Vegreville News Advertiser - April 24, 2024

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Vegreville Loves Their Volunteers

Around 90 attendees had good conversations and a pleasant lunch at the Soup-er Tuesday Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon at the Senior Citizens Sunshine Club of Vegreville Centre on April 16.

This year’s National Volunteer Week Committee coordinated the luncheon which included: Vegreville and District Family and Community Support Services (FCSS), the Vegreville Centennial Library, VegMin Learning and the Senior Citizens Sunshine Club of Vegreville.

When asked why they hosted this, FCSS Community Development Facilitator Elizabeth Koehler-Lenko explained, “Each year, we strive to celebrate the volunteers in our community and acknowledge the incredible amount of work they do. This lunch gives us a way to connect with a large number of volunteers so we can thank them for everything they put back into our community.

We did ask for volunteers and agencies to give us an estimated number of volunteer hours and it totaled just volunteers - CONTINUED ON PAGE 19

(780)632-2722 5117 50 St, Vegreville Chad Hiob, DD K U Z Y K L A W O F F I C E A P A R T N E R S H I P F O R T H E G E N E R A L P R A C T I C E O F L A W Phone: : 780-632-4552 5038 50 0 Avenue e Postal l Drawer r 929, , Vegrevillle, , Alberta a T9C C 1S1 1 Fax:780-632-4553 Insight for Life – LAW Services William N. Bohdan Zadworny, Lawyer Successor to L. Starko Phone: 7 8 0 . 6 3 2 . 7 7 7 9 Wi l l i a m N B o h d a n Z a d w o r n y, L a w y e r Proudly serving Alberta communities for over 30 years P h o n e : 7 8 0 . 6 3 . 7 7 7 9 77 YEARS OF SERVING THE COMMUNITY VOL. 77 NO. 17 WEDNESDAY, April 24, 2024 The Only Locally Owned News & Advertising Media in Vegreville. Big Orange Event See page 5 for story Farm Safety Feature See pages 10 & 11 Support & guidance in every aspect of planning your loved one’s final arrangements. FUNERALS | CREMATIONS PRE-ARRANGED SERVICES | MONUMENTS Gordon & Patty Pawluk – Licensed Funeral Directors & Proprietors 5036-51 Avenue, Vegreville, AB T9C 1M1 780-603-5800 (24 hrs) Lamont Denture Clinic 780-984-1775 5115-50 Ave. Lamont, AB Next to Home Hardware ● Upper & Lower Dentures ● Partial Dentures ● Repairs Alberta Works & Dental Plans Welcome* *Some Conditions & Restrictions Apply. Enhancements Extra. SENIORS! AB Gov’t Programs May Pay For Your New Dentures Call For Details NEW STORE HOURS! Monday - Thursday 8-6 Friday 8-5 Saturday 9-3 4733-50th Ave Vegreville 780-632-6144 & Car Wash Mon, Wed, Fri 8-5 Tues & Thurs 8-6 Saturday 9-2 Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Tuesday & Thursday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm (Entrance East Side Next To Vito’s) 780-632-6232 Tues - Sat Call To Make An Appointment Moving Families Around Alberta Call orText Today! 587-280-3354 J&S Moving Ltd.
Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent Volunteers enjoying the luncheon. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo) L-R: Elizabeth Koehler-Lenko with Practicum student Cheryl Cale. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)


In an article in the Edmonton Journal on April 13, Jackie Carmichael wrote: ‘Alberta Wildfire puts entire province on fire advisory.’

“We put the whole forest protection area of Alberta on a minimum of a fire advisory earlier this week,” said Derrick Forsythe, Wildfire Information Officer with Alberta Wildfire.

Mike Fundytus, Director of Protective Services for the County of Minburn Mike Fundytus, stated, “In Minburn County, preparing for wildfire season is paramount. The county’s landscape and weather conditions make it susceptible to wildfires, which can pose significant risks to residents, wildlife and infrastructure. By taking proactive measures, such as clearing brush and debris from properties, and staying informed about fire conditions, residents can greatly reduce the potential impact of wildfires.”

While they can be dangerous and difficult to manage, do not carry the same high-spread risks as forested areas.”

When Faas was asked what residents are required to do to ensure a wildfire doesn’t happen, “Whether it’s the prevention of grassfires in our region or the prevention of wildfires, if they are traveling to forested areas, there are several things residents should be aware of. First and foremost, it is the residents’ responsibility to be aware of any fire bans or restrictions that may be in place, be it at home or if they’re traveling. Secondly, no matter the time of year or where they are, residents should always practice fire-smart behavior. This includes disposing of cigarette butts in proper receptacles and never out of a vehicle window as well as the appropriate and permitted use of burning barrels, fire pits and barbecues.”

greater risk for running ground or grass fires.

Due to the extremely dry conditions, the County is under fire restrictions. This simply means that no new permits will be issued, and all permits that had been issued are now canceled. Burning of yard waste and grasses is not allowed. The restrictions do have the potential to become full bans depending on what the County as a whole receives for moisture in the future.

The Town of Two Hills and the Village of Myrnam have not put any restrictions in place as of yet.

To ensure that grass or bushfires are kept to a minimum I would also encourage anyone in and outside of the forest

Two Hills Fire Chief Marj Skoropadyk said, “The advisory put in place by the province is for the forest protection area which does not include the County or Town of Two Hills. That being said, I am happy that the province has put on an advisory and I would encourage everyone to follow the directions of Alberta Wildfire.

Given the lack of moisture last fall, the absence of snowfall this winter, and the warm windy spring we have been experiencing, our area is at a much

protection areas, to keep a close eye on warming fires and lite burn barrels. I would also strongly suggest that residents, who have burned any brush piles or large piles of debris over the winter, take the time to check on their old burns and make sure that they are completely out so these April winds don’t fan them back to life.

Vegreville Fire Chief Gary Faas said, “The advisory is for Alberta’s forest protection area which represents the geographic areas concerned with the prevention and control of damage to forests from fire, insects, disease, and other harmful agents. Vegreville is about 140 kilometers south of the nearest portion of this area, so this specific advisory does not affect our community or the communities we serve. However, conditions in our region, much like the rest of the province, are very dry, and the risk of grassfires is high.

Also, if residents are doing any cutting or welding, they keep a water supply handy and check frequently for sparks that may land in nearby grass. If travelling by vehicle or in grass or stubble fields residents should be aware that the heat of a vehicle’s muffler can easily ignite dry materials. The same is true of quads and dirt bikes with or without spark arrestors.”

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Fire Warning Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent
Firefighters doing control burns in the County of Minburn. (County of Minburn Fire Department/Submitted Photos)


4:00 pm


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Tax and Spend and Spend and Tax

“The 2024 federal budget is the government’s plan to build more homes, faster, help make life cost less, and grow the economy in a way that helps every generation get ahead.” That is the pitch of the Federal Government’s Budget 2024 entitled: ‘Fairness for Every Generation.’

Now I suppose if you take everything you hear, read or see at face value or can’t separate your politics from reality, that all sounds pretty good. After all… what could go wrong? I have to circle back to that.

But first…the promises. ‘Fairness for Every Generation.’ This is likely related to polling (what isn’t these days) showing that Millennials and Gen Z are increasingly seeing a bleak future. They lured these voters in the past on other promises. Unfortunately, for the people in these generations, not enough of them paid attention in their life skills classes to understand what happens when you spend more than you earn but instead were more concerned with shiny things and the promise of legal weed. Well, they got both, but at what price?

For the record, I’ve never thought legalizing weed was a bad idea. I’m not sure on the execution, but in the end, practically all the doom and gloom predicted by “fuddyduddy’s” has not come to pass. As a bonus, Canada benefits (or could) from the tax on those products.

Now, we are in a position where all Canadians have to continue to deal with the fiscal incompetence of a government who by some combination of ideology, mismanagement and a drive to socialism is in the process of bankrupting our country.

Let’s look at the Liberal talking points surrounding the budget. Plan to build more homes, faster. Well, frankly you should have thought about that five years ago before you doubled immigration numbers in 2022. Help make life cost less. Not sure where I see ANYTHING that makes that happen. Wealth re-distribution is NOT wealth creation and increasing taxes does not make life cost less. Grow the economy. Through a wish and a prayer? Since being voted in, Canada has lost an estimated $200 to $300 billion in energy investment and I have not seen a single report on how increasing capital gains taxes will grow the economy.

While the increased tax of an estimated $20 billion brings in more money, the Liberals have spent it before even collecting it with $77 billion in new spending in the coming four years beyond what was in last year’s budget. I’d also be willing to bet my left shoe that the real amount will be less than $20 billion as people and businesses scramble to make moves to limit their tax exposure, much like PM Trudeau did with his Trust.

We continue to spiral downward under the current government. Since 2015 when the Liberals came to power, business investment per worker is down, productivity is down, our per capita GDP has fallen for six consecutive quarters, living standards have fallen and younger Canadians (under 30) rank 58th in happiness along with countries such as Malaysia, China and Paraguay.

With our combined federal and provincial debt set to double to $2.1 trillion from 15 years ago, Canada will be paying more in interest payments than we pay on healthcare. Think about that the next time you try to see a doctor or get a medical procedure of any type.

While a fancy title and promises of sunshine and rainbows may woo some voters, those who think about our current situation may have to do some soul searching to find out if we are moving towards a Canada we can afford to live in.

Tell me what you think. Email me at

PAGE 4 News Advertiser April 24, 2024 www. -NOTICEOFCOPYRIGHT - All rights reserved, entire contents copyright by The Vegreville News Advertiser Ltd. Reproduction of editorial material or advertisements in whole or in part is forbidden without prior written permission by the publisher. -AGREEMENT - It is agreed by the advertiser that The Vegreville News Advertiser Ltd. will not be responsible for errors or omissions and will not be liable for any amount exceeding the space contracted for and then only the portion in which such error appeared. The Vegreville News Advertiser Ltd. is a family oriented community newspaper and therefore reserves the right to refuse any advertisement that in our opinion does not fitourfocus.Wecannotacceptadvertisements criticizing or disparaging other advertisements, firms, or individuals or any advertisements directed to a specific race or religion. The views of individuals expressed in The Vegreville News Advertiser Ltd. are not necessarily those of the publisher. One e ro e of f the e Vegrevil e News s Advertiser r is s to o promote e dialogue e on n var ous s issues s of f concern n to o area a res dents We e accomplish h th s by y welcom ng g Letters s to o the e Editor r and d allow ng g various s issues s to o be e debated d through h our r pages All l letters s must t contain n the e wr ter's s name address s and d phone e number along g with h writer s s gnature e and d photo o ID Anonymous s letters s wil not t be e pr nted The e Vegrevi le e News s Advertiser r Ltd reserves s the e right t to o ed t letters s for r ength h (recommended d length h is s 150 0 words) clar ty spe ling g and d grammar taste e or r for r reasons s of f potent a l bel The e Vegrevil e News s Advertiser r Ltd wil publ sh h letters s without t b as but t reserves s the e right t to o w thhold d letters s from m publ cat on 5110 - 50 Street Box 810 Vegreville, AB T9C 1R9 Phone 780-632-2861 Fax 780-632-7981 Toll Free 1-800-522-4127 VEGREVILLENEWSADVERTISERLTD. ASSOCIATIONOF FREECOMMUNITYPAPERS Arthur Beaudette General Manager Accounting Albina Beaudette Publisher/Advertising/Special Promotions Daniel Beaudette The Vegreville News Advertiser Ltd. is an independently owned newspaper featuring the best news and the best buys in the area. Published every Wednesday at Vegreville, Alberta by The Vegreville News Advertiser Ltd. The Vegreville News Advertiser Ltd. has a total market coverage by mailandcarrierstoeveryhomein25communitiesandrack distribution in ohters. PUBLICATIONAGREEMENT # 40790520 20 2017 Advertising & Editorial Excellence Award Winner Reporter Michelle Pinon Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent 9,233 CIRCULATION Administration/Accounting Mercedes Larocque Data Entry Clerk/Office Assistant Olha Koval Reception/Office Assistant Jeannie Windels Some Areas May Not Receive All Flyers Due To Quantities Available For Distribution. Talk to Your Retailer for Info THISISSUE'S FEATURED REAL ESTATE REALESTATE Send all ad submissions to Deadline For All Ads: FRIDAYS at 5:00 pm FLYERS Coop Home Hardware U.F.A. Wayfair Allen B Olson Page 19 Century 21 ALTA Page 19 Remax ELITE, Laura Danilak Page 19 GREAT GROCERY GIVE-AWAY Page 18 FEATUREDINTHISISSUE: AUCTIONS Allen B. Olson - Page 9, 13 & 19 Ed Prodaniuk - Page 8 Name: Minnie Kohlman Likes: unicorns, rainbows Dislikes: dinosaurs, space aliens

The first impression that I had was that this store is clean, wellorganized and there is something for everyone. Branch Manager Brad Fleck explained, “Tony Noel and Cody Walker are the owners of Xtreme Equipment. We hosted this event because Xtreme Equipment wanted to show our appreciation for the support we have

received from our customers. We offered door prizes, a hot lunch and an Oil & Filter Sale in addition to the discounts offer by Kubota.”

