Combine Crunch See page 10 for story Rodeo Action See pages 12, 15 & 16 for stories K U Z Y K L A W O F F I C E A P A R T N E R S H I P F O R T H E G E N E R A L P R A C T I C E O F L A W Postal l Drawer r 929, , Vegreville, , Alberta a T9C C 1S1 1 Phone: : 780-632-4552 2 Fax:780-632-4553 5038 8 50 0 Avenue e 4802-49Ave. (SouthatDQcorner) Vegreville 780 0- 632 2- 6901 Lori-Ann Cohoe, KC Jason Latorre, BA, JD PractisingIn RealEstate,Wills,Estates, Refinancing,Corporate, FamilyLaw C o h o e L a w Cohoe Law Insight for Life – LAW Services William N. Bohdan Zadworny, Lawyer Successor to L. Starko Phone: 7 8 0 . 6 3 2 . 7 7 7 9 Wi l l i a m N B o h d a n Z a d w o r n y, L a w y e r Proudly serving Alberta communities for over 30 years P h o n e : 7 8 0 . 6 3 . 7 7 7 9 76 YEARS OF SERVING THE COMMUNITY VOL. 76 NO. 28 WEDNESDAY, July 12, 2023 The Only Locally Owned News & Advertising Media in Vegreville. Friendly, knowledgeable service for all your insurance needs! all CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE QUOTE! *Home *Auto *Farm *Commercial Insurance Vegreville e 4914 50 St Vegreville, AB 780-632-2666 No Hidden Fees. No Confusion. No Problem. Call or Text Adam Ursulak Today! 780.919.2003 We Finance & Lease Older Used & New Equipment Seasonal or Annual Payments Available New Vegreville Office 4 Agriculture Construction 4 4 Transportation Forestry 4 or inquire online at Opening August 2023 5106-50 St - Beside The News Advertiser Entertainment and Education Woven Throughout Festival
Members of Cossack Camp arrive at the Pysanka Festival with cannon in tow. (Samantha Boulbria/Submitted Photo)
Story on page 9
July 3
13:08 – 911 report of a hit and run where a vehicle passed the complainant on the shoulder and collided with their vehicle. The subject pulled over and when approached drove off. Under investigation.
13:19 – Traffic stop conducted. Driver was issued a ticket for operating a motor vehicle without registration. Voluntary penalty option of $324
18:39 – Report of a cargo trailer stolen overnight while the owner was away. Along with the trailer, a snowmobile, ATV, furniture and other items that were inside the trailer were taken. CCTV footage shows an older grey Chevy truck coming to the residence at 02:17. Trailer and vehicles added to the RCMP database.
19:19 – Report of a male sleeping on the stairs of a community hall. Members attended and located the male on his feet and on his way home.
21:35 – Report of a suspicious vehicle in the complainant’s driveway. Three subjects came out of the trees and said they were looking at abandoned places. Vehicle was a white Toyota 4 Runner with the plate reporting out of Northwest Edmonton.
July 4
08:42 – Report of a suspicious suitcase behind an apartment building. Complainant was concerned about the contents and that it was left near the back door. Members attended and opened the suitcase identifying the owner.
11:29 – Report of fraud over $5,000 where the complainant reported speaking with a “crypto trading company”. They provided access to their computer and later found unauthorized withdrawals from their bank account.
13:52 – Report of a vehicle in the middle of the road near Mundare. Blue Chevy ½ ton 4x4 crew cab has no plate, tires or rims. Cab is wrecked and there is debris around the vehicle. Under investigation.
13:59 – Report of a male attempted to enter someone else’s home. Members attended and spoke to the subject who was confused as to where he was. EMS was contacted and after assessing the subject decided to take him to a doctor for further evaluation.
14:18 – Report of attempted fuel theft from the area near TWP 513 and RR 165. Photos of vehicle pending.
17:18 – Multiple calls about an abandoned Silverado, gray in colour, with no
tires or rims and the front end ripped out. Member attended and determined the vehicle was reported stolen.
18:03 – Abandoned 911 call where a female stated someone was in her house throwing things. Members attended and spoke with the complainant who stated the subject was in her house left. The subject also had no contact conditions bur refused to provide a formal statement.
19:23 – Report of fraud via Facebook where the complainant provided the subject with credit card information.
19:55 – 911 call about a suspicious male walking a dog. Dog was peeing on the potatoes. Member contacted the complainant and advised them that this was not a police matter.
20:26 – Report of 3 females shoplifting at a Vegreville store. Members attended, investigated and made arrests, individuals were charged and released with paperwork for court.
23:00 – Report of a break and enter to a house that is for sale. Some damage to house and items taken. Under investigation.
July 5
09:00 – Report of attempted fraud involving Bitcoin. Complainant indicated they did not lose money from bank account but did lose $4,000 by way of credit card.
13:43 – Report of a suspicious vehicle. Members attended and determined that the vehicle was stolen. Members retrieved the keys. Registered owner of the vehicle did not want charges.
17:19 – Neighbour dispute over a fence that is being rebuilt. Not a police matter. Both parties agreed to stop and consult with the town office and bylaw.
19:09 – Complainant called with a concern someone was living in an unoccupied residence. Members attended and cleared the house. No one was found. Members provided advice to the complainant and also conducted neighbourhood inquiries, advising neighbours to contact RCMP if they see anything suspicious.
19:10 – Traffic enforcement resulting in approximately seven speeding tickets with voluntary penalties ranging from $110$175.
July 6
06:50 – Report of a single vehicle rollover on Hwy 855 near TWP 524. EMS and Fire attended with the occupant transported to hospital with minor injuries.
10:19 – Report of a break and enter to a Vegreville business at 02:30. The complainant indicated that the subject parked down the street and walked to the business. CCTV provided for review.
12:30 – Report of possible attempted identity theft where the complainant provided their SIN number, pay stub info and personal information. The complainant was dealing with a motorcycle financing company whose website has since disappeared.
16:33 – Report of a stolen bicycle with the subject fleeing eastbound on 50th Ave. Under investigation.
17:26 – Member attended a property with multiple bike pieces and freshly painted bike parts. Everyone at the location denied any bikes were stolen. Under investigation.
July 7
02:25 – Members arrested a subject for breaching probation order. The subject was held for a hear with a Justice of the Peace. Member returned to the apartment and seized a stolen bicycle. Additional charge was added.
11:59 – Where’s the beef? Complainant reported that within the last two weeks, someone stole approximately $1000 worth of beef from the freezer in their garage.
13:49 – Report of a possible impaired driver. Member called complainant who indicated they were drunk and they make a mistake. No one was impaired driving. Member alerted surrounding detachments and patrols for the vehicle in question were negative.
July 8
03:26 – Report of someone dancing near a Vegreville business. Member attended and spoke with the subject who did not want to identify themselves and stated they were just happy, sober and expressing themselves. Complainant was updated.
18:38 – Report of theft of a water tank. CCTV provided and a neighbour may have witnessed the theft. Under investigation.
July 9
Nothing of note
During the week there were 75 calls for service made in total including: 2 false 911s, 2 false alarms, 1 animal strikes, 1 relationship violence, 4 calls under the Mental Health Act or related to mental health, and approximately 19 tickets or warnings from traffic enforcement.
The RCMP encourages members of the community to contact them if they have any information on files listed in the Blotter.
Have questions about the blotter? Reach out to us at and we will do our best to provide answers to your queries.
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RCMP files from July 3 - 9 Arthur Beaudette News Advertiser
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Plans Unveiled for New Community Park in Lamont
Michelle Pinon News Advertiser
Plans for a new community park in Lamont were officially revealed to the public on July 7 during Summer Fest activities.
Town of Lamont Mayor Kirk Perrin was pleased to announce that Cenovus Energy has donated $100,000 to launch Tawâw Park that will be located in the green space beside Lamont Creek, situated at 46 Street and 54 Avenue between Edna and Campbell subdivisions.
Perrin also expressed his gratitude to project partners which include: Elk Island Public Schools, Fort Saskatchewan & Lamont Regional Chamber of Commerce, Lamont Days Inn, Webb’s Machinery Ltd., Schinkinger Trucking Ltd. and the Indigenous Society of Fort Saskatchewan.
Tawâw Park will be an Inclusive, Natural and Fitness Supportive Space, (INFSS) that embodies the Town of Lamont and its partners’ commitment to Indigenous Reconciliation. Tawâw is the Cree word for “come in, you are welcome, there is room or there is always room for one more.”
Chief Administrative Officer Rick Bastow said there are six partner groups involved in the project. The Town of Lamont will be contributing $65,000 towards the $240,000 project with the rest of the funds coming from donations and in-kind contributions.
The INFSS initiative will provide a communityfocused gathering space that provides a diverse, equitable and inclusive space that enables residents, visitors and out of region guests to meet and interact in a place that supports them individually and collectively. The space will be a focal point for future community events, providing a familiar and inviting venue to continue to build on reconciliation and inclusivity.
