THE GUIDE 9 10 15

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PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID Goodnight in the Morning Comm.

September 10, 2013

In THE NEWS this week... s In

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Read these stories, and MUCH MORE in THE NEWS this week SUBSCRIBE TODAY!



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THE GUIDE is an edition of THE NEWS, an independent community newspaper, locally owned and operated by Mary Beth Smith and Steven C. Smith, Goodnight in the Morning Communications, Inc. Mary Beth Smith, Managing Editor Kris Wilgenbusch, Admin. Assistant Christine Dale, Assistant Editor Donna Jensen, Community Correspondent

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PAGE 6 September 10, 2013

The News & The Guide

Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia program to be held Sept. 17

September is National Preparedness Month Make a plan – and communicate it!

During National Preparedness Month (NPM), the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency and affiliated agencies are reminding the public that preparing for floods is important for protecting lives, livelihoods and properties. “Flooding is fresh on the minds of many people in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska. With so much flooding during the past few months, it’s a good time to consider the true risk,” said FEMA Region VII Regional Administrator Beth Freeman. “But it’s not enough to simply realize flooding is a real threat for us all. This month, this week, today, we hope everyone will take action to develop and practice a family emergency communication plan for hazards like flooding. This year our theme is, ‘Don’t wait. Communicate. Make your emergency plan today.’” Fewer than half of Americans have taken the time to plan what they will do if there is an emergency. Sitting down and developing a communication plan with loved ones doesn’t cost a thing, but can save a lot if a flood or another disaster affects one’s home and loved ones. In addition to floods, hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes and earthquakes also occur frequently and devastate lives across the country every year. To find tools and resources to help develop and practice a family emergency communication plan, visit Managed and sponsored by the Ready campaign, National Preparedness Month is designed to raise awareness and encourage Americans to take steps to prepare for emergencies in their homes, schools, organizations, businesses, and places of worship.

Submitted by RMC

Hospice of Comfort will welcome Linda Brown, program director of the Alzheimer’s Association – Greater Iowa Chapter, to Regional Medical Center (RMC) in Manchester. Brown will present “Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia: Healthcare Considerations” at 2-4 PM and 5:307:30 PM Thursday, Sept. 17, with registration half an hour before each program. Brown (pictured) provides leadership and oversight to the Alzheimer’s Association – Greater Iowa Chapter programs and services spanning 85 counties in Iowa and western Illinois. Her previous healthcare experience includes providing leadership for organizations serving disadvantaged populations. Brown’s experiences include being an air and ground transport nurse in a NICU, setting up women’s clinics in Russia, providing a variety of leadership roles for children with special healthcare needs, and now ensuring Iowans living with dementia and their caregivers have superior services and support. The presentation will discuss screening for Alzheimer’s disease and common healthcare considerations in the different stages of the disease process. She will also review key teaching topics and coping strategies to support caregiving of Alzheimer’s patients; and will identify three ways to assess pain in persons with dementia. Both presentations are free and open to the public, with free nursing CEUs, Social Worker CEUs, and provider CMEs provided by Hospice of Comfort. Pre-register by Thursday, Sept. 10, on under Events, or call 563-927-7526.

A newspaper at it’s best is a “community having a conversation with itself.”









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The News & The Guide

September 10, 2013 PAGE 7

Business & Service Directory

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PAGE 8 September 10, 2013

The News & The Guide

Living Well with Buchanan County Health Center

Eat the little green trees

NEW Factory Built Homes 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath set on your foundation - $59,980.


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Ranking high amongst the list of powerhouse foods in the world is broccoli. Whether your family loves broccoli or not, there’s no denying that it is a powerful food loaded with health benefits, so encourage your kids to eat the “little green trees� on their plate! Broccoli belongs to the cruciferous vegetable family. Some other foods in this category include kale, cabbage, and Brussel sprouts. Research has shown that eating a high amount of cruciferous vegetables is associated with a lower risk of cancer. According to the USDA, one cup of chopped raw broccoli contains only 31 calories and is fat-free. It provides 100% of your vitamin C and vitamin K. Broccoli is also a good source of numerous other vitamins and minerals including vitamin A, folate, vitamin B6, potassium, calcium, and fiber among many others. Looking for a new way to enjoy broccoli? Try roasting it! Place fresh broccoli on a metal sheet lined with aluminum foil and spray with cooking spray. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt and Parmesan cheese. Roast the broccoli at 450 degrees for 15 minutes. Enjoy!

To build a skilled workforce and strong economy, the state must be a good partner to Iowa’s 15 community colleges and local businesses. That’s why we’re continuing our investment this year in opportunities for job training, apprenticeships, high school completion, skills certification and credentials that will put more Iowans on the path to good jobs. Iowa has rebounded better than most states from the national recession, but too many people remain unemployed. The gap between the technical skills that workers have and those needed by today’s cutting edge businesses continues to grow. According to a new Pathways to Prosperity report from the Council of State Governments, thousands of well-paying jobs are available in Iowa but workers are not prepared to fill them. The nonpartisan Council of State Governments praises Iowa’s efforts to prepare skilled workers. Their Pathways to Prosperity report highlights initiatives like Elevate Iowa, which is expanding training at our community colleges in such fields as welding and industrial maintenance, with special emphasis on helping the underemployed, veterans and minorities. In addition, Future Ready Iowa is focusing on ways to better Get all your align education and job-training initiatives to close the skills local news gap and meet future employer needs. It’s getting off the ground with a $170,000 National Governors Association grant. The delivered to money will help Iowa continue innovative programs and colyour mailbox laborations to build a skilled workforce ready to take on local job openings. each week! What’s more: this summer, the state of Iowa was awarded See page 16 more than $5 million through the U.S. Department of Labor to develop innovative job-training programs focused on regional for details! needs. The goal is to connect unemployed Iowans to on-thejob training, apprenticeships, career planning and more. To cap it all off, Iowa Workforce Development recently unveiled a new easy-tonavigate website at www.iowaworkforcedevelopment. gov. It is customer focused with content organized so that visitors can quickly and easily find what they’re looking for, including skills Monday Evenings 5-7PM assessments and training Please call for an appointment. opportunities.

