Vintage Bridal Fantasy a Trip Down Memory Lane
held at the Mannville Recreation Centre on Saturday, May 13.
bridal show. He said the event was the vision of Shirley Wonsik who wanted to bring the community together. The event was originally going to be held in the church, but the idea expanded to include a classic car show and indoor marketplace which
(780)632-2722 511750St,Vegreville (780) 632 2722 ChadHiob,DD DennisLi,DD K U Z Y K L A W O F F I C E A P A R T N E R S H I P F O R T H E G E N E R A L P R A C T I C E O F L A W Phone: : 780-632-4552 5038 50 0 Avenue e Postal l Drawer r 929, , Vegrevillle, , Alberta a T9C C 1S1 1 Fax:780-632-4553 Insight for Life – LAW Services William N. Bohdan Zadworny, Lawyer Successor to L. Starko Phone: 7 8 0 . 6 3 2 . 7 7 7 9 Wi l l i a m N B o h d a n Z a d w o r n y, L a w y e r Proudly serving Alberta communities for over 30 years P h o n e : 7 8 0 . 6 3 . 7 7 7 9 76 YEARS OF SERVING THE COMMUNITY VOL. 76 NO. 21 WEDNESDAY, May 24, 2023 The Only Locally Owned News & Advertising Media in Vegreville. 780-632-2666 4914 50 St Vegreville, AB Do you have your crop hail insurance? Get the protection your crop needs with our great hail insurance rates. Coverage sold out early last year. Don't wait - give us a call today!! us Soccer Season Kicks Off See page 14 for story Mundare Councillor Resigns See page 20 for story Support & guidance in every aspect of planning your loved one’s final arrangements. FUNERALS | CREMATIONS PRE-ARRANGED SERVICES | MONUMENTS Gordon & Patty Pawluk – Licensed Funeral Directors & Proprietors 5036-51 Avenue, Vegreville, AB T9C 1M1 780-603-5800 (24 hrs) Lamont Denture Clinic 780-984-1775 5115-50 Ave. Lamont, AB Next to Home Hardware ● Upper & Lower Dentures ● Partial Dentures ● Repairs Alberta Works & Dental Plans Welcome* *Some Conditions & Restrictions Apply. Enhancements Extra. SENIORS! AB Gov’t Programs May Pay For Your New Dentures Call For Details 4733-50th Ave Vegreville 780-632-6144 & Car Wash Monday - Thursday 8-6 Friday 8-5 Saturday 9-3 ROAD TRIP READY! ROAD Let Us Help You Be... Help (Entrance East Side Next To Vito’s) Call To Make An Appointment 780-632-6232 Tues - Sat Moving Families Around Alberta Call orText Today! 587-280-3354 J&S Moving Ltd. Holden area resident Chrystal Semeniuk holds her wedding dress that she donated for the show. (Michelle Pinon/Photo)
Michelle Pinon News Advertiser
A vintage bridal fantasy
classic car show
Vintage Bridal
Pastor Dave Kenney of the Mannville Community Church served as Master of Ceremonies for the 15
Village of Andrew Mayor Still Waiting to Meet with EIPS
Michelle Pinon News Advertiser
Even before Elk Island Public Schools, (EIPS) board of trustees decided to close Andrew School on May 7, Mayor Merwin Haight said he wanted to meet with school board officials there to discuss the facility, which also houses the Village of Andrew’s administration office, bowling alley, fitness centre, multi-purpose room and public library.
On May 23, Haight told the Vegreville News Advertiser, “As Mayor of the Village I have not received any phone calls from the EIPS Trustee Colleen Holowaychuk or the new Superintendent for EIPS. Sadly, this is not surprising.” Haight had also requested EIPS provide a break down on the
demolition costs for the building. He said, “EIPS does not have an actual estimate for the demo costs on the building. The numbers have increased from the board meeting when Superintendent Mark Liguori stated $400,000 for demo. But it has now increased by $140,000 to a guesstimate of $540,000! They have not provided even a list of what costs that will include.”
The Village of Andrew has a vested interest in the building as it currently leases part of the facility. If the building is demolished it would directly impact several services the municipality currently provides to its residents and could also impact plans for a possible Charter School that is presently being explored by a viability committee that is slated to meet on May
PAGE 2 News Advertiser MAY 24, 2023 www. @newsadvertiser Check page 4 for our team, flyers, auctions, real estate and more. WHAT’S INSIDE 4-DAY WEATHER Thurs. 19°C Fri. 23°C Sat. 21°C Sun. 20°C MOREONPAGE 9 LOTTERY NUMBERS MOREONPAGE 15 Friday, May 19, 2023 12 13 44 47 42 35 41 Plant Sale Page 8 Devastating Loss Page 19 BUFFET ALL DAY CHINA ZONE RESTAURANT Call Now: 780 603 2225 5335 - 50 Ave., Vegreville Vegreville Reg $16.95 Senior $15.95 10 % OFF on pick-up orders over $40 plus free dry ribs over $73 Including Fruits, Salad and Dessert DAILY Agriculture ..................... 8 Business 5 Classifieds 14 Community ......... 17 & 19 Employment................. 10 Entertainment.............. 18 Family 18 Letters 9 & 10 Marketplace 17 Notices ......................... 20 Real Estate ................... 19 Sports ........................... 14 Tributes 16 Upcoming 11-13 Introducing Fieldside Fitness! We are excited to offer clients personal training, group sessions, strength focused classes, and nutritional consulting in a private & professional gym in Vegreville. Contact us to book a consultation! 1-780-632-9328 Tuesdays & Thursdays 5:30am (Full Body) 6:30am (Full Body) 5:30pm (Full Body) 6:30pm (Lower Body) Class Schedule: June 6 - June 29 Contact: Residential Property Demolished Manhole Replacement Project Underway
A home that was located at 5141-51 Avenue in Vegreville was being demolished on May 23. The Town of Vegreville council approved the demolition permit to the property owner back in March. The property is located within a Direct Control District under the town’s land use bylaw and is regulated and controlled by council. (Michelle Pinon/Photos)
A crew with Colville Construction Ltd. began working on a manhole replacement project at 52 Street and 49 Avenue in Vegreville on May 23. According to the Town of Vegreville, the total cost of the project is approximately $60,000 for replacement of the manhole, base, and sewer main lead. The project is expected to be completed on May 26 depending on weather conditions. (Michelle Pinon/Photos)
Smoky Lake Residents United in Common Cause
Michelle Pinon News Advertiser
Hank Holowaychuk along with Brian and Leesa Jones are united in a common cause to save the small gymnasium that is attached to H.A. Kostash School which is slated for demolition in the coming months.
Holowaychuk, a former Mayor for the Town of Smoky Lake, made his pitch to council more than a month and a half ago, pleading to have the gym saved and repurposed to continue benefitting the community.
The small gymnasium was attached to H.A. Kostash School in 1987 and comes complete with washrooms and kitchen facility. Holowaychuk said the small gym could serve a number of different purposes, including a possible tourism initiative.
Holowaychuk stated that all governments, including Smoky Lake town council, should take a hard look at demolishing buildings when they can serve another life in the community. During his presentation to council back on March 27, Holowaychuk listed off a number of downtown properties that have been repurposed over the years and are currently being utilized by business owners.
He understood the land title on which the building currently sits was being transferred over to the Town of Smoky Lake. Chief Administrative Officer Dawn Phillips confirmed that to be true. “We did do a land transfer with the school, so the Town now owns the property where the small gym is located. When the school is demolished, the small gym will lose utility connections and the wall that connects to the school, so there would be immediate costs to keep the building.
The topic was discussed several times at council, most recently in September and again in November, of 2022. At the council meeting on November 28th, administration brought forward estimates to bring in utilities, put up a wall and some basic renovation costs. The following motions were made at that time: Deputy Mayor Melody made the motion not pursue the existing small gymnasium building located at the current H. A.
Kostash School grounds and to include the small gymnasium in the demolition plans approved by Aspen View Public Schools, (AVPS). Use of the land it sits on would be determined in the future. That motion was carried.
Councillor Terry Makowichuk requested administration contact Michelle Wright, Community Economic Development Officer for Smoky Lake Region to discuss any potential business
opportunities for the small gymnasium. That motion was carried.
Phillips said she asked Wright to reach out to the community to see if there was any interest in taking over the small gym.
“Superintendent Neil O’Shea said that he needed a final decision on whether the small gym would be demolished by January 5, 2023. Ms. Wright let me know on January 5, 2023 that she was unsuccessful in finding anyone interested in taking over the small gym. I advised Aspen View at this time and change orders were made to include the small gym in the demolishment of the school to take place in July.”
Hank Holowaychuk requested council reconsider the demolishment of the small gym during his presentation. There was a motion to reconsider the motion made on November 28, 2022 to demolish the small gym, but it was defeated.
Brian and Leesa Jones attended the April 24 council meeting to request that the small gym be saved and sold to them for the purpose of opening an art gallery. The couple said they would take on the responsibility of reconnecting sewer and other renovations.
The entrepreneurs currently own and operate four businesses in the community and would like to convert the building
Interior of small gymnasium. (Hank Holowaychuk/Submitted Photos)
Smoky lake United - CONTINUED ON PAGE 19
The Best of the Worst. Teddy Waste Awards 2023
Arthur Beaudette News Advertiser – Opinion
Every year the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, (CTF) presents their “Teddy Awards.” Much of what follows is directly from the www. website, so all the cheers and jeers can go to them. I am merely a conduit this week.
The Teddy, a pig-shaped trophy the CTF annually awards to governments’ worst waste offenders, is named after Ted Weatherill, a former federal appointee who was fired in 1999 for submitting a raft of dubious expense claims, including a $700 lunch for two.
Below are only two examples of winners for 2023. For the full list of winners you can visit the website, but you may need a stiff adult beverage or your blood pressure meds before you do. You have been warned.
The Federal award goes to Governor General Mary Simon (Winner)
Nominated for: Racking up a nearly six-figure tab on fancy airplane food during a week-long trip to the Middle East.
Cost: $99,362
You know what’s hard to do? Outspend Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
But Governor General Mary Simon said hold my Beef Wellington. Simon managed to outspend Trudeau’s annual grocery bill on oneweek to the Middle East when she and her 29-person entourage spent $99,362 on in-flight catering, according to flight receipts obtained by the CTF through an access-to-information request.
Simon told Canadians the “meals are not very extravagant on these
trips” and “they’re pretty much like airline meals.”
You be the judge.
The flight menus included: “Beef Wellington with red jus” and “pan fried chicken scaloppini in creamy mushroom wine reduction sauce.” Buttery chicken tikka masala, apple and cranberry stuffed pork tenderloin, beef carpaccio and about $190 worth of “VIP sliced fruit” were also on the menus. That’s not exactly “like airline meals,” as Simon claimed.
But don’t worry taxpayers, the government is taking this issue very seriously.
The bureaucrats tasked with trotting Simon around the globe promised to reduce future flight costs. They say they will reduce meal options, limit special requests and offer “minimal” snacks.
“Drink garnishes will be eliminated from service,” the government’s chief of protocol Stewart Wheeler said.
No more drinks with twist? Oh, the sacrifice.
The 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award Winner: The Canada Revenue Agency
Nominated for: Giving pandemic subsidies to ineligible businesses, people in jail, teenagers and hundreds of dead people.
Cost: Potentially more than $32 billion
The Lifetime Achievement is our most prestigious award.
Past recipients have included everyone from premiers and prime ministers to Bev Oda and Bombardier.
This year’s winner gives us the answer to the question: What do inmates, dead people and teenagers all have in common? They all received the Canada Emergency Response Benefit.
