to their legal disclosure, “In the last ďŹ scal year The Hospice Support Fund raised a total of $1,521,951. Its expense distribution was 69.39% on fundraising, 10.22% on administration, 5.93% on program services, and 14.46% on public education in conjunction with fundraising appeals.â€? When residents donate to Hospice of Comfort, 100% of their donations stay local. Hospice of Comfort does not conduct annual fund drives. For information, call 563-927-7303.

Public Notice

The Buchanan County Zoning Commission will meet at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, July 19, 2016 in the Buchanan County Public Health meeting room located at 1413 1st St W, Independence, IA. This meeting is open to the public and anyone wishing to attend is welcome to do so. AGENDA 1.Approval of minutes from the May 2016 meeting 2.Nathan and Kristi See request to rezone 8,628 ft2 from “A-1â€? Agricultural to “R-2â€? Residential to allow for the construction of a small dwelling for their family to reside in so they are able to provide care for them. The property is located in the SE Âź, NE Âź, SE Âź, Sec 1, T90N, R9W at 2195 108th St, Hazleton, IA 50641. 3.Adjournment

Public Notice

Independence City Council July 5, 2016 The Independence City Council met in special session in council chambers at 6:00 p.m., on Tuesday, July 5, 2016. Mayor Davis called the meeting to order with Council Members Holland, Vaughn, Hill, Grover, Brown in attendance and Lenius present by face time. Hill/Holland to approve the agenda for the specially scheduled meeting held July 5, 2016. Ayes: All. A dog abatement hearing was held to receive and ďŹ le testimony from those involved and the public. Motion by Brown/Hill to declare the dog vicious and that the Police Chief remove the dog immediately. The roll being called the following Council Members voted: Lenius, Vaughn, Hill, Grover, Brown, Holland Ayes: All. Hill/Vaughn to adjourn the special meeting. Ayes: All. The meeting was adjourned at 7:34 p.m.

Sunday, August 21 • 12:00 Noon We are taking consignments now for this upcoming auction: Pre 1996 vehicles featuring classic, muscle, project and barn ďŹ nds. Also motorcycles, ATV’s tools, parts & other related items. Consign early for national advertising featuring live internet bidding. Last year’s sale sent vehicles to numerous states and the U.K. Call Emmett for details: 319.404.5005

Drainage doesn’t cost - it Pays! Tim or Ryan Rasmussen 319.334.3053

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July 14, 2016 PAGE 9



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July 14, 2016

The News & The Guide

Yard and garden: Add native plants to Iowa landscapes Native plants can give home landscapes a unique, varied look when paired with the current ora and fauna that already dot landscapes across Iowa. How should they be handled? Which native plants are best for speciďŹ c landscapes and gardens, and how should they be treated for best results? ISU Extension and Outreach horticulturists can help decipher these issues. To have additional questions answered, contact the ISU Hortline at 515-294-3108 or What are good native perennials for woodland gardens? Native wildowers that make good additions to woodland gardens include wood anemone (Anemone quinquefolia), wild columbine (Aquilegia canadensis), Jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum), goat’s beard (Aruncus dioicus), Canadian wild ginger (Asarum canadense), spring beauty (Claytonia virginica), Dutchman’s breeches (Dicentra cucullaria), shooting star (Dodecatheon meadia), wild geranium (Geranium maculatum) and Virginia bluebells (Mertensia virginica). Also suitable are woodland phlox (Phlox divaricata), Jacob’s ladder (Polemonium reptans), May apple (Podophyllum peltatum), Solomon’s seal (Polygonatum biorum), bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis), false Solomon’s seal (Maianthemum racemosum), merrybells (Uvularia grandiora), and others. Obtaining plants is easy. Woodland wildowers are

readily available at garden centers and mail-order nurseries in spring. Do not remove plants from natural woodland areas. Which native ferns are suitable for the home landscape? Native ferns that are good additions to shady locations in the home landscape include the northern maidenhair fern (Adiantum pedatum), lady fern (Athyrium ďŹ lixfemina), intermediate wood fern (Dryopteris intermedia), ostrich fern (Matteuccia struthiopteris), cinnamon fern (Osmundastrum cinnamomeum), and interrupted fern (Osmunda claytoniana). Most ferns perform best in moist soils in partial to heavy shade. Which native shrubs can be grown in shady locations in the home landscape? Native deciduous shrubs that can be successfully grown in partial shade include serviceberry (Amelanchier arborea), pagoda dogwood (Cornus alternifolia), gray dogwood (Cornus racemosa), bush honeysuckle (Diervilla lonicera), common witchhazel (Hamamelis virginiana), arrowwood viburnum (Viburnum dentatum), nannyberry (Viburnum lentago), and American cranberrybush viburnum (Viburnum opulus var. americanum). The only native evergreen shrub that can be successfully grown in shady areas is the Canadian yew (Taxus canadensis).

The News & The Guide

Yard and garden: Proper mowing practices Summer is here, and with it, growing green grass on lawns everywhere. The hum of lawn mowers is beginning to ďŹ ll the air, and that hum brings questions about proper mowing practices. How should mowing practices be tailored to speciďŹ c grasses? Iowa State University Extension and Outreach horticulturists can help make lawn mowing rewarding and fruitful. To have additional questions answered, contact the ISU Hortline at 515-294-3108 or hortline@ When mowing the lawn, what is the proper mowing height? Kentucky bluegrass lawns should be mowed at a height of 2½-3 inches in the spring and fall months. Mow bluegrass lawns at a height of 3-3½ inches in June, July and August. A higher mowing height in summer helps to cool the crowns of the turfgrass plants, encourages deeper rooting and provides more leaf area for photosynthesis during the stressful summer months. Mowing below the recommended range may scalp the turf and cause the turfgrass to deteriorate. Extremely low mowing heights decrease the total leaf surface area, carbohydrate reserves and root growth, creating a situation where the turfgrass plants are unable to produce enough food to meet their needs. This makes the plants more susceptible to drought, high temperature and wear injury. In addition, the bare areas created by a decrease in turfgrass density increase the likelihood of weed problems. Mowing too high also can create problems. Mowing above the recommended range reduces tillering and

causes matting of the grass. Reduced tillering results in fewer and coarser plants, while matted grass creates a micro-environment that encourages disease development. How often should I mow my lawn? Mowing frequency is based on the growth rate of the turfgrass. Weather conditions, cultural practices (such as fertilization and irrigation practices), and other factors determine the growth rate of turfgrass. Kentucky bluegrass and other coolseason grasses grow quickly in spring when weather conditions are favorable. The growth of cool-season grasses slows during the stressful summer months and then picks up again in fall. Fertilizing and irrigating the lawn promote turfgrass growth. The faster the growth rate of the grass, the more frequent the mowing. Mowing height also aects mowing frequency. The general rule is to remove no more than â…“ of the total leaf surface at any one mowing. A lawn mowed at a height of two inches should be cut when it reaches three inches in height, while a lawn mowed to a height of three inches should be cut when it reaches the height of 4½ inches. A shorter mowing height requires more frequent mowing, as a lawn can be allowed to grow one inch when the