When asked what is special about Xtreme customers, Fleck replied, “They are special because they’re more than just clients; they’re partners in progress. They rely on us not just for quality equipment but also for expert guidance, personalized solutions, and a lasting commitment to their success in every project they undertake.

The Big Orange Event was sponsored by Kubota and participating dealers to offer significant factory discounts on compact

April 24, 2024 News Advertiser PAGE 5 www. KUZZYK K LAW W OFFICE A P A R T N E R S H I P F O R T H E G E N E R A L P R A C T I C E O F L A W 5038 8- 50 0 Avenue Vegreville Alberta T9C C 1S1 Phone: 780-632-4552 Dan's s Quote e of f The e Week "You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late." - Ralph Waldo Emerson We Run Your IT While You Run Your Business VM Systems Systems780-632-2859 5006 51 Ave, Vegreville, AB T9C 1R3 Professional IT Services, Delivered to the Highest Standards by a Knowledgeable Team. Computer Repair Networking Ser vices Let us take the stress out of your IT environment. Give us a call today! us us C o h o e L a w Cohoe Law Law Lori-Ann Cohoe, KC 4802 - 49 Ave, Vegreville 4802 PractisingIn RealEstate,Wills,Estates, Refinancing,Corporate, FamilyLawandCivilLitigation 780-632-6901 Summer Event Season is Coming! Name _____________________________ Address ___________________________ AGLC License # 000000 Ticket No. Winner Will Receive 50% of Money Raised Draw Date: Nov. 11, 2021. Vegreville Legion No. 39, Vegreville, AB TICKETS $10 each AGLC License 000000 Must Be 18 or Over To Purchase Ticket No. XXXX XXXX Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 39 50/50 DRAW .00$10 Each COPY&CENTER PRINT Work with the Professionals at the News Advertiser to Ensure your Tickets are Top Quality RAFFLE TICKETS Printing Your Own? The News Advertiser has pre-perforated ticket stock in multiple colours on high quality paper that you can print your tickets on. Phone: 780-632-2861 Fax: 780-632-7981 5110 - 50 St. Vegreville Email: Toll Free: 1-800-522-4147 News - Advertising - Printing - Promotion Multiple Styles Variety of Colours Custom Imprint Available With: ROLL
WIEBE INSURANCE AUTO HOME FARM BUSINESS P h o n e : ( 7 8 0 ) 6 3 2 - 3 0 7 1 VEGREVILLE’S ONLY LOCALLY OWNED, FAMILY RUN INSURANCE BROKER Corporate Yearends and Personal Taxes (780) 646-2943 Email: Xtreme Equipment Customer Appreciation Day Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent This
their Big Orange
on April 19 which
business in
saw around
Big Orange Event - CONTINUED ON PAGE 20
People interacting and enjoying the event. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo) Co-owner and Vice-President Cody Walker at the grill. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo) Some of the great front staff. (David Blatz/Submitted Photo)


Years Ago – April 25, 1934

Several farmers in the Zhoda area have started plowing. Others are getting their machinery into shape and are expecting to start in the near future.

Mr. G. Popowich is again the record holder of the Kahwin community for the first wheat sowing of the season. General spring work is expected to be well underway next week.

A new ferry is being built at the Pakan crossing, which will be much larger and more serviceable. It is expected to run soon. All roads leading to this point, north of Andrew are in good shape.

People in Spring Creek district are already seen in the fields, the first ones being Mr. J. Charuk and Mr. Chapiuk.

Spring work is in full swing in the Shandro district with every horse in the district being used. No tractors as yet are being used.

The Shandro ferry began running last Thursday with Mr. Tkach of Hamlin and Mr. Popowich as operators for the season. This is a class A ferry with heavy traffic.

75 Year Ago – April 27, 1949

At a recent meeting of the town council in Vegreville, the plans, specifications, and tenders for the construction of the proposed new town hall have been considered. On Monday night the tender was let to Steve Semotiuk for $15,740.50 and work of excavating is supposed to commence forthwith.

Saskatchewan would be quite barren if it had not been subject to glacial action thousands of years ago, Leo Kustush of Yorkton Collegiate, told the local natural history society. Glacial action, he said, had torn up limestone formations in Manitoba and spread them evenly over Saskatchewan.

The British Columbia forestry department has taken to the air in its fight against wolves. A plane armed with an automatic shotgun is being used t hunt wolves. Travel patterns of wolves are being traced for accurate placing of poison bait.

Australia’s 1948 rabbit plague caused $45.000.000 damage to grasslands and loss of sheep. However, the skins are in great demand by United States buyers and are earning $9,000,000 annually.

Doctors in Hamilton described one-year-old Elizabeth Furke as a “miracle Baby”. The child fell 20 feet from a second-story landing and suffered not even a bruise.

About 130 miners are out of work as a result of the closing down of the underground workings of the Mountain Park Mine. The mine is operated by Luscar Coals Ltd. Increased operating costs and uncertainty of the coal market caused the shutdown, company officials said.

50 Years Ago – April 25, 1974

John Batiuk, MLA, was pleased to present cheques amounting to $20,000.00 to the Vegreville Chamber of Commerce at the regular meeting last week. $15,000.00 of the amount is earmarked for the erection of a huge Easter Egg planned as a part of the local RCMP Centennial project, while a $5,000.00 grant is being made to assist with the Cultural Festival planned for the latter part of June. The worst flood in 30 years happened in Vegreville and surrounding areas. The 140-bed hospital complex was evacuated Saturday after Mayor Virgil Moshansky declared a state of emergency, and isn’t expected to be re-opened for a week. Pupils of St. Martin’s Separate School will get a week’s extra holiday. All the northeast part of town remains closed to vehicle access. Some people can get in; others must be driven by tracked vehicles.

Peter Mykietyshyn was among the members of the Canadian National Railways who worked long hours to clear debris from the bridge east of Vegreville. Heavily loaded grain cars were placed on the structure while the flooding peaked.

25 Years Ago – April 27, 1999

The Homestead Lodge expansion project is underway with the official sod-turning ceremony was held on Wednesday. On hand for the sod turning was John Murray, Architect; Barbara Rozdziabek, Lodge Supervisor; Cliff Murray, Architect; Art Curtis, Project Manager of Chandos Construction; Helmet Zelent, Board member; Tom Salahub, Superintendent, Chandos Construction; Wilma Cherniawsky, Board Chairperson; Orest Zubritsky, Vegreville Cultural Society; Mayor Dave Kucherawy; Jody Quickstad, Municipal Treasurer; Orest Berezon, Deputy Reeve, County of Minburn; Dave Marynowich, County of Minburn manager.

On Sunday, George and Zelda Giebelhaus celebrated their 60th Wedding anniversary.

Jerold Lemko was named ‘Volunteer of the Year’ during the 4th annual awards night at the Social Centre.

Rodney Sorochan, of Vegreville Ford, presents 1st Place in the Central League Senior Floor Curling to St. Michael. The event was held at the Two Hills Seniors Centre and housed teams from Andrew, Lamont, Mundare, Vegreville, Smoky Lake, St. Michael, Willingdon,

Doug Firby

By now, you will have tired of the heap of conflicting opinions on the Alberta government’s latest attempt to draw the federal government into a pissing match. As you should, because – barring a stunning turnaround in the polls – Danielle Smith won’t have Justin Trudeau to kick around after the next federal election, expected in the fall of 2025.

For those who have tuned out, last week’s volley was Smith’s announced plan to forbid Alberta’s cities from cutting funding deals directly with the federal government.

What, one wonders, will a premier who has built her electoral success on cynical shadow-boxing with an ideologically distant federal party do to hold voter interest? More importantly, will the relationship between Alberta’s premier and prime minister-inwaiting Pierre Poilievre be all that chummy?

The short answer is that things will certainly be smoother, but not necessarily a love-in.

There is much the two conservative leaders agree on. Poilievre says he shares Alberta’s concern about “Trudeau’s anti-energy and anti-resource agenda.” He has also spoken out in support of the UCP government’s approach to transgender issues and told Trudeau he should “butt out” of provincial matters. UCP policies will require that Alberta Trans kids aged 15 and under get parental consent to use their preferred names and pronouns in school.

Smith’s intention to ban federal-city funding deals also puts Poilievre in a tricky position. He has proposed a suite of measures to speed up housing construction, including offering bonuses to municipalities that build more housing – and threatening to withhold money from those that don’t.

Smith said she will only support Poilievre’s initiative if the province is invited to the table: “I would say that as long as he’s working through the provin-

cial government, we’re not going to have any problem with that.”

Yet there have been moments when the two leaders stand in stark opposition. Last fall, Poilievre came out firmly against Smith’s campaign to withdraw the province from the Canada Pension Plan (a campaign that has since been stuck in idle by a wall of public opposition).

“I encourage Albertans to stay in the CPP,” Poilievre declared, although he tried to sugar coat the bitter medicine for Smith by saying he understands why the Alberta government is so set on distancing itself from just about anything the federal government does.

“We would not be having this CPP debate if I were today prime minister because Alberta would be free from carbon taxes, unconstitutional anti-energy laws, and other unfair wealth transfers,” Poilievre declared.

Previously, he has said provinces will not have to resort to legislation like Alberta’s sovereignty act “because I am going to respect provincial jurisdiction.” The Alberta Sovereignty Within a United Canada Act aims to give the province’s cabinet the power to rewrite laws and order government agencies, police, cities and universities to disregard federal legislation that the Alberta government deems unconstitutional or harmful to the province.

Smith has also run into choppy water over the actions of her political allies. In February, for example, Take Back Alberta (TBA) leader David Parker went on X to accuse Poilievre of infidelity. Smith had to scramble, calling Parker’s tweet “inappropriate and hurtful” and urging him to “get some help.”

