VOL. 68 NO. 40
Green-tech biz setting up in Vegreville Michael Simpson reality that we cannot continue to treat waste as Editor we have; burying it, pushing it into huge piles, or Vegreville will soon be home to a showcase plant incinerating it. With the calls for an alternative using a technology that Vegreville is intimately growing ever more strident government and familiar with – pyrolysis, a technology that oper- industry are being forced to consider new soluates at a lower temperature than combustion and tions. It is into this perfect storm that Emergent ,in the absence of oxyWaste Solutions brings gen (air), transforms its Advanced Pyrolysis waste materials to System (APS) technolproducts in the forms ogy.” of a solid, liquid and The plant will operate gas. 24 hours a day for 330 Emergent Waste days out of the year. It Solutions, based out of will process 12 tonnes Vancouver, has taken a of crumb rubber each lease in Vegreville’s day from a tire shredParks building and will ding operation in be assembling a plant Ponoka that ships in which will use the three times per week. pyrolysis process to EWS has indicated it convert recycled rubwill be using approxiber tires into synthetic A photo of a similar plant operating in Taiwan.The pyrolysis process mately 3 cubic meters gas, heating fuel and a will use recovered water and synthetic gas from its own feed stock, of water per day, carbon sequestration in Vegreville’s case recycled tires, to heat the rubber crumb as well roughly the same product known com- as provide cooling. More details can be accessed by the public at amount used by 10 an open house on October 17 at the Vegreville Centennial Library. monly as “carbon (Photo Supplied) households, and will black” used in various keep that low conapplications where reducing carbon is critical. sumption by recycling 90 per cent of its fresh EWS Chief Executive Officer Kevin Hull is water to be used in its pyrolysis process. One of optimistic that the use of pyrolysis to reclaim the byproducts, namely the synthetic gas released materials, which goes beyond the initial feedstock from the pyrolysis, will be captured and re-used of rubber crumb, is going to be a key industry as a heat source for the building and their reactor used in environmental stewardship programs process, Hull said. everywhere. “EWS is making responsible waste management so profitable a capitalist becomes Local support and oversight an environmentalist,” Hull said. As part of their application to Alberta CONTINUED TO PAGE 10 “Increasingly as a society we are waking to the
Federal Candidates forum feedback
Dwayne Hlady receives award
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october 14, 2015
Federal Candidates forum feedback NDP Duane Zuraska
Conservative Shannon Stubbs
Libertarian Robert McFadzean
Liberal Garry Parenteau
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Allan Kehler talks mental health Page 5
Rangers in the community Page 9
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Michael Simpson Editorial October 6 was a come one, come all affair at the Vegreville Centennial Library. The Vegreville and District Chamber of Commerce hosted their Federa l Ca ndidates Forum. Four political hopefuls made their way to the event, namely a candidate f rom t he Libertarian, Conservative, Liberal and NDP parties. Absent was Green Party c a nd idate Da n iel le Montgomer y, perhaps making a statement on the abstention of burning fos-
sil fuels or otherwise wrapped up in a more pressing engagement, we’ll never know. For the readers out there who prefer a cut and dried analysis of the night, this editorial may not be your cup of tea. The News Advertiser recorded the question period for the event, and it is available to view online at tiny.cc/ eqeg4x free of editorial commentary. In attendance for the night’s Q+A session was Libertarian candidate Robert George McFadzean, who wasted no time in
imparting the Libertarian party philosophy of eschewing government and leaving businesses to regulate themselves. While favourable to business, McFadzean’s party platform did not adequately address the social aspects of governance from the democratic viewpoint of creating equality among citizens. Rather, most of McFadzean’s time was spent arguing for privatization and deregulation of nearly everything, including healthcare – a (costly) crown jewel of Canadian society that keeps the
lower and middle class in the game. If parties like the Libertarian are allowed to exist, and more or less promote the elimination of government (often in other nations referred to as “revolution� or “anarchy� Canada might just be the most tolerant society in the world. The Libertarian’s stand on Tuesday night against bloated government bureaucracy is a popular (if not timeworn) angle of attack seen in every election by many candidates. Downsizing bureaucracy is also low-hanging fruit, and very seldom occurs after election day has passed. In defense of private industry, McFadzean could really only muster the phrase “I can’t explain it, but it works,� during his closing comments. Speaking of attacks, NDP candidate Duane Zaraska wasted no time CONTINUED TO PAGE 4
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in going on the offensive, from his introductory speech to the first half of nearly every question answered. Zaraska’s strong presence as a speaker was used to denounce Prime Minister Stephen Harper at every turn, often at the expense of outlining his own platform. The federal NDP takes position of promoting local value-added petro-chemical processing and capping childcare identical to the provincial NDP’s platform a few months earlier, though Zuraska asserted the two parties are distinct entities, with particular respect to the much anticipated Alberta provincial budget. At the back of the gymnasium where each candidate was allowed to display election materials, the NDP were top dogs in having a brochure for everything and anything under the sun. One such brochure highlighted NDP leader Tom Mulcair’s pledge to reduce the small business tax, build new roads and bridges and other infrastructure, and create an Innovation Tax credit to revitalize the manufacturing industry. Top marks for having a plan on paper, if not being the most congenial party in the room. One on one with Zaraska, people in the crowd found the NDP candidate approachable and friendly. There may be some leftover NDP fervor from Alberta’s provincial election, the question is if it’ll be enough to help Zuraska earn a seat, or if the antiHarper tone galvanizes support or alienates it. Conservative candidate Shannon Stubbs is no stranger to political forums, having faced the firing squad as a Wildrose candidate in the 2012 provincial election. Unsuccessful in that bid, Stubb’s experiences appeared beneficial