Vegreville News Advertiser - May 4, 2022

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VOL. 75 NO. 18

WEDNESDAY,, May 4, 2022 WEDNESDAY 75 YEARS OF SERVING THE COMMUNIT Y The Only Locally Owned News & Adver tising Media in Vegreville .

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Michelle Pinon News Advertiser Gord Bamford stands as one of the most decorated artists in Canadian country music with an impressive 26 Canadian Country Music Association (CCMA) awards, multi JUNO nominations and the only two-time winner of Nashville’s Country Music Association (CMA) Global Country Artist of

gord bamford - CONTINUED ON PAGE 15


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See page 19 for story

See page 20 for story



News Advertiser

May 4, 2022

WHAT’S INSIDE Agriculture............... 12-13 Business........................... 5 Classifieds..................... 14 Community.............. 10-11 Employment............. 10-11 Family............................ 18 Letters........................... 19 Marketplace.................. 17 Notices.......................... 10 Real Estate.................... 19 Tributes.................... 16-17 Upcoming.....................7-9

Beaver County Welcomes New CAO Page 8

Joyce Stewart Hounoured Page 12

4-DAY WEATHER Thurs. 20°C

Fri. 17°C

Sat. 15°C

Sun. 9°C


LOTTERY NUMBERS Friday, April 29, 2022

8 9 19 32 37 46 48



Check page 4 for our team, flyers, auctions, real estate and more.

RCMP files from April 25 – May 1 Arthur Beaudette News Advertiser April 25 09:01 – Report of theft of lumber over the weekend from a Vegreville business. The complainant reported that two individuals, one with a bicycle and a trailer were involved. The suspects entered the yard through a fence and proceeded to steal lumber. CCTV being reviewed. Investigation is ongoing. 15:19 – Report from an area school of mischief. The report involves individuals who made a fake account online and used it to distribute misleading information about another individual. 15:35 – Along with additional traffic enforcement in the area, a traffic stop was conducted in Vegreville. The member on patrol noticed a driver using a cellular phone while driving. A ticket holding a voluntary penalty of $300 was issued. Another ticket with a VP of $243 was also issued for no providing a certificate of registration. Other infractions during enforcement included speeding, equipment violations and more cell phone tickets. 20:05 – Members followed up on a request from Two Hills RCMP regarding a charge of vehicle theft on a 36-year-old male from Vegreville. The subject was also on release conditions to not be at the residence where he was found which resulted in additional charges for breach of undertaking. The suspect was later released with additional documents for court. 23:46 – Report of a male trying to get into a residence where the homeowner did not want the person there due to his intoxication. Members attended the Mundare residence and soon after located the 37-year-old male from Manitoba in an alley and highly intoxicated. He was arrested for public intoxicated and provided a warm, safe place to sober up. April 26 10:46 – Report of a suspicious vehicle driving by a rural Lamont County residence and stopping to take pictures. The caller provided a license plate and members followed up with the registered owner who indicated that they were an avid wildlife photographer and were in the area taking pictures of wildlife. April 27 12:13 – Report of theft of a cell phone. Members spoke with both parties involved and determined that the cell phone had been leant to the other party and not returned. Members were able to mediate

the matter and the cell phone was returned to the complainant. 13:29 – Report of a break and enter to a rural abandoned property in Minburn County north of Ranfurly. Members discussed the ongoing issue with the complainant and suggested options moving forward. 14:20 – Report of fraud where the complainant’s bank account was used to make unauthorized transactions in excess of $10,000. Under investigation. 15:03 – Report of mischief at a Mundare residence where a family member was throwing things in the house. Members attended and mediated the situation where the root cause was the subject of the complaint not taking prescribed medication. Members convinced the subject to take their meds and that was to the satisfaction of the complainant. 15:19 – Traffic enforcement by traffic services in the Vegreville area. Multiple tickets for speeding were handed out along with one individual stopped in Vegreville receiving four tickets. The 33-year-old male from the Vegreville area driving a gray GMC Sierra was provided the following: failing to provide certificate of registration, (VP of $243), failing to wear a seatbelt, (VP of $162), failing to provide operators license, (VP of $243) and failing to provide proof of insurance, (VP of $243). 16:43 – Report of an unwanted dog in the complainant’s yard attacking their dog. Members attended and found the large dog on the property but observed it attempting to make friends with the other dog. The unwanted visitor was secured and taken to a local animal shelter. 17:30 – Report of a break and enter to a rural property near Lavoy. The incident occurred the week prior and was not noticed until later. A garage and the home were broken into through man doors. Items taken included hand tools, a small welder and other items. Under investigation. 19:16 – Traffic stop conducted by traffic services on Hwy 16 near Mundare. A 35-year-old female from Edmonton driving a silver BMW sedan was provided the following tickets: speeding, (VP of $175), driving while suspended, (mandatory court), driving without registration, ($324) and driving an uninsured vehicle on the highway, (mandatory court). 19:33 – 911 call to report a male yelling on the street in Vegreville. Members attended and found a 41-year-old male highly intoxicated and disturbing the peace. He was arrested for public intoxi-

cation and lodged in cells until sober. April 28 05:31 – Report of a family member not taking their medication who left the house screaming down the street. Members attended and found the subject of the complaint near the home in a vehicle watching videos. Members convinced the subject to take their medication and the subject agreed. 14:29 – Report of a break and enter to a rural property in Lamont County near Mundare. Windows were smashed and a gold mirror was stolen. Under investigation. 17:31 – Report of theft while someone was moving their belongings out of a Vegreville apartment. While transporting belongings an unknown individual took a bin from the complainant’s car containing dishes and other household items. April 29 21:40 – Members responded to a call regarding neighbours who were having a dispute. Both parties were spoken to and despite everyone agreeing they would leave the others alone, the dispute continues. April 30 13:26 – 911 report of a workplace accident where a male was hanging “limp” from a power line. Member attended and it was determined that ATCO was doing a training exercise and the male was in fact a “dummy” used in the training. May 1 10:58 – Traffic enforcement in the town of Vegreville by Traffic Services. Multiple tickets including speeding, seat belt, window tint, failing to provide documents, equipment violations and others were issued. 11:28 – Report of theft of items from the Vegreville Agricultural grounds following an event. Items included tools, a pressure washer and an air compressor. Under investigation. 16:35 – Members attended along with Fire and EMS to the scene of a motorcycle accident on 50th street in Vegreville. The rider lost control after avoiding another vehicle. The rider is currently in hospital and the matter is under investigation. During the week there were 81 calls for service made in total including: 1 false alarm, 2 false 911s, 2 animal strikes, 4 wellbeing check, 10 calls under the Mental Health Act or related to mental health and approximately 14 tickets from traffic enforcement.

Have questions about the blotter? Reach out to us at and we will do our best to provide answers to your queries.

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May 4, 2022

Lamont Firefighter Longest Serving in Canadian History


Top Row L-R: Lt. Daniel Bowman, District Chief Shayne Milliken, Lamont Chief Scott Calder, Lamont Deputy Chief Russel Scott, Lamont Assistant Chief John Helton and Lt. Christopher Greening. Bottom Row L-R: Lamont Captain Kevin Price, Lamont Assistant Deputy Chief Bob Mitchell and Lamont Captain Andrew McDonald. (Lamont County/Submitted Photo)

Michelle Pinon News Advertiser Bob Mitchell is now the longest serving firefighter in Canadian history! The milestone achievement was reached in early April with Lamont County firefighter having completed over 25,773 days of service, (approx. 70.5 years). That surpassed Walter Thomas of the Fort Saskatchewan Fire Department. As one of the founding members of the Lamont Fire Department, Mitchell’s involvement dates back as long as the history of the department itself. “This is an amazing achievement. We owe Bab a debt of gratitude for what has, quite literally, been a lifetime of public service to the Town of Lamont, Lamont County and surrounding areas,” said Lamont County

Regional Fire Chief Shayne Milliken. “Bob remains active with within the Lamont fire station to this day, and still attends nearly every weekly training night,” noted Milliken. He describes Bob as a “true inspiration” and said, “I am truly honoured to work alongside Bob for what can only be described as a snippet of his long service history.” Milliken first met Bob at a training session in Lamont 13 years ago. “I recall, clearly, that he was incredibly welcoming and had the most classic fire service moustaches I had ever seen. Bob is the only surviving original member of the Lamont Fire Department, and on September 12, 2021, the fire hall was renamed in his honour. At that time he was 89 years of age.




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News Advertiser

May 4, 2022


Just Transition or Just... Empty Promises?

5110 - 50 Street Box 810 Vegreville, AB T9C 1R9 Phone 780-632-2861 Fax 780-632-7981 Toll Free 1-800-522-4127

Arthur Beaudette


9,401 PUBLICATION AGREEMENT # 40790520 The Vegreville News Advertiser Ltd. is an independently owned newspaper featuring the best news and the best buys in the area. Published every Wednesday at Vegreville, Alberta by The Vegreville News Advertiser Ltd.

The Vegreville News Advertiser Ltd. has a total market coverage by mail and carriers to every home in 25 communities and rack distribution in ohters.

Daniel Beaudette Publisher/Advertising/Special Promotions

Arthur Beaudette General Manager

Albina Beaudette Accounting

News Advertiser – Opinion $2 billion. That’s a lot of money by anyone’s standards. Well, almost anyone. There are few of the world’s richest who may not look at it the same as the rest of us, but in the real world, those nine zeros are significant. What can $2 billion buy? We can look at it with a number of comparisons. At a minimum of around $9 billion, you can’t quite buy an entire nuclear submarine. Some numbers peg an F-35 Joint Strike Fighter at around $110 million, so let’s say you could get 18 of those. SpaceX will shoot your stuff into space on a Falcon 9 rocket for $62 million, so you could do that a whopping 32 times. At $200,000 a pop, the highly anticipated Chevrolet Zora Corvette, (pumping out 1,000-plus hp) your $2 billion goes a lot further allowing you and 9,999 of your closest friends to get your very own supercar. Now if you are the Liberals, $2 billion will buy a lot of promises. Leading up to the 2021 election, the federal Liberals pledged $2 billion towards a “Futures Fund” to provide for economic diversification and development of clean energy in the coming decade. This aid is to ensure what is known as a “Just Transition.” This $2 billion is following previous plans dating as far back as 2015 when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau began making climate pledges. Now, these promises have a fancy name, and most likely a very expensive PR package with full social media department.