This is mighty awkward for Smith, however, because the social conservatives in TBA helped her win the leadership and the election. TBA affiliates comprise at least half the board of Alberta’s governing United Conservative Party.

Still, these little aggravations can likely be patched over because Smith and Poilievre will be starting from

PAGE 6 News Advertiser April 24, 2024 www.
and Two Hills. Local Vegreville 4-H member Curtis Litun was one of sixteen national 4-H delegates and thirty senior Manitoba members to attend the National 4-H Careers Conference held in Winnipeg, Manitoba. One role of the Vegreville News Advertiser is to promote dialogue on various issues of concern to area residents. We accomplish this by welcoming Letters to the Editor and allowing various issues to be debated through our pages. All letters must contain the writer’s name, address and phone number. Anonymous letters will not be printed, however the writer’s name may be withheld from publication in special circumstances deemed appropriate by the Publisher. The Vegreville News Advertiser reserves the right to edit letters for length, clarity, spelling and grammar, taste or for reasons of potential libel. A maximum of 150 words is preferred. The Vegreville News Advertiser reserves the right to withhold letters from publication. Letters Welcomed Will a Post-Trudeau PM Bring Peace with Alberta? FROM THE PAGES OF THE VEGREVILLE OBSERVER COMPILED BY DAN BEAUDETTE One of the unsung freedoms that go with a free press is the freedom not to read it. - Ferdinand MountPeace with Alberta? - CONTINUED ON PAGE 16

Precious Metals Recycling Roadshow Coming To


Precious Metals Recycling Roadshow coming to Vegreville

Terry Burrill is a precious metals buyer and President of TC Precious Metals headquartered in Airdrie, Alberta, and takes this show out to western Canada. TC Precious Metals will be in Vegreville making its way through Western Canada. You can bring your gold, silver, coins and Canadian paper money to the Vegreville Legion between 10am and 4pm each day. No appointment is required.

“TC Precious Metals has the unique advantage of dealing direct with a smelter” says Burrill. “This allows us to cut out one or even two middlemen. TC Precious Metals purchases gold and silver from other gold buyers, pawn shops, dentists, jewellers and jewellery makers as well as from the general public.” Gold is reaching record high prices and silver remains very strong.

TC Precious Metals analyzes your gold, silver, coins and paper money while you watch, with the process explained to you in detail. Coins with numismatic (collectable) value are set aside from those with a 'melt' value. Silver items such as jewelry and flatware are analyzed for hallmark identification. Items thought to contain gold will also be analyzed for hallmarks, and then confirmed using precise testing that is done while you watch. Then a cash offer is made,

and you decide to sell or not.

“If you decide to sell after hearing the quote, great, but it's also about information” says Burrill. “A lot of times people just need to know a ballpark price of what items are worth. There is no obligation and we don't pressure anyone into selling.” This is what sets us apart from the Quebec buyers, and their claim to pay the highest prices

“Nearly half of the world's annual gold harvest comes from recycled gold. Energy costs area about $500 to mine a new once of gold where recycled gold is about $10 per ounce.” A result of this is gold and silver purchased at the shows and later melted goes back into the market with a lower environmental impact.

Out of fashion jewelry, single earrings, broken chains, unloved jewelry, charm bracelets, dental gold, nuggets and fine gold are all accepted. Sterling silver flatware sets. Another valuable item is coin with silver content. Dimes, Quarters, Half Dollars and Dollars from Canada and America can be sorted and the silver content determined in no time at all. People are encouraged to bring in any and all coins for assessment.

TC Precious Metals can assess and purchase Canadian and Dominion of Canada paper money. They have extensive experience working with estate, executors, widows and widowers in a respectful and caring manner. No appointment necessary.


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Alberta a Owned d & Operated
Tuesday, April 30 and Wednesday, May 1 at the Vegreville Legion 5037 52 Avenue TC Precioius s Metals, Gold, , Silver r & Coin 1-403-333-9914 Valid Government Photo ID Required

Taking a Regional Approach to Economic Development

The County of Minburn, Town of Vegreville, Village of Innisfree and Village of Mannville are taking a collaborative approach when it comes to regional economic development.

Following months of strategic planning, the new Crossroads Economic Development Alliance is now ready to make its formal public debut.

The initiative has been made possible through the successful joint application from the local municipalities to the Alberta Communities Partnership Grant. The $187,000 provincial grant provided the necessary funding to develop a Regional Economic Development Framework by Outlook Market Research and the hiring of a Regional Economic Development Consultant.

In January of 2024, the committee, which is comprised of one elected official from each of the participating municipalities as well as Bob Bezpalko, Executive Director of Alberta HUB. They elected to have Outlook Market Research

hire Kathy Dmytriw as the Regional Economic Development Consultant.

Dmytriw, previously worked as a Program Facilitator with Community Futures Elk Island Region and served as the President of the Vegreville & District Chamber of Commerce. Dmytriw stated, “I’m tremendously excited to get to work on behalf of the Crossroads Economic Development Alliance and the businesses in Vegreville, Innisfree, Mannville, and the County of Minburn. I’ve already had the opportunity to meet with several business owners and will continue to meet with several more in the coming weeks to get their perspective on what can be done to increase business sustainability and economic growth within our region.”

One of the main objectives of the Crossroads Economic Development Alliance in 2024 will be the completion of a Business Retention Expansion Study. The study will include the continuation of business visits and an online survey designed to generate feedback from business owners within the region.

Dmytriw said she has met with approximately 20 businesses within the regional alliance and will continue to meet with as many as possible.

As to the reason why Crossroads was selected as the name of the economic development alliance, Dmytriw said that’s because “transportation is a key value proposition for investment in the region and is based on the intersection Hwy 16/36 and the railway running through the region.”

She added that Crossroads is a result of a study that was conducted by the County of Minburn in 2022. The framework of that study will be continuing on. Dmytriw said, “It provided a number of strategic priorities that include business retention and expansion and other economic strategies.”

Jamieson Brown, Manager of Community Engagement & Economic Development with the Town of Vegreville, said, “The primary benefit of the Crossroads Economic Development Alliance is the ability to work collaboratively toward the retention and attraction of business and industry to this region. Economic development is a very competitive landscape and regional cooperation will certainly be an asset moving forward. Secondly, the alliance’s undertaking of a thorough Business Retention Expansion study will provide invaluable information on what’s presently working and what the current challenges are for our regional business community.”

Village of Innisfree Mayor Evan Raycraft, said, “We are happy to partner with the County of Minburn, Town of Vegreville and Village of Mannville.”

Raycraft said the Village of Innisfree wouldn’t have the ability to have an economic development employee and this initiative will provide expertise and information to the municipality it wouldn’t have otherwise had.

He added that the Village of Innisfree has commercial and residential property available for sale and they are looking for people and businesses to move in. To that end, the Village has developed two bylaws to help facilitate development.

The News Advertiser contacted the County of Minburn and Village of Mannville Mayor Rex Smith for comment, but had not received any prior to deadline.

PAGE 8 News Advertiser April 24, 2024 www. Now Available Ask for yard signs with your garage sale package Yard signs with your garage sale package GARAGE SALE Custom yard signs by: 780.632.2861 Friday, April 26 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm Dine In Or Take Out Steak Fry 780-632-3900 Steak $25 ; Hamburger $17 Salad Bar Only $14 Royal Canadian Branch No. 39 Vegreville imed Online Consignment Auction Closes May 1st. For EQUIPMENT Consignments. PH (780) 446-9555. Preview April 27th- 30th, 1-7 pm. MISC IS FULL. From Redwater 1 mile East to RR 214 & 2 1/2 North to 58020 RR 214 TILLAGE ● SalFord 41' Hi Speed Disc ● Brandt 82' H.Harrows ● Degelman 50' H.Harrows ● Degelman LRX46 Landroller ● 19' Land Roller ● Degelman 7200 Rock Picker ● Steiger 33' Disc ● Eeze-On 38' Deep Tillage ● 10' Tye 3pt Seed Drill ● 20' Haybuster Drill ● JD 28' Cultivator ● Harman 60' Harrow Packer ● F.King 60'- 5 ft Square D Harrows ● Various smaller Cultivators, Discs & Sprayers ● TRACTORS ● Case 7240 FWA c/w loader ● JD 7020, 5020, 4020 Tractors ● Case 1470 4x4 ● CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT ● JD 410G Ext. Hoe, 3883 orig. hrs c/w breaker & 4- buckets ● JD 310SE & JD 310A Hoes ● Cat 416C Hoe & Forks ● D4 Cat 4-way blade, SN. 78A5769 ● Ingersol 185 CFM Comp 2800 orig. hrs ● Ingersol Light Tower ● Qty of New & Used Skidsteer Attachments ● HAYING, SILAGE & CATTLE EQUIPMENT ● Case IH RBX562 Rd Baler ● Hesston 2656A Rd Baler ● Hesston 514 Rd Baler ● Bale King 3125 & 8100 Bale Busters ● Bale King VR683 Supersteer 23 Wheel Rake ● Stampede Crowding Tub, Ally etc. ● Hesston 7170 F.Harvestor ● IH 720 Harvestor ● Jiffy 600 Hi Dump ● TRAILERS ● 2013 4 Star Triple Axle Stock Trailer ● 2004 Dyson 28' G/N Flat Deck ● 1996 Load King B Trains c/w bale rigging ● Doonan 53' Step Deck c/w ramps ● 8-Bumper Pull Trailers ● TRUCKS ● 2- Ford F450 Bucket Trucks ● 1976 Ford F150, 460/Auto, 86,290 mi, nice ● 3- single axle Grain Trucks & Much More ● 9- Older Ford & GM Trucks ● RECREATIONAL & MOWERS ● Kubota 60" & 72" Zero Turn Mowers, Low Hrs ● Polaris 900 Side by Side ● JD Diesel Gator ● 5th wheel Holiday Trailer & More ● Qty of Metal Clad ● Qty of Tires ● Compressors ● Generators ● 8 Rd Bales & the Usual Misc. NO MORE MISC. ACCEPTED Selling 75 Acres on Hwy 16 & RR 183. SW 15 53 18 W4th. Opening Bid $165,000 Subject to Additions & Deletions Register with Live Auction World Please join us along with our St. Martin’s School Foundation in the Grand Opening of our Gazebo! Hot Dogs will be served from 4:30-6:30 St. Martin’s Open House Tuesday April 30th From 4:30-6:30 pm You will have a chance to: Tour the school Meet the Staff See the Classrooms Ask Questions Meet Tula (our Check out our outdoor Therapy dog) classroom Participate in a Win Prizes! scavenger hunt
Michelle Pinon News Advertiser
Regional Economic Development Consultant Kathy Dmytriw. (Crossroads Economic Development Alliance/Submitted Photo)

RCMP Recruiter Visits Town of Two Hills

A uniform with your name on it is waiting for you. That’s one thing RCMP Cst. Neil Muz wanted people to know during a ‘Coffee with a Recruiter’ event that was held at Mini Mex Bakery in Two Hills on April 19.

Cst. Muz also pointed out there are 150 different career paths within the RCMP, including intelligence, forensics, police dog services, musical ride to name a few.

Myrnam resident Daralea Rahn said she heard about the special event from Cst. Nichols and decided to attend. Rahn stated, “I think the experience would be extraordinary.” At 23 years of age, Rahn’s interest was certainly peaked, and Cst. Muz encouraged her to ask all the questions she wanted to during their relaxed conversation.

Cst. Muz gave her some insights into what’s involved in training to become a police officer as they are at “Depot” in Regina, Saskatchewan for six months. He described training as a university/para-military learning environment where you learn all the ins and outs of being a police officer.