“At Cenovus, we act with purpose in everything we do and believe in building resilient communities where we live, work and play. We have a strong connection to the town of Lamont, where our Bruderheim Rail Terminal is located, and the community will enjoy this new recreational space, which through the name Tawâw pays homage to the Indigenous culture in the region,” stated Bill Soini, Superintendent Canadian Downstream Terminals, Cenovus Energy.
Elder Evelyn Day said Tawâw Park will be, “A modern and accessible public space for families is a way to recognize and address some of the generational trauma of the residential school system.”
The completed initiative will consist of inclusive and accessible playground equipment that supports broad use and removes barriers, a pavilion, representing togetherness and commitment to reconciliation, walking trails that better integrate community neighborhoods and encourage healthy mobility. Tawâw Park will utilize ecologically friendly construction materials to reduce the project’s carbon footprint.
“The INFSS initiative establishes a place where people can feel safe and welcome and to know every child matters,” said DeAnna Voshell, President, Fort Saskatchewan & Lamont Regional Chamber of Commerce.
Construction of the park is expected to get underway this summer with completion expected in early fall. “This project will benefit many people and provide positive outcomes,” said Miles Mackow, Manager of Webb’s Machinery Ltd. in Lamont.
juLy 12, 2023 News Advertiser PAGE 3 www. surf&stream inaflash Getsuperfastinternetandsave. NowinVegreville,Mundare,TwoHills,Ranfurly,Holden,Hilliard,Ryley,Chipman,Warspite,andMannville. GetStartedHERE: poweredby startingat $39.95/month
Artistic rendering of Tawâw Park. (Town of Lamont/Submitted Photo)
Mayor Kirk Perrin and Elder Day unveiling park concept. (Town of Lamont/Submitted Photo)
Two X Zero
Arthur Beaudette News Advertiser – Opinion
Math can be hard. Politician math can be even more difficult; particularly when twisted by a spin-doctor whose only job is to convince you that their client is doing a great job and should be re-elected when the time comes. With that in mind I will ask for some leeway with the slight exaggeration in the title.
As is often the case, many of our political elite are jet setting all over the place, arguably doing their job shaking hands and smiling to the cameras. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made a daring visit to the Calgary Stampede to flip some pancakes, knowing that he was in somewhat unfriendly territory. While there, he briefly spoke to the crowd and then headed off to another pancake event hosted by Liberal MP George Chahal where the crowd would have been much more in line with him.
Following his trip West, PM Trudeau had to hurry off to Riga, Latvia en route to the Lithuania where he is attending the NATO Summit in the capital city of Vilnius. There, members will, (or have) once again pledge to spend at least two percent of their gross domestic product, (GDP) on their national military budgets. Of course, like many things political, the pledge comes with no firm commitment to action. IE no timeline.
The point above, the “no commitment - commitment” is why I’m skeptical about another promise made earlier this week by our PM. At the summit, Canada pledged to double our NATO-mandated
deployment in Latvia with up to 1,200 more troops. This is part of a NATO initiative to set up battlegroups of about 1,000 troops in the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania following the Russian invasion of Crimea in 2014.
The reason I balk at the suggestion is simple. Our track record. For years, Canada has been underperforming in the eyes of NATO, even being labelled as NATO’s “nicest truant” by news outlets in Europe. In the not-so-distant past, after being called out on our current contributions to NATO, reporters were told that while we were not meeting our financial goals, we contributed in other “meaningful ways.” To me that sounds a lot like telling a hungry person, they won’t get food, but other meaningful things.
Event the Government of Canada website does it’s best to obfuscate the question. While the world knows the 2 percent of GDP metric, under NATO contributions, the web site states the following: “Canada is the 6th largest contributor to NATO’s commonly funded budget, in comparison to other NATO members. Canada is forecasted to spend 17.7 percent of defence spending on major equipment in 2021-2022, and to surpass the 20 percent NATO threshold in 2023-2024.”
Somewhere in there is a number they aren’t willing to publish that is NOT two percent of GDP.
If you want real numbers, you have to dig them up yourself, not look to our government which had promised more transparency oh so many moons ago (ok ten years). According to NATO figures, last year we spent 1.29 percent of GDP on defense. While not alone in countries failing to meet their two percent commitment, we are no longer able to “skate by” with a smile and more promises. As reported by the Washington Post earlier this year, a classified document dump released online included a document commenting on the matter. It read, “Widespread defense shortfalls hinder Canadian capabilities, while straining partner relationships and alliance contributions.”
One European diplomat speaking on the condition of anonymity to POLITICO stated, “It is a good moment for Ottawa to step up,” when referring to this week’s NATO summit. Unfortunately, (for us) leaked documents also shed light on what goes on behind closed doors, where PM Trudeau reportedly told NATO that Canada would never get to two percent.
This is no surprise to many since it has been reported that Canada cannot even provide our troops with proper equipment as noted in the Latvian battlegroup. Furthermore, we are seeing increasing pressure in the North where Russia already has a presence and we have basically none.
Perhaps we could let it slide if there was a plan. However, like many things in our government these days, there is none. Trudeau has said as much behind closed doors. Luxembourg is the only other NATO ally with no plan to reach 2 percent. At least we have company.
I find it hard to do the math on doubling our deployment when we cannot supply troops already on the ground with proper gear and our own domestic defence is severely under staffed. Perhaps in the hallowed halls in Ottawa, 2 x 0 does actually = 2. Or maybe we are doubling the Tim Horton’s allotment to Latvia. That’s a commitment. Tell me what you think. Email me at
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Vegreville Tim Horton’s May Smile Cookie Campaign Raises More Than $6,800
environmental factors.
As well, CALS operates a Family Literacy Program which supports families with children ages 0-6. The program’s focus is to strengthen and build literacy skills in both adults and children and foster the importance of parents in their children’s learning and to help to create new opportunities for learning.
Michelle Pinon News Advertiser
Vegreville’s Tim Horton’s Smile Cookie Campaign, which ran during the month of May was extremely successful, helping to raise over $6,800 for The Community Association for Lasting Success, (CALS).
The proceeds help CALS provide a mid-morning snack to 600 students who attend A. L. Horton Elementary School, St. Martin’s Catholic School and Vegreville Next Step Outreach program.
Tim Horton’s Owner Colleen Krill said, “We are happy supporting the Vegreville Breakfast Club.”
Heather Giebelhaus, CALS Breakfast Club Coordinator, said, the success of the Breakfast Club is due to the support of the community, whether it be corporate or private donations. There is no dedi-
cated funding for the program, and the only other source of fundraising is through the Vegreville Friends of the Breakfast Club Society.
Volunteers are at the heart of the program, and Giebelhaus said the program would not happen without them. They have 50 volunteers who assist with the Breakfast Club. “They put in just under 1,000 volunteer hours this year.”
The program goes from September to June and has been in existence for 25 years. Giebelhaus said the need for the program was initially identified and developed through the local health unit, child services and schools. According to the survey they conducted, 15 percent of students were coming to school without breakfast. Instead of restricting the ages of snack recipients, the program was made available to all students. “We didn’t
want any child stigmatized and for it to be open to all students.”
CALS also offers a Head Start program in partnership with the Vegreville Preschool Association for children between the ages of three and five who are experiencing developmental delays or are struggling due to cultural, economic or
juLy 12, 2023 News Advertiser PAGE 5 www. KUZZYK K LAW W OFFICE A P A R T N E R S H I P F O R T H E G E N E R A L P R A C T I C E O F L A W 5038 8- 50 0 Avenue Vegreville Alberta T9C C 1S1 Phone: 780-632-4552 Dan's s Quote e of f The e Week "What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.” - Mother Teresa Need a Phone Upgrade? Big Business Features for Your Home Office Business Phone Systems with Local Support $94.95 per month 20 Mbps Internet & Premium Phone Service Ÿ Keep Your Phone Number Ÿ Follow Me/Call Forwarding Ÿ Call Detail Record Ÿ 40+ Features Ÿ Unlimited Minutes* Ÿ Low Upfront Costs Ÿ No Hardware or Software to maintain Ÿ Local Technical Support Ÿ Custom Music - On-Hold *Restrictions Apply Subscribe Today! It’s Summer Event Season! Name _____________________________ Address ___________________________ AGLC License # 000000 Ticket No. Winner Will Receive 50% of Money Raised Draw Date: Nov. 11, 2021. Vegreville Legion No. 39, Vegreville, AB TICKETS $10 each AGLC License # 000000 Must Be 18 or Over To Purchase Ticket No. XXXX XXXX Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 39 50/50 DRAW .00$10 Each COPY&CENTER PRINT Work with the Professionals at the News Advertiser to Ensure your Tickets are Top Quality RAFFLE TICKETS Printing Your Own? The News Advertiser has pre-perforated ticket stock in multiple colours on high quality paper that you can print your tickets on. Phone: 780-632-2861 Fax: 780-632-7981 5110 - 50 St. Vegreville Email: Toll Free: 1-800-522-4147 News - Advertising - Printing - Promotion Multiple Styles Variety of Colours Custom Imprint Available With:
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CALS Coordinator Heather Giebelhaus, far left, accepts cheque from Tim Horton’s team members on June 16. (CALS/Submitted Photo)
90 Years Ago – July 12, 1933
While it is impossible to hope for a good crop this year, in the district, the warm rains and fine growing weather of the last ten days have worked miracles in the fields and all grains are shooting up to about normal appearance.