Amber Yarochuk Receptionist/Office Assistant

Data Entry Clerk/Office Assistant

Larry Ruptash Advertising/Special Promotions

Craig Horon Advertising/Special Promotions

Michelle Pinon Reporter

Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent

There are a number of definitions of “Just Transition” but they all hold the same general premise. Find a way to move to a netzero, (no carbon) economy and do it in a just and equitable way so that everyone wins. Simple enough… no? We are a little over six months into things, (since the last promise), so we can’t be too quick to judge; but how are we doing so far? The federal auditor general’s office has released a report that is less than flattering on how “just” this transition is going. The report is one of five on the environment and sustainable development. It is dry read if you like that sort of thing, but the subtitle of the report states, “Transition to a low-carbon economy shows insufficient government preparation to support affected workers and communities.” Throughout the report we find sections entitled: “No formal governance structure. No measuring and monitoring system,” along with similar indicators of no plan and no execution. Plans were delayed and then put on hold repeatedly due to COVID and…an election. In one section on federal commitments, the report pointed out that of ten commitments made, the government delivered on four of them. Forty percent. Success… if you are an MLB batter. In the real world, some voices are putting numbers to the results of failing to plan. An Alberta government spokesperson stated that in 2017 there were approximately 1,100 coal workers in the province. As of December 2021, it was estimated that there were 331. Simple math… around 60 percent reduction. Parkland County, where Wabamun is situated, has lost $217 million in assessment value since 2018 and believes another $1 billion to be in jeopardy. Job losses both direct and indirect are so far at more than 1,400. I’m not seeing any “transition” here. For anyone who has not noticed, the world is also NOT cutting back on fossil fuels. The first quarter of 2022 saw Imperial Oil post a $1.17 billion profit and Russia grosses almost $1 billion every day from energy sales. A 2022 forecast for global crude oil consumption pegs us at 99.4 percent of pre-pandemic levels with continued increases to at least 2026. At the same time, Canada’s Natural Resources Minister, Jonathan Wilkinson, who heads up this debacle was at the helm when Ottawa officially rejected Energie Saguenay LNG in Quebec. A project that would have been capable of shipping significant quantities of natural gas to Europe. In the month that followed, we witnessed Russia invade Ukraine while using energy as another weapon in their arsenal. Last week federal environment commissioner Jerry DeMarco released a report on the “Just Transition” in which he stated that since 2015, “They’ve noticed they had to work on this and it’s disappointing to see how slowly they’ve been working.” It’s the pandemic of course. While most of us managed to get things done, it seems some on the federal payroll with the benefits and pension that goes with, were paralyzed by the need to work from home. Not even a plan. It’s mind boggling. DeMarco compared the impending energy sector doom and

Just transition - CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 Name: Dawson Glowatsky Occupation: store owner Likes: pizza, diesels, my girlfriend Dislikes: spiders, icy roads 2017 Advertising & Editorial Excellence Award Winner



One role of the Vegreville News Advertiser is to promote dialogue on various issues of concern to area residents. We accomplish this by welcoming Letters to the Editor and allowing various issues to be debated through our pages. All letters must contain the writer's name, address and phone number, along with writer's signature and photo I D. Anonymous letters will not be printed. The Vegreville News Advertiser Ltd. reserves the right to edit letters for length (recommended length is 150 words), clarity, spelling and grammar, taste or for reasons of potential libel. The Vegreville News Advertiser Ltd. will publish letters without bias, but reserves the right to withhold letters from publication.

-NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT - All rights reserved, entire contents copyright by The Vegreville News Advertiser Ltd. Reproduction of editorial material or advertisements in whole or in part is forbidden without prior written permission by the publisher. -AGREEMENT - It is agreed by the advertiser that The Vegreville News Advertiser Ltd. will not be responsible for errors or omissions and will not be liable for any amount exceeding the space contracted for and then only the portion in which such error appeared. The Vegreville News Advertiser Ltd. is a family oriented community newspaper and therefore reserves the right to refuse any advertisement that in our opinion does not fit our focus. We cannot accept advertisements criticizing or disparaging other advertisements, firms, or individuals or any advertisements directed to a specific race or religion. The views of individuals expressed in The Vegreville News Advertiser Ltd. are not necessarily those of the publisher.

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Page 18

AUCTIONS FEATURED IN THIS ISSUE: Allen B. Olson - Page 7 Andruchow - Page 7 Double D - Page 9 Ed Prodaniuk - Page 9

REAL ESTATE Century 21 ALTA Page 19 Remax ELITE, Laura Danilak Page 19


May 4, 2022

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5038 - 50 Avenue Vegreville Alberta T9C 1S1



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Entrepreneur Gives Andrew Lodge a New Lease on Life

Dan's Quote of The Week

Owner Sandy Dunn outside the lodge. Below: Crew installing a new pool table. (Michelle Pinon/Photos)

Michelle Pinon News Advertiser Entrepreneur Sandy Dunn was looking for an investment property online when he landed on a listing for Andrew Lodge. The senior citizens assisted living facility had been closed since 2018, but Dunn thought it would be a great investment and jumped at the chance to purchase the 15,000 square foot facility that was previously operated by the Lamont County Housing Foundation and owned by Alberta Seniors Housing. The announcement to close the facility came on August 10 2018. Foundation Chair Bill Skinner said it was not an easy decision, but the board had not been successful in trying to turn around the financial situation of the lodge for a couple of years. At the time there were only eight residents living in the 24 unit facility. Dunn saw the potential and purchased the former lodge in September of 2020. Now, he is ready to welcome new seniors to the facility. He has been busy in recent months painting, installing LED lighting and getting the equipment back up and running.

Dunn said there are 28 rooms, four of which are self-contained units, which are available for rent. Several weeks he put up a vacancy sign offering “immediate occupancy” for lodge accommodation on the four and a half acre property which has already generated quite an interest. He said there are many advantages to rural living and knows of people who could benefit from residing in the lodge that is for people 55 plus. “I want to build a community here,” said Dunn. Part of his vision is to offer meals and activities for everyone in the community to partake in. There is a fitness area, pool table, computers, and plenty of outdoor space for recreational activities. Computer literacy, games and movie nights, gardening are just a few of the things he’d like to be able to offer. He’s taking a holistic approach so people can benefit physically, mentally and emotionally. Dunn said he previously owned a fitness centre and holds degrees in counselling and agriculture and food science. The combination of education, expertise and experience will be invaluable as he embarks on this new chapter of his life, and the lives of other people who decide to call Andrew Lodge home.

“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.” —Henry Ford



News Advertiser

May 4, 2022

from the pages of the vegreville observer Compiled


Dan Beaudette

90 Years Ago – May 4, 1932

Burn’s new creamery opened the middle of this week at the old Oakleaf Dairy Site, opposite the Thomas Garage. The creamery is now housed in a splendid new building erected by C. Gordon this spring and as yet uncompleted, so far as the outside finish is concerned. The interior, however, presents a pleasant view with the new and modern equipment and sanitary surroundings. Vilna Prosyiscjomoa School in the Wahstao district, seven miles south of Bellis, was burned to the ground Tuesday night. It is believed that the fire was of incendiary origin. Some of the children will be accommodated at the Wahstao mission school. Monday’s Chamber of Commerce meeting was enlivened by a plea from President Chas. Gordon that the members give the Chamber a little more support. Attendance at the last few meetings had fallen off and Mr. Gordon asked that in the future more evidence of industry be displayed by the Chamber members. Chas. Gordon is constructing an office and warehouse for the Canadian Oils Ltd. who are opening a distribution station here. The site of the old D.R. Davis elevator is being used for the purpose.

75 Years Ago – May 7, 1947

On April 28th, the five-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson of Minburn was awarded the much coveted first prize in the Robin Hood Flour contest held across the Dominion, in the six year old and under class. The Innisfree music festival was held on May 1st and was a decided success; even the weather man cooperated, the day was beautiful. Seven schools participated with one hundred and forty entries and two hundred and sixteen participants. The schools were Hillock, Lampburg, Beatty, Primrose, Aplomb, Ranfurly and Innisfree. A consignment of seven head of Canadian pure bred registered Southdown rams was recently shipped to New Zealand. On arrival there, the rams were sold by auction at an average price of about $510.00. The Alberta Gazette of April 30th contains notices of the following appointments: Commissioner for Oaths: Charles Semrad of Hairy Hill; William A. Mandrusiak of Morecambe; Mike Rurka of Inland; Lyell Ferguson Cogland and Edward Fleming of Vegreville; John E. Semotiuk of Norma; Charles Ewasiuk of Kaleland; Walter John Horon of Ranfurly; Joseph Fred Lyazanchuk of Musidora; Oscar Auguste Coucher of Ryley.

50 Years Ago – May 4, 1972

The annual meeting of the Vegreville Figure Skating Club was well attended last Wednesday night when Don Bates was unanimously elected to the office of President. An employee of A.G.T., Don has always shown a keen interest in the Figure Skating Club in our community. The Andrew Community was in the spotlight on the occasion of the celebration of Twenty-fifth charter night of the Andrew Lions Club. Over 400 Lions and ladies congregated in the community centre, some from as far away as Calgary. The Andrew Club under the stewardship of president Alex Skoreiko dug through records, visited clubs and wrote letters to all the original charter members and arranged for the banquet, program and dance. The Vegreville Fish and Game Association is assisting in petitioning the provincial government to change the law respecting the use of minnows in fishing. The association hopes to have the law rescinded and legalize the use of dead minnows for bait. The use of minnows is not to be confused with the use of fingerlings of fry of game fish for bait. Senga Mia, 5 year old mare of Jim Cairns in Vegreville is a pacer and has been officially timed at a respectable 2:10 for the half mile. Mr. Cairns has been training the horse for the past winter and will enter the first race meet of the season at Westlock in the latter part of May.

25 Years Ago – May 6, 1997

Sgt. Neil Lowes of the Vegreville RCMP and Mayor Dave Kucherawy were on hand at Subway on Wednesday for Victims Services Day. Subway and the volunteers raised $479.00 for the Crisis Association of Vegreville. A group of west-end residents want the town to build the new emergency services building in another part of town. Roughly a dozen residents appeared before Vegreville town council at its meeting Monday night to express their concerns about the town’s proposal to build the facility on the southwest corner of Maple Street and 55th Avenue. Jim Ewanchuk, one of the residents cited traffic congestion and a large number of pedestrians and cyclists along Maple Street as one reason for his objection. Members of Vegreville’s town council collected $114,894.00 in fees and expenses during 1996, according to the towns audited financial statement. Mayor Dave Kucherawy took home $20,720.00 in fees and another $3,557.00 in expenses. Council fees and expenses made up 1.7 per cent of the town’s 1996 municipal budget.

Letters Welcomed

One role of the Vegreville News Advertiser is to promote dialogue on various issues of concern to area residents. We accomplish this by welcoming Letters to the Editor and allowing various issues to be debated through our pages. All letters must contain the writer’s name, address and phone number. Anonymous letters will not be printed, however the writer’s name may be withheld from publication in special circumstances deemed appropriate by the Publisher. The Vegreville News Advertiser reserves the right to edit letters for length, clarity, spelling and grammar, taste or for reasons of potential libel. A maximum of 150 words is preferred. The Vegreville News Advertiser reserves the right to withhold letters from publication.

