THE GUIDE 8 21 14

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August 21, 2014

In THE NEWS this week...

ICSD to demolish/develop old high school site

By Steven C. Smith The Independence Community School District (ICSD) board took action Monday night to move forward in demolition and development of the former junior/senior high school site. The school board heard from several residents in the neighborhood adjacent to the school. Speakers cited the board’s promise during the campaign to pass the referendum in 2011 to demolish the school within six months of the completion of the new school. The City of Independence had entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with ISCD on March 10, 2014, which called for the city to purchase the school and property for $1.00 pending 60-day inspection period and exclusivity for 90 days.

Read THE REST of this story in THE NEWS this week!

EB School Board discusses architectural plans. Read all these stories, and much MORE, in THE NEWS this Week! • Debate heats up over EB basketball position • Pleasant Grove Presbyterian Church closes - Littleton and Chatham Historical Society to open museum, community center • News from Brandon - News from Quasqueton • Supervisors hear monthly reports from county department heads • Buchanan County Animal Shelter breaks ground on new facility • John Sheda’s and Joanne Roepke Bode’s columns! • School News & Sports, Area Community & Business News • Weddings, Engagements, Anniversaries, Community Events, Area Obituaries, Recipe Box, Color Photos, More!

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PAGE 6 August 21, 2014

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PAGE 8 August 21, 2014

Public Notice

Quasqueton City Council Mayor Staton called monthly meeting to order at 7pm on August 11, 2014. Council members in attendance were; Nelson, Payne, Mausser, Stanford and Werling. Others in attendance at the meeting were; Marsha Hepker, Fire Chief Vanous, Public Works Director Sandberg and City Clerk Arnold. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and roll call was taken. Council approved existing agenda and motion was made by Stanford and second by Nelson to have additional item added to agenda to set date for hearing for consideration of potentially vicious dog, all in favor. Unless otherwise stated, all motions were unanimous. Motion was made by Mausser, and second by Payne for approval of previous minutes. Motion made by Mausser and second by Stanford to approve existing bills. George Lake, the new Director of

Public Notice

EAST BUCHANAN COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Board Meeting Minutes August 11, 2014 Prior to the beginning of the regular meeting, the board recited the East Buchanan Mission Statement: “To challenge students to think critically, communicate effectively, develop values and contribute to society.” BOARD MEMBERS: Aaron Cook, Greg Schmitt, Brian Crawford, Matt Walthart, George Aberle SUPERINTENDENT: Dan Fox SECONDARY PRINCIPAL: Travis Schueller SECRETARY: Beth Weepie VISITORS: Several visitors from the community were present at the meeting. CITIZENS FORUM: Deb Donlea spoke to the board regarding the current Girls Basketball Coaching position that is open and asked that a member of the community, Rod Conrad, be considered for the position. Charlie Hamilton spoke to the board about the Girls Basketball Coaching position as well and also informed the board his experience with Rod Conrad and asked that he be considered for the position. Board member Walthart then spoke about the unique situation we have and that due to the interest in the community for the Girls Basketball position requested the board consider looking into the subject in more detail and entertain other options. Motion was made by Walthart, second by Schmitt to table the hire of Lee White as the girls basketball coach to discuss in more detail more options for the position at a special meeting. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Schmitt, Walthart, Crawford, Cook; Nayes: Aberle. Motion carried 4-1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion was made by Schmitt second by Crawford to approve the agenda with the removal of Item “K” ELL Plan to discuss at next month’s meeting. Motion carried 5-0. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA: Motion was made by Aberle, second by Crawford to approve the Consent Agenda with the following changes: table the hire of Lee White as Girls Basketball Coach to a Special Meeting to be held in the future; the addition of contracts for

The News & The Guide Buchanan County Economic Development, gave the council statistics of the cities demographics. He explained that the goal for Buchanan County was trying to retain employment within the county, instead of people seeking employment elsewhere. He advised everyone that we would be having a job fair later, and special focus would be given to veterans and also those who have completed the National Career Readiness exam. Council decided to have Potentially Vicious Dog Hearing set for August 22, 2014 at 4pm, clerk to send out letters. A motion was made by Nelson and second by Payne to approve Resolution 14-13 Road Closure for upcoming Fish Fry on August 23rd, 2014. Resolution 14-14 (Street Lighting) was tabled until council can validate the necessity for additional lights added on Racine Ave. A motion was made by Payne and second by Stanford for approval of Law Enforcement Report. Councilmen Stanford advised everyone that he had spoken to Signs and More about getting new flags, still

does not have quote, will table until next month. A motion was made by Nelson and second by Werling to approve Clerks report and also sending her and the Mayor to training on August 27th, 2014. A motion was made by Stanford and second by Nelson for approval of Public Works Report. Mayor advised everyone of City Truck that had been purchased to plow snow instead of having to use large truck to do all jobs. Motion was made by Stanford, and second by Payne for approval of QES Report. Mayor gave Treasurer Report. Council discussed bids received from Bodensteiner Implement for new John Deere Mower/Tractor. After much discussion, a motion was made by Mausser to purchase tractor with 2 attachments (mower & broom) with extended warranty, motion was second by Werling. Mayor advised everyone that a new weed eater had to be purchased. There has been mention of having a skate board park setup at ballpark, some council members felt that a splash pad would get better use, no decisions were made

at this time. Mayor again advised every one of upcoming haunted house dates for the community club. Mayor asked permission from council to attend REAP Grant (Shower house) meeting in Des Moines on September 4th, 2014. Further advised council that additional electric and water hookups should be installed within the next few months. The Dam Project is still ongoing, with a couple of needed engineering changes to ensure that rocks don’t keep moving with water overflow. Mayor stated that trying to find someone to repaint and reposition entrance sign at campground. Council questioned repainting of bathroom at Vets Memorial, stated it was all done voluntarily, but paint should be provided, also other repair work that needed to be done. Mayor and Val Stanford are currently still working on getting city web site setup. Council further discussed complaints that they had gotten for weeds and sand in different parts of the city, clerk will send out letters