in last week’s forum, as she avoided political dogfights, clearly the biggest target in the room for her party affiliation. Luckily, no polarizing questions about Niqab’s were asked. As far as election promises, the Conservative pledge of making tax cuts for families was the highlight of their literature, though Stubbs didn’t have many questions that allowed her to speak about it during Q+A. As the night wore on, Stubbs drew the biggest applause during closing speeches by demonstrating her connection to the riding by knowing not only what the Case Processing Center in Vegreville was, but also the name of the local politician who had fought to bring it there. As an incumbent party candidate, Stubbs had the advantage of being able to demonstrate what her party has done on various issues, as opposed to challenging candidates who are only in a position to make promise. Elsewhere in the country, the conservatives are taking a beating in the press, particularly in eastern Canada. Stubbs will have to have demonstrated enough skill in her presentation to convince the riding to stay Conservative for four more years. The final candidate who arrived for the political dog and pony show was Liberal hopeful Garry Parenteau. Like the Conservatives, the Liberals have been promising tax cuts for the middle class, more spending on various portfolios, and a repeal of anti-democratic laws. Parenteau spoke well and had obvious intellect. He was quick to point out to those hoping this election would appoint a party that could put a quick fix on the recession (a debatable current national status) that there is no quick fix, but that careful spending in certain areas and reduced spending in others was key. While he stated the importance of giving a strong voice for the riding in Ottawa, he also stated it would be used to support
october 14, 2015 Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau’s plan for better government. The irony of this is that when Trudeau spoke in Vegreville a few years ago while campaigning for the leadership of his party, one of the cornerstones of his speech was the notion that MP’s should be taking their constituents’ concerns to Ottawa, not taking Ottawa’s message to constituents. Parenteau is the lack of success that the grits have had in this area over the years. Vegreville has never given strong support to Liberals, but perhaps the new party face, supported by a candidate that appears to be a straight shooter could change that. Federal politics is generally the level of governance furthest removed from the streets of Vegreville. That being said, there’s no substitute for having a good handle on what’s going on in your riding if you’re a candidate. At the forum, most candidates did not demonstrate a good understanding of Vegreville’s needs from a federal perspective, but all were able to deliver their parties’ platform in a clear, articulated fashion. To reiterate, all candidates present were of obvious intelligence and skill, a reassurance that regardless of the outcome of the October 19 election, Vegreville should find itself represented by someone with an open mind. Whether the winner of the race uses it to listen to constituents will remain to be seen. The Polls are sayin’… As of October 10, polls indicated overall in Canada that the Liberals were poised to edge out the Conservatives with 33.6% of the vote to the Big C’s 31.8%. On the grand scale, Mulcair’s NDP party is trailing with 23.8% of the vote. Here in Lakeland, it seems a slam dunk for Stubbs, with polls indicating a 68% conservative vote, followed by 15.3% to Parenteau and 12% to Zuraska. Green Party candidate Danielle Montgomery is holding 3.6% of the vote.
Smile of the
Name: Tamara Fike Occupation: Office Administrator Likes: spending time with family, camping Dislikes: really cold weather, bad drivers
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Allan Kehler to deliver talk about mental health issues in simple, down to earth terms. I keep this heavy topic light and use a lot of humor while drawing from personal and professional experiences. I also provide people with tools to live and teach people how to approach people who are in pain, and how to regain control of self.” Kehler
Rosanne Fortier Allan Kehler, Professional Speaker, Author, College Instructor will be giving a community presentation on addictions and mental health on October 20 at 7 p.m. Kehler had his own difficult journey through addictions and mental health. He was a popular and model student. In Grade 11, his personality and work ethic changed. He joined a different peer group. During his university years, his mental health continued to get worse and he turned into an addict. But a concerned professor, Ian McNeill noticed and helped Kehler. Today, Kehler credits McNeill and wants to reach out to others who care about having good mental health or who are going through the same problems. “I feel it is important to do a community presentation on this topic because these are issues that will impact us all at some degree,” Kehler said. “We all know someone who is or has persevered through these issues. I have entered countless communities and sadly many people fear entering the doors because they fear the judgment of others. These topics instill both fear and discomfort. Many people don’t know how to respond when people are challenged with these issues so they do and say nothing. However, silence will always be the enemy of recovery. I feared talking about my personal issues because I feared judgment. Yet the person who hurt the most because of that was me. “Growing up in a small conservative community, we never talked about these issues. I was very ignorant
around these areas, and this is where information truly is power. “I think that sometimes we spend too much time focusing on mental illness when we need to spend more time discussing mental health. I view addictions as a way to live outside of self so that we don’t have to be with self. If we live a life of balance and are mentally well, there is no incentive to reach outside of self for something that already exists within. Sadly, many people are in pain and they don’t have the tools to manage this pain. At this point, substance or process addictions such as gambling have the ability to temporarily numb this pain.” Kehler stated. “By taking an honest look at self and trying to establish a life of balance. We often lose ourselves in the journey of others which takes away from the journey that we were meant to lead in the first place.” Kehler said. “In this presentation, I will provide a deeper understanding of these
explained. “I believe everyone should attend this presentation. Information is helpful. Even if there is nobody who has mental health issues or additions in your life now, things could change tomorrow.”