The High Price of falling Prey to Cancel Culture Gerry Chidiac Troy Media Columnist The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines ‘cancel culture’ as “the practice or tendency of engaging in mass cancelling as a way of expressing disapproval and exerting social pressure.” This is nothing new; we see numerous examples of what we now call cancel culture in history. Society cancelled people it disapproved of during witch hunts. The aristocracy was brutally cancelled during the French Revolution. During the Cold War, many were unjustly accused of being communists. It’s difficult to find a time in history when cancelling didn’t happen. In the age of social media, we’ve seen a new era of cancel culture emerge. We still use one-word definitions to confine those we disagree with, no matter where we lie on the political spectrum, but the most stinging and damning accusations today seem to come from the far-left. This topic has been studied thoroughly by John McWhorter of Columbia University, who has published the book Woke Racism. He uses the example of Leslie Neal-Boylan, the former head of nursing at the University of Massachusetts, to illustrate his point. She stated that not only do black lives matter, all lives matter in health care. She wasn’t against the Black Lives Matter movement; she was pointing out the importance of equality for all in her field, regardless of race. She was trying to acknowledge the frequent mistreatment of blacks in the health-care system, but that didn’t seem to matter to her accusers. NealBoylan’s career was derailed and she was cancelled. This is a case where cancel culture not only resulted in a competent person being fired from their job but did nothing to improve the health-care system in the United States. It can even be argued that it made things worse by stifling honest dialogue. There’s an alternative to being cancelled, but it has a price. Beginning in 2016, Jordan Peterson, a professor

of Psychology at the University of Toronto, was met with protests wherever he went because he expressed concern over the impact of Bill C-16, which amended the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code with regard to gender expression and gender identity. He was labelled a misogynist and a sexist; he was called transphobic and even a Nazi. Peterson refused to be defined by these terms and sought opportunities to debate and argue his perspectives in a respectful manner. It turns out that Peterson isn’t a right-wing extremist nor a hatemonger: He’s an intellectual who values free speech and honest dialogue. He demonstrates that we can respectfully disagree with one another. This is precisely the type of discourse that’s needed to solve the complex problems faced by the world in 2022. We all benefit from honest discourse. The challenge is that these discussions require a certain amount of patience and humility. There’s not a person who walks the Earth who has a complete understanding of the truth. Acknowledging that one may be wrong is not a sign of weakness; it’s a demonstration of wisdom. By engaging in discourse, we’re able to move forward as a society in the best way possible. When challenged in an honest debate, those who embrace hateful, dishonest and overly simplistic views will either be debunked or begin trying to intimidate those who disagree with them. Cancel culture plays right into the wheelhouse of angry, fearful, manipulative and insecure people by shutting down honest discussion. This is a truth that we who consume media must be mindful of. We live in an imperfect world inhabited by imperfect beings. If we’re accountable to ourselves in seeking truth, if we’re honest and humble with one another, we will find the answers to the problems we face. No one needs to be cancelled, and those who reject this ideal will end up cancelling themselves. Troy Media columnist Gerry Chidiac specializes in languages, genocide studies and works with at-risk students. He is the recipient of an award from the Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre for excellence in teaching about the Holocaust.

Every time a newspaper dies, even a bad one, the country moves a little closer to authoritarianism... - Richard Kluger -

News Advertiser PAGE 7


May 4, 2022

Mother’s Day: 5 Gift Ideas for a Tight Budget Do you want to express your love for your mom on Mother’s Day but have a limited budget? Here are five gifts your mom will love that won’t break the bank. 1. Kitchen torch. This affordable kitchen accessory is perfect for browning the cheese on French onion soup or the fluffy white peaks on a lemon meringue pie. 2. Novels and non-fiction books. If your mom loves to read, why not gift her the latest bestseller, a timeless classic or a non-fiction book on something she’s passionate about? 3. Essential oil diffuser bracelet. Your mom can enjoy the benefits of essential oils wherever she goes, be it the relaxing scent of lavender or the refreshing

aroma of lemon. 4. Heated slippers. Gifting your mom a pair of microwave-safe slippers will help her relax and unwind after a long day. These slippers will also keep her feet toasty warm in the winter. 5. Plantable greeting card. If your mom enjoys gardening, buy her a greeting card with seeds embedded within the paper. Whenever she likes, she can bury the card and watch your good wishes transform into magnificent flowers. Remember that when buying a gift for Mother’s Day, it’s the thought that counts!

Just transition - CONTINUED from PAGE 4 gloom to the 1990’s cod fishery shutdown. When the feds did that, one in seven jobs in Newfoundland and Labrador simply disappeared. Yet… there’s no plan for the energy transition. The federal government seems intent on killing yet another “golden goose,” and putting at risk 11 per cent of Canada’s total GDP. My first thought was, “How could this be happening?” No... I’m kidding. I’m no fortune teller, but like a vast number of others, this was as obvious as a train coming at you in a tunnel. I don’t need

to list off all the “sunny ways” or the dreamy ideas coming out of Ottawa, but as the old maxim goes, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail” - Benjamin Franklin. Of course, there have been committees, meetings, surveys and lots of plans to make plans to have more meetings, but clearly the government is perfectly happy with a just transition that is simply JUST... PROMISES. Tell me what you think. Email me at

Outstanding Acreage/Hobby Farm Auction for Daryl & Lorraine Bazin - Bon Accord, AB

DIRECTIONS: 24410 Twp. Rd. 564 being West of Bon Accord on Highway 28 to Sec. 803 & North 2 ½ Mi. to Twp. Rd 564 & West 1 ¼ Miles.

SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2022 at 10:00 AM Note: Sale Preview on Friday, May 13 (12 Noon- 4 P.M.)

Plan to attend this very clean sale with quality goods on offer. Expect many additional goods. Property has been sold. All items must be removed by Tuesday, May 17th 5 P.M. Sale Terms: Full settlement day of sale by cash, or cheque w/bank reference if unknown to staff. No credit Cards, debit or credit card cheques. 5% G.S.T. charged where applicable. No Buyers Premium. Please inspect all items prior to bidding. All items Sell-AsIs with no warranties or guaranties as to description or condition. All Sales are Final. Neither Owners or Auction Firm are responsible for accidents on/off property. Once an item is sold, it becomes the sole responsibility of the purchaser. Listings are subject to additions and or deletions.

3 Pt. Tractor & 3 Pt. Equip. & Major Items Sell @ 1-1:30 P.M. **J.D. 5103 2 W.D. 3 Pt. Tractor w/Fact. 512 F.E.L. & 6’ Bucket, ROPS, 2025 Hrs., Shedded, 1 Owner, Mint #SN PY5103U012058 *Frontier J.D. Pallet Fork, 1 Owner * Older 5’ Inland Snow Blower Model SA73 *5’ King Cutter Brush Mower, 1 Owner, Model L60-40PY *5’ Buhler Rototiller, Like New Model 2560 *7’ Farm King Turf Mower, 1 Owner Like New Model 755 *Rear Bale Fork *7’ Custom Made Snow Blade *I.H.C. 3 Bottom Plow Antique 3 pt. Tractor Rare For Collector & Restoration: *1953 EIA Fordson Major w/Gas, All New Rubber, Wheel Weights, Rebuilt Radiator, New Fuel Pump, Not Running *Tractor Chains Sold Sep. Other Equip. & Trailers: *Cockshutt 311 Side Del. Rake*3 Sect. Drawbar & Harrows *5 Diamond Harrows *J.D.#11 7’ T. Type Mower, Hyd.*6’ Brush Mower; No Gear Box *16’ S.W.S. T. Axle Car Hauler w/Sides 3500 lb. axles SN/4P5CF16241017208 *4’X8’ Util. Trailer, Custom Made w/Ramp; No Vin Side by Side, Motorcycle & Quad (All Shedded, V. nice): * 2014 Polaris Ranger Side by Side 570 EFI w/ Snowplow, Winch, Roof, 1/2 Windscreen, Brush Guard, Fabric Doors, Gun Rack & 1 Case, 1 Owner, Like New, Acreage Use Only, 158 Miles, S/N#4XARH57A9EE234084 *1982 Honda Goldwing Interstate w/91,500 km, 4 cyl, 1100 CC SN#1HFSC0218CA208606, 2nd Owner *1984 Honda 250 2WD, 2nd Owner Vehicle: *2006 Ford Escape XLT w/6 cyl., 253,000 km., 1 Owner, Runs, some rust SN#1FMYU93156KD00822 Yard & Related (Selling @ 10 A.M. Various Order, Brief & Partial Listing) *J.D. #D120 R/Mower w/42” Deck, Rear Baggers, 308 Hrs., 1 Owner *Elec. Wood Splitter (1 Owner) *Approx. 3 Cords of Split Poplar Camp Fire Wood * Stihl M.S. 290 Chain Saw w/ Case, 1 Owner *Lincoln AC DC 220 Welder *15”X28” Snap On Tool Box; Like New *Waterloo 22”X3’ Tool Box, Like New *Brand New Insect Fogger in Box *Quant. Power Tools *Honda 160 cc Power Washer w/2800 P.S.I. *(10) 5’X10’ Livestock Panels *(3) Grey 5’X10’ Livestock Panels *Various Water Tanks *(2) Dog Kennels *Cattle Head Gate *Chicken Plucker, Heat Lamps, Feeders, Etc. *3 Pallets of Bricks & Masonary *Garbage Incinerator *Plastic & Metal Truck Tool Boxes *(11) Blue 40 Gal. Rain Barrels *Mag Pie Cage *Coyotte Snares, Gopher & Mole Traps, Goose & Duck Decoys *Etc. *Commercial Warehouse H. Duty Shelving w/Racks(2) 9’X3’ (5) 3’X15’ *Tire & Rims *Husqvarna 26” Rototiller *Southland 8” Rototiller *1/2 lift of Stove pellets *Husquvarna 322c Gas Weed Trimmer *Coleman 3000 OHV Gen Set *New Rd. Baler Twine *Scaffolding *12 Volt Agri Fab. T. Type 25 Gal. Yard Sprayer *Lawn Dump Trailer 32”X2’X12” High *Rubbermaid Large Wheel Barrel *Lee Valley Metal Garden Wagon *Various Garden tools & Related *Various Tarps *Some Horse Tack *Elect. Fencer, Insulators, Fence Picketts & Plyers *Extension Cords *Quant. Fence Posts * 2’ & 6’ Military Grade Pickets *New Rolls Barbed Wire *20 Treated 10’ Fence Rails *Plywood * Curt E16 5th Wheel Hitch w/ Pins & Rails *Reeses Load Leveling Hitch w/ 2 5/8” Ball * Custom Built RV Generator Mount * 50 Amp RV Surge Protector * 2 Rolls of Erosion Blanket, 100 sq. Each *Plus Numerous Common Acreage & Farm Goods, Etc. Antiques: *Wooden Trunk *H.T. Cream Separator *Wardrobe Dresser Frame *Fan*Elect. Singer Sewing Machine *White Kitchen Hutch*R.C.A.F. Desk *Wardrobe *Radio *Record Player *Tonka Trucks, Etc. *Dresser & Mirror *Coffee Tables *Wooden Benches *Black Stove *Etc. Households & Related: (Sell Just Before Major Items, Good Quality) *50” Flatscreen T.V. *Leather Ottoman *Ikea Chair *Cedar Stereo Chest * Exercise Bike *Lamps *Treadmill *Wooden Chairs *7’ Christmas Tree w/ LED Lites *7.5’ Leather Couch *Cedar Chest *Bar Fridge *White 18.2 Cu. Ft G.E. Fridge (64” high) * 6 Cu. Ft. Frigidaire Upright Freezer, 1 Year Old, Like New *Broil King Barbeque; Propane *Stainless Steel Table *Planters *Solar Lamp Post Planter *patio Set *Table & Hutch & 4 Chairs *Arm Chair & Stool *Wall Unit *Book Shelves *Various Camping Goods Etc. DISCLAIMER: Announcement: Information contained herein is presented on behalf of the seller. Andruchow Auctions Ltd., agent for the seller, cannot guarantee the information to be correct or assume the liabilities for errors and omissions. All lines drawn on maps are approximate. Buyers should verify the information to their own satisfaction. Any announcements made from the auction block on day of auction will take precedence over any matter of print and will be final.

