NOVEMBER 11, 2020
Hairy Hill Postmaster Retires After 40 Years However, Betty kept insisting they, (customers) help themselves to treats and take some of them home. Betty said her mother-inlaw ran the post office before her. She still had to “earn the job on her own” and felt this job would be a good fit for her as she and her husband were already living in Hairy Hill. In the beginning, they operated the post office out of their home. Later they moved to a farm that was close by and put up a shed that would serve as the post office until her last day on the job. Betty said she never thought of Postmaster Betty Denman on retirement day. (Michelle Pinon/Photo) the post office as a business, but rather a way to serve the comMichelle Pinon munity, and that’s what she said she loved the News Advertiser most. “You have to make time for the customers.” Betty Denman has been the face of Canada Post She also had a strict rule about confidentiality. in Hairy Hill for 40 years. Anything that was said between her and a cusOn Friday morning, (October 30) she was finishtomer remained between the two of them. Betty ing up the last of her duties while serving a steady said what she cherishes most are the customers stream of customers and fielding phone calls. and all of the associates from Canada Post that she Her cheerfulness was contagious as she greeted has worked with over the years. She wanted to give each customer with a big smile and words of kinda special shout out to Shirley Stachniak, a term ness as they picked up their mail and parcels. She employee, who filled in for her when she was giggled as they bantered back and forth during unable to work. their visits. There were plenty of giggles coming from Betty, retirement who naturally exudes warmth and charm, spreadCONTINUED ON PAGE 19 ing joy through her kind words and actions. She made sure every customer knew about her husband Jack’s “tailgate party” as he insisted on supplying goodies and coffee for folks who dropped by. That was until he got called away to help their son Wes who was stuck in the field.
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