Saskatchewan Wheat Pool has purchased fifteen country elevators from the United Grain Growers, bringing the total number of Pool houses in Saskatchewan up to 1,067.
Thirty-three thousand, three hundred and seven sheep, 22,871 cattle, 162,248 hogs, and 32 calves were shipped from western to eastern Canada during the first 24 weeks of the year.
Beaver Bennett with fifteen of his Boy Scouts left on Monday morning for Elk Park taking with them all equipment necessary for a two weeks camping vacation.
Sl. Richards, Junior, for many years caretaker at the public and high school, was the last to feel the sharp edge of the salary cuts which were liberally handed out by the board recently to the teaching staff. Sl’s salary came under review at the last regular meeting of the board and on motion of P. Svarich and Dr. Reid was reduced from $1,944 to $1,790 effective the first of July.
75 Years Ago – July 14, 1948
Mr. Mike Dowhaniuk, who resides at Two Hills, accepted the Liberal nomination for the provincial division of Vegreville at the convention held on July 9th. He is widely known throughout the district and is well-informed on public matters.
Bruce’s constituency convention and nomination meeting were held in Holden town hall Monday. B.B. Starky was the unanimous choice of the nominating convention, over which W. Hanson presided as Chairman.
Even the cleanest of houses may get an infestation of bedbugs. Now they may be cleaned up fast thanks to DDT.. This is what Dr. C.R. Twinn of the Dominion Department of Agriculture recently told the Ontario Etail Druggists’ Association. He reminded the druggists how difficult it used to be to eradicate bedbugs except by fumigation with highly dangerous hydrocyanic acid gas.
Growers entering the Seed Grower’s Competition in this year’s $25,000 National Barley Contest are asked to note that in addition to the requirement that entries must be filed by July 15th, they must also file an application for inspection of their fields.
50 Years Ago – July 12, 1973
McIntosh Motors in Vegreville is now under the new management of Gerald Granger. He has been with this firm for the past eight years and is well-known throughout the area. Turbo Resources Ltd. is pleased to have him join their dealer network and is also positive that Gerald and his staff will give you the best service possible.
The Vegreville Exhibition Association is presently investigating the possibility of the construction of a “multi-purpose” center. The services of a Recreation Facility Planning Specialist will be available to discuss and formulate a basic plan to contain the needs of the community; outline the various methods of funding such a project and advise along what lines such a proposal should proceed.
A plaque marking the dedication of the pioneer museum was presented by Hon. George Topolnisky to Andrew Koshman at the Sportoff 106 ceremonies in Andrew on Canada Day.
Department of Agriculture economists are predicting a slower rate of income for retail food prices during the remainder of 1973. Farm income is expected to reach a record $2.8 billion this year, up substantially from $1.87 billion in 1972, and world wheat production will be up in 1973, but trade will be down. However, wheat prices will remain above those of recent years.
25 Years Ago – July 7, 1998
Brian and Leslie Henderson were both injured during the fireworks display in Vegreville on July 1 when one of the fireworks prematurely exploded in its detonation cylinder. The force of the explosion caused the cylinder and the wooden apparatus supporting the cylinder to fragment in all directions with pieces striking the Henderson’s. Both men were taken to the hospital with minor injuries, treated, and later released.
Eugene Dmytriw, UFA Bulk, presented STARS volunteer Victor Chrapko with a cheque for $500.00. Dmytriw spearheaded the fundraising for the donation. STARS is a non-profit, volunteersupported organization, providing emergency helicopter ambulance service at no cost to the patient. In the County of Two Hills, STARS has been used by 23 people, since 1991.
Cst. Don Ladouceur presented Canada Day poster contest winners with their winnings. Megan Thompson came in first, winning $50, Kyle Hope came in second, winning $30 and Crystal Smith came in third, winning $20. The Two Hills Chamber of Commerce organized the event.
The appeal board hearing regarding the development permit for a hangar, office, and placement of a mobile home at the Two Hills airport was held on June 15. On June 26, the appeal was upheld and the development permit was refused.
David Climenhaga
The Tyee Contributor
Having promised back in January that an interim report of the COVID-19 review panel — for which former Reform Party leader Preston Manning was to be paid $235,000 — would be handed over to the Alberta government by end of June, the UCP government had to say something.
In the event though, the only thing they had to say in response to an enterprising reporter who asked what had become of the interim report of the $2-million Public Health Emergencies Governance Review Panel was that it’s for their eyes only, and the rest of us won’t get to see it — not now and probably not ever.
Don’t worry, though, the office of Premier Danielle Smith told Edmonton Journal reporter Matthew Black yesterday, we’ll all still get to see the final report on Nov. 15 as promised.
Arguably, it’s not really an interim report if we don’t get to see it — it’s just a draft.
But it’s easy to speculate on the reasons why the government, which presumably has by now had the opportunity to take a first look at the 81-year-old former Reform Party leader’s doubtless herculean effort, felt it might need a little extra time to polish up the results.
There was always the risk, after all, that the interim report might just turn out to be a thinly self-plagiarized version of Manning’s May 2022 exercise in “bizarre speculative fiction” about the so-called “Freedom Convoy.”
That was when the superannuated godfather of the Canadian right took a not terribly effective stab at writing actual fiction. Reviews were bad for the turgid effort in which imaginary convoy seditionists got to haul physicians, professors and journalists before drumhead courts to try them for conspiring with the Ottawa Liberals to use the pandemic as an excuse to steal our Charter rights.
There may have been a time when Premier Smith, a COVID vaccine skeptic and quack
cure enthusiast herself, thought that would be a dandy idea. But now that the convoy crowd has moved on from anti-vax hysterics to outright hatred for anyone associated with the colours of the rainbow, maybe not so much. Also, she may not want to remind us that so far 5,803 Albertans have lost their lives to COVID on the UCP’s watch.
In addition, as a freedom of information request last spring revealed, when Albertans were invited to provide their input to the panel through the online portal set up on the Government of Alberta website, too many of the 2,200 or so citizens who responded didn’t provide the answers Premier Smith and the United Conservative Party were looking for.
Instead of the anti-vax policies the government clearly hoped respondents would demand, the most popular recommendations for changes to public health regulations were for more reliance on true medical expertise and more independence for the chief medical officer of health so the holder of that office could more easily sidestep interfering politicians to effectively control infectious diseases like COVID-19.
No doubt some heavy lifting and pretzel logic remains to justify a final report that calls for changes that will suit the anti-vax (and anti-gay) Take Back Alberta cadres who skidded former premier Jason Kenney and put Smith in his office.
As a political ally of the UCP in general and Smith in particular, now closely associated with anti-vax extremists, Manning was a singularly inappropriate choice to author a government report on anything to do with the response to COVID-19.
He stepped back from his other anti-public-health project, the deceptively named National Citizen’s Inquiry, when he got the better paid gig with the UCP government, although how far he stepped away is not clear.
That anti-vax dog and pony show led by right-wing agitators, which is not by any description an inquiry or truly national in scope, managed to gin up a certain amount of media interest from “witnesses” sob stories in April, but has been quite quiet of late. Perhaps its organizers are waiting for a lull in the port strike hysteria to start trying to own the Libs again.
David J. Climenhaga is an award-winning journalist, author, post-secondary teacher, poet and trade union communicator.
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One role of the Vegreville News Advertiser is to promote dialogue on various issues of concern to area residents. We accomplish this by welcoming Letters to the Editor and allowing various issues to be debated through our pages. All letters must contain the writer’s name, address and phone number. Anonymous letters will not be printed, however the writer’s name may be withheld from publication in special circumstances deemed appropriate by the Publisher. The Vegreville News Advertiser reserves the right to edit letters for length, clarity, spelling and grammar, taste or for reasons of potential libel. A maximum of 150 words is preferred. The Vegreville News Advertiser reserves the right to withhold letters from publication. Letters Welcomed What’s in Manning’s COVID Report? That’s a Secret! may time FROM THE PAGES OF THE VEGREVILLE OBSERVER COMPILED BY DAN BEAUDETTE Every time a newspaper dies, even a bad one, the country moves a little closer to authoritarianism... - Richard Kluger -
Final Opportunity to Provide Input on Lamont County’s MDP and LUB Amendments
sion to be presented at a future council meeting for discussion and final reviews.
