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Lakeland MP Ready to Roll Up her Sleeves in 2020
Lakeland MP Ready to Roll Up her Sleeves in 2020
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Shannon Stubbs maybe physically small in stature, but she carries a large political presence on Parliament Hill.
With the House of Commons next sitting slated for Jan. 13, the Conservative MP for Lakeland has been concentrating on the major issues facing Canada’s energy sector and what changes she feels needs to happen in the near future.
Stubbs said the government has to restore Canadian competitiveness, cut taxes for all Canadians, cut corporate welfare, and completely overhaul of the regulatory process, reduction of red tape, duplication and redundancies in the system in order to make it possible for the private sector to invest in Canada. By doing these things, she believes jobs would be created and taxes generated taxes in this country.

“The government needs to create clarity, certainty and fairness when it comes to investment.”
Her top priorities for this session are: energy policies, pipelines, conventional and offshore oil and gas, and nuclear energy. Stubbs met with Seamus O’Regan Liberals Minister of Natural Resources before Christmas, and asked him to repeal the tanker ban (Bill C-48). “He said it’s very unlikely that will happen.” As far as Bill C-69, which is meant to reform the federal assessment process for national scale constructions projects, Stubbs would still like to see many of the Senate amendments be adopted. She said there has to be more certainty around timelines and need for parameters around resource projects in order to facilitate the review process.
What is interesting, added Stubbs is that: “The US is our biggest customer, but also our biggest competitor and in the last six months the US has turned itself into the world’s largest exporter of oil.” By the Obama administration vetoing Keystone XL, Stubbs says that allowed the US to import the largest amount of Canadian oil ever during that time period. With the lifting of a 40 year ban on oil exports, Stubbs says it paved the way for even more prosperity for the Americans. “Trump accelerated the process so the Canadian energy sector is losing billions to the US economy.”
Stubbs says she has witnessed firsthand the devastating consequences of Trudeau’s policies on people, families, small businesses and entire communities in her constituency. “It ripples through all different sectors.”
The Liberals promise of green industry and transitional economy does not and will not translate into the same quantity or quality or pay for people. “There are no jobs to help people now, and there won’t be the same amount of jobs that will be available in the future.”
In fact, the unemployment rate in Canada is staggering with a record number of job losses, with more than 71,000 reported in the month of November. “It has been a very rapid and real decline that’s completely self-inflicted. It’s a made in Canada problem, but the scary part is that they’ve now left us completely vulnerable.” This, coupled with the Liberals deficit, which has ballooned from $1 billion to $27 billion since they took office, is another reason why the Conservatives are warning that Canada is on the brink of a recession.
“That`s why I am furious at Trudeau and the Liberals, and I understand why people in Alberta are trying to figure out all the options for the future of the province because were facing a federal government that attacks us.”
Stubbs says the issue of separatism crosses all demographics and is very widespread. “What strikes me is that people are at the point of talking logistics. So for many people it’s not about if, but it’s about how would it (separatism) work, and that`s a lot different than talking about it.
What she finds particularly heartbreaking is that people feel like they are at the end of their rope and backed into a corner. Stubbs says the issue of separatism crosses all demographics and is very widespread. “What strikes me is that people are at the point of talking logistics. So for many people it’s not about if, but it’s about how would it (separatism) work, and that`s a lot different than simply talking about it.”
Stubbs believes the Liberals have not only created an “economic crisis” in Canada, but a “national unity crisis” in Canada. I hear about it (separatism) a lot from constituents across Lakeland. She, however is cautioning her colleagues both within the conservative party and in other parties not to be “dismissive” of it. “What I want to see first is the provincial government exercise all its powers to expand our economy and take more control of fiscal issues, immigration, and economic needs.”
There is much work to be done and Stubbs says she’s more than ready to tackle the issues and continue to strongly advocate for the people of Lakeland in 2020.