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The News & The Guide

September 10, 2013 PAGE 9

East Buchanan Telephone Coop

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September 10, 2013

The News & The Guide

Focus on fall prevention Submitted by RMC

September is Fall Prevention month, but at Regional Medical Center (RMC) in Manchester it is a high priority year round for all staff. Efforts to decrease falls have been successful, resulting in eight months fall free in the Inpatient Departments. “At admission, and repeatedly throughout their stay, a fall risk assessment is completed on patients. If they are deemed high fall risk, extra steps are taken to protect the patient from a fall,� reports Amanda Donlon, BSN, RN, and member of the patient safety team. “Symbols and alarms are part of the steps taken to alert staff members that a patient is considered a high fall risk. If a patient is considered a high fall risk, we welcome family members to stay with their loved one as they are able.� In addiEscape to the "Good 'Ole Days" of bobbiesocks and poodle skirts In our 1950s Ice Cream Parlor. Widner’s is a MUST STOP when in Manchester.

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tion to educating patients and visitors, signs in patient rooms read “Please call, prevent a fall,â€? as a reminder to patients. Falls can take a serious toll on older adults’ quality of life and independence. Among older adults age 65 or older, falls are the leading cause of injury deaths, unintentional injuries, and hospital admissions for trauma. The chances of falling and of being seriously injured in a fall increase with age. “Fall prevention awareness month highlights the importance of educating our communities on how to reduce fall risks,â€? said RMC Quality Services Manager Joan Wessels. “Take proactive steps now to prevent falls in your or your loved ones’ home as well as when you are out and about so that you can stay independent for as long as possible.â€? Studies show that using a combination approach of different areas can greatly reduce falls among older adults. Recommendations include: • Routine physical activity with balance, strength train ing, and flexibility components. • Consulting with a health professional about getting a fall risk assessment. • Having medications reviewed periodically. • Getting eyes checked annually. • Having an annual hearing assessment. • Making sure the home environment is safe and supportive. Get the help necessary to make home safer and reduce the risk of falling.

6M/6R 105 -130 hp

It is time for an annual flu vaccination

Everyone 6-months of age and older should get a flu vaccine every year

The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) reminds Iowans it is time for annual flu vaccination. “Influenza circulates year-round, but influenza spread typically picks up and remains active between October and May,� said IDPH Medical Director Dr. Patricia Quinlisk. “The single best way to protect against the flu is to get vaccinated each year. Being vaccinated now will ensure protection before the flu season starts in October; it’s not too early to get your shot.� The seasonal flu vaccine protects against the influenza viruses research indicates will be most common during the upcoming season. Traditional flu vaccines (called “trivalent� vaccines) are made to protect against three flu viruses: influenza A (H1N1) virus, influenza A (H3N2) virus, and an influenza B virus. “Quadrivalent� vaccines, which protect against the same three viruses as the trivalent vaccine and a second B virus are also available. Vaccination is available in many forms, including a traditional shot and a nasal spray. Everyone 6-months of age and older should get a flu vaccine every season. Vaccination to prevent influenza is especially important for those at high risk of serious complications from the flu – this includes the very young and those ages 65 and older. According to the CDC, as many as 90% of flu-related deaths in the U.S. occur in people ages 65 and older. The flu is a respiratory illness caused by viruses. Illness typically lasts two to seven days. The flu comes on suddenly and may cause severe illness or even death, even in healthy individuals. The “stomach bug,� which causes diarrhea and vomiting, is not caused by the influenza virus but usually by norovirus; thus, the flu vaccine will not protect against this illness. Influenza is not a “reportable disease� in Iowa, which means doctors are not required to notify IDPH each time a patient tests positive for influenza; however, IDPH conducts yearround influenza surveillance through the Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network. This surveillance indicates what types of Pictured: RMC Quality Services influenza viruses are circulating, and how widespread influManager Joan Wessels and Eduenza illness is. For more information about where and what cation Nurse Amanda Donlon. kind of influenza is in Iowa, go to Influenza.aspx?pg=FluHome. Contact a health care provider or local health department to find out where the vaccine is available locally or use the Flu Vaccine Finder at Independence Community Schools


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The News & The Guide

People advised to avoid water with blue-green algae

September 10, 2013 PAGE11

Build a composter with a stand Submitted by Buchanan Co. Conservation Board

With some Iowa waters showing signs of blue-green algae blooms, people and pets should avoid contact with water that has a poor appearance. The appearance can be a pea-green or blue-green color, but also a reddish-brown. It may appear with scum, foam or as a thick mat on the water surface. Blue-green algae can grow quickly and become very abundant in warm, shallow, undisturbed surface water that receives a lot of sunlight. “We recommend that if you are in an area where it’s visibly showing masses of algae or a blue-green paint color, you should avoid contact with the water and keep pets away from it,” said Mary Skopec who coordinates the beach monitoring program for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Skopec said blue-green algae can release mycrosystins in the water that can make people and pets ill. “We don’t want to scare people, as this is a naturally occurring event. It happens every year in our lakes and rivers,” Skopec said. “We just want people to be aware that if the mycrocystins are present, it can cause problems for people or pets.” The main risk to humans from microcystin is skin irritations and rashes, but if the water is swallowed or airborne droplets are inhaled during swimming, bathing or showering, symptoms could be worse. Those would include headaches, nausea, abdominal pain, seizures, liver injury and respiratory problems. People can take the following precautions to prevent healthrelated problems due to harmful algal blooms: • Don’t swim, water ski or boat in areas where the water is discolored or if there is foam, scum or mats of algae on the water. • If in contact with water that might have a harmful algal bloom, rinse off with fresh water as soon as possible. • Don’t let pets or livestock swim in or drink from areas where water is discolored, of if there is foam, scum or mats of algae on the water. • Don’t let pets (especially dogs) lick the algae off their fur after swimming in scummy water. • Don’t irrigate lawns or golf courses with pond water that looks scummy or has a bad odor. • Don’t drink the water. Boiling the water will not make it safe to drink.

