Vegreville News Advertiser - August 18, 2014

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VOL. 67 NO. 32

The Paper That ’s Going Places!


111th Country Fair the summer peak for many

balloon animal in the other. At the Grandstand, youngsters immersed themselves in the Kid’s Tractor Pulls where their effort and skill paired with their winsome nature entertained the spectators. A short distance away,

Bandshell the spot for music lovers See page 2 for story

See Story.......................... Page 14

Children engage in gleeful screaming when they experience the speed and ups and downs of the minirollercoaster at Vegreville Country Fair on August 7, 8 and 9. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)

Rosanne Fortier Local children commented throughout the year how they loved the fair while seniors announced that the fair was the peak of their childhood memories and is still their favorite event of the year. This is a popular view because of the 100 best things to do in Edmonton and area, Vegreville’s Country Fair was rated number 16. This fair has many sponsors with

Dennill’s Kubota being the major sponsor of for 2014. The Vegreville Agricultural Society’s 11th annual Country Fair on August 7, 8, and 9 presented this vibe as the fair matched the down-home, liveliness, color, high-level of talent and fun-loving nature of small-town and rural folks. Upon entering, the warm, original smell of caramel apples, cotton candy and fried dough wafted through

the fair grounds and while citizens indulged in sinfully delicious treats like deep fried Oreo’s, the faint sound of happy cries flew from the mid-way rides. Around the edge of this section, people of all ages wore an expression of deep concentration as they engaged in a game-ofchance to win a prize for themselves or their sweetheart. Youngsters held icecream in one hand and a

Making music gives people two-right feet See page 21 for story

Tractor pulls See page 22 for story

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August 18, 2014

Bandshell the spot for music lovers Rosanne Fortier The Bandshell held musical entertainment smorgasbord that added extra personality to the fair where there was usually a crowd numbering 60 in attendance. The performances on August 7 slated with Bob Ashmead, Fiddlin’ Kiddlins, Debra Fedoruk, Faith Swedgan and Off

(left to right) Callina Kirk and Malachi Barter were some of the musical gems of local performers at the Bandshell. This group presented an energetic set that was as radiant as the sunshine. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)


August 18, 2014

Olivia Rose is a 15 year-old girl from Elk Point who won the crowd over with her lovely stage pretense and enthusiastic voice. Olivia was born with a cleft palate and hearing loss but she overcame these adversities and hopes to make her mark on Canadian country music. (Rosanne Fortier/ Photo)

Branden Gates performs a special set of folk music with lots of feelings and emotions at the Bandshell on August 9. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)

Ramp Boys who demonstrated that our local performers can attract and sustain a large audience with their performances. The Fiddlin’ Kiddlins with Malachi Barter and Callina Kirk played an energetic set of tunes that were as radiant as the sunshine. August 8 presented musical gems from Bob Ashmead, Klym, Don and Noreen. Local Musician, Randy Kereliuk was the MC and singer for the opening music and during intermission periods on August 10. This final lineup saw performers from across Alberta with Megan Keirstead making her appearance first. “Megan Keirstead is a singer-songwriter who turned to songwriting to help overcome the loss of her grandma. Megan also does covers from many artists. Her first EP, recorded with Peter Stone is titled Unsettled Heart was released on May 25, 2014.” Kereliuk said. Cassidy Zahar was next. Cassidy is a 16 year-old girl who hails from Bellis, Alberta. She has been playing the guitar and singing the old Country Classics since the age of nine. Cassidy is very communityoriented and she performs at local Lodges and Nursing homes. Since then, Cassidy has won many awards and in July 2011, she was thrilled to record her first ever CD with the help of fellow musician Ky Babyn. Braden Gates followed. “Braden’s breed of folk music is that familiar American finger picking kind that tilled the hearts of a generation that woke up

as if from a stupor of violence and senseless instrument rationality.” Kereliuk said. Then the audience was introduced to Olivia Rose

who is a 15 year-old girl that hails from Elk Point, Alberta. “Olivia’s song, 15 minutes, won her a judge’s discretionary award in 2012 at the Calgary Folk Fest

songwriting competition. Olivia continued on to win many more awards and in the future, she hopes to make her mark on Canadian country music. But the fact that is most amazing about

News Advertiser Page 3 Olivia is she was born with a cleft palate and hearing loss and despite these adversities, she continues to pursue her dreams.” Kereliuk read. The sun smiled down as

Olivia’s enthusiastic voice with her lovely stage presence and unique manner continued to create spellbinding grooves on her performances.

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August 18, 2014

Smile of the


Kathy Sawchuk Occupation: Recreation Aide Likes: making others laugh, my family Dislikes: winter, crabby people

One hundred plaques, one hundred years remembered The Ukrainian Orthodox Congregation of St Vladimir will be holding a memorial service and plaque dedication / unveiling ceremony at 11:00 a.m. on Friday August 22nd marking the 100th anniversary of Canada’s first Internment Operations of 1914-1920 under the War Measures Act. This plaque dedication and unveiling ceremony are part of a national effort to unveil a wave of plaques across the country starting in Amherst, Nova Scotia and finishing in Nanaimo, British Columbia. We invite anyone from the Community to join us for this special service to mark the occasion. Please join us for this special event.

11:00 a.m. August 22nd at U k ra in ia n Or t hodox Congregation of St Vladimir, 5146 48 Avenue, Vegreville, Alberta, Or In Vegreville, The Ukrainian Orthodox Congregation of St Vladimir will be having a Memorial Service on August 22, 2014 at 1:00 a.m. to mark the 100th Anniversary of Canada’s first Internment Operations of 1914-1920. We are inviting anyone from the Community to attend this special service to mark this occasion.


August 18, 2014

Унікальні місця України Olena Babiy Всі ми знаємо, що Україна - дуже мальовнича країна з величною історією. В кожному куточку України мoжна знайти щось абсолютно особливе і неповторне. Тож, якщо ви плануєте подорож на свою іс торичну батьківщину, ми хочемо порадити вам декілька абсолютно необхідних для відвідування місць. Почніть свою подорож Україною з відвідування “Тунеля кохання”, дендропарка “Софіївка”, острoва “Хортиця”, Кам’янець-Подільської фортеці та озера Синевир. Ми запевняємо - ви будете дуже вражені! “Тунель кохання” Однe з найкрасивіших і незвичайних місць Україні знаходиться в селищі Клевань. Це чудо природи називають

“Тунель кохання”. В радянські часи тут заходилась військова база з залізничною колією. Дерева навколо колії були посаджені таким чином, щоб сховати її. За останні роки дерева сформували дуже мальовниий природний зелений тунель над залізницею. Загальна довжина т унелю становить близько чо т ири кілометри. Останнім часом це місце стало досить відомим у світі, деякі відомі бренди знімають тут рекламні ролики. А туристи давно визначили це місце як одне з найромантичніших в Україні.