of nuisance. A motion was made by Werling and second by Stanford for adjournment of meeting at 8:50pm. Minutes recorded by Anita Arnold. Name Memo Amount M&C Mowing & More LLC- Mowing Cemetery .......................2,050.00 Wal-Mart-Chairs ...............9 8 3 . 0 0 Ipers..................................5 5 6 . 1 6 Rowley Savings Bank- 941 Payment..................................9 4 9 . 1 4 True Value-Blades for mower ............................................6 5 . 9 7 Agvantage FS-Tank Rent ...2 0 . 0 0 Hausers Water Conditioning- Services 7/14 Statement .......... 11 . 0 0 John Deere Financial-supplies .................................. 11 0 . 8 9 Peters Law Office-Professional Services ............................3 2 4 . 4 8 U. S. Post Office-Mail/samples .....................................9 3 . 4 0 Quasky Mart-8/1/14 Statement..................................8 2 8 . 4 1 Sandol Lab-Wastewater Testing .....................................2 3 6 . 0 0 The News-Minutes..............6 2 . 8 9 Advanced Systems-Service Contract for 8/10/14-9/09/14 .....1 3 . 5 0 East Buchanan Telephone Co-OpPhone Lines 671/14..........1 9 9 . 8 7

RJS Motorsports &Welding-Weld Street Lamp ......................1 2 0 . 0 0 Iowa One Call-Jun email ......7 . 2 0 Fletcher-Reinhardt Company-Decorative Pole....................1 , 7 0 6 . 11 Keystone lab-Wasterwater Analysis 7/14 .............................1 3 5 . 2 0 Menards-Flag & hardware .......................................... 11 9 . 3 5 Wal-Mart-Supplies ..............9 3 . 3 2 Ia Dept. of Natural Resources- NPDES Annual Fee ...............2 1 0 . 0 0 INRCOG-Membership Dues FY15 .................................2 5 4 . 8 4 CIWA-Mthly Water ..............5 4 . 5 5 Waste Management of WI-MNJuly Pickup ....................3,036.69 Alliant Utilities-July bill ...3,318.64 Marsha Hepker-campground commission .............................3 4 1 . 7 8 Staton Dream Rentals, LLC-Mower usage ................................1 2 5 . 0 0 Iowa Wireless-Cell Phone 8/14.....................................3 5 . 9 8 Arnold, Anita I ...................6 3 9 . 7 6 Sandberg, Jay D ............2,092.54 Staton, Adrienne ...............2 6 0 . 1 2 ECIA-City Finance 101 .......5 0 . 0 0 Rowley Savings Bank ..19,105.79 TOTAL .........................19,105.79

Beth Dolan as Preschool Teacher and Preschool Associate and Lisa Goedken as Speech Coach. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Walthart, Crawford, Schmitt, Cook; Naye: Aberle; Motion carried 4-1. Items on the Consent agenda were: Approved minutes for the July 14, 2014 regular board meeting; Approved the resignation of Melissa Childers as Lunchroom Ticket taker; Approved the hire of Beth Dolan as Preschool Teacher (.5 FTE); Approved the hire of Beth Dolan as Preschool Associate (.5 FTE); Approved the hire of Lisa Goedken as Speech Coach; Approved the July 2014 financial reports; Approved the expenditures listed and attached to the minutes herein. BOARD POLICY – SECOND READING 507.9R Wellness Policy: Motion was made by Crawford, second by Aberle to approve the second reading of Board Policy No. 507.9R. Motion carried with all ayes. 905.2 Tobacco-Free Environment: Motion was made by Walthart, second by Aberle to approve the second reading of Board Policy No. 905.2 Tobacco-Free Environment. Motion carried with all ayes. TITLE I PROGRAM: Motion was made by Aberle, second by Schmitt to approve the participation in the 2014-2015 Title I program. Motion carried 5-0. BEGINNING TEACHER MENTORING PROGRAM: Motion was made by Aberle, second by Crawford to approve the participation in the 2014-2015 Beginning Teacher Mentoring and Induction program. Motion carried 5-0. 2014-2015 SUBSTITUTE PAY: Motion was made by Schmitt, second by Crawford to approve the changes to the substitute pay for teachers with an increase from $95/day to $100/day; and for the Substitute Bus Drivers an increase from $25/ per route to $30/per route; all current substitute rates for custodians, associates and cooks will remain the same. Motion carried 5-0. 2014-2015 AUP HANDBOOK: Motion was made by Walthart, second by Aberle to approve the 2014-2015 AUP Handbook Motion carried 5-0. 2014-2015 APPOINTMENT OF SCHOOL ATTORNEY: Motion was made by Aberle, second by Schmitt to approve the appointment of Steve Weidner of Swisher & Cohrt as the school’s attorney for 2014-2015. Motion carried 5-0. 2014-2015 APPOINTMENT OF OFFICIAL PUBLICATION: Mo-

