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Vegreville Wranglers U13 Squad Preparing for Provincials

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Wendy Brook

Vegreville Wranglers U13 Squad Preparing for Provincials

 Michelle Pinon - News Advertiser

In just over a week members of the Vegreville Wranglers U13 squad will be on home ice for the opening game of Provincials at the Wally Fedun Arena to play in front of family, friends and fans.

U 13 team before practice March 6.
(Michelle Pinon/Photo)

The News Advertiser caught up with Head Coach Bryan Kosak at the team’s 48th practice of the season on March 6 at the Mundare arena. His oldest son Elijah plays on the team. Along with 16 other players. Kosak describes the team as “very competitive” and that the players are “hard working” as they prepare for the challenge that lies ahead.

“We’re a team of a lot of different parents and all fit well together.” Each member has a role to play and have played their role very well. Kosak said he’s seen huge growth in the team over the course of the season and have proven to be extremely resilient.  

The U 13 squad during practice March 6.
(Michelle Pinon/Photo)

Kosak credits the Vegreville & District Minor Hockey Association (VDMHA) as they have ice time two times a week and sometimes three times a week if they have a power skating, checking or development sessions.

Three of the team’s captains played in Provincials last year in Slave Lake. That experience could play a factor when they go up against the other teams during this year’s Provincials. Kosak said it will be important to match the speed of the other teams as well as remain disciplined in its systems and not take penalties.

The U 13 squad during practice March 6.
(Michelle Pinon/Photo)

Alternate Captain Hunter Klassen missed the first half of the season, but has been a “strong motivator” in the second half of the season, remarked Kosak. Klassen has been playing hockey for many years, and said it’s important to play as a team and keep each other up. He said it’s also important to focus on the positives and stay positive. His advice to his teammates is to: “Put your heart into every shift.”

Klassen said it’ll be extra special to play on home ice and they plan to do everything in their power to play the best they possibly can. Kosak said the team’s motto is: “It’s not over till we win.” With that underlying confidence, who knows where that will take the home town team, but one thing is for sure, they are all proud to represent Vegreville.  

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