A N D R U C H O W A U C T I O N S LT D . (Licensed & bonded since 1974 )

License #193828

Auctioneer; Dennis J. Andruchow Phone:/Fax: 1-780-456-1210 • 16135-99 St. Edmonton, AB Cell: 780-918-8285 Website:

Garage Sale!!! Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church 5705 51 Street, Vegreville

Thur. May 12: 12 noon – 7 pm Fri. May 13: 9 am – 7 pm Sat. May 14: 8 am – 3 pm


Vegreville and District Minor Hockey Annual General Meeting May 4, 2022 at 7:45 pm Upstairs at the Wally Fedun Arena

Summer Machinery Consignment Auction Hwy #16 East, Alberta - Online Auctions Toll Free 1-855-783-0556

Selling equipment to all four Western provinces and the Northern USA. Listings are now being accepted for our Summer Machinery Consignment Auctions being held at our Rimbey & Hwy #16 East Locations

Hwy #16 East Sales Yard - June 3rd to 7th Location: Hwy #16 & Rge Rd 185 (1 Mile East of Hwy 834) - South Side of the Road Phone: (780) 208-2508 Office or Aaron Olson - (403) 913-9644 Norm Hill - (780) 903-6199 or Terry Skiftun (780) 632-1774

We are now accepting consignments for this Sale. Any items prelisted by May 3rd will be included in our Sales Posters, Newspaper & Radio Advertising, Web Page, Social Media and extensive mailing lists. Listings Include a Dispersals for Marshall Maydanski of Chipman, Alberta & Greg Sebree of Vegreville, Alberta Whether you have one piece or a complete line of Machinery give Aaron a call at (403) 913-9644 or Allen at (403) 783-0556 to discuss the best option for you to realize top dollars.

Allen B. Olson Auction Service Ltd. Rimbey Office - 403-843-2747 - Toll Free - 1-855-783-0556 Hwy #16 East Office - 780-208-2508

Rimbey & Hwy #16 East, Alberta - License No. 165690 Email: - Website:



News Advertiser

May 4, 2022

Beaver County Hires Chief Administrative Officer

GARAGE SALE Tons of Tools (large & small) Furniture & Household

SATURDAY MAY 7, 2022 9 AM - 4 PM

5128 - 51 Ave. Innisfree Mundare Town Wide

Garage Sale May 7 9:00am - 4:00pm Maps Available at the Fire Hall 4912-50 Ave

ATM Service

Permanent, Seasonal & Event Placements Available

Our local technicians monitor each and every machine to ensure maximum uptime for your location.

Call: 1800-663-5957

ing and cooperating. Michelle Pinon News Advertiser Caring is a basic fundamenKayleena Spiess began her tal all people should possess. official duties with Beaver Council and Administration County during council’s are in the business of providApril 19 regular meeting. ing a quality of life for the Spiess said her first few ratepayers of Beaver County. days have been busy, but fanWe carry out hundreds of tastic at the same time. “Both functions 24/7, 365 days a council and staff have been year. We do it because we care very welcoming. I am excited and we love what we do. to hit the ground running!” Creating will allow us to She is familiar with the think outside the box, improve “lay of the land” including the way we do business, and the towns and villages within look towards the future. What Beaver County. Spiess served does the public want Beaver as the Chief Administrative County to be 5, 10, 20 years Officer, (CAO) of Westlock down the road? What do you County for the past year. She want for your grandchildren’s CAO Kayleena Spiess. also served as a budget conquality of life? Council and (Kayleena Spiess/Submitted Photo) sultant with Westlock County Administration will work the year prior to taking on the together to achieve that vision. role of CAO. Communicating to the ratepayers in an “I’ve been in local government for almost 10 years. I have a honest, effective, and timely manner will burning passion for rural municipalities having grown up on a inform you of issues, challenges, opporfarm myself in Sturgeon County. I’ve worked for and with many tunities, and successes we face. municipalities across Alberta from small towns to larger Cooperating with our regional partners Counties including Strathcona and Rocky View County. I spe- and building authentic relationships will cialize in strategic planning, finance, project management and create cost sharing opportunities enhanccorporate leadership.” ing the region.” I plan to integrate modern corporate management and change In the next few months, my first priormanagement strategies such as the 4 C’s above to create a ity will be building relationships with healthy and vibrant culture. Council, staff, ratepayers and partners. I As to what’s on her to do list in the weeks and months ahead? plan to continue with the recommendaSpiess said she will work with council to understand the public’s tions outlined in the corporate review. I vision and objectives. “From there, we will begin to design a am planning to get out in the community corporate plan with operational actions to achieve council’s to tour various areas and meet with as goals.” many folks and businesses as I can. I As far as her own philosophical encourage ratepayers to stop by for a approach, Spiess said, “My philosophy is visit, give me a buzz or shoot me an based on caring, creating, communicat- email. I am always around!



#1 - $15.00 - includes address, date & time on map for 1 week; 6 posters 11"x17" #2 - $25.00 - includes 1X2" block ad (classifieds) for 1 week; 6 posters; address, date, time on map #3 - $7.95 - includes Classified Upcoming 10 words or less; (NO ADDRESS ON MAP OR POSTERS)


Garage Sale Extras

5314 -60 Ave Vegreville

Friday, May 6 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm Saturday, May 7 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Yard Signs

Table/Chairs, TV Stand, Dishes, Christmas Decorations Toy Chest, Pictures and much more

Free use with deposit

V illage of Innisfree

Royal Canadian

Community W ide Garage Sales

Branch No. 39 Vegreville

5037 - 52 Avenue

Pancake Breakfast

May 7, 2022 9 am - 4 pm Several Garage Sales around the Village. Maps Available.

Mother’s Day! Sunday, May 8, 2022 9:00 a.m.- 11:30 a.m.

Covid-19 best practises in place.

Collectibles, Kitchen Items, Toys, Clothing, Tools, Jewelry, Camping Equipment, Puzzles, Records, Movies, Books, Plants, Dishes, Tools, Furniture, 2 Moving Sales and many new items.

First 50 Mothers will receive a carnation $12.00 - 11 years & up $5.00 - Children 6 to 10 years Free - Ages 5 & under

Concessions at the Library










May 4

May 5

May 6

May 7

May 8

May 9

May 10
















News Advertiser PAGE 9


May 4, 2022

Emergency Preparedness Put to the Test behind-the-scenes coordination which happens in large disasters in order to ensure the boots on the ground response is as safe and effective as possible. The exercise provided personnel an opportunity to gain hands-on experience in their assigned roles and positions coordinating a large disaster response. The East Cent ral Alber t a Emergency Management Agency Field Officer John Lamb also attended to provide support and expertise. It was a very successful exercise with attendees working closely together to resolve challenges in relation to the disaster scenario throughout the day and ultimately creating a plan for a successful proactive response. TIMED ONLINE ED For many of the personnel RV SE E R participating it was the first UN time they had worked together. COLLECTOR HORSE BUGGIES, SLEIGHS & ACREAGE AUCTION FOR TOM & DOROTHY PORTAS BIDDING STARTS CLOSING MAY 9TH AT 6 PM - PH: 780-660-7290 But the regional team never From Sherwood Park 21.2 km E on Wye Rd to RR 214, 1 km South (52249 RR 214) missed a beat, regardless of 10% INTERNET BUYER’S FEE PREVIEW: MAY 7TH & 8TH FROM 1 PM - 7 PM the challenges the exercise Cutter Sleighs ● Horse Buggies ● Buggy Parts ● Approx. 150 lb Anvil ● Pull Wagons ● Antique Furniture ● Work Benches ● Tool Cabinets ● Shelving ● presented. The professionalPower Tools ● Hardware ● Traps ● Pictures ● Art Supplies ● Wood Working ism and communication Materials ● Garden Decor ● Garden Tools ● Appliances ● Holiday Decor ● REMOVAL MAY 10TH & 11TH FROM 9 AM TO 6 PM Kid’s Toys ● Collectibles between all exercise particiPAYMENT MAY 10TH FROM 9 AM TO 6 PM pants was truly impressive! BIDDING CLOSES MAY 3RD - TIMED ONLINE CONSIGNMENT AUCTION The region is incredibly fortuFROM REDWATER 1 MILE EAST TO RR 214 & 2.5 MILES NORTH nate to have such dedicated ED PRODANIUK- AUCTIONS personnel willing to step up BID ONLINE AT and assist when most needed. PH. 780-446-9555 FAX. 780-473-5750 “”

Emergency exercise in progress. (Anne Danielson/Submitted Photo)

Michelle Pinon News Advertiser The Town of Vegreville, County of Minburn, and the Villages of Innisfree and Mannville participated in a joint regional emergency management exercise on April 7. The training exercise was conducted by Bolt From The Blue Management with approximately 25 municipal personnel and volunteers in attendance. Emergency Management Specialist Anne Danielson said, “The exercise was an opportunity to practice activation of the new regional emergency management plans and regional incident command post. The exercise scenario was created with input and expertise from CN and included a train derailment and evacuation in the County of Minburn that also affected the Village of Mannville and required support from the Town of Vegreville and Village of Innisfree in the provision of staff and services. Participants were presented with the scenario and provided inputs or challenges throughout the exercise that they may have to address, resolve and plan for in the event of a real emergency. This is the

YARD SALE GARAGE SALE MAY 12 1:00 - 9:00 pm MAY 13 10:00 - 8:00 pm




Mother’s Day


Sunday, May 8th, 2022 Lavoy Community Hall 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Adults $12

4904 - 51 AVE LAVOY, AB


Vegreville & District Co-op

ANNUAL MEETING Hearing Evaluations Vegreville Clinic

Thursday, May 12 & Thursday, May 26 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. N


We Provide: Latest Technology - All Digital Hearing Aid Models Repairs to All Models 30 Day Trial Period We are an AADL, WCB, NIHB, DVA provider

South Edmonton 5530 - 111 St, Edmonton, A B


Thursday, May 26, 2022 Vegreville Sunshine Club, 4630-49 St. Doors Open at 6:30 pm Meeting at 7:00 pm

Items of Business 1) Directors & General Managers Reports 2) Appointment of Auditors 3) Election of Officers 3 Positions H 2 - 3 year terms & 1 - 2 year term

Prospective candidates for the position of director must submit their application to the nominating committee by Thursday, May 12, 2022.