A typical day of training would begin after the cadets are dressed and lined-up around 5: 30 am. Following that, breakfast

and/or parade. Shooting, driving, handcuffing, physical education, self-defense were some of the classes.

Boot cleaning, gun cleaning and physical work outs were all expected to be completed when not in classes which usually ran from 8 am to 4-4:30 pm from Monday to Friday.

Cst. Muz said there are 32 cadets per troop and one troop per week goes through training. Even though you can apply at 18 years of age, Cst. Muz said you have to be 19 years of age before you can graduate. After graduation, RCMP officers begin general duties. “You normally do general duty policing for three to four years and from there you can choose a different path.” He said that would depend on an officer’s skill set and work experience as well as previous experiences and courses.

Base annual pay is just over $115,000 per year and pay increases based on years of service. Cst. Muz said the benefits are excellent and pension second to none. He has been an RCMP officer for 20 years and the most rewarding time career wise was when he was serving as a School Resource Officer in Leduc. “I enjoyed helping kids and building a rapport with them.”

He said that “every day is different” and you “just never know what’s going to happen.” Cst. Muz said it’s gratifying to be respected and acknowledged by people who appreciate the work he does and there really is no life like it.

April 24, 2024 News Advertiser PAGE 9 www. Bedding Plants: Flowers and Vegetables Gorgeous Geraniums More than 30 Varieties of Tomatoes Hanging Baskets, Strawberries The Jones Family greenhouse Rg. Rd. 175 Twp. Rd. 560 Ph. 780-896-2402 Ph. 780-896-2402 ������� �� 1 Hours of Operation: 7 days a week 10:00 am - 6:00 pm CheckoutJonesFamily Greenhouseon Facebook Hwy831 Andrew Lamont Mundare Hwy29 Hwy29 Hwy15 2 mi. RR 175 Hwy 855Hwy 855 JONES 11 mi. (17.7 km) 7 mi. (11km) Summer Machinery Consignment Auction Hwy #16 East, Alberta -Online Auctions Toll Free 1-855-783-0556 Including a Dispersal for Allard Recycling of Myrnam, AB Allen B. Olson Auction Service Ltd. Rimbey Office - 403-843-2747 - Toll Free -1-855-783-0556 Hwy #16 East Office - 780-208-2508 Rimbey & Hwy #16 East, Alberta - License No. 165690 Email: - Website: Selling equipment to all four Western provinces and the Northern USA. Listings are now being accepted for our Summer Machinery Consignment Auctions at our Hwy #16 East Location Hwy #16 East Sales Yard June 7th to June 10th & 11th, 2024 Location: Hwy #16 & Rge Rd 185 (1 Mile East of Hwy 834) South Side of the Road Phone: (780) 208-2508 Office Aaron Olson - (403) 913-9644 Allen Olson - (403) 783 -0556 Justin Janke - (780) 515-0888 Richard Chauvette - (780) 222-8309 We are now accepting Listings for this Sale. Any items prelisted by May 8th will be included in our Sales Posters, Newspaper & Radio Advertising, Web Page & Social Media. PUBLIC HEARING Draft Municipal Development Plan (MDP) The Town of Vegreville Municipal Development Plan (MDP) has been finalized. The public hearing has been scheduled and will allow the public to speak to Council regarding the proposed bylaws. Thank you in advance for your participation and feedback. Date: May 13th, 2024 Time: 6:30 pm Location: Town of Vegreville - Council Chambers (4829-50th Street)
Michelle Pinon News Advertiser RCMP Recruiter with Chris Tsui from Edmonton and Daralea Rahn of Myrnam. (Michelle Pinon/Photo)

Observing Farm Safety is essential. Hence, residents from Vegreville and Area gave these safety tips.

Candice Williams said, “I’m not a farmer personally, but I grew up on one and recently did grain entrapment awareness. So, one safety precaution I learned is if anyone is working around grain bins; do not do so alone, have another person present and have a safety plan.”

Julie Corbett mentioned, “My horse’s name is ‘Lazing Away Sunday’ and I’ve owned him since he was born. He’ll be six in May. I’ve been riding horses off and on for 45 years. I’ll never forget my first pony ride at a fair, I was hooked after that.

I’ve ridden horses primarily as a hobby and have never been into chuckwagons or chariots.

Riding horses either on a trail ride in the mountains or every day in an arena, you should be wearing a helmet

and boots with at least a 1-inch heel.

The list of riding safety protocols will change with every rider. I always make sure to take proper care of my tack and equipment and to have spares of tack items on hand. In my trailer, I carry all necessary items for emergencies with my trailer and my horse when we’re heading down the road for a horse show.”

Kim Leitch mentioned, “I grew up on a dairy/mixed farm. The farm has seen a few transitions over the years but cattle have remained a constant.

I have a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; I worked on a dairy and sheep farm in the UK when I was 18, milking sheep and making cheese. I’ve taught farm safety in schools and worked as an agronomist chemical sales representative.

My husband and I have a small farm in the Mundare area, still in the growing phase. We own 240 acres and rent pasture. We have a small beef herd; pasture-raised turkeys and broilers; layers; and wiener pigs and I have

a couple of jerseys I milk as well.

One of the simplest tips is to slow down, don’t rush. That’s when people get careless or forget steps and that’s when accidents happen. Farmers know how to be safe but when it gets busy and they’re tired, safety gets pushed to the side for the sake of time.

I have been to too many classrooms and farms where accidents have happened to families because people were rushing and didn’t take the time.”

PAGE 10 News Advertiser April 24, 2024 www. The Businesses In This Section Support Our Local Communities. Please Support Them Whenever Possible.
Monday - Thursday 8-6 Friday 8-5 Saturday 9-3 4733-50th Ave, Vegreville 780-632-6144 & Car Wash DRIVE UP 15 minute oil change for your S A N D A N D G R A V E L L T D . 780-632-1569 5801 - 49A St , Vegreville G R & Gravel Hauling - Loader Work Snow Removal 780 - 632 - 2275 VPHL Vegreville Plumbing & Heating 5034 52 Ave 24 Hour Service Available 5046 - 50 Ave Vegreville 780-632-7474 You Have Tried the Rest... Now Try The Best! Homemade Sauces WE DELIVER in VEGREVILLE CALL 780-632-6300 Located in Vegreville 5006 - 52 Ave 780-632-2388 5218 - 50 Avenue Vegreville, AB Emergency Service 780-632-2388 Tel: 780.631.1120 th #15, 6109 50 Ave Vegreville Office For All Accounting Services 780 632 4140 4829-50 Ave Vegreville VEGREVILLE MECHANICAL LTD. WORK GUARANTEED *Brakes *Engines *Transmissions *Air Conditioning *Inspections *Out-of-Province *A/C Delco Parts *Light Commercial & Insurance 14426 Hwy 16 Service Rd Vegreville 780-632-3246 View used inventory online: Supported by experienced parts & service service From tillage to seeding, through hay season & harvest WE HAVE YOU COVERED! VEGREVILLE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY 2024 EVENTS Dash to Summer May 31, June 1-2 Father's Day Event June 16 Deerland Country Fair Aug 7-11 780-632-3950 4930 - 53 Avenue, Vegreville 780-632-3011 ERNIE'S AUTO BODY SHOP LTD. For complete auto body repair, painting & glass replacement Call The Experts At: 6138 - 50th Ave 780-632-2514 STEAK & PIZZA HOUSE & SPORTS LOUNGE 4925 - 50 Ave Vegreville Fully Licensed 780-632-3999 TAKE OUT & DELIVERY AVAILABLE 5342 - 50 Avenue, Vegreville 780-632-6772 F o r A l Y o u r F a r m M a c h n e r y R e q u i r e m e n t s I n S a l e s & S e r v i c e Vegreville, Lamont, Vermilion, Wainwright, St. Paul and Consort Vegreville www lovesmeats com Celebrating 15 Years In Business "For All Your Family Needs” Open 7 Days A Week Including Holidays Vinet’s Village Mall 780-632-7660 #112, 4925 - 50 Ave. 6425 - 55 AVE VEGREVILLE 780-632-6677 MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8AM - 5PM SATURDAY: 8AM - 2PM GENERAL DENTISTRY, ORTHODONTICS & IMPLANTS *Professional Corporation 4922 - 50 Street Vegreville 780-632-3368 VEGREVILLE DENTAL CENTRE Dr. Nick Mouyios*, B.Sc., D.M.D Dr. R. Timothy Nawrot*, B.Sc., D.D.S, F.A.G.D www vegrevilledental com Farm-Related Safety Suggestions Julie Corbett with her horse, ‘Lazing Away Sunday’. (Top Stride Design Equine Photography/Photo) Julie Corbett with her horse, ‘Lazing Away Sunday’. (Top Stride Design Equine Photography/Photo) Farm Safety Week This special section brought to you by these businesses Making our community a better place. hi sp c al s c ion r gh t h bu in s Maki g o m t b t r .

Farm Safety Week

This special section brought to you by these businesses

Making our community a better place.


Safety Tips While Visiting Farms

three years.

When asked about their background in farming, Ryan and Jessalyn replied, “Jessalyn grew up on a grain and beef farm just north of Lamont so she has been farming her whole life. Additionally, we still farm with Jessalyn’s family farm: Triple V Simmental Farms LTD.”

When questioned about what JR Ranch has in it, “Our ranch is 50 acres, but we farm a couple thousand acres with Jessalyn’s family farm.”

JR Ranch has approximately 80 animals which includes Highland cattle, quarter horses, Kune Kune pigs, chickens, ducks, bunnies, sheep and goats. “We are looking to expand our farm with more variety of animals in the coming year. Jessalyn grew up on a beef farm which has 350 Angus and Simmental cattle currently.”

“A few safety tips we suggest to people visiting farms are:

-Always be seen by the tractor, never assume that the driver has seen you.

-Always ask before going in a pen, you never know if an animal just gave birth and is protective of their baby.

-When feeding tame animals by hand, ensure you keep

Healthy and Safe Farm Practices

Hill area.

When asked what safety protocols they observe, they replied, “Safety on our farm is a main priority, with the safety of our young children being at the top of the list. Here are a few ways that we ensure that our operation and everyone involved is safe.

As the adults on the farm, we are constantly making sure that we are communicating with each other to make certain that all the adults are aware of where the children are at all times. We do not assume that the children are with one adult or the other, we double and triple-check that everyone is accounted for. Particularly during times when equipment and machinery is driving in and out of the farm yard, or any type of equipment or vehicles are running. We also take every opportunity to communicate with the children about farm safety, speaking about it and role modeling to them.

It is important that at least one person involved in

our operation is certified in First Aid and CPR. Our equipment, buildings, and service trucks are stocked with First Aid kits and fire extinguishers and there are people around who are trained to use them. Mental Health is also another highly prioritized part of our farming operation. We believe that a healthy farmer and crew decreases the risk of a safety incident on the farm. During the especially stressful and busy times of the year, we are cognizant of our mental health needs and the needs of those around us. We prioritize things like eating healthy, drinking lots of water, connecting and communicating about stressful events, doing regular check-ins, and getting appropriate amounts of sleep.”

a flat hand to ensure the animal doesn’t accidentally chomp a finger.

-When unplugging a machine, shut it off completely.

-Never tie a lead rope around you when leading an animal, you never know what will spook an animal and cause them to have a fight-flight response.”