Back on March 14, council was prepared to pass second and third readings of its updated MDP and LUB, but there was a change in plans and council then decided to extend the period for public input another 60 days to May 15. During that period, Lamont County received a total of 17 written submissions.
Some of the concerns outlined by residents include: lack of public hearing notice, advertising requirements, right of entry on land and property, fines in respect to failing to allow inspection, non-conforming buildings and uses, signage, zoning, animals, vehicles, permits, setback requirements, and solar and wind energy conversion.
Certified Journeyman Red Seal
Build your career with the County of Two Hills. We are looking for a skilled and highly motivated heavy-duty technician. We offer competitive compensation, comprehensive benefits coverage, a retirement pension plan, and ongoing training
If you are a skilled mechanic looking for an exciting local opportunity that offers a predictable shift and the ability to work in an amazing environment, then this is the job for you!
Job Description and Qualifications:
Michelle Pinon News Advertiser
Lamont County residents will have one final opportunity to provide input on proposed amendments to the municipality’s Municipal Development Plan and Land Use Bylaw during a special council meeting on Aug. 15 at the Lamont Recreation Centre.
County council voted to hold a public hearing during its June 27 regular council meeting to allow for feedback. Reeve David Diduck stated that, “It is important the public provides input, reviews these documents and updates to ensure this represents the best path for Lamont County.
This public hearing also introduces feedback from the 60-day tabling before readings two and three of these documents. Public consultation is an important part of the process as regulated through the Municipal Government Act.”
Information from the public hearing will be incorporated into an updated ver-
Part-Time/Casual Commission Sales Person
Duties include developing and maintaining customer relations in person and by phone and filling out paperwork for customer orders.
The successful applicant will have excellent people and organizational skills. Hours are flexible. Sales/Customer Service experience an asset, on going training provided.
If you are interested in working in a fast paced environment with a great group of people, please apply with a resume and references to:
Based on information supplied by Lamont County, “The LUB and MDP review was initiated in 2016 and included public consultation and open house activities. Stantec, the consulting company hired to update the LUB and MDP presented the document in November, 2022. The public was then invited to provide feedback at a public hearing that was held before the regular council meeting on Jan. 24, 2023.
The MDP illustrates a vision and 20 year perspective. It outlines goals, objectives and policies and acts as a blueprint for future growth and development. It includes: agriculture police area, rural agricultural industrial policy areas, industrial heartland policy area, hamlet policy areas and Beaver Hills Moraine policy area.
The LUB is used to regulate development of land and buildings and every parcel of land is regulated by a land use district. Some of the things LUB’s address include: type of allowable uses, building regulations in respect to setbacks, density and height, types and size of signage and development permit conditions.
We are aggressively looking to add a journeyman automotive technician to our team.
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• Journeyman Red Seal Heavy Equipment Technician Certification
• Third of fourth year apprentice may be considered
• Manage and maintain an ongoing preventative maintenance program
• Accurately troubleshoot mechanical/electrical failures
• Complete CVIP inspections on highway tractor/trailers, firetrucks
• Vehicle inspection technician licence
• Class 1 drivers licence considered an asset
• Capable of operating basic service tools as well as all critical analog measuring devices including dial bore gauges and micrometers
• Ability to lift and handle material weighing up to 40 pounds
• Ability to work safely and efficiently while unsupervised and in all aspects of the County’s policies and procedures
Mechanic Selection Committee
County of Two Hills No. 21
Box 490 Two Hills AB T0B 4K0
The Office Administrator is responsible for organizing and coordinating office operations and procedures that will ensure organizational effectiveness and efficiency. As the first point of contact for our customers, they play a critical role in the high level of customer service we strive to provide. The Office Administrator directs office activities including: ordering supplies, providing front line customer service, report and document preparation, accounts receivable, data management, gathering payroll, assist with inventory management and other projects.
● Responsible for maintaining sensitive customer information relating to sales documents, transactions and credit records
● Preparing load outs, invoices, credit memos
● Collect and post customer payment
● Assists in adding/managing of work orders & prepayments with Sales Team
● Produces and delivers monthly accurate customer statements
● Research and resolve statements, payment discrepancies
● Assists with customer complaints and coordinates with appropriate contacts and within company policy to resolve.
● Assist the Sales/Managers in ensuring all inventory is real time and current by entering inventory receipts when product is delivered
● Answer telephones, greet visitors, meet with clients, and handle business and administrative details.
● Knowledge of accounting, data and administrative management practices and procedures
● Proven strong time management, planning and multi-tasking skills
● Excellent communication and people skills, both written and oral
● Proven strong computer skills including all Microsoft applications (Word, Excel and Outlook)
● Able to work independently or as part of an effective team
● Experience in the Ag. Industry is an asset
● Valid Class 5 licence
● Able to work overtime and weekends in the spring season
juLy 12, 2023 News Advertiser PAGE 7 www. The Vegreville News Advertiser has an opening for a Part-Time/Casual Commission Sales Person Only those requested for an interview will be contacted. We appreciate everyone’s time. Vegreville News Advertiser P.O. Box 810 5110-50 Street Vegreville, Alberta T9C 1R9 E-Mail:
ASAP Temporary Full Time Health & Dental Benefits Approx. 1 Year Term 5926 60 St, Vegreville, AB T9C 1S1
Start Date:
All applicants are thanked for their interest, however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. All resumes and personal information provided therein, will be handled in accordance with the Province of Alberta Freedom of Information & Privacy Legislation.
Reeve David Diduck. (Lamont County/Submitted Photo)
North American Old Time Fiddle Championships Festival
Wild Rose Old Time Fiddlers Association Submitted
The Wild Rose Old Time Fiddlers Association, (WROTFA) is pleased to announce our new project funded in part by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program. These funds provided by the government will be used to provide a facility, bring exemplary judges to the contest, fund musicians as well as keeping the event affordable for the spectators and dancers, many of whom are seniors, who will come to enjoy this
old time music.
This program is a federal grants and contributions program whose goal is to support projects such as ours that helps improve the well-being of seniors and foster social inclusion and engagement in their communities. WROTFA is proud to be associated with a program such as this - to give back to the people who have contributed so much to our heritage and culture.
The Grand North American Old Time Fiddle Championships Festival (GNA fiddle festival) will be the culminating event of the year for WROTFA, which offers weekly musical jam sessions, music lessons and old time music performances at local Senior Citizens residences. This annual fiddle contest hosted by WROTFA is in its 39th year, and will again be held in the beautiful Shell Theatre of the Dow Centennial Centre in Fort Saskatchewan, AB from July 13-16, 2023. The judges this year are Daniel Gervais, Mark Sullivan, Paul Lemelin and Lucas Welsh…all great fiddlers!
The GNA attracts fiddlers from across Canada! There are categories for all fiddlers, from Novice, (any age) and Junior, (9 and under) through to Intermediate, Senior and Golden. There are also some specialty categories including Twin Fiddling, Traditional, (fiddlers clogging the rhythm with their feet), and Novelty…! The cream of the crop compete in the Championship class: a real treat for the ears!
Over the four days, in addition to the fiddle competition, this event includes a junior fiddling mini-camp, three jam sessions, a Barn Dance and Open mic, a Banquet and an Old Time Family Dance.