The Canada Revenue Agency gave the CERB to:
• 190,254 people who quit their job instead of losing it due to the pandemic;
• 692 people who received a duplicate payment benefit;
• 1,522 people who were in jail;
• 704 people who did not live in Canada;
• 434 people under the age of 15; and,
• 391 dead people.
The feds handed out potentially more than $32 billion in ineligible or suspicious payments, according to the Auditor General.
Usually, if you take money that doesn’t belong to you, you might end up in jail. In Justin Trudeau’s Canada, we got the reverse: first you go to jail, then the government sends you money you’re not supposed to have.
This year’s winner also puts a scary twist for taxpayers on M. Night Shyamalan’s The Sixth Sense. In Canada, we don’t see dead people, taxpayers subsidize dead people.
Here’s the strangest part: If you owe the CRA a toonie, they’ll send the hounds after you. They’ll shake down a waitress because she forgot to carry the one when she was doing the taxes on her tips. But the billions of dollars sent out the door to ineligible recipients? Suddenly the CRA’s too busy to get it back.
Because it sent buckets of cash to dead people, inmates, ineligible businesses and teenagers during the pandemic, and can’t be bothered to fully investigate it, the CRA is a worthy recipient of this year’s lifetime achievement award.
There you have it. A small taste of this year’s most atrocious waste. For more visit website.
Tell me what you think. Email me at
PAGE 4 News Advertiser MAY 24, 2023 www. -NOTICEOFCOPYRIGHT - All rights reserved, entire contents copyright by The Vegreville News Advertiser Ltd. Reproduction of editorial material or advertisements in whole or in part is forbidden without prior written permission by the publisher. -AGREEMENT - It is agreed by the advertiser that The Vegreville News Advertiser Ltd. will not be responsible for errors or omissions and will not be liable for any amount exceeding the space contracted for and then only the portion in which such error appeared. The Vegreville News Advertiser Ltd. is a family oriented community newspaper and therefore reserves the right to refuse any advertisement that in our opinion does not fitourfocus.Wecannotacceptadvertisements criticizing or disparaging other advertisements, firms, or individuals or any advertisements directed to a specific race or religion. The views of individuals expressed in The Vegreville News Advertiser Ltd. are not necessarily those of the publisher. One e ro e of f the e Vegrevil e News s Advertiser r is s to o promote e dialogue e on n var ous s issues s of f concern n to o area a res dents We e accomplish h th s by y welcom ng g Letters s to o the e Editor r and d allow ng g various s issues s to o be e debated d through h our r pages All l letters s must t contain n the e wr ter's s name address s and d phone e number along g with h writer s s gnature e and d photo o ID Anonymous s letters s wil not t be e pr nted The e Vegrevi le e News s Advertiser r Ltd reserves s the e right t to o ed t letters s for r ength h (recommended d length h is s 150 0 words) clar ty spe ling g and d grammar taste e or r for r reasons s of f potent a l bel The e Vegrevil e News s Advertiser r Ltd wil publ sh h letters s without t b as but t reserves s the e right t to o w thhold d letters s from m publ cat on 5110 - 50 Street Box 810 Vegreville, AB T9C 1R9 Phone 780-632-2861 Fax 780-632-7981 Toll Free 1-800-522-4127 VEGREVILLENEWSADVERTISERLTD. ASSOCIATIONOF FREECOMMUNITYPAPERS Arthur Beaudette General Manager Accounting Albina Beaudette Publisher/Advertising/Special Promotions Daniel Beaudette The Vegreville News Advertiser Ltd. is an independently owned newspaper featuring the best news and the best buys in the area. Published every Wednesday at Vegreville, Alberta by The Vegreville News Advertiser Ltd. The Vegreville News Advertiser Ltd. has a total market coverage by mailandcarrierstoeveryhomein25communitiesandrack distribution in ohters. PUBLICATIONAGREEMENT # 40790520 Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent Larry Ruptash Advertising/Special Promotions Advertising/Special Promotions 20 2017 Advertising & Editorial Excellence Award Winner Data Entry Clerk/Office Assistant Receptionist/Office Assistant Reporter Michelle Pinon 9,572 CIRCULATION Mercedes Larocque Olha Koval Some Areas May Not Receive All Flyers Due To Quantities Available For Distribution. Talk to Your Retailer for Info THISISSUE'S FEATURED REAL ESTATE REALESTATE Remax ELITE, Laura Danilak Page 19 Send all ad submissions to Deadline For All Ads: FRIDAYS at 5:00 pm Coop Home Hardware Peavey Mart The Brick IGA Sobeys FLYERS GREAT GROCERY GIVE-AWAY Page 18 FEATUREDINTHISISSUE: AUCTIONS Allen B Olson - Page 11 Lindstrand - Page 13 Team Auctions - Page 13 Name: Paul Cleveland Occupation: retired heavy equipment operator Likes: my grandchildren, traveling, antique cameras Dislikes: people doing stupid things, running equipment in muddy conditions
VALID Recognizes Their Fantastic Employees
successes and supporting challenges each and every day.
VALID helps their employees achieve this for the clients by offering extensive and ongoing training to all our front line disability service workers. We work with staff to ensure they know the plans for those they support and know the goals and aspirations of each person with which they work. We offer flexible work schedules, fair wages and a strong benefits package. Ensuring our staff are wellcompensated for their work is important to us!
Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent
Ministry of Seniors and Community Services (SCSS) led by Minister Jeremy Nixon has declared Community Disability Service Workers Appreciation Week on May 22-28, 2023.
Executive Director for VALID Association Lana Syms stated that to recognize VALID’s workers, they are going to be having thank you baskets delivered beginning of the week to each program site, they will put posters up all over town, give recognition in the local newspaper and, have door prizes and draws throughout the week, as well as, they will have a Staff BBQ at the end of the week with VALID board cooking for
the staff.
“I feel it is essential to do this because our staff work tirelessly to care for those we support. It is a very challenging job and often one that is overlooked as essential to Albertans. Our staff are underpaid and underappreciated and we are working to get them the recognition they deserve. It’s fantastic that the province is finally recognizing these essential workers.
Our staff help those we support live full and inclusive lives by helping them integrate into the community, going on outings and fieldtrips, volunteering, daily living skills and giving them improved employment opportunities.
Our staff work alongside those we support every step of the way, celebrating
Disability Service Workers gave their testimony on what it is like to work for VALID. Karen Streets who has worked for 35 years for VALID expressed that all the people she works with are amazing; the individuals, the guardians, the staff, and the community. “Every day is a fun, new challenge.”
Bernice Komarnisky mentioned that she has worked for one year in June. “This is a good place to work for because every day is different. Also, I have learned so much from working with adults with disabilities. This work has been wonderful.”
Stacey Barrett said that she has been working a month. “I like everything about it. I used to volunteer for VALID before I worked here.”
MAY 24, 2023 News Advertiser PAGE 5 www. KUZZYK K LAW W OFFICE A P A R T N E R S H I P F O R T H E G E N E R A L P R A C T I C E O F L A W 5038 8- 50 0 Avenue Vegreville Alberta T9C C 1S1 Phone: 780-632-4552 Dan's s Quote e of f The e Week “I have said this many times, that there seems to be enough room in the world for mediocre men, but not for mediocre women, and we really have to work very, very hard.” - Madeleine Albright (1937 - 2022) Let us take the stress out of your IT environment. Give us a call today! us us We Are Your IT Department VM Systems Systems780-632-2859 5006 51 Ave, Vegreville, AB T9C 1R3 Experienced, Well Trained Technicians Providing Broad and Deep IT Solutions and Support Computer Repair Networking Ser vices C o h o e L a w Cohoe Law Cohoe Lori-Ann Cohoe, KC 4802 - 49 Ave, Vegreville PractisingIn RealEstate,Wills,Estates, Refinancing,Corporate, FamilyLaw Jason Latorre, BA, JD 780-632-6901 It’s Summer Event Season! Name _____________________________ Address ___________________________ AGLC License # 000000 Ticket No. Winner Will Receive 50% of Money Raised Draw Date: Nov. 11, 2021. Vegreville Legion No. 39, Vegreville, AB TICKETS $10 each AGLC License 000000 Must Be 18 or Over To Purchase Ticket No. XXXX XXXX Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 39 50/50 DRAW .00$10 Each COPY&CENTER PRINT Work with the Professionals at the News Advertiser to Ensure your Tickets are Top Quality RAFFLE TICKETS Printing Your Own? The News Advertiser has pre-perforated ticket stock in multiple colours on high quality paper that you can print your tickets on. Phone: 780-632-2861 Fax: 780-632-7981 5110 - 50 St. Vegreville Email: Toll Free: 1-800-522-4147 News - Advertising - Printing - Promotion Multiple Styles Variety of Colours Custom Imprint Available With: ROLL
Fort Saskatchewan - Vegreville
Community over Conformity People over Politics Approved by the Official Agent for the Kathy Flett Campaign
Kathy Flett
Some of the Disability Service Workers from L-R: Karen Streets, Lana Syms, Stacey Barrett, Bernice Komarnisky. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)
90 Years Ago – May 24, 1933
Vegreville town council brought to light that all vehicles are required to come to a stop immediately before crossing the Highway. No parking is to be permitted on Main Street at the curb, between the Canadian National Railway and Third Ave. Vehicles may draw up to the curb for the purpose only of loading or unloading.
Monday’s meeting of the Chamber of Commerce featured a discussion of the problem of the dumping of bread in Vegreville through a chain store. Local bakeries sent a joint letter to the Chamber pointing out the dangers which might result from this cut price on so necessary a commodity. Bakers would be forced to close their doors and throw men out of employment, with a resultant increase in relief costs to the town and the loss of industry to the town.
The tennis courts in Lavoy are steadily getting ready to be played on. It has been leveled, raked, and rolled and it is hoped that it will be ready to be played on next week.
75 Years Ago – May 26, 1948
This is not the most pleasant of subjects but it is well worth some reference as it applies to a very considerable number of householders within the town. According to a notice published householders, not on the sewer lines, are peremptorily ordered to provide pits for outdoor toilets – presumably at their own expense – as the council states that it is not possible to provide a reliable scavenger to take care of the bucket system. So back we go to the Dark Ages, just when we thought we were on the way out. The next step will naturally be the use of a fence corner, a convenient bush, and a corncob.
A machine that cleans and pasteurizes eggs in the shell at the rate of 18,000 an hour is being used by an egg exporting firm in Australia. It is claimed to be the only machine of its kind in the world. The eggs are fed into a bath at 146 degrees Fahrenheit where they are scrubbed band then passed into a cold air chamber.
Saskatchewan motorists visiting British Columbia will be issued with “pink slips” to comply with that province’s financial responsibility legislation covering automobile accident claims, Hon. O.W. Valleau said recently.
50 Years Ago – May 24, 1973
New manager at the Vegreville Co—op is really no stranger to town. Jerry Liden lived in Vegreville some twenty years ago and handled the same position before traveling and then taking over the operations of the St. Paul Co-op. After leaving this area Mr. Liden and his family operated a drive-in restaurant in Summerland, B.C. and they have resided there until now.
Caroline Henley received the first prize trophy in the 4-year-old novice basic baton strut at the provincial baton twirling championships held at Sherwood Park. She was among the entries from the Vegreville School of Dance under the direction of the Eileen Dodds School of Dance.
Mrs. L. Munroe, Mrs. L. Nawrot, Mrs. J. Reidlinger, and Mrs. M. Clements were among the first group of ladies to complete the E.M.O. rescue course. Mayor Virgil Moshansky was on hand to present them with their certificates.
A concerned group of Holden High School students has formed an ecology group. Known as the Holden Ecology Group, their main concern will be pollution of the environment, whether it is soil, air, or water, and the conservation of plant and animal life.
