July 28, 2016
In THE NEWS this week... e!
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Read these stories, and MUCH MORE in THE NEWS this week -
Sm ven C. eeting over 40 eeting election for th on of Indep ly 11 m ti l day’s m ng At Mon hold a specia epted the posi e seat at the Ju tion, gatheri natures of ti c to e th c p a n ll o e e fi ti h to ired sig June 13 u en d th peti q h se te h w re ia u h it n K c the d tio ba , in Dallen ppointed Tod t of Ward 4 tion. The peti election. At ast and the a st c c en council anna, a resid e special ele rd 4 in the la 133 ballots s to run for a re Deb H s calling for th ots cast in W rted there we anna intend H . re all po the signatu the total of b Al Roder re be considered run in er f ling to 15% o , City Manag signatures to e for fi y hall. n li 0 g d 2 n a d ti e nee mee ge 18. 30. D tained at cit would s on pa b August petition on. e held pers may be o tory continue g with b n l lo il A ti w . S ter, the posi cial election omination pa g down e windin a Nature Cen ing The sp August 5. 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THE GUIDE is an edition of THE NEWS, an independent community newspaper, locally owned and operated by Mary Beth Smith and Steven C. Smith, Goodnight in the Morning Communications, Inc. Mary Beth Smith, Managing Editor Christine Dale, Assistant Editor Donna Jensen, Community Correspondent
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PAGE 6 July 28, 2016
The News & The Guide
Join Elevate Aging statewide conversations August 4 Iowans are living longer than ever before, with one out of every five residents now aged 60 or older. That number is expected to grow over the next few decades, with the vast majority of individuals stating they would prefer to age in place, in their homes and communities of choice. To ensure that option is a viable one, a comprehensive network of long-term supports and services will have to be available statewide, and older Iowans will need to know how to access those resources. Are Iowa communities equipped to offer the wide range of services aging individuals will need to maintain their long-term independence? Do older Iowans and their families know what types of services they need and which ones are available locally? And how will Iowa adapt to ensure its aging population will be able to maintain the highest quality of life possible? Those questions and others will be discussed during a special statewide event when Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging partners with the Elevate Aging Collaborative to present “Join the Conversation: Iowa Dialogue on Helping Older Adults Maintain the Highest Quality of Life Possible” on Thursday, August 4, from 10 AM - noon. Experience information sharing, discussion on developing actions and issues related to aging Iowans, and idea generation on how to get involved to make Iowa a better place to age. With community conversations taking place in Cedar Rapids, Council Bluffs, Davenport, Des Moines, Mason City, and Waterloo, “Join the Conversation” aims to continue a statewide discussion about issues like the changing dynamics between generations; the challenges of caregiving; the financial considerations of elder care; and the realities of aging, both physical and mental. As Iowans share their thoughts, concerns, opinions, and ideas, they will be documented and shared with all Iowans and, in particular, policymakers and Iowa leaders. The non-partisan event is free and open to the public. For additional information, call 866-468-7887.
Newest Barn Quilt revealed Jill (pictured with her grandkids) and Joe Junk are proud to own the newest 8'x8' Barn Quilt entitled Stars & Diamonds. To find out where this quilt will be displayed, or where to locate other 8'x8' barn quilts in Buchanan County, pick up a barn quilt map at the Buchanan County ISU Extension and Outreach office. For information, visit www.extension. iastate.edu/buchanan or call 319-334-7161. (Courtesy Photo)
ia g l e
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THE NEWS is available at the following fine businesses:
Winthrop: THE NEWS Office at 225 W. Madison, McElroy’s Foods, Speede Shop Independence: Fareway, S&K Collectibles, Hartig Drug, The Music Station, Casey’s General Store (All 3 downtown locations) Manchester: Widner Drug
The News & The Guide
July 28, 2016 PAGE 7
Quitting is hard – Quitline can help According to the 2016 County Health Rankings, 18.5% of adult Iowans smoke. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates nearly seven out of 10 smokers want to quit; however, quitting smoking is hard and may require several attempts. People who stop smoking often start again because of withdrawal symptoms, stress, and weight gain. Even so, benefits of quitting tobacco far outweigh the challenges. Health benefits of quitting smoking include: • Lowered risk for lung cancer and many other types of cancer. • Reduced risk for heart disease, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease (narrowing of the blood vessels outside your heart). • Reduced heart disease risk within one to two years of quitting. • Reduced respiratory symptoms, such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. While these symptoms may not disappear, they do not continue to progress at the same rate among people who quit compared with those who continue to smoke. • Reduced risk of developing some lung diseases (such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, also known as COPD, one of the leading causes of death in the United States). • Reduced risk for infertility in women of childbearing age. Women who stop smoking during pregnancy also reduce their risk of having a low birth weight baby. Many former smokers say they were also motivated by non-health related reasons, including saving money, getting rid of yellow teeth, smelling better, and because they wanted to take control of their lives. Studies by the CDC show the chances of quitting for good are much better if you take advantage of programs that offer professional
support. Quitline Iowa is one of those programs. Quitline Iowa is a free telephone support service that can help people who want to stop smoking or using tobacco with several types of quit information and services, including: • Free support, advice, and counseling from experienced Quitline coaches; • A personalized quit plan; • Practical information on how to quit, including ways to cope with nicotine withdrawal; • The latest information about stop-smoking medications; • You may be eligible to receive free Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT); • Referrals to other resources; • Mailed self-help materials; and • Online Help. According to the American Cancer Society, the decision to quit using tobacco has nearly immediate results. Within 20 minutes, one’s heart rate and blood pressure drop. Within 12 hours, blood carbon monoxide level in drops to normal. Within two to three months, circulation improves and lung function increases. After one year of living tobacco free, the excess risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a continuing smoker’s. Tobacco users can call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-7848669) or visit www.quitlineiowa.org today to enroll in the program and talk to a Quit Coach®. Registration specialists and Quit Coaches are available 24 hours a day.
Farmland leasing meeting set for August 8 in Independence More than half of Iowa farmland is rented. In some Iowa locations, as much as 70% of the land is farmed by farmers who don’t own the land. In northeast Iowa, the result is many conversations and negotiations between farmland owners and producer-tenants to determine what makes sense for farmland leases and cash rental rates. A farmland leasing meeting will be held at 1:30 PM Monday August 8 to address questions that land owners, tenants, or other interested individuals have about farmland leasing. Melissa O’Rourke, ISU Extension Farm & Agribusiness Management Specialist, will present a wide range of topics related to farmland values and leasing. The meeting will be at Heartland Acres Events Center, 2600 Swan Lake Blvd., Independence and will be approximately 2½ hours in length. The fee is $8 per person if pre-registered, and $10 per person at the door. Though registration is not required, it is encouraged by calling 319-334-7161.
