PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID Goodnight in the Morning Comm.
September 3, 2015
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Read these stories, and MUCH MORE in THE NEWS this week SUBSCRIBE TODAY! Find THE NEWS at:
ditor Voters are bein Tuesday y voters in s of istant E b e region t levy on member ty servic nal equipmen gly approved of instrucweeks, for School le e p in io u st co tee instruct y, overwhelm nd the purchas assrooms, n the la en’s Commit e held com cl v fu r le to fo e d h y av iz T ples n use olog n ee b the Cit t (CCSE) h ast Buchanan ch te as ific exam men 2007, h uipment and centers. Spec t Simulator exthe E g n eq Enhance eetings on sed facilities at in ie y at al tl P tion m e’s d ou o dio/viries, an munity District prop st is estimated ict Hawkey uipment, au r laborato uipment for tr co al eq ssors fo ic re p in eq School The project for it, the dis ay, m cl e d . inclu d rogram ts, air co ansportation pansion illion. 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THE GUIDE is an edition of THE NEWS, an independent community newspaper, locally owned and operated by Mary Beth Smith and Steven C. Smith, Goodnight in the Morning Communications, Inc. Mary Beth Smith, Managing Editor Kris Wilgenbusch, Admin. Assistant Christine Dale, Assistant Editor Donna Jensen, Community Correspondent
REGULAR DEADLINE: 10 AM Mondays OFFICE HOURS: 8:30-4:30 M-F (closed Wednesdays) PO Box 9, 225 W. Madison St., Winthrop IA 50682 PHONE: 319-935-3027 or 319-327-1810 NEWS email: ADVERTISING email: WEBSITE: Serving the community by publishing legal notices for Buchanan County, East Buchanan Community School District, and Cities of Brandon, Independence, Winthrop, Quasqueton, and Rowley, IA.
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PAGE 6 September 3, 2015
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The News & The Guide
September 3, 2015 PAGE 7
Area Church Directory
Please call 319-935-3027 or email with changes. Aurora
St. Paul's Lutheran, 109 Prospect St. Pastor Ron Spears, 319-233-3004. Sunday Worship: 9:30 AM. Midweek Community Sunday School meets Wednesdays 6:30 PM with location alternating between St. Paul's Lutheran and Aurora United Methodist Church. United Methodist, 506 Luella St. Rev. Allen Craft, 563-924-2870. Sunday Worship 10 AM, Midweek Community Sunday School meets Wednesdays 6:30 PM, with location alternating between United Methodist Church and St. Paul's Lutheran.
Church of Christ, 306 East St. 319-474-2159, Sunday Worship 10:30 AM; Sunday School 9:30 AM; Praise & Worship-1st Sat. 7 PM; Evening Service (3rd Sunday-6 PM), Handicap Accessible United Methodist, 507 Main St. Pastor Lexie Kirkpatrick, 319-474-2362. Sunday Worship 11:15 AM; Sunday School 9:45 AM; Fellowship 10:45 AM. Handicap Accessible
St. John Lutheran, 124 S. Main St. 563-932-2357, Rev. Dr. Jenny Edinger, Sunday worship, 10:30 AM, Jan.-June, 8:30 AM, July thru December
First Baptist, 202 4th St., S. Rev. Mike Andersen, Sunday Worship 9 AM, Sunday School 10 AM Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, 302 W. Main Father Paul McManus, 319-635-2211. Sunday Mass 8:30 AM Lord of the Harvest Lutheran AFLC, 120 Main St. Rev. Scott Jans, 319-635-2879. Sunday Worship 9 AM; Sunday School 10:15 AM United Methodist, 107 2nd St. N. Reverend Sheryl Hull, 319-635-2932. Sunday Worship 9:15 AM, Coffee/Fellowship 10:15, Worship Wednesdays 6 PM St. John's Lutheran (Mo. Synod), 208 4th St. N. Rev. Roy W. Berquist,, 319-635-2181. Sunday Worship:10 AM; Sunday School/Bible class: 9 AM (during school year.) Email: stjohnsluth@
First Presbyterian, 100 3rd St. SW Pastor Duane Olsen, 319-238-9206. Sunday Worship 9:30 AM; Coffee and fellowship, 10:30 AM, potluck lunch first Sunday of the month Trinity United Methodist, 209 1st St. NE Pastor Julie Schubert, 319-636-2784. Sunday Worship 10 AM with fellowship after; Adult Sunday School 9 AM; Wednesday youth group after school, Sept-May.
Bethel Baptist, 614 3rd St. NE Pastor Michael Anderson, 319-334-6617. Sunday Worship 10:30 AM/7 PM; Sunday School 9:30 AM; Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7 PM. Calvary Evangelistic Center, 700 13th St. NE Rev. James M. Ganze, 319-334-2743. Sunday’s World Changers (kids) 10 AM; Worship (adults)
GREENLEY LUMBER CO. Independence 319-334-3705 (800) 609-3705
10 AM; Family Worship 6:30 PM; Wednesday service 7:30 PM. Cornerstone Foursquare, 707 20th Ave. SW Rev. Marty Schminkey, 319-334-4489. Sunday Worship 10:30 AM, coffee and snacks at 10 AM; nursery and children’s ministry during service. SMAC for youth Tuesdays at 6:37 PM. Find us on Facebook at Cornerstone4square First Baptist, 301 2nd St. SE Pastor Mike Nemmers, Sunday Worship 10:15 AM; Sunday School 9 AM; www., 319-240-7935 or 319-334-2135. First Presbyterian, 115 6th Ave. NW Rev. John H. Hougen, 319-334-3523. Sunday Worship 10 AM (nursery available). Handicap accessible and hearing units. fpcoffice@indytel. com; First United Methodist, 313 2nd St. SE Rev. Scott Meador, 319-334-3689. Sunday Worship 9 AM; Sunday School 10:15 AM; Radio Broadcast 11 AM at 95.3 FM Freedom Baptist (Independent), 210 2nd St. SE Pastor Joshua Graber. 319-334-3801, Sunday School 9:30 AM; Sunday Worship 10:30 AM; Sunday Evening Service 5 PM; Midweek Service Wed. 7 PM; email: jcegraber@hotmail. com Hope Wesleyan, 505 4th Ave NE Rev. Robert Solon, 319-334-7148. Sunday School (all ages) 9:15 AM; Sunday Worship 8 AM, Fellowship 10 AM, 2nd Worship 10:30. Wednesday Evening Activities: Trek (grades 6-8th), AWANA (grades PK-5th ), Youth (Sr. High), and Starting Point (adult) at 6:30 PM; Women’s Tuesday Morning Perk, at Em’ Coffee Shop, 8 AM. Immanual Lutheran (ELCA), 512 5th St. NE Sr. Pastor Greg DeBoer, 319-334-2511. Saturday Worship 5:30 PM; Sunday Worship 8 AM & 10:30 AM; Sunday School 9:15 AM; Nursery available/Handicap Accessible/ Hearing devices; Living Water, 113 2nd Ave NE Pastor John Sheda, 319-334-6723. Sunday Worship 10:30 AM; Sunday School 9:30 AM; Bible Study Prayer Service and Kid's Club, Wednesdays 7-8:30 PM. Our Redeemer Lutheran (Missouri Synod), 120 17th Ave. NE Call 319-334-2745. Sunday School 11:30 AM; Sunday Worship 10:30 AM; Adult Bible Study 11:30 AM St. James Episcopal, 202 2nd Ave. NE Rev. Sue Ann Raymond, 319-334-4297. Holy Eucharist 10 AM 1st, 2nd, & 4th Sunday with Father Sean Burke; Morning Prayer 3rd & 5th Sunday with Rev. Raymond, Godly Play is offered to 4-10 year olds, 9-9:45 AM each Sunday. St. John's Catholic, 209 5th Ave. NE Rev. Donald Plamondon, 319-334-7191, Saturday Mass 4:30 PM; Sunday Mass 10 AM; Confessions Saturdays 3:45-4:15 PM Triumphant Church, SW corner of Hwy. 150 & 20 Rev. Lance Fricke, 319-334-2407. Sunday Worship 10 AM; TNT classes, all ages 11 AM; Wednesday service 7 PM; Oneighty for youth 7 PM; Game Room opens at 6 PM.
