Vegreville News Advertiser - March 16, 2022

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March 16, 2022

Federal Government Seeking Input on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Target

such as working with farmers to encourage broader adoption of new products and implementation of beneficial management practices, resulting in both economic benefits for farmers and environmental benefits for society. An important aspect of Canada’s path toward reaching the target while not compromising crop yields will require ongoing support from industry stakeholders.”

the last few months here. It’s already an Michelle Pinon News Advertiser inflationary environment. The governA new round of consultations has ment needs to do everything possible to been launched by Agriculture and not help feed that inflation.” Agri-Food Canada, (AAFC) in regards An example of this is the current Stockpile of synthetic to how producers and industry stakeprice of fertilizer which has substanfertilizer. holders can help achieve the national tially increased in price. “It’s over Seed Treating Available (Michelle Pinon/Photo) target to reduce greenhouse gas emisdouble since December, 2021. In last sions associated with synthetic fertilizPeas three or four months it’s gone from AAC Carver-early, good lodging resistance ers by 30 percent below 2020 levels by $800 tonne on nitrogen and phosphorus AAC Ardill-high yield, good lodging resistance 2030. to $1,500 tonne.” Typically one tonne would cover CWRS According to a March 9 news release, AAFC will be approximately 14 to 15 acres. AAC Wheatland VB-high yield, improved standibility over Brandon AAC Viewfield-high yield, short strong straw hosting virtual discussions for participants throughThe news release also stated that, “AAFC met with AAC Russell VB-high yield, strong straw out the country to continue the conversation on the producer groups and provincial and territorial partAAC Brandon-good yield, good standability AAC Redberry-early, excellent grade retention emissions reduction target. ners in 2021 to discuss the emissions reduction target Soft White “AAFC will consult with Canadians, including and initiate conversations on how to work together to AAC Paramount VB-yield bump over sadash, producers, processors, Indigenous communities, develop a realistic approach. potential for silage production women in agriculture, youth, environmental organiStakeholders identified important opportunities and Feed Barley CDC Austenson-2 row, high yield short strong straw zations, small and emerging sectors and other stake- challenges for industry which helped inform a Malt Barley holders and partners to develop a path forward.” Discussion Document that will stimulate discussion CDC Churchill-2 row, short, high yield undergoing Darwin Ullery, Director of Agriculture and Utility and lead to a shared understanding of how Canada testing for malt approval Services for the County of Minburn, said they would can reach its 30 percent fertilizer emissions reduction Oats CS Camden-milling oat, short height , good yield be providing input and submitting a letter regarding target. The Discussion Document is now available for Canola the proposal. comment until June 3, 2022. CS 4000LL- mid maturity, clubroot resistant, straight cut option When asked if in the grand scheme of things would AAFC Senior Media Relations Advisor Cameron a 30 percent reduction make a huge difference in Newbigging said, “The target represents desired terms of the environment? Ullery responded by stat- emissions reductions at the sector level, and does not ing, “The industry is known to be a net sequesterer of represent a mandatory reduction in fertilizer emiscarbon, not a net emitter.” sions or use at the farm level. He explained that, “Farm grass, hay, and shelterThe Government of Canada is focused on meeting Dealer for Foremost Fertilizer & Grain Bins and Northstar Forage Seed belts, all remove carbon from the atmothis emissions 5.5 Miles north Scott: 780-581-5693 sphere naturally. I’m just saying, agriculreduction target of Mannville ture as a whole, when you take all parts through a range of Call Greg: 780-787-1246 into consideration is a net sequesterer of policy measures or Visit carbon.” and approaches, Are there any other environmentally friendly options producers can use instead of synthetic fertilizers? “Not really, unless We Take Care of the Harvest! you have a lot of livestock, it’s pretty difficult to do.” CWRS Wheat GROW HEMP Ullery went on to say, “So, our concern AAC Brandon - improved FHB resistance, most is when you reduce fertilizer usage by 30 IN 2022 widely grown CWRS variety in Western Canada percent, you obviously reduce yield.” for 5 years That in turn increases the price of comContact Us modities, which then increases the price AAC Wheatland VB - wheat midge tolerant For More Information: consumers pay for those products. “So, very good lodging resistance this is feeding food inflation. You’ve seen 1 . 8 3 3 . 4 2 2 . H E M P what the price of groceries have done in

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