PAGE 8 News Advertiser juLY 12, 2023 www. VEGREVILLE & SURROUNDING AREA SURROUNDINGAREA WEATHER 7-DAY WEATHER 25°C 13°C thu JuL 13 26°C 13°C sat JuL 15 24°C 13°C fri JuL 14 25°C 13°C wed JuL 12 25°C 14°C mon JuL 17 27°C 14°C sun JuL 16 23°C 13°C tue JuL 18 Now Available Ask for yard signs with your garage sale package Yard signs with your garage sale package GARAGE SALE Custom yard signs by 780.632.2861 ATM Service Permanent, Seasonal & Event Placements Available Our local technicians monitor each and every machine to ensure maximum uptime for your location. Call: 1800-663-5957 GRAND NORTH AMERICAN OLD TIME FIDDLE CHAMPIONSHIP July 13 - 16, 2023 Dow Centennial Centre - Fort Saskatchewan Info & Fiddler Registration 780-906-6862 Jam Sessions - Thursday & Friday Barn Dance - Friday Banquet & Dance - Saturday Contests - Saturday & Sunday JOIN THE FUN! PANCAKE BREAKFAST PARADE CHILDREN’S GAMES BOUNCY HOUSES BENCH SHOW MUSEUM OPEN HORSE SHOW, GYMKHANA ENTERTAINMENT SILENTAUCTION ITEMS (during The Day – Items Declared Sold At Steak Supper) LIVE AUCTION STEAK SUPPER (Call Kirby @587-280-0094 for tickets) Program of Events Bring a Friend & Enjoy Our Country Fair! Sunday, August 13, 2023 Location: Ranfurly Rec. Grounds AGRICULTURAL FAIR RANFURLY THIRTY-NINTH Special Feature 8 Ranfurly Curling Rink Rocks Need a fair book? Call Tara at 780-984-7277 Everyone Welcome! Small Farm A c on For the Estate of Frank Andr cho . RR Smok Lake. Bids Start to Close S n J l , pm. Pre ie S n J l , - pm. D et FWA Tractor, 4900 hrs, #D1957 ● AC- One ninet gas Tractor, 2pt ● AC D17, 2pt Tractor ● Ezee On Loader c/w Mounts ● Plus Older Farm Eq ip. ● VEHICLES ● Approx. 1957 Champion St debaker, 4 door sedan ● Approx 1960's Chev 2 ton c/w 12' steel B&Hoist ● Approx 1964 Chev Stepside Truck ● 1998 GMC 2x4 ● 1980 Ford ½ ton (Rough) ● 1988 Dodge Van ● YARD ITEMS ● Cub Cadet LX46- Mo er (As New) ● Older Yamaha Quad ● Various Snowblowers & Mowers ● Chicken Plucker ● BUILDINGS ● Garden Shed 16' x 24' Grainary ● 12' x 16' Summer house (poor) ● 3-Ring Westland (Poor) ● ANTIQUES ● Madison 2 btm Plow ● Beach c/w Sto e ● Dresser, Night tables ● Gramaphone & 2- old sewing machines ● 3- Wood planes ● Wood working tools ● Old 5 HP Lathe ● Steel & Much More % Internet Fee. Vie & Register ith Li e A c on World Estate A c on For Ste e K efler, - st, Red ater, AB. Pre ie J l , - pm Bids Start to Close J l th at pm. For Info PH Rick ( ) - . ADVANCE Drilling & Milling machine, Type LC-30A c/w Mitutoyo Readout, Auto Feed, Vise & Tooling ● Advance ” ' Lathe, 1ph, Auto Feed, 3-Chucks, Qty of tooling ● 20- Drawer Tool Bo c/w tools shop tools ● 1976 Ford Bronco ● 1977 Ford Motorhome ● Club Car Golf Cart & More. % Internet Fee Timed Online Acreage A c on For Janet & Gord Hale, A g TH,Smok Lake AB. 25' SAILBOAT ● Riding Mowers ● SHOP TOOLS & More Timed Online Farm A c on For Garth Christofferson, Holden AB Bids Start to Close A g st, For More Info PH ( ) - .
sponsored content
Saturday evening family dance. (Wild Rose Old Time Fiddlers Association/Submitted Photo)
Entertainment and Education Woven throughout Vegreville Pysanka Festival 50th Anniversary
County of Two Hills No. 21
The County Of Two Hills No. 21 Invites For The Following Listed Used Equipment And Vehicles.
1. 2009 Ford F250. SERIAL NUMBER 1FTSW21569EA59857
173,362 km
2. 2010 GMC 2500. SERIAL NUMBER 1GT3KZBG3AF103014
272,500 km
3. 2012 Ford F150. SERIAL NUMBER 1FTFW1EF3CFA31823
Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent
The Broken Banjos kicked off Vegreville Pysanka Festival 50th Anniversary on July 6 where they took their Traveling Concert on the road to perform at the senior citizens facilities and at the Vegreville Elks/Kinsmen Park.
Vegreville Pysanka Festival 50th Anniversary event continued on July 7, 8, and 9 with performances by many Ukrainian musicians and dancers.
But this year, the wonder and excitement of the immersion of new cultural dancers happened when the Celtic Ceildh performed some traditional Irish and Highland dances at the Cultural and Band Showcase at the Vegreville Multiplex Centre on July 8.
Dawn Moss and Danielle Ganz are the Directors for Celtic Ceildh where Moss said these dances are from Ireland and Scotland. “Celtic dancing is a high energy dance. A lot of the time the dancers wear tartans. They jump with their legs out in the open. They wear Irish soft and hard shoes and their shoes are made out of fiberglass.”
Another new dance group were the Bavarian Schuhplattlers. President of Bavarian Schuhplattlers of Edmonton Caitlin Keillor said they are a non-profit organization. “We preserve and share the tradition of Bavarian and Austrian folk dance, music, and costumes.
My favorite part of performing is being with the members of our group as we are really good friends. The second thing I like best is getting to go to all the festivals.
This type of dancing is different than Ukrainian dancing as the men slap their legs and feet while they are dancing and they keep a really cool rhythm.”
Canada’s National Riding and Dancing Cossacks and Co. had their Re-enactment Cossack Camp on Vegreville Agricultural Grounds. This group is also celebrating their 50th Anniversary this year.
Camp Boss John Orisko explained that they were trying to show people what it was like living in the 16th and 17th Century in Ukraine where all their members have some type of Ukrainian heritage. “The Cossacks led a military lifestyle and earned their livelihood through war and crafts. I play the role of a hetman who was the elected leader of the group.”
The festival also featured the Yarmarok Marketplace, Farmers’ Market, Folk Arts Display and Demonstration, Pioneer Village,
Notice to Creditors and Claimants
Estate of Eugene Alexander Pehowich who died on June 07, 2023. If you have a claim against this estate, you must file your claim by: August 30, 2023 and provide details of your claim with EMMANUEL ALADE at CITY LAW OFFICES 9812 - 102 Street
T8L 2C2
780-997-0444 p 780-997-0774 f
If you do not file by the date above, the estate property can lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have.
Preparation Of Combined Assessment/Tax Notices
Notice is hereby given that the 2023 Combined Tax and Assessment Notices have been mailed as of June 22, 2023 to all property owners in the County of Two Hills No. 21. In accordance with Section 311(1) of the Municipal Government Act, Chapter M-26 R.S.A. 2000, all persons are deemed to have received their combined Tax and Assessment Notices as a result of this Notice.
Please review your Combined Assessment and Tax Notice. If you have any questions, contact the County Office or attend the Open House scheduled at the County Office, where you can discuss your Assessment Notice with the County Assessor.
O��� ����� S��������
Wednesday July 19, 2023 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
If you did not receive your Tax Notice, contact the County Office at 780-657-3358.
Dary, CAO
271,011 km
4. 2007 Kubota F2880. SERIAL NUMBER 10980 (riding lawn Mower) 1540 HOURS
Reserve of $6500
5. Package Deal - Reserve Bid $5000
2006 Canam Outlander 400 Max Serial Number 2BVEPHF176V000298
2001 5' x 10' Double A Utility Trailer Serial Number 2D9US11291T094288
Equipment/vehicles may be viewed at the County of Two Hills Public Works Shop at 4601-57 Ave, Two Hills AB, between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm Monday to Friday. For more information contact Kyle Winterbottom or Warren Kuhn at 780-657-2499.
Tenders close Friday July 28/23 at 1:30 p.m. and all tenders must be accompanied by a certified cheque or money order in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total sum tendered. The County of Two Hills reserves the right to reject any or all tenders. The highest or any tenders will not necessarily be accepted. Equipment/vehicles sold as is, where is.
Notice of Public Hearing
The East Industrial Park Area Structure Plan (ASP) is a statutory planning document intended to provide policy direction to development and subdivision authorities on which to base future land use decisions within the plan area. The scope of the policies addresses issues including but not limited to: land use, compatibility of uses, transportation and access, servicing, development staging, screening and landscaping, wetlands, market factors and economic development, and other related matters. The Plan is also a tool to both attract and assist investors/developers in understanding the requirements and servicing expectations, and potential for future development within the ASP boundary. On June 19, 2023 County Council gave first reading to proposed Bylaw No. 134223, being a bylaw to adopt the East Industrial Park ASP.
A public hearing has been scheduled for Monday, July 17, 2023 at 11:00 am in the Council Chambers of the County of Minburn No. 27 located at 4909 -50 Street, Vegreville, AB. The purpose of the hearing is to allow persons to make known their views with respect to proposed Bylaw No. 1342-23.
Written comments regarding the proposed bylaw may be emailed, dropped off or mailed to the County of Minburn No. 27 at Box 550, 4909 – 50 Street, Vegreville, AB T9C 1R6 until 4:30 PM, Thursday, July 13, 2023. Written comments must contain the name and address (including legal land description) of the person(s) making the submission as well as their comments regarding proposed Bylaw 1342-23. Please note that your comments will be made part of the public record.
Should you wish to make a verbal presentation to Council at the Public Hearing, you must contact the County office at 780-632-2082 and indicate that you wish to do so prior to 4:30 pm on Thursday, July 13, 2023.