tion was made by Walthart, second by Crawford to approve Winthrop News as the official publication for the 2014-2015 school year. Motion carried 5-0. PUBLICATION OF 2013-2014 ANNUAL SALARIES AND 2013-2014 YEAR-END REPORT: Motion was made by Crawford, second by Aberle to approve the publication of the 2013-2014 Annual Salary Listing and also to approve the Annual Report for 2013-2014. Motion carried 5-0. 2013-2014 TREASURER’S REPORT: Motion was made by Walthart, second by Schmitt to approve the 2013-2014 Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried 5-0. 2014-2015 DISTRICT DEVELOPED SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN (DDSDP): Motion was made by Aberle, second by Schmitt to approve the 2014-2015 District Developed Service Delivery Plan. Motion carried 5-0. APPROVAL OF SIAC MINUTES: Motion was made by Crawford, second by Walthart to approve the minutes from the July 9th, 2014 SIAC meeting. Motion carried 5-0. Iowa Core: Nothing new to update. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: Secondary Principal: Mr. Schueller talked to the board about the SAI conference that he recently attended. Mr. Schueller also spoke about the FFA attending the State Fair this week. Mr. Schueller also stated that he plans to initiate a new team of teachers that would meet on a regular basis and it would be called the BLT team (Building Leadership Team). He is excited about the kids coming back to school and has been preparing for their arrival. Elementary Principal/District Update: Mr. Fox reported that the sound system will be in place here at the football field in the next week along with improving the system in the gym. Mr. Fox attended the SAI conference as well and has been preparing for the students to arrive in the next few weeks. BOARD PARKING LOT: Facilities Expansion Concept: Brian Crawford introduced the first rough draft on the possible additions to the facilities which would include: Phase one: New shop building and FFA classroom with a possible greenhouse. Phase two: new gymnasium with a safe shelter below. Matt Walthart discussed that the 25 second clocks would be installed on the football field. Greg Schmitt informed the board that the partitions in the pressbox were going to be installed as well by

volunteers from the community. Maintenance/Work Order update: Mr. Fox reported that the tuck pointing had been done in the 5th grade room; the high school office now has a new conference room; carpeting was installed in the entryway at the high school entrance. All the floors have been waxed and everything is coming together. The school looks really good for the student’s first day. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Update on website maintenance quotes from various companies. Next regular board meeting is Monday, September 8, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. Motion was made by Walthart, second by Schmitt to adjourn the meeting at 8:32 p.m. Motion carried 5-0. Respectfully submitted, Beth Weepie Board Secretary August Board Approved Expenses General Fund AEA 267-NEWSLETTER/PD ACCESS ..............................$ 6 5 6 . 3 4 ATTN: MISIC-CURR LICENSE ........................$ 2 , 3 3 0 . 0 0 Adventure Lighting-ELECTRICAL SUPPLY..........................$ 2 6 4 . 9 1 Alliant Energy-SERVICE .....................................$ 4 , 6 3 5 . 2 7 Bland’s Flower Shop-MOSSMANPLANT ..............................$ 4 5 . 0 0 Burton E. Tracy & Co P.C.- P R E AUDIT ..........................$ 1 , 0 4 7 . 8 4 Capital Sanitary Supply Co. Inc.FLOOR FINISH ..............$ 4 2 9 . 0 0 Cedar Falls CSD-PURCH SERV .........................$ 1 7 , 2 0 0 . 7 4 Chase Card Services-Supplies .............................$ 1 , 0 6 6 . 8 3 City Of Winthrop-WATER AND SEWAGE ........................$ 3 4 4 . 7 7 Craig Moroney-Stump Removal .......................................$ 6 5 . 0 0 Dubuque Fire Equipment, Inc.PURCH SERV ................$ 1 0 2 . 6 0 ENCO-IT SUPPLIES ......$ 2 1 6 . 6 8 East Buchanan Coop TelephoneSERVICE .....................$ 1 , 2 7 0 . 3 8 Edgenuity-ONLINE CURRICULUM .............................$ 1 , 8 0 0 . 0 0 Eschen Tarpy Napa-MOWER FILTER ..................................$ 2 2 . 4 0 HDC PRINTED PRODUCTS-A C T FUND CHECKS..............$ 1 2 9 . 8 7 IA Assoc Of Sch Bus OfficialsMEMBERSHIP DUES ....$ 1 7 5 . 0 0 Independence CSD-FINAL SPED TUI/ALT TUI ...............$ 4 9 , 2 4 7 . 8 4 Iowa Assoc Of School BoardsPOLICIES ONLINE SUBSCRIP ........................................$ 7 0 0 . 0 0 J.W. Pepper & Son, Inc.- B A N D MUSIC ............................$ 1 9 4 . 9 9 Johnstone Supply-FILTERS ..............................$ 6 0 0 . 8 8

