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Covy the Snowman Brings Cheer
Covy the Snowman Brings Cheer
Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent
One Vegreville family spent some quality time together during the COVID-19 Pandemic recently. Jason Lamarche and his three children-William Kozua, Xandi Lamarche, and Jason Jr. went out to have some traditional fun when they made Covy the Snowman about two weeks ago. Xandi and William said it took about 20 minutes to make the snowman and they called him Covy because everyone is in isolation and they thought it would be fun to create a snowman and call him Covy which stands for isolation

Creators of this snowman from left to right are William Kozua, Jason Jr., Jason Lamarche, and Xandi Lamarche. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)