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mowing height is two inches and 1½ inches when the mowing height is three inches. Should I remove the grass clippings when mowing the lawn? When the lawn is mowed properly, grass clippings do not need to be removed or bagged. Small clippings ďŹ lter down into the turf and quickly decompose, returning essential plant nutrients to the soil. Lawn clippings do not signiďŹ cantly contribute to thatch development. Grass clippings may need to be bagged or raked and removed when mowing extremely tall grass. One may also want to bag the grass clippings and use them as a mulch in vegetable and ower gardens.

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PAGE 12 July 14, 2016

The News & The Guide

Wild parsnip

By Sondra Cabell, Naturalist Buchanan County Conservation

While driving down the highways and byways of Buchanan County and elsewhere in Iowa, you may notice that there is a beautiful yellow owered plant blooming in many ditches right now. This is one plant you deďŹ nitely do NOT want to cut for a ower arrangement. Chemicals in the juice of any green part of the wild parsnip plant, when they make contact with our skin in the presence of sunlight (the UV light that is present even on cloudy days) and especially with water (sweat, dew, rainfall), will cause the skin to burn and often to blister. And this is not an allergic reaction that some may experience and others do not, it is a physical and chemical reaction that all who have the contact will experience. If you visit a doctor for unexpected patches of redness and blisters following a hike or walk in the outdoors, you are likely to get the diagnosis of poison ivy. But unlike poison ivy, this rash will burn for a day or so and then is relatively painless and itch free. The rash should be treated more like a burn, using cool wet compresses to provide comfort. The best way to avoid this discomfort, is to learn to identify the plant and stay away from it or wear protective clothing when contact is expected. Long sleeves and pants and gloves that cover the wrists are recommended for those removing the plant to prevent its spread. Wild parsnip is a non-native plant that has been in this country and this county for quite some time. Records show it in neighboring Wisconsin as early as 1894, and anecdotal accounts have it in Buchanan County at least 50-60 years. But it seems to have expanded in abundance in recent decades – likely due to changes in the maintenance of our ditches and ďŹ elds. A member of the dill

and carrot family, the plant may have come to our country (like dandelions) as a garden vegetable. It is native to both Europe and Asia. Like dandelions, it has largely become naturalized in our area. Wild parsnip is a biannual, seeds sprout and grow to a cluster of leaves the ďŹ rst year, and the ower develops the second. Hundreds of seeds form on a single plant. Birds eat them and carry them about before depositing the seeds with their droppings in new locations. Seeds are also spread by mowing the plants any time after owering begins. These seeds begin growing soon after and they grow best with little competition – areas where other plants have been killed by broadcast spraying or cut back with a mower. Mowing and spraying are much more common maintenance practices recently and have likely inadvertently contributed to the spread of wild parsnip (and other similar biannual plants like Canada thistle and Queen Anne’s Lace). In most areas, wild parsnip is not problematic because people are not frequenting the places it grows best – roadside ditches and other disturbed areas. And in fact, it is beneďŹ cial to a number of wildlife species including the black swallowtail buttery whose caterpillars feed on the leaves and ower heads and birds who nest in its sturdy branched stem and feed on the seeds. Buchanan County Conservation does some management to remove wild parsnip in areas where public programs occur, primarily by pulling the plants. It can also be managed (more intensive in time) by clipping o the ower and seed heads while the seeds


are still green. The plants will continue to regrow owers throughout the summer when cut, so this method is ongoing. In either case, the plants must then be removed from the area to prevent seed ripening after pulling/cutting. In areas where prairies are well established, wild parsnip is only seen occasionally as it does not compete well against the native plants. It will grow there if the area is disturbed (burrowing animals and ďŹ re), but seldom becomes established in large numbers. Buchanan County Roadside Management has had several calls on wild parsnip this year as it has been highly visible in news stories this summer. Management of the large population needs to look to future growth as the owers and seeds this summer are already set and mowing and spraying at this stage – as mentioned above – will only contribute to establishing the next season’s plants. One of the best long term management practices involved is establishing native prairie plants in county roadsides to out-compete the invasives. Sherlyn Hazen, department head, encourages the public wanting to manage the plant in public ditches near their property to follow the management tips mentioned by BCCB – either pull or cut plants and remove them from the managed area.