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PAGE 8 July 28, 2016
Public Notice
Buchanan County Agricultural Extension District, Published Report -Operating 07101/2015 to 6/3012016 Beginning Balance and Receipts: Total Balance: July 1, 2015 $195,873.64 Receipts: Contributions Revenue $837.33 Grant Revenue $3,100.00 Interest Revenue $207.69 Other Revenue $239.55 Program Fee Revenue $99,442.17 Property Tax Revenue $216,168.70 Resale Revenue $2,725.00 Total Receipts: $322,720.44 Total Beginning Balance and Receipts: $518,594.08 Disbursements: Aatrix eFile Supplies Expense $24.95 Adam Carrothers Program Fee Expense $150.00 Adam Deaner Program Fee Expense $28.49 Advanced Systems Equipment Expense $3,982.40 Adventureland Program Fee Expense $10.00 AirFX Program Fee Expense $70.28 Alayna Gallery Program Fee Expense $3.35 Alexa Riniker Program Fee Expense $25.15 Alexis Vander Werff Program Fee Expense $20.12 Alivia Sweeney Program Fee Expense $43.59 Ally Bockenstedt Program Fee Expense $23.45 Alysha Ratchford Program Fee Expense ($3.57) Alyssa Riniker Program Fee Expense $20.72 Amanda Riniker Program Fee Expense $5.03 Amanda Treptow Program Fee Expense $5.03 Amazon.com Grant Expense $1,730.85 American Income Life Insurance Other Travel Expense $475.60 American Lung Association of Upper Midwest Resale Expense $180.00 American Youth Foundation Program Fee Expense $21 .00 Anita Miller Program Fee Expense $245.15 Anna Collison Program Fee Expense $21 .78 Anna Sweeney Program Fee Expense $25.15 Annie Johnson Program Fee Expense $20.12 Annika Wall Program Fee Expense $55.33 API Non-Fee Proj Act Expense $862.67 Arnola Sigglekow Program Fee Expense $140.00 Atom Bombers Program Fee Expense $55.00 Audry Goedken Program Fee Expense $590.44 Aunna Marzen Program Fee Expense $25.15 Austin Cook Program Fee Expense ($20.44) Avery Hanaway Program Fee Expense $90.48 Bailey Lawler Program Fee Expense $25.15 Bank Iowa Program Fee Expense $10,135.71 Bankers Advertising Company Marketing Expense $820.29 Baylee Kleitsch Program Fee Expense $8.80 Becca Walthart Program Fee Expense $713.74 Ben Danner Program Fee Expense $200.00 Benjamin Kelly Program Fee Expense $20.12 Bethany Cook Program Fee Expense $65.39 Bills’ Pizza And Smokehouse Program Fee Expense $220.96 Birando Program Fee Expense $38.96 Black Hawk County ISU Extension Non-Tax Meals Expense $88.52 Blands Program Fee Expense $26.74 Boots N Bales Program Fee Expense $30.00 Bremer County Extension Other Travel Expense $64.03 $217.50 Brezlyn Grote Program Fee Expense Brian Arthur Program Fee Expense $20.12 Brian Goedken Program Fee Expense $25.15 Brittney Hershey Program Fee Expense $49.04 Brock Kleitsch Program Fee Expense $20.00 Bryce Kleitsch Program Fee Expense $5.03 Bryce Zimmerman Program Fee Expense $10.06 Buchanan County Animal Shelter Program Fee Expense $28.00 Buchanan Co Cattleman’s Association Non-Tax Meals Expense $50.00 Buchanan County Fair Association Program Fee Expense $165.00 Buchanan County Farm Bureau Memberships, Dues Expense $42.00 Buffalo Bells Program Fee Expense $15.00 BuildASign.com Grant Expense $25.88 Butler County ISU Extension Program Fee Expense $66.82 Cadence Sutcliffe Program Fee Expense $50.24 Carol Rueber Program Fee Expense $50.00 Carson Frye Program Fee Expense $177.42 Carson Hanaway Program Fee Expense $10.00 Carter Studebaker Program Fee Expense $35.21 Casey’s Supplies Expense $102.64 Charlene Swarts Program Fee Expense $13.25 Chase Fults Program Fee Expense $10.06 Chickasaw County ISU Extension Other Travel Expense $30.00 Christensen, Kathryn M. Net Wages and Travel $24,360.07 Citizen’s Herald Program Fee Expense $199.00 Clayton Hershey Program Fee Expense $10.06 Clayton Walthart Program Fee Expense $706.20 Cody Clayton Program Fee Expense $17.18 Cody Wright Program Fee Expense $20.12 Cole Wright Program Fee Expense $3.77 Collin Clayton Program Fee Expense $44.01 Collin Wilson Program Fee Expense $35.15 Connie Arend Program Fee Expense $25.00 Cooper Lindaman Program Fee Expense $2.51 Courtney Kelly Program Fee Expense $15.09 Dade Koeppel Program Fee Expense ($2.11) Dairy Queen Program Fee Expense $115.00 Dallas McDermott Program Fee Expense $1,407.00 Dalton Hoover Program Fee Expense $35.21 Dan Sowers Program Fee Expense $150.00 Danielle Rawson Program Fee Expense $40.24 Danielle Youngblut Program Fee Expense $59.93 Darci Rawson Program Fee Expense $55.33 Dein Gosse Program Fee Expense $30.18 Deluxe Busi System Business Products Supplies Expense $42.67 Denise Hawker Program Fee Expense $290.73 Denny’s Pumpkin Patch Program Fee Expense $25.00 Designs Unlimited Marketing Expense $2,130.75 Dollars for Scholars Program Fee Expense $330.00 Dunkerton Coop Program Fee Expense $2,034.44 Elijah Michels Program Fee Expense $15.09 Elizabeth Crow Program Fee Expense $30.18 Ella Cook Program Fee Expense ($22.71) EMC National Life Insurance Insurance, Bond Expense $303.50 Emily Martins Program Fee Expense $30.18 Emily Robinson Program Fee Expense $20.12 Emily Treptow Program Fee Expense $5.03 Emma Cutsforth Program Fee Expense $15.09 Emma Kress Program Fee Expense $15.09 Enterprise Supplies Expense $150.58 Eric Richards Program Fee Expense $15.09
The News & The Guide Eric Sweeney Program Fee Expense $25.15 Ethan Hunter Program Fee Expense ($7.14) Ethan Kayser Program Fee Expense $15.09 Even brite. com Other Travel Expense $75.00 F.J. Krob Program Fee Expense $360.79 Fareway Program Fee Expense $2,017.26 Fastenal Program Fee Expense $6.42 Fayette County Extension Program Fee Expense $80.00 First Advantage Background Checks Exp $1,164.05 First Street Deli Grant Expense $387.50 Fischer Crawford Program Fee Expense $25.09 Friends of the Auction Program Fee Expense $1,655.59 Fuller, Roxanne. Net Wages and Travel $37,552.36 Gabriella Good Program Fee Expense $55.33 Gage Weber Program Fee Expense ($10.71) Gateway Hotel & Conference Center Other Travel Expense $206.08 Gean Cummings Program Fee Expense $48.50 George Hemmer Program Fee Expense $75.00 Goodwill Supplies Expense $33.00 Grace Cutsforth Program Fee Expense $5.03 GreenTree Landscaping Grant Expense $104.25 Haley Bayness Program Fee Expense $5.03 Halle Ratchford Program Fee Expense ($3.57) Hamlett, Alexia L. Net Wages and Travel $26,605.04 Hardware Hank Facility Expense $138.97 Harrah’s Resort Other Travel Expense $299.04 Hawkeye Alarm Facility Expense $170.00 Hayden Weber Program Fee Expense $26.59 Haylee Lau Program Fee Expense $13.83 Hayley Hamilton Program Fee Expense $930.84 Heartland Acres Agribition Center Facility Expense $9,774.00 Heartland Kids Program Fee Expense $55.00 Heath Weber Program Fee Expense $26.59 Helen Venneman Program Fee Expense $71.29 Hobby Lobby Program Fee Expense $309.44 Hoover’s Hatchery Program Fee Expense $583.00 Hope Lamphere Program Fee Expense $13.83 Horizon Publishing Co. Memberships, Dues Expense $35.95 HPB Marketplace Program Fee Expense $6.62 Hunter Crawford Program Fee Expense $25.15 Hunter Hoveland Program Fee Expense $23.89 Independence Area Chamber of Commerce Memberships, Dues Expense $155.00 Independence Bulletin Journal, Memberships, Dues Expense $66.00 Independence Farmer’s Market Supplies Expense $5.00 Independence FFA Program Fee Expense $30.00 Independence Light & Power Telecomm Telecommunications Expense $1,757.74 Iowa Association of County Extension Council Memberships, Dues Expense $480.00 Iowa Beef Industry Council Program Fee Expense $38.00 Iowa Public Employee Retirement System Retirement Plan $22,535.11 Iowa Sports Foundation Program Fee Expense $112.00 Iowa State University Shared Support, Programs, Materials $23,246.21 J & M Fundraising Program Fee Expense $897.00 Jaci Francois Program Fee Expense $832.98 Jackson Gross Program Fee Expense $10.00 Jackson Vande Vorde Program Fee Expense $25.15 Jackson Willey Program Fee Expense $10.06 Jacob Kelly Program Fee Expense $8.80 Jacob Rawson Program Fee Expense $5.03 Jacob Weber Program Fee Expense $15.09 Jacob Wolf Program Fee Expense $3.77 Jakalyn Frasher Program Fee Expense $21.79 Jamie Fuller Program Fee Expense $12.57 Janelle Engelbrecht Program Fee Expense $5.03 Janelle Vande Vorde Program Fee Expense $20.12 Jared Kelly Program Fee Expense $451.13 Jarret Orr Program Fee Expense $5.03 Jaxon Goedken Program Fee Expense $371.11 Jaxson Frye Program Fee Expense $167.93 Jean Gillpatrick Program Fee Expense $139.48 Jeanette Beyer Program Fee Expense $60.91 Jeanette Riniker Program Fee Expense $15.00 Jenna Weber Program Fee Expense $5.03 Jennifer Sweeney Program Fee Expense $3.00 Jessica Justason Program Fee Expense $100.60 Jill Wilgenbusch Program Fee Expense $75.00 JoAnn Crain Marketing Expense $40.00 Jodi Mausser Program Fee Expense $15.09 Joe Priebe Program Fee Expense $10.06 John Krogmann Program Fee Expense $10.05 Jones County ISU Extension Professional Development Training Expense $35.00 Jordan Kalenske Program Fee Expense $20.12 Josh Bowden Program Fee Expense $1,883.11 Just Artifacts Program Fee Expense $18.41 Kaley DeVries Program Fee Expense $50.00 Karen Myrton Supplies Expense $100.00 Karoline Lindaman Program Fee Expense $3.35 Katelynn Sizemore Program Fee Expense $10.06 Kathy Hoeger Program Fee Expense $18.87 Katie Adams Program Fee Expense $150.00 Katie Gee Program Fee Expense ($7.14) Katie Stewart Program Fee Expense $59.10 Kayla Dudley Program Fee Expense $30.18 Kayla Kress Program Fee Expense $15.09 Kayla Sutcliffe Program Fee Expense $10.00 Kaylee Hosch Program Fee Expense $177.42 Kaylee Kleitsch Program Fee Expense $52.33 Keaton Kelly Program Fee Expense $496.08 Keegan Kehrli Program Fee Expense $508.09 Keely Kehrli Program Fee Expense $25.15 Kehrli, Kendra A. Net Wages and Travel $1,879.80 Kelly Naber Facility Expense $120.00 Program Fee Expense $98.00 Ken Kehrli Kimberly Krogmann Program Fee Expense $25.98 Kirkwood Community College Program Fee Expense $5,555.00 Kody Kleeve Program Fee Expense $35.21 Kris Brimm Program Fee Expense $140.00 Kristi Kuhse Program Fee Expense $90.00 Kwik Star Program Fee Expense $9.75 Kyle Zimmerman Program Fee Expense $15.09 Lane Junk Program Fee Expense $10.00 Lauren Beyer Program Fee Expense $413.52 Lauren Hamilton Program Fee Expense $933.49 Leah Rosauer Program Fee Expense $41.89 Learning Zone Supplies Expense $104.95 Leopold Center/Iowa State University Program Fee Expense $20.00 Libby Fischer Program Fee Expense $146.48 Lillian Giddings Program Fee Expense $20.12 Lindsay Beyer Program Fee Expense $10.00 Linn County Extension Program Fee Expense $25.00 Lisa Stelter Facility Expense $420.00 Liz Rawson Program Fee Expense $538.00 Logan Duffy Program Fee Expense $15.09