Christian Life Church, 116 1st St. E Pastor Richard Wearmouth, 319-334-6978, Sunday 10:30 AM & 6 PM; Wednesday, Bible Study 7 PM
American Lutheran Church, 552 Purdy St. Pastor Dawn Pederson, 319-827-6626. Sunday Worship 9 AM; Sunday School 10:15 AM; Fellowship 10 AM; Jesup Bible Fellowship, 152 South St. Rev. Matthew Perez, 319-827-6231. Sunday Worship 9 AM; Fellowship 10:15; Bible School classes 10:30 AM First United Methodist, 455 6th St. Rev. Alex Bruening, 319-827-1675. Sunday Worship 9 AM; First Presbyterian, 643 6th St. Rev. Kathleen Sheets, 319-827-1701. Sunday/ Communion Worship 10 AM; Fellowship 11 AM; Sonlight Service 6 PM; Youth at Christ 7 PM Grace Lutheran, 633 Purdy St. Rev. Roy W. Berquist, 319-827-1257, Sunday Worship 8:30 AM; Sunday School 10 AM; Email: St. Athanasius Catholic, 634 Stevens St. Msgr. Lyle Wilgenbusch, 319-827-6682. Saturday Mass 5 PM; Sunday Mass 8:30 AM; Religious Education 9:30 AM; Fellowship 9:30 AM
Aurora Lamont Baptist Rev. Scott Hall, 563-633-6545. Sunday Worship 9 AM; Sunday School 10 AM Grace United Methodist, 745 Washington St. Pastor Allen Craft, 563-924-2870. Sunday Worship 8:30 AM
LaPorte City
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Jubilee (ELCA) 12007 Jubilee Road, La Porte City, IA (half way between Jesup & La PorteCity), Pastor Jenna Couch 319-269-9644, Sunday Worship 9 AM; Sunday school 8:45 AM Fellowship 11 AM
St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 119 W Fayette St. Father Joseph Schneider, Sacramental Priest Father John Kremer, Saturday Mass, 4 PM, Sunday Mass 7:30 AM and 10:00 AM, 563-927-4710
Immaculate Conception, 608 Bernhart St. Father Joseph Schneider, Sacramental Priest Father John Kremer, Sunday Mass 9:30 AM Silver Creek United Methodist Church Pastor Sharon Andersen, Sunday Worship, 9 AM , located 4 miles East of Monti and 1 mile south on Robinson Road.
Mt. Auburn
Mt. Auburn United Methodist Church, 201 Traer St. Rev. Julie McCullough, Sunday Worship 9 AM; Sunday School 10:15 AM
Christ United Presbyterian Church, 100 E. Charles St. Adult Sunday School 9:30 AM, Church Service 10:30 AM. For current Children’s Sunday School hours, please call the church at 319-283-1656. All are welcome.
Oran United Methodist, 212 E. Cedar St. Pastor Fred Burns, Sunday Worship, 8:30 AM
Union Protestant Church of Quasqueton, 212 E. Cedar Rev. Kevin Jennings, 319-934-3558. Worship 10 AM; Sunday School 9 AM Hoover Wesleyan, 2898 310th St. (SE of Quasqueton) Pastor Dr. Charles Clark, 319-224-9317. Sunday Worship 10 AM; Sunday School 9 AM; Sunday Evening Worship 6:30 PM; Wednesday Bible Study 7 PM, Kids Club 5-7 PM.
First Presbyterian, 212 Park Ave. Sunday Worship 9 AM; Sunday School 10:15 AM; Handicap Accessible United Methodist, 201 Rowley St. Pastor Sheri Andersen, 319-938-2605. Fellowship 9:30 AM; Sunday Worship 10:30 AM, Wednesday Bible Study 10 AM, Handicap Accessible
Union Church, 126 N. Winslow Pastor Phil Rownd, 319-634-3757. Sunday Worship 9:30 AM & 7 PM; Sunday School 10:40 AM; Sunday Evening 7 PM; Wednesday Youth: 6:30 PM; Wed. Prayer Meeting 7 PM
St. Mary's Catholic, 402 Ash Ave. Fr. Ardel Barta, Parish Life Coordinator Marcia Reilly, Mass Sundays at 8:30 AM and Wednesdays at 8:30 AM followed by Adoration until 10 AM, Children’s Liturgy held during Mass for preschool through 5th grade. Urbana United Methodist Pastor Sheri Andersen, 10:30 AM worship with fellowship following, Wed. afternoon Study Group at 4 PM .
