W E D N E S D A Y, F E B R U A R Y 2 7, 2 01 9
Marvelous Maritime Musicians
Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent Richard Wood and Gordon Belsher are one of Canada’s National Music Treasures were the words Chair of Sunshine Club Entertainment Committee and Emcee, Don Harfield used to describe these world-renowned Prince Edward Island musicians at their February 24’s concert at the Senior Citizen Sunshine Club of Vegreville Centre. Passion for what musicians do never passes by unnoticed as the instant a person heard Richard’s performance they knew he had fun playing the fid-
dle and Gordon was a great-hearted performer who accompanied him on guitar. As well, Gordon was also the featured vocalist and Richard sang along to a few tunes too. The audience was treated to music from the East Coast, originals, and traditional where each one carried a different flavor. Richard and Gordon dived in with an energetic performance of Jigs in E Minor which was as sensational as the powerful waves of the ocean.
maritime musicians - CONTINUED ON PAGE 7
World Renowned PEI Musicians, Richard Wood and Gordon Belsher perform. (Rosanne Fortier/photo)