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october 14, 2015
90 Years Ago – October 14, 1925 The Board of Trade will stage a dance Carnival in either Dobbins Hall or the Armouries on the night of the Dominion Election. A direct wire will be connected to the building and the results will be posted hot from the wire. Tickets should be secured early, as a big attendance from all over the district is expected, and admission will be restricted to a number that can be conveniently accommodated. “If the proper co-operative spirit is maintained among the farmers, and the Wheat Pool continues to have efficient management, there is no doubt about its being a permanent success.” So Mayor A.W. Fraser told the audience of 25 at the Board of Trade luncheon on Monday. Prices had been low in 1921 and 1922 but it was the belief of the speaker that has it not been for the competition form the Pool, the grain trade would have paid lower prices that were realized in 1923 and 1924. For the first time in the province’s history, Alberta has taken first tank among the provinces of Canada, in the production of natural gas. The dominion bureau of statistics report for the production for the first six months of this year states that Alberta’s production during that period was 4,687,084 million cu. ft.
75 Years Ago – October 16, 1940 On Tuesday morning, Neil Primrose left for Edmonton and from thence he will proceed to Trenton, Ontario, to join the RCAF in training there. Mr. Primrose has been practicing law in Vegreville for upwards of seven years and has taken a most active part in public and community matters as may be evidenced by the number of responsible offices which he holds or had held during his residence here. His law office here will continue in business, under the firm name of Primrose & Decore, with Mr. J.N. Decore in charge. Trade Minister MacKinnon issued figures today showing that quotas established for delivery of 1940 crop wheat to elevators will allow prairie province farmers to deliver 51.4% of their marketable surplus or 239,149,000 bushels. Val Greig, who has joined the Royal Canadian Engineers was a week-end visitor at his parental home in Ryley. He expects to leave for Calgary on Tuesday where he will receive his training.
50 Years Ago – October 14, 1965 An exceptionally heavy turnout of voters was experienced in Vegreville civic elections held Wednesday. Dimmie Kozoway topped the polls with 565 ballots cast for him followed by John Huzil with 542 and Jack Yaciuk 411. Mr. Kozoway was returned to office after completing the term of Nick Hantiuk who resigned last spring. For Mr. Huzil on his second try at the polls it marks his initial step forward in public office. The losing candidate, Jack Yaciuk, was first elected in 1962 and served on council for three years. At a recent meeting of the Vegreville and District Bar Association, a free Legal Aid Plan was adopted. Pursuant to the Plan, all practising trial lawyers within the Vegreville Judicial District will volunteer their services from time to time as called upon to represent indigent persons in criminal matters. A second application for a taxi license in Vegreville was reviewed by town council on Tuesday night. At a previous meeting it was moved that in view of the limited volume of business probable for two taxi stands in the town that a second application, if received be denied. Council stuck to its guns when representatives of Vegreville Taxi Limited applied for a license following the granting of a taxi license to Bill Misik who is presently operating.
25 Years Ago – October 9, 1990 Kelly Kotowich and Jason Kotowich of Vegreville took first place in a pumpkin contest recently held in Viking. Their pumpkin weighed 176 pounds. Meanwhile, Justin, Pam and Aaron Cannan of Innisfree took third place with their 145 pound beauty. The pumpkins were grown south of Innisfree. Burning at the Village of Lavoy dump got out of control on a windy day about 10 days ago and started a stubble field on fire. Local firefighters responded to seven similar fires in 1989 and have been on six calls so far in 1990. The Vegreville Cultural Association has just been approved to receive a $3290.50 tourism funding grant. The grant comes through team tourism, a five year program which started in September 1988. The program is funded through the Alberta Government through lottery funds. The money was for the Pysanka Festival and its promotion through advertising and printed literature. Nova Corporation of Alberta is pleased to announce the appointment of Darren McLean to the position of Foreman Technical/ Operations Measurement North in Vegreville.
Letters Welcomed
One role of the Vegreville News Advertiser is to promote dialogue on various issues of concern to area residents. We accomplish this by welcoming Letters to the Editor and allowing various issues to be debated through our pages. All letters must contain the writer’s name, address and phone number. Anonymous letters will not be printed, however the writer’s name may be withheld from publication in special circumstances deemed appropriate by the Publisher. The Vegreville News Advertiser reserves the right to edit letters for length, clarity, spelling and grammar, taste or for reasons of potential libel. The Vegreville News Advertiser reserves the right to withhold letters from publication.