Дендропарк “Софіївка” Дендропарк “Софіївка” знаходиться в місті Умань. Він був заснований в 1796 році польським графом Станіславом Потоцьким і названий на честь його дружини Софії. Це був подарунок графа на іменини дружини. Сьогодні це одне з найбільш відвідуваних туристичних місць в Україні. Парк відомий завдяки своїй унікальній архітектурі та ландшафту. Тут є і водоспади, і мальовниче озеро, і кам’яні брили, і оригінальні альтанки, і хитромудрі містки. Одним з найвідоміших місць парку є фонтан “Змія”, який піднімає воду на висоту в 18 метрів. Острів “Хортиця” Хортиця є найбільшим островом на річці Дніпро - довжина острова 12 кілометрів, а ширина, в 2,5 середньому, кілометри. Острів має

статус Державного історико-культурного заповідника. В 16-18 столітті тут була розташована легендарна Запорізька Січ, де жили козаки, які є символом України. На острові в мініатюрі представлені усі ландшафтні зони України. На Хортиці діє історико-культурний комплекс «Запорізька Січ», присвячений життю

та побуту козаків, а також тут знаходиться Музей запорізького історії козацтва. Острів Хортиця є одним з найільш популярних місць серед туристів. Тут проводиться багата кількість виставок, театралізованих вистав та фестивалей. Кам’янець-Подільська фортеця Кам’янець-Подільський є дивовижно красивим містом в Західній України.

Вузькі вулички, затишна міська площа та розташована тут дивовижна фортеця роблять це місто обов’язковим д ля відвідування. Перші споруди фортеці належать до 11-12 століть, а основні укріплення - до 16-17 століть. До складу фортеці вход ять одинадцять башт, кожна з яких має свою назву й історію. У підземеллях фортеці відкрито е к с п о з и ц і ї, що

відтворюють сторінки її історії. Крім того, туристи можуть стати учасниками нічної театралізованої екскурсії. Озеро Синевир Це мальовниче озеро знаходиться в Карпатах на висоті понад 1000 м

над рівнем моря. Синевир вважають найкрасивішим озером України. Згідно з місцевою легендою, озеро утворилося зі сліз графині Синь, дочки багатого графа, якій батьки не дозволили бути з простим пастухом на і’мя Вир, в якого вона закохалася. Посередині озера знаходиться крихітний, площею всього кілька метрів, острівець. Вода в

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Синевирі дуже прозора, а краєвиди навколо

озера надзвичайно мальовничі та величні.

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August 18, 2014

How safe is your cloud? VM Systems Paid advertisement “Data protection is fastbecoming a top priority for businesses of all sizes,” says Arthur Beaudette, Owner of VM Systems in Vegreville. “Having the ability to effectively and

affordably back up and quickly recover data is a mission-critical service businesses simply cannot do without. As a trusted IT advisor it’s our responsibility to ensure our clients’ data is protected and can be recovered anywhere, anytime.”

Affordably priced and proven to outperform consumer-led BDR solutions, VM Systems’ new businessgrade cloud BDR services are purpose built for companies that rely on data and operate in high-profile verticals such as education,

finance, government and healthcare. Businesses that are required to comply with industry-specific regulations such as HIPAA, GLBA, PCI, SOX and others will find great business value in VM Systems’ cloud BDR services and

peace of mind in the security measures taken to ensure data is protected and recoverable. VM Systems’ cloud BDR services can easily scale to match the business needs of small business networks as well as hybrid network

environments where virtualized machines dominate. If, and when, a single file or complete recovery is required, VM Systems’ customers can be rest assured that their data is not lost and will be back online as soon as possible.

allowed. But in combination with capitalizing some letters and including numbers, tossing a few other classic symbols into the mix creates a broad spectrum of variations that can vex hackers. Use a Password Manager – Most cybersecurity specialists agree a password manager probably is the best line of defense for individual users, especially because this type of software also reduces confusion and increases convenience. A password manager encrypts, stores and helps create random passwords, all of which can be deployed on different sites with one master password. Your IT Managed Service Provider (MSP) can help with recommendations. And now, here is online blogsite splashdata.blogspot.

ca’s list of the worst passwords from 2013 in order from worst to still crappy: 123456 password 12345678 Qwerty Abc123 123456789 111111 1234567 iloveyou adobe123 123123 Sunshine 1234567890 letmein Photoshop 1234 monkey shadow 12345 password1 azerty trustno1 000000

5 Tips for Good Password Hygiene Reprinted from eBay Inc., the global commerce and payments firm, issued an advisory earlier in June asking its 145 million users to change their passwords as soon as possible. While the online giant said no financial information had been stolen and it couldn’t find evidence of unauthorized activity, eBay acknowledged being the victim of a cyberattack and the compromised database held encrypted passwords. In other words, the company conceded the best course of action in the wake of the breach is for customers to protect themselves with preventative measures. Whether or not they have eBay accounts, small business operators would be wise to practice what IT security

pros call “good password hygiene” when managing their online footprint. Employees, partners, suppliers, vendors and anyone that interacts with a small company should be encouraged to do the same. Because, as noted in the ITinflections post “Is Your Business Protected from the Latest IT Security Threats?” all that cybercriminals need for a foothold is one person connected to your organization to make a bad decision. The Wall Street Journal canvassed cybersecurity experts in the wake of the eBay crisis. Here’s a synopsis of their recommendations for good password hygiene: Stop “Salting” Your Passwords – Cybersecurity experts call using variations of standard passwords for different sites “salting.” An

example would be a company leader who uses “CEOfb” for Facebook and “CEOtwtr” for Twitter. The problem is the pattern, of course. Once a hacker discovers the logic applied to creating variations, testing hundreds of permutations with the aid of microprocessors doesn’t take long. Start Using Passphrases Instead of Passwords – Former hackers testify that single-word passwords are easy to hack. So, instead of just one word, use three like “SecureCyberRules.” Because some websites limit password fields to 16 characters, creating passphrases will take some creativity. So, make the process fun and engaging by avoiding common phrases and terms. One programmer interviewed by WSJ said: “I take a line from

a Korean anime program I saw twice when I was a kid, contort it and that would be a good start.” Other times he said he relies on a random password generator. Leave Your Personal Life Out of Your Passwords – By examining public sites, such as an individual’s home page on social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, hackers can study your private life and crack logical patterns like “salting.” So, never use the names of family members, including pets. Put Symbols into the Mix – Many sites now not only require users to change passwords often but to include symbols in passwords, such as punctuation marks. Some symbols found on the common keyboard, such as the “@” sign, are not

Cryptolocker: Avoid Ransomware with Healthy Paranoia ITinflections Reprinted from website Cybersecurity firms have reported to ITinflections a recent increase in Cr y ptolocker traff ic. Cryptolocker is Ransomware, a class of malware that restricts access to the computer system that it infects and then demands a ransom

paid to the creator of the malware in order for the restriction to be removed. As the name implies, Cryptolocker encrypts files on a computer’s hard drive and associated systems, such as attached storage and networked servers. This particular version arrives in a user’s inbox in the form of an email

message announcing the availability of a voicemail or fax that must be downloaded from a free file-sharing service like Dropbox. Once the fake link is clicked, the infection takes hold and web pages pop up or text files are downloaded instructing the victim that the compromised files will be decrypted for a fee paid through a peer-to-peer payment service like Bitcoin. Cybercrime experts categorize Ransomware as “cryptoviral extortion.” Another way to describe the malicious method is virtual blackmail. And like actual blackmail, the greatest risk is there is no guarantee cybercriminals will honor their promises to do or fix anything. They easily can just take the virtual

money and virtually run, leaving victims to cope with the cost of repairs. So, the best defense against Cryptolocker and similar malware is prevention. Here are some tips for thwarting Ransomware: Always Be Vigilant & Suspicious – All email users always should avoid opening messages and/or clicking links from any unknown sender or un-trusted source. Because this safety protocol has been practiced by many users for years, cybercriminals use tricks such as hijacking names from email contact lists or inserting the names of known services and companies into links. Some go to the length of forging graphic identities by creating well-

known logos that appear just a little different than the legitimate brands. So, pause and inspect anything unusual. In the case of Ransomware, healthy paranoia prevents problems. Be Compulsive about Backups – Backup files as frequently as is convenient. Automated backup routines and cloud backup services are good ways of helping users be conscientious, but be certain these methods do not overwrite the same backup file every time. If malware like Cryptolocker sneaks into a system, it will use these types of services to encrypt backups, too. And then, no source of clean files will be available for restoring systems.

