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The Lighter Side Of Isolation
The Lighter Side of Isolation
Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent
There are so many fun and interesting things to do at home by yourself or with your family.
The News Advertiser is inviting you to show our readers how you are creatively spending your time in isolation. We’ve seen sidewalk art, windows filled with crafts and snowmen. We are interested in seeing even more! Show us what you’ve been up to in a new and hopefully short lived feature titled, ‘The Lighter Side of Isolation.’
If you are interested in participating, you can submit your own photos via email or reply to an invitation we will leave for you in your door or mail box. You can phone the number on the invitation, send us an email or with some luck, find us strolling through your neighbourhood. A VNA photographer will stop by your residence at an agreed upon time and start snapping. We will take a picture of you or your family through your window showing off your work or outside your house with the snow sculpture. We will gather information via e-mail or through another touchless option giving us a brief outline of what you or your family is doing for fun during the COVID-19 pandemic and the isolation that is resulting from this. If you prefer to submit your own photo, you can do this without an invitation by submitting it to Michelle@newsadvertiser.com or phone the VNA office at 780- 632-2861.