War With China Again: The Thucydides Trap Gwynne Dyer There is a small industry in the United States that predicts the “coming war” with China, and Atlantic Magazine is foremost among reputable American monthlies in giving a home to such speculation. It has just done it again, in an article that includes a hearty dose of geopolitical theory. The theory is “The Thucydides Trap”. The author is Graham Allison of Harvard University, the man who coined that phrase. Thucydides, the historian of the Peloponnesian War in the 5th century BC, explained what caused the war this way: “It was the rise of Athens, and the fear that this inspired in Sparta, that made war inevitable.” It lasted twenty years, and at the end of it the two great powers of the ancient Greek world were both devastated. Yet they didn’t really go to war over anything in particular, according to Thucydides. The problem was that Athens was overtaking Sparta in power (like China is overtaking the
United States now), and just that one fact was enough to send them to war. So are China and the United States doomed to go to war in the next decade? Graham Allison knows better than to make a hard prediction, but he does point out that out of the past sixteen cases when one major power was gaining in power and its rival feared relegation to the second rank, twelve ended in war. The threat of a US-Chinese war already provides gainful employment to a lot of people. If the perceived threat of war grows, so will the number of American and Chinese experts who make a living from it. So do Graham Allison’s assumptions hold water? He makes only two key assumptions. One is that China will decisively surpass the United States in national power in the coming decade. The other is that such transfers of power from one dominant nation to another are still likely to end in war. Neither is as certain as it seems. Chinese dominance is certain if the country keeps growing economically even at its new, lower rate of 7 percent a year. That is still at least twice the US rate, and the magic of compound interest will still do its work. But the era of high-speed economic growth ended
for Japan and South Korea, the other East Asian “miracles”, after about thirty years. Each country then fell to a normal industrialisedcountry growth rate or (in Japan’s case) below it. China is at around the 30-year point now. Maybe its managers are cleverer and it can avoid the same fate, but their recently ham-fisted efforts to prop up the stock market suggest otherwise. Most observers believe that China’s economic growth this year is already below 7 percent – maybe 4 percent or even less. Neither of the other East Asian miracles ever got back onto the ultra-high growth track after they fell off it. At 4 percent growth or less, China would not be overtaking the United States any time soon. As for twelve out of sixteen changes in the great-power pecking order ending in war, that’s true. But according to Allison’s own data, three out of the four that didn’t end in war were the last three, covering the last half-century. Recent history is a great deal more encouraging than older history. Maybe more effective international institutions have helped the great powers to avoid war. Maybe the existence of nuclear weapons has made them much more cautious. Probably both. But a USChinese war is not inevitable. It may not even be very likely. Gwynne Dyer is an independent journalist whose articles are published in 45 countries.
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Rangers in the community
Ranger player Brendan Schultz reading to the students at St. Martin’s School during the first week of October for Read in Week. (Photo Supplied)
Rangers Jesse Budinski, Alex Kitz, Josh Micklich, Gage Warrington and Brendan Schultz were in both elementary schools in Vegreville giving away complimentary tickets to the students to their Home Opener game that took place on October 2nd. The Rangers are grateful for all of their young fans that attended the game. (Photo supplied)
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Environment, EWS has struck an agreement with Vegreville-based research facility Alberta Innovates Technology Futures (AITF) to provide services and support to their operation as the local facility has a full 10 years in working with pyrolysis tech, and has partnered with Vermilion’s Lakeland College to cofound the Alberta Biochar Initiative. AITF will make use of its network of
pyrolysis experts to evaluate and monitor the company’s process design, provide support in the form of testing and analysis of product, emissions monitoring and any technical assistance required. “I have confidence in pyrolysis technology,” AITF’s Pyrolysis research team lead Don Harfield said. Harfield has been working as a professional engineer for 29 years, which includes a background in
october 14, 2015
researching value-added processes to reduce waste materials from forestry, agricultural, industrial and municipal sectors. Vegreville has provided several pyrolysis demonstrations with their own working models in recent years with various feed stocks including crop residuals and wood. “It’s becoming an important technology used to reduce waste. This process does not emit dioxins and furans [associated with conventional incineration processes] that are of concern to people. It’s a clean emitting process,” Harfield said.
According to information supplied by EWS at Town Council’s request, the plant will produce CO2 emissions equivalent to 10 residential homes. As consumers make use of pyrolysis oil recovered through the process however, they will be sparing production of conventional petro-chemical products to the tune of over 200 homes-worth of carbon emissions each year, making the plant’s overall operation a carbonnegative process. “Council met with EWS over the past few months to have deep disCONTINUED TO PAGE 14
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october 14, 2015
Dwayne Hlady receives 2015 Minister’s Seniors Service Award Rosanne Fortier “I am so selfish. I volunteer because it makes me feel good and gives me a reason to get up in the morning. I am so thankful I have the health and the opportunity to do it. This is the real way to feel good and alive!” Dwayne Hlady said. One can find the friendly and industrious Dwayne Hlady at nearly every volunteer-driven event in town. This hardworking, community-serving attitude is as Hlady said in a recent speech, its own reward. Inner fuzzies notwithstanding, Hlady also received a provincial award for his time as well.