Don’t Go It Alone – Cyber criminals are creative and work fast. Be sure your system and all users have robust security packages installed, including anti-spam and anti-virus applications – and be sure to keep these measures updated with the latest malware information. Many IT Managed Service Providers (MSPs) offer security support and monitoring services, along with complementary offerings such as backup and storage services. Better to invest in prevention assistance than risk the costs of cyber extortion. Finally, keep in mind that smart-phones are mobile computers and are vulnerable to the same threats as laptops and desktops.

Carpentry Handyman Service Carpentry Handyman service, Renovations, Roofing House Sidings, Concreting and Building

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August 18, 2014

Children hula-hoop towards a creative life

News Advertiser Page 7 creative, it encourages kids to look beyond what they know about hooping; think about nature and the ocean and experiment with different movements. “Children learn how to

listen to their body and how their body moves. It’s good for their balance, coordination and helps them keep physical fit.” Wosar concluded.

Children experiment with how to keep their hula-hoops around their waist before they learn the infinite movements they can create while hoop dancing. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)

Rosanne Fortier The Sizzlin’ Summer program twisted and turned like an ocean with infinite movements at Hawaiian Holiday at Vegreville’s Arena on July 31. Nina Wosar, owner of Infinity Hoopdance from Edmonton described her career and how hoop-dancing benefits children. “I started hoop-dancing when I saw it at a festival seven years ago. It’s different than Native American hoop dance that most people are familiar with. When people do this dancing, they use one hoop around the waist but they also try to make moves off the body; on the

arms, hands and more. I learned to hoop dance when I was 18 and I turned it from a hobby to a career because I reap so many benefits from hoopdance that I wanted to share it with other people. So, I started teaching, performing and making my own

hoops. I have owned Infinity Hoopdance for seven years. This dancing inspires children to reach for an original, interesting career. “I also do fire-dancing; people can do all kinds of tricks with hula-hoops. “This dancing is super-

Conservative record on accountability continues to right Liberal wrongs Dear Editor, Contrary to opinions made by Liberal leader Justin Trudeau in a recent letter to the editor, our Conservative Government has been committed since taking office to ensuring that government is transparent and accountable to Canadians. When we first took office, taxpayers’ trust in government was at a low because of the Liberal Sponsorship Scandal. That’s why our first order of business was the landmark Federal Accountability Act. This comprehensive anti-corruption legislation introduced important steps to strengthen accountability, and increase transparency and oversight in government operations. It put an end to corporate and union political contributions and ensured that politicians could not be “bought.” We didn’t stop there. We’ve brought in new levels of transparency to MP expendi-

tures through the MP expense disclosure form. Coupled with reduced budgets and travel as a government, the MP pension plan has been reformed, reducing the cost of ministerial travel on government aircraft by 75% compared to when the Liberals held off ice. Furthermore, we expanded the powers of Officers of Parliament and created the Conf lict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner and the Commissioner of Lobbying, brining unprecedented levels of oversight to Parliament’s operations. Now our Government is taking further action through the Open Government Action Plan. We’ve committed to a government-wide directive that will make government information and data available to the public by default unless it falls under specific criteria for exception; expanding access to Open

Data; engaging Canadians through modernized web tools; and further engaging the public on regulatory reform. And, despite what the Liberals may claim, our Plan has increased Access to Information requests over the former Liberal government

and has made them simpler for Canadians. Fourteen government departments now use the Access to Information and Privacy Request tool which, as of January, has enabled 21,000 Canadians to submit their requests online. Canadians can be confident that our Government will

continue to work on their behalf to further protect accountability in politics.

Sincerely, Leon Benoit, MP

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August 18, 2014

August 18, 2014


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August 18, 2014


Underground Line Locators

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SIMPLY FINE SWEETS Full Service Catering 4946 52 Ave Vegreville, AB




August 18, 2014

VVA introduces Donna Watson VVA Submitted Donna Watson was born in St. Boniface, Manitoba and spent time in Brandon, Manitoba, as well. She has a Bachelor of Fine Arts See Story.......................... Page 21


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August 18, 2014

Text of historic Canada-EU CETA reached Leon Benoit Vegreville-Wainwright MP Leon Benoit, Member of Parliament for VegrevilleWainw right, today announced that negotiators have reached a complete text of the CanadaEu rop ea n Un ion Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), allowing translation and legal review to commence. “I’m pleased that both Canada and the EU have committed to bringing this Agreement into force as quickly as possible,” said Benoit. “Businesses and workers on both sides of the Atlantic will clearly benefit from increased trade, opportunities and job creation.” Last October, Canada, with the unanimous endorsement of all Provinces and Territories, as well as businesspeople, reached a historic Agreement-inPrinciple on the CanadaEU CETA. The EU is the world’s largest integrated economy, with more than 500 million consumers and a GDP of $17 trillion. A See Story.......................... Page 21

August 18, 2014


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August 18, 2014

111th Country Fair the summer peak for many continued CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

Kidz Fun Zone offered a shot to test the children’s sturdiness with the Strong Man Competitions where one activity involved a Bale Toss where participants had to toss a square bale and the one who threw it the largest distance won. There was also a Wacky Water Race and a Tractor Tire Race. For Amusement at the Kidz Fun Zone, children

had a jocular time as they tossed themselves in various positions in the bumper balls that resembled a large bubble. In the building adjacent to these outdoor activities was a large crowd of families petting the animals at the Petting Zoo. Other children relished the Fishing Pond which was brought in by the Crisis Association. Nestled close by was the

Despite the height of the Ferris wheel, it proved to be a mellow ride that could be enjoyed by all ages. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)

Children wear an expression of deep concentration as they engage in a game-of-chance at Vegreville Country Fair on August 7, 8 and 9. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)


August 18, 2014

The Tornado was a whirlwind of fun loved by riders of all ages at the fair. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)