Years Ago – May 19, 1998
The Vegreville Pool Sharks started their 1998 season on May 4 with Michelle Robichard as their new head coach. Michelle comes from Saskatoon where she swam competitively for 12 years and coached the Gold Fins and Tri Club swim teams for five years.
Shane Clark and Galen Colaco were awarded third place in the provincial badminton playoffs, boys’ doubles. Rachael Hauca and Curtis Soprovich placed fourth in the province in mixed doubles. This is the first time Two Hills High School has done this well in badminton playoffs.
Sgt. Brian McMillan, a 30-year veteran with the RCMP, has begun his duties in Two Hills. He and his wife Fern have recently moved from Shaunavon, Saskatchewan after spending 10 years in B.C. and 20 years in Saskatchewan.
Students from St. Martin’s School participated in their annual “Jump Rope for Heart program”. This year they raised $8841.19 for the foundation. This is the tenth year the school has been involved and in that time, students have raised $59,926.00. Leading the way this year was Daniel Bilyk with $435 in pledges. Other top collectors were Katrina Miller – at $248, Jason Waddell – at $224, and Mariella Llasha and Darren Nakoneckny both at -$222.
How the Alberta Election Will Impact Children’s Education
Michael Zwaagstra
Frontier Centre for Public Policy
The Alberta election campaign is now underway. Polls indicate that it will be a tight race between Danielle Smith’s UCP and Rachel Notley’s NDP.
With the NDP well ahead in Edmonton and with most of rural Alberta locked in for the UCP, the election will almost certainly come down to Calgary, where the UCP and NDP are neck-and-neck in the polls. This means that Calgary voters essentially get to choose who will be the next premier.
Election campaigns tend to focus a lot on fiscal issues and health care. In Alberta, there is also usually a vigorous debate about which party will best stand up to Ottawa’s intrusion in areas of provincial jurisdiction. Unfortunately, this means that other vital topics, such as education, often receive less attention.
However, voters should pay attention to education because this election will impact Alberta schools in a big way. Perhaps the most obvious difference is on the matter of curriculum – which is the substance of what students are expected to learn in school.
The UCP government has implemented substantial curriculum revisions at the K-3 level and plans to expand its implementation to Grades four to six in the fall. However, not only has the NDP promised to halt the expansion of the new curriculum, but they also promise to scrap it altogether if elected this spring.
No doubt there have been some significant hiccups in the UCP’s rollout of the new curriculum, particularly in social studies. However, the
new math and English Language Arts (ELA) requirements mark a substantial improvement over what was in place. Specifically, Alberta students are now required to learn the standard algorithms for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division and will need to demonstrate fluency with basic math facts.
In addition, the new ELA curriculum – emphasizing explicit and systematic instruction in phonics – will help students become more proficient readers. Research has long been clear that phonics (sounding out letters and words) is vastly superior to the threecueing method, which essentially encourages students to guess the meaning of words based on their context.
Learning how to read is a human right, as evidenced by a recent Ontario Human Rights Commission report about the state of reading instruction in that province. The Right to Read report pulled no punches as it excoriated Ontario schools for subjecting students to inferior reading instruction, which impacted poor students the most. It called for a total overhaul of the provincial ELA curriculum so that it includes a proper emphasis on phonics.
If the NDP wins the Alberta election, they will undoubtedly scrap the new ELA curriculum. This might make some well-paid curriculum consultants happy, but it will not be good for Alberta students. Students need explicit and systematic instruction in phonics, and this won’t happen if Alberta schools revert to the old ELA curriculum.
It’s also important to consider the different approaches of the UCP and NDP on school choice. Alberta currently provides significant school choice to parents, as evidenced by the fact that independent schools are eligible for partial operational funding
PAGE 6 News Advertiser MAY 24, 2023 www.
One role of the Vegreville News Advertiser is to promote dialogue on various issues of concern to area residents. We accomplish this by welcoming Letters to the Editor and allowing various issues to be debated through our pages. All letters must contain the writer’s name, address and phone number. Anonymous letters will not be printed, however the writer’s name may be withheld from publication in special circumstances deemed appropriate by the Publisher. The Vegreville News Advertiser reserves the right to edit letters for length, clarity, spelling and grammar, taste or for reasons of potential libel. A maximum of 150 words is preferred. The Vegreville News Advertiser reserves the right to withhold letters from publication. Letters Welcomed
Every time a newspaper dies, even a bad one, the country moves a little closer to authoritarianism...
- Richard Kluger -
Lakeland MP Honours Vyshyvanka Day
My husband Shayne’s Ukrainian family have been settled in the region around Two Hills and Innisfree for 120 years, since 1903 before Alberta even became a province, and we gather at ever-growing family reunions every five years near Mundare so I’m looking forward to seeing everyone this summer.
Of all the federal ridings across Canada, the highest percentage, 25 percent of Ukrainian Canadians live in Lakeland,
and I’m proud to represent their families and communities”.
According to Wikipedia, Vyshyvanka Day is an international holiday that aims to preserve the Ukrainian folk traditions of creating and wearing ethnic embroidered clothes called vyshyvankas. It is celebrated the third Thursday of May. The idea of Vyshyvanka Day was suggested in 2006 by Lesia Voroniuk, [uk], then a student of Chernivtsi University.
Michelle Pinon News Advertiser
Many Ottawa MPs wore Ukrainian blouses to honour Vyshyvanka Day on May 18.
MP Shannon Stubbs and BattlefordsLloyminster MP Rosemarie Falk who share the border city of Lloydminister stood alongside the Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre.
When asked about Vyshyvanka Day in
Ottawa, MP Stubbs said, “I am proud to wear a beautiful Vyshyvanka from Ceramic Cottage in Vegreville on Vyshyvanka Day in Ottawa.
My husband and I grew up in Lakeland and I have so many memories of the loving Ukrainian families in Lamont County who all regularly included me in their family and holiday celebrations because all my extended relatives were in Atlantic Canada and Ontario.
Greetings! This is Jackie Armstrong-Homeniuk, United Conservative Party candidate
Earlier in this campaign, Danielle Smith and the UCPannounced the Public Health Guarantee - a commitmenttoAlbertansthatwearefully committed to Alberta's publicly-funded health care system. The Public Health Guarantee is a promise toAlbertansthataUnitedConservative government will never make you pay to see a doctor. Our government is working to fix our healthcare system by making strategic reforms which are already working to improve ambulance response times, lower emergency department wait times,andaddresssurgerybacklogs.Wewill continue to expand our health workforce by putting more money into recruiting, training, supporting and retaining healthcare professionals.
Parents shouldn't have to choose between a familyoracareer.That 'swhyourUnited Conservative Party will ensure all Albertans have access to $10-a-day daycare by 2026. Are-elected UnitedConservativegovernmentwillkeep moving Alberta forward by ensuring families have the access to affordable childcare that best meets their needs, grows the economy, and gives parents the opportunity to return to work.
Throughout this campaign I spoke with many farmers who are concerned with the opposition plan to revive Bill 6 if elected. Bill 6 made it illegal for farm kids to work on the family farm. The UCP scrappedthisdetrimentalbill.Theydon't
news each week — by print, online or digitally.
Learn more at
understand the realities faced by rural Albertans or the harm this bill would do to the family farm- but I do.
Albertans can trust a UCPgovernment to stand up for them. We scrapped the provincial carbon tax and we continue to fight the federal carbon tax, whichismakinglifemoreexpensiveforall. Albertans know that a UCPgovernment will never bring back the provincial carbon tax, the same cannot be said for other parties.
AsParliamentarySecretaryforUkrainian Refugee Settlement I am proud of the work I and ourUCP governmenthavedonetosupport Ukrainian evacuees. For my role in our response, Vladimir Putin has banned me, by name, from entering Russia. I wear this as a badge of honour and will never stop fighting for the principles of freedom and liberty - at home and wherever these fundamental values may be under attack.
IamapassionateadvocateforFort Saskatchewan-Vegreville, and over the last term have successfully provided $3.3 million in funding for the Vegreville Industrial Park and $1.6 million for the industrial area road construction.
I have also successfully advocated for overpass construction on Highways 857 and 16-currently in the engineering stage, re-paving of highways 850 and 857, as well as funding for many local projects and local organizations.
Throughoutthisterm,wehaveseenreal progress. And I am confident there is so much more to come.
So, I hope to earn your vote on May 29th to keep Alberta moving forward.
For more information on these announcements, and the entire platform, visit If you would like to volunteer on our campaign to help move Alberta forward email my team at or visit my campaign office at 190, 5341-50 Ave Vegreville. I hope to see you at the doors!
MAY 24, 2023 News Advertiser PAGE 7 www.
On Election Day Vote Jackie Armstrong-Homeniuk and Let’s Keep Building a Stronger and Affordable Alberta
Authorized by the Official Agent for Jackie Armstrong-Homeniuk, UCP Candidate for Fort Saskatchewan-Vegreville. 587-280-8683
Jackie Armstrong-Homeniuk Whether they’re thumbing through pages or swiping to the next article, 4 in 5 people in Canada read the
On the same page.
Lakeland MP Shannon Stubbs, left, along with her colleague MP Rosemarie Falk, far right, and the Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre. (Lakeland Constituency/Submitted Photo)
Vegreville Garden Club Annual Plant Sale
Weekly Crop Market Review
The e Vegreville e Ag g Society y would d like e to o thank k the e following g sponsors s for r their r continuing g support t of f the e
AAC Brandon - improved FHB resistance, most widely grown CWRS variety in Western Canada for 5 years
AAC Wheatland VB - wheat midge tolerant very good lodging resistance
AC Andrew - In demand for both milling and feed industry, great silage option
219-16 - shorter height and improved yield over CDC Snowdrop, smaller seed size than Snowbird
Yellow w Peas
CDC Canary - improved standability, early maturity
6- Row w Feed d Barley
AB Advantage - improved grain and forage yields, increase in plump and bushel weight, smooth awned
2- Roow w Malt t Barley
CDC Copeland - in demand by malting companies
Pioneer Hi-Bred Varieties Available
Kittle Farms LTD.
Phone: 780-336-2583
Cell: 780-385-4900
Box 296, Viking, AB T0B 4N0
Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent
The anticipation of planting season became alive for around 200 people at Vegreville Garden Club, (VGC) Annual Plant Sale at Vegreville Farmers’ Market at Vegreville Elks Hall on May 19.
This sale offered perennials, house plants, tomato plants, seed potatoes, onions, a couple of Valentine Cherry trees and other plants which people could purchase.
Coordinator for VGC Sonia Hunka expressed that she has helped with this plant sale ever since she has been a member of the garden club which is over 43 years. “This sale is a fundraiser for our club for the Vegreville Agricultural Society for the Horticultural Show at the fair. Also, we felt plants like perennials do spread so we wanted to share with other people who are just starting out planting and want something added to their yard.
We also shared planting and gardening tips about the plants with people. They told us they were looking for something to put in a sunny or shady location and we helped them out.
I believe people look forward to this sale every year as the plants are all reasonably priced and always interesting because you never know what type of plants people will bring in and what you will find. The idea is that you are helping to beautify somebody’s yard.”
PAGE 8 News Advertiser MAY 24, 2023 www.