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The News & The Guide


July 14, 2016 PAGE 13



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Public Notice

Buchanan County Board of Supervisors June 30, 2016 The Buchanan County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 30, 2016 with Don Shonka, Chairman in the Chair, Ellen Gaffney and Gary Gissel present. Absent, none. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Motion by Gissel second by Gaffney to approve the minutes of the June 27th meeting. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gissel second by Gaffney to approve the following FY17 Home Occupation Permits: JoAnn Crow, d/b/a JoAnn’s Country Image, 3155 150th St., Lamont, hair salon; Emmett & Delene Donnelly, d/b/a Emmett Donnelly Auction and Appraisal Service, 2196 Gentry Ave., Independence, auction, appraisal and ďŹ rearms; Paula Fleming, d/b/a Styles Unlimited, 1790 Otterville Blvd., Independence, hair salon; Michal L. Scott, d/b/a Mickey’s Salon, 2604 Nolen Ave., Independence, hair salon; Charlene Marzen d/b/a Char’s Hair Design, 2074 215th St., Independence, beauty shop; Tom Shafer, d/b/a Tom’s Auto Trim, 1724 Otterville Blvd., Independence, upholster business; Keith Nemecek, d/b/a Keith’s Gun Shop, 2788 Steward Ave., Winthrop, gun sales; Victoria Norris, d/b/a Reiki by Vicki, 3050 Quasqueton Ave., Rowley, massage therapy; and Brian & Victoria Norris, d/b/a 3DYou Today, Inc., 3050 Quasqueton Ave., Rowley, 3D statues. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to approve the following FY17 Business Permits: Arlen Bantz, d/b/a King Avenue Mower, 3031 King Ave., Rowley, lawn mower repair; Raymond & Lucy Stutzman, d/b/a 150 Discount Store LLC, 1664 150th St., Hazleton, store; Rosalea A. Pech d/b/a Aunt Rhody, 3211 120th St., Lamont, retail store; Henry A. Detweiler, d/b/a Detweiler’s Bulk Foods, 1401 140th St., Fairbank, bulk foods; Eric & Lindsey Parsley, d/b/a East Indee Tire & Service, 2131 220th St., Independence, automotive service; and Mike Henninger, d/b/a County Line Taxidermy, 1948 100th St., Oelwein, taxidermy and archery supplies. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to approve the following resolution. On roll call all voted aye thereon. Motion carried. RESOLUTION 16-51 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has the power to abate taxes on property per Iowa Code 445.16. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors authorizes the County Treasurer to abate taxes, interest and costs under the name of Polianna Marie Ames on mobile home VIN #2882, Title #10AA40430 for the years 2013-2016 in the amount of $935.00. Passed this 30th day of June 2016. The Board proceeded to count the cash in the County Treasurer’s ofďŹ ce as follows: cash $3,349.50; return check-Carol Gibbs $116; checks $26,347.80; internet and credit card payments $2,524.50; Sheriff’s Federal Forfeiture $6,583.04; Sheriff’s Forfeiture $6,307.72; HiFi $2,227,037.34; IPAIT $4,486,309.26; Debt Escrow $2,882,806.97. Motion by Gissel second by Gaffney to

adjourn at 2:35 p.m. All in favor, motion carried. Don Shonka, Chairman ATTEST: Cindy Gosse, Auditor Claims paid the month of June: 310 3rd St South, Serv .............125.00 Abben, Janice, Peo Exp .............27.50 Abernathey, Deanna Lea, Peo Exp ..................................................227.80 Advance Auto Parts, Repairs....152.48 Advanced Business Systems Inc, Annual Fees..........................................325.00 Advanced Microsystems Inc, Supplies ...............................................1,072.00 Alliant Energy, Serv ...............1,738.54 American Legion Post #435, Election Rent ............................ 110.00 Andersen, Samuel, Peo Exp ....260.00 Anderson Erickson Dairy, Inmate Provisions ................................337.82 Appliance Plus Of Oelwein, Supplies ....................................................29.99 Arctic Seal Inc, Repairs .........1,900.00 Arnold Motor Supply, Repairs .....33.77 Aspro Inc, Concrete .............1,885.95 AT&T, Serv..................................41.45 Aurora Plbg & Electric Inc, Repairs ..................................................914.16 B & B Farm Store Inc, Seed .....308.01 B2b Computer Products Llc, Supplies ...............................................4,355.00 BankIowa, Fees ..........................22.86 Baragary, Lola, Peo Exp ...........316.96 Barco Municipal Products, Supplies ...............................................2,219.92 Bergankdv Technology & Consult, Serv ...............................................5,224.00 Berns, Allen, VA Mileage Reimb/Per Diem ...............................................1,168.54 Beyer, Paul, Peo Exp................245.00 Beyer, Sharon, Peo Exp ...........175.00 Black Hawk Co Sheriff, Serv ......57.67 Black Hills Energy, Serv .............76.18 Bodensteiner Implement Co, Supplies ..................................................161.06 Brandon Area Community Club, Election Rent ..........................................100.00 Brandon, City Of, Transfer/Jurisdiction ...............................................1,982.16 Brandon/Jefferson Township, Fy16 Approp ..........................................690.00 Brecke Inc, Serv/Equip ........72,083.00 Bruening Rock Products Inc, Rock . .............................................12,306.76 Buchanan Co Auditor, GIS Exp ...... .............................................20,000.00 Buchanan Co Health Center, Hecbc Reimb ....................................4,868.49 Buchanan Co Secondary Rd, Training ..................................................100.00 Buchanan Co Sheriff, Serv .......662.10 Buds Electric Inc, Repairs ........429.60 Burkhart, Tai, Reimb ..................71.68 Burns, Doris, Peo Exp ..............185.26 Case Management Service, Serv ... ..................................................468.00 Cayouette, Marianne, Peo Exp....... ..................................................171.20 CDW Government LLC, Supplies ... ...............................................2,253.27 Cedar Falls Construction, Serv7,728.12 Central IA Water Assn, Serv .....484.31 Centurylink, Serv ......................525.42 Chemsearch, Supplies .............198.45 Chesmore, Chris, Reimb ............67.47 Cintas Corp, Supplies .................49.57 Circle Grove Cemetery, Care Of Graves ....................................................68.00 Citizen Herald, Publication .....918.92 City Laundering Co, Serv .........589.00 Clark, Cindy, Peo Exp...............246.70 Cohen, Dan, Reimb ..................180.00