Lucretia Mangrich Program Fee Expense $20.12 Luke Lawless Program Fee Expense $10.06 Luke Sweeney Program Fee Expense $35.21 Luke Wall Program Fee Expense $20.12 Lydia Martins Program Fee Expense $48.62 Lynda Fiester Program Fee Expense $12.20 Lynn Duffy Program Fee Expense $13.41 Maddie Fisher Program Fee Expense $5.03 Madison Arend Program Fee Expense $23.89 Madison Mixers Program Fee Expense $174.70 Madison Stanford Program Fee Expense $20.12 Makayla Sutcliffe Program Fee Expense $5.03 Makenzie Curtis Program Fee Expense $5.03 Makenzie Homan Program Fee Expense $15.09 Marissa Robinson Program Fee Expense $28.92 Mark Thompson Program Fee Expense $11.52 Markia Griffin Program Fee Expense $5.03 Martin Brothers Program Fee Expense $325.47 Mary Ellen Brandt Program Fee Expense $90.00 Matthew Bolton Program Fee Expense $327.82 Matthew Richards Program Fee Expense $155.69 Max Kayser Program Fee Expense $10.06 McElroy’s Food Market Program Fee Expense $5.08 McKenna Wilgenbusch Program Fee Expense $10.00 Megan Bussan Program Fee Expense $115.66 Megan Corkery Program Fee Expense $37.72 Megan Gee Program Fee Expense ($0.29) Melody Kayser Program Fee Expense $15.09 Micaela Steenstra Program Fee Expense $15.09 Miranda Franzen Program Fee Expense $66.63 Mitchell Rawson Program Fee Expense $15.09 Molly Rothman Program Fee Expense ($5.74) Monkey Town Supplies Expense $479.84 Supplies Expense $722.48 Monkey Town, Karr LLC MWI Program Fee Expense $76.65 N.E. Security Bank Program Fee Expense $1,632.61 Nancy Jensen Program Fee Expense $90.00 Naomi Gaede Program Fee Expense $53.64 Natalie McMillan Program Fee Expense $161.82 Natalie Svoboda Program Fee Expense $894.54 Nate Copenhaver Program Fee Expense $543.78 National 4H Council Supply Program Fee Expense $947.94 Neopost USA Inc Equipment Expense $571.44 Nick Homan Program Fee Expense $25.15 Noah Gross Program Fee Expense $72.84 Noah Sheridan Program Fee Expense $15.09 Noah Walthart Program Fee Expense $757.85 Nolan Svoboda Program Fee Expense $10.06 Norby’s Farm Fleet Grant Expense $138.40 Northeast Iowa Agriculture Experimental Assn Program Fee Expense $250.00 Nuts.com Program Fee Expense $11.48 Oelwein Publishing Co. Advertising Expense $964.95 Office Towne, Inc Program Fee Expense $518.27 Olivia Hershey Program Fee Expense $40.24 Olivia Kresser Program Fee Expense $30.18 Olivia Willey Program Fee Expense $10.06 Oriental Trading Company Program Fee Expense $14.98 Owen Reck Program Fee Expense $565.74 Parker Kress Program Fee Expense $10.00 Paul Short Supplies Expense $349.80 PearlOline Program Fee Expense $10.06 Peighton Prusator Program Fee Expense $9.21 Perry Pioneers Program Fee Expense $25.00 Petty Cash Program Fee Expense $50.00 Phil Shank Program Fee Expense $150.00 Phillip Dudley Program Fee Expense $3.77 Pizza Hut Supplies Expense $85.49 Pizza Ranch Program Fee Expense $125.10 Practical Farmers of Iowa Memberships, Dues Expense $50.00 Presbyterian Women Program Fee Expense $125.00 Progressive Agriculture Foundation Non-Fee Proj Act Expense $50.00 Quality Logo Products Marketing Expense $497.69 Quill Supplies Expense $106.95 Rachel Clayberg Program Fee Expense $35.15 Randy Hettinger Supplies Expense $25.99 RegistrationMax, LLC Supplies Expense $500.00 Renee Cantrell Program Fee Expense $90.00 Riley Reck Program Fee Expense $556.28 Roger Bahr Program Fee Expense $100.00 Roger Olsen Program Fee Expense $150.00 Roger Ramthun Program Fee Expense $90.00 Ruth Liscum Program Fee Expense $123.90 Ryan Tonn Program Fee Expense $25.15 Rylan Duffy Program Fee Expense $16.76 S & S Worldwide Non-Fee Proj Act Expense $271.80 Safeguard Supplies Expense $93.05 Sam Potter Program Fee Expense ($7.14) Samantha Yexley Program Fee Expense $77.54 Samatha Fults Program Fee Expense $10.06 Samuel Cook Program Fee Expense $35.21 Sarah Collison Program Fee Expense $22.21 Sarah Rothman Program Fee Expense $2.00 Savannah Ruby Program Fee Expense $125.00 Schaefers, Shelby J. Net Wages and Travel $2,049.97 Sean Baragary Program Fee Expense $173.07 Security State Bank Program Fee Expense $1,720.23 Services Postage Expense $1,200.00 Shalon Frye Program Fee Expense $11.48 Shebly Schafers Non-Tax Meals Expense $158.23 Shelby Hermsen Program Fee Expense $15.09 Sheraton Madison Hotel Other Travel Expense $184.93 Sherrets, Ashley N. Net Wages and Travel $26,870.77 Sherry Olsen Program Fee Expense $150.00 Shirley Rozendaal Program Fee Expense $96.45 Sierra Siems Program Fee Expense $55.27 Signs & More Program Fee Expense $1,574.00 Silver Edge Co-op Program Fee Expense $2,201.31 Smith D&L Ins Program Fee Expense $1,848.38 Spahn & Rose Lumber Grant Expense $492.34 Spencer Giddings Program Fee Expense $10.06 Spencer Shonka Program Fee Expense $10.06 Spenser Rothman Program Fee Expense $28.49 STAATS Program Fee Expense $598.37 Stansbury, Teresa R. Net Wages and Travel $1,373.52 Staples Insurance, Bond Expense $133.80 Starmont FFA Program Fee Expense $15.00 Sternhagen, Rhonda Program Fee Expense $90.00 Steve Pilcher Program Fee Expense $55.45 Steve Zaruba Program Fee Expense $125.00 Story County ISU Extension Program Fee Expense $15.00 Subway Non-Fee Proj Act Expense $135.00 Sydney Etten Program Fee Expense $20.12 Tabitha Smith Program Fee Expense $53.65 Tama County ISU Extension & Outreach Program Fee Expense $545.00 Continues on following page
The News & The Guide
July 28, 2016 PAGE 9
Public Notice Tammy Dougherty Taniesha Goedken Tanner Erickson-Dale Target Tate Fults TO n’ Guy Garden Oasis The News Tim Prunty Todd Miller Travis McMillan Treasurer State of Iowa Trenton Cabell Trott Trophies U.S. Postal Service UI Hospital & Clinics UNI CEE US Dept of Treasury VISA Walker State Bank Wal-Mart Wapsi Warriors Wapsie Valley FFA Weber Paper Company Webstaurant Program Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Wesley Slife Winneshiek County ISU Extension Zach Lamphere Zoey Ratchford Total Disbursements: Net Balance: June 30, 2016
Buchanan County Agricultural Extension District, Published Report -Operating Continued from previous page Program Fee Expense $150.00 Program Fee Expense $15.09 Program Fee Expense $5.03 Meeting Expense $75.71 Program Fee Expense $10.06 Program Fee Expense $30.75 Advertising Expense $897.81 Program Fee Expense $150.00 Program Fee Expense $10.06 Program Fee Expense $148.98 Payroll Taxes $6,150.00 Program Fee Expense $5.03 Program Fee Expense $1 ,187.02 Postage Expense $3,750.27 Marketing Expense $21.00 Non-Fee Proj Act Expense $3,000.00 Payroll Taxes $38,460.86 Bank Charges, Fees, Interest Expense $250.00 Program Fee Expense $1,807.69 Facility Expense $1,569.61 Program Fee Expense $65.00 Program Fee Expense $75.00 Supplies Expense $6.65 Fee Expense $37.50 Payroll Benefits Expense $1 ,619.70 Program Fee Expense $11.52 Program Fee Expense $25.35 Program Fee Expense $5.03 Program Fee Expense ($3.57) $321,716.73 $196,877.35
Iowa has a rich history and we should take steps to preserve that. The Iowa’s Historic Preservation Tax Credits are meant to help restore Iowa’s historic buildings, key pieces of our history has now been updated. The credit equals 25% of qualified restoration expenses for eligible properties. This session we made a few updates to the applications process. After requirements passed during the 2014 session, backlog occurred and the program slowed significantly because the Department of Revenue (IDR) was auditing projects on the front end. The new law, which I supported, will now reduce backlog and make the program more efficient by bringing the Economic Development Authority to the front of the process. The EDA will now be in charge of accepting and reviewing project applications and giving out awards. Projects will now be audited by the IDR once they’re completed. I believe preserving Iowa’s history is essential to preserving our communities and making Iowa a better place. I’m excited to see what positive changes will result. I encourage communities or persons interested in applying for the History Preservation Tax Credit to contact me for more information. It is my honor and a humbling experience to be the State Representative for our community. I appreciate the messages and correspondence I receive from people in the District. You can always contact me anytime at bruce.bearinger@legis.iowa.gov.