“This award is geared to seniors helping seniors. I’ve been the President for Vegreville Transportation Services Society (VTSS) for around four years and I do a lot of fundraising for this organization. I’m on a couple of age-friendly committees. I’m also
On October 6, Dwayne was awarded the 2015 Minister’s Seniors Service Award which presented by the Honorable Sarah Hoffman, Minister of Seniors, at Government House in Edmonton. Dwayne was one of the five recipients who were presented with this award out of the 85 citizens who were nominated. “I felt a real rush when I received this award. I know some of the other people who were nominated for this award and I was wondering why I got it when these people were as deserving as I was. [In the end] then it’s nice to know my service is appreciated, it gives me a reason to go on with it.” Dwayne admitted.
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I am the chef, cook and bottle washer, and a member of the Impact Vegreville Committee, which is about fostering community spirit,” Dwayne said. “I feel it is so essential for me to help other seniors because there will be a time when I will need someone to help me. Also, a senior sometimes understands other seniors better than people from other generations would. “The most amazing thing about this generation of seniors is many of them adapted to the huge change in technology, vehicles and policies. They have seen it all.” Dwayne commented. Dwayne said that it was a crisis in his life about 10 years ago that changed his perspective. “I was able to be more sympathetic to others because I understood what it was like to be in a lot of pain and have stuff happen to me that was out of my control. If I can help ease this pain for one or two people, I feel what I have done is worthwhile.” The best part of Dwayne’s life as a senior is acting silly and just being himself. Hlady isn’t a fan of conforming to the norm. Sometimes this includes boycotting wearing ties.
with the Kalyna Country Primary Care Network that has a committee which is developing service directory. This will be good because a lot of people don’t know that there is a heart specialist that comes to Vegreville. We plan to put this directory where seniors can access it in an easy, convenient way. The other age-friendly committee has a directory at the library that helps seniors remain in their homes longer. Then I’m also the treasurer at Vegreville’s Seniors Sunshine Club Center where
THE ALL-NEW 2016 F-250
Seniors Minister Sarah Hoffman stands with Vegreville’s Dwayne Hlady and Ft. Sask – Vegreville MLA Jessica Littlewood at Government House on October 6 where Hlady was recognized for his community volunteerism. (Photo Supplied)
Dwayne holds the 2015 Minister’s Seniors Service Award which was presented by the Honorable Sarah Hoffman, Minister of Seniors at the Government House in Edmonton to Dwayne on October 6. (Photo Supplied)
october 14, 2015
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Say “Hello” to Hotello
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Pomeroy Lodging Hotello, Pomeroy Lodging’s newest brand of hotel, opened its first location on October 1 in Vegreville. Providing a stylish modern experience for the techsavvy, Hotello is for travellers who want make the most of their budget. “At Pomeroy Lodging, we are invested in meeting the varied needs of our guests, and we’re proud to open Hotello to serve today’s traveller who is looking for a minimalist hotel that offers a maximized experience,” said President Ryan Pomeroy. Hotello Vegreville has 83 guestrooms, a 24-hour laundry and fitness facilities including a pool and hot tub, and over 20 Mbps high-speed internet. The Media Hub has USB, Bluetooth, and HDMI ports to allow guests to recharge today’s devices, connect with family and friends, communicate with business associates, or enjoy their own music and entertainment. Hotello offers luxury linens, around-the-clock services, and is pet-friendly. It also offers guests a space to relax and socialize in with a comfortable common area complete with a self-serve gourmet coffee machine. Hotello features smart rooms with a modern design, and have been decorated with elements to reflect the town it is located in. Vegreville is rooted in the prairie region, this first Hotello’s decor features warm, earthy colours and natural imagery. Travellers to the Vegreville area can begin reserving their rooms now at www.hotellobypomeroy.com. It’s smart. It’s simple. It’s Hotello.
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cussions about their process, the environmental impacts and the economic benefits,” Vegreville Mayor Myron Hayduk said. “In the end, we’re positive that this business will not have a detrimental impact on the health of our community, particularly knowing the vigilance of AITF will be a part of the process. Also council feels that it will be of great benefit to the community, putting our town on the map as a leader
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in green technology. EWS will be using this operation as a showcase for investors from around the world. At a time when economies are slowing elsewhere, we’re fortunate to have a Canadian company coming in to create between 10 to 15 new highly skilled positions in our community to help us grow and stay vibrant,” Hayduk said. Economic Development Officer for the Town of Vegreville Maureen Easton believes the benefits go
beyond EWS itself. “The economic spinoff from this opens doors for new businesses in Vegreville that can provide products that support what EWS does in the course of conducting its own business,” Easton said. “As we’re on the last leg of finalizing a foreign-direct investment report designed to identify pockets in industry that can be serviced by new business, this fits into that topic perfectly. This could be an opportunity for more manufac-
october 14, 2015
turing businesses, greater activity in the service industries, a bit of a jump in the housing market. It’s going to be a good thing for our town. We’re glad that Council chose to support it.” EWS is hosting an open house at the Vegreville Centennial Library on October 17 (this Saturday) from noon until 6 p.m. Residents are encouraged to attend and learn more about the project and the company, Easton said.