Jolly Learning, Ltd.-ELEM SUPPLIES .............................$ 7 6 9 . 0 7 Karr LLC-SUPPLIES ......$ 9 0 7 . 8 0 Kerri Anton-NP TRANS REIMB ............................$ 4 5 2 . 9 2 Kully Supply, Inc-PLUMBING REPAIR ............................$ 1 , 6 6 3 . 6 2 Marco Products-ELEM GUIDANCE SUPPLY..........................$ 1 5 0 . 3 7 Max L. Cowen’s Student Stores, Inc.-KDG SUPPLIES ......$ 1 3 9 . 2 0 Mc Elroys Food Market-SUPPLIES ...............................$ 8 1 . 4 9 McGraw-Hill School Education Holdings LLC-ELEM WORKBOOKS ......................$ 1 8 , 1 7 1 . 8 5 NASCO-SUPPLIES ........$ 3 3 7 . 4 0 News Publishng Co Inc.- C O A C H ING AD .............................$ 3 4 . 0 0 North-Linn CSD-FINAL SPED TUI ...............................$ 1 , 3 1 5 . 4 9 Oelwein Publishing Company-BUS DRIVER AD ......................$ 3 0 . 0 0 PPG Architectural Finishes- PA R K ING LOT PAINT ..............$ 3 2 2 . 1 6 Phil Steffen-REIMB BUS PHYSICAL.................................$ 1 5 0 . 0 0 Pyramid School Products- S P E D HEADPHONES ................$ 8 1 . 4 8 Quill Corporation-SUPPLIES ..........................$ 1 , 0 8 6 . 0 2 Really Good Stuff-SUPPLIES ..........................$ 1 , 2 2 6 . 0 7 Scholastic Inc.-SUPPLIES ........................................$ 7 2 4 . 8 2 School Bus Sales Co-BUS REPAIR ...............................$ 1 6 6 . 5 6 School Health Corporation-NURSE SUPPLIES ......................$ 2 0 9 . 4 8 School Specialty Inc-H S / E L E M SUPPLIES ...................$ 6 , 0 0 4 . 1 8 SimplexGrinnell-FIRE ALARM MAINT ............................$ 5 3 5 . 2 5 Spahn & Rose Lumber Co- M A I N T SUPPLY............................$ 5 0 . 9 7 Starmont CSD-FINAL SPED TUI ...............................$ 7 , 7 2 0 . 5 6 Superior Welding Supply-IT SUPPLIES .............................$ 6 3 2 . 6 1 Suzanne Gorman-NP TRANS REIMB .........................$ 1 , 2 5 4 . 9 4 TNT Repair-TIRE REPAIR ..........................................$ 3 8 . 0 0 The News-AD/BOARD MIN .................................$ 5 2 5 . 8 5 Timberline Billing Service LLCMEDICAID BILLING .......$ 3 2 5 . 1 6 Travis Schueller-REIMB MILEAGE ................................$ 1 0 9 . 2 0 Tri Rivers ConferenceDUES..............................$ 7 0 0 . 0 0 Trott Trophies-NAME PLATES ............................$ 1 6 . 2 0 University of Northern Iowa- E L E M FOSS KITS .....................$ 3 5 0 . 0 0 Vantage Learning USA LLC-MY ACCESS SUBSCRIPTION$1,600.00 Waverly-Shell Rock CSD-FINAL SPED TUI ....................$ 2 , 3 3 5 . 5 0 Weeds on Fire-GROUNDS MAINT ............................$ 7 8 8 . 4 8 Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield-

AUG PREM ...............$ 4 2 , 4 9 8 . 6 4 Wellmark, Inc.-FLEX BENEFITS FEES ...........................$ 1 , 3 2 1 . 6 0 West Delaware CSD-TRANS AGREEMENT ..............$ 6 , 4 8 9 . 2 3 West Marshall Community SchoolFINAL SPED TUI .........$ 6 , 6 6 4 . 0 8 Wilson Restaurant Supply Inc.FCS-PERKINS EQUIPMENT .....................................$ 6 , 3 1 9 . 0 0 Winthrop Building Supply- M A I N T SUPPLIES ......................$ 8 1 5 . 4 7 Wright, Melvin-REIMB BUS PHYSICAL.................................$ 1 0 0 . 0 0 TOTAL .....................$197,761.06 PPEL FUND Hoglund Bus Co., Inc.-2015 BUS ...........................$ 7 9 , 2 5 9 . 0 0 Kluesner Flooring, Inc.- C A R P E T INSTALLATION ..........$ 6 , 2 5 2 . 0 3 Lynch Roofing & Siding, Inc-ROOF REPAIR-EAST WING ...................................$ 4 5 , 6 0 0 . 0 0 McGraw Construction-UNDERLAYMENT INSTALL ..............$ 4 6 8 . 0 0 TOTAL .....................$131,579.03 Hot Lunch Fund Activity Fund-MS St. Council-Tranfer Unused 5th Grade Milk Tickets ...................................$ 2 0 3 . 7 0 Presto X-Monthly Service ..........................................$ 5 0 . 5 1 TOTAL ............................$ 2 5 4 . 2 1 Activty Fund Bland’s Flower Shop-Plant-Mossman Memorial ...................$ 3 0 . 0 0 Bland’s Flower Shop-Plant-Mossman Memorial ...................$ 3 0 . 0 0 Bland’s Flower Shop-Gift-Mossman Memorial ...........................$ 3 9 . 9 9 Chase Card Services-FFA Retreat Food .................................$ 3 3 . 7 4 Chase Card Services-Hotel RoomsG-BB Camp ....................$ 6 2 2 . 7 2 Chase Card Services-Registration-First Tech Challenge Tournament................................$ 2 0 0 . 0 0 Create-Wristbands............$ 5 0 . 0 0 Designs Unlimited-Mesh Jerseys ................................$ 2 5 2 . 0 0 Entourage Yearbooks-Additional Pages ...............................$ 7 5 . 0 0 FIRST-FTC Registration 2014-15 ..........................$ 2 7 5 . 0 0 Iowa High School Speech Association-Membership ...............$ 5 0 . 0 0 Mary’s Flower Patch-Red Roses ...............................$ 1 2 . 5 0 McElroy’s Food Market-Ice / Watermelon ................................$ 2 2 . 9 6 Monticello Sports-Basketballs ................................$ 5 7 6 . 0 0 Monticello Sports-Basketballs ..................................$ 9 0 . 0 0 Jenna Ness-VB Camp Fee ........................................$ 5 4 0 . 0 0 Springvile Girls’ Basketball-JV BB Summer Shootout...........$ 1 2 5 . 0 0 West Delaware Comm. School-SB Tournament Entry .............$ 7 5 . 0 0 TOTAL .........................$ 3 , 0 9 9 . 9 1

Whenever people are well informed, they can be trusted with their own government.

Thomas Jefferson

The News & The Guide

Disc Golf comes to Jakway Forest

Submitted by Dan Cohen, Executive Director Buchanan County Conservation Board

A great nine-hole disc golf course has found a new home at Jakway Forest, south of Aurora. The disc golf course is an enhancement to features already at Jakway. The park offers a modern campground, restroom facilities, a historic site, hiking trails, wildlife observation blind, and areas open to hunting. The disc golf course at Jakway is located away from any flood concerns, and will be open year-round. Previously, the Buchanan County Conservation Board’s disc golf course was at Buffalo Creek Park, east of Winthrop. Although people enjoyed the course, opportunities were limited due to frequent park closures related to flood damage. During some recent summers, Buffalo Creek Park was closed for a good portion of the summer months. Flood cleanup and repairs to the disc golf grounds were expensive and took a lot of time.