IOWACULTURE.GOV Cole, Brad, Serv .......................200.00 Connell, Karen R, Peo Exp.........85.00 Consolidated Energy Co, Fuel........ .............................................12,077.00 Construction Materials Inc, Repairs ...............................................3,364.80 Contech Engineered, Pipe...26,794.50 Cook, Matt, Uniforms ..................52.94 Crop Production Serv, Supplies...... ..................................................446.65 Crump, Andrew J, Mileage Reimb .. ....................................................43.20 Cue, Lillian, Peo Exp ................175.00 Cue, Monte, Peo Exp ...............175.00 Curry, Deb, Peo Exp .................257.50 Cy & Charleys Inc, Repairs ... 4,113.28 D & S Portables Inc, Supplies ..180.00 Dallenbach, Dustin, Reimb .........88.53 Davis, Alex, Reimb .....................25.00 Delaware Co Case Mgmt, Serv ...... ...............................................5,948.48 Dell Marketing Lp, Equip .......4,224.00 Denco Hwy Construction Corp, Serv .............................................52,809.14 Dental Distributors Inc, Supplies .... ..................................................145.45 Dettbarn, Arne, Reimb ................18.41 Digicert, License .......................419.00 Dons Truck Sales Inc, Truck ........... ...........................................170,688.14 Dooley-Rothman, Sarah, Serv....96.00 Dunlap Motors Inc, Repairs ...1,881.29 Dutchtown Enterprises Inc, Uniforms ..................................................200.00 East Central Iowa Rec, Serv ....342.82 Egloff, Vicki, Peo Exp ...............351.40 Eichelberger, Louise, Peo Exp .216.60 Eschens Clothing, Uniforms .....759.15 Esmoil, Darlene, Peo Exp...........82.50 Evizzit LLC, Serv ......................220.00 F & W Service Co Inc, Repairs .483.31 Fairbank, City Of, Serv .............203.76 Fareway Foods, Supplies .........309.52 Farm & Home Publishers, Supplies ..................................................338.00 Farmers Mutual Telephone Co, Serv ..................................................144.76 Fastenal Co, Supplies ..............604.02 Fayette Co Sheriff, Serv ...........129.32 Fencl, Patricia, Mileage Reimb ...86.40 First Street Deli, Mtg Exp............40.00 Flage, Karen, Peo Exp .............170.00 Four Oaks Inc, Serv...............1,086.80 Gaffney, Ellen, Reimb ...............238.57 Gaffney Quarries, Rock .......15,178.85 Galls-Quartermaster, Supplies .166.73 Gazette Communications Inc, Publication ..................................................652.80 Gissel, Gary D, Reimb ..............333.54 Gissel, Marieta, Peo Exp .......... 117.50 Gitsch, Ann, Peo Exp................175.00 Gitsch, Ronald, Peo Exp ..........190.00 Growmark Inc, Fuel ...............8,433.20 Gustin, Cheryl, Peo Exp ...........185.00 Hager, Thereasa, Peo Exp .......214.10 Haisch, Lloyd, Peo Exp ............306.70 Hamilton, Loren J, Mileage Reimb . ....................................................67.50 Hammer & Steel Inc, Rental Fees .. ...............................................5,000.00 Hand, Cheryl, Peo Exp .............245.00 Hand, Doug, Peo Exp ...............190.00 Hansen, Chris, Reimb ..............180.00 Hansen, Heather, Peo Exp .......200.00 Hardware Hank, Repairs ............18.99 Harms, Donna, Peo Exp ...........185.80 Hartig Pharmacy, Serv...........2,326.88 Hawkeye Fire & Safety Co, Serv .... ..................................................645.80 Heartland Acres, Rental Fees...500.00 Hemmingsen, Sandra, Peo Exp ..... ..................................................229.02

Henry M Adkins & Son Inc, Election Exp ...............................................7,653.35 Hersom, Gary, Parts/Labor ....1,853.15 Hettinger, Isabel, Peo Exp ........180.94 Hi-Way Products Inc, Supplies ....... ...............................................2,871.74 Hoskins, Lael D, Parts ..............610.02 Howard, Ellen, Peo Exp............216.60 HP Inc, Equip.........................6,194.34 Hulbert, Dave, VA Mileage Reimb/Per Diem .........................................393.80 Hulse, Kathleen, Peo Exp.........195.00 Idals, License..............................15.00 IICA, Regist ..............................300.00 Independence Fire Dept, Fy15 Daec ...............................................2,000.00 Independence Light & Power, Serv ............................................. 11,397.80 Independence Parks & Rec, Serv .. 130.00 Independence Postmaster, Fees .... ..................................................264.00 Insight Public Sector Inc, License... .............................................26,139.26 ICAP, Ins ..................................802.62 IDNR, Permits...........................500.00 INRCOG, Hmp Exp ...............1,413.36 IA One Call, Serv ........................34.20 IA Prison Industries, Supplies ...923.14 IA Secretary Of State, Serv ......129.85 ISU, Regist .................................60.00 ISCTA, Dues .............................300.00 Jackson-Hirsh Inc, Supplies .....481.06 Jesup Fire Dept, Fy15 Daec .2,000.00 Johanningmeier, Susan, Peo Exp .. ..................................................185.80 John Deere Financial, Supplies ...... ...............................................2,274.98 Johnson Co Medical Examiner, Serv ...............................................2,169.73 Johnson Co Sheriff, Serv............26.48 Jones, Kaye, Peo Exp ..............227.50 K Mart, Supplies .........................57.47 Kaberle, Janice, Peo Exp .........175.00 Kaberle, Larry, Peo Exp............207.40 Kayser, Patricia, Peo Exp .........172.50 Kelly, Amy, Reimb .......................70.74 Kirkendall, Elaine, Peo Exp ......175.00 Klever Concrete Inc, Serv....14,687.12 Knapps Service, Supplies.........912.46 Knippel, Betty, Peo Exp ............155.00 Kwik Trip Stores, Fuel...............291.90 Laminated Concepts Inc, Materials ...........................................127,183.16 Lamont, City Of, Serv ...............176.07 Larson, Kerry L, Civil Serv ........120.00 Latwesen, Jerald, Peo Exp .......170.00 Latwesen, Judy K, Peo Exp......170.00 Lexisnexis, Serv .......................156.00 Linn Co Treasurer, Serv............382.36 LSI, Serv ...................................203.94 Maas, Michael, Reimb ..............180.00 Mail Services LLC, Serv ...........849.43 Manatts, Concrete .............10,214.74 Marco Technologies Llc, Serv...520.98 Marlow, Amy, Reimb ...................56.32 Martin, Sandra K., Peo Exp ...... 211.60 MBN Cedar Rapids, Supplies ...147.90 McCardle, Beverly, Peo Exp .....193.90 McDonald, Ray, Reimb ...............66.96 McFarlane, Sharry, Peo Exp.....248.32 McGraw, Carmon, Peo Exp ......224.47 Medical Associates, Serv.......1,912.04 Menards, Supplies .................1,320.25 Mental Health Institute, Fy15 Daec ...............................................2,000.00 Meridian Agriculture Dist, Chemicals ...............................................9,195.05 Mezera, Joan, Peo Exp ............207.40 Mid Iowa Refrigeration Inc, Repairs ..................................................646.56 Mid Tech Services Inc, Supplies .....