october 14, 2015
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october 14, 2015
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october 14, 2015
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Fact Check: Where the parties stand on health care Paul Kershaw Troy Media Opposition parties are misleading the electorate when they charge that the Conservative Party has cut spending for medical care. Under Harper, the federal government has increased the Canada Health Transfer (CHT) to provinces by billions of dollars per year, and the Conservatives would continue to grow it by billions more after the election. The 2015 federal budget commits $2.04 billion more to the CHT in 2016/17. By 2019/20, the CHT will be $6.9 billion higher than this year. Under the Conservatives, spending on medical care will grow faster than every other social policy measure in the federal budget except the Old Age Security system. So why all this talk of Harper cutting medical care? Because growing the CHT by $6.9 billion annually means that the transfer would increase at a slower pace than in recent years. Over the last decade, federal transfers for healthcare grew 6 per cent each year - outpacing economic growth. Now the Conservatives propose raising the CHT no less than 3 per cent per year, or only as fast as the economy grows whichever is higher. Why does this matter? It may not yet be politically popular, but research indicates Canada must contain the growth of health care spending. Our country spends more public money per person on medical care than most other countries. This might be fine if we got better outcomes, but we don’t. We don’t get better access to doctors, CT Scans or MRIs. We don’t get better outcomes or satisfaction. We do get better paid doctors by comparison with other jurisdictions, however. While not getting a better bang for medical care bucks, the government has been cutting income and sales taxes. Reducing taxes and raising spending on medical
care leaves less left over for other things that often make us healthier: supports for families, education, housing, etc. How do other parties compare on medical care? The NDP will grow medical care spending faster than any other national party. It will be at least $350 million higher than the Conservatives in 2016/17; and $2.35 billion higher by 2019/20. That means the NDP will increase spending on the CHT by $9.25 billion a year by the end of its first mandate. To put this proposed increase in context, the entire federal budget for education is presently just under $10 billion a year. Or, the NDP could pay for its entire $15/day child care proposal with this money. The Greens will also increase the CHT. They will add $343 million more than the Conservatives in each of the next four years. The Liberals will add $3 billion spread over four years on top of what the Conservatives budget. Although no information shows how this announcement breaks down each year, the four-year total is $2 billion less than what the NDP propose to add to the CHT. What does the NDP and Liberals aim to buy with more medical spending? Important things. For example, both the NDP and Liberals budgets more for seniors’ care outside of hospitals. This is important because hospital care is particularly expensive. And seniors often don’t want to be in hospitals when dealing with chronic conditions that accompany aging. The NDP would also phase in a universal approach to pharmaceutical insurance and bulk buying. (So would the Greens and Liberals, although Greens only budget about one fifth of what the NDP do; and the Liberal budget is vague). Again, there is good research to support integrating the costs of pharmaceu-
ticals into our public health care system, in part because doing so will reduce the cost at which our governments purchase medications. Still, many countries spend less on medical care per citizen than does Canada, while already integrating better approaches to caring for seniors and paying for medications. So it is important in this election for all national parties to explain why Canada can’t achieve these goals within the $6.9 billion annual medical care spending increase on which all parties agree. This explanation is important, because inefficiency in medical care drains other investment areas. Consider the NDP platform. By growing the CHT faster than other parties, while not wanting to reverse many recent federal income and sales tax cuts, the NDP have to make other tradeoffs. One way to interpret these trade-offs is to observe that the NDP will spend less than its major competitors on families with kids in the first couple of years after the election. Compared to last year, the NDP will add $3.7 billion in spending for families; the Conservatives will add $4.6 billion, and the Liberals promise $6.6 billion more. As a result, the NDP doesn’t have enough money to make its important $15/day child care commitment come to fruition in as timely a way as it otherwise might. This is a pity, because science confirms the NDP are right to invest more in child care services, including for health promotion. Dr. Paul Kershaw is a policy professor in the UBC School of Population Health, and Founder of Generation Squeeze (gensqueeze. ca).
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Ask the Guys Dear Classified Guys, When it comes to buying a home, I think there are always more questions than answers. My husband and I found a cute colonial that we just fell in love with. It had all of the amenities we wanted including a wellmaintained yard. We found the home advertised in a classified ad and were the first to respond. The owners are a middle-aged couple who lived in the house for over 20 years. They raised their daughter there until she went off to college last year. The couple was forthcoming about the pros and cons of the house and very easy to negotiate with. We came to an agreement rather quickly. That has me wondering. Since we are buying directly from the owners and developed a friendly relationship, do you think my husband and I need to buy title insurance? If they've lived in the house for 20 years without issue, what could go wrong?