Nomination committee contacts: Rose Kercher 780-632-2586 Joanne Gorda 780-632-3352 Glen McLay 780-632-2884



News Advertiser

Notice to Creditors and Claimants

May 4, 2022

Royal Purple Donates to Wendy Brook

Estate of Alphonse Brisebois

(also known as Joseph Alphonse Donat Brisebois)

who died on October 21, 2021 If you have a claim against this estate, you must file your claim by: June 6, 2022 with Olson + Rau Solicitor for the Personal Representative at #12, 6109 50th Avenue Vegreville, Alberta T9C 1N6 and provide details of your claim. If you do not file by the date above, the estate property can lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have.

On March 23, members of Royal Purple Lodge No. 125 attended the 43rd Annual Wendy Brook Music Festival to present a cheque to the Wendy Brook Music Festival Committee. Front row L-R: Treasurer for RPL Rose Hook and Treasurer for WBMF Pat Dobush. Back row L-R: Lecturing Lady Enid Theophile, Historian Nora Paquette, Conductess, Marian Lemiski, Past Honoured Royal Ladies Marion Baxandall and Clara Nawrot and Chaplain Janet Kobylnyk. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)

INDEPENDENT LIVING ASSISTANT (EVENINGS) - Vegreville Manor Flexible and dependable individuals sensitive to the physical, social, spiritual, and psychological effects of aging are invited to apply for the position of Independent Living AssistantPermanent Part Time; evenings:3:00pm-11:15pm; 69.75 hours per two weeks 0.90FT(9shifts in 2 weeks). Responsibilities will include assisting Residents with bathing, grooming and dressing; medication administration and reminders; housekeeping and dietary; and observing Residents' condition. HCA certification required. Must be enrolled into HCA Directory. Please submit your resume to: St. Michael's Manor Vegreville 5913 – 49 Street Vegreville AB, T9C 1X4 Phone: 780 632 3540; Fax: 780 603 0861

We’re Hiring! Certified Level 2 or 3 in Early Childhood Working with children 12 mo to 12 yrs For more information please contact Allison at 780-764-2272 or email resume to

PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR HOUSE IS Support the local businesses that support your local newspaper.

My wife made U.F.O.’s yesterday – unidentified frying objects.

$$ $

$$ $ $



Route #4 is available in Vegreville Door to door Wednesday deliveries Must be responsible, reliable & cour teous.

Phone 780-632-2861 or come by the office and fill out an application North East Vegreville



Pat Dehid For the News Advertiser



Route #12 is available in Vegreville Door to door Wednesday deliveries Must be responsible, reliable & cour teous.

Phone 780-632-2861 or come by the office and fill out an application

ROUTE # 12

55 AVE

50th Ave & 51st Ave west of 50th St Close to Downtown

News Advertiser PAGE 11


May 4, 2022

Motherhood is a Fulfilling Vocation We are now accep ng applica ons for a

FULL TIME INSURANCE BROKER Applicant must have a General Insurance License Must have excellent customer service skills, communica on & interpersonal skills and be well organized. Please email resume to: dus Or fax resume to: Dus n at 780-632-6500 While all applicants are thanked in advance for responding, please be advised that only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

Robin with her husband and five children. (Melissa Hausser/Submitted Photo)

seeing the world through the eyes of her kids. “As they have interests, you get interested in things that you may have never considered before. You become engaged in what they enjoy as they learn and change and grow in their little personalities.” Agricultural or When asked about the difficult areas in motherhood, Robin Heavy Duty Technician said there are challenges to being a parent in a world that is constantly changing. There are time and financial restrictions, relational and parenting philosophies, personalities, and pressures. “I am constantly asking myself if what I am doing as a mom is good, and if it is what is best for my children.” When I asked how motherhood is different today than 40 years ago, Robin noted that one major shift has been the increase in technology. Communication and access to knowledge and the world influences parenting. The world is simply different than it was when she was growing up. The morals, experiences and opportunities are different. Some positive and some which have negative effects on society. When asked if Robin would recomCOUNTY OF MINBURN NO. 27 mend being a mother, she said absolutely. The family is the most basic building block of our society; the role Public Works - Full-time Heavy Duty Mechanic of motherhood is extremely important The County of Minburn No. 27 invites applications for a permanent full-time Heavy-Duty Mechanic and rewarding, a most beautiful experiposition based at the County Operations Shop in Vegreville, Alberta. ence that cannot be put into words. “Being a mom is really not about me Reporting to the Shop Foreman, the Heavy-Duty Mechanic will be responsible for routine maintenance, inspections, and diagnosing and completing repairs on all equipment and vehicles in but what an opportunity it brings to the County fleet (i.e., excavators, motorgraders, loaders, scrapers, packers/rollers, trucks,trailers, love and to be loved.” pumps, etc.). In closing, Robin wanted to acknowlGeneral responsibilities include: edge that motherhood experiences are • Perform routine maintenance on equipment and vehicles • Troubleshooting, diagnosing and repairing equipment and vehicles different for everyone. She, like many • Perform vehicle and safety inspections others, has experienced loss. There is • Order material and parts required to complete repairs longing, sickness, and sadness in mother• Keep equipment service records up to date • Maintain a clean and safe work area hood. Each experience is real and unique. • Ensure all work is completed in a safe and efficient manner She said that she is thankful for all the • Work with other shop or field personnel • Work in the main shop, as well as satellite shops and on-site field locations within the County “mothers” who have been part of her life • Use of personal heavy duty mechanic tools may be required and who play a vital part shaping her Qualifications: children’s lives.

Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent

Robin Derow and her husband live in Mundare with their five children. When Robin was asked how she felt when each of her children was born, she said she was extremely excited to add each child to their family. “We didn’t find out the children’s gender beforehand, so it was a fun surprise for us and our children.” Robin said that their children’s personalities are unique to them, so being a mom to each child looks different. They grow up so quickly and are constantly learning and changing; they are like little sponges, watching everything you do. Ongoing assessment of their needs and how to tailor their growth is a vital part of motherhood. Robin has learned so much being a mom. It has been an opportunity to grow in contentment whether it is folding another load of laundry in the long spring, cleaning up another mess, or dealing with a behavior that is challenging. She has learned to assess her own heart before correcting her children’s. Serving selflessly is one area of growth Robin has experienced as a mom. She said that as a Christian, motherhood drives you to your knees in prayer. “When you see your character coming out in your children, the good and the areas that need growth, you both get to grow individually and together.” Robin loves the surprises that are part of motherhood; no day is the same. She loves

Employment Opportunity

Summer Event Season is Coming!

Work with the Professionals at the News Advertiser to Ensure your Tickets are Top Quality 10 KETS C I T E Each L F F 50/50 RA Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 39

Name _____________________________ __________________________________



Address ___________________________

Printing Your Own?



AGLC colours License # 000000 The News Advertiser has pre-perforated ticket stock in multiple on high quality paper that you can print your tickets Ticket on. No. XXXX



Winner Will Receive 50% of Money Raised


Draw Date: Nov. 11, 2021. Vegreville Legion No. 39, Vegreville, AB

TICKETS - $10 each 2000 TICKETS PRINTED AGLC License # 000000

ble Availa : With les Sty

le Multip f Colours o Variety m Imprint Custo

Ticket No. XXXX

Must Be 18 or Over To Purchase Printed By The Vegreville News Advertiser


News - Advertising - Printing - Promotion Phone: 780-632-2861 Fax: 780-632-7981 5110 - 50 St. Vegreville Email: Toll Free: 1-800-522-4147

• High School Diploma (or equivalent) • Journeyman/Apprentice Heavy Duty Mechanic or Technician certification • CVIP Inspection Certificate would be an asset • Minimum two (2) years of experience in a shop environment • Valid Alberta driver’s license (Class 3 with air brake (Q) endorsement preferred) • Completion of WHMIS/TDG courses preferred • Standard first aid and Level A CPR course would be an asset • Available to work overtime and weekends as required • Available to be on-call during the winter season • Technological proficiency in basic computer, smartphone, and tablet functions • Ability to read and write in English • Good communication skills

Wage for this position is $32.60 to $40.15 per hour. Overtime based on 8 hours per day or 40 hours per week. The County of Minburn is located east of Edmonton along Highway 16. With just over 3,200 residents, our area offers excellent amenities for families and individuals. The County maintains 2,800 kms of local roads, bridges, and recreation areas while working with our regional partners, including the Town of Vegreville and the Villages of Innisfree and Mannville. The County of Minburn offers a competitive pension and benefits package. Please submit a complete resume, references, and driver’s abstract to: County of Minburn No. 27 PO Box 550 Vegreville AB T9C 1R6 Fax: 780-632-6296 Email:

This position will remain open until a suitable candidate is selected. The County of Minburn No. 27 thanks all applicants for their interest in this position, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Email submissions are preferred.



News Advertiser

May 4, 2022

Joyce Stewart Honoured with Sovereign Medal for Volunteers Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent

Vegreville resident Joyce Stewart has been volunteering for five decades but she said when she got the first phone call from the Governor General’s office asking to speak to her, she thought it was a scam. “I told them she was out but they phoned back. Then I knew it wasn’t a scam.” When asked how she felt when she received the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers, Joyce replied, “I was overwhelmed because there are so many people that do a lot of volunteering but they never get recognized.”