The Buchanan County Conservation Board has materials once again for making spinning composters from 9 AM-noon on Saturday, Sept. 12 at Fontana Nature Center, just off Highway 150 south of Hazleton. There was a lot of demand when this program was offered before. Plan to do the simple assembly of the composter and the harder work of flattening pipe and constructing the compost stand. (If someone has a hydraulic press to flatten portions of 1½-inch aluminum pipe, please let Fontana staff know.) A list of suggested tools to bring will be provided for registered participants. Cost is $40 per composter/stand combo. Pre-registration is required and limited, call 319-636-2617 or For more information about Buchanan County Conservation Board programs and activities, visit

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Council adopts Home Base Iowa initiative

Britta Fults wins 56th Annual Iowa State Fair Talent Search Se-

in regular session By Steven C. Smith City Council met The Independence members present and Mayor Bonita all from Buchanan Monday night with council heard updates in the Director George Davis presiding. The Rowley placed first Britta Fults, 18, of Development (BCEDC) round of Blaker. the championship County Economic Library Director Laura nior division during ComRiley Talent Search Lake and Independence city councils several the 56th annual Bill State Buchanan County of his office and at the 2015 Iowa Lake reports to petition held Sunday updates and activities communities away with an $8,000 times a year on plaques to county Fair. Fults walked a has recently presented for the BCEDC as it celebrated solo. Fults, the daughprize for her vocal acknowledging supportJuly. At Monday’s meeting, he also Mindy Fults, recently in ter of Glen and Buchanan High 20-year anniversary with a plaque acknowlgraduated from East of Independence presented the city to attend University School and plans the BCEDC. page 3. majoring in edging support for Story continues on of Iowa this fall, double performance. theater arts and vocal Unfortunate “Poor She performed Urof Ur Souls” as the character Little “The sula from Disney’s pershe per Mermaid,” the piece Riley link Bill Wildfire – hurricane formed for her first the University of in Researchers from mayor and city By Steven C. Smith Talent Show competition have uncovered for open community be filed with California and NASA high wildfire risk Nomination papers 2009. Nov. 3 election must August 24 are just so positions for the a strong link between the devastat“We between council and Clerk’s Office said in the Amazon basin thrilled for her,” the Buchanan County ravage North Atlantic PM. ing hurricanes that Mindy. “Theater from the city clerk and Sept. 17 at 5 to the well-undermay be obtained of shorelines. In addition of El Niño on and music are her Nomination papers office or on the Iowa Secretary stood east-west influence passions, and it office, county auditor’s requirements on the nominations a north-south control Signature the the Amazon, there’s was amazing to encouraged and State website. the city. set by the state of people who have the population of page 26. on fire activity that’s see her succeed at enough about the announced as vary according to Story continues on loves. I couldn’t say her perform, and hearing her name tropical North Atlantic. hurricanes devel devel- something she I love watching help Warm ocean waters taught her so much! page 26. and speed on their Story continues on the winner was overwhelming.” op and gather strength shores. They also solo in the Bill Riley way to North Americanof tropical rainfall performs a vocal belt Fults, 18, of Rowley, Pope Photography) tend to pull a large Convergence Pictured top: Britta 23. (Iowa State Fair/Steve – known as the Intertropical moisture away Talent Search Finals on August drawing THE NEWS of to Zone – to the north, By Kris Wilgenbusch, Buchanan Board regular meeting, Amazon and leading Gary Gissel from the southern During Monday’s Ellen Gaffney and over time. Shonka, risk fire Don Davison Julie heightened Supervisors Services Director to hire managed heard from Community for by Governor Branstad Noninvasive test about a decision Medicaid programs. help run the state’s vendors, with care companies to heart disease to test for coronary 11 bids from potential The state received were awarded to Amerigroup Iowa, A new technology Bids noninvasive CT scans Plan of the one withdrawing. artery disease uses Iowa, UnitedHealthcare blood is flowing The initiative aims AmeriHealth Caritas to calculate how much that have WellCare of Iowa. coronary arteries care approach for River Valley, and through diseased a risk-based managed buildup. The patient about 560,000 to move toward narrowed due to plaque an angiogram that program, which serves the effect the state’s Medicaid does not need to undergo to the heart. stated it is still unclear a catheter Iowa residents. Davison for their clients. involves threading reserveservices on flow 26. have will page this change The test, called fractional deter Story continues on (FFRCT), can detercomputed tomography has coronary artery mine whether a patient plaque in a coronary disease and whether blood flow, thereby artery is restricting would whether a patient Area Historical helping determine enjoy the Quasqueston potato salad, or bypass surgery. on August 22 to of fish, benefit from stents frac flow is called fracAlong with a meal prizes, a raffle for Many came to Quasqueton The measure of blood Until now, the annual fish fry fundraiser. were door (FFR). all over Society’s (QAHS) tomatoes, desserts and more, there tional flow reserve Diners come from FFR involved Crow Submitted by Fusion Forward coleslaw, homegrown and a silent auction. Community School standard test for measuring inby Tommy Moses, meal. Music was performed by Larry the Independence A catheter is in to guitars. a birdhouse made At their July meeting, approved their top four priorities an invasive angiogram. and guided to the while enjoying the Hamilton and Terri Wunder all on friends with arm Board or musician, play- District (ICSD) Boards, as follows: the to visit organ, plus Joe McIntosh, Brent serted in the groin was a special guest Association of School School Infrastructhen is guided through on mouth send to the Iowa daughter Shane Steinke for heart. A thin wire A sensor near the “Our Supplemental State Aid, State Penny Health Funding. Terry and Gary Wunder’sbelonged to Don Adams. catheter to the blockage. blood pressure. said Corinne Love. once and Mental policies, ing a tenor sax that that’s the most we have ever served,” next year’s goal will be ture, Early Literacy Funding tip of the wire measures readings of all board and new technique is noninva“We served 500 and was 213 and ended up with 221.So ents, The board also approved The new FFRCT a digital 3D model for the membership 222.” on page 5. reviewed resignations, transfers/reassignm sive. CT scans create to the heart. A color- goal financial reports. year which will be See more photos one more than this reviewed and approved continues on page 3. of the arteries leading Story Terri Wunder. hires, and physicians determine, Brent Hamilton and coded map helps is Crow, Joe McIntosh, if sufficient blood Entertainers Larry vessel by vessel, (Donna Jensen Photo) flowing to the heart. Pictured:

Poll State Fair StrawPaul Pate conducted

Secretary of State Poll throughout the a Presidential Straw of 9,008 votes total Iowa State Fair. A Trump was the top were cast. Donald a wide margin. He by overall vote-getter votes. Hillary Clinton accumulated 1,830 1,338 votes, folcame in second with Dr. Sanders 1,217, and lowed by Bernie No other candidate Ben Carson 1,185. surpassed 1,000 votes. by party; Trump The poll was divided the Republican on emerged victorious Ben for the Democrats. Clinton and side, secSanders finished Carson and Bernie parties. ond in their respective

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PAGE 12 September 10, 2013

Late summer mosquitoes still carry West Nile threat

The News & The Guide

First-ever case of Jamestown Canyon viral encephalitis confirmed

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Though considered primarily a summertime nuisance, mosquitoes are still active in Iowa. The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) reminds Iowans that West Nile and other mosquito-related diseases continue to be a concern as fall approaches, and remain a threat until the first frost. Precautions to reduce the risk of exposure to these diseases should still be taken. To date, IDPH has received confirmation of two West Nile virus cases and a third case is under investigation. In addition, one case of Jamestown Canyon virus (JCV) has been confirmed. This virus is relatively rare; however, under-reporting and under-diagnosis are likely since diagnostic testing for JCV is not widely available. JCV is a brain infection caused by mosquitoes carrying the virus. The individuals with West Nile virus and JCV are recovering. IDPH Public Health Veterinarian Dr. Ann Garvey said, “It remains important to eliminate mosquito breeding areas and use insect repellant when outdoors.� Intermittent days of heavy downpours followed by mild weather may mean there is standing water, where mosquitoes breed:

• Empty water from buckets, cans, pool covers, kiddie pools, pet water dishes and anywhere else water collects. • Change water in bird baths every three to four days. It’s also important to repair holes or gaps in screen windows and doors to prevent mosquitoes from getting indoors. Continue to take precautions against mosquito bites when spending time outdoors: • Use insect repellent with DEET, picaridin, IR3535, or oil of lemon eucalyptus. Always read the repellent label and consult a health care provider if you have questions when using these types of products for children. For example, DEET should not be used on infants less than two months old and oil of lemon eucalyptus should not be used on children under three years old. • Avoid outdoor activities at dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active. • Wear long-sleeved shirts, pants, shoes, and socks whenever possible outdoors. For more information about West Nile virus, visit http://bit. ly/1iTO2Vc. For more information on Jamestown Canyon virus, visit

The emerald ash borer (EAB), a highly destructive insect of ash trees, has been confirmed in Dubuque. Twenty-eight of Iowa’s counties have now been confirmed positive. Since its initial discovery in Michigan in 2002, this exotic pest has spread to 25 states, killing tens of millions of trees. In addition to the southern Dubuque detection, a tree in a rural area just outside south Dubuque city limits was also detected. Both sites were declared positive after the collection of EAB larvae. EAB is a small, metallic-green beetle that is about ½-inch long. The larvae chew into the layer of wood under the bark, cutting off the flow of water and nutrients. EAB infested ash trees include thinning or dying branches in the top of a tree, evidence of woodpecker activity, S-shaped feeding galleries under dead or splitting bark, D-shaped exit holes, and water sprouts (along the trunk and main branches). “Iowa now has seven counties bordering the Mississippi River that have turned up positive for EAB,â€? said Mike Kintner, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship EAB and gypsy moth coordinator. “Unfortunate as it is, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the remaining three counties

declared positive within a year.� Since larvae of EAB can unknowingly be transported under the bark of a tree, the Iowa EAB Team strongly cautions Iowans not to transport firewood across county or state lines. The movement of firewood throughout Iowa or to other states poses the greatest threat to quickly spread EAB and other plant pests. A statewide quarantine remains in place, restricting the movement of hardwood firewood, ash logs, wood chips and ash tree nursery stock out of Iowa into non-quarantined areas of other states. At this calendar date, the window for all preventive treatments has closed. If a landowner is interested in protecting a valuable and healthy ash tree within 15 miles of a known infestation, he or she should have landscape and tree service companies bid on work, review the bids this fall/winter, and treat beginning spring 2016 (early April to mid-May). Contact Iowa EAB Team members to have suspicious looking trees checked in counties not currently known to be infested. The State of Iowa will continue to track the movement of EAB on a county-by-county basis. Before a county can be officially recognized as infested, proof of a reproducing population is needed and an EAB must be collected and verified by USDA entomologists. To learn more about EAB and other pests that are threatening Iowa’s tree population, visit

Emerald Ash Borer confirmed in Dubuque County


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The News & The Guide

September 10, 2013 PAGE 13

New study finds lean pork can be included in DASH eating plan Adults following the health-promoting DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) eating plan to help lower blood pressure can also include nutrient-rich lean pork as the primary source of protein in their diets, according to new research published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Purdue University researchers found that when adults ate lean pork, instead of the typical chicken and fish as their main protein source in the health-promoting DASH diet, they had the same blood pressure benefits regardless of protein source – with systolic blood pressure decreasing around 7-8 points and diastolic around 4-5 points after six weeks, based on a 24-hour blood pressure monitoring system. “While the traditional DASH diet includes chicken and fish, our research suggests that lean

pork may also be a part of this healthy eating pattern,� said study lead author Dr. Wayne W. Campbell, nutrition science professor at Purdue University. “Many Americans enjoy red meat, so the recommendation to limit red meat in the typical DASH diet could be a potential barrier to adapting this eating plan.� The DASH diet has been recognized by government and health organizations as an eating pattern that can improve health and help lower the risk of chronic diseases. The 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee recently included research showing the DASH Diet may have favorable effects on cholesterol and may help reduce the risk of heart disease, in addition to helping lower blood pressure, which affects nearly 30% of Americans.