The horse show had many classes of riders with their horses. This event gave a nice, country feel to the fair. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)

horse show with many classes of riders with their horses. These classes included Junior Halter, Dressage, Junior Riding, Jumping Events, English Performance, Trail Classes, Senior Halter and Western Performance. For the artistic eye, the Exhibit Hall was the residence of the Rotary Club of Vegreville’s Bench Show where citizens could feast

their eyes on 1756 entries of pee-wee’s creations, home baking and garden produce, sewing, visual arts and more where each homemade handiwork stimulated the people’s senses while they commented on how much skill and care must have gone into the pieces. Then the Market Place Trade Show bloomed with dazzling wares and tempting delicacies. This venue

The petting zoo attracted many families to it, where even city folks had a chance to pet an animal they don’t often see. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)

These young ladies experience the excitement of the Scrambler ride at Vegreville Country Fair which was rated number 16 of the best things to do in the summer months at Edmonton and area. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)

These cheerful boys demonstrate how much children love the mid-way rides at Vegreville’s Country Fair. It is noted that all through the year, children look forward to this popular event. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)

included the Money Tunnel where the ticket that people received at the fair’s gate, gave them a chance to have their name drawn if they were present at the right time and from this, they entered a tunnel where the winner won all the bills that they could grab or floated into their apron’s pocket. The evening delivered the See Story.......................... Page 17

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Abby Pritchard is one of many children who had a jocular time tossing themselves around at the new feature, Bumper Balls, at Kidz Fun Zone. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)

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Backyard Safety: Manage the risks During the summer months, children spend countless hours playing in their backyards. There are many potential hazards in the backyard that can result in injuries. Protect your children by managing the risks.

Survey the Yard Make sure all fence gates are self- closing and selflatching. Have a fence separate the play area from the driveway and garage.

Use only on grass. Make sure the area is free of obstacles and debris. Teach children to slide sitting up and not to walk or run on water slides.

Lawn Sprinklers/Water Slides

Sandboxes Check sandboxes regu-

larly to make sure they are in good repair, with no protruding nails or splintered wood. A sandbox cover is recommended, especially if pets roam freely in your neighbourhood. Swimming/Wading Pools Never leave children unattended in or near water. Empty and turn over anything that could pose a drowning hazard (e.g. wading pools, pails). Children can drown in less than 5 cm (2 in) of water. Fence all backyard swimming pools. The fence should be at least 1.2 m (4 ft) high and have a self-latching, self-closing gate. Dog Bites Do not leave children alone

August 18, 2014

and unsupervised with dogs. Teach children not to tease or strike any dog and to be cautious around unfamiliar dogs. Teach children not to disturb dogs, especially when they are sleeping, eating or caring for puppies. Teach children not to take toys, sticks or food from a dog. Play Equipment Actively supervise all young children. Remove drawstrings and scarves from children’s clothing. Properly secure equipment to the ground. Set up backyard swings and other play equipment on a shock-absorbing surface (i.e. sand, wood chips or pea gravel). Put railings around all decks that are more than one metre off the ground. Limit height of the equipment to less than 1.8 m (6 ft). Check equipment for gaps, worn, loose or broken parts. Teach children the basic rules of safe play. Always wear shoes. Remove bike helmets when on equipment. Slide down feet first and

sitting up. One person on the slide at a time. No pushing or horseplay on play equipment. Wait your turn. Hold on with both hands when swinging and climbing. Poisoning Store all lawnmower fuel, pool chemicals, and other hazardous substances in a locked area. Have only non-toxic plants in your yard. Lawnmowers/Power Equipment Keep children out of the yard while mowing the lawn. Do not allow passengers on a riding lawnmower. Turn off the mower if children enter the mowing area. Ensure power tools are turned off and left inoperable if they must be left unattended, even for a short time. Barbecue Basics When using a barbecue, establish a line around it that children cannot cross. Properly lock up barbecue grills, propane tanks, lighter f luid, barbecue lighters, matches, and charcoal.


August 18, 2014

News Advertiser Page 17

111th Country Fair the summer peak for many continued

The Pomeroy Canadian Pony Chuckwagon Finals blew with excitement from the spectators which was as heavy as the dust that flew around while the horses raced. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)

This boy tests his sturdiness at the Bale Toss at the Strong Man Competitions where the child who threw the square bale the longest distance won. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)

This young gal,Kristel Brownlee grins as she reaches the finish point while she attempts the Kids Tractor Pull. Arthur Beaudette, MC gave encouraging words to each youngster that participated in this event. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)

The Exhibit Hall was the residence of the Rotary Club of Vegreville’s Bench Show.This family feasts their eyes on 1,756 entries of all kinds. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo) CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15

Pomeroy Canadian Pony Chuckwagon Finals where the excitement from the spectators built up faster than the horses themselves could run. After a few years off, the return of the CPCF action last year and again for the 2014 Fair brought

back a vintage country feel to the weekend event reminiscent of a bygone area of true country grit. Shane Undoditz from Andrew offered his impression of the fair. “I think the fair is very nice. I remember looking forward to it all year long when I was a kid.

As a child, I liked the midway rides the best but now I enjoy the beer gardens. The music is excellent. I really enjoyed that tune, Take Me Home, Country Roads that Randy Kereliuk performed.”

Page 18

News Advertiser

APARTMENTS Bachelor, 1 and 2 bedroom apartments for rent. Excellent condition. Spacious suites with balcony. Onsuite storage. Appliances F/S/D. Rent includes water, heat and energized parking. Rent starts from $735. SD starts from $680. For more info and viewing call 780-6323102 or 780-632-6878 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath. Available Sept 1, Master Bdrm w/ensuite & walk-in closet, 1 yr lease $1500 utilities included. PH: 780-658-2221 RETIREMENT APARTMENTS, all inclusive. Meals, transportation, activities daily. Short Leases. Monthly specials! Call (866)3382607

August 18, 2014

2003 Ford Taurus SEL, 200KM, PW, PL, very clean, runs great, good rubber, new battery, good second car., $1800 PH: 7806327119

FARMLAND Family farm operation looking to purchase or rent grain land. Ph: 780-632-4228 For Sale: 3 quarters, 480 acres approx. 240 cult/pasture SW of Vegreville PH: 1-780-467-3021

BLOCK 1x 1 ½ 780-632-8814

FEED Highland Feeders is purchasing feed barley. Please call the office at 780-768-2466. 2000 Windstar. Ex. engine & transmission. Body damage. For parts $750. 780-922-5999

For Sale: Feed Oats PH: 780-6321954

2004 Montana. Fully loaded, clean inside, 130,000kms. $4250. 780922-5999.


1978 Mercedes 280. 4dr. Like new. 145,000kms only. $3600. 780-9225999.

YARD SALE 5705-53St Vegreville. Thurs to Sun. 4 – 9pm daily

2002 Pontiac Montana Minivan Good shape. $2800 780-922-5999 2001 KIA, 4 cyl, 4 dr, standard, $1600. PH: 780-922-5999 2002 Honda Odyssey. Loaded. 280,000kms. Good shape. $2900. 780-922-5999 2005 Lincoln LS, leather, Loaded, Low Kms. $9900 PH: 780-5922167

FITNESS Viagra 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 40 Pills + 10 FREE. SPECIAL $99.00 100% guaranteed. FREE Shipping! 24/7 CALL NOW! 1-888-223-8818