A copy of the proposed East Industrial Park ASP is available for public inspection during regular office hours at the County of Minburn No. 27 office located in the County Administration Building, 4909 – 50 Street, Vegreville, AB. An electronic copy of the document may also be viewed on the County’s website at
Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Davin Gegolick, Director of Planning and Development at 780-632-2082 (ext. 1111) or at
juLy 12, 2023 News Advertiser PAGE 9 www.
Ukrainian Dance Competitions, Grandstand Shows, Thistle Hill Farm Petting Zoo, Evening Zabava, Beer Gardens and Pysanka Games.
Bavarian Schuhplattlers perform. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)
People dancing to polka music. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)
Peace River Muzkya Ukrainian Dancers perform. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)
Ethan Nimchuk Two Time Combine Crunch Champion
Ethan Nimchuk continued his winning ways, earning his second straight Lamont Summer Sizzler Combine Crunch Championship on July 9 in front of a capacity crowd at the Conrad Schinkinger Rodeo Grounds.
Weekly Crop Market Review
if herd is purchased. PH: 780-603-7036
Thousands of people, including family members and friends of the contestants, showed up to watch the event that took place over the course of two days. The jumbo sized demolition derby is one of those must watch events, that you have to see to believe.
When asked by Jody Seeley from LimeLite Audio & Media how it feels to win two years in a row, Nimchuk replied, “It feels pretty good. I definitely didn’t expect that considering my combine’s now destroyed. But I’d just like to thank all my sponsors again and one that’s not on the list is my Baba and Gido Holowaychuk. All I can say is that I’ll need a new one next year.
Nimchuk just got into combine crunching last year. So, you just come out both
years and win, no big deal? He responded, “That’s not in the plan, but I guess that’s how it went.”
What do you think of your little brother, (Christian) being close to your heels? It was a pretty fun time. He’s green and that. For the last two weeks we’ve been building and we’re going to be giver again right away.” There are even plans that their oldest brother Braydon plans to enter next year’s competition.
Second place winner went to Owen Glover. In the grudge match, 16-year-old Jakob Thiessen took top honours, and was rewarded with a $2,000 cheque. Thiessen said it felt good to win, especially considering last year’s performance in the event. Thiessen said he didn’t even think he’d be able to enter the competition because he was having such a hard time trying to find a combine. But with a day and a half to spare discovered as Massey Ferguson 550. It was the smallest combine in the field, but proved to be mighty, by securing first place in the grudge match.
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PAGE 10 News Advertiser juLY 12, 2023 www.
ACREAGE Acreage for Rent - Available August 1st - 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath, Close to Vegreville & Two Hills. PH: 780-6321033 COMPUTERS VM SYSTEMS Looking for a new computer? VM SYSTEMS has all you’ll ever need in computers! Installation – Sales –Service – Internet. One call will get you in touch. Phone 780-632-2859 9am – 5pm HEALTH & FITNESS Attention oxygen therapy users! Inogen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8 pounds. Free info kit. Call 877-9299587. HOMES FOR RENT 3 Bedroom House in Innisfree. 5 Appliances. NP. NS. Only $500/ month! DD Same. Available NOW! PH: 587-280-3376 No Texting! Advertise your rental property here for as little as $7.95 per week! HOMES FOR SALE Vegreville, 3 Bedrooms, Laundry Room, Renovated Appliances, Attached Double Garage, Deck, Garden Shed, Large Fenced Yard. PH: 780-632-7385 LIVESTOCK Polled, Limousine, Cows, and Calves For Sale! They come from a closed registered herd, NO TROUBLE calving. Pasture also available
to support local youth! Vegreville Football Association is hosting a bottle drive on Saturday July 15 from 11:00am1:00pm. Drop off location at Football Field, 5737 47ST. WANTED ADVERTISE to 10 Million Homes across the USA! Place your ad in over 140 community newspapers, with circulation totaling over 10 million homes. Contact Independent Free Papers of America IFPA at or visit our website for more information.
Call toll free from anywhere in Alberta 1.800.522.4127 or fax to 780.632.7981
Michelle Pinon News Advertiser
Combine Crunch action on July 9. (Michelle Pinon/Photo)
Back Row L-R: Jason Glover, Dave Wilchak and Curt Pawluk. Front Row L-R: Shelley Loren, Owen Glover, Ethan Nimchuk and Jakob Thiessen. (Michelle Pinon/Photo)
Life-affirming Performances Mark Vegreville Pysanka Festival 50th Anniversary Grandstand Shows
Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent
The Ukrainian culture is so vibrant and multicolour. This is especially noticeable during Ukrainian dancing and singing performances. Hence, Vegreville Pysanka Festival showcased all this at their four 50th Anniversary Grandstand Shows on July 7, 8, and 9. July 7 show was emceed by Steven Chwok, MC Mike Cion led the July 8 show, and July 9 had Andrly Hladyshevsky take the stage as MC where each of these announcers engaged the audience with their enthusiastic personalities.
During the July 7 show, Steven Chwok acknowledged the many people who helped to make the grandstand shows happen over the years. Chwok also called Tim Baydala up to the stage while he stated how grateful they were to Tim for being the Grandstand Chair.
The musicians and Ukrainian dancers who entered the stage amazed the audience with their precise choreography, powerful kicks, speed, complex acrobatic movements, as well as, in other performances, their graceful actions and heartwarming instrumental and vocal music pieces.
The performers were Cheremosh, Vohon, Verona, Trembita, Viter Ensemble, Viter Choir, Dnipro, Nadiya Pashkovska, Veryovka, Veselka, Euphoria, Unity Pryvit, Verkhovyna, Shumka, Nadiya Pashkovska, Millenia, Volya, Ukrainian Male Chorus, Viter Ensemble, and Zirka.
Most noteworthy was the performance at the end of each show where all five Ukrainian dance groups performed a Joint Hopak which has never been done before and at the end of July 9 grandstand show, all five mass choirs performed together too.
This s Weeks s Numbeers
Pat Dehid
For the News Advertiser
Doctor to overweight patient: “You’ll have to give up those intimate dinner’s for two unless you have another romantic person with you.”
juLy 12, 2023 News Advertiser PAGE 11 www. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 6615 Hwy 16A West, Vegreville (next to Boston Pizza) Phone: 780 632 3912 We e directly y bill l your r insurance! ! Now w accepting g new w patients! We e Treat t You u Like e Family! Welcoming Dr. Nitin Goyal! B A R R I S T E R S & S O L I C I T O R S 5038 8- 50 0 Avenue, , Vegreville e Alberta a T9C C 1S1 1 Phone: : 780-632-4552 A PARTNERSHIP P FOR R THE E GENERAL L PRACTICE E OF F LAW KUZYK K LAW W OFFICE VEGREVILLE DENTAL CENTRE GENERAL L DENTISTRY, , ORTHODONTICS S & IMPLANTS 4922 - 50 St., Vegreville, AB Bus: (780) 632-3368 Proudly y serving g Vegreville e & surrounding g communities s for r over r 30 0 years! Dr. Nick Mouyios Dr. Tim Nawrot and Associates www vegrevilledental com 4802 - 49 Ave. Vegreville, AB T9C 1K9 (South at DQ corner) Ph. 780-632-6901 Fax. 780-632-6902 Cohoe Law Lori-Ann Cohoe, KC Jason Latorre, BA, JD Your Professional Ad Here Phone 780-632-2861 or email Do You Want to Help Ukraine? The best resource as recommended by both the Alberta Government and Canada Government is the Canadian Ukrainian Foundation:
Friday, July 07, 2023 EXTRA: 6295573 EXTRA: 6295573 Friday, July 07, 2023 EXTRA: 4794049 EXTRA: 4794049 Saturday, July 08, 2023 Saturday, July 08, 2023 10 11 30 44 49 6 23 12 16 18 40 37 24 47 18 22 23 36 29 31 41 12 13 27 35 40 34 28 32 30
Main photo: Shumka
Top Left: Vohan performs.
Top Right: Trembita (Michelle Pinon & Rosanne Fortier/Photos)
In Loving Memory Of Our Dearest
Dad, Gido, Great Gido & Great-Great Gido LASCHOWSKI (Bill) William
January 2, 1920 - July 13, 2004
Today is full of memories
Wonderful, yet sad
Of all the celebrations,
And happy times we once had.
And though you are missed so very much
Every single day, Smiling when we think of you
Helps us all along the way.
Because you were so wonderful
And played so many parts,
You never really left us Dad
You are still in ALL our hearts.
Forever Loved and deeply missed, but always remembered by Your loving family, Children, Grandchildren, Great Grandchildren & Great-Great Grandchildren
The Border City Good Sam Club Visits
Vegreville Pysanka Festival
YAKIMCHUK, Hattie Jane
March 10, 1938 – July 9, 2023
On Sunday, July 9, 2023, Hattie Yakimchuk, of Hairy Hill, Alberta passed away peacefully at the age of 85 years.
