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Dream Catchers Creating Program
Dream Catchers Creating Program
Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent
The Vegreville Centennial Library offered the Dream Catchers Creating Program for children from nine to 14 years of age at the library on December 30. Library Programmer Calina Sokalski, said they felt this project was interesting and really cool, and it let children make things with other things they already had at home. The participants made dream catchers out of old CD’s and DVDs where they put feathers and other objects on their dream catchers.

Children make their own dream catchers.
(Rosanne Fortier/photo)
Dream Catchers.org states dream catchers are traditionally from Native Americans and were intended to protect sleeping individuals from negative dreams while letting positive dreams through. It is believed that dream catchers originated from the Ojibwa Chippewa tribe. Traditional dream catchers were made using a hoop of willow and decorating it with bits and pieces of everyday life things like feathers, arrowheads, beads, shells, and other stuff.