April 24, 2024 News Advertiser PAGE 11 www. The Businesses In This Section Support Our Local Communities. Please Support Them Whenever Possible. Ready-Mix & Aggregaates Ltd. (2000) TWIN LAKES Rd. Gravel, Wash Rock, Washed Sand, Loam, Play Sand, Basement Foundations & Grade Beam 780-632-7787 For all your concrete needs & Aggregate Supplies VEGREVILLE & DISTRICT CO-OP You’re at home here. 780-632-2884 VEGREVILLE 780-632-3388 5029 - 50th Ave Vegreville 8599 112 Street Fort Saskatchewan 780-998-3249 5108 53 Street Vegreville 780-632-6006 www deerland ca VM Systems 780-632-2859 Interior & Exterior Painting Wallpapering Wood Finishing Darcy Godziuk 780-991-1986 finelines Professional Painting & Decorating Services Underground Contractors Year Round Services Vegreville Cell: 780-632-9723 Phone: 780-632-6853 Honourable Jackie Armstrong-Homeniuk, ECA MLA, Fort Saskatchewan - Vegreville Parliamentary Secretary for Settlement Services and Ukrainian Evacuees Constituency Office Vegreville, AB 780.632.6840 Constituency Office Fort Saskatchewan 780.632.6840 780.632.6100 6022 Highway Avenue FURNITURE MATTRESSES APPLIANCES ELECTRONICS HOME THEATRE AUTO BODY SPECIALISTS 780-632-2445 5213 - 51 Avenue 6615 Hwy 16A West Vegreville (next to Boston Pizza) 780 632 3912 5101 - 52 Ave, Vegreville FLASH DISTRIBUTORS LTD. 780-632-2881 4814 - 50 St Vegreville AB Toll Free 1-877-632-2111 780-632-2000 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM 4734 - 50th Ave. Vegreville 4909-Bruce Rd Vegreville, AB 780-632-7780 VEGREVILLE SEED CLEANING PLANT LTD. SEED AND DOCKAGE CLEANING ● TREATING ● BAGGING 780-632-2580 Stay up to date! GAS FIELD SERVICES V V V R R RJ J J 6205 - 60 St Vegreville 780-632-7774 Serving the oil and gas industry since 1976 780 632 6788 www synergycpas ca 4918-50 Avenue Vegreville 780-632-6688 tire sales & service brakes shocks alignments licensed mechanics on duty 5245 - 51 Ave Vegreville After Hours 780-208-0139
Fortier News
and Tracy
Correspondent Travis
Semeniuk along with their children Rhett and Judd live a small family-run cattle and grain farm in the Hairy
hi sp c al s c ion r gh t h bu in s Maki g o m t b t r
Rosanne Fortier News Correspondence Ryan and Jessalyn Beniuk own and work at JR Ranch near the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village for the past Ryan and Jessalyn Beniuk. (Janice Vandelannoite/Submitted Photo) Rhett and Judd Semeniuk. (Michaela CharleboisMichaela’s Photography/Photo)

Two Hills Ag Society Hosts Agri-Day & Trade Show

The annual Agri-Day & Trade Show proved to be another success for the Two Hills Ag Society as hundreds of people flocked to the different venues to enjoy a variety of activities.

There were kids’ activities, agricultural and horticultural presentations, a trade show featuring 45 vendors and community market with 35 vendors who showcased a variety of handmade and handcrafted items for sale.

One of the trade show vendors was ALUS. ALUS was born from the recognition that farmers are not only in the business of producing food and fibre, but also ecosystem goods and services that deliver valuable, tangible benefits to Canadians. Kitchen table conversations with farmers and community members about the shortcomings of traditional approaches to farm-based conservation motivated farmer Ian Wishart (then President, Keystone Agricultural Producers) to think up a new approach to conservation. This new approach was called Alternative Land Use Services or ALUS.

A total of 38 communities across Canada are helping farmers and ranchers build and actively manage nature-based projects

to address local agricultural and environmental challenges and help solve the crises of biodiversity loss and climate change.

Coordinator of ALUS Two Hills, Roxy Zahara, said the program began in 2020 and it is run by a Partnership Advisory Committee (PAC) which includes representation from County of Two Hills Reeve Murray Phillips and Div. 4 Councillor Sebastien Dutrisac. Community stakeholders and other nongovernment organizations can also be PAC members which allows each community program to address specific local environmental challenges and collaborate towards implementing sustainable solutions.

Zahara said ALUS helps producers establish wetlands, tree planting, eco-buffers, erosion control, pollinator habit, watering systems and management fencing for livestock to name a few.

Two Hills ALUS has also partnered with New Myrnam School and have a demonstration site adjacent to Secondary Highway 45 and Secondary Highway 881. “We partnered to plant 300 trees and will be adding more vegetation near the dug out this year,” added Zahara.

“We have 53 acres enrolled in the program with approximately 160 acres coming this year,” stated Zahara. “More and more farmers are looking at drought mitigation and more are enrolling in the grazing forward program.

More than 1,600 farmers and ranchers participate in the ALUS program in Canada. They create, restore and enhance nature on their lands to help build community resilience. One of those farmers is Melvin Kohlman, who owns a quarter section of land with his wife Joanne near Musidora.

Kohlman said the application was very easy and likes the fact there are no land restrictions and participant data is not shared. Additionally, farmers receive a fee-for-service based on ecosystem services produced by projects. An arrangement is based on mutual benefit. As well, Kohlman said you can opt out of the program at any time.

He has participate in the grazing forward program with 10 head of cattle on 10 acres of land and said there was a noticeable difference in his operation. He is also looking forward to expanding his tree lines this year. “It just seems to suit my operation.”

PAGE 12 News Advertiser April 24, 2024 www. Weekly Crop Market Review Brought to you by: 4909 Bruce Road 780-632-7780 Vegreville Please support these businesses & organizations whenever possible! Father’s Day Event The Vegreville Ag Society and the Iron Runners Car Club would like to thank the following sponsors for their continued support of the Veg Auto & Industrial Supply Ltd. Father's Day Event. Antique Tractor Display - Deerland Equipment Custom & Vintage Motorcycles - Rona/Vantage Builders Hi-Way Tractor Display - Full Throttle Truck & Trailer Antique Snowmobile Display - Grainland Farms Ltd. Demo Derby Main Sponsor - Grant Miller Motors Mad Dog - Vegreville News Advertiser Trucks - 1st - R.J.V. Gasfield Services Cars - 1st Place - Woodcraft Canada Cars - 2nd Place - Loren's Plumbing & Heating Car Show Car Show Sponsor - McDonalds - Vegreville 1980's & Up - Twin Lakes Ready Mix & Aggregate Ltd. Hot Rod/Street Rod & Modified - Volten Electric Muscle Cars - Yard Work by Darren High School Ride - Fisher Chiropractic Trucks 1973 & Up - Prime Cuts Meat & Deli 1960's - Vegreville Auto Body Convertibles - Vegreville Home Hardware Major Sponsor Veg Auto & Industrial Supply Ltd. (Bumper to Bumper) The e Vegreville e Ag g Society y would d like e to o thank k the e following g sponsors s for r their r continuing g support t of f the e Deeerland d Country y Fair Fair Major Sponsor Deerland Equipment Broadcast Booth R.J.V. Gasfield Grand Stand Sponsor Weibe Insurance Billboards Adam's No Frills Crystal Hook Realtor Prime Cuts Meat & Deli Proline Automotive Sunset Woodworking Twin Lakes Ready Mix and Aggregates Vegreville Dental Centre Vegreville Plumbing & Heating Grant Miller Motors Building Century 21 (Kody Kuchik) Kal Tire / Extreme Car Wash Randy's Bobcat Service Speedy Septic System Synergy CPA's Veg Fire & Safety Richardson Pioneer Woodcraft Canada Rona / Vantage Builders Event Sign Flash Distributors (NAPA) Lakeland Power Coop Quest Disposal & Recycling The Brick Town of Vegreville Vegreville Liquor Store Vegreville News Advertiser Walker's Water Systems Grandstand Backdrop Liquor Den Rocky Mountain Equipment Vegreville Drug Mart Vegreville Ford Veg Auto & Industrial Supply (Bumper to Bumper) Nutrien Ag Solutions Track Sponsor Xtreme Equipment Child Find Bilyk Financial Steps Synergy CPA's Vegreville Accounting Rotary Club of Vegreville Bronze Sponsor Albert's Family Restaurant Ernie's Auto Body Mini Banner Veg Auto & Industrial Supply (Bumper to Bumper) Bench Show Rotary Club of Vegreville Ag Arena Suzanne Malo Realtor Liquor Den Vegreville's Barber Shop Vegreville Coop Recycling B ins Quest Disposal & Recycling Ran Sp V ce m Lefsrud Seed & Processors Ltd. ● UA CountyGold CERTIFIED SEED FOR SALE Truck k Scale, , Custom m Cleaning g & Treating Member of SeCan, Canterra & FP Genetics Located: Hwy #36, 12 mi. N of Viking or 11 mi. S of Hwy # 16, 3/4 mi.W. ● AAC Connect 2R Malt ● CDC Plava ● CDC Saffron LEFSRUD SEEDS LTD. CANOLA BARLEY FLAX PEAS- YELLOW CS CAMDEN OATS Email: Kevin & Ed Lefsrud RR #1, Viking Kevin: 780-336-5700 Ed: 780-336-6700 ● Milling Quality OAT Judging Starts at 10am Female Show 11am Steer Show 1pm April 27,2024 Holden Complex, Holden AB Holden 4-H Beef Club Achievement Day
Pinon News Advertiser
Melvin Kohlman and Roxy Zahara. (Michelle Pinon/Photo)

Field Work

CWRS S Wheat

AAC Brandon - improved FHB resistance, most widely grown CWRS variety in Western Canada for 5 years

AAC Wheatland VB - wheat midge tolerant very good lodging resistance


AC Andrew - In demand for both milling and feed industry, great silage option


219-16 - shorter height and improved yield over CDC Snowdrop, smaller seed size than Snowbird

Yellow w Peas

CDC Canary - improved standability, early maturity

6- Row w Feed d Barley

AB Advantage - improved grain and forage yields, increase in plump and bushel weight, smooth awned