August 21, 2014


The conservation board decided it was time to make a change. Buffalo Creek Park will still provide a picnic shelter, walking trails, and space for hunting, wildlife watching, and natural enjoyment, but the disc golf course is now nine miles north of Winthrop, at Jakway Forest. The Jakway Forest Disc Golf Course consists of nine holes on the southeast portion of the park near the shelter house and playground. Tee signs and baskets are up, and the course is ready for public use. There also are plans to provide concrete tee-offs. There is no fee to play. Work to move and install the course was completed with assistance from AmeriCorps NCCC Maple 4 Team, which has worked with conservation board staff this summer. Course enhancements were supported through past disc golf fundraisers. The course layout can be viewed at Pictured: Disc golf equipment is tested at its new site at Jakway Park south of Aurora. (Courtesy Photo)

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Remember your home is served by a single connection. When you are using multiple devices they share that service. That means slower connections for each device compared to when a single device is connected to the service.

Floor Sample Sale

We are going to furniture market soon and need to get rid of our floor samples!

Shop for your home and save! Browse our store during this special event and purchase extraordinary home furnishings at

up to 70% off the regular price. There will be many one-of-a-kind pieces, so come in early for the best selection. This is a sale you don’t want to miss.

SAMPLE SAVINGS: Southern Motion Recliner Sofas starting at $599

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Now that the kids have Restonic Queen Bed Sets starting at $299 gone to college and you need to replace the Marshfield Sofa & Love Seat Combo at $895 furniture you sent with Chromcraft Table & Four Swivel Tilt Chairs at $699 them - Save Big Today at Chests of Drawers at $249 Fawcett Furniture!

All furniture priced to move quickly.

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Your locally owned and operated telephone co-op.

Call for details TODAY! 319-935-3011 *Internet speeds vary according to a variety of conditions. These are the maximum speeds you may expect.


August 21, 2014

The News & The Guide

Buchanan County is accepting applications for Board/Commission members.


The Conservation Board, Zoning Commission, Pioneer Cemetery Commission, Compensation Commission and the Board of Adjustment all have openings available. If you are interested in serving on one of these commissions/boards you must complete an application and submit a letter of interest. Applications can be obtained and returned to the County Auditor, Courthouse, 210 5th Ave. N.E., P.O. Box 317, Independence, IA 50644. The application can also be found on our website at

Buchanan County Health Center Buses, Bikes, and Backpacks

The new school year is here! After the fun and freedom of summer, we redirect our focus to getting our kids to and from school, and thinking of them in between. Here are some quick pointers and reminders to ensure a safe and healthy new school year for your children. TRANSPORTATION: Many children ride the bus to school, while others walk, bike, or get a ride from their parents. Regardless of the mode of transportation, be sure that both you and your child follow proper safety precautions. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children should always wear a seat belt in a vehicle and ride in the back seat if they are under the age of 13. If your child is biking to school they should wear a helmet and ride to the right following the flow of traffic. If they are riding the bus, remind them to wait for the bus to stop before approaching it from the curb and be sure the bus driver can see them at all times. If your child is walking to school,

make sure the route is safe and be sure all young children are accompanied by an adult. BACKPACK SAFETY: Choose a backpack that is comfortable with wide, padded shoulder straps. Be sure your child always uses both straps because throwing a backpack over one shoulder can strain muscles. Also, be cautious of the weight your child is carrying on his or her back. Try to keep the weight of the backpack less than 20% of your child’s body weight. MEALTIME: If your child chooses not to eat the school meal that is provided, be sure to send a healthy alternative. Include all of the food groups and one small snack. Avoid soft drinks and fruit juices that are loaded with sugar and pack low-fat milk or water instead. Have a safe and successful school year! Buchanan County Health Center 319-332-0850

BCHC ceases massage therapy Your partner in building healthier communities.

Effective immediately, Buchanan County Health Center will no longer offer Massage Therapy services. Anyone who has a Massage Therapy gift certificate with a valid expiration date can use the value of that certificate toward any other Wellness service such as memberships, personal training, exercise punch cards, etc. Contact BCHC Wellness Director Stacy McMahon with questions 319-332-0852.









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Canadian Whiskey Hours of Services at BCHC Radiolgy Department: Diagnostic X-ray: 0RQGD\ )ULGD\ D P S P ‡ 6DW D P S P CT: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Digital Mammogram: 0RQGD\ )ULGD\ D P WR S P Bone Density: 0RQGD\ )ULGD\ D P WR S P Ultrasound: (Including Echocardiograms) 0RQGD\¹ )ULGD\ D P WR S P In-House MRI: 0RQGD\¹ )ULGD\ D P WR S P Mobile Nuclear Medicine: Friday Peripheral Arterial Disease (ABI): 0RQGD\ )ULGD\ D P S P

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The News & The Guide

Iowans challenged to ‘Take the Next Step’

August 21, 2014

ICA regional meeting to be held in Edgewood

Iowans have heard that a key component of healthy living is to move more, natural. Live Healthy Iowa has the perfect opportunity to make it a habit. The Next Step Challenge is a 6-week pedometerbased challenge motivating Iowans to move more by tracking their daily step count in friendly team competition with the chance to win incentives and prizes. The Next Step Challenge begins Sept. 8 and Iowans can form teams of 2-10 friends, family or co-workers, designate a team captain and register now at Registration for The Next Step is $10 per participant and each will receive a Live Healthy Iowa pedometer; a weekly email containing activity tips, healthy recipes and fitness inspiration; access to a personal tracking page, healthy recipes and wellness information on the Live Healthy Iowa website; opportunities to win team incentives and individual prizes; and more! “The Next Step Challenge was a great motivator for the people I work with across the state. I saw people taking the stairs more, talking and sharing about how much they walked each day. Overall it was a very positive experience!� said 2013 The Next Step participant, Suzy Card of Pella. 2014 is the fourth year for The Next Step Challenge. In 2013, over 4,300 Iowans participated and recorded over 1 billion steps, equivalent to over 641,000 miles!

