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COVID-19 Hits Home
COVID-19 Hits Home
Arthur Beaudette and
Michelle Pinon News Advertiser
It did not take long for our world to change.
Officially it was December 31, 2019 when the World Health Organization was alerted to serveral cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, China. This was new. It did not match any other known virus and was unique in many ways. By many accounts, China knew earlier but Dr. Li Wenliang, a 34 year old ophthalmologist was first reprimanded by local police for “spreading rumors” about the illness in late December. Li and other medical professionals tried to warn others, taking to social media because their government stayed silent. As a result Li was summoned in the middle of the night to explain why he went public. He was later forced to sign a statement saying that he took part in “illegal behavior” according to a report by the New York Times.
Things have moved quickly in the time since. Here is a brief timeline: - January 7, 2020, China confirmed COVID-19. - January 15, 2020, the Public Health Agency of Canada activates the Emergency Operation Centre.
- January 22, 2020, Canada implements screening for travellers.
- January 25, 2020, Canada confirms its first case of COVID-19.
- January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization declares the outbreak a public health event of international concern.
- February 9, 2020, Canada expands COVID-19 screening requirements for travellers.
- February 20, 2020, Canada confirms its first case related to travel outside mainland China.
- March 9, 2020, Canada confirms its first death related to COVID-19.
- March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) assessed COVID-19 as a pandemic.
- March 17, 2020, Alberta declares a state of emergency.

If the past 3 months doesn’t seem like things are moving fast, here are some startling facts from the past few days. Saturday, March 14 saw worldwide cases at 126,293. Sunday we were up to 168,958, Monday at 175,982 and as of writing on Tuesday we are at 197,727. The mortality rate has also risen slightly and is now at 7, 953 or 9% of all closed cases. The following web site has a running tally where we got the numbers and infographics. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/coronavirus-cases/
As we have seen, Canada despite our world class healthcare and status as a G7 nation is not immune. COVID-19 is not bound by borders, social status or money.
We have seen classes in schools cancelled or moved 100% online, daycares and out of school programs cancelled and senior’s facilities limiting visitation. Mass gatherings have been restricted and sports leagues from Canadian Minor Hockey to the NHL and NBA have cancelled or put seasons on “pause”.
On March 15 the City of Calgary declared a local state of emergency as have Red Deer and other Municipalities. Ontario and Alberta have done the same with Premier Jason Mr. Kenney telling reporters “Decisive action is needed, and we are taking that action.”
In some nations entire provinces or even countries are locking down and instating mandatory quarantine’s for citizens much like we saw early on in Wuhan. Travel bans have swept the globe and morphed into a bit of a titfor-tat when the US banned travel from Europe. This too has ramped up quickly with most countries closing their borders to some degree to foreigners.
Governments and financial institutions are also scrambling. From aid packages to various attempts to stem the damage on the global economy announcements are coming quickly. Jason Kenny announced $500 million in funding to ensure front-line health care professionals have the tools they need for testing, surveillance and treatment of patients.
In Vegreville, Members of Vegreville town council met with senior administration and the emergency management team on March 16. Mayor Time MacPhee stated that, “All the services that we provide to residents, water, sewer and everything will be the same.”
MacPhee said the town is not laying off any of its employees. “We’re try monitor staff so we don’t need to send people home if we don’t need to. They (management) have gone over a few scenarios and we’re happy with that. They do have a back-up plan for public works that if people started getting sick they would keep water and sewer going with half the staff.
We did confirm today Vegreville Senior Housing and Homestead Lodge they’re all in shutdown right now.

We are waiting for some information from Alberta Health regarding the screening centre that is not open yet. We were told last week it was going to be open and now we’re looking at probably Wednesday.”
MacPhee added, “What I really want is the screening centre to open and that anyone from this area that needs to be tested can go there and get their minds put at ease. Please, everybody just take your time. Do what’s best for your own family and your community. I’ll never stop saying, be a part of the solution. Don’t make up a bunch of stuff. Everybody let’s try to pull together here. All do our best to get through this and we will get through this.”
Our world will continue to change in the coming weeks and months. 2020 will be like nothing any of us have ever experienced; we are at a defining moment in history. Like other similar moments in history, it is important for us to use the resources at hand and stay positive. This event will test our resolve and as we have seen with some events this can bring out the best, or the worst in people.
We will continue to bring you updates and report on the facts as they become available.