• • •
Carry: That's probably a ques-
tion best answered with Murphy's Law: "If anything can go wrong, it will." Murphy may not have been in real estate, but the rule of thumb probably still applies. Cash: There are a lot of details
Duane “Cash” Holze & Todd “Carry” Holze 08/23/15 ©The Classified Guys®
when buying or selling real estate, and as you mentioned, they can raise a lot of questions. Each detail should be handled carefully to make the sale a safe transaction for both parties. And since buying a home is typically the largest investment you'll make in a lifetime, it pays to protect yourself. Carry: You've already done much of the hard work in finding a house that you love. However, don't let your admiration for the home or the owners alter your judgment when dealing with the paperwork. Cash: The purpose of title insurance is to cover a broad range of issues that can arise after you purchase a home or property. It's often used to protect you against
previous mortgages, unknown owners, judgments against the property and a host of other issues that may not be known by you or the current owners. Carry: While you may be looking to save the cost, realize that doing so could leave you unprotected in the future. If you plan on getting a loan from a bank or mortgage company, they may require you to get title insurance before the purchase. Cash: By dealing with the owners directly, you've collected some great information about the house, property and neighborhood. So hopefully the sale will go as smoothly as your meeting with the owners and you’ll prove Murphy wrong!
october 14, 2015
Fast Facts En-titled
Reader Humor Medium Rare
Title insurance on your home can be important if you ever have a problem, but how often is it really used? Compared to other types of insurance, the number of claims are small. On average auto and home insurance companies use about 70 percent of their premiums to pay customer claims. In contrast title insurance companies use only about 5 percent of premiums to pay claims.
The captain at our firehouse is always on top of things. We responded to a call for a fire that started with a barbeque and quickly spread to the entire deck. As the guys and I put out the flames, a crowd gathered. When we were done, our captain came forward to investigate. Looking at the crowd, he approached one man in particular. "Sir," he said, "I'm guessing you're the owner of this home and probably the one responsible for the fire." Seeming rather amazed, the owner asked my captain how he knew. "I have had years of extensive training," he boasted. "And besides," he added looking at the man's outfit, "you're the only one wearing an apron that says, 'Kiss the Cook'!" (Thanks to Darren H.)
This Old House If you've traveled to Europe, you know that homes dating back hundreds of years can be quite common. On the contrary, homes found in the United States are relatively young in comparison, with the exception of one house located in St. Augustine, Florida. This home, which resides on Francis Street, dates back to 1562 when immigrants began it’s construction. The walls were made with a stone-like material called "coquina" which is produced from the remnants of seashells. The house still stands today, more than 400 years later. The Spanish owned the home until 1821, when the territory of Florida officially became part of the United States. •
Got a question or funny story? Email us at: comments@classifiedguys.com.
Laughs For Sale A "property" management company with etiquette. ice At Your Servement g a n a Proper M cale rentals. r ups Company fo e. Great rates. ic rv e s ll u F
www.ClassifiedGuys.com APARTMENTS 2 bedroom suite in an apartment building for rent. Spacious, Balcony, in-suite storage room. Rent includes water, heat, and powered parking stall. Close to hospital and shopping centre. Rent: $935. SD $835. For more info and viewing call 780-632-6878 Bachelor and 1 bedroom apartment suites for rent. Flexible lease term, Balcony, 3 appliances, rent includes water, heat and powered parking stall. Bachelor start from $695, 1 bedroom start from $795, SD $500. Please ask move in incentive for qualified seniors. More info and viewing call 780-632-3102 For Rent – 2 bdrm basement unit, Vegreville. F/S, W/D. Heat & water included. Phone 780-916-9947 Big bright 2 bdrm basement suite – Vegreville. Private entrance. $950/ mo. plus ½ the power. D/ D required. Extra options available. Only mature, responsible, employed need reply. More info 780-632-2440 Newly renovated bachelor and 1 bedroom suite in adult building. $550 and $700/mo. Building is quiet. N/S, immediately available. Utilities included. Call or text Kevin @ 780-863-4780
ACREAGE For Rent – Viking area – 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, skylights, walk-in closet, 22 acres pasture land, fenced for cattle or horses. Outbuildings. $1200 per month plus D.D. Includes utilities. Phone 780-385-6007
2000 Windstar. Ex. engine & transmission. Body damage. For parts $750. 780-922-5999 1978 Mercedes 280. 4dr. Like new. 145,000kms only. $3600. 780-922-5999. 2002 Honda Civic, Standard Drives Excellent Needs TLC $3200 780-922-5999 2001 KIA, 4 cyl, 4 dr, standard, $1600. PH: 780-922-5999 Rare Super Charged 40th Anniversary Grand Prix. Loaded. $4700. Phone 780-994-3005 2010 damaged Dodge Caliber 125,000kms. Drives excellent. For parts. $1500. Phone 780-994-3005 Rare 2003 Acura Type S. Loaded. Ex. shape. $6700. Phone 780-994-3005
For lease 2,671 sq. ft. commercial space. Extremely high traffic between China Zone and Albert’s restaurants. Large parking space. Phone 780-275-0138
25 DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED! Become a driver for Stevens Transport! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! New drivers earn $800+ per week! PAID CDL TRAINING! Stevens covers all costs! 1-888-7346714 drive4stevens.com
Large Moving Out Sale Everything Must Go! Tools, gardening equipment, furniture, household items, miscellaneous. October 16, 17, 18 from 9 am – 6 pm. 141 Brookwood Estates. 5 miles North of Vegreville on Golf Course Road.