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September 10, 2013

The News & The Guide

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PUBLIC NOTICE BUCHANAN COUNTY MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN 2ND PLANNING MEETING The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recently awarded Buchanan County a Hazard Mitigation Planning Grant. Funds will be used to update the multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. The purpose of the plan is two-fold. The plan is a federal requisite to remain eligible for other mitigation grant programs offered by FEMA. FEMA mandates the plan be updated every ďŹ ve (5) years. Second, the plan is designed to create hazard mitigation strategies which can reduce negative impacts caused by natural and man-made hazards within the county and the incorporated jurisdictions. This secondmeeting will review material discussed at the ďŹ rst meeting, determine goals, begin identifying potential mitigation activities, and discuss and assess potential hazards. The meeting will take place on Thursday, September10, 2015at 6:30 pm at the Independence Public Library – Community Room, 805 1st St E, Independence, IA 50644. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sidney Noyce at INRCOG, (319) 235-0311.

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The City of Independence is seeking a Waste Water Operator with strong mechanical skills. QualiďŹ ed candidates must be able to meet the physical requirements to perform the duties of the Waste Water Operator Position. A Waste Water, Water, or Waste Water Collection Grade 1 license preferred. This position is open until ďŹ lled. Application packets are available at city hall, 331 1st Street E, Independence, IA 50644. The City of Independence is an equal opportunity employer, M/F/Disability/Veteran.

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Conservation Technician Buchanan County Conservation Board visit To apply: Submit a letter of introduction, resume with references, and completed Buchanan County Application form to: Dan Cohen, Executive Director, Buchanan County Conservation Board, 1883 125th Street, Hazleton, IA 50641; Phone: 319636-2617; email: (Word or pdf). Application Deadline: September 30, 2015. General Description: Full time position with county beneďŹ ts. Assists in the implementation, development, maintenance and operations of areas under management of the Conservation Board. Some essential duties include: • providing care and maintenance of live animals and exhibits • conducting ground preparation and planting for conservation management, including application of herbicides • operating equipment, including tractors, loaders, trucks, augers, tree planters, seed drills, tree trimmers, chain saws, sprayers, and various power tools • cutting and felling of trees • mowing and grounds maintenance • maintaining machinery, tools, and equipment. General Requirements: PPrefer a minimum of an Associate’s Degree in a natural resources or agricultural ďŹ eld and one or more years of work-related experience. Will also consider a high school diploma or GED and an equivalent combination of three years of education, training, and/or work-related experience. Must possess an Iowa Commercial Driver’s license. Wage: $13.50 - $16.50/hour. The full job description, requirements, and application form may be downloaded at: Buchanan County is an Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE).

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The News & The Guide

September 10, 2013 PAGE 15

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September 10, 2013

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August 27, 2015

Supervisors open pasture rent bids

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Britta Fults wins 56th Annual Iowa State Fair Talent Search