Sacred Heart Catholic, 302 Ely St. Fr. Ardel Barta, Parish Life Coordinator Marcia Reilly, Mass Saturday 5:15 PM and Thursday at 8:30 AM. Walker United Methodist, 101 Ely St. Pastor Norman Kelly, Sunday Worship Service 9 AM
Church of Christ United, 354 2nd St. N. Pastor Dean Schlitter, 319-935-3353. Sunday School 9 AM. Sunday Worship 9:15 AM; St. Patrick Catholic, 555 1st St. S. Rev. Donald Plamondon, 319-935-3871. Mass Saturday 6:30 PM; Sunday 8 AM
Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 628 S. Frederick Father Paul McManus, Deacon James Patera Saturday Mass 4:30 PM, Sunday 10:30 AM
SPAHN & ROSE LUMBER Jesup 319-827-1448
CITIZENS STATE BANK Winthrop 319-935-3364 Member FDIC
DUNLAP MOTORS INC. Independence 319-334-7103
PAGE 8 September 3, 2015
Free Beef Quality Assurance certification course to be held Sept. 14
Buchanan County Cattlemen’s Association and Buchanan County ISU Extension and Outreach will offer a Beef Quality Assurance certification course and dinner 6-8:30 PM Sept. 14. Doug Bear, director of Industry Relations with the Iowa Beef Industry Council, will lead the training at Heartland Acres event center, Independence, free for individuals who work with or raise beef. Pre-registration required by calling Buchanan County ISU Extension and Outreach, 319-334-7161. Becoming certified tells the consumer that all cattle shipped from the beef production units are healthy, wholesome and safe, their management has met FDA, USDA and EPA standards, and they meet quality requirements throughout the production system and are produced with environmentally sound production practices.
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September 3, 2015 PAGE 9
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September 3, 2015
The deadline for all news, advertising and subscription changes for the Sept. 10 edition of THE NEWS and THE GUIDE is NOON, FRIDAY, Sept. 4. THE NEWS office will be closed Monday, Sept. 7 for Labor Day.
See our selection of CIGARS & Accessories! NEW! Fall Flavored Craft & R R Caramel Beer coming soon! Whiskey, 750 ml, $999
The News & The Guide
Fall 2015 C-CIC program schedule Submitted by Buchanan Co. ISU Extension
Buchanan County ISU Extension and Outreach would like to remind the public of the fall Commercial Pesticide Applicators Continuing Instruction Courses program schedule. To register for any of the listed classes contact the office at 319334-7161. • Oct. 21 - Roadside, Forest & Aquatic Pest Management (2, 5, 6, 10), 9-11:30 AM. Cost is $35 and registration deadline is Oct. 14. Cost after Oct. 14 is $45. • Oct. 29 - Mosquito & Public Health Pest Management (7D, 8, 10), 9-11:30 AM. Cost is $35 and registration deadline is Oct. 22. Cost after Oct. 22 is $45. • Nov. 11 - Ornamental & Turn Applicators (3O, 3T, 3OT, 10), 9-11:30 AM. Cost is $35 and registration deadline is Nov. 4. Cost after Nov. 4 is $45. •Nov. 17 - Fumigation (7C, 10), 9-11:30 AM. Cost is $35 and registration deadline is Nov. 10. Cost after Nov. 10 is $45. •Nov. 18 - Commercial Ag Weed, Insect & Plant Disease (1A, 1B, 1C, 10), 9-11:45 AM. Cost is $35 and registration deadline is Nov. 11. Cost after Nov. 11 is $45. •Dec. 2 - Pest Control Operators (7A, 7B, 8, 10) – NO RESHOW, 9-11:30 AM. Cost is $60 and registration deadline is Nov. 25. Cost after Nov. 25 is $70. To view Aerial Applicators Tape (10, 11) or Greenhouse Tape (3G, 3O, 10), call for an appointment. Cost for each is $35.
Get all your local news delivered to your mailbox each week! See page 15 for details!
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Iowa students and teachers are starting another school year. Unfortunately, this year our educators and students face even bigger challenges as they try to do more with less. We’ve got amazing teachers and school leaders striving to do what’s best for our kids, but the Governor’s veto of education funding and the funding delays from Iowa House Republican leadership have made it extremely difficult to keep class sizes low and keep updated textbooks and technology in the classroom. As a result of the veto, 500,000 Iowa K-12 students will notice outdated textbooks, old technology, and fewer teachers this year. About half of Iowa’s school districts will also be raising property taxes this year to make up the funding shortfall. Thousands of Iowans are also attending one of Iowa’s 15 community colleges this fall. We know these local colleges play a critical role in building Iowa’s skilled workforce by helping people of all ages get the skills they need to land a good job. However, community college tuition rose again this year and the Governor vetoed additional money approved by the Legislature to keep tuition low. For the first time in three years, Iowa students attending University of Northern Iowa, Iowa State University, or University of Iowa will be facing higher tuition in January. After lawmakers worked out a deal to freeze tuition for another year, the Governor vetoed the compromise without warning and took away $6 million. Iowa students already carry some of the highest debt in the country so the Governor’s veto means it will take them even longer to pay off their student loans. It was my honor and a humbling experience to be the State Representative. I appreciate the messages and correspondence I receive from people in the district. You can contact me anytime at or call at 515-281-3221.
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The News & The Guide
September 3, 2015 PAGE11
Farm to Fork Harvest Celebration – a self-guided farm tour
Scarecrow Contest at Art Under the Oaks
By Ashley Sherrets Ag/Hort Program Coordinator Buchanan Co. ISU Extension
By Roxanne Fuller, Executive Director Buchanan County ISU Extension
The Buchanan County Food Work Team is excited to host the first annual Farm to Fork Harvest Celebration from 1-5 PM on Sept. 27. While on the self-guided tour you will visit vegetable, poultry and livestock operations, and an apple orchard. The first of the five stops begins in Southeast Buchanan County and includes stops at TD N’ Guy Garden Oasis, Timeless Prairie Orchard, Short Brothers farm, and Winthrop Locker. The final location is Independence Jr./Sr. High School. A local foods dinner will be served at the Jr./Sr. high beginning at 4 PM and the last meal will be served at 4:30. The school greenhouse and garden will be on display as well. The Food Work Team is comprised of members from Buchanan Co. ISU Extension and Outreach, Independence Farmers Market, ICSD Farm to School and FFA programs, Buchanan Co. Health Center, Terrance Holub of TD N’ Guy Garden Oasis, and University of Northern Iowa Center for Energy & Environmental Education. The team has worked hard to support local foods programming and activities. This tour being one of the activities. So why should you attend? Farm to Fork Harvest Celebration is a chance to see where local food is produced and then taste those delicious foods grown right here in Buchanan County. The Buchanan County Food Work Team is dedicated to the promotion of buying your food locally. We feed the world, but we forget that we can feed ourselves through local producers. In 2013, $13,035,445 was the total local foods sales by farmers in Iowa, according to a survey by Regional Food Systems Working Group, a statewide network of 15 local food coordinators. This same survey stated that at least 171 new jobs have been created in Iowa as a result of the local foods sector. More than one-third are full-time jobs. Positions were created in farming, sales and marketing, farm labor, processing, distribution, nutrition education, horticultural education, and culinary arts. Local foods is good for Iowans. Each location on the tour will provide educational demonstrations on their operations and have fun activities for the family! Pre-registration is requested and there is a small fee of $15 per person, $25 per couple, or $30 per family. For information and to purchase tickets contact Extension at 319-334-7161 or visit
