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Vegreville News Advertiser - Community

Sledding Away on a Warm Winter Day

Tymur Bodnar shows off his new sled at the Vegreville Elks/Kinsmen Park on Dec. 28.

L-R: These youngsters took advantage of the nice weather when they went sledding at Vegreville Elks/Kinsmen Park.
(Rosanne Fortier/Photo)

Vegreville Christmas Bureau Donations

Vegreville Christmas Bureau volunteers Lisa Gegolick, Melody Batchelor and Val Kuzmic accept two cheques on behalf of local residents and business who generously contributed to the 2023 campaign through the Vegreville News Advertiser Christmas Tree. Residents contributed $2,670 and business contributed $3,120 for a grand total of $5,790.
(Michelle Pinon/Photo)

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