State Fair Straw Poll

Nomination filing period for mayor, council positions now open

Secretary of State Paul Pate conducted Editor a Presidential Straw Poll throughout the to Gene Special recognition was given Iowa State Fair. A total of 9,008 votes p Kortenkam Britta Fults, 18, of Rowley placed first in the SeBy Steven C. Smith and Liz McCann, Marlene NEWS were cast. Donald Trump was the top ander Jerel By Kris Wilgenbusch, THE nior division during the championship round of nan Nomination papers for open community mayor and city and American Legion Comm r meeting, Bucha faster regula selling ay’s overall vote-getter by a wide margin. He are Mond Iowa in g s ciation Durin Home the 56th annual Bill Riley Talent Search Comthe yearly appre and a during Shonk n council positions for the Nov. 3 election must be filed with Don Griffi l, years Gisse five Gary accumulated 1,830 votes. Hillary Clinton the Aurora County Supervisors than they have in the last petition held Sunday at the 2015 Iowa State acres the Buchanan County Clerk’s Office between August 24 dinner held August 10 at Home d bids for rental of 86.5 came in second with 1,338 votes, folopene ey on, Gaffn additi In Ellen and sale prices continue to rise. 435. Fair. Fults walked away with an $8,000 2015 ican Legion Post nder oflowed and Sept. 17 at 5 PM. Amer remai the than for e higher pastur by Bernie Sanders 1,217, and Dr. 12% ed ored for of county-own sales in July were prize for her vocal solo. Fults, the daughbids Nomination papers may be obtained from the city clerk two youth the Legion had spons and 2018. FiveBen Iowa Carson 1,185. No other candidate and the years of 2016, 2017 nn and Ryan July last year according to the ter of Glen and Mindy Fults, recently n ® office, county auditor’s office or on the Iowa Secretary of Boys State, Brandon McCa bid by James Hanse . surpassed 1,000 votes. were submitted with the high Association of REALTORS graduated from East Buchanan High attendance to speak in bids were tted er, State website. Signature requirements on the nominations submi Krem who s s partie The poll was divided by party; Trump for $115.61 per acre. All Last month, 4,661 Iowa home School and plans to attend University and vary according to the population of the city. about their experiences. in July and Donnelly Farms emerged victorious on the Republican were allowed to raise them were sold compared to 4,155 of Iowa this fall, double majoring in Kortenkamp was recognized the final ne was Story continues on page 26. n Marle Hanse also bids. rties their side, and Clinton for the Democrats. Ben the AuxilHansen did raise of 2014. Pending prope theater arts and vocal performance. for her volunteer efforts with a year Carson and Bernie Sanders finished sec“There bidder at $200 per acre. increased almost 11% from She performed “Poor Unfortunate 18. although she is quick to say, ues on page iary, sed contin increa Story price sale ond in their respective parties. n n men and ago. The media Souls” as the character of Urare a lot of dedicated Legio the just as by 3.4% from a year ago. Also, sula from Disney’s “The Little Auxiliary members who work has been Wildfire – hurricane link sold-price to list-price ratio Mermaid,” the piece she perhard.” comer, Researchers from the University of rt Norbe nd higher this spring and summ By Steven C. Smith husba formed for her first Bill Riley late en p’s childr Kortenkam Their California and NASA have uncovered pared to last year. The Independence City Council met in regular session Talent Show competition in was an Air Force also often helped a strong link between high wildfire risk Monday night with all members present and Mayor Bonita 2009. had wellshe n, the at vetera out in the Amazon basin and the devastatAssistant Editor Davis presiding. The council heard updates from Buchanan “We are just so Iowa DOT launches 511 app of events. By Christine Dale, brothers in onehurricanes ed was two attend oom classr or outdo ing that ravage North Atlantic an road of County Economic Development (BCEDC) Director George Construction thrilled for her,” said With historic amounts of ter, l and has e daugh Schoo servic nan the Their Bucha shorelines. In addition to the well-underays this l topics discussed at the East Lake and Independence Library Director Laura Blaker. Mindy. “Theater construction on Iowa highw ent/El a granddaughter intend Kathy Bond, said severa is stood east-west influence of El Niño on meeting held August 10. Super and music are her Lake reports to Buchanan County city councils several summer, knowing where traffic Pam serving in Korea. that her father was Board Principal Dan Fox shared that teache ther Amazon, there’s a north-south control can be ary passions, and it times a year on updates and activities of his office and ement the moving and where it is not, in helpes the at from She believ very good d for and received a grant on fire activity that’s set by the state of the was amazing to has recently presented plaques to county communities critical to travelers. TheseNorth Atlantic. funds for Johnson applie n and Auxilraise Legio ation. • ing IC Found SD unity ble aw tropical Comm arded $12,00 support for the BCEDC as it celebrated a nan County see her succeed at To increase the amount of availa Renewablacknowledging used asocean waters help hurricanes develiary and steps in to the Legion and had Bucha on to be Warm e Energy Gr 0 tment something she loves. I couldn’t say enough about the people who have encouraged andnch 20-year will be used to build a pavili ant in July. At Monday’s meeting, he also • Ma real-time data, the Iowa Depar High ester holdsanniversary help where needraised thousands of funds or classroom south of the swing sets. op and gather strength and speed on their nced a Ba concity HopsasFestiv taught her so much! I love watching her perform, and hearing her name announced n’ of Independence with a plaque acknowlpresented the for r an outdo of Transportation has annou ularly Hono conal for partic inate s ed, coord dollar will way to North American shores. They also Waze, • Old ICSDedging support for the BCEDC. t Christian French the winner was overwhelming.” studen l schoo and Hig data-sharing partnership with fry said h School to Fox to the smelt Flights. project.tend dem be Se large belt of tropical rainfall that olished soon ptpull Story continues on page 26. on as part of his Eagle Scout emabe Story continues on page 3. a navigation smartphone app fall. r 3, 2015Convergence the pancake break“It’s a wonder- structi leted this Calendar of and – known as the Intertropical www.theb Pictured: Britta Fults, 18, of Rowley, performs a vocal solo in the Bill Riley Talent Events, expect construction to be comp uses input from drivers to report ss progre fast fundraisers, ful organization,” they uc Local Adver Recipes, t’s annual yearlyZone ha distric – to the north, drawing moisture away the sed na tions. discus tisi disrup nc Fox ng, ou avoid traffic stanwith funeral nt Search Finals on August 23. (Iowa State Fair/Steve Pope Photography) B) Liz, “which along yn (NCL d said Behin Co ew Mo Left nc ed from the southern Amazon and leading to Child re! s. ep com tua drawing d meeting No Last week, Iowa DOT launch in other lfire of pro dinners. Proceeds notedheightened does a lot of good towar 75 Cents posed gymn risk over time. Although improvements were asium entra