For more information, call (608) 326-2721 or visit our website at St. Feriole Island, Prairie du Chien 7RXULVW LQIRUPDWLRQ ‡ ZZZ SUDLULHGXFKLHQ RUJ

..................................................145.68 MidAmerican Energy Co, Serv .527.26 Miller Quarry, Rock ................1,332.58 Miller’s Construction Inc, Construction Exp ......................................24,680.00 Mills, Karla, Mileage Reimb ......351.00 Monkeytown OfďŹ ce Supply, Supplies ..................................................915.65 Monti Community Center Inc, Peo Exp ..................................................200.00 Moroney, Sharon, Peo Exp.......184.72 Mumm, Donald, Peo Exp............97.50 Myers Polaris Inc, Repairs........260.54 Myers, Sharon, Peo Exp...........233.20 Myers-Cox Co, Inmate Provisions .. ...............................................3,663.18 Napa Auto Parts, Supplies.....1,313.01 Nat’l District Attorneys Assoc, Dues ..................................................174.00 Nelson, Sandra, Peo Exp .........269.84 Neopost USA Inc, Rental Fees .429.06 Network Computer Solutions, Repairs ..................................................200.00 Oelwein Community Schools, Refund ..................................................100.00 Oelwein Glass Inc, Repairs ........10.50 Oelwein Publishing Group, Publication ...............................................2,392.36 OfďŹ ce Max Inc, Supplies ...........873.83 OfďŹ ce Towne Inc, Supplies ..20,250.51 Ohrt, Corbin, Serv.....................230.00 O’Reilly Automotive Inc, Supplies ... ..................................................557.73 Orkin Exterminating Co, Serv .....60.54 Ossman, Dewayne, Peo Exp....185.80 Ossman, Dianna, Peo Exp .......203.30 Patterson Medical Supply Inc, Supplies ....................................................73.05 Paul Niemann Construction Co, Rock .............................................65,280.70 Payne, Janet, Reimb ..................15.00 Peck, Marilyn, Peo Exp ............224.90 Peters Law OfďŹ ces, James T, Serv. ....................................................36.00 Philo, Timothy Micheal, Repairs ..... ..................................................175.00 Pierce, Judith, Peo Exp ............202.50 Pinicon Ford Lincoln Mercury, Repairs ...............................................1,232.52 Pipestone Veterinary Service, Serv88.32 Prinsco, Parts .............................42.80 Print Express, Supplies .........1,358.94 Quad City Testing Laboratory, Serv ..................................................745.00 Quasqueton American Legion, Election Rent .......................................... 110.00 Quill Corp, Supplies ....................54.09 Racom Corporation, Software ........ ...............................................2,915.00 Radio Communications Co Inc, Repairs ..................................................543.46 Ratchford, Mike, Reimb ..............39.92 Rau, Marion, Peo Exp ..............291.04 Ray O’Herron Co Inc, Supplies ...... ..................................................487.38 Reiff Funeral Home, Serv .........670.00 Reth, Amber, Reimb ...................50.00 Rexco Equipment Inc, Repairs ....... ...............................................4,744.70 Ricoh USA Inc, Serv ...................75.51 Rite Price OfďŹ ce Supply, Supplies .. ....................................................44.49 Roepke, Leland C, Reimb ..........41.20 Rowley, City Of, Serv..................12.50 Rueber, Betty, Peo Exp ............187.96 Schmit, Janie, Peo Exp ............220.92 Schwartz Sawmill, Serv .........1,142.76 Schwinghammer, Joseph, Uniforms ....................................................29.99 Scots Supply, Parts ....................37.40 Scott, Grace, Peo Exp ..............277.40 Security Storage, Serv..............225.00

Shaffer, Janice, Peo Exp ..........187.50 Shahriari, Daria T, Serv ............493.50 Shield Technology Corp, Serv ........ ...............................................2,000.00 Shirley, Mary Jane, Peo Exp ....214.10 Shred Master, Serv ...................233.40 Signs & More, Uniforms............690.75 Smith, Dian, Peo Exp ...............344.24 Smith, Linda L, Peo Exp ...........180.80 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co, Supplies ....................................................84.50 Sproull, Julie, Peo Exp .............296.66 St Patricks Guild, Election Rent...... ..................................................100.00 Stanford, Sheryl, Peo Exp ........277.40 Stanley, City Of, Transfer/Jurisdiction ...............................................1,244.68 State Hygienic Laboratory, Supplies ..................................................220.00 Steil Welding, Repairs .............. 116.98 Stephenson, Karen, Mileage Reimb ....................................................72.90 Steuben, Mary, Peo Exp ...........206.60 Strand CSR RPR, Jeanne, Serv..... ....................................................97.00 Streicher, Blake, Serv .................90.00 Superior Cleaning Services, Supplies 3,522.91 Taylor, Sharon, Peo Exp ...........195.52 Thomas Electric Motor Serv, Repairs ..................................................365.35 Thomas James Co Llc, Serv ....313.36 Tisl, Andrea, Peo Exp ...............135.00 Tisl, Ashley, Peo Exp ................265.00 Tonn, Billie Jo, Peo Exp ..............27.50 Tri State Tower Inc, Repairs ..2,028.50 Uniform Den Inc, Uniforms .......551.96 United Rentals Inc, Rental Fees ..... ...............................................7,199.06 Unity Point-Allen Occ. Health, Serv ..................................................530.50 Unitypoint Clinic, Serv ...........2,820.00 US Cellular, Serv ...................1,707.07 US Postmaster, Postage .......3,000.00 USDA, License ...........................85.00 Van Diest Supply Co, Supplies1,020.00 Van Raden, Mike, Reimb ..........180.00 Van Wyngarden & Abrahamson Inc, Serv ...............................................1,380.55 VanCleave, Joanne K, Peo Exp ..... ..................................................279.02 Vandersee, Barbara, Peo Exp ..216.04 Vanguard Appraisals Inc, Serv ....... .............................................18,762.50 VanLaningham, Juanita, Peo Exp .. ..................................................187.50 Veridian Credit Union, Fees........53.60 Verizon Wireless, Serv .............426.08 Verns True Value Inc, Parts ........80.56 Visa, Supplies ........................4,157.81 Walker, Elaine, Reimb ................25.00 Walmart, Supplies ......................21.55 Waskow, Lauren, Peo Exp .......187.50 Waste Management, Serv .....2,814.66 Weber Paper Co, Supplies ....1,413.03 Weepie, Mary Lou, Peo Exp .....193.36 Weland Clinical Lab, Serv ..........56.50 Welch, William J, Reimb .............36.88 Westemeier, Norma, Peo Exp ..191.60 Westemeyer, Timothy, Peo Exp ...... ..................................................299.16 Whittle, Jeremy, Reimb.............180.00 Windstream, Serv .....................494.60 Winthrop News, Publication...1,022.90 Winthrop, City Of, Serv ...............25.85 Witt, Stephanie, Peo Exp..........107.50 Wolfe, Ronald A, Mileage Reimb 86.40 Wright, Amy, Reimb ..................250.56 Xerox Corp, Serv ........................34.44 Yeager, Joellen, Peo Exp .........277.40 Total ...................................928,480.08


