APRIL 8, 2020
The Lighter Side of Isolation
Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent There are so many fun and interesting things to do at home by yourself or with your family. The News Advertiser is inviting you to show our readers how you are creatively spending your time in isolation. We’ve seen sidewalk art, windows filled with crafts and snowmen. We are interested in seeing even more! Show us what you’ve been up to in a new and hopefully short lived feature titled, ‘The Lighter Side of Isolation.’ If you are interested in participating, you can submit your own photos via email or reply to an invitation we will leave for you in your door or mail box. You can phone the number on the invitation, send us an email or with some luck, find us strolling
through your neighbourhood. A VNA photographer will stop by your residence at an agreed upon time and start snapping. We will take a picture of you or your family through your window showing off your work or outside your house with the snow sculpture. We will gather information via e-mail or through another touchless option giving us a brief outline of what you or your family is doing for fun during the COVID-19 pandemic and the isolation that is resulting from this. If you prefer to submit your own photo, you can do this without an invitation by submitting it to Michelle@newsadvertiser.com or phone the VNA office at 780632-2861.
How to Make an Easter Egg Collage Antoinette Fortier Submitted I am allergic to eggs but I still wanted to have the fun of decorating eggs. This is an original craft created by me. I had an egg shape cookie cutter on hand. If you want to try these and you do not have a cookie-cutter, draw a freehand egg shape and trace around it. The materials you need are old magazines, old calendars, or your own drawings, sequins, foil or glitter (use whatever you have on hand). You can also use stamps or stickers, glue, glue
stick, fancy tape (optional), scissors, stiff cardboard like cereal boxes or card stock. Instructions: Step 1: Gather together all your material. For collage’s material, glitter items and eggs and background use what you have on hand. Step 2: Trace around egg shape. Cut out. Decorate the egg with paper, cut out. Add bling. Glue down after you arrange the items on the egg. Step 3: After the eggs have dried glue them to the background. Enjoy making your collage. Happy Easter.
Antoinette Fortier showcases the Easter Egg Collage she made. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)
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Elk Island Catholic Schools Students go Back to Learning Online Style Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent Even though COVID-19 Pandemic closed schools, Elk Island Catholic Schools (EICS) has adapted and began offering their students from Kindergarten to Grade 12 online learning on March 23. Susan Johnson, Communications Coordinator for EICS said they did a lot of extensive planning since schools were closed on March 15. “On the week of March 23, we implemented the online learning throughout EICS. It takes a variety of forms from K-12. It is quite detailed. Most of the online learning is through the computer. We are Google based; many of our platforms are using Google; Google Classroom, Google Docs, Google Chat. Many of our teachers are doing videos and presentations each day. They have online hours where the teachers are available to chat then. The learning is
from early learning to Grade 12. So, core courses are going to be conducted differently at the high school level than the Grade Two Language Arts. “Then our educational assistants were a big part of our classroom setting before the schools were closed. They were part of the online programming and planning; especially for the complex students and moving forward, we are hoping that will continue but we are not sure how given the fact that the government’s recent announcement on Saturday. So, we are looking forward to how that can be more for our complex kids.” When asked why they started online learning on March 23, Johnson replied that they decided to do it before Spring Break and start that initial framework for students and teachers to have that connectivity and build that concord and then start back fresh on April 6 when they come back from Spring Break.”
St. Mary’s Catholic School in Vegreville began conducting online studies on March 23. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)