2- Row w Malt t Barley

CDC Copeland - in demand by malting companies

Pioneer Hi-Bred Varieties

Phone: 780-336-2583

Cell: 780-385-4900

Box 296, Viking, AB T0B 4N0

April 24, 2024 News Advertiser PAGE 13 www. Unreserved Farm Auction for Anne Godziuk & The Estate of Bill Godziuk Opens on April 26th, 2024 & Closes on April 30th, 2024 - Myrnam, Alberta Directions: North of Myram, Alberta on Hwy 881 for 6.6 Kms to Twp Rd 550, East on Twp Rd 550 for 2.3 Kms, South Side Of Road. Blue Sign: 90045 Twp Rd 550 License No. 165690 Tractors Case IH Maxxum 140 FWA Tractor w/ 5530 Hrs Showing, 3pth, FEL & Grapple Ford Vers 846 Designation 6 4wd Tractor w/ Only 2817 Original Hrs. 4 Hyd & 18.4R38 Duals Versatile 756 4wd Tractor w/ 6116 Hrs Showing 1000 PTO, Leon 12’ 4 Way Blade & 24.5R32 Singles Ford TW-30 FWA Tractor w/ 5487 Hrs Showing, Allied 895 FEL IHC 1086 2wd Tractor McCormick SW6 2wd Tractor MF GC2400 FWA Tractor w/ 351 Hrs Showing, MF DL100 FEL, 60” Mower, 3 pth & 540 PTO JD 425 Riding Lawn Mower w/ 3 pth & 60” Deck Tillage Equipment Morris 8900 32’ Drill w/ Morris 6130 Dual Comp. Tank & Single Shoot MF 52 9’ Double Offset Disc Leon C78 329 34' Vibrashank Cult Morris CP-725 30’ Magnum Cult Case 45 14' Vibrashank Cult JD 658 12' Cultivator Blanchard Hydra Lift 40’ Harrow Packer Haying Equipment JD 568 Rd Baler w/ Approx 15,847 Bales, Net &Twine Case 16’ Haybine Swather Attach Morris Hay Hiker 881 T/A Bale Wagon 4 Wheel Side Delivery Hay Rake Harvest Equipment Case IH 8840 24’ Swather w/ 2671 Hrs Showing JD 9600 Sp Combine w/ 4786 Eng & 3454 Thrashing Hrs Showing & JD 914 P/U Farmking CX106T 10”x61’ Auger w/ Hyd. Mover Sakundiak HD8 -1600 Auger Allied 7”x36’ Auger 7 - Westeel Rosco 16' 5 Ring Flat Bottom Grain Bins Other Equipment Haybuster 256 Plus II Bale Shredder w/ Left Hand Discharge Flexi Coil 55 70’ Sprayer w/ 2400 Ltr Tank Walinga Corn & Grain Vac Degleman R-570S Rock Picker 6’ Rock Picker JD 52” 3 pth Rototiller Miscellaneous 1200 Ltr Water Tank on 4 Wheel Hay Wagon Livestock Water Tank 14’ Aluminum Boat Vers Sprayer Parts Fuel Tanks & a Tidy Tank w/ Pump Bunk Feeders Railroad Ties & Assort. Lumber Large Variety Shop Tools Allen B. Olson Auction Service Ltd. Rimbey & Hwy #16 East/Rge Rd 185, Alberta (403) 843-2747 Rimbey - (780) 208-2508 - Hwy #16 East/Rge Rd 185 Toll Free 1-855-783-0556 Email: - Homepage: For Information on Terms & Conditions, Viewing, Payment & The Office Trailer visit our website at Contact Person: Ted at (780) 645-0293
brett young forage seed
dealer for
Kittle Farms LTD.
the region.
Available Field work is beginning in
Adjacent to Secondary Highway 637 and RR 150 in the County of Two Hills, water was being diverted from a low spot to higher ground on April 19.
(Michelle Pinon/Photos)


36 and plays up to 3,370 yards with challenging fairways and water hazards on five of its nine holes.

It features a clubhouse with space to accommodate special events such as meetings, weddings, company functions, etc.

The interior was recently painted and new Clubhouse Manager Lisa Jodoin is looking forward to a great season ahead.

Jodoin brings a wealth of training and experience to the position. She graduated from the U of A’s Event Management program as well as obtained certification in Arts & Cultural Management from Grant MacEwan University. She is the former events manager at the Pioneers’ Cabin in Edmonton.

Jodoin said she felt she would be a good fit for the job and applied in February. She was notified in early March and began her duties nearly a month ago. “I’m slowly getting my feet wet.”

Since she began, the golf club has hosted the Vermilion Pilots Recertification event, and is already talking about having a fly in golf tournament for its members.

NHL playoffs are just beginning and she encourages folks to come and watch the games in the clubhouse.

Jodoin is planning to “piggyback” off other events that are happening in the community and offer different specials during those events to give people a reason to come out and visit or play.

Five staff members were recently hired, Jodoin said they are all familiar faces to regular patrons. The course opened on April 15 and kitchen service starts on May 1. Jodoin said two tournaments have already been booked, and she encourages people who are interested in booking tournaments or special events to reach out to her.

With the promise of warmer days ahead its time dust off the clubs and get out on the links.

PAGE 14 News Advertiser April 24, 2024 www. MR. CLASSIFIED 1.800.522.4127 CLASSIFIED Call toll free from anywhere in Alberta 1.800.522.4127 or fax to 780.632.7981 VEGREVILLE & SURROUNDING AREA SURROUNDINGAREA WEATHER 7-DAY WEATHER 17°C 3°C 14°C 2°C 9°C -1°C 19°C 6°C 13°C 2°C 16°C 4°C 11°C 0°C thu APR 25 sat APR 27 fri APR 26 wed APR 24 mon APR 29 sun APR 28 tue APR 30 COMPUTERS VM SYSTEMS Looking for a new computer? VM SYSTEMS has all you’ll ever need in computers! Installation – Sales –Service – Internet. One call will get you in touch. Phone 780-632-2859 9am – 5pm EQUIPMENT FEED Wanted. Oats, Peas, Wheat, Barley, Canola: Dry, Wet, or Heated. 1-888-4838789. GARAGE SALE HEALTH & FITNESS H Attention oxygen therapy users! Discover oxygen therapy that moves with you with Inogen Portable Oxygen Concentrators. Free information kit. 1-866-4779045 Apollo Fitness Vibrator. Mint Cond. $100.00 Ph: 780-632-2235 Bike in good working order; 12 speed. $25.00 780-632-2217 HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS 4-drawer Filing Cabinets. 5’ tall. Metal. $40 obo. 587-322-1858 Kenmore Fridge-Freezer ‘works’/ white $125 587-322-1858 LIVESTOCK Yearling & 2 year old Purebred Red Angus Bulls. Semen tested. Brownalta Farms. Phone (780) 6034882. LOST & FOUND Left at News Advertiser doorSketch Book. Owner please claim. MACHINERY Case 800 Diesel Tractor. Power Steering, Front End Loader and Bucket. Comes with Round Bale Fork Attachment. Good Rubber. Starts and runs good. 540 PTO Live. $5000 Or Best Offer. Contact Claude, 780-632-1930 2470 Case 4WD Tractor and Flexicoil 1100 Air seeder on 27’ CCIL deep tillage with harrows and Valmar. Ph: 780-367-2510 TRACTORS - 1951 International Farmall MD - Restored -1936 International W30 - Restored -1961 Minneapolis Moline 5 StarRestored with new rubber -1981 Massey Ferguson 255 - Good shape with ezee-on loader -Buler Snow Blower 78” with hydraulic shoot (used once) Call Norman 780-3858814 For sale 2155 Air Seeder with 36’ Bourgault 8800 Cultivator with Mounted Haukaas field markers and 36’ Bourgault coil packers. Asking $24,000. Phone 780-6327177 MISC. 780-455-2573 80 acres black soil, oil and gas mineral rights. Also Elvis Presley’s first record 1951 at the age of 16 years. Only 40 records survived. 1964 Dodge. 17” x 11” Johnny Cash and his buddy at CFRN Station 1954. Also one horse bridle for breaking in horses. Made in USA in 1918. Home break-ins take less than 60 seconds. Don’t wait! Protect your family, your home, your assets now for as little as 70¢ /day! 1-844-5917951 FIREWOOD FOR SALE - Pine, Spruce. Bucked; not split. No Delivery.
Prepare for power outages today with a Generac Home Standby Generator. Act now to receive a FREE 7-Year warranty with qualifying purchase * Call 1-855-948-6176 today to schedule a free quote. It’s not just a generator. It’s a power move. Become a published author. We want to read your book! Dorrance Publishing trusted since 1920. Consultation, production, promotion & distribution. Call for free author’s guide 1-877-729-4998 or visit SafeStep. North America’s #1 Walkin tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our free shower package & $1600 off-limited time! Financing available. 1-855417-1306. MUSIC For Sale: Piano, upright Kawai, recently tuned. PH: 780-592-2278. PETS Great Pyrenes cross, first shots, ready to go. $200 Ph: 780-632-7910. SERVICES Gary’s Eavestroughing & Carpentry work. Inside or outside. Soffit, fascia, roof repairs, etc. Sidewalk and driveway snow removal. Free Estimates. Call Gary - 780-9935934; Henry - 780-603-9083 WANTED ADVERTISE to 10 Million Homes across the USA! Place your ad in over 140 community newspapers, with circulation totaling over 10 million homes. Contact Independent Free Papers of America IFPA at or visit our website for more information. Now Available Ask for yard signs with your garage sale package Yard signs with your garage sale package GARAGE SAALE Cu m a d s n by 780.632.2861
Michelle Pinon News Advertiser
on the
is a
with the
Getting into the Swing of Things
the Vegreville Kinsmen Golf Course
picturesque nine-
golf course. Of course, many avid golfers
already familiar
course with Par of
Clubhouse Manager Lisa Jodoin. (Michelle Pinon/Photo)

Survivor Shares Her STARS Story at Fundraising Gala

The Smoky Lake Agricultural Society fundraising gala on April 13 was a sold-out success with a crowd of 400 people in attendance, people from all walks of life all coming together to raise $100,000 for the air ambulance service.

Kayla Hrehorets was one of the 400 people in attendance and shared her powerful and impactful story with fellow attendees.

Kayla told attendees, “I’ve been trying to find another word for rescue, but in my heart, this is what my STARS team did for me that day. They rescued me.

Sept. 10, 2007 was a beautiful day that turned ugly when I was in a motor vehicle accident. Thrown from the vehicle, pinned under it and unconscious. STARS was diligent on getting me to the next point where the following emergency team could take over.

There, my dad was the first person of contact, asking how you know Kayla Hrehorets? She’s been in a motor vehicle accident, was airlifted by STARS and is in critical condition. My family was sent up

to ICU, there they were able to see me and learn the extent of my injuries over the next couple of days. If it wasn’t for STARS my outcome would’ve been much worse.

After years of healing, in 2017 I was invited to go to the STARS air ambulance hanger. I was able to see the exact helicopter I was flown in. I had the honour of meeting one of my flight nurses and see the new helicopter take off to help someone.

My heart sank in my chest as I felt the powerful sound of the helicopter take off. As if to be apart of what was going on. There were lots of laughs and tears as they gave me a tour of the hanger and answer questions I had.

My accident gave me a purpose. I’ve since been a proud advocate for first responders and veterans in Alberta. I ask you, the people of this wonderful community to be a blessing to someone else. Please give generously this evening, you never know what can happen to you or someone you know.

Even on a sunny fall day of shopping, your life can traumatically change and affect your loved ones. I’m truly grateful for STARS and tonight you can happily say you’re keeping STARS in the sky.”

Following her speech, Kayla asked the STARS crew to accept a donation that she presented on behalf of the Fort Saskatchewan Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 27.

Smoky Lake Agricultural Society President Sharon Boychuk commented that, Kayla’s speech impacted the whole audience and made people realize such a thing could happen to them.

Boychuk said Kayla’s story really resonated with attendees who came together to support a common cause. Through a silent and live auction and selling of 50/50 tickets a total of $100,000 was raised for STARS. Boychuk said 100 percent of the proceeds go to STARS. A committee of eight began planning for the fundraiser in January, and Boychuk said it’s very gratifying to know that you can help save someone’s life by hosting a fundraising event like this and feels gratified by the donations and support for such a worthy cause.

Shannon Paquette, Donor Relations and Development Officer

Central Alberta Foundation for STARS, said, “We are so grateful for the ongoing support of the Smoky Lake Agricultural Society, who have raised an incredible $216,000 for STARS in just two years of hosting their event!

The generosity of the community is evident in the results, and their love for STARS, in the conversations and hugs in person. This includes municipal support with a cheque presented from the County at the event. Thank you for all for allowing us to continue to provide critical care anywhere.”