a new Waze layer on the 511 y from fundraisers deeds.” Although dards. nce iency in grades 3-5 was slightl availto areas, reading profic traveler information system to for a vaable used down aren’t are year, they us By Kris Wilgenbusch, THE NEWS Noninvasive test for s and 15 than the previo 2014in lower ts, able through websites, phone r projec proud riety of Liz is very rate is still highe During Monday’s regular meeting, Buchanan Board of d data help as much as they used to, heart disease from 82%. This proficiency mobile apps. It shows filtere including Dollars following in her 79% % for grades 3-5 Supervisors Don Shonka, Ellen Gaffney and Gary Gissel traffic n obligations, that two more generations are A new technology to test for coronary the statewide average of 76.83 vetera than Prom, Post that might impact traffic (e.g. ars, grand and Schol for ing her daughters heard from Community Services Director Julie Davison s on includ Food eps, object Area es, ce footst 14. artery disease uses noninvasive CT scans closur enden s, 2013in Indep crashe jams, ntary and donations to the Auxiliary activithat the eleme about a decision by Governor Branstad to hire managed icons daughters in participating in to calculate Fox notified board members the road, heavy fog, etc.). The of As- how much blood is flowing said Liz. Pantry, among others. care companies to help run the state’s Medicaid programs. will have designated a School In Need ers, Ko- ties. “We are very proud to belong,” been memb through diseased coronary arteries that have now iary has Auxil 40 representing traffic impacts One of about e a “Command provide funds for circle The state received 11 bids from potential vendors, with Griffin was honored to receiv “I just like to be ce (SINA). The state will narrowed due to plaque buildup. The patient a white background and a blue rtenkamp said after the event, an Iowa flag. He sistan oneBy withdrawing. Bids were awarded to Amerigroup Iowa, clicks we care.” She er” bar for his Legion hat and does not18. need to undergo an angiogram that supplemental services. around the icon. When a user Kris Wilgenb page there and work and show them continues on ander since 2007. He was r us Iowa, UnitedHealthcare Plan of the Story comm AmeriHealth Caritas appea iary will Auxil served an has as details involves threading a catheter to the heart. years more During their ch, THE NEWS on the icon, efforts. “I reflected on her nearly 50 River Valley, andreg WellCare Iowa. The initiative aims indicate auxil- surprised to be recognized for his ular Monof The test, called fractional flow reserveCo day meeting regarding traffic impact and and thought about her fellow un er said. he memb Board aofrisk-based , Buapproach so thought I was just doing my job,” to movetytoward care the by buted chanan for ed Supervisormanaged contri report is computed tomography (FFRCT), can deterwho ation ers memb inform the Shonka, and s Ellenserves ians and the past ues on page 18. contin Gaffnabout Story Ga the state’s Medicaid program, which er.” ey, Do560,000 ry Gissel met wi ng togeth mine whether a patient has coronary artery n Waze app. an Karsen much. “It takes all of us worki th still Johnunclear Iowad residents. Davison stated it is then effect waze. Ru Boorema and Gene McLiz surprised to mp are also d disease and whether plaque in a coronary f were Seate fro nn top: McCa ed, To find out more, visit www. m Liz Pictur an Mike Fis Optim Gene and this dchange willhe have forum their Reclients. newables r ofonImservices artery is restricting blood flow, thereby . Gene has served Cann. Standing are Jerel Griffin and Marlene com/ccp pact 7G to ge ne receive special recognition rat ors Story continues onnd page 26. discuss wi . of the years and Kortenkamp. issionerdetermine whether a patient would and Commhelping Booremen as commander four times over Buchanan County Auditor Ryan Kremer. sta that absen her 50 years of from- stents or bypass surgery. announcedbenefit Above: Brandon McCann and tion regarding ted there has been pu last year Liz earned a pin for Social security Elections Cindy Gosse has be of blood flow is called fracblic opposins will celenns were also acmeasure the installat l electioThe (Jody Kivell Photos) schoo 8 Sept. the for As the Social Security system s auxiliary service. The McCa the ion tee ballot area. Supervi of wind tur Many enjoyed the Quasqueton Area Historical Society’s (QAHS) annual fish fry Absen week, in organizing the tional flowtee reserve (FFR). Until now, the bin , August 14. sor Gissel sai knowledged for their work brated its 80th anniversary last available to be voted on Friday d that concern es in Bu-for measuring FFR involved fundraiser on August 22. Along with a meal of fish, potato salad, coleslaw, home- been about health an at the test for many years. ted that standard r’s office s have d environme Legion’s pancake breakfasts a recent Gallup survey indica ballots may be cast in the audito grown tomatoes, desserts and more, there were door prizes, a raffle for a birdhouse impact on livestoc ntal issues, Inde-angiogram. A catheter is inNE, say an invasive Ave. icans 5th 210 Amer , tired house k. an Fisher has 51% of nonre chanan County Court (Courte made by Tommy Moses, and a silent auction. Diners attended from all over to visit development of wi worked with d - 4:30 8 AM in able to serted the groin or arm and guided to the sy StruX nd farms; ex ture Archite the they doubt the system will be nce, during regular office hours pende wi nd tensively wi with friends while enjoying the meal. Music was performed by Larry Crow oncts mouth operation at ) retire. heart. A thin wire then is guided through the 4. they Sept. h when t throug benefi a th Ki Friday them the rkw Submitted by Fusion Forward ay pay ood Comm PM Mond g. blockage. A sensor near the organ, plus Joe McIntosh, Brent Hamilton and Terri Wunder all on guitars. Terry and Fisher stated tha in writin in reto the unityCommunity sted By Ch College. School riscatheter t, to his the tine Dale, ballots must be reque At their July meeting, Independence These views have fluctuated tee Absen kn be ow As en led sis wa. Gary Wunder’s daughter Shane Steinke was a special guest musician, playing a tenor one noise co tant Editoblood ge, there ha t level of tiplas the wire measures pressure. websiten http:// the r s onlypriorities to mplaintapproved Board top four cent decades, but the curren t co Forms are available on the upFFRCT KiDistrict about thetheir les weektechnique rkwood,(ICSD) sax that once belonged to Don Adams. Ballot p first new is noninva.pdf. s, members lotapp windBoards, whIowa the ich wa CiThe farm atas follows: to the Association of School tizen doubt is similar to what Gallu s due to a tur of gov/elections/pdf/absenteebal ’s scans Co bymm “We served 500, the most ever,” said Corinne Love. “Our goal for the membership thasend t was quick said ittee afor sive. arked CT create digital 3D model bine ma Enha bencpostm ly em lfu Sc through the mail must rep Supplemental State Aid, State Penny for School nc ent (Cthose measured in 1989, when 47% ho sted tion Infrastrucair ol reque ed. He also CSE)leading was 213 and ended up with 221. So next year’s goal will be one more than this year as they know rages ea have to of the arteries theco heart. A colormunitencou sai Gosse held d that,Health me there have ture, Early, Literacy Funding Mental they would not be able to receiv etingtos mail as farFunding. mmidnight, Sept. 5. However, Sc y servic been noand livest which will be 222.” the Ea e onhelps coded physicians determine, ock he proven of hool Di st Buchan alth also huma The board approved readings all board strictmap benefit. iss ing their ballots via the postal an ue return n s. or policies, pro posedif fac See more photos on page 5. by vessel, sufficient blood is pansion. vessel ilities ex The pro Changes in the nation’s demo reviewed resignations, transfers/reassignments, and new them before August 28. Story co cost is estim be tremust jec ntinues financial $8 maile Security flowing 5 midllio Pictured: Entertainers Larry Crow, Joe McIntosh, Brent Hamilton and Terri Wunder. hires, and reviewed and on page 18 ated atto the heart. approved reports. graphics have led to Social requests for ballots to be.12 n. All To . pa y for is by that the PMtheSept. 