Hattie is survived by her loving family, husband of 54 years Fred; children Wesley Long, Marjorie Joy Skoropadyk, Michael Yakimchuk and Michelle Yakimchuk; 8 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; along with numerous relatives and friends. Hattie was predeceased by her parents John and Caroline Ogden; 2 sons Philip Long and Darren Yakimchuk; 1 daughter Diane MacDonald; 3 sisters Pearl Jeannet Ogden, Marian Smith and Fanny Voter.
A Public Visitation will be held on Sunday, July 16, 2023 from 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. at the Hairy Hill Hall. A Funeral Service will be held on Monday, July 17, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. at the Hairy Hill Hall with Reverend Pamela Milton officiating. Interment to follow in the Two Hills United Cemetery. Donations may be made to the Volunteer Fire Department – Hairy Hill.
To send condolences, please visit
AUTUMN ROSE FUNERAL HOME LTD. Vegreville, 780-603-5800
In the article, Vegreville and District Co-op Enjoyed Another Successful Year in the July 5, 2023 edition, it was stated, “The Board of Directors is happy to announce that we have approved a patronage dividend of 2.5 percent on fuel. The correct figure is 3.25 percent on fuel. The News Advertiser apologizes for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Fun-filled Lamont Kids Rodeo
Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent
On July 6, The Border City Good Sam Club, (TBCGSC) from Lloydminster, arrived in Vegreville with their seven RV units. Coordinator Elaine Hardstaff expressed that every time she traveled on Highway 16 near Vegreville and saw the sign for Vegreville Pysanka Festival, she vowed that someday she would see that event and it put it on her bucket list.
“I never could attend this festival because before I joined this club with my husband Wayne, we went on chuckwagon circuits where Wayne drove chuck wagons for over 30 years and because we were doing this, we could never go to this festival. We did participate in the chuckwagon races in Vegreville.
Now, I just want to take in the whole experience of the festival. I am definitely looking forward to seeing the dancing and the heritage part of it.”
TBCGSC Treasurer Alice Gebhardt was asked what the club does, and she
replied, “We have 29 members who are 55 and over in age. Some of the groups do a lot of volunteering in the area where they live.
Our group goes on usually one outing a mouth. We also go on a spring or fall rally where we visit, we play games, or sometimes they have a dance and food involved. We also go on excursions of tourism sites and events such as a dinner theatre or festivals.”
Then all the members mentioned that the best part about belonging to this club is the socializing and the security of knowing that the group will look after you.
On July 8, after Elaine attended some of the festival, she admitted that it didn’t let her down. “I especially liked the grandstand show. It was amazing and indescribable; like living a magical fairy tale. The dancers and musicians all did a perfect job.
The rest of the group also loved it. We are still talking about how well planned it was. It was like a theatre production.”
PAGE 12 News Advertiser juLY 12, 2023 www.
RAWLUK, Tommy January 1929 – July 1995 In loving memory of a dear husband and father who passed away July 14, 1995. It broke our hearts to lose you, But you didn’t go alone. For part of us went with you The day God called you home. Forever loved and sadly missed by loving wife Edna and son Dale
L-R: Shirley Jones, Leon Murphy, Mary Holtby, Norma Murphy, Elaine Hardstaff, Alice Gebhardt, Bill McLaren, Wayne Hardstaff. Missing from photo is Harry Kostiuk. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)
The Kids Rodeo was as much fun for the youngsters as their parents and grandparents who cheered them on. Mutton busting, Stick Horse races, Chuckwagon races, and dressing like a clown and racing against one of them brought smiles to their faces. About 40 children participated in the event on July 8. (Michelle Pinon/Photos)
SCSCV Recognizes Canada Day with Pop-Up Event
For a donation, people could enjoy hotdogs, homemade potato salad, watermelon and a beverage.
SCSCV President Dwayne Hlady mentioned that they offered this luncheon to get people together for Canada Day. “It was a time where people could tell stories about previous Canada’s Day or reminiscence about anything.
Senior Citizens Sunshine Club of Vegreville (SCSCV) held a PopUp event to celebrate Canada Day on July 1.
Myself, I remember Canada Day in the past when it was an all-day event. I grew up in the Two Hills area and we would go to the little community halls where we could participate in a sports day with soft ball games and track and field. It was a lot of fun. There was also a picnic with hot dogs and watermelon and the mothers and grandmothers used to make the potato salads. I recall roasting the marshmallows and burning myself on it.”
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Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent
President of SCSCV Dwayne Hlady holds up the Canadian flag at the celebration. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)
Phyllis Dubuc Celebrates 100 Years of Positive Thinking
Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent
Phyllis Dubuc turned 100 on June 25, 2023. So, her daughter, Rebecca Pomeroy planned a 100th Birthday Celebration for Phyllis at Senior Citizens Sunshine Club of Vegreville Centre on July 9.
Around 70 of Phyllis’ friends and family attended this get together which included a delightful lunch and refreshments catered by Sunshine Café.
Phyllis expressed that she credited her faith for her long life. “I have always thought positive, my family have always taken good care of me and my three children: Ed Dubuc, Maurice Dubuc, and Rebecca Pomeroy as well as my four grandchildren and four great grandchildren are my pride and joy. They always have been and always will be.”
Denise Komick said her aunt Phyllis is special because she is her Godmother. “She has always been there for me and
has always been very positive. She always told me if something is bothering you just forget about it, and it will just go away.”
Tyler Van Moll mentioned that his grandmother Phyllis is and always has been one of the wisest people he has known. “She
In no particular order are grandson, Tyler Van Moll, Tyler’s spouse Amy Perry, great grandson Noah Perry-Van Moll, great granddaughter Sophie Van Moll with Phyllis Dubuc. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)
had a way as I was growing up to always be current; she met me right at the level I was at.
She has a youthful approach to life that I think is just amazing. The conversations we have are incredible.”
Ed Dubuc commented that his mother is the most beautiful bloom in God’s garden.
Simone Dubuc mentioned that her grandmother was special because of her great maternal instincts and selflessness. “She has always been involved in our lives.”
Phyllis’ nephew Roger Dubuc and her granddaughter Simone Dubuc led the people in singing Happy Birthday.
PAGE 14 News Advertiser juLY 12, 2023 www. GROCERY GIVE-AWAY Name: : Address: Phone e Number: Win n $100 0 worth h of f groceries! You’re at home here. here Vegreville e & District t Co-op 4914 4- 51 1 Ave, , Vegreville, , AB Deposit t Form m At: Drrop p o f entry y by y c os ng g on n Monday, , Ju y 17, , 2023 GREAT GROCERY GIVE-AWAY Win $100 worth of groceries this week courtesy of... This is our way of saying thank you for using the Vegreville News Advertiser to plan your weekly grocery shopping. Get your entries in now! *No purchase necessary.* Only ONE Entry Per Household. Multiple entries will disqualify you from the draw. you The e winner r for July y 12th h is Audrey Wilcox of Vegreville Crrazy Laws Oklahoma No reading comics while driving
Relatives and friends greet Phyllis Dubuc. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)
Phyllis is in the front row with her children in the back row from L-R: Ed Dubuc, Rebecca Pomeroy and Maurice Dubuc. (Rosanne Fortier/ Photo)
Red Hot Action at Lamont Rodeo
Michelle Pinon News Advertiser
The action was red-hot and so was the weather at the Lamont Summer Sizzler Rodeo on July 8 and 9 at the Conrad Schinkinger Rodeo Grounds near the Town of Lamont.
The Lamont & District Agricultural Society has been hosting Summer Sizzler for the past 33 years and the 34th annual edition broke an all-time attendance record of 3,500 people for the two day event.
Rodeo Committee Chair Shelley Loren said attendance was well above last year’s record, beating it out by 400 people. The rodeo has been steadily growing for the past few years and Loren believes that’s because they “put on a really good show and cater to the community.” She said the family friendly event has “something for everyone” and they continue to add new activities and vendors to give patrons a variety of options.
The Kids Fun Zone and Rodeo are
always popular. The Combine Crunch continues to draw larger crowds and the caliber of competitors in the rodeo performances is top notch with contestants from all over western Canada. There were even some contestants from New Zealand. As well, there were some local contestants from Fort Saskatchewan, Mundare, Lavoy, Minburn and Viking. Altogether there were 400 contestants in the rodeo, one that is now considered to be one of the largest in the Lakeland Rodeo Association. Ladies Breakaway event is something that was added to the rodeo last year and its popularity is
rising and gives ladies the opportunity to “take it to the next level” and demonstrate their other skills in the rodeo ring.