Fair Major Sponsor Deerland Equipment Ag Arena Vegreville and District Co-op Antique Tractor Pulls Deerland Equipment Nutrien Ag Solutions Backdrop Derek Fox Financial Salty’s Liquor Store Veg Auto & Industrial Supply Ltd. Vegreville Glass & Mirror Barrel Sponsor Co-operators Insurance Billboards Esteem Wedding & Event Rentals Krystal Hook Realtor ® Proline Automotive Sunset Woodworking Vegreville Insurance Broadcast Booth R.J.V. Gasfield Buildings Century 21 – Kody Kuchik KM – Vegreville Engineering Inc. Speedy Septic Tanks Synergy CPA's Veg Fire & Safety Woodcraft Canada Child Find Bilyk Financial Event Sign Lakeland Power Co-op Quest Disposal & Recycling Town of Vegreville Vegreville Insurance Vegreville Liquor Store Heat Sponsor Hayday Fitness Studio Kids Mini Tractor Pulls Deerland Equipment Kids Zone McDonalds - Vegreville Mini Banner Veg Auto & Industrial Supply Ltd. Recycle Bins Quest Disposal & Recycling Steps Derek Fox Financial Synergy CPA’s Vegreville Accounting Vegreville Co-op Strong Person Competition Snap Fitness Track Sponsor Xtreme Equipment Xtreme
Deerland d Country y Fair
dealer for brett young forage seed
People of all ages shop and look around at the sale.
Fires and our Way of Life
Can we imagine the weather to recover by itself without us to undergo any change in our way of life? Feeling helpless watching this global warming is forgetting that our personal actions are making a great difference. Actually, nothing can replace them. Here are some examples and you certainly have much more:
Every time we use water, doing the same job by using less. For yard maintenance, watering too much our grass prevents it from developing its deeper roots.
Do you feel there is less birds signing in our trees? You are right, there is much less. To avoid poisoning them with toxic warms, use a minimum of pesticide.
Remove fire hazard over your property like dead trees, (in winter or by humid days), reflecting light objects, etc.
Never throw a stupid cigarette butt through the window, it is a crime!
Until our climate gets stabilized, limit use of fuel as much as possible. Ex.: Making
a list of what we need to prevent us from being always on the road for shopping.
Can we influence our deputy? If the Feds could tax all stock market transactions of only 0.01 percent, (they go on at the speed of milliseconds) they would have enough savings to provide us with low price solar panels and carbon catchers for all needed crucial places. Any way, you go nowhere with profits if the planet can not keep harbouring you.
I still work hard on myself to follow these indications.
Gaétane Pelletier-Lucsanszky
Thank you for your letter Gaétane. Most of us can do more, even as you say, if it is a little. We can do amazing things if we want to. Unfortunately as a global population, the will is simply not there. It’s hard to put the Genie back in the bottle. An interesting 2020 Canadian documentary “The New Corporation | The Unfortunately Necessary Sequel” is worth watching. - AB
MAY 24, 2023 News Advertiser PAGE 9 www. Taneen Rudyk Fort Saskatchewan – Vegreville Elect A better future for you and your family. eliminating income tax for small business and family farms freezing personal income tax rates fixing healthcare cutting electricity rates; capping insurance hiring teachers and support staff We will keep the RCMP in Alberta. All this while maintaining the lowest personal and corporate taxes in Canada. Rachel Notley and the Alberta NDP Authorized by Alberta NDP Please support these businesses & organizations whenever possible! Father’s Day Event The Vegreville Ag Society and the Iron Runners Car Club would like to thank the following sponsors for their continued support of the Auto & Industrial Supply Ltd. Father's Day Event. Antique Tractor Display - Deerland Equipment ATV Pulls -Country 106.5 Car Show Sponsor - McDonald’s – Vegreville Custom & Vintage Motorcycles - Vantage Builders / Rona Demo Derby Major Sponsor - Grant Miller Motors Demo Derby - Best Dressed – Derek Fox Financial Trucks 1st Place – R.J.V. Gasfield Trucks 2nd Place – Proline Automotive Trucks 3rd Place – Ernie’s Auto Body Big Cars 1st Place – Woodcraft Canada Big Cars 2nd - Loren's Plumbing & Gasfitting Big Cars 3rd – Tom Dwyer Mechanical Small Cars 1st – Yard Work by Darren Small Cars 2nd - J & S Moving Hi-Way Tractor Display - Full Throttle Truck & Trailer Power Wheels - Flash Distributors (NAPA) Show & Shine – 1st Place - Rat Rods - Bucky’s Welding Ltd. 1970’s – Flash Distributors Ltd. (NAPA) People’s Choice – Rocky Mountain Equipment Foreign – Kal Tire Hot Rod/Street Rod and Modified – Volten Electric 1950’s – OK Tire Truck’s 1973 & Up – Prime Cuts Meat & Deli 1980’s and Up – Twin Lakes Ready Mix & Aggregate Ltd. 1960’s – Vegreville Auto Body Trucks 1950 to 1972 – Vegreville & District Co-op Convertibles – Vegreville Home Hardware Show & Shine - Muscle Cars - Maddigan Chrysler Best of Show – Vegreville Mechanical Pre 50’s Car and Trucks – Adam’s No Frills Low Riders – Webb’s Machinery Special Interest – Hi-Way Registries VEGREVILLE & SURROUNDING AREA SURROUNDINGAREA WEATHER
19°C 9°C thu MAY 25 21°C 12°C sat MAY 27 23°C 12°C fri MAY 26 19°C 10°C wed MAY 24 20°C 10°C mon MAY 29 20°C 10°C sun MAY 28 20°C 9°C tue MAY30
Vegreville Insurance Is Looking For An Enthusiastic Individual To Join
Our Team!
The ideal candidate MUST be a licensed broker, demonstrate commitment to exceptional customer service and share our core values.
Job requirements:
● Must currently hold a Level 1 or Level 2 General Insurance License. Consideration will be given to those who may not have a current license, but have held one in the past.
● Exceptional people skills with a true desire to help clients in a service position.
● Flexible and able to adapt to changes.
● Experience with Applied Systems an asset.
What you will be doing:
● Assist clients with servicing existing accounts and quoting new business.
● Obtain account updates, renewal reviews, service calls and follow-up.
● Maintain accurate records of all client activity.
● Recommending and maintaining appropriate insurance coverage for clients.
This position includes a positive work environment with hours, Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5:00pm. Resumes may be emailed to or dropped off in person during regular hours.
Thank you for your consideration, however, only candidates under consideration will be contacted.
Insurance Vegreville
4914 50 St., Vegreville, AB Phone: 780-632-2666
FULL L TIME FULL L TIME Receptionist / Office Assistant
This is an entry level position with someone who has good people skills, good spelling & attention to detail.Must be organized, able to multitask&abletomeetdeadlines. Bookkeeping experience not necessary, but an asset.
Dutiesinclude,butnotlimitedto:serving customers,assistingwithtakingorders, answering phones, typing, assisting accounting with circulation audits, filing & office duties.
The Vegreville News Advertiser also offers a great benefit package.
If you are interested in working in a fast paced environment, with great people, please apply with a resume and references to:
The e Vegreville e News s Advertiser
P O Box x 810, , 5110-50 0 Street
Vegreville AB B T9C C 1R9 hr@newsadvertiser com
We appreciate everyone's time, but only applicants required for an interview will be contacted.
Letter: Election Day Monday May-29-2023
As we go to the polls, it is my hope that we all keep in mind that, unlike voting for a mayor or a town councillor, when we vote provincially we are voting in a political
Part-Time/Casual Commission Sales Person
The Vegreville News Advertiser has an opening for a Part-Time/Casual Commission Sales Person
Duties include developing and maintaining customer relations in person and by phone and filling out paperwork for customer orders.
The successful applicant will have excellent people and organizational skills. Hours are flexible. Sales/Customer Service experience an asset, on going training provided.
If you are interested in working in a fast paced environment with a great group of people, please apply with a resume and references to:
Vegreville News Advertiser P.O. Box 810 5110-50 Street
Vegreville, Alberta T9C 1R9 E-Mail:
I encourage everyone, especially our young folk who may be voting for the first time, to understand the party platforms of the MLA candidates before casting a ballot. - Kelly Zeleny - Taneen Rudyk - Kathy Flett - Granny Margaret Mackay - Jackie Armstrong-Homeniuk
At the end of the election, may it be the best party platform for our community and province that ultimately wins the popularity contest.
Respectfully, Claudine Laibida
Thank you for your letter Claudine. Voting is important, but being an informed voter is even more important. At times, political parties count on an easily swayed, uninformed voter to push them over the line. - AB
The Two Hills Family and Community Services Society (FCSS) is a non-profit organization that serves the Town of Two Hills, the Village of Myrnam, and the County of Two Hills No. 21 including the Hamlets of Musidora, Brosseau, Duvernay, Derwent, Willingdon, and Hairy Hill.
Adver tiserAdver tiser
Internet Service Representative
DigitalWeb is a local family-owned Internet Service company that operates alongside our IT company VM Systems.
Our research and development approach at DigitalWeb allows us to continue to provide flat rate internet service in the rural areas surrounding Vegreville as well as in-town.
We are actively seeking a dynamic, organized, and self-motivated individual to join our in-house team.
This new position will be all about DigitalWeb and looking after its in-house needs.
If you are looking to join a company at the entry level and be given the opportunity to learn and grow, we have the ideal position for the right candidate.
Duties include:
● manage customer accounts
● manage hardware
● arrange/manage service calls
● prepare tickets and reports
● assist technicians
● troubleshoot internet services
● opportunity to join the technicians on service calls
Skills required:
● completed grade 12 education
● strong command of the English language, spoken and written
● adept at using a computer, computer programs and keyboard
● comfortable working at both a computer and in a warehouse setting
● able to lift 25 lbs and maneuver
● bondable
● driver’s license an asset however not a necessity
Contact: VM Systems, P.O. Box 315, Vegreville, AB T9C 1R3
Fax: 780-632-7981
Our team is seeking an individual who is a child and youth care professional, highly motivated, positive, and enthusiastic to fill the role of Family Resource Network (FRN) Coordinator. The FRN Coordinator is primarily responsible for the delivery and implementation of the Family Resource Network programs, events, and services in our area. Provincial Family Resource Networks (FRNs) deliver high quality prevention and early intervention services and supports for children aged 0 to 18.
Key Responsibilities: Facilitation and delivery of programs, events, and services in the following priority areas:
• Child and Youth Development (0-18 years)
• Caregiver/parent education and support
• Family support including building resiliency and fostering well being.
• Provision of Information and referral services to assist with access to community resources.
• Diploma in Child and Youth Care or a related field preferred.
• Minimum 1 year of experience working with children and youth and providing parent/caregiver support services.
• An equivalent combination of education and experience will be considered.
• Ability to effectively plan appropriate programs and events.
• Very effective communication skills including sensitivity, diplomacy, and the ability to maintain strict confidentiality.
• Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work both independently and within a team environment.
• Excellent working knowledge of available community resources and support services for children, youth, and caregivers in the region.
• Must have a valid Class 5 Alberta Motor Vehicle Operators License and be willing to travel within the service area.
• A Criminal Record Check including Vulnerable Sector Search and Child/Youth Intervention Check is required.
• Evening and/or weekend work may be required.
This position 0.9 FTE and is a one-year Maternity Cover Off Position.
For more information on the position please contact:
Heather Landiak, Executive Director, Two Hills Family and Community Services Society (FCSS)
Mail: Box 687, Two Hills, Alberta T0B 4K0
Address: 4712 – 50th Street, Two Hills, Alberta
(Monday – Friday 8:30 – 4:30 pm)
To apply please forward your cover letter, resume and three work related references by Monday June 12th, 2023 to the above.
PAGE 10 News Advertiser MAY 24, 2023 www.
those requested for an interview will be contacted. We appreciate everyone’s time.