July 14, 2016

The News & The Guide


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Public Notice

EAST BUCHANAN SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION 2016 On May 27, 2016 Governor Terry Branstad signed HF2273 which changed the bill to reflect that “an appointed board member serves until the next regular school election if appointed after July 1, 2016”. “School board vacancy appointees that were appointed between July 30, 2015 and June 30, 2016 will need to go onto the general election ballot in November unless there is an intervening school special election. This does not apply to vacancy appointees that stood for election at the September 8, 2015 School Board Election” East Buchanan School appointed a replacement board member last year; therefore, East Buchanan School will now have a vacancy in District #2. NOTICE is hereby given that the last day to file nomination papers for the November 8th, 2016 School Board Election will be on Wednesday, August 31, 2016 at 5:00 P.M. Twenty-one (21) signatures are required on the nomination papers. Forms are available at the Board Secretary’s Office at the East Buchanan School in Winthrop on Monday through Thursday 7:30 to 3:30 p.m. and on Friday from 7:30 to 12:00 P.M. or at the County Auditor’s office in Independence. A director will be elected to serve the remaining four year term for Director District #2. This position is currently held by Shawn Stone. Any person interested in the Director District #2 position must be a citizen of the United States, 18 year of age or older and a resident Director District #2 which includes the town of Winthrop. Interested persons may obtain a map of said Director District from the Business Office (935-3768). Monday, August 8, 2016 is the first day to file nomination papers. All nomination papers are to be filed in the Board Secretary’s Office before or on Wednesday, August 31, 2016 by 5:00 P.M.

Statewide Classifieds On Bonus, Mid-States Freight Lanes, Consistent Home Time, No Northeast. or 877-811-5902, CDL A Required (INCN) PUBLIC NOTICE Iowa Women in Agriculture Conference, July 26. Topics include: marketing strategies, financial risk management, transition hurdles, cash rents, conservation, bootstraps (beginning farmers). Complete details: (INCN) SPORTING GOODS GUN SHOW July 29-31 Centre Hall, Waverly. Fri. 4-9PM, Sat. 9AM5PM. Sun. 9AM-3PM Admission $7. Large selection of guns and ammunition for sale. More info www. or (563) 608-4401 (INCN) MISCELLANEOUS Advertise your EVENT, PRODUCT, or RECRUIT an applicant in this paper plus 40 other papers in Northeast Iowa for only $110/week! Call 319-327-1810 or email: scsmith@

Public Notice

Buchanan County Board of Supervisors July 5, 2016 The Buchanan County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, July 5, 2016 with Don Shonka, Chairman in the Chair, Ellen Gaffney and Gary Gissel present. Absent, none. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Motion by Gissel second by Gaffney to approve the minutes of the June 30th meeting. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to approve the employee reimbursement claims filed with the County Auditor for payment in the amount of $899.52. All in favor, motion carried. County Auditor, Cindy Gosse presented information regarding vacancies on county boards/commissions. After discussion it was agreed the county will accept applications for the Magistrate Commission and the Compensation Commission until August 1, 2016. Additional information and applications can be obtained at the County Auditor’s office. County Engineer, Brian Keierleber presented information on rough road signs and pedestrian crossing signs and information from the Minnesota’s Traffic Sign Maintenance/Management Handbook. After discussion, motion by Gaffney to remove the pedestrian crossing signs on Three Elms Park Road. Motion failed due to a lack of a second. No action was taken until additional information can be obtained. Engineer Keierleber presented information on the signage for no parking on Hwy. C57 & Hwy. W-13 shoulders. No action was taken until additional information can be obtained from the County Attorney. Motion by Gissel second by Gaffney to adjourn at 9:51 a.m. All in favor, motion carried. Don Shonka, Chairman ATTEST: Cindy Gosse, Auditor

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Public Notice

REGULAR MEETING OF THE WINTHROP CITY COUNCIL July 6, 2016 The Winthrop City Council met in regular session on Wednesday, July 6, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. Mayor Gerald Dennie presiding. Council Members present: Melissa Hesner, Mark Kress, Ann Myers, Lee White and Leland Sprague. Individuals present: Library Representative Katie Williams, Girl Scout Troop 2128, PWD Shawn Curtis and City Clerk Mary Ryan. Motion Myers, second White to approve the Consent Agenda: prior meeting minutes (June 1, 2016), current bills, monthly financial report, new fireman/Brian Gipper, and McElroy’s (Refund Beer Permit/$150). All ayes. Katie Williams presented library’s activity report. Wi-Fi service will only be available for public use when the library is open. Girl Scout Troop 2128 presented pictures, traffic codes, and signed petitions for the need for permanent stop signs at school crossing intersections. Motion Sprague, second Hesner to approve setting public hearing on Ordinance #180, August 3rd, 2016, City Hall Building, at 7:00 p.m.; establishing a four way stop at the intersection of 5th St. N and Jackson and establishing a three way stop at the intersection of 5th St N. and Hamilton. All ayes. Anyone for or against is urged to attend. Beginning in August, the City will be conducting a door-to-door survey to obtain accurate Low-to-Moderate income numbers, to submit for possible grant funding, for sewer plant improvements. The City must have an 80% response rate and a 51% LMI number. Grant funds received will help offset a portion of customer’s sewer rate fees. Residents are urged to participate. Surveys are completely anonymous. Motion White, second Kress to adjourn. All ayes. Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m. BILLS TO BE APPROVED JULY 6, 2016 COMPANY PURPOSE AMOUNT PAYROLL 9,302.48 PAYROLL TAXES 2,886.48 I.P.E.R.S. 1,328.37 ALLIANT ENERGY, GAS & ELECTRIC 4,122.90 AURORA PLBG & HTG, POOL WATER HEATER AND PARK REPAIRS 1,676.59 BUCHANAN CO AUDITOR, LAW ENFORCEMENT CONTRACT 8,925.00 CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES, WEED SPRAY 86.63 EAST BUCHANAN TELEPHONE, PHONE/FAX/INTERNET 464.38 FEHR-GRAHAM, FACILITY PLAN-SEWER PLANT 2,400.00 GAFFNEY QUARRIES, ROAD ROCK 200.96 ICAP, ADDTL PREMIUM INC. VALUE CONC. STD 123.59 IOWA DNR, ANNUAL WATER SUPPLY FEE 99.54 IOWA LEAGUE OF CITIES, ANNUAL MEMBER DUES 685.00 J & R SUPPLY, WATER SUPPLIES 359.00 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL, LOCATOR FLAGS 30.00 KEYSTONE LAB, SEWER TESTING 751.20 MCELROYS, POOL SUPPLIES 112.57 POOL CONCESSIONS 714.19 PARK LIGHT BULBS 17.67 REFUND CLASS C BEER PERMIT 150.00 MOORE MEDICAL, FIRST RESPONDER SUPPLIES 237.38 PETERS LAW OFFICE, ANTENNA ORD. LEGAL 110.00 PIPESTONE, ANIMAL CONTROL 50.00 POOL TECH, POOL REPAIR SUPPLIES 578.68 PRAIRIE ROAD BUILDERS, 2016 STREET SEAL COATING 15,037.70 JEFFERSON STREET, (L.O.S.T.) 5,539.36 RATCHFORD, RICK, WATER MAIN REPAIRS-MADISON ST 1,175.00