GRAIN BINS CUSTOM BIN MOVING 14’-19’ Hopper/Bins with/without floors. Wayne © 780-632-0455 (H) 780658-2433 7- 2000 bu. Weststeel, Butler bins on wooden floors. PH: 780-4642444, 780-405-3330 4 Wood Grain Bins. Various sizes, $400. Must take all PH: 780-4673646


3bdrm Mobile Home w/porch. 780632-1551

Viagara 100MG and CIALIS 20MG! 50 Pills $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. CALL NOW! 1866-312-6061

Clean 3 bdrm, 2 bath, house in Innisfree. NS, NP, Call 780-4588628

Viagra 100MG and Cialis 20MG! 40 Pills +4/free for only $99.00. #1 male enhancement. Discreet Shipping. Save $500. Buy The Blue Pill Now! 1-888-797-9029

HELP WANTED West-View Motel is now hiring housekeepers. Email to or call 780-875-0384 for details, or drop resume in person at 5301 – 50 Ave. Vegreville Wanted: Experienced Class 1 Drivers to work Fulltime/year Round & Locally. 5 days a week. Weekends off. Employer paid benefits package available. Call Richard at Hammers’ Gravel supplies Ltd. In Viking at 780-336-3232 or cell 780-3365030 ALTA-WIDE BUILDERS SUPPLY LTD. 4224-51 Avenue, Vegreville, AB T9C 1C7, FULL TIME MATERIAL HANDLERS. Job duties: Loading/ unloading customers trucks, moving & stacking lumber. Wages $14.00/hour. Benefits Package: Health care plan; Skills required: on the job training will be provided. Contact:



Block Ad 1X1 780-479-4230

Advertise your rental property here for as little as $7.95 per week!

2 bdrm house, Vegreville. N/P, N/S. avail. Sept 1/14, $1000/mo. 780632-9301 Vegreville - 1 to 4 bdrm homes , 2 to 4 appliances, N/S, N/P, References. PH: 780-658-2504

LOST & FOUND Various items found at the Vegreville Country Fair on the grounds & in the Beer Gardens. Contact Cathy at 780-632-3950

HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Birch twin bunk beds, mattress, dresser/hutch, newer $950 780632-4950 Emerson, 8,000 BTU’s, Window, air conditioner, newer, remote. $200.00. 780-632-4950

LAWN & GARDEN SPRUCE TREES Up to 24” - $1 each. Taller ones and planting serviced (including tree spade) available. Call 780-6322278 for info (leave message)

LIVESTOCK For Sale: Grain Fed finished Holstein steers. Call 780-336-6041

For Sale: SW 10x61 Wheathart Grain loader, $5000 PH: 780-6031342

Large lot for sale in Mundare only $25,000. PH: 780-764-0988


VIAGRA 100mg or CIALIS 20mg 40 tabs + 10 FREE! All for $99 including Shipping! Discreet, Fast Shipping. 1-888-836-0780

Viagra 100MG, 40pills+/4/free, only $99.00. Save Big Now, Discreet shipping. Call 1-800-375-3305


2002 Honda Civic, Standard Drives Excellent Needs TLC $3200 780922-5999


Large Farm operation requires full time seasonal worker for operation on combine, grain cart, truck. Class 1 an asset. Competitive wages. Call 780-336-5181 Viking, AB or fax resume to 780-336-4987

MACHINERY Brandt 10 x 60 hyd swing auger; reversor spout lights. Minimal use. Shedded, $5,500; 15’ Co-op selfpropelled swather w/cab & Klear shears. Minimal use. Shedded, good. PH: 780-270-5486 MF 775 – 15ft swather w/pickup reel w/plastic fingers, new knifes and canvas, always shedded, $3000; NH side delivery rake, 8ft, $500. Call evenings 780-636-2156 Bellis, ask for Larry 1983 MF 860 combine, c/w pickup, 6 cyl standard, 3430 hrs, $7500; 1987 NH TR96 c/w pickup, 3230 hrs. $11,000, Both nice condition. PH: 780-363-2211 1996 Flexicoil HD Harrows, has had minimal use, very little tine wear. Asking $16,500. Ph: 780-603.4530 Three – 750 MF Combines, $2500 - $6500 OBO. PH: 780-658-2630 or 780-603-1330 IH 4000 swather, 19 ½ ft, extra blade, good cond. For more info. PH: 780-688-2410, Cell 780-6033705 JD 6601 Pull Type Combine. Running condition. Asking $800. PH: 780-336-5820

WA NTED J A PA N E S E MOTORCYCLES 1967-1982 ONLY K AWASAKI Z1-900, KZ900, KZ1000, Z1R, KZ1000MKII, W1650,H1-500, H2-750, S1-250, S2350, S3-400 Suzuki, GS400, GT380, Honda CB750 (1969-1976) CASH. 1-800-772-1142, 1-310-7210726 Make a connection. Real People, Flirty Chat. Meet singles right now! Call LiveLinks. Try it FREE. Call NOW: 1-888-909-9905 18+ DISH TV Retailer. Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/ month (where available.) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800-615-4064 Viagra 100MG and Cialis 20mg! 40 pills + 4/FREE for only $99.00 #1 Male Enhancement, Discreet Shipping. Save $500! Buy The Blue Pill! 1-800-213-6206 Ladies right handed golf clubs & bag, Ex. Cond. $200; 4 Blizzack Tires & 1 Hankook tire w/rim All season. Like new. 215/70R15, $250 PH: 780-632-4557 CANADA DRUG CENTER. Safe and affordable medications. Save up to 90% on your medication needs. Call 1-800-734-5139 ($25.00 off your first prescription and free shipping.) Sears Craftsman Table saw w/steel stand. 2 HP belt drive, $550 PH: 1780-913-4782 AIRLINE CAREERS begin here – Get trained as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-453-6204 TOP CA$H PAID FOR OLD ROLEX, PATEK PHILIPPE & CARTIER WATC H E S ! D AY TO N A , SUBMARINER, GMT-MASTER, E X PLO R ER , M I LG AU S S, MOONPHASE, DAY DATE, etc. 1800-401-0440 Airline jobs Start Here- Get trained as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-686-1704

News Advertiser Page 19

August 18, 2014

Make a Connection. Real People, Flirty Chat. Meet singles right now! Call LiveLinks. Try it FREE. Call NOW: 1-877-737-9447 18+ !!OLD GUITARS WANTED!! Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch. 1930-1980. Top Dollar paid!! Call Toll Free 1-866-433-8277

PERSONAL Will a God love really TORTURE people through out eternity? Will the fire of Hell even burn the wickedness out of sinners. Helltruth. com or call 632-3746


TO GIVE AWAY 18 cu ft deep freeze, works great. PH: 780-658-2243 between 7-8pm

Georgina Bauer brightens the world with crafts

TRUCKS 1993 Chev 4x4 Ext Cab. For parts. $650. 780-922-5999 2002 GMC 4x4 HD ¾ ton Service Truck 340k $3500 780-922-5999 1985 F350 Dually. Extra long flat deck, $1600. 780-922-5999 1997 Ford 7.3 Diesel, 4 x 4, missing transmission. Nice deck, $2800. 780-922-5999 2000 Dodge Dakota V8 4x4 Farm Truck. $1,600. 780-922-5999. 2006 International Eagle semi, 9900I. Many extras, $25,000 firm PH: 780-592-0004

BLOCK 1x1 ½ Over 2000 properties sold from day one



Block Ad 1 x 3” HOME BUSINESS SALE – 4418-50 St

WANTED CARBON CREDITS ~Attention Farmers~ Not Completed? Call Today! 780-603-0630 Crystal BLOCK 1x2 Dave’s Manure Hauling

Don’t throw out unwanted saleable furniture. Drop off at Consignment Centre 52 St and 52 Ave 780-6324141 Want to purchase minerals and other oil/gas interests. Send details to: PO Box 13557, Denver, CO 80201.