Only VM M Systems
780-632-2859 5006-50 Ave Vegreville
MAY 24, 2023 News Advertiser PAGE 11 www. East Central Summer Machinery Consignment Equipment Auction Sale Hwy #16 East & Rge Rd 185, Alberta Online Auction -Starts Opening June 2nd, 2023 & Closes on June 6th, 2023 Location: Hwy #16 & Rge Rd 185 (1 Mile East of Hwy 834) - South Side of the Road Allen B. Olson Auction Service Ltd. Rimbey & Hwy #16 East, Alberta -License No. 165690 Email: - Homepage: Dispersals for Don & Elaine Laing of Bruce Alberta (Located at the Farm) & Jim George of Chipman, Alberta (Located at the Sal e Site) Ford Vers 946 4wd Tractor JD 8450 4wd TractorCase IH 8910 FWA TractorMF 1755M FWA TractorMF 1552 FWA Tractor JD 4630 2wd TractorJCB Loadall 520 TelehandlerJCB 4CX Backhoe Cat D6D Crawler Cat 315D Excavator Gehl RT250 Skid SteerJD 630 Moco Case IH RB564 Rd BalerFarmking 12 Wheel Easy RakeBrandt SB400 90’ Sprayer Brandt 8510 Grain Bag Extractor Merritt 53’ Cattle Liner Tubeline Nitro 525RS Manure Spreader ‘06 Western Star Heavy Wrecker ‘94 IHC Towing Truck ‘05 Sterling Day Cab Truck‘07 IHC 9900 Hi -Way Truck‘04 IHC 4300 Van TruckMack Water Truck PJ 30’ GN Flat Deck Trailer Vertec VT3630 Grain Dryer White 2-135 FWA TractorBrent 674 Grain CartMelroe 3630 Spray Coupe 1 of 3 Meridian Hopper Bottom Grain Bins 40’ Seacan 2 - Shale Tanks ‘07 Trail Eze 53’ Trailer Flexicoil System 92 60’ Harrows Case IH 5465A Rd Baler (780) 208-2508 Hwy #16 East (403) 843-2747 Rimbey Toll Free 1-855-783-0556 Partial Listing Only Visit our Website for More Info Listing Also Include: White 2-135 & 2-85, 2 - JD 4450, JD Style & Unstyle AR’s, JD D &M, MF 1635 FWA, MF 130, AC 7060 Tractors, Morris 8900 Air Seeder, Schafer 14’ Disc, Flexicoil 92 60’ Harrows, Large Selection of Tillage, Haying & Harvest Equipment, Plus a JD 945 Moco, Hesston 1275 Discbine, NH BR780 Rd Baler, Kubota RA1042 Rake, JD 8820 & White 892 Combines, Case IH 8825 & 8820 Swathers, Melroe 3630 Spray Coup, Several Augers, 6 - Chief Westland Hopper Bottom Bins, Trail Eze 53’ Trailer, Doepker 53’ Drop Deck, Horse Trailers, 3 - GMC Grain Trucks, Large Selection of Skid Steer Attach., Trucks, SUV’s, Cars, RV’s, Quads & More, Plus A Huge Selection of Miscellaneous, Shelters, Garages, Greenhouses & Sheds PLUS MUCH MUCH MORE Additional Listing are Still Being Accepted, All Items Must Be in the Sales Yard by May 31, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. Viewing is Available from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. For More Information Contact our Hwy #16/Rge Rd 185 Office at (780) 208-2508 or Aaron Olson at (403) 913-9644
he American Avocet is a striking long legged shorebird with a distinct upturned bill that eats aquatic invertebrates and resides in shallow wetlands. A few were spotted in sloughs in the Two Hills area on a beautiful spring day on May 10. (Michelle Pinon/Photo)
PAGE 12 News Advertiser MAY 24, 2023 www. Sunday, June 4, 2023 2:00 p.m. at Imperial Community Centre Imperial Community Centre ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 1 1 #1 - $15.00 - includes address, date & time on map for 1 week; 6 posters 11"x17" #2 - $25.00 - includes 1X2" block ad (classifieds) for 1 week; 6 posters; address, date, time on map #3 - $7.95 - includes Classified Upcoming 10 words or less; (NOADDRESSONMAPORPOSTERS) 3 CHOICES OF F ADVERTISING G PACKAGES S OFADVERTISINGPACKAGES G R E S LE GARAGE SALES Yard Signs Garage Sale Extras Free use with deposit #157 Brookwood Estates 8 Km North of Vegreville on Golf Course Road May 25, 26 & 28 9:00 am - 7:00 pm 8 Km North of Vegreville on Golf Course Road Golf Course Road Vegreville 4-H Beef Club 4-H Show & Sale Monday, May 29, 2023 19 Top Quality Steers Up For Auction Lunch - Noon Show - 2:30 pm Supper - 5:30 pm Sale - 7:00 pm Vegreville Agricultural Society Grounds If you are unable to attend and are interested in purchasing a steer contact Mark 780-632-1316 Thank you to all the sponsors for our 2022-2023 Achievement Day & Sale Vegreville Insurance Kal-Tire Prime Cuts Synergy Accounting Tofield Packers Cargill Gelbvieh Association Quest Disposal Bill's Panels Webb’s Vegreville 764 Customs OK Tire Vegreville Rocky Mountain Equipment Vegreville Auto & Industrial Alta Wide Vegreville Maddigan Vegreville JJ's Value Drug Mart Young Fart's RV Parts Hayday Fitness Studios FCC Drever Agencies RJV Dubuc Accounting Bert's Bison UFA Alberta Accent Electrical Vegreville Plumbing & Heating Callahan Feeds G&YYarham Sales SR Feed & Farm Supply Dales Auction Weibe Insurance Donna Lopaschuk Nu Earth Solutions Loves Custom Meats Zieglers Fashions Prarie Rose Veterinary Cooperators Deerland Vegreville Vegreville Vet Clinic Lakeland REA Rockhaven Cattle Co. Blaine & Joyce Axten Vegreville Ag Society K&J Acres The Wood & Canvas Shed Anchor A Farms Boss Feeds Budget Floors Vegreville Ford Kubota Vegreville Eye Clinic BMO Vegreville Ranfurly Ag Society Willow Ridge Farms Ron's Auto & Ag AFSC Bortnick Electric UniqEnergy Solutions North Star Ag Vision Credit Union Co-op Vegreville BASF D&J Kisilevich Jiffy Lube Emcon Vegreville Beef Club
Striking Shorebird
Accepting delivery of consignments from Friday, June 9 to Friday, June 16 from 8:00
LiveEntertainment byThePrairieDogs
MAY 24, 2023 News Advertiser PAGE 13 www. Friday, May 26 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm Dine In Or Take Out Steak Fry 780-632-3900 Steak $25 ; Hamburger $17 Add Shrimp for $5 Salad Bar Only $14 Royal Canadian Branch No. 39 Vegreville Everyone is invited to come and enjoy a BBQ, tours of the school, family fun activities in the construction lab, climbing wall and gym; finishing off the night with Ice Cream made right in our Science Lab! Come join us, meet the St. Mary's family, and see everything we have to offer. OPEN HOUSE Wednesday May 31 5-7pm St. Mary's Catholic School UNRESERVED ONLINE TIMED EQUIPMENT CONSIGNMENT AUCTION FOR NBI FEEDYARDS BIDDING OPENS: 9 AM JUN 3 BIDS START CLOSING: 9 AM JUN 7 LAMONT, AB Office: 780-542-4337 2014 John Deere 8335RT Tracked Tractor 2009 Caterpillar 930H Wheel Loader 2014 John Deere 6140D MFWD Loader Tractor 2011 John Deere 290GLC Excavator 2014 Claas Jaguar 840 4WD Forage Harvester 2006 Kenworth T800 T/A Day Cab Feed Truck I NNISFREE & D ISTRICT AG S OCIETY P RESENTS FARMER’S DAY
June 9 Tickets available from any Innisfree Ag Society member, Innisfree Village Office or Innisfree ATB until June 2nd or Call Deanna at 780-581-5871 ADVANCE TICKETS ONLY
Door Prizes
Cocktails - 5:30 Supper - 6:30 Innisfree Rec Centre 13 & Up $30 6 - 12 $15 5 & Under FREE
am to 6:00 pm. ALREADY LISTED: 3 LARGE LATE MODEL FARM DISPERSALS! CONSIGN TODAY TO BE PART OF THIS BIG AUCTION! Public Viewing: Monday, June 19th to Thursday June 22nd from 8:00 am- 6:00 pm & Friday, June 23rd from 8:00 am until NOON SHARP. At our yard: 2 MILES NORTH OF CAMROSE ON HIGHWAY 833. (47321 Sec, Hwy 833) We conduct Alberta’s Largest 1-day Farm Machinery Consignment Auction 4 times a year. Selling farm equipment, cars & trucks, lawn and garden, recreation vehicles and shop equipment. Whether you have 1 piece or a complete line of machinery, we have the facility & the experience to bring you top dollar for your equipment. For full listings and pictures visit our website at: WWW.LINDSTRANDAUCTIONS.COM ONLINE TIMED SUMMER CONSIGNMENT AUCTION CAMROSE, ALBERTA Visit our website to register for our online timed auction WWW.LINDSTRANDAUCTIONS.COM Ph: 780-672-8478 AT LINDSTRAND AUCTIONS SALE SITE, 2 MILES NORTH OF CAMROSE ON HIGHWAY 833. (47321 Sec, Hwy 833) CONSIGN NOW!! AB License #312728 LINDSTRAND AUCTIONS LTD . 54th Annual BIDDING STARTS MONDAY, JUNE 19TH AND BIDDING ENDS FRIDAY, JUNE 23RD
VMSA Outdoor Soccer Season Kicks Off
Purebred yearlings & 2 year olds, Red Angus Bulls, semen tested. Brown Alta Farms (780)603-4882.
SafeStep. North America’s #1 Walkin tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our free shower package & $1600 off-limited time! Financing available. 1-855417-1306
BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices - No payments for
Vegreville Minor Soccer Association (VMSA) soccer players took to the RJV Soccer Field to practice, have games with the local teams together, as well as, play a home game with Vegreville Thunder U13 Boys versus Bonnyville U13 Boys where they had a tied score of 3-3 on May 10.
FOR SALE - Flexicoil System 67 Sprayer - 80ft booms, wind curtains, 800 gallon tank, wash tank, duel nozzles, auto rate controller. Excellent Condition! Asking $6,000, OBO. PH: 780-632-0090 706 IH Tractor w/ Frontend Loader & Cab! PH: 780-764-3871
Rockwell 9” Table Saw $200.00 PH: 780-632-2235
Phone 1-780 455-2573 - 1 world finger gold watch, U.S.A. coin back ground only one I know, WOW; one chance only to buy cheap oil and gas mineral rights I know, Wow; one accordion cheap low price wow; 1 new steel printed year 2000, hotdog holder, wow; 2- Elvis Presley faces on 2 new car licence plates I know, WOW; 1- 1950 Marilyn Monroe getting out of her car in Jasper, AB one leg on the ground , 8 x 11 picture; 1 – Colorado Avalanche hockey puck, USA; I world only Strava’s violin cheap only one in the world; 1 – only 1964 Dodge car, cheap, WOW; 1 new Dianna & Charlies wedding cup, Cheap wow; 1 – 1938 short wave radio for airplanes, etc. Cheap; WOW, 1- only Wayne Gretsky #99 - 3” button in color, signed; 1 – 1950 official puck made in Canada. PH: 1-780-4552573
HughesNet - Finally, super-fast internet no matter where you live.
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Prepare for power outages today with a GENERAC home standby generator $0 Down + Low Monthly Pmt Request a free Quote. Call before the next power outage: 1-855-948-6176.
Coach for Vegreville Thunder U13 Boys Stephanie MacComish explained about their May 15 Game versus the Vermilion U13 Boys. “Our game ended in a win 12-4! The Vermilion team was short-handed with only one sub so most of their team played the entire game on a hot evening with only short breaks, where we had five subs and were able to give everyone on the team breaks. But both teams played great!