Find your inner artist and design a scarecrow to be on display in the Lee Mansion Gardens during Art Under the Oaks, 10 AM-4 PM on Sept. 26. Buchanan County Master Gardeners will sponsor a Design a Scarecrow event to draw event-goers to view the Victorian Gardens of the Lee Mansion, a Buchanan Co. Master Gardener project. Visitors may vote for their favorite scarecrow and a $30 Independence Chamber Dollar prize will be awarded for the one with the highest votes. The event is open to all ages and we encourage anyone to register who has a desire! Entry guidelines: 1. Entries may be made by individuals or by a group (ex: a garden club); for group entry, only one $30 prize will be awarded. Group members may divide the winnings accordingly. 2. Scarecrow will be of your own design, but must have at least one garden-related item incorporated within the design. 3. Scarecrow must be delivered to Lee Mansion Gardens between 8-9 AM Sept. 26 to be set up. 4. The morning of the event, one 4-foot steel fencepost will be provided to support each scarecrow. If your design requires more sophisticated support systems, you are responsible for providing that support system and collecting it at the end of the event. 5. At the conclusion of the event each entrant may pick up scarecrow at 4:30 PM. Or leave it on display in the Lee Mansion Garden until Oct. 3, when all scarecrows will be taken down. Considerations for your design: • Do not include any items of value on your scarecrow. Buchanan County Master Gardeners are not responsible for lost or stolen items. • All items on the scarecrow should be able to withstand typical weather events. This is an outdoor event and delicate items may not hold up to wind/rain. Buchanan County Master Gardeners reserve the right to refuse or remove any entry deemed inappropriate for public display. They also reserve the right to use images of entrant/design entry on their website, publications, or other materials designed to promote the organization. Stop at Buchanan County ISU Extension and Outreach to grab a registration form 8 AM4:30 PM at Heartland Acres in Independence, or contact me for more information at 319-3347161 or Buchanan County Historical Society will have the Lee Mansion open that day from 10 AM-4 PM. Please stop out to view our scarecrows and enjoy a fun day of arts of all kinds!
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PAGE 12 September 3, 2015
The News & The Guide
Living Well with Buchanan County Health Center Control your Cholesterol
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 102 million American adults have a total cholesterol at or above a healthy level (200 mg/dL). What are your cholesterol numbers? September is National Cholesterol Education Month, making it a great time to visit your physician and learn the facts on your cholesterol health. Cholesterol is a soft, fat-like substance found in your bloodstream and cells. Your liver produces it naturally in small quantities. Cholesterol often gets a bad name, but a limited amount is essential for maintaining good health. Its main function is the production of cell membranes and certain hormones. Although most of your cholesterol is produced by your body, we also add cholesterol by the foods that we eat. Meat, poultry, eggs, fish and dairy products are a few of the main contributors of cholesterol in our diets. When the cholesterol we eat is added to what our body produces, the total is often more than what our body needs. According to the American Heart Association, aim for your total blood cholesterol to be less than 200 mg/dL. Your
HDL cholesterol should be above 40 mg/dL and optimally above 60 mg/dL. Since this is the â&#x20AC;&#x153;goodâ&#x20AC;? cholesterol, the higher the number the better. For the average healthy person, LDL cholesterol (the â&#x20AC;&#x153;badâ&#x20AC;? cholesterolâ&#x20AC;?) should be less than 130 mg/dL. Shoot for that number to be even lower (less than 100 mg/dL) if you are at high risk for heart disease or a heart attack. Lastly, your triglyceride levels should be less than 150 mg/dL to be considered in the normal range. Control your cholesterol. Although some of your cholesterol numbers can be blamed on genetics, there are many things that you can do to be proactive about lowering your total cholesterol levels. One of your biggest defenses against high cholesterol is to make changes in your diet and exercise regimen. Choose products that are low in saturated fat and are trans fat-free, low in cholesterol, and foods that are good sources of fiber. Maintain a healthy weight and get plenty of exercise. Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Also, talk to your doctor about getting regularly scheduled cholesterol screenings.
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Find THE NEWS at:
Winthrop: THE NEWS Office at 225 W. Madison, McElroyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Foods and Speede Shop Independence: Fareway, S&K Collectibles, Hartig Drug, Music Station, Caseyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s General Stores Manchester: Widner Drug
The News & The Guide
September 3, 2015 PAGE 13
Iowa Crop Report
Already saturated fields along with heavy rains on Friday limited fieldwork in the State to 3.9 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending August 30, 2015, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. Activities for the week included cutting hay and silage, as well as harvesting oats. Scattered reports of sudden death syndrome and white mold in soybean fields were received. Topsoil moisture levels rated 0 percent very short, 6 percent short, 78 percent adequate and 16 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture levels rated 1 percent very short, 7 percent short, 78 percent adequate and 14 percent surplus. Heavy rains in central Iowa raised topsoil and subsoil surplus moisture levels up 13 and 12 percentage points to 28 and 30 percent, respectively. Ninety-five percent of the corn crop reached the dough stage or beyond, with 57 percent dented or beyond, 3 days ahead of last year, but 3 days behind the 5-year average. Three percent of the corn crop was reported as being mature. Corn condition rated 81 percent good to excellent. Ninety-five percent of soybeans were setting pods or beyond, while 11 percent of soybeans were turning color, 2 days ahead of 2014, but 2 days behind normal. Soybeans dropping leaves were also reported this week by a few reporters. Soybean condition rated 76 percent good to excellent. Oats harvested for grain or seed was virtually complete this week. The second cutting of alfalfa hay was nearing completion, while the third cutting of alfalfa hay was 67 percent complete, 5 days behind average. Pasture condition rated 66 per-
cent good to excellent. Livestock conditions were reported as generally good, although muddy lots were reported in some areas. WEATHER SUMMARY It was an unseasonably cool week across Iowa with highly variable rainfall amounts. There was a gradual warming trend during the week with a few locations edging slightly above normal on Thursday (27th) and Sunday (30th). Temperature extremes for the week ranged from Tuesday (25th) morning lows of 40 degrees at Spencer and Sheldon to a Sunday (30th) afternoon high of 85 degrees at Donnellson. The statewide average temperature for the week was 5.9 degrees below normal. Dry weather prevailed statewide from Sunday (23rd) morning through Wednesday (26th) night. Showers and thunderstorms brought rain to all but far southeastern Iowa between Thursday (27th) morning and Saturday (29th) morning. Very heavy rain fell Friday (28th) along and just south of U.S. Highway 20 from Fort Dodge east to Waterloo with four to six inch amounts common. Weekly rain totals varied from only sprinkles at Bloomfield, Fairfield, Mount Pleasant, Burlington, Fort Madison and Keokuk to 6.59 inches at Steamboat Rock in Hardin County. However, unofficial rain totals between 9 and 10 inches were received from southeast Webster and southern Hamilton counties. The statewide average precipitation was 1.52 inches while normal for the week is 0.91 inches.