4. ask5ing (Donna Jensen Photo) Story continues on page 3. Administration projections community it, the district ceived by the auditor’s office to pay to vo Se pt. 834-41 319-3 on a09. system will no longer be able general oblig te Tuesday, For more information call$7 ts ati full benefi .15 million; the remainde on bond of out of the r will be pa after 2034. Sc id Option (SILO hool Infrastructure Lo cal ) sales tax fun the bond iss ds. If passe Voters in Ha ue will levy wk a tax increa d, $2.70 per $1 ty service reg eye Community Colle se of ,000 net ass ge’s 10-coun ion are being tax for a ma essed prope ask instructional ximum of 20 rty equipment lev ed whether to renew an years. The school y on Tuesday, Th e levy, overw board has wo Sept. 8. he community lm rked with the Schmitt sai ingly appro 2007, has be since 2012 ve d the d en by y would ex used to fund voters in to design a term facilities pect to break tional equip long- ground in spring ment and tec the purchase of instruc2016, begin should be de room, indust plan. Proposed are a the shop an hnology for laboratories ning with layed, with saf ria d gym, an , and cla more time be a vo shop designe l technology classroom e Brian Cr include equip outlying centers. Speci ssrooms, fore and awford adde d board member sat te, Kress recounted a d to meet fut fic example ment for Ha recent conv d that they ure manufac ing needs, ne ion with a constructio s wkeye’s Pa Lab, dental erhope loc tur w tient Simula pro for fine arts gym, new performance - impact” n schedule will have “m the “Why wait? We al farmer who told he tor sual equipme gram clinical equipme area r, activi on students nt, audio/vi nt improveme . Constructio inimal ing more,” as would only end up pa The first co ties, and greenhouse. saf e roo car ynts n of m may be he co eer and tec mmunity me hnical progra , air compressors for ld back a litt the terest rates inc nstruction costs and ininformal ser and heavy eq rea ies of tours eting was an ger as, according to ms, and tra le lonuipment sim nsportation “We encoura se. Crawford, and one-on-o discussions ulators. “We are with Renewal of ne hoping to capitalize formed voter ge everyone to be an the ementary’s We the public during EB on lev bu a y rse po will not res ssible disment from in,” said Squir in the prope Ellcome Back ult in an inc FE es, tho M rty 25. This wa who warned se attendin A” to reduc tax rate. Re rease s followed by night on August total cost. Both bo g co e to st ne the a no wing the lev total of $3.34 t listen to ard members shop” gossi a meeting at rora Comet the group it y will “coffee per year on p. ass Au Ce at $100,000. a house ass Craig Schw Quasqueton nter on August 27 and - ner regard will be built in a timely ured With the 6-c essed erd American Le en the ey ma les tfe t e’s lev s nge of y cu r inc rrent overall whether the with StruX Architects gion CCSE Co-ch awarded a FE said he wo ture tax rate will luded, Hawkdistrict is mately five airs Dawn Kr on Monday. rked wi still be appro ton-Pa Donlea led cents lower ess and Mary a top priori MA grant as it is consi xithe than the pro dered wa rkersburg School Di th Aplingty by assessed by strict after perty tax rat ing to Kress Aurora meeting. Acco s ravaged by the college Travis Squir the public. it e in rd, a big quest an als 20 EF-5 tornado es from Pip 07. Levy ren o allow the and has had received fro ion pre co er ewal will in the lle sen Jaf 20 y ge t to provide fray was 08 much expe have and taxpaye m associated wi rie FE fin rs nc do we stand the community is “W to M an e designing A-rated saf save money cial inform th future ele here on the district and when comp e ati cti Te roo on on rry ms sin s. In May 20 Branstad noted that be project. He are districts?” If 15, Gov. cause EB stu ce then. He said the bond pa d with other has an A-level bond lege trustees signed a bill giving co dents are all Donlea said sses, Kress rating, which EB cated at one sit mmun help assure the authority loe, an the tax levy equipment to renew ins ity colrate will sti d est intere the district receives the will serve all stude the safe room will easily lower than and facility tru ctional ll be nts five other st low and staff. rate possible maintenance same tax rat Addre neighboring conference . “Interest levies at the e for 10 ye distric and does make a differ cost could ssing concerns that the ars, if each in place for ence,” said When asked ts. expansion levy has be who added result in red 20 consecu Sq uir en tha ab tiv uc es, ou e years. This t bo ed parki help the Co t an expecte and Crawfor frame for the llege election will d time- terest rate will all rrowing at a lower ind agreed tha ng, Schmitt ow the Hawkeye ha meet the 20-year thresh project will t on Tuesday, project if the bond pa s identified old. not increase although this sses “more bang for its bu district to receive EB Board a inc nu parking, dis sion has be luding equip mb ck.” member Gr Although som en cusment and tec er of future needs, eg e feel that Adult Educ in the future held about adding parki hnology for ation Cente the project when funds ng its new r and Health During East ing. In addit permit. Services Bu Buchanan Ele ion Sto , the ry co co ildcommunity llege will up ntinues on tional techn members ha mentary School’s We grade its ins page 18. ology in cla lcome Back trucd the opportu ssr sim oo ula ms nig tion training nity to learn ht and expand op about the pro on August 25, parents, po its rtunities. Locally, registe posed facilit students an ies project. d dence and Jes red voters in East Bucha (Christine Da nan, Indepenup school dis le Photo) tric Visit www.h ts awkeyecolle may vote on the levy. aspx for inf ormation. 2015-levy.

Iowa homes sell at fastest rate in five years

By Christine Dale, Assistant

Th BEST e VrdALdisUcusses EB School Boa E tus a Behind sta r t Lef No Child oun d Subsc ! ribe for as Today little as

Council adopts Home Base Iowa initiative

See Inside!

$ WHO 32 for a LE YE AR!

Historical Society holds largest fish fry yet

Supervisors hear about changes in state Medicaid program

Supervisors discuss wind tu


School election absentee ballots available

CCSE holds co

Vote on bond


mmunity mee

issue is Tuesda


tings on EB b

ond project

ICSD Board sends priorities to Iowa Association of School Boards

HCC Instructio nal Equipment Lev vote is Tuesd y renewal ay

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