Get it while it’s HOT! When you get THE NEWS, week in and week out, you get YOUR NEWS faster than anywhere else! Government, schools, community, activities, social news and MANY full color photos too!
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YES! When you subscribe to THE NEWS you give your kids the opportunity to learn about the many fun and interesting things that happen in our area every week! Library events, school news, 4H FFA and MORE! Read with them -Grow strong community-minded young people at NO EXTRA COST!
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* Based on advertised specials by other area publications. ** When you share your copy of THE NEWS with your kids!
July 28, 2016
The News & The Guide
Hot fun in the summer time!
The News & The Guide
July 28, 2016 PAGE11
Independence Community Schools Registration will be done through PowerSchool Parent Portal beginning Monday, August 1st. Registration will be open through August 15th.
URGENT CARE Office Hours
All students need to be registered before school starts on August 23rd. 1:1 devices for Junior-Senior High School students will be handed out on August 23rd during the school day.
If you have questions or need assistance, please call your child’s building.
Students of the Independence Community School District grades 2-12 will begin classes for the 2016-2017 school year on Tuesday, August 23rd with early dismissal at 1:00 p.m. .LQGHUJDUWHQ DQG )LUVW *UDGH DW (DVW (OHPHQWDU\ ZLOO KDYH DQ RULHQWDWLRQ WLPH RQ $XJXVW UG PK4
$ 25.00 Kindergarten
Milk (Required)
$ 50.00
Registration (Incl. Technology & Textbook Fees) Grades K – 12 $ 100.00 Band Fees (Incl. Percussion) Instrument Rental - Gr. 5-12 $ 75.00 Uniform Rental - Gr. 9-12 $ 20.00 Yearbooks
$ 55.00 Parking Pass
9th – 12th
$ 15.00
Photos by Steven C. Smith
Student Activity Tickets (K-12) $ 50.00 Activity Passes Family All Year Pass $175.00 Adult All Year Pass $ 65.00 Adult 5-Punch Pass $ 20.00 Adult 10-Punch Pass $ 40.00 Food Service (per day) Breakfast Grades K – 6 $1.50 Grades 7 – 12 $1.50 Adult $1.80 Lunch Grades K – 6 $2.45 Grades 7 – 12 $2.55 Adult $3.45 Milk 40¢
To qualify for free or reduced rates of any kind a FEE WAIVER APPLICATION must be approved. Should you not TXDOLI\ SD\PHQW DUUDQJHPHQWV FDQ EH PDGH E\ ¿ OOLQJ RXW D temporary waiver request at the $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ 2I¿ FH
Drainage doesn’t cost - it Pays!
Medical Associates NEW Factory Built Homes of Independence 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath
Hot and humid weather didn’t dampen the enthusiasm for fun and food at the annual Cy & Charley’s Customer Appreciation Event July 22. Many proud owners turned out with their classic and custom rides. Above Ron Hearn greets Judy and Jerry Lauer to the event.
Fun For Everyone! th Annual
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Sponsored by Buchanan County Tourism
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set on your foundation - $59,980.
Monday Evenings 5-7PM Please call for an appointment.
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Live Music b
Little Bar Band!
Beer, wine and food available for purchase.
Come on down and have a good time!
St re e t East Main Lots Parking
PAGE 12 July 28, 2016
The News & The Guide
Sit and Get Fit
Silver Sneakers makes ďŹ tness fun
Silver Sneakers meets every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:30-11:15 AM at its temporary site at the former Fareway building in Independence. Participants may sit or stand, and the exercises use stretch bands, rubber balls, weights and body movements. The activities really make a person feel more energetic. Susie Toale is the leader. (Donna Jensen Photo)
)ULGD\ S P S P Â&#x2021; 6DWXUGD\ D P S P 6XQGD\ D P S P
Open To The Public Admission $7.00
Guns ~ New & Used ~ Large Selection of Ammunition Visit us at marvkrausepromotions.net or call 563-608-4401 for table reservations.
Get up-to-date news, headlines, discussions!
Basic moves can help tone your body and get you on track to a leaner, ďŹ rmer body. You donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to be an elite runner or a body builder to start on the road to better health. You can even get a workout seated in a chair! Here are a few stretches and simple exercises you can do to get ďŹ t while you sit! â&#x20AC;˘ Deep breathing â&#x20AC;˘ Toe raises and heel raises â&#x20AC;˘ Side bend neck stretch â&#x20AC;˘ Wrist circles â&#x20AC;˘ Shoulder shrugs; shoulder rolls â&#x20AC;˘ Ankle circles â&#x20AC;˘ Squats- to chair and stand â&#x20AC;˘ Weightless bicep curls â&#x20AC;˘ Leg extensions â&#x20AC;˘ Tricep dips oďŹ&#x20AC; chair â&#x20AC;˘ Knee raises â&#x20AC;˘ Arm circles- forward and back â&#x20AC;˘ Shoulder press the air â&#x20AC;˘ Abdominal crunches in chair Stop in and check out our Remember that you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to start oďŹ&#x20AC; with hours selection of chilled wines! of intense training. Ease into an exercise routine that is achievable, yet productive and fulďŹ lling. Check your local wellness facility for chair-based exercise Belle Ambiance classes. Be sure to always check with your physician before beginning any physical activity program. Your choice only $899
Choose: Red Blend,
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Doug Cue, Owner 912 2nd Street SW â&#x20AC;˘ Independence, IA 50644
Phone: 319-334-4559 â&#x20AC;˘ Cell: 319-269-3260
Water Softners â&#x20AC;˘ Iron Filters â&#x20AC;˘ Drinking Water Systems â&#x20AC;˘ Sales - Rentals â&#x20AC;˘ We service all brands â&#x20AC;˘ Bottled Water & Salt Delivery Manchester, IA â&#x20AC;˘ Ph#: 800.798.8471
Carrie Gudenkauf, LUTCF Agent The Gudenkauf Agency 319.935.3701 319.935.3712 fax Carrie.Gudenkauf@fbfs.com 274 W. Madison Street P.O. Box 125 Winthrop, IA 50682
Business & Service Directory
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July 28, 2016 PAGE 13
Independence 319-334-6181
Auctioneering & Appraisal Service Certified Appraiser & Full-Service Marketing www.donnellyauction.com
AUTO SALES BIRDNOW Dealerships 1-888 Birdnow 1-888-247-3779 toll free Jesup, Oelwein, Monona, Cascade Chevy, Ford, Buick, Mercury, Pontiac, Lincolon, Cadillac We have NE IA Covered!
BROWN’S SALES & LEASING 4browns.com Guttenberg 1-800-747-1611 Elkader 1-800-747-2505
PINICON FORD Independence 319-334-6033 1-800-572-3110
J&D BODY SHOP Independence 319-334-4970
BUCHANAN MASONRY & CONCRETE INC. Brick, Block, Stone, Foundations, Patios, Retaining Walls, Sidewalks & Driveways Ron Connolly 319-334-4623 Cell: 563-920-1596
Commercial • Residential • Poured Walls & Basements • Sidewalks & Driveways Independence 319-334-6754
FOOD McELROY’S MAIN STREET DELI Winthrop 319-935-3354
WEE WILLYS Quasqueton 319-934-9301
5 $ y l n O k a wee
CONSOLIDATED ENERGY CO. LLC Propane-Gas-Diesel Fuel OilsMotor Oils & Lubes 800-338-3021
FUNERAL HOMES FAWCETT’S FUNERAL CHAPEL Winthrop & Lamont 319-935-3327 www.fawcettsfuneralhome. com
REIFF FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY Independence, Quasqueton & Winthrop 319-334-2501
WHITE FUNERAL HOME Quasqueton, Independence & Jesup 319-334-2595
PROFESSIONALS MILLENNIUM THERAPY Physical, Occupational, Speech Therapy Jane Priede, PT Joan O’Loughin-Good PTA
Independence 319-334-5155 6AM-6PM M-F or by appt.