Block 1 x 1 Custom cat work 780-632-0049

Wants to purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O Box 13557 Denver, CO. 80201

Will do Custom Baling. Phone: 780632-7321

Wanted- Shop Space to rent or garage that is not being used. Contact Dean 780-603-7479


Bimini Top Complete or frame. 3hp to 8 HP outboard motor; 2 way Freezer ( 12 volt & electric PH: 780-938-5642

ACCOMMODATIONS Household privileges, Internet & Satellite TV, N/S, furnished $450/ mo. PH: 780-632-2692 Room to Rent, Vegreville. $600/mo. Including utilities & wi-fi. $400 D/D 780-994-2675

SPORTING Ba Ja 90cc ATV, new battery, helmet, gloves. $1175.00 OBO. 780632-4950. 14ft Lund Big Fisherman aluminum, 20HP Merc. On trailer, $4500 PH: 1-780-913-4782 250SX Honda Trike. Like new, Low kms. Stored inside, $2500 PH: 1780-913-4782

Georgina Bauer, who is an 83 years-old self-taught artist, holds up a piece of her artwork that she had at her craft sale next to her residence, Vegreville Care Centre on August 2. Georgina admitted that doing crafts and artwork keeps her relaxed and content. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)

Rosanne Fortier Georgina Bauer, an 83 year-old resident at Vegreville Care Centre, believes in keeping occupied as she decorates Vegreville and the world with her crafts and artwork. On August 2, Georgina held a craft sale in a tent near this centre where all the proceeds will go into producing more artwork. Georgina said that she’s a self-taught artist who did crafts all her life but she started painting at 80 yearsold. “One of my first paintings is on a big ceiling tile

at St. Joseph’s Hospital’s emergency waiting room,” Bauer noted with pride. Georgina explained why she does this artwork. “I’ve always been a content person but I feel extra relaxed and happy when I’m creating crafts and artwork. It’s something I have to do because I need to work, I can’t sit down and do nothing. It’s essential to keep the mind active.” Georgina’s daughters and granddaughter admitted that Georgina is one busy and happy gal.

Page 20


News Advertiser Vegreville Regional Museum Located on the site of the internationally renowned solonetzic soils research station of Agriculture Canada (1956-1995), the Museum tells the stories of community life and development, chronicling how Vegreville’s unique social fabric has contributed to the harmony of community life since the 1890’s. The Rt. Hon. Donald F. Mazankowski, P.C. Collection: 25 years of distinguished public service of the former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada. Home of the Vegreville & District Sports Hall of Fame. Open Year Round. June-Aug Tues-Fri 11-5, Sat-Sun 1-5. Sept-May phone for current hours. 1 km east of Vegreville on Hwy 16A. (780)632-7650

The Vegreville Kinsmen Club meets every 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month at Vegreville Golf Course. Serving the communities greatest needs and making long lasting friendships is our goal. To join or for more information on our club contact Mike Webb 780-632-2666 Are you or someone you know living with a Brain Injury? We can help! The Alberta Brain Injury Initiative provides support, coordination and education for brain injury survivors and their families. For more information on our free services call 1-866-645-3900 Vegreville Wildlife Federation (Alberta Fish and Game Association) Please check website Email V.A.L.I.D. (Vegreville Association for Living in Dignity) provides a variety of programs and services to persons with disabilities. For more information and assistance please call 632-2418. Vegreville Hospitals Auxiliary Society meets third Wednesday of every month, except July & August. Meetings are held in EXECUTIVE MEETING ROOM (St. Joseph’s Hospital) at 7:00p.m. Call 780-632-6323 Tofield AA Meetings held Thursday at 8 p.m. Open meeting every 4th Thursday at 8 p.m. at Bardo Lutheran Church Bsmt 4737 - 57 Ave. For info call 662-3893 AWANA - a Christian club for boys and girls age 3 to grade 6. Meets Thursdays from 6:30 - 8 p.m. Now meeting in the Alliance Church’s new building at 4606-55 Ave.Call 6322261 for more information. Interested in joining Ukrainain singing group. 1 day a week, Starting February 2008 PH: 632-4691 after 6:00pm Royal Purple Lodge #125 meets first Monday of every month, except July & August at Elks Hall. Contact HRL Shirley Preuss 780-632-3565 or secretary Leah Henderson 780632-6565.

HISTORICAL VILLAGE & PIONEER MUSEUM AT SHANDRO - located on Hwy 857, midway between Hwy 45 and 28, north of Willingdon. A proud partner of the Kalyna Country Ecomuseum, this open air museum features fourteen major buildings and artifacts from 1900 - 1930. Hours of Operation: Canada Day weekend to Labour Day Weekend, Thurs - Monday from 10:00am - 6:00pm. Closed Tuesday & Wednesday. For more information 780-603-1198. Admission by Donation. Veg-Al Drug Society an Alberta Health Services,community funded agency - Room #217 Provincial Bldg., Vegreville, AB. Out patient counselling services for alcohol & other drug addictions and problem gambling. Office Hrs. - Monday to Friday, 8:15 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Phone 632-6617. Vegreville Community Daycare is a licensed facility for children ages 13 months to school age. Open from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, Mon-Fri. The Daycare has been in operation since 1990 & is run as a not-for-profit organization. To register, or for more information contact Carol Metz at the Daycare at 603-4417 Vegreville Peace Park Bookings – Please call John Sawiak 780-6323208 The Vegreville Food Bank is located in the Vegreville Pentecostal Church at 4615 - Maple Street and is open Tuesday mornings 10 am - 12 pm July & August only & Tuesday and Friday mornings from 10 am - 12 pm September to June. Phone 632-6002 The Crisis Association of Vegreville operates a HELPLINE for those who are having difficulties in their lives and need assistance. It is a toll-free, confidential service available to those in the 632-exchange. Phone 6327070. UCWLC Meetings to be held every third Thursday of each month at Holy Trinity Church Hall at 7 p.m. in Vegreville.