Joyce said she began volunteering because, “I always felt that we are put on this earth to serve each other. It was just natural for me to volunteer, but I will admit my grandmother inspired me because she always told me, if you have a talent you have to use it. So, if there is a need, I will do my best to help out.” Husband Rod Stewart stated that Joyce is a 48 year member of Royal Canadian Legion and is still active. She was a Sunday school teacher and Superintendent until 1980. She was a volunteer craft instructor at the local school for mentally challenged youth. She also taught basic literacy and numeracy skills through VegMin Learning Society as well as serving on the Board of Directors as Treasurer. She also used the opportunity to teach basic life skills. During a later career as a teaching aide with Elk Island Public Schools she taught students who were developmentally delayed, and formed close bonds with several students, and maintained a friendship association with them after their school years was over. Through this association she volunteered for many years as a respite caregiver. Joyce also did one-on-one instructions in reading and mathematics to students at Lakeland College. Additionally, she became a Block Parent. After working as a volunteer from 1994 Joyce accepted the role of volunteer coordinator for the annual local mammography clinic. In a more incidental fashion she served as a badge tester for the Girl Guides for several years, instructed crafts at St. Mary’s Catholic School and knitted mitts for students at St. Martin’s Catholic School. She also worked for several years at the local food bank. From 1999 to 2004 she volunteered at the Vegreville Regional Museum. She also instructed knitting classes to youth and adults. As a Canadian veteran Joyce is especially interested in the welfare of other veterans, and has assisted them in various


L-R. Joyce Stewart receives her medal from Vegreville Mayor, Tim MacPhee. (Town of Vegreville/Submitted Photo)

capacities. For her work with veterans she was awarded the lapel pin- Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation in 2019. She has been a long-time supporter of the local Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron and in 2017 a Cadet ‘Volunteer of the Year’ was created in her name. In 2012, Joyce was also honoured with the 60th Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. At the April 25 town council meeting, Vegreville Mayor Tim MacPhee presented her with the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers on behalf of Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada. Joyce was invited to Ottawa to receive the medal during a ceremony held on April 21, 2022, but elected to accept the honour in Vegreville. The Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers recognizes exceptional volunteer achievements from across the country and aboard, celebrating a wide range of voluntary contributions. It is an official honour created by the Crown and is part of the Canadian Honours System.


Left: Joyce Stewart with her medal. Above: Joyce Stewart’s medals and award. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)


The Jones Family


Weekly Crop Market Review

Bedding Plants: Flowers and Vegetables Gorgeous Geraniums More than 30 Varieties of Tomatoes

out amily on ck F Che nes ouse

Jo enh k Greceboo Fa

Hanging Baskets, Strawberries

RR 175 2 mi.

11 mi. (17.7 km)

Hwy 855

Hwy 831 Hwy 29



7 mi. (11km)

Hwy 855

Hwy 1



Hwy 29


Hours of Operation: 7 days a week 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Rg. Rd. 175 Twp. Rd. 560


May 4, 2022

News Advertiser PAGE 13


Mundare Town Council Passes First Reading of Urban Beekeeping Bylaw Michelle Pinon News Advertiser Mundare town council passed first reading of the Urban Beekeeping Bylaw at its April 19 meeting. The bylaw did not receive unanimous consent, however, as Councillor Rick Patrie voted against the motion to pass first reading. He also voted against the motion to hold a public meeting. The proposed bylaw enables beekeeping as urban agriculture, and no one can own or keep bees unless properly licensed in accordance with the bylaw. A license is required for each property that has a hive, and cannot be issued to anyone under the age of 18 years. The amount of a beekeeping license was not specified in the proposed bylaw. Additionally, “Within 30 days of receiving the Urban Beekeeping licence, the licencee must provide proof of registration with the Provincial Apiculturist and a copy of the premises identification number pursuant to the Animal Health Act. The licencee must provide proof of registration with the Provincial Apiculturist every year by June 30. Part of the requirements for applicants is to provide a drawing that illustrates the hive location on the property, and either the associated setbacks or the location of solid fences or hedges, proof of success in urban beekeeping training from an accepted organization or association and a disease and swarm control plan. Another important component to the bylaw is that, “Written permission from all property owners in the notification area giving approval to install hive(s) on the property.” Chief Administrative Officer Colin Zyla said if any surrounding property owner objects to the application, the request is not allowed to proceed. Zyla recommended council give first reading to

the bylaw and hold a public information session to gather feedback from residents and based on that can make changes if they choose to do so. In December of 2021 resident Donna Lecht requested permission from the town to install hives for honey bees. Even though Lecht resides in close proximity to the school, it does not pose a danger as the school is surrounded by a parking lot. “The bees would avoid the hot pavement. There is nothing to attract them in the direction of the school! She went on to say, “I have already informally spoken to my nearest neighbour who was positive and appreciates the value of bees in their gardens. I would reach out and inform my other neighbours, the school could be welcomed for educational purposes.” Lecht was present during the April 19 town council meeting. She asked Patrie if he was opposed to a beekeeping bylaw, and he responded by saying, “I’m opposed to having bees next door to me. No matter what the situation is.” He went to explain, “I’m allergic to them. Everybody who is a fan of bees says, well you know maybe it’s not bees, it’s probably just wasps. But no, I’m allergic to bees and it’s not a chance I’d want to take or want to have next door to my property. Every time we make a motion to carry on or to have information, or to have any time spent on it my answer is no.” But the way bylaw is being presented would that not give you an opportunity to object if it was next door to you where you are so opposed to them? “It could, but I don’t know what the circumstances of that will be.” Zyla said they have to notify and receive written permission from all property owners who reside within 100 feet of the property.


Councillor Eddie Shepel asked, So that being said, “Do you have the support of her neighbours? She replied, “As far as I know. I am not sure what a hundred foot radius is going to be, but my immediate neighbours are supportive.”

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May 4, 2022


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Ask the Guys Dear Classified Guys, Last Saturday I bought a food processor from one of the many yard sales I visited. When I returned home, I realized it was missing parts and didn't run properly. I was so angry that someone would sell such junk that I went back to the sale to return it. The woman, however, refused to refund my money. She said that it wasn’t her fault it didn't work and even tried to convince me that she never owned a food processor. It took 20 minutes of arguing, but finally she gave me my ten dollars. I felt accomplished until I passed one of the other sales I visited and realized something. I just returned the food processor to the WRONG YARD SALE. I was so embarrassed that I went straight home. But do you think I should have gone back to apologize and give the woman her money back?

Duane “Cash” Holze & Todd “Carry” Holze 05/01/22 ©The Classified Guys®

your part. The basic answer to your question is, yes. You should have gone back and apologized to the woman. I'm sure she was shocked by your persistence, as well as the broken food processor. Cash: When you shop at yard sales, there is never any guarantee of a return policy, especially if you bought the item at another sale! Carry: Before you purchase anything, it's important to try it out and check that all the parts are included. Even with something as simple as a food processor, you can ask to plug it in and make sure the attachments are in the box. Cash: It's never a good idea to

• • • Cash: If you were determined enough to argue for 20 minutes, I'm sure the woman considered ten dollars to be a cheap solution to get you to leave. Carry: As you already know, the situation was a major blunder on

assume that it is complete. Even sellers with the best intentions can accidentally forget parts. Carry: Now even though the yard sale is over, you can still apologize to the woman and return her ten dollars. It's likely she is still confused by the whole situation. Cash: If you don't feel comfortable in going back to the house to apologize in person, you could write her a letter explaining the circumstances. Since you were clearly in the wrong, she may appreciate your attempt to resolve your error. Carry: Although if you decide to drop off the letter, just make sure you stop at the right house!

Fast Facts Carbon Copy

Reader Humor Lesson Learned

Everyone wants the sale of an item to go smooth. So whether you're the buyer or seller, it's always a good idea to write out a bill of sale. A simple document of the transaction can be reassuring for both parties. Even if you don't have an official form, you can use a piece of paper and write the buyer's and seller's name on it. List the item being sold with a description, price and any other pertinent information. When both parties sign it, it gives everyone a sense of reassurance about the sale.

Our basement is full of stuff from years of collecting. No matter how many times I've asked my husband to clean it out, he always finds some excuse to put it off. So when he left on his last business trip, I took matters into my own hands. I cleaned out all the used things and held a garage sale to sell it off. My husband was shocked when he returned home and immediately went to see what was missing. As I stood proud of my accomplishment, he asked, "Did you sell my bowling bag?" "I did," I calmly replied, "You don't even own a bowling ball." "I know," he shrugged. "But I was hiding your anniversary present in the pocket." (Thanks to Jeannie T.)

Return Unopened Most people who host a yard sale don't have a return policy. Since they are not in the business of retailing and their items are marked down drastically, it is unreasonable to consider such an idea. Retailers, on the other hand, need to take a different approach. Many consider returns a function of doing business and have very lenient policies to keep their customers satisfied. They know that if you have a positive shopping experience, you're likely to shop there again. •

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Sounds like this "Yard" sale needs a diet.

SALE BIG LARD enware & h c it k Appliances, e equipment. is rc lots of exe Sun. 9-4 Sat & treet 214 Baker S

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May 4, 2022

Circle of Harmony Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent

Musicians perform for guests attending the jam session. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)

Senior Citizens Sunshine Club of Vegreville presented their monthly Jam With Us section on April 23. President of Sunshine Club Dwayne Hlady said this event is about getting people in the community together to sing or play music, recite poetry or do dancing. “There are no age barriers for people to participate. Also, it is a way for people to socialize and visit. We need that after COVID-19 that we had. People need to get out

there. It’s a way for people to have fun. We have people from Viking and Mundare here tonight. Vegreville is known as being the hub of the area. People come from all over to participate and attend this event,” Dwayne explained. Anna Tomyn who attended the event said the music was good. “It was good to have a wonderful variety of singers and people who play music over here tonight.” Randy Kereliuk was the MC and host for this event.

gord bamford - CONTINUED from front PAGE the Year award. The singer-songwriter said it was great to be back in Smoky Lake Saturday evening, (April 23) for his show that is part of the Kick COVID in the Ass Tour. Around 800 people packed the arena in the Smoky Lake Agricultural Complex to party with one of Canada’s most celebrated country music stars. Bamford was happy to have Duane Steele open for him as well as give some exposure to up and coming talent CJ Sargent from Ardrossan. Bamford played many familiar favourites along with his brand new single, I Ain’t Drunk, featuring celebrated country music star Terri Clark. Bamford touted the digital release of Diamonds In A Whiskey Glass one day prior to the concert. The release, via Anthem Records, features all 11 tracks from his celebrated 2021 album, including his hit single, Heaven on Dirt that has garnered 5.5 million

global streams. Sargent said he fell in love with country music as a kid listening to Gord Bamford and other famous artists on CISN Country. “I’ve been practicing and writing my whole life, I’ve just never had any connections or anything like that. I’ve always wanted to, but never had the right thing line up, until now.” Sargent met Gord a couple of months ago after an NHL alumni charity game. CJ said he wasn’t supposed to be there, but he knew the guy who owned the venue and was hosting event as well as his brother-in-law who was volunteering at the event. “Long story short, it was about 9 o’clock at night, and asked my brother-in-law if I could come over for a beer. I showed up there and the first two seconds of me showing up in the door, Gord walks by me. As night went on I ended up walking into the back dressing room and Gord was playing the guitar and I started listening. I wanted to play badly, but didn’t want to ask him because how often do you get a private concert from Gord Bamford for free. I sat and listened and one of Gord’s buddies suggested I play a song. He asked if I wrote it, and I said yes. He thought it was pretty good so he said play me another one. It went on like that for half an hour 45 minutes, and by the end he asked for my phone number. Now it’s our seventh show together. So, hopefully there’ll be a lot more exciting stuff to come.” Sargent said his first encounter with the country Gord Bamford, left and Duane Steele performing on stage. music super star was totally (Michelle Pinon/Photo)

like something you’d see in the movies. “I feel really blessed that Gord’s given me the opportunity. To get to learn from him and people like Duane Steele, who’s incredibly talented. All of Gord’s band members are extremely talented, award winning, and here there’s this small town kid from Ardrossan trying to kick down the country music door.” Sargent said country music is his way of expressing of everything. “I literally live my life one country song at a time.” He said he’s had a lot of traumatic things happen when he was a kid and country music was like “crazy glue” that helped hold things together. I can’t really describe how much country music has meant in my life, but it’s something I want to do until the day I die.”

