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November 3, 2021
Philip Daniels Called to Serve in Military He served overseas in Michelle Pinon News Advertiser England, Ireland, Scotland Philip Daniels comes from and Cypress during his seven a long line of military men. years in the military. Philip Four generations to be exact. said he loved going on trainPhilip said he always wanting exercises, and every year ed to serve, and at 20 years of he went to Wainwright and age he took his basic training Suffield to participate in in Cornwallis, Nova Scotia training exercises there. before taking his artillery When Philip wasn’t driving basic training at the Canadian the M109 self-propelled howForces Base (CFB) in Shilo, itzer, he was doing mechaniManitoba. That is where he cal duties. He said the unit he was posted afterwards. operated was built in 1945 CFB Shilo is home to First and weighed 37 tons. The Regiment Royal Canadian barrel alone, was 155 mm in Horse Artillery, (RCHA) and diameter weighed 2 tons. Philip Daniels graduation photo from the Second Battalion Princess While it was a good unit, it Basic Training at CFB Cornwallis. Patricia’s Canadian Light (Philip Daniels/Submitted Photo) had served its time and was Infantry, (2PPCLI). Both disbanded several years ago. units are part of 1 Canadian Mechanized Reflecting on his time in the military, Philip said it was a Brigade Group. Philip served as a gunner different life and a good life. He would recommend the service with the RCHA. to anyone and said it provides opportunities for further educaShilo is located 35 kilometres east of tion and opportunities to try different Brandon, and that’s where he and his careers as well as ability to transfer to buddies would go on Remembrance Day. other units and branches of the military. They always went to the Royal Canadian Philip said he and his wife were looking Legion there following the Remembrance for a peaceful rural community and Day Service. moved to Holden five years ago and “I found through my experience they, wanted to get involved with the Legion. (war veterans) didn’t talk to people about Today, he serves as the Sergeant-at-Arms. their experiences because they thought “It’s important to honour the legacy and they wouldn’t understand.” He was grate- sacrifice of war veterans, soldiers, and ful to be in their presence and to listen to other men and women who have served their stories and experiences. their country. Philip said that nine out of 12 months in He defines a hero as someone who a year were spent training in his field never made it home and is proud to be a unit. He recalls spending many nights part of a contingent who are keeping their ironing and polishing boots. memory alive so generation upon genera-
Royal Canadian
5037 - 52 Avenue Vegreville
Branch No. 39
Thanks to the kind and generous support of the residents in the communities of Vegreville, Mundare, Andrew & Willingdon, our 2020 Poppy Campaign was very successful. Total Donations of $11,989.72 less expenses have now or will be distributed in accordance with Regulations set out hereunder.
The 2021 Poppy Campaign will commence in Vegreville on October 29, 2021. A ceremony of Remembrance will be held at the Cenotaph commencing at 10:30 a.m. on November 11, 2021. Due to Covid, the ceremony will be for invited guests only. We will stream the ceremony on our FaceBook page.
BACK Daylight savings time ends at 2:00am on November 7th.
Todd & Carrie’s share: $792✽ This is Todd and Carrie. Last year, they got a $792 profit shares cash payout that they invested in their business, the Daysland Bumper to Bumper. The two became members
Money donated during the Royal Canadian Legion’s annual PoppyRemembrance Campaign is placed in public trust funds. Some of the many ways this money is used to improve life for people in your community include: •Provide assistance to needy ex-service members and their families. •Purchasing medical equipment and/or appliances for Veterans. •Supporting Mundare Air Cadets. •Supporting the STARS Air Ambulance. •Awards Ceremony and Luncheon for Veterans and their families. •U of A Faculty of Rehab Medicine •Local Schools and Programs
tion of Canadians will truly understand the true meaning of service and the ultimate price paid for the freedoms we have today.
in 2018 when Vision worked with them to grow the retail side of the business – it’s been growing ever since. With a small-town store, it’s nice to have a bit of everything, says Todd. A bit of extra cash is pretty nice too. Real people. Real results.
Profit Shares Campaign 2021
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