Putting on an event of this magnitude is no easy feat. Loren said they had 150 volunteers bank more than 1,500 hours over the course of two days. She said local community groups who assisted in the rodeo’s success which also deserve credit are the Lamont Public Library, Lamont Elementary School Parent Council, Ardrossan Bisons Football Club, Chipman 4-H Beef and Multi Club and the Lamont Fish and Game Association.
juLy 12, 2023 News Advertiser PAGE 15 www. Caall l for r Free e Comparative e Market t Analysis s Call MLS E4342677 MLSE4342677 HUGE BACK YARD HUGEBACK 5801 & 5805 52 ST Vegreville $325,000 MLS E4331772 MLSE4331772 112 AC HWY FRONTAGE ACHWY 52131 SEC 857 Minburn County $975,000 4202 47 ST Vegreville $598,750 Reduced! MLS E4324956 MLSE4324956 NO EXPENSE SPARED NOEXPENSESPARED MLS E4332825 MLSE4332825 RARE FIND RAREFIND 4337 51 ST Vegreville $369,000 Elite Laura Danilak Realtor 780 632 1376 Office: 780 464 4100 MLS E4348160 MLSE4348160 EXQUISITE 80 ACRES 554022 RR173 Lamont County $798,000 MLS E4347448 MLSE4347448 HISTORY & CHARM 4717 49 ST Vegreville $179,900 Gayle Speidel 780-543-9768 Vegreville & Area 780-632-6727 4830 - 54 St., Vegreville Across from Galleria Mall With Prices to suit Seniors NO G.S.T. Call l 780-632to o book k yo home e director y a Jerry Romanick’s Painting Commercial - Residential Interior - Exterior Phone: 780-478-7244 Cell 780-240-9720 Flooring Painting Drop Ceiling Crown Molding Framing Drywall Remodeling Basement 780-288-4927 Drywall & Renovations Inc. James Odewale Owner/Operator. Royal l Touch BLINDS UNLIMITED Dellas Baxandall 780-603-3551 Call or Text Your Hunter Douglas Specialist Wayne Neufeld 780-603-8186 - Regularly Scheduled Lawn Mowing - Cleanups to Conform with Bylaws - Vacation Mows - One Time Mows - Edging - Dump Runs - Bobcat Services * Acreages * Cemeteries * Farm Yards * Commercial * Residential Yardvark Lawn & Snow Vegreville Residential Cleaning Service *Seniors Discount* Helping Hands Housekeeping 780-603-4990 A D V E R T I S E Y O U R H O M E B U S I N E S S H E R E JUST T $50 for 13 3 weeks
always popular. The Combine Crunch continues to rising and gives ladies the opportunity to “take it
Competitor in the tie down roping event. (Michelle Pinon/Photo)
Steer wrestling competitor. (Michelle Pinon/Photo)
The bulls put up a good fight against the cowboys as only one junior rider had a qualified ride on July 8. (Michelle Pinon/Photo)
Hairy Hill Rodeo Embodies Spirit of Founder Peter Sawchuk
Michelle Pinon News Advertiser
Peter Sawchuk was best described as a “tough rodeo cowboy” and the founder of the Hairy Hill Rodeo left an indelible mark on the sport and on members of his family, his many friends, fellow community members and stalwart rodeo fans.
Sawchuk passed away on Nov. 26, 2019, but his life and legacy continues to live on.
To pay tribute to Sawchuk, who founded the rodeo 33 years ago, and served as President of the Hairy Hill Rodeo Association, a special memorial was set up in his honour for this year’s rodeo which took place on July 7 and 8 near the hamlet of Hairy Hill on land the family owns.
Peter’s wife Violet said they lived only a few miles away from the rodeo grounds that are positioned between the rolling hills and Watt Lake. Violet said Peter had a vision and really liked the view of the area.
Their boys Glen and Mark also loved rodeo. Glen would compete in bareback riding and Mark would compete in wild horse races and Violet said he built it for them. The girls, Marcia and Gloria, loved horses and would participate in gymkhana.
Mark said he remembers construction of the rodeo grounds, a place that’s near and dear to his heart. It’s not only a place where he’s competed, but where he proposed to his wife and had wedding pictures taken.
Mark was sporting the belt buckle his team won in the wild horse race in 2009. It must have brought him luck because he and his teammates Steve Schlegel and Orrin Roessler won first place in this year’s wild horse race. Mark was especially proud to have his son Layne present the buckles to them following the July 8 rodeo performance.
Violet remarked that it felt like Peter was watching from afar and would be happy to see so many people enjoying the rodeo.
Peter would also be proud of Mark, who took over as President of the Hairy Hill Rodeo Association a few months ago.
It takes many members and volunteers to put on the rodeo, around 50 in total.
Mark’s siblings and mom play a huge role in the success of the rodeo. As for Violet, she served as secretary up until last year. Since day one she has phoned sponsors and has affectionately been given the title of ‘Hairy Hill Rodeo Queen’. Violet said it takes so much work to put on the rodeo, but is so thankful they have really good volunteers who make it all work.
Violet and Peter were married on July 14, 1962. Admittedly, running a farm and raising a family of four was a lot of hard work, but they carved out a life full of meaning and purpose, giving back to the people they love, the land they love and the sport of rodeo they love.
PAGE 16 News Advertiser juLY 12, 2023 www. MannvilleRiverview GolfCourse &RVResort isopen fortheseason. Men’sNightMondays, Ladies’ Wednesdays. ComeTaketheChallenge! GolfCourseisinSuperbCondition! CallClubhousetoRegister 780-763-2252 We areopenforbusiness. MondayMen’sNight TuesdaySeniorsDay Ladies’ Wednesdays Forteetimesandcamping reser vationspleasecall780-763-2252
e Vegreville e Ag g Society y would d like e to o thank k the e following g sponsors s for r their r continuing g support t of f the e Deeerland d Country y Fair Fair Major Sponsor Deerland Equipment Grand Stand Sponsor Weibe Insurance Gold Sponsor Canalta Panels Ltd. Stage Sponsor Canalta Panels Ltd. Ag Arena Vegreville and District Co-op Suzanne Malo Realtor Vegreville Auto Body Vegreville Drug Mart Vegreville's Barber Shop Liquor Den Antique Tractor Pulls Deerland Equipment Nutrien Ag Solutions Webb's Machinery Backdrop Derek Fox Financial Salty’s Liquor Store Veg Auto & Industrial Supply Ltd. Vegreville Glass & Mirror Backwall Vegreville Mechanical Ltd. Rocky Mountain Equipment Cargill Highland Feeders Twin Lakes Ready Mix & Aggregate Barrel Sponsor Co-operators Insurance Billboards Esteem Wedding & Event Rentals Krystal Hook Realtor ® Proline Automotive Sunset Woodworking Vegreville Insurance Vegreville Plumbing & Heating Vegreville Dental Centre Olynyk Roofing Twin Lakes Ready Mix & Aggregate Ltd. Adam's No Frills Prime Cuts Meat & Deli Broadcast Booth R.J.V. Gasfield Bronze Vegreville Kinsmen Golf Club Albert's Family Restaurant Building Century 21 – Kody Kuchik KM – Vegreville Engineering Inc. Speedy Septic Tanks Synergy CPA's Veg Fire & Safety Woodcraft Canada Richardson Pioneer Randy's Bobcat Service Kal Tire / Extreme Clean Truck & Car Wash Tower Plumbing & Heating / Tower Tack & Western Wear Hair Fantasies Vantage Builders Ltd / Rona Bench Show Rotary Club of Vegreville Child Find Bilyk Financial Contributor Vito’s Steak & Pizza Event Sign Lakeland Power Co-op Quest Disposal & Recycling Town of Vegreville Vegreville Insurance Vegreville Liquor Store Vegreville News Advertiser Flash Distributors Ltd. (NAPA) The Brick Walkers Water Systems Heat Sponsor Hayday Fitness Studio Canalta Panels Ltd. Kids Mini Tractor Pulls Deerland Equipment Webb's Machinery Kids Zone McDonalds - Vegreville Mini Banner Veg Auto & Industrial Supply Ltd. Jiffy Lube & Car Wash Bucky's Welding Ltd. Recycle Bins Quest Disposal & Recycling Steps Derek Fox Financial Synergy CPA’s Vegreville Accounting Vegreville Co-op Webb's Machinery Vegreville Mechanical Ltd Vegreville Auto Body Rotary Club of Vegreville Hi-Way Registries Strong Person Competition Snap Fitness Track Sponsor Xtreme Equipment Fireworks Woodwynn Farm Ltd. n Farm Ltd
Novice Horse Riding event. (Michelle Pinon/Photo)
Putting on the brakes in the Steer Wrestling event. (Michelle Pinon/Photo)
Wild Horse Race winners Steve Schlegel, Mark Sawchuk and Orrin Roessler. (Michelle Pinon/Photo)
Members of the Sawchuk family from L-R: Glen, Marcia, Violet, Gloria and Mark. (Michelle Pinon/Photo)