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May 4, 2022





MICKLICH, Shelby Tara-Lee August 10, 1995 - May 4, 1996 In memory of our daughter and sister who passed away suddenly twenty-six years ago. JESUS IS SHE WITH YOU? Jesus is she with you? I wonder everyday I sit and wonder why she’s gone And why she could not stay Every part of me is empty I feel I can’t go on But then I look to Heaven I hear this beautiful song Mommy I am with Him He holds me in His arms Whenever I am with Him He keeps me safe and warm He always says you shouldn’t worry I am safe and loved right here With all the other baby angels That passed within the years We have a special place up here He thought that you should know Where the blessed mother takes Your place for now until you show When I hear this precious little voice From the Heavens above I know that all the angels Are showering her with love For everyone that wants to hear Their baby’s voice so innocent and sweet Just close your eyes and begin to pray And embrace them in your sleep We miss you very much Shelby Luv Always, Mommy, Daddy, Caylib, Joshua and Zachary Micklich

Annie Lakomski Oct 27, 1919-May 7, 2005 Having a very cold and windy spring Hoping soon flowers will bloom And robins will sing A silent thought A secret tear Keeps your memory ever dear Time takes away the edge of grief But memory turns back every leaf Vichnaya Pamyat Miss You Mom Love, Nancy

KULMATYCKI, Steve Andrew August 18, 1942 - May 5, 2017 Today recalls the memory Of a Loved One gone to rest And those who think of him today Are those who loved him best Always and forever in our hearts dearly loved and sadly missed, Your Sisters, Harriet and Loucette & families.

Gudzan, Mary Irene It is with sadness, we announce that on April 30, 2022, Mary Irene Gudzan passed away peacefully at the age of 90 years with her beloved Godson John Yaceyko and his wife Claire at her side holding her hands. They in turn had spelled off Nadine from the night before, with Shanon, and Michelle and her family in attendance before that. Mary is survived by her daughter, Nadine Skitsko; grandchildren, Shanon Skitsko and Michelle (Reed) Rigney; four great grandchildren, Elora, Noah, Jada, and Nate; four sisters Jenny Dziwenka, Helen Andruchow, Betty (Lawrence) Eleniak, and Evelyn (Leonard) Tomko; numerous nieces, nephews, and friends. She was predeceased by her husband, John; father and mother, Fred and Lydia Pullishy; son-in-law, Eddy Skitsko; three sisters, Marjorie Woywitka, Irene Scott, Annie Ewaskiw; and brother, David Pullishy; brothers in law Eddie Dziwenka and John Andruchow. To all her care givers and attendants and service staff at The Lamont Health Care Centre and Nursing Home wing, Father Alexios, as well as family and friends who lovingly cared for (many times going above and beyond), assisted, visited, called, or enquired about Mary’s health and well-being – we extend sincere gratitude and this blessing – MAY GOD BLESS YOU WELL BEYOND THE MEASURE OF YOUR THOUGHTFULNESS. To Mary, Mom, Baba, Aunty, and Friend – we extend Love and Gratitude for years of service, generosity, volunteering, caring, and love. May God Bless You Well Beyond The Measure of YOUR Thoughtfulness. A Viewing for family and friends will be held on Friday, May 6, 2022 from 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. at Autumn Rose Funeral Home in Vegreville, Alberta. A Funeral Service will be held on Saturday, May 7, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. at Holy Ascension Russo Orthodox Church – Skaro (from Lamont- SH 831 North to Hwy 45 West to RR200 head north ½ mile) (570032 RR200). With Fr. Alexios Surayev officiating. Interment to follow in the Church Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to “Holy Ascension Russo Orthodox Church, Skaro” , “Lamont Health Care Centre” or charity of one’s choice. To send condolences please visit AUTUMN ROSE FUNERAL HOME LTD. VEGREVILLE,780-603-5800

MICKLICH, Shelby Tara-Lee August 10, 1995 - May 4, 1996 In loving memory of my granddaughter who passed away suddenly twenty-six years ago. “THE LITTLEST ANGEL” The littlest angel in Heaven Loves kittens and cowboys and fun. Heaven will never be just as it was Now that her life there has begun. She’ll turn fluffy clouds into snowmen And swing on the stars above. She will turn golden streets into playgrounds And fill God’s home up with her love. She’ll make dandelions out of sunbeams And find grassy meadows for playing Her laughter will ring where the great choirs sing, But she’ll hear us whenever we’re praying The Littlest Angel in Heaven Is the one we are longing to see, For the child that now belongs with Jesus, Is the child that belonged once to us. Love always and very sadly missed by Baba Olga Miskiw


GRABAS, Edna J. March 25, 1926 - May 1, 2019 Mom, it’s been 3 years since you have left us and I miss you so much. You have taught us many words of wisdom and to have lots of patience in life. You taught us what’s right and what’s wrong. Not to dwell on things that we cannot change. Don’t forget to say, “I’m sorry” and “I love you!” Love one another and always do the best you can. Have faith in GOD because He will always answer our prayers. I love you mom and will cherish all your great memories forever. Until we meet again, Love Linda You are the best Mother, Mother-in-law, Baba, GreatBaba and Great-Great-Baba! We all love and miss you dearly! Love, Linda, Jim, Candace, Justin, Tessa, Theo, Colby and Ace

ZUKIWSKY, Margaret In Loving Memory of our Dear Mother who passed away May 7, 2016 Our lives go on without you But nothing is the same We have to hide our heartache When someone speaks your name Sad are the hearts that love you Silent are the tears that fall Living here without you Is the hardest part of all You did so many things for us Your heart was kind and true And when we needed someone We could always count on you The special years will not return When we were all together But with the love in our hearts You walk with us forever Forever in Our Hearts….Your Loving Family

PETRYSHYN, Eugene Victor April 07, 1942 – April 22, 2022 With heavy hearts, we announce the passing of Eugene Petryshyn on Good Friday, April 22, 2022. Cherishing the memories are his treasured children: Mark, Kimberly, Sean, and his beautiful grandchildren: Alyssa, Cassidy, Ethan, Evan, Amy, Olivia, and Kristian. Sharing in their sorrow are his sister: Elsie (Ed) Oleksyn; and sisters-in-law: Betty (Norm) Zaseybida, Barbara (Barry) Gordichuk, and Carol (Donald) Kozoway; and nieces, nephews, friends and neighbors, and his faithful companion, Max (the “smartest” dog). He was predeceased by his loving wife of 49 years, Joyce, on Good Friday 2013, infant twin daughters, (Katherine and Kristine), his father (William), his mother (Helen), and his uncle (Fred). Paul Harvey’s classic talk (1978) ‘So God made a farmer’ might have written about Eugene. Eugene was indeed a farmer. His arms strong enough to farm the land, “tame cantankerous machinery”, work all day in the fields, then pull a calf in the middle of the night. A soul gentle enough to bottle feed the calf, the kid goat, the runt piglet, and to nurture every stray dog or cat left behind. Eugene farmed on the same property throughout his lifetime. He was willing to help his fellow neighbor at a moment’s notice, generous with his time, and although a man who thrived on having multiple irons in the fire, he cherished the times a friend or family member stopped by for a visit. A hard working man of integrity and honest moral values, he was resilient and proud of his Ukrainian heritage. Eugene was a devoted family man who maintained daily contact with all his children. He and Joyce instilled in their children the love of farming and rural life, and above all else, their love for their family. He was a tremendously proud grandfather, and a loving brother whose strength and presence was a constant. He loved the land with fierce conviction, and with this same determination, he lived his life on the farm and passed on the farm on Earth Day. A memorial service will be held in July 2022 in Vegreville, Alberta. In remembrance of Eugene and Joyce, the family asks that charitable donations be made to: The Canadian Lung Association, 502-885 Meadowlands Drive Ottawa, Ontario, K2C 3N2, Canada make-general-donation/online-donate-form; or the charity of one’s choice. To send condolences, please visit AUTUMN ROSE FUNERAL HOME LTD. VEGREVILLE,780-603-5800

SIDOR, John Stephen March 20, 1956 – April 19, 2022 We are saddened to announce the unexpected and sudden passing of John Stephen Sidor of Vegreville, on April 19, 2022. John is survived by his loving children: Micheal and his children – Brody, Cash, and Jesse; Melissa (Mike) Paulson and their children – Maddison, Olivia and Garnett; and Jessica (Cole) Weber and her children – Jarrett and Casey; his loving sister Betty (Bernie) Kolewaski and their children Darryl (Carolyn) and Darcy, and four great nephews – Austin, Stryker, Jaxson and Edison. He was predeceased by his parents George and Lillian Sidor; paternal grandparents, John and Sophie (Bockanesky) Sidor; maternal grandparents George Tupechka and Maria (Popeniuk, Labatiuk Tupechka; and the mother of his children Carmyn (Sharmyn) Grant. John is also survived by aunts, numerous cousins, former oil patch co-workers, many friends, the Harley Davidson “brotherhood”, and his sister Irene Gaudet (Bob Hooey) and her children Amanda and Alexander. The family would like to thank Vegreville Home Care, especially Brandy, for her assistance with John’s care; special friends, Melissa and Jamie, who meant the world to him; and Landon, who John spoke of very highly. Cremation has taken place. A Celebration of Life will be held on May 14, 2022 at 11 a.m. at Luzan Community Hall. You are invited to join the family to share in a meal in John’s honour. Please RSVP to bkolewaski@shaw. ca, if you are planning to attend. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church - Luzan or charity of one’s choice. To send condolence, please visit AUTUMN ROSE FUNERAL HOME LTD. VEGREVILLE, 780-603-5800

News Advertiser PAGE 17


May 4, 2022


Eli Frankiw The family of the late Eli Frankiw would like to express our sincere gratitude to family and friends. Heartfelt thank you to everyone who extended condolences, sent cards and flowers, made donations in Eli’s name, and prayed and supported us by your attendance at the funeral. A special thank you to Father Damian and Cantor Namisha Greening. We’re also grateful for the delicious meal prepared by Holy Trinity Parish catering. To Gordon, Patti and Victoria of Autumn Rose Funeral Home, Your compassion, guidance and professionalism was greatly appreciated. The family also sends a special thank you to Dr. Frank and the staff at Vegreville Care Centre for their care of our dad over the previous two years. Thank You & God Bless Memory Eternal

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At These Convenient Locations Andrew Andrew Grocery Lamont Lamont Foods Lamont Grocery Parkview Restaurant Value Drug Mart Henri J. Dubuc The family of Henri J. Dubuc would like to express our sincere thanks to family and friends for their many kind expressions of love and sympathy. Thanks to all who extended condolences, sent flowers, food, cards and made donations in Henri’s name. A heartfelt thank you to Dr. E. El-Hajj for the wonderful care he provided to Dad. As well, thank you to the staff of Lamont Health Care Centre and the Palliative Care Teams from Lamont and Vegreville for all their support, compassion, understanding and guidance in helping us honor Dad’s wishes to stay at home. Thank you to Lakeland Respiratory Services for their prompt and courteous service. Thank you to Father Robert and Father Carlos for the many visits to Dad. A special thank you to Gordon and Patti of Autumn Rose Funeral Home For their comfort, guidance and professionalism in all the details. Thank you to all others who helped us in so many ways to get through this most difficult time. Thank You and May God Bless You All.