April 24, 2024 News Advertiser PAGE 15 www. FREE ADVERTISING FREE CLASSIFIED AD If you have personal items (not related to a profession, trade or business) valued at $500 or less, we will give you a Your message will be delivered to almost 9,500 households and businesses • Submit your ad online at under “Shop” • Mail, fax, email or drop off your ad copy. • One item per ad - 10 word limit. • Include the price of the item in your ad. • Offer excludes living things. Phone: 780-632-2861 Fax: 780-632-7981 5110 - 50 St. Vegreville Email: Example: Push lawnmower. Runs good. $225. 777-777-7777 WRITE YOUR AD HERE: PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 6615 Hwy 16A West, Vegreville (next to Boston Pizza) Phone: 780 632 3912 We e directly y bill l your r insurance! ! Now w accepting g new w patients! We e Treat t You u Like e Family! Welcoming Dr. Nitin Goyal! B A R R I S T E R S & S O L I C I T O R S 5038 8- 50 0 Avenue, , Vegreville e Alberta a T9C C 1S1 1 Phone: : 780-632-4552 A PARTNERSHIP P FOR R THE E GENERAL L PRACTICE E OF F LAW KUZYK K LAW W OFFICE VEGREVILLE DENTAL CENTRE GENERAL L DENTISTRY, , ORTHODONTICS S & IMPLANTS 4922 - 50 St., Vegreville, AB Bus: (780) 632-3368 Proudly y serving g Vegreville e & surrounding g communities s for r over r 30 0 years! Dr. Nick Mouyios Dr. Tim Nawrot and Associates www vegrevilledental com 4802 - 49 Ave. Vegreville, AB T9C 1K9 (South at DQ corner) Ph. 780-632-6901 Fax. 780-632-6902 Cohoe Law Lori-Ann Cohoe, KC Your Professional Ad Here Phone 780-632-2861 or email Do You Want to Help Ukraine? The best resource as recommended by both the Alberta Government and Canada Government is the Canadian Ukrainian Foundation: crocodiles are responsible for over a 1,000 deaths each year by the Banks of the Nile river This s Weeks s Numbeers Friday, April 19, 2024 EXTRA: 2356999 EXTRA: 2356999 Friday, April 19, 2024 EXTRA: 2212556 EXTRA: 2212556 Saturday, April 20, 2024 Saturday, April 20, 2024 9 14 26 30 43 35 23 4 5 10 41 50 25 42 10 16 24 38 19 32 44 6 7 37 39 42 28 14 15 26
Kayla Hrehorets and flight nurse during her tour of STARS base. (Smoky Lake Agricultural Society/Submitted Photo)



September 4, 1946 - April 28, 2016

In Memory of My Mom

Your Mother is always with you.

She’s the whisper of the leaves

As you walk down the street.


November 3, 1932 - April 28, 2014

In memory of a loving Husband, Father, Grandfather and Great Grandfather.

He never looked for praises

He was never one to boast

He just went on quietly working

For the ones he loved the most.

His dreams were seldom spoken

His wants were very few

And most of the time his worries

Went unspoken too.

He was there…a firm foundation

Through all our storms of life

A sturdy hand to hold on to

In times of stress and strife.

A true friend we could turn to

When times were good or bad

One of the greatest blessings

The man that we called Dad.

She’s the smell of certain foods you remember, Flowers you pick,

The fragrance of life itself.

She’s the cool hand on your brow

When you’re not feeling well.

She’s your breath in the air on a cold winter’s day.

She is the sound of the rain that lulls you to sleep,

The colors of a rainbow.

She is Christmas morning.

Your Mother lives inside your laughter.

She’s the place you came from, your first home,

And she’s the map you follow

With every step you take.

She’s your first love, your first friend,

Even your first enemy,

But nothing on earth can separate you.

Not time, not space…not even death

Miss you Mom

Love Tabatha

A Gospel Sing-Along

This event gave 20 attendees a chance to get together as a community and share a rich and joyful expression of their faith at St. Mary’s Anglican Church on April 21.

Companions on the Journey with group members Lisa Topilko, Jim Bragg and Janet Rowlands led the attendees in singing traditional spiritual songs where some were smooth and melodious while others were rhythmic and full of energy.

When asked, Lisa provided the background. “Our group has been focusing on providing singalongs at seniors’ facilities for many years. More recently, we have added singalongs at the hospital as well. The residents and patients appreciate that we provide the lyrics for our songs. We choose many musical genres: folk, Gospel, soft rock, old pop songs, country, movie songs, and other genres.

We hope that our audiences experience all the benefits of singing in a group: awareness and appreciation of social bonds, boosting confidence and harmony, enhancing well-being, exercising the muscles in the abdomen, better breathing which improves blood circulation, and other benefits associated with reading and singing aloud as opposed to simply listening to others singing.

Our audiences report fond memories triggered by singing songs from their younger years, from their school days, from Sunday School classes, or church and youth camps. This is the best part of performing: spending time with people who like to sing and seeing what kind of beautiful sounds and memories we can create together.”

It is with great sadness that the family announces the passing of Ruth Helene Olson, of Myrnam, Alberta on Thursday, April 11, 2024 at the age of 74 years.

Ruth leaves behind her loving husband of 56 years: Gary; son: Duane; daughter: Shelly (Pierre); grandchildren: Terilynn (Craig), Cullen, Elorra (Mark);

Peace with Alberta?

Lovingly remembered and sadly missed Victoria, Darlene, Evelyn and Fernado and their families. OLSON, Ruth Helene


a position of trust. Ideologically, they are practically twins, and the power of that philosophical alliance cannot be overstated.

Yet, as the disagreement over the pension plan shows, the future prime minister’s priorities will sometimes be at odds with Smith’s. Inspired by ideas in the Calgary School’s Firewall Letter of 2001, Smith is essentially trying to turn Alberta into Quebec West. Having a second problem child is not something a national leader of any political stripe would love.

To get elected, Poilievre needs to build a coalition that will draw disaffected voters from the “mushy middle” away from the Liberals and over to his camp. That means he has to appeal to the small-c conservatives of Ontario who get as antsy about a radical right agenda as they do about the left. And that means he will have to support a credible carbon-reduction strategy, even if doing so impacts Alberta’s economy.

He also has to find a way to build support in Quebec, which brings with it a whole new set of compromises.

Nope. A love-in between Smith and Poilievre is not in the cards. You’re more likely to see something akin to squabbling siblings. Let’s hope the goodwill they carry for each other will be enough to end the petty backbiting that today threatens our Confederation.

Doug Firby is an award-winning editorial writer with over four decades of experience working for newspapers, magazines and online publications in Ontario and western Canada. Previously, he served as Editorial Page Editor at the Calgary Herald.

PAGE 16 News Advertiser April 24, 2024 www.
cherished great grandchild: Remmy; mother: Mary; brother: Andrew; sister: Judy (Art); along with many aunts, uncles, cousins, in-laws and friends. Ruth was predeceased by her father: Louis; sister: Roseann; brothers-in-law: Jim, Len, Greg, Al; sistersin-law: Karen, Marcie. As per Ruth’s wishes, there will be no funeral service. Final Resting Place, St. Peter’s Cemetery, Myrnam, AB at a later date. Memorial tributes in memory of Ruth may be sent to Haying in the 30’s, c/o Cancer Support, PO Box 35, Mallaig, AB T0A 2K0 or the Cross Cancer Institute, 11560 University Avenue, Edmonton, AB T6G 1Z2. Please visit our website at www.mementofuneralchapel. com to view online obituary and send condolences. ARRANGEMENTS WERE IN CARE OF MEMENTO FUNERAL CHAPEL, ST. PAUL, BONNYVILLE & COLD LAKE (780) 615-3113. The Thackeray Family ~ A Tradition of Trust since 1975 OBITUARY
In loving memory of our dearest Mom, Baba, Great-Baba & Great-Great Baba Lena Laschowski July 1, 1924 – April 23, 2012
And forever in our
Forever Loved and deeply missed, but always
by Your loving
Children, Grandchildren, Great-Grandchildren
Great-Great Grandchildren
left us beautiful memories, Your Love is
still our guide, Although we cannot see you, You’re always at our side
YAREMIE, Leonard George September 11, 1944 - April 16, 2021 Leonard we know from the Bible in REVELATION 21:23 that Heaven doesn’t need the sun or moon to shine in it because God’s Glory Lights It Up! Praise the Lord! We miss you and love you and look forward to spending time with you in that Amazing Place! Love from Helen and our loved ones L-R: Jim Braggs, Lisa Topilko, Janet Rowlands. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)
April 24, 2024 News Advertiser PAGE 17 www. Support Our Retailers At t These e Convenient t Locations Andrew Andrew Grocery Mundare A1 Foods Family Foods Stawnichy's Esso Tofield To eld UFA Tempo Gas Temp Liquor To eld Shell To eld Esso To eld IGA Tim Horton’s To eld Grill & Chill Lamont Lamont Dental Clinic Lamont Foods Lamont Grocery Parkview Restaurant Value Drug Mart Viking Bumper to Bumper Esso Viking Shell Viking Pharmacy Vegreville Co-op Gas Bar No Frills Gas Bar Vegreville Drug Mart Pick k up p your r copy y of Pick k up p your r newspaper r and d do o your r shopping Myrna Tatarin Home : 780.367.2494 Cell : 780.288.2494 Fax : 780.367.2495 B inds ● Res dent a nter or Decorat ng Email : C o s s e y A p p r a i s a l S e r v i c e cell: 780-916-9025 Ray Cossey Shane Noel Roofing Siding Windows Doors Exterior Renovations 780-603-7212 Clips And Dips Grooming Certified Groomer Breeder of Shih Tzu’s Phone 780-657-2475 Two Hills Private and Group Lessons Basic to Advanced Training Agility Training JEFFS SEPTIC Abraham Wiebe DBA Jeff’s Septic & Porta Potty Rentals Box 191,Myrnam, AB, T0B 3K0 Call: 780-614-5348 Cell: 780-210-0431 780-210-0431 Cardinal Rehabilitation Clinic Physiotherapy For your physiotherapy, acupuncture and general rehabilitation needs. 780-632-2222 780-628-6882 Happy Nest Cleaning Deep House Cleaning Specialists & Carpet Cleaning Call for a consultation today “Don’t distress that your house is a mess, hire Happy Nest.” SLP Window Cleaning Plus “Yeah I Can Reach It!” 780-217-3660 Windows, Carpets, Home and Office, Eavestroughs, Pressure Washing, Maid Services, and More! Tel: 780 631 1120 th #15 6109 50 Ave Vegreville Office For All Accounting Services MONUMENTS Memorials for Your Loved Ones Custom Premium Granite Sale-10%-30% Off On selected shapes-colors Cemetery engraving, vases, restoration Call Len @ 780-966-9191 E: CARLEELELIUK 780-235-0909|780-462-1782 B.COMM,DAR PROFESSIONALREALESTATE APPRAISAL&CONSULTINGSERVICES Commercial~Residential Agriculture~BusinessValuations Machinery~Equipment BLINDS UNLIMITED Dellas Baxandall 780-603-3551 Call or Text Your Hunter Douglas Specialist Personal Training Group Sessions Strength Classes Nutritional Consulting Private Gym 780-632-9328 Quality Workmanship Correction - Mundare Curling Club Hosts Men’s Bonspiel In the April 3rd edition the photo and caption of the C Event winners and runners up were inadvertently omitted and B Event winners duplicated. VNA apologizes for any inconvenience this may have caused and has printed the correct photo and caption below. C Event - Sponsored by Webb’s Machinery Director Candice Kropielnicki, Skip Darius Seniuk, Brady Pyzik, Justin Sydora and Justin Korpan. Runners Up: Don Diduck, Nick Diduck, Kyle Diduck and Trevor Diduck. (Mundare Curling Club/Submitted Photo)

Everything about Pre-K

There were many interesting play equipment, toys, and the company of other children to keep kids happy at the Pre-K, Kindergarten, and Nature Kindergarten Information Night at St. Martin’s Catholic School on April 18.