I was so impressed with our team’s ability to pass the ball to make some great plays up to the net with some good goals to reward their efforts! They looked like a team out there! And our goalie, Eamon Dixon, made some amazing saves! I think we will have a fun season of developing their skills even more and I really enjoy coaching them.”
Coach for Vegreville Thunder U17 Girls Rory Sperling commented on the May 11 Game versus the Bonnyville U17 Girls, “We lost 8-1. We have 18 girls on our team this year ranging in age from 14 to 17 years. Our vision this year is to simply improve week to week and be competitive with any team we play against.”
PAGE 14 News Advertiser MAY 24, 2023 www. APARTMENTS Bachelor, 1 and 2-bedroom suite for rent at 5310-46 St and 4917 – 61 Ave. Rent starts from $575 to $825, DD Same. Rent incl. Water, heat and Energized pkg stall. Call 780-6320630 for more info and viewing. AUTOMOBILES 1993 Chrysler Fifth Avenue New Yorker Classic Car, good driving condition, 2 sets of tires, $1495.00, Camrose 780-678-5485 COMPUTERS VM SYSTEMS Looking for a new computer? VM SYSTEMS has all you’ll ever need in computers! Installation – Sales –Service – Internet. One call will get you in touch. Phone 780-632-2859 9am – 5pm FEED Wanted. Oats, Peas, Wheat, Barley, Canola: Dry, Wet, or Heated. 1-888-4838789. GARAGE SALE HEALTH & FITNESS Attention oxygen therapy users! Inogen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8 pounds. Free info kit. Call 877-9299587. HELP WANTED Vegreville - Assistant Required for 2 Seniors, in Their Home. For More Information Call: 780-712-1003 or 780-656-0614 Help Required to Cut Grass and Other Small Jobs for Senior. MUST have a valid driver’s license. Call Bob: 780-632-3364 HOMES FOR RENT 3 Bedroom House in Innisfree. 5 Appliances. NP. NS. Only $500/ month! DD Same. Available SOON! PH: 587-280-3376 Advertise your rental property here for as little as $7.95 per week! LAND FOR SALE Due to Injury MUST SELL 10+ Acres with Small Cabin Under Restoration! North of Vegreville. 587-936-2283 $69,500 LAWN & GARDEN Lawnmower! Deluxe Model in LikeNew Condition $175.00 PH: 780632-2217 SPRUCE TREES - Up to 24” - $1 Each! Taller Ones Available! Call 780-632-2278 for Information (leave message). FOR SALE Plastic Barrels, clean for rain water: 25gal-(100L) & 45gal(205L) PH: 780-603-7675 LIVESTOCK
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Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent
Vegreville Thunder U17 Girls play a home game against the Bonnyville U17 Girls on May 11. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)
Vegreville Thunder U13 Boys a home game versus Vermilion U13 Boys on May 15. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)
prompted the change in venue.
Wonsik said, “The original idea was brewing back in October, 2022, however, at that time our efforts went into the Kid-Safe Halloween party.
However, our first gown was garnered at that time. Mrs. Chrystal Semeniuk had advertised her gown on Facebook for a bride in need. I contacted her and asked if she didn’t find a bride if she would consider our event. She later agreed and the number one vintage bride and gown was acquired. Along with a tremendous story, that Crystal and Gordon were married in Mannville, so our first full circle moment.”
Chrystal Semeniuk was in the audience with her sister and said she enjoyed the show. Chrystal married Gordon Semeniuk on April 27, 1997, at the Anglican church in Mannville. Chrystal said the reception of was held at the Mannville Recreation Centre.
As for her beautiful wedding dress, she said that she was talking with her aunt about the wedding. Her aunt told her about a bridal store that was going
out of business and was holding a garage sale. Semeniuk decided to go. The original price tag on the gown was $2,200 and she picked it up for $50.
Semeniuk said her dress has been hanging in her closet for years and thought someone else might be able to make use of it. She advertised it on Facebook to give away for free and Wonsik messaged Semeniuk asking if she’d be willing to donate it for the vintage bridal show, and she replied yes.
Wonsik also invited her to attend the show and she watched Louise McCormack model her gown. In total, there were 26 bridal gowns, three bridesmaid dresses and three flower girl dresses in the show. Altogether, there were a total of 16 vintage brides in attendance. “Meeting our vintage brides in person was an honour after first hearing their story,” said Wonsik.
One of the flower girl dresses was originally worn by volunteer Gail Woywitka in October of 1955 when she was 11-years-old at her brother Ervine’s wedding in Dominion City, Manitoba. Gail volunteered to help out with the bridal show and was
smiling from ear to ear as made sure the models were right on cue for their grand entrance.
Ida Romain also assisted with the show and her husband Ricky escorted the models on and off stage. Ida also had her gown on display at the show. She and Ricky were married on August 20, 1994 at St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Wedgeport, Nova Scotia. She met Ricky through her cousin and fondly recalled how Ricky would propose to her every Saturday night for two and a half years before she agreed to marry him. Nearly 29 years later, the Mannville couple smiled and looked at each other lovingly while sharing some of their special memories.
The ’Just Married Car Show’ was extremely well attended, added Wonsik. “We had over 40 vehicles, from Clandonald, Lloydminster, Wainwright and all points in between.”
In terms of the overall success of the event, Wonsik said, “Our goals were all met, fundraising for Haying in the 30s, building community, meeting new friends; we were all blessed.”
MAY 24, 2023 News Advertiser PAGE 15 www. FREE ADVERTISING FREE CLASSIFIED AD If you have personal items (not related to a profession, trade or business) valued at $500 or less, we will give you a Your message will be delivered to almost 9,500 households and businesses • Submit your ad online at under “Shop” • Mail, fax, email or drop off your ad copy. • One item per ad - 10 word limit. • Include the price of the item in your ad. • Offer excludes living things. Phone: 780-632-2861 Fax: 780-632-7981 5110 - 50 St. Vegreville Email: Example: Push lawnmower. Runs good. $225. 777-777-7777 WRITE YOUR AD HERE: PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 6615 Hwy 16A West, Vegreville (next to Boston Pizza) Phone: 780 632 3912 We e directly y bill l your r insurance! ! Now w accepting g new w patients! We e Treat t You u Like e Family! Welcoming Dr. Nitin Goyal! B A R R I S T E R S & S O L I C I T O R S 5038 8- 50 0 Avenue, , Vegreville e Alberta a T9C C 1S1 1 Phone: : 780-632-4552 A PARTNERSHIP P FOR R THE E GENERAL L PRACTICE E OF F LAW KUZYK K LAW W OFFICE VEGREVILLE DENTAL CENTRE GENERAL L DENTISTRY, , ORTHODONTICS S & IMPLANTS 4922 - 50 St., Vegreville, AB Bus: (780) 632-3368 Proudly y serving g Vegreville e & surrounding g communities s for r over r 30 0 years! Dr. Nick Mouyios Dr. Tim Nawrot and Associates www vegrevilledental com 4802 - 49 Ave. Vegreville, AB T9C 1K9 (South at DQ corner) Ph. 780-632-6901 Fax. 780-632-6902 Cohoe Law Lori-Ann Cohoe, KC Jason Latorre, BA, JD Your Professional Ad Here Phone 780-632-2861 or email Do You Want to Help Ukraine? The best resource as recommended by both the Alberta Government and Canada Government is the Canadian Ukrainian Foundation: Pat Dehid For the News Advertiser The best way to stand on your own two feet is to stop making payments on your car.
s Numbeers Friday, May 19, 2023 EXTRA: 5758729 EXTRA: 5758729 Friday, May 19, 2023 EXTRA: 1617042 EXTRA: 1617042 Saturday, May 20, 2023 Saturday, May 20, 2023 4 6 27 41 48 28 23 14 16 19 41 40 34 47 8 11 23 40 25 34 47 12 13 32 44 47 42 35 41 35
Vintage Bridal Fantasy - CONTINUED from FRONT PAGE
Bridal models Kelsey Chipman, Louise McCormack and Vicky Lessard. (Michelle Pinon/Photo)
Mannville couple Ida and Ricky Romain. (Michelle Pinon/Photo)
Flower girl Gabrielle Croket, left, shows how to walk on the runway. (Michelle Pinon/Photo)
May 28, 1998
Karen Wood Korpan
May 28, 1999
Treasured memories keep you near.
As time unfolds another year.
Our love for you remains forever.
Love Always Emil, Duncan, Katie, Elisa & Nina.
In Loving Memory of Paul Seniuk
1939 - 2022
Who Passed Away May 26, 2022
In a quiet country graveside, Gentle breezes blow. It is almost one year, Since you left us that morning. We miss you more, And more every day. Our hearts are still hurting, Rest in Peace.
Your Loving Wife Edna And Family
1928 - 2022
SAVITSKY, Florence
1933 – 2022
On Monday, December 19, 2022, William (Bill) Savitsky and Florence Adrienne Savitsky of Edmonton, Alberta passed away.
Bill and Florence are survived by their loving family, son Brian (Eileen) and daughter Terese (Terri); grandchildren Ryan (Monika) Savitsky and Trisha (Colin) Ulliac; greatgrandchildren Lucas and Claire Ulliac.
A Divine Liturgy will be held on Saturday, May 27, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. at Sts. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church – Mundare with the Basilian Fathers officiating. Interment to follow in the Church Cemetery. Family and friends are invited to dinner following the memorial mass and the interment.
Вічная Пам’ять
To send condolences please visit
Vegreville, 780-603-5800
KROCHENSKI, Sister Valerie Sophie. SSMI 1927 — 2023 Sister Valerie Krochenski passed to her eternal reward on May 22, 2023, at Mary Immaculate Health Care Centre in Mundare at 95 years of age and 76 years in religious life.
Sister Valerie Sophie Krochenski was born in Kindersley, Saskatchewan, on July 17, 1927, the youngest of eight children of Ignatius Krochenski and Natalia Mady (Madaj).
Sophie completed her Grade 12 in Kindersley in 1946. After graduation, she took a year of business college in Saskatoon, and then, experiencing the call of the Lord, applied to enter the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate. She was accepted, and arrived at the novitiate in Ancaster, ON, on March 21, 1947; she received her habit on September 22 of that year, taking the religious name, Sister Valerie. She made first profession of vows on September 24, 1949, and final profession, August 15, 1956.
After her Novitiate, Sister Valerie attended Normal School in Hamilton, ON, and soon after, began life-long teaching career. She taught grade 1 in Detroit, MI, and kindergarten in Toronto. In 1952, she was transferred to Edmonton, where she taught grades 5 and 6, while also taking summer courses at U of Alberta. After only four years of teaching, she was already receiving glowing reports from the Department of Education.
July 2, 1931 - May 16, 2023
On Tuesday, May 16, 2023, Olga Eglinski of Mundare, Alberta passed away at the age of 91 years. Olga is survived by her five children, Pat (Keith) Purves, Garry (Leena) Eglinski, Valerie (Ron) Retzlaff, Denise Eglinski (Terry Baydala) and Clayton Eglinski; 12 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; along with numerous relatives and friends. Olga was predeceased by her husband George Eglinski; son Ivan; parents John and Sophie Iskiw; siblings Sonia, Mike, Marshall, Bill and Walter.
A Prayer Service will be held on Thursday, May 25, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Two Hills. A Funeral Rite will be held on Friday, May 26, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. at the St. Mary’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Szypenitz with Father Peter Haugen officiating. Interment to follow in the church cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the “St. Mary’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Szypenitz” or to the charity of one’s choice.
To send condolences, please visit
Vegreville, 780-603-5800
In 1959-60, Sister Valerie studied full time at the U of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, receiving her Standard Certificate in Teaching. She continued through summer courses to complete her B.Ed. in1964. In 1960-61, she was appointed Provincial Secretary in Toronto. She resumed teaching in1961, at Sacred Heart Academy, later Sacred Heart High School, owned and run by the SSMI, in Yorkton, SK. She spent the rest of her gradeschool teaching in that institution. Her rapport with her students continued to be exceptional. Her lessons were engaging and challenging, and always brought out the best in her students.