Kosta’s FAMILY

Iowa Cattlemen’s Association will hold four Restaurant regional meetings around the state. This year, *UHHN ‡ $PHULFDQ )RRG the regional meetings will have a strong state and federal legislative focus. Candidates for U.S. House and Senate races, as well as those Get athe second entree at 1/2 price with the purchase for state legislative races, have been invited. 6$9( WKH '$7( ‡ 6$9( WKH '$7( ‡ SAVE DATE! of a regularly priced meal and beverages. Each meeting will begin at 5:30 PM with Second entree of equal or lesser value, Mon7, - Fri2014 only. August networking time and a meal served at 6:15 Must present coupon. Offer good thru 8-31-2014 followed by a short ICA legislative update. Try our MANY Greek Specialties! 26th Annual After that, candidates will introduce themOr order your favorite selves, and ICA members can question canAmerican dish! didates about their legislative priorities Door In front of for Full Salad Bar. Enjoy your favorite the upcoming session. Prizes! Wine & Beer. Quasqueton City Hall Breakfast served anytime! The northeast region event will be held Silent ,Q FDVH RI UDLQ Come - Enjoy great food! 220 1st St. E.,our Independence Monday, Sept. 8 at4XDVTXHWRQ $PHULFDQ /HJLRQ Edgewood Locker Event Auction too! 2SHQ 'DLO\ ‡ %UHDNIDVW /XQFK 'LQQHU 319-334-3312 Center, 303 N. $GXOWV ‡ .LGV 8QGHU Washington St., Edgewood. Sponsored by Quasqueton Area 220 1stSociety St. E., Independence 6HUYLQJ EHJLQV S P Call 515-296-2266 until the day before the Historical 319-334-3312 meeting to reserve a spot.

HEAP OF Certified 2011 Chevrolet RUSTY RECK’S 1500 Crew Cab Short THE WEEKSilveradoBox 4-Wheel Drive LT Of course! School starts and it’s HOT! Stop in! I have a HOT deal for you!

We have over 200 new and used vehicles to choose!


Quasqueton Fish Fry Saturday, August 23

26th Annual

Quasqueton Fish Fry Saturday, August 23 In front of Quasqueton City Hall ,Q FDVH RI UDLQ 4XDVTXHWRQ $PHULFDQ /HJLRQ

Crisp Fish, Potato Salad, Baked Beans, Coleslaw, Rolls, Beverage, LIVE PLUS: Home Grown Tomatoes ENTERTAINMENT, Homemade Desserts GOOD COMPANY & $GXOWV ‡ .LGV 8QGHU HOME COOKED FOOD 6HUYLQJ EHJLQV S P Door Prizes! Sponsored by Quasqueton Silent Auction at City Hall too! Area Historical Society

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August 21, 2014

The News & The Guide

k ! l o o o l o d h c n s a , o s t e . l l n o u r r o u s h t c e u s r b l y m o e o o h r h t f c s s d a n d s a n d a i o t c k i g f r f n o i a f r k t h l Watc se observe ildren wa h a c e l r P o out f

THE NEWS and THE GUIDE, along with these fine advertisers, wish all area students, staff, teachers, and administrators a GREAT school year! Sales • Service • Leasing 520 1st ST E Independence

Smith D&L Insurance 601 1st St. W Independence



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The News & The Guide

August 21, 2014



PRE-PAYMENT is required for Thank You and Classified Ads before publication. These are not billed. Send payment ($6.00 for up to 25 words, 10 cents per word after) with your ad to PO Box 9, Winthrop IA 50682 or drop off at 225 W. Madison, Winthrop. Thank you.

GARAGE SALE East Monroe Street, off 1st Street, Winthrop. City block/multi families. August 21, 22 & 23, 8 AM-4 PM. Table and chairs, men’s Schwinn bike, kids toys, lots of clothing adult through children, household wares, collectibles, much miscellaneous. pp BABYSITTING Will do babysitting in my home in the country, $2.00 per hour for one. 319-634-3883. pp

Thirty years have passed and it is time now for me to enjoy the next chapter of my life. I thank those who had a part in the planning and helping with the wonderful retirement party held for me. I was overwhelmed with all of you that came share with me. It was a very special day! I am looking forward to my retirement, but will greatly miss my patients, staff, colleagues, and those of you that have become my Winthrop family. I am comforted in knowing that my patients will be taken care of by a great and dedicated team of new providers. Blessings to you all, Dr. Carmelita T. Shah

CLASSIFIED ADS WORK! PLACE YOUR AD TODAY! Call 319.935.3027 or 319.361.1810

Help Wanted

Statewide Classifieds ANTIQUES WANT TO BUY a Red Hat Royal 400 sign for my collection and can pay up to $10,000.00 for a nice one. Call 406471-8184 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CONTRACT SALESPERSON Selling aerial photography of farms on commission basis. $4225.00 first month guarantee. $1,500-$3,000 weekly proven earnings. Travel required. More info or 877/882-3566

HELP WANTED- TRUCK DRIVER DRIVERS SHORT HAUL & regional tractor/trailer jobs: start now! Top pay! Paid holidays, paid vacations, guaranteed hometime, great benefits. Class a CDL. 877/261-2101 Hiring Regional Class CDL-A Drivers. New Pay Package. Home regularly, and $1500 Sign-On Bonus! Call 1-888-2201994 or apply at (INCN)

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Full time employee for 1,200-sow breed to wean farm near Winthrop Experience preferred Contact Trish Cook at 319-521-7180

JOIN OUR DYNAMIC TEAM! Buchanan County Health Center has full and part time positions available. Please refer to for a complete listing and to complete an application.