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September 3, 2015
The News & The Guide
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WHAT a DEAL 25 Words for just $6. Only 10¢ for each additional word. Call 319-327-1810 PRE-PAYMENT is required for Thank You and Classified Ads before publication. These are not billed. Send payment ($6.00 for up to 25 words, 10 cents per word after) with your ad to PO Box 9, Winthrop IA 50682 or drop off at 225 W. Madison, Winthrop. Thank you.
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Registered Nurse (ICU) Regional Medical Center, based out of Manchester, Iowa, has an opening in the Intensive Care Unit for a part-time or full-time Registered Nurse. Must have current IA licensure, CPR and ACLS. Critical Care and Telemetry experience preferred. ď&#x201A;ˇ Excellent Benefit Package ď&#x201A;ˇ For a full list of positions, or to apply online:
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physical agility exams. Successful applicants are eligible for employment by all agencies. For details, application contact Dickinson County Sheriffâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Office, 712-336-2793, any Coop Agency, or website www. Testing Dates are September 25 & 26, 2015, Application deadline, September 11, 2015, at 4:00 P.M. EOE (INCN)
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Find THE NEWS at:
Winthrop: THE NEWS Office at 225 W. Madison, McElroyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Foods and Speede Shop Independence: Fareway, S&K Collectibles, Hartig Drug, Music Station, Caseyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s General Stores Manchester: Widner Drug
ď&#x20AC;ľď&#x20AC;˛ď&#x20AC;° ď&#x20AC;ąď łď ´ ď &#x201C;ď ´ ď &#x2026;ď&#x20AC;Ž ď &#x2030;ď Žď ¤ď Ľď °ď Ľď Žď ¤ď Ľď Žď Łď Ľ ď &#x2030;ď ď&#x20AC;ľď&#x20AC;°ď&#x20AC;śď&#x20AC;´ď&#x20AC;´ 319-334-7103 â&#x20AC;˘ lvosburgh@dunlapmotorsindy.ď Łď Żď
The City of Independence is seeking a Waste Water Operator with strong mechanical skills. QualiďŹ ed candidates must be able to meet the physical requirements to perform the duties of the Waste Water Operator Position. A Waste Water, Water, or Waste Water Collection Grade 1 license preferred. This position is open until ďŹ lled. Application packets are available at city hall, 331 1st Street E, Independence, IA 50644. The City of Independence is an equal opportunity employer, M/F/Disability/Veteran.
Public Notice
Buchanan County Board of Supervisors August 24, 2015 The Buchanan County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, August 24, 2015 with Gary Gissel, Chairman in the Chair, Ellen Gaffney and Don Shonka present. Absent, none. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Motion by Shonka second by Gaffney to approve the minutes of the August 17th meeting. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gaffney second by Shonka to approve the claims ďŹ led with the County Auditor for payment in the amount of $890,452.16. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Gaffney second by Shonka to approve the ďŹ reworks permit for Amanda and Josh Coonrad, 2083 Wapsi Access Blvd., Independence, September 11, 2015. All in favor, motion carried. Supervisor Gissel presented information on the progress of the fence replacement on the county pasture property and the additional fence that will be replaced. The Board agreed to replace additional fence at $6,900 with Novak Fencing Inc. Motion by Shonka second by Gaffney to approve the correction warrant application submitted by the County Treasurer on parcel JSJE #, $892 in the name of the City of Jesup. All in favor, motion carried. Community Services Director, Julie Davison presented the monthly report of her department. Case Management has served 113 clients. Davison reported the Managed Care Organization contracts have been awarded. Five residents received rental assistance and nine residents received utility assistance. Twenty-four veter-
ans were served. After discussion, motion by Gaffney second by Shonka to accept the monthly report. All in favor, motion carried. The Board proceeded to canvass the votes cast at the August 18th City of Hazleton Special Election. The results were as follows: term ending 12-31-15 council member â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Christopher Hayzlett 68 votes and Gene Seiffert 79 votes with Gene Seiffert declared the winner; term ending 12-31-17 council member â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Randy Blume 1 vote, Troy McAllister 71 votes, and Ronald J. Vawter 76 votes with Ronald J. Vawter declared the winner. Motion by Shonka and second by Gaffney to place the canvass on ďŹ le with the County Auditor and forward an Abstract of Election to the City of Hazleton. All in favor, motion carried. IT Director, Ray McDonald presented his monthly report. McDonald reported on the work completed the past month and what is scheduled to be completed in the next 30 days. After discussion, motion by Gaffney second by Shonka to accept the monthly report. All in favor, motion carried. County Engineer, Brian Keierleber presented information on the purchase of a motor grader and end loader. Also present, Scott Timmer representative from Murphy Tractor and Equipment Company. Motion by Gaffney second by Shonka to purchase the John Deere 544K end loader in the amount of $118,500 and the John Deere 772G motor grader in the amount of $236,300 from Murphy Tractor and Equipment Co. All in favor, motion carried. Note an additional discount of $8,000 will be applied by purchasing both pieces of equipment. Motion by Gaffney second by Shonka to adjourn at 10:01 a.m.All in favor, motion carried. Gary Gissel, Chairman ATTEST: Cindy Gosse, Auditor
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September 3, 2015 PAGE 15
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s members Aurora American Legion recognize
August 27, 2015
Supervisors open pasture rent bids
75 Cents
Britta Fults wins 56th Annual Iowa State Fair Talent Search
State Fair Straw Poll
Nomination filing period for mayor, council positions now open