Sister Valerie decidedly preferred the high school level, teaching Biology, History and Christian Ethics. Today, an annual award in Sister Valerie’s name is given for proficiency in Biology at Sacred Heart. But it was in the extra-curricular activities that she supervised, particularly the musicals, where she was best able to appreciate the gifts and talents of her students. After retirement, she maintained many close friendships with her students, and the staff with whom she worked. She was known for the love she showed to those whom and with whom she taught, and for her good common sense.
Sister Valerie taught for 32 years. She also served her Community in leadership positions, as Superior in Edmonton, Yorkton, Toronto, Saskatoon, Ancaster and Mundare; and as Provincial Secretary, Provincial Councillor and Vice-Provincial Superior on the Administrative team of the Congregation. She was a moderator of the SSMI Associates in Saskatoon and served in Religious Education Centers in Saskatoon and Winnipeg. As administrator of the Mount Mary Retreat Centre, in Ancaster, she offered spiritual direction on request as well.
Sister Valerie had opportunities for spiritual enrichment, through the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, in Guelph, ON, a year of studies in the Credo program in Spokane, WA, and a 10-month program of studies in the Holy Lands. She took courses on the Psalms, and Christian Spirituality, at Newman Theological College, in Edmonton, and courses on Religious Vows, Charism and Catholic Action, in other locations. She took her spiritual life seriously, receiving spiritual direction, journaling and applying it to her personal and communal life.
YATES, Carol
April 18, 2023
On April 18, 2023, Carol Yates of Vegreville passed away at the age of 69 years.
Carol grew up in a large family with five sisters and two brothers. She was predeceased by her husband, Ralph in 2019; brother, Norman; and sisters, Jeannette and Jeannine. She leaves behind sisters, June, Katherine, and Deborah; brother, Robert; and many nieces (Melissa) and nephews.
Memorial Service will be held on Friday, June 16, 2023
at 2:00 p.m. at the Vegreville Care Centre Community Room, 4525-50 Street, Vegreville. Masks will need to be worn in the facility and will be provided. Carol saw her friends and co-workers through rose colored glasses, therefore all are encouraged to wear brightly colored clothes so we may see each other as Carol saw us. In memory of Carol, as she loved cats, donations may be made to Prairie Tails Animal Rescue Society in Vegreville.
Photos, memories and condolences may be shared through
VEGREVILLE 780-632-2000
Family was very important to Sister Valerie, and her vacation time was often spent with them. In the earlier years, she visited with her parents in Kindersley, SK, until they passed on, and later, with her siblings and their families, in Kindersley, and in British Columbia, Alberta and Arizona. But she also enjoyed relaxing times with her SSMI family, in various parts of Canada and the United States. She also toured Europe, in Italy, Germany and France, in 1973, and Austria and Ukraine in 1993.When she studied in the Holy Land, she also visited Egypt. Sister Valerie was predeceased by her parents; sisters, Helen Kuz, Mary Grocholski and Ann Mazzei; brothers Paul, Peter, Stanley and Walter and their spouses. She is survived by many nieces and nephews with their families, and the Sisters in the SSMI Congregation.
Parrastas Friday, May 26, 2023 at 8:00 p.m. at St. Joseph’s Home, Mundare with Basilian Fathers officiating. Divine Liturgy Saturday, May 27, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. at St. Joseph’s Home with Bishop David Motiuk and Father Iryney Valavka, OSBM officiating. Interment will follow the service at Sts. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church Cemetery, Mundare. May her memory be
Photos, memories and condolences may be shared through
May 6, 2023
Parents Justen, Elyse, and big brother Barrett are excited to announce the newest addition to their family! Born May 6th at 12:09am, weighing 7lbs 9oz and 18.89 inchs long. Parents, brother and grandparents are filled with love and joy over her arrival.
LESOWAY, Joshua Edward Samuel
September 15, 1991 – May 12, 2023
It is with heavy hearts we announce the passing of our beloved son, Josh Lesoway, at the age of 31 years.
Josh will be fondly remembered, cherished and deeply missed by his parents, Darrell Lesoway and Sheila (Eric) Osmann, his brother Jeremy (Staci) Lesoway, Baba Henriette Lesoway, and Grandma Beth Cruickshank. Josh will be greeted in heaven by his Guido Mike Lesoway, Grandpa Forbes Cruickshank and his Aunty Brenda Boida and Aunty Cathy Rudnisky. Josh will be deeply missed by his 8 uncles and 6 aunts, numerous cousins, extended family, friends, coworkers and the many people whose lives he touched in his lifetime.
A Celebration of Joshua’s Life will be held on Wednesday, May 24, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at Autumn Rose Funeral Home (5036-51 Ave) in Vegreville, Alberta with Lori Lucki as the celebrant. Cremation has taken place. Memorial donations may be made to Crazy Critters Animal Rescue via etransfer to or to an animal rescue / shelter of your choice. To send condolences, please visit
Vegreville, 780-603-5800
SOKALSKI, James Matthew Phillip (Jim) July 14, 1954 – May 20, 2023
On May 20, 2023 the good Lord took home one of His best. Jim Sokalski died as he lived - with his boots on the ground, doing what he loved, in the place he loved, at the age of 68 years. Jim is survived by his partner in life and loving wife of 43 years, Hedi; two sons and two daughters, James (Carmen McFadyen), Miranda (Josh), Mykaela (Jon), Matthew (Jessica); ten grandchildren, Jesse, Kaden, Austin, Karol, Gemma, Casimir, Rosalie, Blaise, Ashleigh and Ethan; two step-grandchildren, Riley and Ashton; siblings, Brian (Sandra), Vaunie (Joe) Gee, Clarence, Rick (Tina), Laura (Ken) Argent, and Patricia (Bob) McMinn; and numerous nieces, nephews, other relatives and a host of friends. He is predeceased by his parents, Marsha and Ed; five children; and four grandchildren. Funeral Mass will be held on Tuesday, May 30, 2023 at 9:30 a.m. at St. Martin of Tours Roman Catholic Church, 5437-43 Street, Vegreville. Father Robert Lee officiating with inurnment at New Kiew Roman Catholic Cemetery. In memory of Jim, donations may be made to the Vegreville Society of St. Vincent de Paul or Vegreville Food Bank.
Photos, memories and condolences may be shared through PARK MEMORIAL LTD.
VEGREVILLE 780-632-2000
PAGE 16 News Advertiser MAY 24, 2023 www.
MEMORIAM OBITUARY OBITUARY OBITUARY FASEK, Geraldine May 19, 2009 In memory of our wife, sister, mother, Grandmother Geraldine Fasek, Who passed away on May 19, 2009. He put his arms around you, And lifted you to rest. God’s garden must be beautiful, He always takes the best. He knew that you were suffering, He knew you were in pain, He knew that you would never Get well on Earth again. He saw the road was getting rough, And the hills were hard to climb, So he closed your weary eyelids, And whispered, “Peace be Thine.” It broke our hearts to lose you. But you didn’t go alone, For part of us went with you, The day God called you home. Forever Missed By William, Nick and Sandra Fasek Todd, Linda, Jasmine and Diesel Fenske
HOME and
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Presley Tori Kate Dmytriw
Arliene Hrynyk Korpan
Winners of RCL Branch No. 39 Where’s the Beef Raffle
Diane Lydom Submitted
On May 14, at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 39 Vegreville’s Mother’s Day Buffett, the winners for the Where’s the Beef raffle fundraiser were announced. First prize of a hind quarter and a cooler package went to Donna McCrimmon, second prize of a hind quarter went to Wayne Bay and third prize of a front quarter went to Suzanne Baumeister and fourth prize of a front quarter went to Vicki Collison.
MAY 24, 2023 News Advertiser PAGE 17 www. Support Our Retailers At t These e Convenient t Locations Andrew Andrew Grocery Mundare A1 Foods Family Foods Stawnichy's Esso Tofield To eld UFA Tempo Gas Temp Liquor To eld Shell To eld Esso To eld IGA Tim Horton’s To eld Grill & Chill Lamont Lamont Dental Clinic Lamont Foods Lamont Grocery Parkview Restaurant Value Drug Mart Viking Bumper to Bumper Esso Viking Shell Viking Pharmacy Vegreville Co-op Gas Bar No Frills Gas Bar Vegreville Drug Mart Pick k up p your r copy y of Pick k up p your r newspaper r and d do o your r shopping Myrna Tatarin Home : 780.367.2494 Cell : 780.288.2494 Fax : 780.367.2495 Bl nds ● Residen ia Interior Decorat ng Email : C o s s e y A p p r a i s a l S e r v i c e cell: 780-916-9025 Ray Cossey Shane Noel Roofing Siding Windows Doors Exterior Renovations 780-603-7212 JEFFS SEPTIC "YOU DUMP IT, WE PUMP IT!" Abraham Wiebe 780-615-5348 780-210-0431 Port-O-Potty Rentals Cardinal Rehabilitation Clinic Physiotherapy For your physiotherapy, acupuncture and general rehabilitation needs. 780-632-2222 780-628-6882 Happy Nest Cleaning Deep House Cleaning Specialists & Window Cleaning Call for a consultation today “Don’t distress that your house is a mess, hire Happy Nest.” SLP Window Cleaning Plus “Yeah I Can Reach It!” 780-217-3660 Windows, Carpets, Home and Office, Eavestroughs, Pressure Washing, Maid Services, and More! Tel: 780.657.2492 For All Accounting Services MONUMENTS Memorials for Your Loved Ones Custom Premium Granite Sale-10%-30% Off On selected shapes-colors Cemetery engraving, vases, restoration Call Len @ 780-966-9191 E: CARLEELELIUK 780-235-0909|780-462-1782 B.COMM,DAR PROFESSIONALREALESTATE APPRAISAL&CONSULTINGSERVICES Commercial~Residential Agriculture~BusinessValuations Machinery~Equipment BLINDS UNLIMITED Dellas Baxandall 780-603-3551 Call or Text Your Hunter Douglas Specialist 1 inch ad for 26 weeks minimum only $258.70 Be seen in the Marketplace 95$9. per issue
L-R: Second Prize Winner, Wayne Bay receives his prize from Terry Kuzyk after making the draw for the winners. (Diane Lydom/Submitted Photo)
LuzDalia Awes Folks of all Ages
Crazy Laws
who do not have a ring master.
They are composed of an international cast of performers and are touring Canada for the first time.
Their acts are very action packed and are full of stunts of acrobats, daredevils, aerialists, clowns that act like comedians, high energy and high flying aerialist, precision jugglers, and agile acrobats.
There was a fun zone as well with face painting, circus toys and treats which people could purchase.
People in the audience gave their impressions. Kyle
Gauvin commented that he enjoyed it. “I especially liked the clowns as they were very funny.”
Keana Trent expressed that it was very good. “I liked the girl who did the acrobats and the guy who did the balancing act on the skateboards.”
This event was possible because Daniel Kuzmic, Parks, Recreation and Facilities for Town of Vegreville said the workers from this circus reached out to them last winter, and they facilitated them.
