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Vegreville Town Council Approves Servicing of Industrial Area
Town Council Approves Servicing of Industrial Area
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Vegreville town council has authorized the design and engineering for the required infrastructure to service the SE17 Industrial Area Development for up to $618,760.
The unclassified 80-acre parcel of town-owned land which is located east of 43 Street on 51 Avenue. Also located on the property is signage indicating the CHROMTEC Group’s plans for phased development on the property.
The funds that were approved by council at its May 25 council meeting authorizes the design and engineering for the required infrastructure to service the industrial area. Council also approved the transfer of those funds, $618,760 from its Development Fund to its Operating Fund. That transfer was required because it was an unbudgeted expenditure.
The Request For Decision, RFD, from Dale Lefebvre, the Infrastructure, Planning and Development Director, included a break down of the design engineering costs up to tender. Those costs included:
On-site Servicing Design up to Tender $197,780
Off-site Servicing Design up to Tender $168,930
Lift Station Design up to Tender 252,050
The total projected costs add up to $618,760
The RFD also stated, “On-site and off-site servicing design includes survey work, detailed design, and preparation of tender documents and specifications. The lift station design
To date, the town has spent $98,802.