Secretary of State Paul Pate conducted Editor a Presidential Straw Poll throughout the to Gene Special recognition was given Iowa State Fair. A total of 9,008 votes p nkam Korte ne Britta Fults, 18, of Rowley placed first in the SeMarle By Steven C. Smith and Liz McCann, NEWS were cast. Donald Trump was the top ander Jerel By Kris Wilgenbusch, THE nior division during the championship round of nan Nomination papers for open community mayor and city ng, Bucha and American Legion Comm overall vote-getter by a wide margin. He g Monday’s regular meeti ciation Durin Homes in Iowa are selling faster appre the 56th annual Bill Riley Talent Search Comyearly the and a council positions for the Nov. 3 election must be filed with Griffin during years Gissel, Don Shonkaccumulated 1,830 votes. Hillary Clinton five Gary last the visors in a Super have y Auror they the Count than petition held Sunday at the 2015 Iowa State acres held August 10 at 86.5 r of the Buchanan County Clerk’s Office between August 24 dinne rental Home for rise. bids to d ue came in second with 1,338 votes, folIn addition, Ellen Gaffney opene and sale prices contin Fair. Fults walked away with an $8,000 2015 and Sept. 17 at 5 PM. American Legion Post 435. the remainder oflowed than by Bernie Sanders 1,217, and Dr. ored for of county-owned pasture for sales in July were 12% higher prize for her vocal solo. Fults, the daughbids FiveBen youth the Legion had spons Nomination papers may be obtained from the city clerk 2018. two and Iowa 2017 the to 2016, ing Carson 1,185. No other candidate of accord and the years nn and Ryan July last year ter of Glen and Mindy Fults, recently n ® office, county auditor’s office or on the Iowa Secretary of Boys State, Brandon McCa bid by James Hanse . surpassed 1,000 votes. to speak were submitted with the high Association of REALTORS graduated from East Buchanan High bids State website. Signature requirements on the nominations Kremer, were in attendance s who submittedThe s poll was divided by party; Trump for $115.61 per acre. All partie Last month, 4,661 Iowa home School and plans to attend University iences. and exper Farms their vary according to the population of the city. elly about Donn July in and emerged victorious on the Republican recognized were allowed to raise them were sold compared to 4,155 of Iowa this fall, double majoring in final Story continues on page 26. Marlene Kortenkamp was also bids. Hansen was theside, their and Clinton for the Democrats. Ben raise did n Auxil the Hanse of 2014. Pending properties theater arts and vocal performance. teer efforts with volun her for year a from acre. Carson and Bernie Sanders finished secsay, “There bidder at $200 per increased almost 11% She performed “Poor Unfortunate 18. iary, although she is quick to increased Story continues on page ond in their respective parties. and men n ago. The median sale price Legio Souls” as the character of Urted are a lot of dedica the just as by 3.4% from a year ago. Also, sula from Disney’s “The Little Auxiliary members who work has been Wildfire – hurricane link sold-price to list-price ratio Mermaid,” the piece she perhard.” er, comsumm and Researchers from the University of rt spring this Norbe r highe By Steven C. Smith formed for her first Bill Riley children nkamp’s late husband Korte Their California and NASA have uncovered pared to last year. The Independence City Council met in regular session Talent Show competition in Force helped Air was an also often a strong link between high wildfire risk Monday night with all members present and Mayor Bonita 2009. n, she had the wellat vetera out Editor ant in the Amazon basin and the devastatapp Davis presiding. The council heard updates from Buchanan By Christine Dale, Assist “We are just so . Iowa DOT launches 511 of events brothers in one ed was two attend classroom ing hurricanes that ravage North Atlantic County Economic Development (BCEDC) Director George Construction of an outdoor thrilled for her,” said With historic amounts of road daughter, School In addition to the well-underthe service and has Their Buchananshorelines. ays this l topics discussed at the East Lake and Independence Library Director Laura Blaker. Mindy. “Theater construction on Iowa highw ent/El a granddaughter Kathy Bond, said severa is stood east-west influence of El Niño on held August 10. Superintend ng meeti and music are her Lake reports to Buchanan County city councils several Board . summer, knowing where traffic Korea was Pam serving in that her father that teache ther Amazon, there’s a north-south control can be ary Principal Dan Fox shared passions, and it times a year on updates and activities of his office and moving and where it is not, the She believes in the very good at help- ement applied for and received a grant from on fire activity that’s set by the state of the on was amazing to has recently presented plaques to county communities Johns critical to travelers. for Auxil and These funds n Legio ation. • ICSD award ing raise ble tropical North Atlantic. ed $12,00 support for the BCEDC as it celebrated a nan County Community Found see her succeed at To increase the amount of availa Renewablacknowledging used asocean waters help hurricanes develiary and steps in to the Legion and had Bucha e Energy Gr 0 tment to build a pavilion to be Warm something she loves. I couldn’t say enough about the people who have encouraged andnch 20-year ant anniversary in July. At Monday’s meeting, he also • Ma of funds will be used real-time data, the Iowa Depar neednds High where est thousa sets. help er raised holds Bacon south of the swing op and gather strength and speed on their nced a oom annou classr or Ho has taught her so much! I love watching her perform, and hearing her name announced as ion outdo n’ of Independence with a plaque acknowlps presented the city an portat Fes Trans for r of tival coned, particularly dollars for Hono h will coordinate way to North American shores. They also Waze, • Old ICSDedging support for the BCEDC. the winner was overwhelming.” school student Christian Frenc High School data-sharing partnership with fry and said smelt Fox s. t. the Flight projec Scout to be dem Sept tend to pull a large belt of tropical rainfall that olished soon Story continues on page 26. on as part of his Eagle Story continues on page 3. ber 3, 2015Convergence a navigation smartphone app fall. em the pancake break“It’s a wonder- structi leted this Calendar of and – known as the Intertropical Pictured: Britta Fults, 18, of Rowley, performs a vocal solo in the Bill Riley Talent Events, expect construction to be comp uses input from drivers to report ss progre fast fundraisers, ful organization,” they l yearlyZone Local Adver Recipes, hanancou – to the north, drawing moisture away ebuc discussed the district’s annua tising, Fox l h avoid traffic disruptions. funera “whic stanwith nt Search Finals on August 23. (Iowa State Fair/Steve Pope Photography) B) Liz, along d (NCL said Co More! ncep ed from thetua southern Amazon and leading to d meeting No Child Left Behin m drawing Last week, Iowa DOT launch in other lfire of pro dinners. Proceeds notedheightened does a lot of good towar 75 Cents posed gymn risk over time. Although improvements were asium entra a new Waze layer on the 511 slightly from fundraisers deeds.” Although dards. nce availproficiency in grades 3-5 was g readin areas, vato a traveler information system down to are used for they aren’t able us year,Noninvasive By Kris Wilgenbusch, THE NEWS test for s and in 2014-15 than the previo able through websites, phone higher riety of projects, Liz is very proud lower iency rate is still During Monday’s regular meeting, Buchanan Board of d data help as much as they used to, hearts 3-5 disease 79% from 82%. This profic mobile apps. It shows filtere including Dollars 76.83% for grade ations are following in her of e gener Supervisors Don Shonka, Ellen Gaffney and Gary Gissel traffic averag tions, more (e.g. ide two obliga n that statew traffic t A new technology to test for coronary the vetera impac that might grand- than for Scholars, Post Prom, heard from Community Services Director Julie Davison s on Food footsteps, including her daughters and arteryntary disease uses noninvasive CT scans 2013-14. in jams, crashes, closures, object ions to the Independence Area activiiary donat eleme and Auxil that the to calculate how much blood is flowing about a decision by Governor Branstad to hire managed icons daughters in participating in Fox notified board members the road, heavy fog, etc.). The of AsPantry, among others. belong,” said Liz. care companies to help run the state’s Medicaid programs. will have designated a School In Need members, Ko- ties. “We are very proud to through diseased coronary arteries that have representing traffic impacts mand- has now been funds for One of about 40 Auxiliary circle The state received 11 bids from potential vendors, with to be n was honored to receive a “Com He sistance (SINA). The state will providenarrowed like Griffi just “I due to plaque buildup. The patient event, the after a white background and a blue rtenkamp said hat and an Iowa flag. n Legio oneBy withdrawing. Bids were awarded to Amerigroup Iowa, clicks es. his She for user servic a care.” l bar we er” When menta does not18. need to undergo an angiogram that around the icon. Kris Wilgenb page 2007. He was supple there and work and show them us Iowa, UnitedHealthcare Plan of the Story continues on AmeriHealth Caritas appear as an Auxiliary has served commander since involves threading a catheter to the heart. years 50 nearly During their ch, THE NEWS “I on the icon, more details will her . on efforts ted reflec recognized for his te be River Valley, andreg WellCare of Iowa. The initiative aims to indica auxilsed and t fellow surpri impac her The test, called fractional flow reservetraffic about County Board ular Monday meeting regarding er and thought said. he memb job,” my doing , Buapproach just so to move toward aofrisk-based care the was by chanan for Supervisormanaged contributed thought I computed tomography (FFRCT), can deterthe information is reported Sh 18. s Ellenserves page on on ka ians and the past members who ues and Gary program, Gaffnabout Story contin the state’s,Medicaid er.” ey, Do560,000 togeth Gissel mewhich ng mine whether a patient has coronary artery worki us n app. of all Waze and Karsen t wi much. “It takes th still Joh Mcn to Gene Iowa residents. Davison stated it is unclear then effect waze. Ru Bo sed and www. Liz surpri mp ore also disease and whether plaque in a coronary f from Optim ma To find out more, visit Pictured, top: Seated are an Mike Fis Gene and Liz McCann were this dchange willhe have onImservices forum their Reclients. and Marlene newables has served Griffin r Gene Jerel artery is restricting blood flow, thereby . of are nition ing recog l Stand com/ccp pa specia Cann. generators. ctStory receive 7G to continues onnd page 26. discuss wi of the years and Kortenkamp. issionerdetermine whether a patient would and Commhelping Booremen as commander four times over Buchanan County Auditor Ryan Kremer. sta that absen her 50 years of from- stents or bypass surgery. announcedbenefit Above: Brandon McCann and tion regarding ted there has been pu last year Liz earned a pin for Social security Elections Cindy Gosse has acbe s) also bli will Photo were ns celec nns The measure of blood flow is called fracthe Kivell electio op l system McCa (Jody ity posischoo installation As the Social Secur auxiliary service. The tee ballots for the Sept. 8 of wind tur Many enjoyed the Quasqueton Area Historical Society’s (QAHS) annual fish fry the area. Supervisor Gi Absen week, in organizing the tional flowtee reserve (FFR). Until now, the bines in , August 14. ssel said tha knowledged for their work brated its 80th anniversary last available to be voted on Friday t concerns ha Bu-for measuring FFR involved fundraiser on August 22. Along with a meal of fish, potato salad, coleslaw, home- been about health an at the test for many years. ted that standard office ve d environme Legion’s pancake breakfasts a recent Gallup survey indica s may be cast in the auditor’s impact on ballot grown tomatoes, desserts and more, there were door prizes, a raffle for a birdhouse nta IndeNE, l issues, an say livestock. Fis an invasive angiogram. A catheter is in, 210 5th Ave. d 51% of nonretired Americans her has wo chanan County Courthouse (Courte made by Tommy Moses, and a silent auction. Diners attended from all over to visit development of wi - 4:30 rked with the 8 AM in able to the groin or arm and guided to the sy StruX hours serted nd farms; ex ture Archite they doubt the system will be pendence, during regular office wind opera ten with friends while enjoying the meal. Music was performed by Larry Crow on mouth cts siv ) retire. heart. A thin wire then is guided through the 4. tio they ely with the nFusion at Kirkw Submitted by Forward ay - Friday through Sept. pay them a benefit when Mond oo PM Fis d Co her sta tha g. blockage. A sensor near the organ, plus Joe McIntosh, Brent Hamilton and Terri Wunder all on guitars. Terry and mmunity Co in writin in reto the sted By Ch reque riscatheter t, to his the llege. School tine Dale, At theirted July meeting, Independence These views have fluctuated Absentee ballots must be know Assismeasures ledge, thereCommunity wa. Gary Wunder’s daughter Shane Steinke was a special guest musician, playing a tenor been one noise co tant Editoblood t level of tiplas the wire pressure. websiten http:// the r hafour s onlypriorities to mplaintapproved Board top cent decades, but the curren t co Forms are available on the upFFRCT KiDistrict about thetheir les weektechnique rkwood,(ICSD) sax that once belonged to Don Adams. Ballot p first The new is noninva.pdf. s, members lotapp windBoards, wh the teebal ich absen Ci far s/pdf/ wa send to the Iowa Association of School tiz doubt is similar to what Gallu m atas follows: lection en s of gov/e due to a turbin ’s scans Co bymm “We served 500, the most ever,” said Corinne Love. “Our goal for the membership that was quick said ittee afor sive. arked CT create digital model Enha be postm must e ma ly State lfuSchool Scho3D repairAid, Supplemental State Penny for Infrastrucnc ent (Cthose measured in 1989, when 47% ol requested through the mail mu ncem ed. He CSE)leading was 213 and ended up with 221. So next year’s goal will be one more than this year as the rages ea also said tha tion have to of the arteries theco heart. A colory kn Gosse nitencou ow, Literacy held me the t, ture, Early Funding and Mental Health they would not be able to receiv re etingtos mail as mha midnight, Sept. 5. However, Sc y servic farFunding. ve been no pro livestock he which will be 222.” the Ea e onhelps physicians determine, postal ho coded st Buchan ven of alth also huma The board readings all nboard policies, strictmap benefit. issueapproved an returning their ballots via thepa ol Di s. or pro po See more