Independence 319-334-6066 We carry all lines of insurance
SMITH INSURANCE Lamont 563-924-2816 1-800-890-9419 Aurora 319-634-3737
General Contracting Commercial * Residential * Ag Windows
563-924-2889 888-924-2889 excel@yousq.net
FRANCK CONST., LLC Terry & Tyler Franck Winthrop, Iowa 319-934-3682
GISSEL CONSTRUCTION INC. Commercial • Agricultural • Residential 319-334-4246
GREENLEY LUMBER CO. Independence 319-334-3705 (800) 609-3705
OFFICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES Independence 1-800-588-4171 Custom Computers, Richoh Copiers & Fax, Office Supplies, Free Delivery
Winthrop 319-935-3327
HARDWARE HANK Formerly Coast to Coast Independence 319-334-2362
HAULING PAUL YEAROUS TRUCKING Rock, Sand, Dirt, Decorative Rock, Lime Spreading 319-334-3033 319-934-3734
Concrete & Construction 9’ brick pattern walls Independence 319-334-9982
INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE OHL IOWA REALTY Real Estate & Insurance Independence 319-334-4329 319-334-7118 www.ohliowarealty.com steveohl@indytel.com
INSURANCE AMERICAN FAMILY INSURANCE Winthrop 319-935-3213 800-619-4835
E.B. TELEPHONE Winthrop 319-935-3011
TIRE SALES TNT REPAIR Tire Sales & Repair Auto • Implement Large Truck Winthrop 319-935-3098
Independence Scrap Metal • Iron • Cars 319-334-6391 Cell: 319-464-4994
Independence 319-334-7171
SCOTT PHARMACY 238 S. Main St. Fayette 563-425-4530 800-246-0024 www.scottrx.com
STOVES & FIREPLACES Over 18 years experience in alternative heating.
Strawberry Point, IA 563-933-2081
Free Estimates - Insured Craig Moroney 319-935-3990 or 1-800-545-5356 Cell: 319-521-9384
VACUUM CLEANERS AERUS ELECTROLUX Beverley Sprague Winthrop 319-935-3248 Sales & Service
Include YOUR business or service!
Call or stop in today! 319-327-1810
Email: scsmith@thenews-guide.com
July 28, 2016
The News & The Guide
25 Words for just $6. Only 10¢ for each additional word. Call 319-327-1810
FOR RENT Spacious 2 Bedroom/1 Bath apartment with family room and deck in Quasqueton. All appliances included. No smoking or pets allowed. $500 per month plus $500 deposit. Call 319-934btfn 3317.
FOR SALE 3 HP Tecumseh vertical shaft, 3 HP Briggs horizontal shaft; engines run. Also a 26 in. Murry bicycle. $75 for all. 319202-2422. Please leave message. pp
Statewide Classifieds CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT IF YOU HAD HIP OR KNEE REPLACEMENT SURGERY AND SUFFERED AN INFECTION between 2010 and the present time, you may be entitled to compensation. Call Attorney Charles H. Johnson 1-800-535-5727 (INCN) HELP WANTED- TRUCK DRIVER Owner Operators, Lease and Company Drivers Wanted! Sign On Bonus, MidStates Freight Lanes, Consistent Home Time, No Northeast. www.Drive4Red.com or 877-811-5902, CDL A Required (INCN) Class A CDL Drivers/Tankers. Great Pay, Home Weekends, and Benefits!
Potential of $60,000 plus per year! Contact Tony 608-935-0915 Ext SPORTING GOODS GUN SHOW July 29-31 Centre Hall, Waverly. Fri. 4-9PM, Sat. 9AM-5PM. Sun. 9AM-3PM Admission $7. Large selection of guns and ammunition for sale. More info www.marvkrauspromotions.net or (563) 608-4401 (INCN) MISCELLANEOUS Advertise your EVENT, PRODUCT, or RECRUIT an applicant in this paper plus 40 other papers in Northeast Iowa for only $110/week! Call 319-327-1810 or email: scsmith@thenews-guide.com.
Public Notice
CITY OF ROWLEY REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING July 14, 2016 Mayor Webster called the Regular Council Meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Council present: Janaszak, Hemsath, Fangman, Parizek and Platte. Citizens: Sheriff Wolfgram, Eric Smith, Brian & Vicki Norris. M/S/C: Platte/Hemsath all ayes to approve the minutes from June 9, 2016 Regular Council Meeting. M/S/C: Fangman/Parizek all ayes to approve the Treasurer Report for June 2016. General $190,612.85 Roads $ 27,227.51 Debt Service $ 880.19 Sewer $213,802.03 Total $432,522.58 M/S/C: Janaszak/Platte all ayes to approve the following expenses for July 2016 GENERAL SEWER Deb Hemsath-wages 359.12 Chad Niedert-wages 242.36 Doris Guge-wages 48.03 Deb Hemsath-wages 150.00 IRS-payroll taxes 173.68 REC 39.00 IPERS/Feb 68.95 RSB-collection 15.00 RSB-collection 15.00 CIWA-water 25.46 CIWA-water/Community Center 25.46 Consol. Energy/gas 103.74 CIWA-water/Fire dept. 25.46 Rowley Wrecker - tractor batt 149.45 Indytel 79.29 Print Exp, card printing 120.50 Greg Witte-Comm. Center Cleaning 60.00 ROADS Alliant 345.76 Alliant 631.69 Waste Management 2142.64 Consolidated Energy-gas 124.80 The News-publication 69.84 Prairie Roads-road work 6110.42 Greg Witte-wages 181.44 SOCIAL SERVICES Vern’s True Value-paint-plow blding 81.98 Buchanan Co. SubstanceAbuse 100.00 Weber Elec-ballast 137.52 Buchanan Co. Senior Center 100.00 Buch. Co.-law enforcement July-Dec 5544.00 Buchanan Co. Volunteer 100.00 IA League of Cities-annual member. 299.00 Cedar Valley Hospice 150.00 IA One Call 1.80 Operation Threshold 400.00 Deb Hemsath-QB payroll update 211.65 Buchanan Co. Tourism 60.00 BCEDC-annual 778.80 IA Dept. of Revenue-sales Tax 168.00 TOTAL 22,695.38 Sheriff Wolfgram presented the police report to the Council for June 2016-they had 16.60 hrs. for Rowley. Nothing to report to the Council or Mayor. Rowley had no calls in June. City Clerk presented the City Street Financial Report FY16 to the Mayor and Council. M/S/C: Fangman/Janaszak all ayes to approve Resolution 16-10 to accept the City Street Financial Report FY16 for the City of Rowley as presented. Street Closings for Rowley Days Weekend Friday July 29 Ely Street in front of Bottoms Up across to Rowley Savings Bank from 6pm to Sunday 2am. Saturday July 30 Parkway Blvd south of ball diamond from 8am until ball games are done. All of Ely St. from 8am until 2am Sunday. Market Ave will be closed in front of the Fire Station during the water ball fights Saturday will open for the parade to go thru. Brian and Vicki Norris introduced themselves to the Council. Presented the project they are doing in the land they purchased with the storage sheds from Stoddard. They are putting a fence around the property and want to add 80X112ft covered building for parking RV’s. They will need a variance permit, they will get the necessary signatures and present to Council in August to get approved for the permit. Eric Smith updated Council on the school and what has been decided on for the spending of money for repairs in the future. Clerk informed the Council that Rita Knutson had applied for a Community Foundation of Northeast IA Grant for the park and had received $3875 for the new playground equipment, so with the $1100 from Rowley Community Club and this Grant money will take care of most of the cost. Thank You Rita!! /s/ Mayor Webster /s/ Clerk Hemsath
Public Notice
East Buchanan Community School Board Meeting Minutes – July 13, 2016 Prior to the beginning of the regular meeting, the board recited the East Buchanan Mission Statement: “To challenge students to think critically, communicate effectively, develop values and contribute to society.” BOARD MEMBERS: Aaron Cook, Greg Schmitt, Brian Crawford, Chad Staton, Shawn Stone SUPERINTENDENT: Dan Fox SECRETARY: Beth Weepie VISITORS: Several visitors from the community were present at the meeting. CITIZENS FORUM: Mr. and Mrs Cabalka talked to the board about the softball season. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion was made by Staton second by Schmitt to approve the agenda. Motion carried with all ayes. CONSENT AGENDA: Motion was made by Crawford, second by Staton to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried with all ayes. Consent Agenda contained the following: Minutes from the June 15 meeting; Approve the hire of Elisa Brady as Assistant HS Girls Basketball Coach; Approve the June financial reports; Approve the July expenditures listed and attached to the minutes herein. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: Mr. Fox reported to the board. FACILITIES UPDATE: Mr. Fox presented bleacher quotes for the softball field. The cost was approximately $14,000 for two sets. The board requested a quote on the cement work needed and then review the bleacher bids again in August. BOARD POLICIES: Motion was made by Schmitt second by Crawford to approve the second reading of the following board policies: 102 Equal Educational Opportunity 102.E1 Annual Notice of Nondiscrimination 102.E2 Continuous Notice of Nondiscrimination 102.E3 Notice of Section 504 Student and Parental Rights 102.R1 Grievance Procedure 102.E4 Complaint Form 102.E5 Witness Disclosure Form 102.E6 Disposition of Complaint Form 104 Anti-Bullying /Anti-Harassment Policy 104.E1 Complaint Form 104.E2 Witness Disclosure Form 104.E3 Disposition of Complaint Form 104.R.1 Anti-Bullying/Anti-Harassment Investigation Procedures Motion carried with all ayes. 2016-2017 PRESCHOOL HANDBOOK AND ELEMENTARY HANDBOOK: Motion was made by Staton, second by Stone to approve the 2016-2017 Preschool Handbook and Elementary Handbook. Motion carried with all ayes. 2016-2017 SECONDARY/LAPTOP HANDBOOK: Motion was made by Crawford, second by Schmitt to approve the 2016-2017 Secondary/Laptop Handbook. Motion carried with all ayes. 2016-2017 FACULTY HANDBOOK: Motion was made by Stone, second by Crawford to approve the 2016-2017 Faculty Handbook. Motion carried with all ayes. RATIFICATION OF 2016-2017 MASTER CONTRACT WITH EBEA: Motion was made by Staton, second by Schmitt to approve the ratification of the 2016-2017 Master Contract with the EBEA. Motion carried with all ayes. 2015-2016 ACTIVITY INTEREST RE-DISTRIBUTION: Motion was made by Staton, second by Schmitt to approve the re-distribution of the 2015-2016 activity fund interest from the Buc Club Account to the Athletics account. Motion carried with all ayes. 2014-2015 AUDIT: Motion was made by Crawford second by Staton to approve the 2014-2015 Audit. Motion carried with all ayes. APPOINTMENT OF TREASURER: Motion was made by Staton, second by Stone to appoint Marilyn Steinkamp as the Board Treasurer for the 2016-2017 fiscal year. Motion carried with all ayes. APPOINTMENT OF BOARD SECRETARY: Motion was made by Crawford, second by Stone to approve the Beth Weepie as the Board Secretary for the 2016-2017 fiscal year. Motion carried with all ayes. 2016-2017 DEPOSITORIES: Motion was made by Crawford, second by Staton to approve Citizens State Bank of Winthrop; Bankers Trust in Des Moines; and ISJIT in Des Moines as depositories for district monies during the 2016-2017 fiscal year with a maximum amount of $8,000,000 total. Motion carried with all ayes. 2016-2017 APPROVAL TO SELL OUT-DATED EQUIPMENT: Motion was made by Staton, second by Stone to approve selling and/or disposing of out-dated equipment during the 2016-2017 school year. Motion carried with all ayes. 2016-2017 FORMAL GRADE DESIGNATION: Motion was made by Stone, second by Schmitt, to approve the following grade level designation for the 2016-2017 school year: Preschool, K-5 as Elementary; 6-8 as Middle School; and 9-12 as High School. Motion carried with all ayes. 2016-2017 FREE AND REDUCED LUNCH POLICY: Motion was made by Schmitt, second by Crawford to approve participation in the Free and Reduced Lunch Program during the 2016-2017 school year. Motion carried with all ayes. 2016-2017 BOARD MEETING DATES: Motion was made by Stone, second by Crawford to approve the 2016-2017 Board Meeting Dates which are: July 13, August 10, September 14, October 12, November 9, December 14, 2016; January 11, February 8, March 8, April 12, May 10 and June 14, 2017. Motion carried with all ayes. 2016-2017 MILK AND BREAD BIDS: Motion was made by Schmitt, second by Crawford to approve the milk bid submitted by Prairie Farms for the 2016-2017 school year. Motion carried with all ayes. Motion was made by Schmitt, second by Staton to approve the bread bid submitted by Bimbo Bakeries USA for the 2016-2017 school year. Motion carried with all ayes. FUTURE BOARD WORK SESSION: Motion was made by Staton, second by Stone to approve a work session from 5:00-7:00 p.m. on August 10, 2016 with the regular board meeting to follow. Motion carried with all ayes. 2016-2017 LEGISLATIVE ACTION PRIORITIES: The board decided on the following legislative action priorities for the 2016-2017 school year: STATE PENNY (RESOLUTION 28): Supports preserving the integrity of the statewide penny sales tax for school infrastructure, including the tax equity provisions. Supports repeal of the Dec. 31, 2029 sunset. SCHOOL FUNDING POLICY (RESOLUTION 20): Supports a school foundation formula that: •Provides adequate and timely funding; •Provides a funding mechanism for transportation costs that reduces the pressure on the general fund and addresses inequities between school districts; •Includes factors based on changes in demographics including socio-economic status, remedial programming, and enrollment challenges; •Equalizes per pupil funding; •Incorporates categorical funding in the formula within three years; and •Includes a mix of property taxes and state aid SUPPLEMENTAL STATE AID (RESOLUTION 21): Supports setting supplemental state aid: •For FY 2017, by January 29, 2016; •For FY 2018 and future budget years, within 400days (or 14 months) prior to the certification of the school’s district budget; and •at a rate that adequately supports local districts’ efforts to plan, create and sustain world-class schools SCHOOL BOARD TERMS (RESOLUTION 30): Supports returning to three-year school board member terms with less than a majority of the school board elected in any one year.
PRE-PAYMENT is required for Thank You and Classified Ads before publication. These are not billed. Send payment ($6.00 for up to 25 words, 10 cents per word after) with your ad to PO Box 9, Winthrop IA 50682 or drop off at 225 W. Madison, Winthrop. Thank you. MENTAL HEALTH: (RESOLUTION 8) Supports increased statewide access to and funding for mental health services for children. APPROVAL OF ENGAGEMENT LETTER WITH PIPER JAFFRAY FOR THE 2009 SALES TAX BONDS REFINANCING: Motion was made by Staton, second by Schmitt to Approve the Engagement Letter with Piper Jaffray for the 2009 Sales Tax Bonds Refinancing so long as legal fees do not exceed $10,000. Motion carried with all ayes. APPROVAL OF THE FORM OF TERM SHEET FOR DISTRIBUTION BY PIPER JAFFRAY FOR THE 2009 SALES TAX BONDS REFINANCING: Motion was made by Staton, second by Stone to approve the Form of Term Sheet for Distribution by Piper Jaffray for the 2009 Sales Tax Bonds Refinancing. Motion carried with all ayes. BUS PURCHASE: Motion was made by Crawford, second by Staton to table the purchase of a bus so Mr. Fox could investigate further into the pricing difference for a bus that utilizes natural gas. Motion carried with all ayes. RECEIVE PETITION AND SET DATE OF MEETING FOR BOARD TO CALL ELECTION AS AUGUST 10, 2016: Motion was made by Stone, second by Staton to receive and accept Petition and schedule the meeting for August 10, 2016 to call the election. Motion carried with all ayes. LUNCH POLICY REVIEW: Board Policies 710.1 School Food Program and 710.2 Free or Reduced Cost Meals Eligibility were reviewed. Mr. Fox presented information to the board about future procedures for past due lunch accounts. Several lunch accounts are extremely negative. Past procedure has been a phone call from the Superintendent; however, history reflects that this method is no longer effective. Mr. Fox thought that maybe the possibility of a student receiving a cheese sandwich along with fruit and milk instead of the main meal could be implemented.The board gave Mr. Fox direction to check into how other school districts handle negative lunch accounts and bring that information to the next board meeting for action. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Staton, second by Crawford to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m. Motion carried with all ayes. Next board meeting is August 10th, 2016 with a work session from 5:00-7:00 pm with the Iowa Association of School Board Representative along with the regular meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the library. Beth Weepie, Board Secretary General Fund - EOY BILLS AEA 267 Laptop repair $338.60 BLACK HAWK WAST DISP, INC. GARBAGE $375.00 CITY LAUNDERING CO. Bus-towel cleaning $34.17 CJ COOPER & ASSOCIATES, INC. Bus Driver Drug Testing $546.60 Continental Research Corporation Drain cleaner $211.74 DESIGNS UNLIMITED Board General Supplies $29.96 EAST BUCHANAN TELEPHONE COOP District Telephone $1,530.43 ESCHEN TARPY NAPA Bus parts $68.34 HDC PRINTED PRODUCTS Business Office checks $142.38 IOWA ASSOC OF SCHOOL BOARDS Board Purchased Service $2,319.00 IOWA COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKBandwith Service $295.52 KEYSTONE AEA 1 TLC GRANT-supplies $240.00 MCELROY’S FOOD MARKET Meals-Princ Interview $98.31 WINTHROP NEWS Minutes/Newsletter $627.54 OFFICE OF AUDITOR OF STATE FY15 Audit filing fee $625.00 PREMIER SCHOOL AGENDAS, INC MS/Elem Planners $650.65 SAI Superintendent dues $574.00 SCHOOL BUS SALES CO Bus part $9.00 STANDARD AUTO PARTS VAN/BUS PARTS $130.35 THOMAS ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Floor Scrubber-repair $85.60 TNT REPAIR Tire repair $42.32 US CELLULAR Cell phones $343.64 WAVERLY-SHELL ROCK CSD SPED tuition $11,064.57 WEBER PAPER COMPANY Maintenance Supplies $2,242.86 WEST DELAWARE CSD Trans-Shared Contract $1,486.95 WINTHROP BUILDING SUPPLY Maintenance Supplies $452.07 PPEL: WAVERLY-SHELL ROCK CSD Lease-SPED Consortium $656.69 General Fund JULY BILLS ADVENTURE LIGHTING lightbulbs $262.14 AEA 267 1st Grade writing journals $482.57 ALLIANT ENERGY District Electricity $4,047.23 BARNES & NOBLE, INC. LMC Books $991.95 CAPITAL SANITARY SUPPLY CO. INC. Maintenance Supplies $11.51 CHASE CARD SERVICES Fox-Class registration $540.00 Water & Sewage $395.85 CITY OF WINTHROP COPY SYSTEMS INC Copier Maintenance $1,667.17 CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES Maint supplies $70.01 DHS CASHIER 1ST FL. Medicaid - State share $1,435.13 DUNLAP MOTORS, INC VAN 08 REPAIR $202.35 ESCHEN TARPY NAPA MOWER SUPPLIES $31.44 GREAT AMERICAN OPPORTUNITIES LMC MAGAZINES $169.80 Hare, Charlene REIMB DOT PHYSICAL $80.00 HEINEMANN Reading curriculum-(SINA funds) $6,704.75 INDEPENDENCE CSD Fall Concurrent Class tui $291.46 JPGASWAY Maintenance Supplies $1,132.20 Kerkove, Michael REIMB DOT PHYSICAL $80.00 LINN CO-OPERATIVE OIL CO DIESEL $7,182.98 LINN-MAR CSD Spring-Supp. Wgt. Tui $882.34 MARION INDEPENDENT CSD Spring-Supp. Wgt. Tui $516.92 MCELROY’S FOOD MARKET Cleaning supplies $9.70 RIDDELL/ALL AMERICAN Refurbish of FB Helmets (safety) $2,262.39 SCHOOL BUS SALES CO Bus Repairs $2,566.17 TIMBERLINE BILLING SERVICE LLC Medicaid Billing Services $104.86 WALMART COMMUNITY BRC HS Summer School Supplies $56.15 WEBER PAPER COMPANY Gym Floor Finisher $178.54 Capital Projects (SAVE) LYNCH ROOFING & SIDING, INC HS Gym Roof Repair $45,000.00 STRUXTURE ARCHITECTS Architect Fee $1,785.00 Voted PPEL BRENTHAVEN CHROMEBOOK BAGS $8,305.55 Activity Fund BARNES, TOM ATHLETICS OFFICIALS $75.00 BODENSTEINER IMPLEMENT ATHLETICS EQUIPMENT $26.37 DARDIS, FRANK ATHLETICS OFFICIALS $95.00 J.W. PEPPER & SON, INC. PEP BAND SUPPLIES $187.99 LORAS COLLEGE VOLLEYBALL VOLLEYBALL SUPPLIES $350.00 Madison, Nicholas ATHLETICS OFFICIALS $95.00 MARY’S FLOWER PATCH BASEBALL SUPPLIES $28.00 MCELROY’S FOOD MARKET WRESTLING SUPPLIES $58.42 MONTICELLO SPORTS ATHLETICS SUPPLIES $2,356.00 MURPHY, BOB ATHLETICS OFFICIALS $70.00 NIEHAUS, JEFF ATHLETICS OFFICIALS $72.50 OLSON, ERIC ATHLETICS OFFICIALS $105.00 ROBERT RICHTER ATHLETICS OFFICIALS $95.00 STEFFEN, PHILIP ATHLETICS OFFICIALS $70.00 TOTAL $3,684.28
The News & The Guide
July 28, 2016 PAGE 15
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Public Notice
Buchanan County Board of Supervisors July 18, 2016 The Buchanan County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, July 18, 2016 with Don Shonka, Chairman in the Chair, Ellen Gaffney and Gary Gissel present. Absent, none. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Motion by Gissel second by Gaffney to approve the minutes of the July 11th meeting. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to approve the employee reimbursement claims filed with the County Auditor for payment in the amount of $157.84. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to approve the following officer reports: monthly – County Recorder $9,887.90; Clerk of Court $1,856.51; Jail $7,434.96; quarterly – County Auditor $39,875.44 and Sheriff $11,675.42. All in favor, motion carried.
Public Notice
Buchanan County Board of Supervisors July 11, 2016 The Buchanan County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, July 11, 2016 with Don Shonka, Chairman in the Chair, Ellen Gaffney and Gary Gissel present. Absent, none. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Motion by Gissel second by Gaffney to approve the minutes of the July 5th meeting. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to approve the claims filed with the County Auditor for payment in the amount of $701,428.26. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gissel second by Gaffney to accept the resignation from Conservation Board Member, Patricia Fencl effective July 11, 2016. All in favor, motion carried. The Board of Supervisors will accept applications for the Conservation Board until August 1, 2016. Additional information and applications can be obtained at the County Auditor’s office. Roadside Manager, Sherlyn Hazen presented her monthly report. An explanation of the wild parsnip was given by Hazen and Conservation Naturalist, Sondra Cabell. Approximately 490 miles of brush and thistles have been sprayed the past month. The staff is cutting trees within the county right of way around the county. After discussion, motion by Gaffney second
Call SHIIP for regarding Medicare Supplement changes Let’s face it – Medicare is confusing. It’s even more confusing when changes in the law occur. Sometimes those changes are easy to understand. Other times laws are so hard to interpret that everyday Iowans throw their hands up in disgust without getting the answers they need. Luckily, the Iowa Insurance Division’s Senior Health Insurance Information Program – better known as SHIIP – is available to provide free, unbiased information about how changes may affect people on Medicare. SHIIP has over 350 volunteers all over Iowa to help get Iowans answers and assistance with their Medicare questions. SHIIP counselors do such a great job that they helped save Iowans over $20 million last year. Recently, SHIIP counselThe Buchanan County Zoning Comors have been getting many mission will meet at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 in the Buchanan calls regarding a change County Public Health meeting room in Medicare law that will located at 1413 1st St W, Independence, IA. This meeting is open to the take place in 2020 regardpublic and anyone wishing to attend is ing Medicare Supplement welcome to do so. AGENDA plans C and F. 1. Approval of minutes from the July 2016 meeting Medicare Supplement 2. Keith & Jolene Fogle request plans are sold by private to amend the restrictions that were agreed to on July 5, 1995 with the reinsurance companies to zoning of 8.15 acres of their land from “A-1” Agricultural to “R-3” Residenfill the gaps in traditional tial to allow for four dwellings on the Medicare plans (Parts A property instead of the two dwellings that were originally agreed upon. The and B). Medicare plans property is located in the NE ¼, NW help pay for things like ¼, NE ¼, Sec 21, T88N, R8W at 2536
Public Notice
250th St, Independence, IA 50644. 3. Adjournment
coinsurance, copayments or deductibles on Medicare-covered services. If you own a Medicare Supplement C or F plan before Jan. 1, 2020, there will be no need to replace it. You will be able to keep it after 2020. In fact, as long as you were eligible for or enrolled in Medicare prior to 2020, you can continue to purchase Medicare Supplement Plans C or F even beyond 2020. The change in law simply will take these two plan options off the table for those newly eligible for or enrolled in Medicare after Jan. 1, 2020. At the 18 Iowa Fraud Fighter events the Iowa Insurance Division has held around the state, we discussed how, whenever there is a change in law, there is a certain amount of fear of the unknown. Whenever those changes occur, we see some individuals trying to exploit that fear and make a profit by encouraging people to make a switch that may not be the right choice for the consumer. SHIIP has been seeing items claiming that once 2020 hits, Medicare Supplement Plans C and F will become unaffordable so people should switch now. That is simply not the case. Medicare supplement plans have come and gone over the years but the Iowa Insurance Division has not seen rate spirals in the Medicare supplement market. Medicare is confusing. Changes to Medicare are confusing. Don’t try to understand all the changes yourself. Even I have my family get help from the experts at SHIIP. Call them today at 800-351-4664 or visit www.therightcalliowa.gov. They can answer questions and even review policies to make sure you are getting the most from Medicare and Medicare Supplement plans.
Motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to approve the FY17 Business Permit for Nick Thole, d/b/a Thole Plumbing & Heating, 3310 135th St., Lamont, plumbing and heating business. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to approve the following resolution. On roll call all voted aye thereon. Motion carried. RESOLUTION 16-53 RESOLUTION CALLING FOR THE STATE LEGISLATURE AND GOVERNOR TO ENACT LEGISLATION TO EQUALIZE THE FUNDING BASIS FOR MENTAL HEALTH STATEWIDE WHEREAS, mental health regions were created with the passage in 2012 of Senate File 2315 (SF 2315) with the primary purpose of equalizing mental health services and expenses throughout the State of Iowa; and WHEREAS, Buchanan County joined the counties of Benton, Bremer, Delaware, Dubuque, Iowa, Johnson, Jones and Linn to create the Mental Health/Disability Services of the East Central Region (ECR);
and WHEREAS, SF 2315 added an additional cap on the funding basis for counties by instituting a statewide per capita expenditure targeted amount of up to $47.28 in addition to the previous limitation placed on counties by the previous covering legislation (SF 69) the county base; and WHEREAS, SF 2315 established that counties with population expenditure targeted amounts that exceed the county base year expenditures shall receive equalization payments for this difference from the property tax relief fund; and · WHEREAS, the legislature has decided that the equalization payments will no longer be funded; and WHEREAS, the differing methods of determining levy rates has created inequities between the per capita rates of the counties within the ECR instead of equalizing; and WHEREAS, this inequity is not only unfair to the taxpayers within the ECR that have the ability to levy at the higher per capita rate, it also jeopardizes the long
term survival of the regional concept. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the ECR has proposed a solution to address these inequities in the per capita rates to the State Legislature and Governor, by removing the base year expenditure cap, thereby allowing each county to contribute equitably. This will enable the ECR to generate the necessary revenue assuring the capability to deliver services at a fair and equal rate throughout the ECR; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that it is the intent of the Buchanan County Board of Supervisors to lower the current per capita rate to provide equity for their constituents consistent with the lowest per capita rate charged within the nine county region, and is recommending all counties within the ECR act accordingly and while we understand that this action will create equity for Buchanan County taxpayers, it will result in funding challenges for the region. Understanding this, we believe that the legislature, through its inaction has left us no choice; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the
Buchanan County Board of Supervisors recommends the Governance Board of the ECR develop a public announcement that explains to the citizens of Buchanan County and the citizens of the ECR as a whole that the failure of the legislature to take appropriate action on levy rate caps places an unfair burden of funding on the citizens of some counties within the region and throughout the state as regions are forced to utilize an unfair taxing method; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this Resolution be forwarded to Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, to Senate President Pam Jochum, to Majority Leader Michael Gronstal, to Republican Leader Bill Dix, to House of Representatives Speaker Linda L. Upmeyer, to Majority Leader Chris Hagenow, to Minority Leader Mark D. Smith, to the Buchanan County representatives in the General Assembly, Senator Brian Schoenjahn, and Representatives Bruce Bearinger and Quentin Stanerson and to the Iowa State Association of Counties.
Passed and adopted this 18th day of July 2016. The Board met with Ray McDonald regarding a personnel matter. Mr. McDonald requested a closed session. At 9:15 a.m. motion by Gissel second by Gaffney to enter into closed session per Iowa Code Sec. 21.5(1)(i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. On roll call vote – Ayes: Gaffney, Gissel and Shonka, Nays – none. Motion carried. At 9:57 a.m. motion by Gissel second by Gaffney to come out of closed session. On roll call vote – Ayes: Gaffney, Gissel and Shonka, Nays – none. Motion carried. No official action was taken. Motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to adjourn at 10:01 a.m. All in favor, motion carried. Don Shonka, Chairman ATTEST: Cindy Gosse, Auditor
by Gissel to accept the report. All in favor, motion carried. Public Health Director, Amy Marlow presented her monthly report. The department completed a sunscreen project with Linn Co. Health Dept. and Iowa Cancer Consortium, supplying one gallon of sunscreen to all outdoor swim pools in the county. The training has been completed to re-enroll for Vaccine for Children vaccine. Marlow attended the Iowa Department of Public Health Bureau of Emergency and Trauma Services workshops regarding FY18 grants. Additional grant dollars were received for FY17. After discussion, motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to accept the report. All in favor, motion carried. Environmental Health/Zoning Administrator, Matthew Even presented his monthly report. The Grants to Counties contract for FY17 was awarded at the same amount as FY16. Administrator Even reported the update to Chapter 42 of the county ordinance regarding Private Sewage Disposal Systems has been completed and approved by the Board of Health. Letters have been sent to noncompliant individuals who have not installed a new system or had their existing system inspected as they agreed to when transferring the properties. The department received the contract for pool, tattoo and tanning inspections. Five zoning complaints are being investigated. The Board of Health approved the Animal Bite Policy which outlines Environmental Health’s role
in investigations of animal bites with the intent to monitor and prevent the spread of rabies. June statics for permits and well testing were reported. Motion by Gissel second by Gaffney to accept the report. All in favor, motion carried. EMA Director, Rick Wulfekuhle presented his monthly report. Safety drills were performed July 6th. Work continues at the emergency support facility. The CERT training was held June 11th & 18th with feedback from East Buchanan and Independence schools. Chris Hare reported the grant for the county-wide credentialing project was denied. Wulfekuhle, Hare and James Quinn attended the National Grid Mapping System training in Waterloo. Wulfekuhle and Supervisor Gissel attended the Waterloo Haz-Mat response meeting on July 7th. Wulfekuhle reviewed the training dates for the upcoming month. After discussion, motion by Gissel second by Gaffney to accept the report. All in favor, motion carried. Community Services Director, Julie Davison presented the monthly reports of her department. Case Management served 104 clients in June. Delaware County is managing 32 clients for Buchanan County. Davison reported that MCO’s contracting Buchanan County clients are stabilized and the department is in a position to hire a part-time case manager. One resident received rental assistance and four received utility assistance. Twenty-four veterans were served. After discussion, motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to accept
the report. All in favor, motion carried. IT Director, Ray McDonald presented the monthly report of his department. McDonald reported on the work completed the past month and what is scheduled to be completed in the next 30 days. After discussion, motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to accept the monthly report. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to approve the following resolution. On roll call all voted aye thereon. Motion carried RESOLUTION 16-52 AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING WHEREAS, the Buchanan County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing for the first reading of the amendment to Chapter 42 Private Sewage Disposal Systems Ordinance on Monday, August 1, 2016 at 9:15 a.m. in the Board of Supervisors’ Chambers, Courthouse, Independence; and WHEREAS, copies of the proposed amendment to Chapter 42 Private Sewage Disposal Systems Ordinance are available in the County Auditor’s office, 210 5th Ave. N.E., Independence, Iowa and can be obtained between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Interested parties that are unable to attend the hearing may submit written concerns prior to the date and time of the hearing to the Board of Supervisors, P.O. Box 317, Independence, Iowa 50644. Passed this 11th day of July 2016. County Engineer, Brian Keierleber presented contracts for the replacement of
the bridge in Sec. 10 of Liberty Township. After discussion, motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to approve the contract between Buchanan County and K Construction Inc., Elkader for the replacement of a bridge (NBIS 81940) in Sec. 10 of Liberty Township on 235th St. project no. BROS-C010(96)--8J-10 in the amount of $292,434.62 and authorize the chairman to sign. All in favor, motion carried. Engineer Keierleber presented a list of equipment to be sold. After discussion, motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to approve the following solicitation for bidding. All in favor, motion carried. SOLICITATION FOR BIDS The Buchanan County Board of Supervisors will accept bids for the following equipment to be sold as is. Item 1. 1981 LN8000 tandem axle truck without box, 3208 Cat engine, 294,075 miles Item 2. 1990 LN8000 single axle truck with dump box, Ford engine, 155,862 miles Item 3. 1990 LN8000 single axle truck with dump box, Ford engine, 263,344 miles Item 4. Used metal tracks for skid loader with rubber tires Item 5. 1972 Model 1755 Oliver diesel tractor with duals, 6,265 hours Item 6. 1974 Model RPV 100 air compressor with gas engine - does not run Item 7. Homemade 5 ft. x 6 ft. metal trailer Item 8. Nine (9) ft., hydraulic angle three
point blade Item 9. Miller 200LE welder with bad engine – does not run All bids shall be submitted on bid proposal forms which can be obtained at the County Auditor’s office. Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope, mailed or given to the Buchanan County Auditor’s office not later than 9:00 a.m., Monday, August 1, 2016. The words “equipment bid” must be written on the outside of the envelope. Bids will be opened beginning at 9:15 a.m., August 1, 2016 in the Supervisors boardroom at the Buchanan County Courthouse. Those submitting sealed bids will be allowed to raise their bids at that time. Contact the County Engineer’s office at 319-334-6031 for further information. Passed this 11th day of July 2016. County Auditor, Cindy Gosse presented the June financial report. After discussion, motion by Gaffney second by Gissel to accept the report. All in favor, motion carried. Auditor Gosse presented the June Health Insurance Trust financial report. After discussion, motion by Gissel second by Gaffney to accept the report. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gissel second by Gaffney to adjourn at 10:48 a.m. All in favor, motion carried. Don Shonka, Chairman ATTEST: Cindy Gosse, Auditor
July 28, 2016
The News & The Guide
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