PAGE 18 News Advertiser MAY 24, 2023 www. GROCERY GIVE-AWAY Name: : Address: Phone e Number: Win n $100 0 worth h of f groceries! You’re at home here. here Vegreville e & District t Co-op 4914 4- 51 1 Ave, , Vegreville, , AB Deposit t Form m At: Drrop p off f entry y by y c os ng g on n Monday, , May y 29, , 2023 GREAT GROCERY GIVE-AWAY Win $100 worth of groceries this week courtesy of... This is our way of saying thank you for using the Vegreville News Advertiser to plan your weekly grocery shopping. Get your entries in now! *No purchase necessary.* Only ONE Entry Per Household. Multiple entries will disqualify you from the draw. you The e winner r for May y 2 24th h is Cathie Zwarich of Vegreville
New Jersey No slurping soup while in a public place My Mother Alice Broadhead She was a woman like no other. She gave me life, nurtured me, taught me, fought for me and held me. There is nothing like a mother’s love. I miss you so much mom. Five years gone.... But never ever forgotten. I love you.♥
Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent Smiles and people saying wow were at the Cirque Luz Dalia Circus at Wally Fedun Arena on May 15.
LuzDalia is a one ring spectacle
Families enjoying the circus. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)
Circus performers wow the audience with their stunts and acts. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)
Former Lamont County Resident dealing with Devastating Loss as Fire Destroys Home
Former Lamont area resident Elaine Engman and her fiancé Herb are grabbling with the devastating loss after fire destroyed their Redwater area home on May 18.
Elaine’s daughter Jennifer Michetti said, “They have lost all their possessions. Including my mom’s wedding dress and their wedding rings as they are getting married July 1 here in a few short weeks.” Michetti has set up a GoFundMe page and says,
“They would love your help and support in any amount you can so they can rebuild and keep taking care of their animals and rescue farm animals.”
Michetti, who also owns her own spa business in Sherwood Park, is also hosting a silent auction to support the couple. The GoFundMe goal is $5,000. She explained that Herb was out rototilling in the garden when the home caught fire and by the time fire crews arrived on scene the fire was too far gone to save the home. Cause of the blaze is currently unknown.
bringing artist from Ukraine from twinned area Kosiv, Ukraine. They could display along with other artists.”
Following their presentation, Coun. Makowichuk requested administration to contact Alberta Infrastructure to consider a change order to prevent the demolition of the small gym and find out the cost since a community member has shown interest in re-purposing the small gym.
At the May 4 school board meeting the issue was discussed in-camera. AVPS Communications Officer Ross Hunter said trustees voted unanimously to proceed with the full demolition on the advice of experts.
Phillips said she intends to bring back the item for discussion at the May 29 council meeting.
into an art gallery. They say, “There is a very large number of very talented artists in Smoky Lake and some world renowned! They all need a venue to display and teach. Council has approved the project but we are waiting for a change order to be approved because town council had approved demolition just prior to our submission.
It will be very unfortunate if the change order is not approved because there is no other facility in Smoky Lake to accommodate and it would cost an estimated $800,000 to replace this structure.”
Brian added that, “Leesa and I have previously worked in the art and photography business. The local Studio 28 artist group has sent letter of support as have several other local artists. Businesses have also shown interest in assisting
According to Benji Smith, Press Secretary to Deputy Premier and Minister of Infrastructure, said the Alberta Government has committed $24,498,407 million for the construction of the new school and demolition of the old school. The contract with Delnor Construction Ltd. includes abatement and demolition of the old school.
Smith said, “The school division has been asked to identify any of the items they want to keep, including things like desks, by July 31, so that Delnor can begin abatement and demolition in August. The school division is to leave the old school empty, and will determine their furniture and equipment needs. Abatement and demolition is to be complete by December 31, 2023.”
The grand opening of the new H.A. Kostash School is currently slated for Sept. 13.
MAY 24, 2023 News Advertiser PAGE 19 www. Caall l for r Free e Comparative e Market t Analysis s Call GREAT STARTER MLS E4334823 GREATSTARTER 4437 49A ST Vegreville $210,000 MLS E4338432 MLSE4338432 GREAT OPPORTUNITY GREATOPPORTUNITY 4908 52 AVE Two Hills $175,000 MANY UPGRADES MLS E4341088 4422 49 ST Vegreville $245,000 Elite Laura Danilak Realtor 780 632 1376 Office: 780 464 4100 MLS E4339605 MLSE4339605 CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN CLOSETODOWNTOWN 4902 53 AV Vegreville $164,500 MLS E4338583 MLSE4338583 GREAT STARTER GREATSTARTER 5102 50 AVE Myrnam $119,000 MLS E4338272 MLSE4338272 SPACIOUS 70 Wood & Garden Vegreville $112,000 H 5 MINUTES to VEG! H Luxurious custom built bungalow H 9.32 partially treed acres H 6 bedrooms + 4 baths H Loaded with enhancements H Stunning hardwood floors H Loads of natural sunlight H Stunning master suite H Hot tub & A/C H Finished basement H Main floor laundry H O/S attached dbl. garage H Detached garage/Man Cave H 3rd toy garage! Executive Acreage Living 780.441.5899 14224 Township Road 524 $864,900 MLS# E4340387 3950 sq.ft. of retail space on main floor 5125 - 50 St. Mainstreet Vegreville PURCHASE - Excellent revenue property Large 2 bedroom suite upstairs Call Dan or Arthur 780-632-2861 - days For Sale or Rent
Smoky lake United - CONTINUED from PAGE 3
Hank Holowaychuk standing outside the small gymnasium this spring.
(Hank Holowaychuk/Submitted Photo)
Michelle Pinon News Advertiser
Aftermath of the fire. Inset: One of the couple’s animals. (Jennifer Michetti/Submitted Photos)
County Of Two Hills No. 21
The County of Two Hills proposes amendments to the Municipal Development Plan (Bylaw 13-2022) and the Land Use Bylaw (Bylaw 14-2022) to identify, define and provide municipal guidance on reviewing and regulating Alternate Energy developments, (energy derived from wind, solar, geothermal, biofuels, or other sources).
A Public Hearing concerning Bylaws 13-2022 and 14-2022 will be held on Thursday, June 8 at 11:00 a.m. at the County of Two Hills Office, 4818 50 Avenue, Two Hills, Alberta. Copies of Bylaw 13-2022, and Bylaw 14-2022 can be reviewed and inspected on the County’s website,,or at the County Office in Two Hills (4818 – 50 Avenue) during regular office hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Submissions may be made by any person(s) who claim(s) to be affected by the Bylaws or from any other person whom Council agrees to hear. Any written submissions that are mailed, emailed, or delivered to the County of Two Hills, must be received no later than Thursday June 1, 2023 at 12:00 Noon, to be included in the agenda package and should be clearly marked ‘Bylaw 13-2022 or Bylaw 14-2022’. Oral or written submissions may be made at the Public Hearing without prior notification to the County of Two Hills. Submissions will become part of the public record and, as such, will be subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. For further information in respect to this bylaw or to make representation regarding the bylaw please contact:
Gary Buchanan, RPP, Planning & Development
Notice is hereby given that Nomination Day is Wednesday, June 7, 2023 and that nominations for the election of candidates for the following offices will be received at the Town of Mundare office within the period beginning on May 17, 2023 and ending at 12:00 noon on Nomination Day.
Education - CONTINUED from PAGE 6
from the province. In addition, Alberta is the only province to allow charter schools.
Charter schools are publicly funded schools that are run independently. They cannot charge tuition, and they must teach the provincial curriculum. There are currently 19 charter school authorities and 34 individual charter schools in Alberta. This number continues to increase, mainly because the UCP recently lifted the arbitrary cap of 15 charter schools that had previously been in place.
Charter schools meet needs that aren’t being met anywhere else. Parents who
The e Vegreville e Ag g Society y would d like e to o thank k the e following g sponsors s for r their r continuing g support t of f the e Dash h to o Summer r Races Barrels
want a more traditional back-to-thebasics approach can send their kids to Foundations for the Future Charter Academy in Calgary, while those who want individualized programming for their at-risk kids might choose Boyle Street Education Centre in Edmonton. Meanwhile, some charter schools, such as Valhalla Charter School in northern Alberta, were formed when the local school board planned to close Valhalla’s only school.
Although the NDP never abolished charter schools while in office, they were never particularly friendly to them either. They certainly expressed no interest in lifting the cap on the total number of charter schools and made no effort to reduce the onerous regulations that made it hard to create new ones. If they get back in power, expect to see significant roadblocks put in the way of any charter school looking to expand.
When Alberta voters, particularly those in Calgary, go to the polls later this month, they had better think carefully about what type of schools they want to have. This election will have a big impact on the type of learning that happens in schools.
Michael Zwaagstra is a high school teacher, a senior fellow at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, and co-author of the book What’s Wrong With Our Schools and How We Can Fix Them.
Mundare Councillor Sandra Nicholson Resigns
Michelle Pinon News Advertiser
After nine months of serving as a town councillor in Mundare, Sandra Nicholson has resigned.
Town of Mundare Chief Administrative Officer Colin Zyla said Nicholson resigned as a councillor effective May 9. She was acclaimed as councillor on Aug. 10, 2022 as no other candidates came forward to fill the position that had been
Notice to Creditors and Claimants
Estate of Lawrence Joe Kuly who died on February 7, 2023. If you have a claim against this estate, you must file your claim by: June 26, 2023 with Olson + Rau Law Solicitor for the Personal Representative at #12, 6109 50th Avenue Vegreville, Alberta T9C 1N6 and provide details of your claim.
If you do not file by the date above, the estate property can lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have.
vacated by Councillor Eddie Shepel. Nicholson was sworn into office on Sept. 6.
Prior to her first council meeting Nicholson stated that being a part of the community was very important to her and that is why she let her name stand for nomination in the by-election.
Nicholson’s letter of resignation was not provided to the Vegreville News Advertiser. Zyla said he received an email from Nicholson, but it was not included in the May 16 agenda package. He suggested VNA reach out to Nicholson regarding her reasons for resigning from council. VNA did reach out to Nicholson for information and comment, but had not received a response prior to press time.
A by-election must be held within 120 days of Nicholson’s resignation. Council passed the motion to hold the by-election on July 5 and nomination day will be June 7.
PAGE 20 News Advertiser MAY 24, 2023 www.
Local Authorities Election Act (Section
DATED at the Town of Mundare, in the Province of Alberta, this 17th day of May, 2023. Nomination forms can be obtained at the Town office or at Councillor 1 Office Number of Vacancies Town of Mundare Office 5128-50 Street Mundare, AB T0B 3H0 Lisa Euchuk, Returning Officer
Line Vegreville and District Co-op
780.657.3358 Box 490, TWO HILLS, Alberta, T0B 4K0 EMAIL: MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, BYLAW 13-2022 and LANDUSE BYLAW, 14-2022 A D V E R T I S E Y O U R H O M E B U S I N E S S H E R E JUST T $50 for 13
Gayle Speidel 780-543-9768 Vegreville & Area 780-632-6727 4830 - 54 St., Vegreville Across from Galleria Mall With Prices to suit Seniors NO G.S.T. Call l 780-632to o book k yo home e director y a Jerry Romanick’s Painting Commercial - Residential Interior - Exterior Phone: 780-478-7244 Cell 780-240-9720 Flooring Painting Drop Ceiling Crown Molding Framing Drywall Remodeling Basement 780-288-4927 Drywall & Renovations Inc. James Odewale Owner/Operator. Royal l Touch Piano Lessons with Khrystyna Kohut Professional Teacher from Ukraine with 28 years experience 780-208-5510 BLINDS UNLIMITED Dellas Baxandall 780-603-3551 Call or Text Your Hunter Douglas Specialist Wayne Neufeld 780-603-8186 - Regularly Scheduled Lawn Mowing - Cleanups to Conform with Bylaws - Vacation Mows - One Time Mows - Edging - Dump Runs - Bobcat Services * Acreages * Cemeteries * Farm Yards * Commercial * Residential Yardvark Lawn & Snow Vegreville Residential Cleaning Service *Seniors Discount* Helping Hands Housekeeping 780-603-4990
3 weeks
Sandra Nicholson. (Michelle Pinon/File Photo)