Vegreville Ambassador Program Visiting? Considering a move here? New in Town? For anyone who wants information on the community - events, services, facilities -- we’ve got the solution! Vegreville’s “Ambassadors” are trained volunteers eager to show you their Town. To book a complimentary tour, customized to suit your needs, please call 632-2771. The Kinette Club of Vegreville meets every 3nd Wednesday of the month. Joining the Kinette Club is a great way to meet new friends and to get in the community. For more information, please call 632-2848. Viking AA Group meets at the Viking Hospital Multi Purpose Room 8:00 p.m. Wednesday nights. VegMin Learning Society welcomes learners who are interested in increasing their skill levels (reading, writing, math and speaking English). Learners work towards’ their personal goals in a small class or 1:1 setting. Do you have a few hours a week to help someone reach their learning goal? Volunteer Tutor Training and ongoing support are provided along with a great volunteer recognition program. Visit or call 780632-7920 for more information. Floor Curling at 1:00p.m. every Monday & Thursday. Anyone interested please come to the Sunshine Club every Monday & Thursday. 55+ Vegreville Flying Club meets every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at Terminal Building. OIL WIVES CLUB OF VEGREVILLE: A smile, A handclasp, A word of welcome, Are the links in our chain of friendship. This we believe. Our Association has been around for over 60 years. We are here for any woman whose partner (or she herself) is involved with in any way in the Oil & Gas Industry. We meet once a month to foster friendship. Please call Ellen @ 780-632-4922 or Cheryl @ 780657-2341 for more information. VegMin Literacy Program offers free, confidential tutoring for adults over 17 needing help with Basic reading, writing and math skills. Phone: 632-7920 for interviews. Everyone is Welcome Prayer House 5729-44A st. Veg. North of St. Joseph Hospital come and share your testimony and hear the gospel of Jesus Christ without compromise. Every Sunday at 10:30 AM. Also I will pray for the sick believing in God for the answer. But God commandeth his Love toward us, in that, while, we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. RO. 5:8 New hope church of God, Edmonton c. for the Nations Int.Veg. Doing God work together for yor good. J. Abelar. Ph. 632-2843

Blessing Widows/Single Sisters meet first Wednesday 2:00 pm at the Senior Citizens Sunshine Club.

Heads up for AA meet at Vegreville Hospital every Monday at 8:00pm

Contact Hilda 587 280-2444.

3rd floor.

The Vegreville Iron Runners Auto Club invites you to share your interests and ideas in classic & antique vehicles. Join us for our monthly meetings held the 1st Wednesday of the month (except January & August) at 7:30 p.m. at the Vegreville Museum. It is not necessary to own a vehicle. PH: George 632-7729 or Orest 632-3495

August 18, 2014


AA Meeting in Mundare Sunday’s 7PM Town Building, Conference Room 5128 50th St. Contact Mary 603-7783 Vegreville RC Flyers Clubmonthly meetings are held the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the St. Johns Lutheran Church basement, 4513 Maple ST. Anyone interested in radio controlled flying is welcome to attend. Contact Fred 658-2664, Perry 688-3542 The Vegreville Multicultural Melodiants Entertain every 1st Wednesday at Vegreville Care Centre at 6:00pm, 2nd Wednesday at Heritage House at 6:30 pm, 3rd Wednesday at Homestead Lodge at 6:00 pm and every last Friday at Vegreville Manor at 7:00pm. “Do not sing duing the months of July & August” Rotary Club of Vegreville meets for lunch meetings every Monday at 12pm at VALID 4843-49 St Vegreville. For more information call Jody Nicholson at 780-632-2418 Notice - Effective immediately the Wigmak Alanon Family Group has closed it’s doors. Contact Number 780-275-0054 Willingdon & District Fish & Game Assn. Regular meetings, held every last tuesday off each month (excluding July and August) at 7:30 p.m. at the Willingdon Arena upstairs in the Club Room Everyone Welcome. New to town? Join us the 1st Wed of the month for a newcomer’s potluck lunch. 12-1pm. Bring a friend! Bring a dish! Call FCSS 780-632-3966 for locations & info. AA meeting at Lamont United Church every Thursday at 8:30pm. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Starting September 11, 2012 at 5:30 p.m. at St. Johns Lutheran Church. 780-632-7433 or 780-658-2670.

Our Special Thanks We, Walter, and Nellie Sribney, along with Richard, Lorie, Courtney, and Chelsey Tennant, wish to express our most sincere gratitude to our dear relatives, friends and neighbours for your comforting expressions of sympathy throughout our bereavement of our dear daughter, sister, and aunt, Trudy Sribney. Additionally, many thanks to Trudy’s work colleagues, past and present, for the thoughtful messages and kind support. Our sincere thanks to all of you for the many acts of kindness in memory of our loving Trudy. Your cards, floral arrangements, gifts of food, phone calls, and visits were truly appreciated. A special thanks to all who attended the Divine Liturgy service to pray with us. We also thank you for the many charitable donations in Trudy’s memory. Our grateful and sincere appreciation to: Father John for the comforting service; Roman Kravec, Cantor; U.C.W.L. for the delicious lunch; Brenda Nault and David Borud, pallbearers; Gordon and Patricia, Autumn Rose Funeral Home, for their compassionate support and excellent service. We are most grateful to God our Father for giving us our sweet, beautiful Trudy to love and cherish for many years, before He called her home to be with Him. Our love for her will never fade as we cherish special memories of her forever. May God bless all of you who supported our family in so many compassionate ways.

PALICHUK, William Passed away August 21, 2003 Sadly missed along life’s way Quietly remembered everyday No longer in our life to share But in our hearts he’s always there Always remembered and sadly missed by Daughters, Lorraine, Dianne and Ernie and grandchildren Kim & Mike and Darren & Mel

KUTRYK, Dmetro In loving memory of our dear father, grandfather and great grandfather, Dmetro, who passed away August 14, 2009. Time has passed so quickly, It’s been five years ago since, Little did we know that morning, God was going to call your name. In life we loved you dearly, in death we do the same. It broke our hearts to lose you, but you did not go alone. For part of us went with you, the day God called you home. You left us peaceful memories, your love is still our guide. And though we cannot see you, you are always by our side. Our family chain is broken, and nothing seems the same. But as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again. Lovingly, missed and always remembered by; Ed and Rose Jacula, Ernie and Jan Cheremshynski, Russell and Betty Berezanski and Anton Kutryk and their Families.



New to Town? Join us the 1st Wed of the month for a newcomers potluck lunch 12-1pm. Bring a friend! Bring a dish! Call FCSS 780-3855936 for locations & info. Wednesday – 341 Mundare Royal Canadian Air Cadets FREE to join. Join Air Cadets for adventure that will take you from the ground up! Wednesday evenings 6:309:00pm through the school year. Youth 12-18 years welcome. Call 341 Squadron at 780-764-2341. Visit us at or www.

CHILIBECKI, Harry & Lena In loving memory of our dear parents, Baba & Gido and great Baba & great Gido whio passed away August 1998 and 2011. Remember them with a smile today They were not one for tears Reflect instead on memories Of all the happy years Recall to mind the way they spoke And all the things they said Their strength, their stance, the way they walked Remember these instead The good advice they’d give us Their eyes that shone with laughter So much of them will never die But live on ever after As we loved you, so we miss you In our memory you are near Loved, remembered, longed for always Bringing many a silent tear Miss you! With love from all family.