photos on page 5. sed vessel by vessel, if sufficient blood is demo ’s nsion. The facilities ex Changes in the nation reviewed resignations, transfers/reassignments, and new projec them before August 28. - the heart. Story co cost is estim be tremust ntinues financial $8 Security flowing to maile be.12 5 midllio Pictured: Entertainers Larry Crow, Joe McIntosh, Brent Hamilton and Terri Wunder. hires, and reviewed and on page 18 approved reports. graphics have led to Social n. To All requests for ballots tois . pay for it, the ated at 4. the Sept. that PM 5 ask tions by projec ing the comm (Donna Jensen Photo) district Story continues on page 3. Administration ceived by the auditor’s office unity to vo to pay Se pt. 834-41 319-3 on a09. system will no longer be able general oblig te Tuesday, For more information call$7 ati full benefits .15 million; the remainde on bond of ou 2034. r will be pa t of the Sc after id Option (SILO hool Infrastructure Lo cal ) the bond iss sales tax funds. If passe Voters in Ha ue will levy d, wk a tax increa $2.70 per $1 ty service reg eye Community Colle se of ,000 net ass ge’s 10-coun ion are being tax for a ma essed prope asked wheth instructional ximum of 20 rty er to renew equ ipment levy ye The school an The levy, ov on Tuesday, board has wo ars. Sept. 8. erwhelming community rke Sc d hm ly 20 wi ap itt 07 th proved by , has been use said they wo sin the voters in uld d to fund term facilities ce 2012 to design a lon tional equip g- ground in spring 2016 expect to break sho ment and tec the purchase of instrucroom, indust plan. Proposed are a uld be delay , be the shop an hnology for laboratories saf ria ed, with mo d gym, and ginning with a vo , and outlying classrooms, re shop designe l technology classroom e Brian Cr tim te, bo e Kr ard member be cen ess recounte include equip an aw d d a recent co fore ment for Ha ters. Specific examples sation with ing needs, ne to meet future manufac d construc ford added that they ho nverwkeye’s Pa Lab, dental a loc tio tur w pe tient Simula pro for fine arts gym, new performance - impact” n schedule will have “m the “Why wait? We al farmer who told he tor sual equipme gram clinical equipme area r, activi on students inimal ing would only nt, audio/vi nt . Co im en The first co ties, and greenhouse. mo proveme nstruction of d up paysafe room ma re,” as const career and mmunity me the terest ruction costs y be held ba technical pro nts, air compressors for informal ser eti rat ge ng ck an r es as, a wa d inc gra litt inan s acc rea ies of tours ms, and tra le lond heavy equip an ording to Cr nsportation “We encoura se. and one-on-o discussions ment simula awford, “W hoping to with the pu ge Re tor ne e cap ne ev s. are wa ery ita l liz on of formed voter blic during e the levy wi ementary’s We EB El- bursement from e on a possible disll not result ,” said Squir to be an inin the prope lcome Back FEMA” to in an increa es, who wa those atten rty tax rate. 25. This wa reduce the rne se din s followed by night on August total cost. Both bo Renewing cost a total ard shop” gossi g to not listen to “co d the levy wi of $3.34 pe a rora Comet p. ffee ll r year on a Center on Au meeting at Au- the group it will be bu members assured at $100,000. house assess Craig Schw Quasqueton ilt gust 27 and W ith in ne a r the tim reg ed 6-c ely ardless of wh erdtfeger wi Am ent levy inc the eye’s current man- Ar lud th eth ch CCSE Co-ch erican Legion on Mond ov ed ite er Str awarded a FE erall tax rat , Hawkcts said he the district uXture ay. ma airs Dawn Kr e wo tel M is wi A y rke ll grant as it is five cents low still be appro ton-Parkersb d with Aplin Donlea led ess and Mary a top priori considered xiurg School er than the gthe ty by assessed by property tax Di was ravaged ing to Kress Aurora meeting. Acco the Travis Squir the public. rate by an EF-5 strict after it rd, also allow the college in 2007. Levy es from Pip tornado in 20 and has had received fro a big question they ha renewal will college and er Jaffray wa 08 mu m the comm ve present to provide fin ch ass tax ex s FEMAociated with payers to sav pe unity is “W do we stand rated safe roo rience designing e money here on the district and ancial information when comp Terry Bransta future elections. In Ma ms sin noted that be project. He are districts?” If y 2015, Go d cause EB stu ce then. He said EB v. the bond pa d with other has an A-level bond lege trustees signed a bill giving co cated dents Donlea said sses, Kress rat mmunity co the authority and help assure the distric ing, which will ser at one site, the safe roo are all lothe tax levy lequipment to renew ins rate will sti lower than m will easily ve all stude and facility tructional ll be est interest rate po t receives the lownts and staff. five other ma sam int en e ssible. “Inter tax rate for ance levies Addressing neighboring conference concerns tha 10 years, if at est cost distric and does make a differ in place for could result each levy ha the t the expansi ence,” said When asked ts. who added 20 consecu in on s been Squires, tha tive help the Co and Crawfor reduced parking, Schm frame for the about an expected tim terest rate wi t borrowing at a lower llege meet the years. This election wi d itt ag epro ree ll inll jec all d 20-year thresh that althoug ow Hawkeye ha t if the bond project will on Tuesday, h thi s identified old. passes “more bang for its the district to receive no EB Board a number of including eq sion has be t increase parking, dis s member Gr Although som buck.” future need uipment an en held abou cuseg s, d e feel that Ad tec t in the future adding parki ult Education hnology for the project when funds ng its new Center and During East ing. In addit pe Health Servi Buchanan Ele ion, the colle Story continu rmit. community ge will upgra ces Buildtional techn es on page members ha mentary School’s We de its instru ology in cla 18. lcome Back d the opportu cssrooms an simulation tra night nity to learn d expand ining opportu about the pro on August 25, parents, its nities. Locally, registe posed facilit students an ies project. d dence and Jes red voters in East Bucha (Christine Da nan up , school distric Indepenle Photo) Visit www.h ts awkeyecolle may vote on the levy. aspx for inf ormation. 2015-levy.
Iowa homes sell at fastest rate in five years
By Christine Dale, Assistant
Th BEST e VrdALdisUcusses EB School Boa E tus a rLeft Behind sta SNoubChiscld ound! ribe for as Today little as
Council adopts Home Base Iowa initiative
See Inside!
$ WHO 32 for a LE YE AR!
Historical Society holds largest fish fry yet
Supervisors hear about changes in state Medicaid program
Supervisors discuss wind tu
School election absentee ballots available
CCSE holds co
Vote on bond
mmunity mee
issue is Tuesda
tings on EB b
ond project
ICSD Board sends priorities to Iowa Association of School Boards
HCC Instructio nal Equipment Lev y vote is Tuesd renewal ay
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September 3, 2015
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