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An Ordinary Superhero Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent

Aryele Fleming and her husband, Stephan Gaudet first son, Cameron was the New Year’s baby where he was born on January 3, 2017. He was the first baby born that year to people who lived in Vegreville. They have welcomed Riley on Oct. 17,


th 6 0 Anniversary

To our wonderful parents Leo & Mary Lessard May 5

Love from your children & grandchildren

2018, and Paige on May 20, 2021, into their family. When Aryele was asked what it was like to be a mother, she said it was challenging and unique. “The challenges are you never know what is going to happen next. It is unique because everyone’s experience is different. You can’t compare yourself to other mothers. You can’t be hard on yourself; you have to be open minded and forgiving. The best parts about being a mother are all the happy days when you get to witness all your children’s milestones and watching them grow and learning new things. It is good to watch them go through positive emotions, going on fam-

Happy 60th Anniversary

Crazy Laws

Rod & Joyce Stewart May 5, 2022

In Hay River, Northwest Territories: It is against the law to use a dog sled on a sidewalk

Married May 5, 1962 Morden, MB Congratulations from all the family

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Jocelyn Hryniw of Vegreville


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May 4, 2022

Aryele and Stephan with their three children, Cameron, Riley, and Paige. (Rosanne Fortier/ Photo)

ily vacations during summer, and just having downtime with your children where you relax at home, watch movies, or read them a story. Personally, it is fun to be a mom. It feels awesome! You feel like a superhero being a mom! I feel being a mother of young children today is a lot different than 40 years ago as there are so many different aspects to it. It is a lot easier with the modern conveniences but at the same time it is a lot more diversified. There is so much more knowledge out there about children’s developmental stages and children’s needs. The world is more technologically advanced. It is better in some ways and worse in the way technology took over and working mothers have less time to be with their family. Before, the father was usually the one who worked outside the home. But this doesn’t apply to me as I am a stay at home mother. The advice I would give mothers who are considering motherhood is be prepared to be late for everything, keep an open mind and don’t have too many children too close together not unless that is what you really want. Don’t take on more than what you can handle. Also, you have to be patient and not have expectations.

News Advertiser PAGE 19


May 4, 2022

On the Way to Prosperity

Michelle Pinon News Advertiser Ground work began at Prosperity Park in Vegreville this past week. Crews with In-Line Contracting began moving dirt on the 78 acre site that will be home to the first of what the town hopes will be several more agri-food companies in the near future. The total price of the contract the company was awarded by the Town of Vegreville is $6.5 million. Construction is expected to be completed by the end of September, (2022). Prosperity Park’s first tenant will be INCA Renewable Technologies. Last week it was announced that the company would be receiving a $400,000 grant from the Government of Alberta in partnership with the Federal Government and under its Canadian Agricultural Partnership Program. The Kelowna based company will be building a $72 million fiber processing and composites manufacturing facility in Prosperity Park. Company officials are hoping to be able to put shovels in the ground in September providing approvals and preliminary work are completed on time. The state-of-the-art 200,000 square foot facility is expected to initially create 70 jobs, scaling up to about 100 jobs by 2026.

Mayor Tim MacPhee said jobs for local residents is the most important thing to him, and creating a viable option for local youth to have good paying jobs and allow them to stay in the community. The hemp processing facility will be located adjacent to the railroad tracks in the southwest quadrant of the park and the company will be making provisions to have a secondary line that connects to the main line to load and transport its products in rail cars to its customers. MacPhee said that because detailed engineering plans have not been drafted, it is not known at this time exactly home many acres the company will require. Because of that, MacPhee said the town is currently not able to release how much money it will receive in the land acquisition. At the April 25 town council meeting Councillor Taneen Rudyk made the following motion, “That the Town of Vegreville enter into negotiations with INCA Renewtech on the 24.2 acres of Prosperity Industrial Park as per the terms and conditions discussed in closed session.” The motion was carried unanimously. Council also rescinded a previous motion which set initial pricing because no marketing plan has been developed. Chief Administrative Officer Chris Leggett stated that, “Pricing for marketing purposes should be left until closer to the completion date when lot sizes and acreages are finalized.” Councillor Justin Curtis made the motion that was carried unanimously.

Response to the VCHS walkout In response to the VCHS walkout, and the inaccurate claims. I have stayed silent publicly since March 18th, the day my son called to tell me he had been stabbed. I have held my tongue on social media, in my responses, in certain interactions. I have done this in the best interest of my son, who is a victim, who is a minor, and who did not deserve the assault that day neither did the other victim. They both deserve privacy, time to go back to normal, time to deal with the trauma inflicted on them. The opinions formed do not matter to us as anyone who knows him knows his character. He’s funny, compassionate, a good student, a bit sarcastic, loves movies, loves being active, and understands the meaning of hard work. Let me be clear every response that day at the local high school was mishandled. Right from the beginning, and nobody wants to take the blame, apologize, or accept responsibility. The very fact that I have felt the need to defend my son who was a victim is sad. I am appalled at the

blatant disregard of the seriousness of these circumstances, the lack of transparency, and sweeping it under the rug as fast as we can from all those who are put in place to protect, teach and nurture our youth. Anyone who has been caught in the act of making a horrible decision will know that you only have two choices, own it, take responsibility, or lie, lie so your actions can be somehow justified. Two youths were stabbed that day, it could have been more because video evidence does not lie. Twenty plus students witnessed what took place and they weren’t taken care of either. Not even 10 were interviewed. Bullying is defined as the repeated action of seeking one out to harm, coerce, or intimidate. There was only ever two interactions that took place between my son and the accused, and it was the accused that sought him out and threatened him. I don’t need to defend my sons role in this incident, it was justified and who knows what the outcome would

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have been had he not stepped in. I’ll let the justice system handle the illegal actions of the accused. What took place in the student parking lot that day should not have happened, an adult sibling of the accused should not have been there none the less engaged or encouraged any of the events that took place. The only weapon there was, was a knife held by one individual who was not afraid to use it, who did not consider the possible outcomes. Words and fists are no match for weapons. Let this be known, nothing, not one thing justifies the actions that day that inflicted injuries on those two students. Shame on anyone for trying to justify it, I wouldn’t wish what happened to my son on anyone, let alone someone’s child. I hope this never happens again in this community, but unfortunately when those in power keep blurring the lines of right and wrong and don’t set a certain precedent history tends to repeat itself. We as parents and a community need to be supporting and advocating for our

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young people. Holding leadership accountable in the roles they play, creating a no fail support system as well as teaching right from wrong. Their safety needs to be a priority and the trust in a system that is put in place to protect them needs to be renewed. Signed a Concerned Mom who wishes to protect her son’s privacy

- Thank you for reaching out to us and providing our readers with your position on this situation. Other readers have reached out with concerns that our coverage was somehow distorting facts, biased, attacking or blaming. We are only able to publish information that is available to us and your letter provides more valuable information. We do appreciate your input and must remind our readers that the News Advertiser a conduit for information and not taking a stance or implying that anyone’s opinion on this matter is fact. As you stated, the justice system will handle that part. - AB

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May 4, 2022

Athlete Proud to Represent Smoky Lake at Home and Abroad Michelle Pinon News Advertiser Whether Derek Zaplotinsky is competing at home or abroad the para Nordic skier and biathlete he is proud to represent his hometown of Smoky Lake and his country. Zaplotinsky recently returned from the Paralympic Winter Games in Beijing, China. He said the experience was vastly different than his first Paralympic Winter Games in PyeongChang, South Korea in 2018 when there were no COVID-19 protocols and restrictions in place.

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Derek outside of his Smoky Lake area home. (Michelle Pinon/Photo)

Cross-country sprint semi-final at the Zhangjiakou Biathlon Centre on March 9. (Canadian Paralympic Committee /Submitted Photo)

The atmosphere was completely different, and Derek said the food was awful. Not having same in-person supports was also a challenge. But despite all of that, he did the best he could given all of the circumstances. In terms of results, The Canadian Paralympic Committee reported an 8th place finish in biathlon middle distance, 12th place finish in sprint cross country, 13th p place finish in long distance cross country, and 14th place finish in biathlon sprint. He is a three-time world championship team member and had two top five finishes at world championships. He had five top 10 results, including a fifth in the 10 kilometre cross country race at the World Cup event in Canmore in December of 2021. His athletic career reached new heights at the 2019 World Para Nordic championships in Prince George, BC with two top five finishes. The sit skier was fourth in the biathlon sprint and fifth in the cross-country middle distance. Ironically, Derek hadn’t even considered competing in a winter sport until he started looking for other sports to keep in shape during the off season. That was in 2014 when he was a competitive hand cyclist. Training is a fulltime job, and for the past three years he has been living and training in Canmore, AB. He trains between six and seven hours a day 11 months of the year. It’s hard work and takes a while to get stronger and faster. “Some days you get down and you have to refocus.” Derek said it would be a great opportunity to be able to compete in the next Paralympic Winter Games in Italy in 2026, but hasn’t made his mind up yet. At 37-years-old, Derek said, training and competing does take a lot out of you, but his fierce competitiveness and will to win, may indeed win out in the end.

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Para biathlon middle distance sitting event at the Zhangjiakou Biathlon Centre on March 8. (Canadian Paralympic Committee/ Submitted Photo)

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