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Sales of Natural Products Increase Due to COVID-19

Sales of Natural Products Increase Due to COVID-19

Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent

Local natural health stores and drug stores have seen an increase in sales of their natural health products because of COVID-19.

Lundyn Wyllie, the Owner- Manager of Regent Health, said sales of their natural health products have really gone up since COVID-19. “I would say they probably doubled from what they usually sell. The most popular products that are selling are vitamin c, elderberry, zinc, and echinacea,” Wyllie said.

Wyllie said she felt natural products would be good to take with COVID-19 as they help to support a person’s body. “With the virus, there is no cure. You can’t cure it or get rid of it. But natural health products help to support your body’s natural immune defenses to the COVID- 19 virus. So, sometimes, it can make symptoms less severe and speed up recovery time. But if you are going to get the virus because you were exposed to it, you are still going to get it. Then other things aside from taking natural health products that a person can do are eating healthy, making sure you are exercising and keeping stress levels low, in addition to taking natural health products. All of those will keep your body healthy,” Wyllie explained.

Lundyn Wyllie, Owner-Manager of Regent Health beside some of the natural health products which are immune boosters-zinc, Echinacea, elderberry, vitamin C. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)

However, Nayan Malaviya, Pharmacist from The Medicine Shoppe said the sales of their natural products are remaining the same since COVID-19. “I can say that the sales of vitamin C have only increased by about five percent. The sale of our other natural health products is the same as usual because a lot of long-term care home patients usually don’t shop around; they just go by doctor’s advice. Then the advice I would give for people to feel healthy if they want to take natural health products is it depends on the medicine they are taking. Studies say if someone is taking acid reflux medication like Tecta, that they should take some calcium and vitamin D while they are on Tecta. Otherwise, I am not saying it does, but there is a chance that it could cause arthritis or knee pain in the future.”

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