1600 First St East Independence, IA 50644 319-332-0999


Help Wanted Dependable, experienced carpenter.


To Be Sold By Sealed Bid

Winthrop First Responders are selling their ambulance by sealed bid. 1994 Ford E 350 Wheeled Coach ambulance. Diesel.115,000 miles. $700 minimum bid. Sealed bids must be turned in to Winthrop City clerk by noon Tuesday Sept. 2. For more information call Mary 319-721-8794. JOIN OUR DYNAMIC TEAM! Enjoy a great work environment where patients are people - we maintain a small patient to caregiver ratio. Buchanan County Health Center is a critical access hospital in Independence, Iowa with 18 clinical specialties, 15 medical specialties, a wellness center, a long-term care facility, and a retirement community. %HQHĂ€WV LQFOXGH IPERS retirement, 403(b)contribution, paid time off, competitive pay and health insurance. To join our talented team, apply online at: POSITIONS AVAILABLE

Wapsie Valley Creamery, Inc. Is Taking Applications

Wapsie Valley Creamery, Inc. is a forward thinking company with state of the art equipment that manufactures Cheese and Dried Whey Powder products. It is a family owned business that has been in continuous operation since 1906. Its manufacturing facility is located at 300 – 10th Street NE, Independence, Iowa. Wapsie Valley Creamery is hiring production workers for second and third shifts in both its cheese and whey departments. Applicants must be able to: Work Saturdays on a regular basis, some holidays, lift 50 pounds on a regular basis, climb ladders/steps on a regular basis, and be comfortable learning how to operate production equipment. $SSOLFDWLRQV FDQ EH ¿OOHG RXW LQ SHUVRQ DW WKH FRPSDQ\ RI¿FH ORFDWHG DW ¹ WK 6WUHHW 1( ,QGHSHQGHQFH ,RZD 0RQGD\ WKURXJK Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM. 3DVW DSSOLFDWLRQV DUH RQO\ NHSW IRU RQH PRQWK DIWHU WKH\ DUH LQLWLDOO\ ¿OOHG RXW 3RVLWLRQV ZLOO EH ¿OOHG DV VRRQ DV SRVVLEOH VR GR QRW SXW RII getting an application in. WAPSIE VALLEY CREAMERY REQUIRES PRE-EMPLOYMENT DRUG TESTS AND DOES MONTHLY RANDOM DRUG TESTING PREFERENCE WILL BE GIVEN TO APPLICANTS WHO HAVE A NATIONAL CAREER READINESS TEST CERTIFICATE Delivering an outstanding product in a safe manner to the customer are our priorities! Wapsie Valley Creamery is an Equal Opportunity Employer

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August 21, 2014

The News & The Guide



Tribute to Styx, REO and Journey

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The News & The Guide

Nashua field day to discuss use of drones in crop scouting and crops diseases ISU Northeast Research and Demonstration Farm has specialists covering topics from the emerging technology of using UAV’s (unmanned aerial vehicles, also known as drones) in crop production, to crop diseases, nutrient management, and grain marketing going into the 2014 harvest. Plan to attend this educational event 1-4:30 PM Wednesday, Sept. 3. The program starts in the Borlaug Learning Center at 1 PM with Ken Pecinovsky, ISU Research Farm Superintendent to briefly review the 2014 seasonal weather and trials on the farm. At 1:10 PM catch the wagon tour for two stops, one on crop nutrient management and other on corn and soybean crop diseases. Then back to the Borlaug Center at 2:50 PM for an outdoor UAV demonstration and indoors for discussion on using UAVs in crop ccouting. The day will wrap up with discussion on grain market trends of 2014 and predictions into the near future. Field day is free and open to the public. It starts at the Borlaug Learning Center on the ISU Northeast Research and Demonstration Farm near Nashua. Directions: From Nashua at the junction of Hwy 218 (Exit 220) and Co. Rd. B60, go west on B60 1.1 miles to Windfall Ave., then south one mile to 290th St., then east 0.2 miles to the farm. For information about the event, call Brian Lang at 563382-2949.

Grants available to fund agriculture related field trips

August 21, 2014


Silos & Smokestacks National Heritage Area (SSNHA) is providing teachers an opportunity to immerse students in agriculture through hands-on experiences. SSNHA accept applications for the 2014-15 Bus Grant Program season beginning August 15. Bus grants help fund transportation for agricultural-related field trips to SSNHA Partner Sites and farm sites throughout the region. Student experiences range fromAre discovering where milk comes at Hansen’s Farm Fresh That‌ Dairy in Hudson to You Looking Forfrom A Fulltime Career learning about ag drainage tile at the Hurstville Lime Kilns in Maquoketa. Through a partnership with GROWMARK, Inc., a x Motivates & Keeps you the active Daily total of $10,000 will be available to northeast Iowa schools during year’s application process. Accredited public, private or charter schools located 37-county Heritage Area may apply online for one grant per x Impacts the within Globalthe Economy year with a maximum of $350 awardedxper school. FieldFood trips must have an agricultural component. Grant monies are to be Aids in World Production used for transportation costs to and fromxany one of the over 100 SSNHA Partnerboth Sitesinoryour farmcareer site located within the Heritage Allows you Opportunity to succeed and financially Area. The grant cycle will remain open until all funds are depleted or until Dec. 1. Since 2007, the program has helped over 14,000 youth aboutlike agriculture andfor where comes If thislearn sounds a career youtheir go food online to from. For information or to apply, visit!


Or stop by and apply in person at the Oran & Winthrop location today!

