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Holden 4-H Beef Club November Update
Holden 4-H Beef Club November Update
Zane Gunderson and Kate Albrecht Holden 4-H Beef Club
The Holden 4-H Beef Club held it’s November meeting on November 12 at the Holden Complex. Roll call was Christmas party ideas. This was followed by Taylor Chomik’s secretary report, Taylor Roulston’s treasurer report, and Katie Hrabec and Quinten Albrecht’s district rep report. Following this we all gave our feed report.
Old business included family sign up sheet for committees, tire fundraising, Beaver District meeting November 14 in Viking ,and Fall Fling in Bonnyville.
First item for new business was the Cleaver members discussing what they want to learn in 4-H this year. Keely Chomik wants to learn how to move cattle, and Rhea Gunderson wants to learn more about the anatomy of cattle. We decided that we will have a secret santa gift exchange for our Christmas party which will be bowling and the date will be decided by the Christmas committee. District Public speaking will be hosted this year by our club and the Beaver District multi club. We discussed some of the details about the Northeast Region Volleyball tournament to be held December 7 hosted by Vermilion River club. Beaver District will be hosting “You be the Judge” February 8, 2020 at Lakeland College Vermilion.
This is an exciting opportunity for all members of the Northeast region to learn more about multi species judging. We also learned that there is a 4-H learning day November 16 in Wainwright.
President Carter Chomik congratulated members that competed at Farmfair which was held at Northlands November 6-10. We set feed prices for our record books which included the price of oats, barley, hay, straw and silage.. Awards were presented for 2018/19 record books. Steer record book awards:
Junior: Kate Albrecht, Intermediate: Taylor Chomik, Senior: Carter Chomik. Top Female book: Emma Chomik. Efficient Rate of Gain award: Kaitlyn Rude. There was also an award presented for highest 4-H Diary points. This was a tie between Quinten Albrecht and Taylor Chomik.
Lunch was provided by the Kent Rude and Robbie Chomik families.The meeting was adjourned at 8:30. Our next meeting will be held December 5 at the Holden Complex.