LELIUK, Randy June 29, 1957 – Aug 24, 2010 Dad, For all those times I left it unsaid… Thank you. Thanks for being there for me… For showing me the way… For being patient with me For believing in me & encouraging me to dream… And being such an inspiring presence in my life. We miss you. Love, your children

PIDRUCHNEY, Elsie On Monday, July 7, 2014 Mrs. Elsie Pidruchney of Vermilion passed away at the age of 96 years. Elsie was born on April 13, 1918 and was raised on a farm near Myrnam. She married John Pidruchney in 1936 and together they farmed near Pathfinder for almost sixty years. Elsie was an active member of Our Lady of Assumption Ukrainian Catholic Church Ladies League and the Myrnam Order of the Royal Purple. Elsie and John retired in Myrnam and later moved to Vermilion. She leaves to cherish her memory, children Rose Romaniuk (late Clarence) of Costa Rica, Ellen (Oswald) Yaremchuk of Vegreville, Ed (Lorna) Pidruchney of Edmonton, Doreen (Harry) Judge of Medicine Hat, and Patricia Pidruchney (Cliff Driver) of Vermilion; grandchildren Charles, Tanya (Kirk), Cynthia (Jason), Loren, Gord (Alicia), Shelley, Laurian, Harry Joseph, John (Kylie), Kathryn (Edward), and Marcellus; great grandchildren Hunter, Skyler, Brook, Willow, River, Matthew, Sunni, Melodia, and Anika; sister in law Mary Edey and numerous relatives and friends. Elsie was predeceased by her husband John; son-in-law Clarence Romaniuk; parents Joseph and Katherine; sister Mary Youzwyshyn; brothers Peter, Paul, Mike, and Tom Saruk. A Divine Liturgy and Funeral Service was held at the St. Olga Ukrainian Catholic Church in Vermilion on Monday, July 14, 2014. Interment followed at the Vermilion Ukrainian Catholic Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation or the charity of the donor’s choice. Lakeland Funeral Home of Vermilion in care of arrangements. Phone 780-853-5100. Condolences may be emailed to: The family would like to extend their sincerest appreciation to Dr. Stewart Hunter, the Recreation Department and staff at the Vermilion Continuing Care Unit for their loving care of mom.


August 18, 2014

News Advertiser Page 21

Making music gives people two-right feet Rosanne Fortier Singing, dancing and playing music is educational and contagious. It holds a magic power when a large audience participates. This was what citizens experienced during the high-spirited, interactive show of Making Music with two-time Juno Award Nominee, Mary Lambert at Vegreville Centennial Library on August 13. Mary gave a brief glimpse of her life and an outline of the show. “This is my first time in Vegreville. Before I moved to Calmar, Alberta, I resided in Kingston, Ontario. I come from a family of eight children. This is my 21st year of performing and my aim is to have every child and adult participating in my shows. “This event was sponsored by Northern Lights Library System and it is held because of the special theme this summer called, Eureka which means, I have an idea, I made it or I just learned something new. My show, Making Music, will hopefully provide a lot of Eureka’s experiences as we explore music and all the fun things we can do with it.”

Mary’s magnetism captivated the children to participate while the adults yielded to their inner-child and sang and danced along too. The stage bounced at first with Mary’s performance where she sang with expression and wore different costumes that depicted the song. Then Mary announced that people can play games with music and she asked for one adult and a set of children to come onstage. Mary sang a song which used the syllables and rhythms from each child’s name and Mary Lambert and McKenna Makowecki were the movers and shakers as they directed each dance step that the children imitated. Suitable to the day, Mary created a song, “It Ain’t Going to Rain no More” where she said with 100 percent participation, the rain always stopped. Next-in-line was the song, “The Black Fly Boogie” which drives away flies and mosquitoes. With this, everyone sang and danced. After each performance, the audience eagerly applauded.

Many adults and children attended the Making Music by Mary Lambert, two-time Juno Award Nominee, at Vegreville Centennial Library on August 13. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)

Mary Lambert and McKenna Makowecki are the movers and shakers for a song where each child’s name was used to create the syllables and rhythms for the song. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)

Text of historic Canada-EU CETA reached continued CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12

joint study concluded that the trade agreement with the European Union would be of significant benefit to Canada, resulting in a 20 percent boost in bilateral trade and a $12 billion increase in Canada’s annual income (GDP) – the equivalent to creating almost 80,000 new jobs or increasing the average Canadian household’s annual income by $1,000. Going forward, consent for the Agreement must be obtained from the

European Parliament. There are also plans for a visit by Prime Minister Stephen Harper to the United Kingdom in September, as well as to hold a Canada-EU summit – events which will strengthen Canada’s working relationship with the EU. “Albertans will benefit directly from this CETA,” cont inued Benoit. “Throughout Alberta, hard-working people will reap benefits, especially in key sectors of the local

economy such as agriculture, metal and mineral products, machinery and equipment as well as chemical and plastic products. Albertans will enjoy more jobs, higher wages and greater long-term prosperity.” Benoit also highlighted the progress our Conservative Government has made in connecting Canadians to overseas markets. Since coming to office in 2006, the Government of Canada has put into force trade deals with Panama,

VVA introduces Donna Watson continued CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11

(Honours) degree from the University of Manitoba and has a thesis in painting. While living in Manitoba, Donna developed an extensive teaching background, teaching all levels of painting through Parks and Recreation, as well as at the Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba. She was a children’s art instructor on “Skittle Bits” on CKYTV. She has lived in Vegreville for eight years, becoming involved as an art instructor with VegMin Learning. Donna paints using acrylic and mixed media. The

inspiration for her work, comes from all aspects of her life and she says, “from dreams as well.” Upon arriving to Alberta, she took trips to the mountains, both in Banff and Jasper, and continues to revisit these places of beauty. She loves colour and has been working with the animal image as her focus. Donna says that she is “working with developing balances in the tensions that exist between the figure and the environment, through relationships of colour, form and qualities of the paint itself.” Her

work has been selected in numerous art exhibitions as solo pieces and as part of group exhibitions, as well. Watson can be reached by email at or by phone at 780-6583722. VVA is a group of local artists supporting and promoting the visual arts in Vegreville. All interested artists are encouraged to contact for more information. The featured artist’s work can be viewed at the Centennial Public Library.

Jordan, Colombia, Peru, the European Free Trade Association, and has singed historic agreements with South Korea and Honduras. “This doesn’t include the trade initiatives that are still being negotiated,” con-

cluded Benoit. “Talks are ongoing with the Caribbean Community, Central America Four, Dominican Republic, India, Japan, Morocco, Singapore, Ukraine, and the AsiaPacific region through the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

We are also pursuing exploratory discussions with Turkey, Thailand and MERCOSUR. Our Government understands the importance of free trade to Canada in a global marketplace.”

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August 18, 2014

Tractor pulls

The mini Tractor Pulls hosted by the Vegreville Agricultural Society set a record with over 100 pullers at the 111th Annual Country Fair on August 7-9. The event was well received by participants and audiences alike, who enjoyed the challenge of the pull and maybe got in touch with their inner child in the process (at least speaking for the adults). Winners were thrilled to receive a cash prize for their efforts, and runners up vowed to do better in next year’s run. The event was made possible due to the generous sponsorships from Webb’s Machinery, Dennill’s Agricenter, Rocky Mountain Equipment, and Deerland. The organizers hope to see everyone back next year! (Dan Beaudette, Olena Babiy/Photos)

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ROBERT MOORE 602-818-6867

August 18, 2014

Tractor pull winners


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August 18, 2014

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