Are You Looking For A Fulltime Career That‌ ‡ 0RWLYDWHV .HHSV \RX DFWLYH 'DLO\ There you will be able to find more ‡ ,PSDFWV WKH *OREDO (FRQRP\ information on a career as a ‡ $LGV LQ :RUOG )RRG 3URGXFWLRQ ‡ $OORZV \RX 2SSRUWXQLW\ WR VXFFHHG ERWK LQ \RXU FDUHHU DQG ¿ QDQFLDOO\ Transportation/Custom Applicator If this sounds like a career for you go online to! ourapply Oran & Winthrop, Location! Or stop byatand in person at the OranIA & Winthrop location today! Class QG PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ RQ D FDUHHU DV D A CDL will be required. 7KHUH \RX ZLOO EH DEOH WR ¿ 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ &XVWRP $SSOLFDWRU DW RXU 2UDQ :LQWKURS ,$ /RFDWLRQ IAS is willing to Train on Custom Applicator. &ODVV $ &'/ ZLOO EH UHTXLUHG These Fulltime Positions Offer ,$6 LV ZLOOLQJ WR 7UDLQ RQ &XVWRP $SSOLFDWRU 7KHVH )XOOWLPH 3RVLWLRQV 2IIHU ([FHOOHQW &RPSHQVDWLRQ %HQHÀ Excellent Compensation & Benefits! WV

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Thank You for saying you saw it in THE NEWS & THE GUIDE

Innovative Ag Services is Ramping Up for Fall Busy Season! Seasonal Positions Starting Soon In Your Area:

Operations Laborers Tender Truck Drivers

Talent Needed in Electrical or Hydraulics or Welding/Fabrication! Henderson Truck Equipment, Manchester, is looking for people with proficiency in any or all areas of electrical wiring, hydraulics, and/or welding/fabrication. These positions have responsibility for getting equipment & components installed on a truck chassis. Mechanical aptitude, accuracy and attention to detail is highly important, as well as ability to work within bid spec requirements and timeframes. HS graduate required, with Associate’s degree from vocational/trade school or equivalent work experience preferred.

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EOE – Pre-employment screenings required.

Public Notice

CITY OF BRANDON REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 11, 2014 The City Council of Brandon, Iowa met in regular session on Monday, August 11, 2014 at City Hall. Mayor Guy Stacy called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Council members present: Patrick Aldrich, Travis Cornwell, Joseph Redenbaugh, Ron Boyer, and Kelly Thomas. Motion Boyer/Cornwell to approve Consent agenda which included

approval of agenda, the minutes of July 14th council meeting, treasurer’s report and payment of bills. All ayes. Motion carried. Buchanan County Economic Development Director George Lake was in attendance to introduce himself and to advise of an upcoming Job Fair for Buchanan County businesses in Independence on October 23, 2014. Ashley Sherrets, from Buchanan County ISU Extension and Outreach and Patty Petersen, a Horticulturist with Trees Forever shared information about scheduled Community Tree Walks. Brandon’s is scheduled for Saturday, October 4th at 9:00 a.m. Buchanan County Sheriff’s Deputy Ben Ward spoke with the council

about the July record of performance. MSA Professional Services Engineer, Joe Elsinger, was in attendance to advise that the DNR has reviewed the revised design basis and is in agreement with the currently proposed values as shown on written correspondence to the city. MSA is currently working on revising plans and will be at next month’s meeting to show revised alternatives. One hundred and nine completed surveys were given to Elsinger for tabulation and to apply for grant. Motion Thomas/Redenbaugh to approve and adopt Resolution 2014-0801 annual City Street Financial Report. All ayes. Motion carried.

Public works employee, Enos reported stop sign replacement done at Main/East and plans to begin patching streets. Council discussed street light concerns, park equipment replacement, and a residence on South Street that needs trees to be cleaned up. Mayor Stacy reported that he and his wife have applied for a park equipment grant thru Walmart. Upcoming storm sewer ushing and repair of ditch by residence at Main/ Sara was also discussed. Motion Thomas/Aldrich to adjourn at 7:55 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried. /s/Guy Stacy, Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Danette Lujan, City Clerk

Iowa Department of Revenue2nd quarter sales tax due ........................................$ 4 1 0 . 0 0 EFTPS-FedWH, FICA, Medicare July .................................$ 8 1 6 . 7 4 Diamond Enterprises-street sweeping ...................................$ 1 5 0 . 0 0 John’s Lock & Key-entry door knob Clerk’s office .....................$ 3 4 . 9 9 Karr’s Sept-porta potties July .................................$ 1 5 0 . 0 0 Van Meter Inc.-voltage monitor ...................................$ 1 5 2 . 8 4 Alliant Energy-utilities ..$2,025.80 Windstream-July telephone & internet...................................$ 1 4 2 . 2 7 Waste Management-garbage contract..............................$2,074.70 Brandon Kwik Stop-vehicle fuel July/August .....................$ 2 3 5 . 1 0 The News-legal publica-

tions ..................................$ 5 7 . 5 3 Keystone Labs-drinking water/ wastewater analysis .......$ 2 1 7 . 3 0 Cy & Charleys Inc-tire repair- City truck ..................................$ 2 1 . 0 0 Menard’s-wire,staples,treated lumber,light bulbs,switch pl &washers.....................................$ 8 0 . 0 2 Joseph Enos-cell phone reimbursement December-August....$ 5 0 . 0 0 Joseph Enos-medical reimbursement August....................$ 3 3 5 . 1 8 IPERS-July .....................$ 5 8 8 . 3 9 Vern’s True Value-Roundup. Chainsaw fuel & oil ....................$ 3 3 . 5 8 Enos & Lujan-wages July ..............................$3,849.00 TOTAL .......................$11,424.44


August 21, 2014

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