When asked what ages of children can attend the Pre-Kindergarten program, Principal of St. Martin’s Catholic School Joe Kucy replied, “The program is meant

and Kindergarten

for children that will be four-years-old by Dec. 31 and would like to learn in a Preschool environment.

These programs are designed to help children grow cognitively, socially, physically and spiritually. They will help the child’s Kindergarten readiness skills, and give the child the academic and social advantage to be successful in school.

Children having fun while learning through play.

pre-kindergarten skills, “We do offer programming, but each case is assessed on an individual basis to determine the needs.

The program is a full day, two days a week. Children get to be part of the school community and participate in events for a fee.

There is also full day, five-day-a-week program where kids get to be part of the school community and participate in events for a fee.”

When questioned if they offer any learning assistance programs for children at this level who need a head start in learning

For regular Kindergarten, the program is meant for children who will be fiveyears-old by Dec. 31 and would like to learn in a Kindergarten environment.

It is for a full day, two days a week. There is no cost for the program, except for field trip fees when required.

Children can also attend the full-day, five-days-a-week program for a fee per month plus field trip fees when required.”

On the year the Nature Kindergarten began, “We started offering the program in September 2021 school year.

The program is based on Learning through Exploration and Activity. The program takes advantage of the wonderful outdoor areas available surrounding the school and Vegreville.

The students love the outdoor learning environment and come prepared no matter what Mother Nature provides.”

When asked how participating in these programs helps the children’s future life and learning, he replied, “Students that participate in any of the programs are better prepared to be successful in school. The fear and anxiety disappear and they experience more confidence in their work.”

PAGE 18 News Advertiser April 24, 2024 www. GROCERY GIVE-AWAY Name: : Address: Phone e Number: Win n $100 0 worth h of f groceries! You’re at home here. here Vegreville e & District t Co-op 4914 4- 51 1 Ave, , Vegreville, , AB Deposit t Form m At: D r o p o e n t r y b y 4 p m o n M o n d a y , A p r 2 9 t h , 2 0 2 4 GREAT GROCERY GIVE-AWAY Win $100 worth of groceries this week courtesy of... This is our way of saying thank you for using the Vegreville News Advertiser to plan your weekly grocery shopping. Get your entries in now! *No purchase necessary.* Only ONE Entry Per Household. Multiple entries will disqualify you from the draw. you The e winner r for April l 24th h is Arlene Shtokal of Vegreville Crazy Laws Indiana No throwing your sofa at your neighbour MISSING DOG $500 Reward Gus is white and black. He was last seen near Rattray Farm on RR 125 North of TWP 520 on April 11 Call Shirley @ 780-603-3884 or 780-658-2529
(Rosanne Fortier/Photos)

over 11,000.

Each year, Volunteer Alberta releases a theme for National Volunteer Week. The theme for 2024 was ‘Every Moment Matters’ and it speaks to the fact that volunteering takes many forms within a community. It is important to celebrate all the different ways people donate their time within a community –from shoveling a neighbour’s sidewalk, having coffee with a senior, returning someone’s cart, to volunteering with a formal organization or program.”

One of the most common reasons people volunteer, Lenko replied, “In January of this year, (FCSS) had a survey on this topic. The most common answers were to give back to their community and to make their community a better place to live.” Lenko closed by saying organizations can recruit more volunteers by highlighting the benefits of volunteerism for the individual.

When volunteer Anita Lemko was asked what volunteering means to her, she replied, “It is fun volunteering. The groups I belong to are like being in a little family. It gives people a chance to be a part of something, and gives them a sense of community.” Jean Hughston commented, “I enjoy volunteering. I’ve played music from 1985 till now. I still sing in a music group.”

April 24, 2024 News Advertiser PAGE 19 www. MLS E4364363 MLSE4364363 OWN ON MAIN STREET OWNONMAINSTREET 5125 50 ST Vegreville $225,000 Call l for r Free e Comparative e Market t Analysis s l Elite Laura Danilak Realtor 780 632 1376 Office: 780 464 4100 CUTE BUNGALOW MLS E4374782 CUTEBUNGALOW 4817 51 AVE Vegreville $185,000 MLS E4368700 MLSE4368700 GREAT STARTER GREATSTARTER 4761 50 AVE Vegreville $205,000 MLS E4375237 MLSE4375237 SOLID STARTER HOME SOLIDSTARTERHOME 5734 50 ST Vegreville $165,000 MLS E4377518 MLSE4377518 3.5 LOTS ON 50TH LOTSON 5305 50 ST Vegreville $134,500 MLS E4377899 MLSE4377899 CUTE 1 BEDROOM 5024 52 AVE Ryley $66,000 Century 21 Alta - Extraordinary Experiences Our Mission is to Deliver WWW. .COM C21ALTA Cheryl Semeniuk 780-719-0121 Realtor Tracy Stewart 780-603-1476 Realtor David Chau Associate Broker 780-850-9888 Kody Kuchik 780-632-0650 Realtor, Owner Gary Kuchik Associate Broker, Owner 780-632-9454 Gus Borzel 780-603-7969 Broker, Owner Phone: 780 - 632 - 7700 Unreserved Real Estate Auction for Baba’s Best Cooking Co. Sale Starts - April 26th, 2024 & Closes on April 30th, 2024 Address: 4619 51st Ave, Willingdon, Alberta Legal: Lot 1 Plan 6098NY Allen B. Olson Auction Service Ltd. Rimbey & Hwy #16 East/Rge Rd 185, Alberta (403) 843-2747 Rimbey - (780) 208-2508 - Hwy #16 East/Rge Rd 185 Toll Free 1 -855-783-0556 - License No. 165690 Email: - Homepage: Real Estate Terms & Conditions:10 % Down on Sale Day. Balance & Possession on or before May 30th, 2024. If Balance is NOT RECEIVED by May 30th, 2024 the Deposit will be Forfeited as Liquidation Damages. All measurements are approximate and need to be verified by the purchaser. Online Bidding Fees Apply - 4% up to a Max. of $800.00 per Item Selling 2 Acres of Hwy #45 Frontage Power is On Site with Gas & Water at the Property Line Zoned Commercial The Buildings, Contents of the Buildings & The Business will Sell Separately. However, the Complete Sale will be Blocked Giving Everyone a Chance to Buy the Complete Business. In the Event the entire Business is purchase and you would like to have it approved by Alberta Health Services Sewer, Water & a Bathroom will need to be installed. . Viewing by Appointment Please Contact Dawn at 780-208-2151 Real Estate Transactions are being Handled byMorrison Realty Kim Hughes- (403) 704-3141 & Allen Olson (403) 783-0556 Gayle Speidel 780-543-9768 Vegreville & Area 780-632-6727 4830 - 54 St., Vegreville Across from Galleria Mall With Prices to suit Seniors NO G.S.T. Ca l 780-632to o book k yo home e director y a Jerry Romanick’s Painting Commercial - Residential Interior - Exterior Phone: 780-478-7244 Cell 780-240-9720 BLINDS UNLIMITED Dellas Baxandall 780-603-3551 Call or Text Your Hunter Douglas Specialist Vegreville Residential Cleaning Service *Seniors Discount* Helping Hands Housekeeping 780-603-4990 A D V E R T I S E Y O U R H O M E B U S I N E S S H E R E JUST T $50 for 13 3 weeks Wayne Neufeld 780-603-8186 - Mowing (regularly scheduled & one time) - Cleanups to Conform with Bylaws - Turf and Rock Installs/Removal - Aeration - Power Rake - Edging - Dump Runs - Bobcat Services * Acreages * Cemeteries * Farm Yards * Commercial * Residential Yardvark Lawn & Snow
volunteers - CONTINUED from Front PAGE Volunteers in the kitchen from Sunshine Café L-R: Stacy Mynzak, Gladys Palahniuk, Marlene Roth, Marion Baxandall, Dwayne Hlady. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)

Big Orange Event - CONTINUED from PAGE 5

tractors, mowers and utility vehicles.

We are primarily a Kubota Dealership and sell Great Plains tillage equipment, Land Pride tractor attachments, Hustler hay and feed equipment, Jaylor feed mixers, FAE mulchers, Echo yard maintenance equipment and Yoder smokers.

Xtreme Equipment is a one-stop-shop for hay and feed equipment and specializes

in providing solutions for livestock producers. We offer tillage, construction and yard maintenance equipment for urban, acreage and farm use.”

Customer Neil Gorda said it was amazing how many products this business has.

“I had no idea that they carry so many lines of stuff.”

Immediate Work Available in Renovations

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Member Service Representative (Part

time - min. 20 hours/week)

To welcome members, help them with their transactions and offer solutions to improve their financial fitness. A high school diploma, welcoming personality and experience with people are requirements. Visit to learn more and apply!

Closing date: April 30, 2024. We thank all applicants for their interest. Only those considered for the position will be contacted.

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Are you passionate about sales and enjoy building relationships?

Do you want to make a difference?

The financial advisor position at our Mundare branch might be the job for you!

Financial Advisor Associate (full time)

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Visit for more information and to apply!

Closing date: April 30, 2024. We thank all applicants for their interest. Only those considered for the position will be contacted.

Are you a dedicated leader with a passion for senior care? Vegreville Manor is seeking a Manager to provide exceptional leadership, guidance, customer service and support to our residents and staff and to oversee the operations of our supportive living residence. We offer:


To apply, visit

PAGE 20 News Advertiser April 24, 2024 www. For detailed information including position requirements and qualifications, please visit the County website at:
County of Minburn No. 27 is seeking one individual for a permanent full-time Agriculture and Municipal Services Manager position in the Operations Department located in Vegreville, Alberta. AGRICULTURE AND MUNICIPAL SERVICES
Employment Term: Full-Time Permanent Salary Range: $112,752.66 – $129,386.27 annually Submission Deadline: Friday, May 17, 2024 The County of Minburn No. 27 is seeking one individual for a full-time one (1) year term Emergency Responder position in the Protective Services Department located in Mannville/Innisfree, Alberta.
COUNTY OF MINBURN NO. 27 Employment Opportunities The
Employment Term: Full-Time One (1) Year Term Salary Range: $29.32 - $33.65 per hour Submission Deadline: Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Please call 780-907-5334 GENIE’S RENOVATIONS INC. WE CAN MAKE MAGIC vailable
contractors for the interior painting of our learning centre at 4923 50 Street, Vegreville, AB. The quote must include the supply of paint, preparation of walls, and painting—work to be completed during the July summer closure. The centre is approximately 1000 sq. ft., and the walls are 8 feet high. Wall painting only, not ceiling.
- Construction experience greatly appreciated - Must have a valid drivers license and own transportation - Very fair wages depending on self motivation & experience
VegMin Learning Society is seeking quotes from local
Please stop by to view the facility during our regular business hours of 8:30-11:30 and 12:30-4:30. Call 780-632-7920 for more information. Please submit a formal quote by May 15, 2024, in person or to REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL INTERIOR PAINTING
A Respective, Supportive Team Environment Opportunities for Professional Development
Competitive Salary & Benefits Package

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