45.05 269.48 18.00 64.19 50.00 126.41 287.50 173.50 128.65 47.00 35.97 9.97 46.03 5,028.00 46.00 1,530.65 772.05 277.64 55.59 24.00 73.51 24.00 76.56 17.04 60.00 31.00 33.40 116.00 245.76 1,855.00

365.00 15.00 49.60 121.48 82.46 68,732.62 46,648.16 5,539.36 1,245.96 15,299.14 68,732.62 129.5 HOURS 21,280.35 5,773.73 1,282.27 9,417.78 3,036.00 6,897.51 995.00 185.91 48,868.55

The News & The Guide

July 14, 2016 PAGE 15

Are you gettingTHE NEWS? July 7, 2016

“It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other from this time forward forever more.”


75 Cents

Est. Buchanan County Review 1892

— John Adams, July 3, 1776

Celebrating Independence Day

East Buchanan Girl Scouts at Aurora

On July 4, Independence and Aurora honored the 240th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, celebrating “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Parades, fireworks and many fun activities marked the occasion. See more photos on pages 5 and 19. (Steven C. Smith Photos)

Community Foundation awards 25 grants 75¢

Council orders dog removed following attack

July 14, 20 16


¢ Dale, Assistant Editor By Christine

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Community leaders from across Buchanan County gathered June 30 at Heartland Acres Event Center in Independence to receive more than $117,000 in grants from the Buchanan County Community Foundation (BCCF). Twenty-five grants were awarded in six categories: Arts/ Culture, Community Betterment, Education, Environment, Historic Preservation, and Human Services. Representatives of many of the organizations were present to give project updates and express appreciation for the award. At-Risk Coordinator Tammy Cherry of East Buchanan (EB) School

District reported grant funds will be used to support the EB Breakfast Club, which serves 30-40 elementary and middle school students each day before school starts. During this time, students have breakfast and complete homework with support from Cherry and another teacher. Representing Buchanan County Pheasants Forever, Loren Hamilton (pictured) said the award will be used toward replacing the aging grain drill owned by the Buchanan County Conservation Board. Kids Corner Childcare & Learning Center Director Jessica Hoveland accepted the check with board member Tiffany Bowers stating that the monies will

Mustangs Marching Band at Independence

be used for a security system for the doors. By Steven C. Smith Independence Area Food Pantry DirecIndependence City Council held a hearing during a tor Kate Hemingway accepted a grant special meeting Tuesday night. At the June 27 reguwith volunteers Dick Thedens and Jim lar city council meeting, residents in the Terrace Drive Burns, noting they volunteered at the neighborhood requested the hearing and council action pantry every week. Hemingway said following a recent dog attack on a young girl. that every year as Thanksgiving nears, On June 22, Police Officer Chris Boos responded to a clients pull her aside to ask, “Kate, can I Est. Bucha call from Buchanan County Health Center about a child talk to you for a minute? you going naAre n Co un injured ty Re to have a turkey for me this year?” The viewby a dog. The incident happened around 3:45 92 Drive, when an American Bull Dog PM at 22718 Terrace grant will allow the Food Pantry to purowned by Robert Eric Reid allegedly attacked a ninechase Thanksgiving turkeys for nearly year-old girl. Reid has been cited under city code for a 300 families at Fareway, eliminating vicious animal. worry about running out of turkeys or After hearing from relatives of the victim, neighbors, available freezer space. “Thank you for and the owner of the dog, council adopted a resolution making our life easier but also for every finding the dog to be a vicious animal and ordered it reone of our clients who are going to be moved from the neighborhood immediately. Reid has able to have Thanksgiving the same way the right to appeal the decision in court. we are, with a turkey on their table.” Story continues on page 5.

See Fair photos and more inside!

Supervisors approve home occupation, business permits

& Service, 2131 220th St., Independence, autoBuchanan County Board of Supervisors met in ness; regular session June 30 with Don Shonka, El- -Keith Nemecek, d/b/a Keith’s Gun Shop, motive service; -Mike Henninger, d/b/a County Line Taxilen Gaffney, and Gary Gissel present. The board 2788 Steward Ave., Winthrop, gun sales; approved the following home occupation per- -Victoria Norris, d/b/a Reiki by Vicki, 3050 dermy, 1948 100th St., Oelwein, taxidermy and Quasqueton Ave., Rowley, massage therapy; archery supplies. mits for fiscal year 2017: In other action, the board of supervisors ap-JoAnn Crow, d/b/a JoAnn’s Country Image, -Brian & Victoria Norris, d/b/a 3DYou Today, 3155 150th St., Lamont, hair salon; Inc., 3050 Quasqueton Ave., Rowley, 3D statues. proved a resolution to abate taxes, interest, and -Emmett Donnelly, d/b/a Emmett Donnelly Auc- The board also approved the following FY17 costs in the amount of $935 on property per Amanda Ri Iowa Code 445.16 for the years 2013-2016. The tion and Appraisal Service, 2196 Gentry Ave., In- business permits: nik chanan Coun er was crowned Bu- dependence, auction, appraisal and firearms; -Arlen Bantz, d/b/a King AvenueByMower, 3031 property is a mobile home. ty Fair Quee named Princ Steven C. evening in n Thursday -Paula Smith es s an d M The board also counted the cash in the county King Ave., Rowley, lawn mower repair; Fleming, d/b/a Styles Unlimited, 1790 iss Independen ity. Alyssa rec CongenialMayor Bonit ce at the an nual corona a Datreasurer’s en Pictured-Raymond & Lucy Stutzman, d/b/a tly complet hair vis presidedoffice as follows: cash $3,349.50; Independence, Discount - Otterville tio me150 at LutherBlvd., eting ed a yesalon; over a rauco Monday College and ar Fairban from left: Malena Buchanan gr n ceremony. An East -Michal Copyright 2016 Follow us at: us cit nig ht.return check Sil one $116; checks $26,347.80; L. Scott, d/b/a Mickey’s Salon, 2604 Store LLC, 1664 150th St., Hazleton, store; y this l will k; Lynn ad tend the Un at- Alyssa Duffy, Fairb va, sion of candidates to fill The meeting began wi council Wartburg Co uate, Amanda attends Nolen iversity of Io fal th discus-$2,524.50; internet and card payments Ave., Independence, hair salon; -Rosalea A. Pech, d/b/a Aunt Rhody, 3211 an the wh llege, major Ri k; wa pr 4th nik en e-p to er, Winthro Dustin Dalle Wcredit harmacy. Th study Fa ard coun roscience. ing in neu- -Charlene cil nb p; ir sea e ac Qu younChar’s Sheriff ’s ign Federal Forfeituret va $6,583.04; SherMarzen, d/b/a Hair Design, ee120th h res St., Lamont, retail 20store; the new Ind cated are the daug g wome ed the po epen n Riniker, n Emily Martins; Am 15 Amanda’s hteIndependence, sition to rs of Bruc iffe’sPoForfeiture HiFi $2,227,037.34; 2074 215th St., beauty shop; beco -Henry A. Detweiler,and/b/a tw lice Chief.$6,307.72; As councilBulkdenc da Detweiler’s me person Jon received ro in sister, Alyssa, also nette Riniker of Winthr e and Jea- Fairban Winthrop; Hanna Ri IPAIT $4,486,309.26; and Debt Escrow Holla -Tom Shafer, d/b/a Tom’s 1401 140th St.,ss Fairbank, bulk foods; yalty honors offer op. Auto Trim, 1724 k; Foods, e, Ja nd a ci no be Fr mi ga an na n cois, Winth as she was his commen tion, $2,882,806.97. Alian council perso na Hollid acEast Otterville Blvd., Independence, upholster busi-Eric & Lindsey Parsley, Indee Tire rop; d/b/a ted, pro ts to Youngblut, ay, Hazleton; Danielle saying mpting Holland to ask n Vaughn verbally reJesup. , “I’ll kick yo Vaughn to ste ur p ass ou (S cu .” tsi tev ssi M de, on us en C. Smith anat: Copyright 2016 Follow d Ho lland forwa ayor Davis calmed the At the July Photo) to fill the va 6 cancy. Kuhs rded the name of Todd disTroop 2128 Winthrop City Council e was appro senting. Ku meeting, Gi presented pic hs e ved with Va rl Scout wh petitions to tures, traffic ughn disjus Kuhse, who ich was att ended by me Buchanan sch tify a need for perman codes, and signed Kr sales manage resides at 405 2nd Av ent mbers Meli ess, Ann M ool crossing e., NE, is a r for Waste yers, Lee W ssa Hesner, set a public intersections stop signs at East territ remaining ter M hite and Le Katie William he . land Sprague Mark m that expir anagement. He will ser ory City Hall. Th aring on the matter for Council members ed s pre . es December ve the During the that Wi-Fi ser sented the city librar e 7 PM Augu co 2017. ing a four-w hearing is to get publi y st Kuhse stated uncil comments porti c input on est 3 at when the librar vice will only be avail report and statay stop at the on of the me able for publi y Jackson, an ablishlooks forwa he is happy to have Beginning in is open. d establishin intersection of 5th St. eti c use ng, the opportu rd g a thr August, the N., tion of 5th St. nity and said there wi to working as a team city will cond N. and Hami ee-way stop at the int and survey to obtain wi ll be times uct a action is urg ers lton. Anyone ac “when we ag th the council. He we don’t.” ed for or again ec- numbers. The da curate low-to-moderate door-to-door W ree he Mayor Geral to attend the public heari st this to an n ta inc dis d is needed for times when om cussing issue remember we help pay for d Dennie pre ng possible gra e (LMI) s, he sided over the . nt funding they deserve are speaking with memb said it is best “to have an 80% sewer plant improveme council meeti res ers of our tea nts response rat ng, m and e and a 51% . The city must During comm pect. We can improve on res LM ents, Holland Kuhse, and Story contin I number. made apolo pect.” the ues on page More lively council for his outburst gies to Vaughn, 20. . discussion city to estab was held on lis a fighter Blak h an ambulance service. proposal for the e Hayward Independenc presented a Area reside viability of e fireproposal ass nts providing em essing the ernor’s Volun received Gov- City of Ind ergency me epen dical servic teer Award es to the Governor Te s City Manag dence and surrounding rry E. Bran from er are Al as. Roder had wr sta Lt. Governo the proposal itten to the r Kim Reyn d and : “The Fire council abou Departmen olds dur- assessing ing a special t t and the via rec ny held June ognition ceremo- Services to the bility of providing EmI have worked on 28 in Cedar erg Ci ty en of cy Medical Ind eas. This ser Falls. ependence Kris Wilgen vic an d bu e surrounding is sch of Mas ville, Sama aron- bulance Service currently being provid nth Norm Gillih a Wehr of Jesup, factors to op (AAS) of Cedar Rapid ed by Area Amen s. an and the Buch of Manchester, primary areas; this assessment are bo The motivating ile ins anan County The proposal urance billing and res d down to two teur Radio AmaClub pons off among the ho (BCARC) were vice based on thi ered projections for rev e time.” enue for the rd norees. pa rty est we see in ou serStory contin r region cu imates for the number ues on page rrently being of 19. Ambulance. addressed by calls Pictured: Go ve Area stad, Kris Wi rnor Terry Branlgenbusch Story continu Pictured: Ma Governor Ki and Lt. es on page yo m Reynold 19. cil person To r Bonita Davis and ne (Courtesy Ph s. dd Kuhse. (S w oto) teven C. Sm 4th Ward CounCopyright 20 ith Photo) 16 www.thebu

Riniker sisters

Girl Scouts pe

crowned Buc

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tition for stop

signs at scho

Fair royalty

Council nam person, discues 4th Ward Council ambulance se sses establishing rvice

ol intersection


Local citizens receive Govern or’s Volunteer Awards

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