ENTERTAINMENT DIRECTV Starting at $19. 9 9 / mo. FR EE Installation. FREE 3 months of HBO, SHOWTIME, CINEMAX, & Starz. FREE HD/DVR Upgrade! 2015 NFL Sunday Ticket Included (Select Packages) New Customers Only. CALL 1-800-370-1356
FEED Highland Feeders is purchasing feed barley. Please call the office at 780-768-2466. Wheat straw for sale. 70”, 1300PSI, net wrapped. Phone 780-632-8895, Willingdon Interested in purchasing salvage grain and canola crops to bale for feed. Phone 780-688-2265 Wanted straw to buy in the field. Phone 780-2082841
VM SYSTEMS Looking for a new computer? VM SYSTEMS has all you’ll ever need in computers! Installation – Sales – Service – Internet. One call will get you in touch. Phone 780-632-2859 9am – 5pm.
THRILL DAD with 100% guaranteed, delivered-to-the-door Omaha Steaks! SAVE 69%, plus 4 FREE Burgers - The Favorite Gift - ONLY $49.99! ORDER Today! 1-800-4833491 or use code mbdad75 at www.OmahaSteaks.com/ 49377JCF
Multi-Family Garage Sale. 4238 – 47 Street, Vegreville. Friday, October 16 from 4 pm – 8 pm and Saturday, October 17 from 10 am – 6 pm.
GRAIN BINS Custom Bin Moving 14’ – 19’ Hoppers/Bins, with/ without floors. New and used bins for sale. Wayne (cell) 780-632-0455, (H) 780-658-2433
HEALTH & FITNESS VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 40 Pills + 10 FREE. SPECIAL $99.00 100% guaranteed. FREE Shipping! 24/7 CALL NOW! 1-888-223-8818 Stop OVERPAYING for your prescriptions! Save up to 93%! Call our licensed Canadian & International pharmacy service to compare prices & get $15 off your first prescription & FREE Shipping. 1-800-815-6059 VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 50 Pills $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. CALL NOW! 1-866-312-6061 VIAGRA & CIALIS! 50 pills for $95. 100 pills for $150 FREE shipping. NO prescriptions needed. Money back guaranteed! 1-877743-5419
VIAGRA 100mg, CIALIS 20mg. 50 tabs $90 includes FREE SHIPPING. 1-888-836-0780 or MetroMeds.net
HELP WANTED Caretaker For Apartment Building Needed. Experience is not necessary as training will be provided. Retired single or couple is the most suitable and strongly encouraged to apply. Small repair skills an asset. Qualified candidate is expected to move into the building. Fax resume and application to: 780-488-8814 or e-mail: albertareal@telus.net Full Time Seasonal G R E E N H O U S E LABOURERS – Job includes flowers planting and picking, planter assembly, watering plants, garbage clean-up, etc. Some heavy lifting req’d. Must be hard working. Mon-Sat 7am-5pm. O/T Req’d. Starting wage $11.20. Mundare location. Please send resume by email HR@darvonda.com Please reference “greenhouse labour” in the subject to be considered. Custodial help wanted. Monday – Friday 3 to 3.5 hours daily. Phone 780-6322647 after 6 pm, fax 780632-3111
HOMES FOR RENT 3 Bdrm Townhouse, $1090/ mo. available immediately. Call Dave at 780-632-0321 or 780-932-0041 2 bdrm mobile home. No pets. Phone 780-632-1551 New 3 bdrm duplex Vegreville. $685/mo. Call 780-603-0692. New developments. Advertise your rental property here for as little as $7.95 per week! Double wide mobile home. Newly renovated, N/P. Available October 1. Phone 780-632-1551 3 Bdrm mobile home. N/P. Available October 1. Phone 780-632-1551 2 Bdrm house Mundare. $850/mo. Phone 780-6320321
Cozy 660 sq. ft., 2 bdrm house with garage. 35 miles East of Edmonton on Hwy. 16. $1200/month including power and gas. Phone 780463-3584 4 Bdrm house in Willingdon, N/S, N/P. Phone 587-2802775 Newly renovated 3 bdrm house, Vegreville. $1400/ mo. Single garage. Call or text 780-686-9608 3 Bedroom Home on Acreage in Vegreville limits. $1500/mth. Call 780-6321376 4 Bdrm house Vegreville. Fenced lot. N/S, N/P, $1400/month, D/D same. Phone 780-632-4487 1400 sq. ft., 3 bdrm house in Vegreville. Main floor with shared laundry. N/S, N/P, $1200/month. D/D same. Phone 780-632-0024
HOMES FOR SALE By Owner. 1 bdrm house for sale, 50x150 ft. lot. New furnace, new hot water tank. Sewage line upgraded. Moving. Must sell. $85,000. Phone Darcy 780-233-9732 Two Hills – Must sell house on corner lot, beautiful view, ready to be renovated. Call John now at 780-709-6963 or Carla at 780-456-4141
3 – 1984-1985 White 8920 combines w/direct drive or gear boxes for threshing. Shedded. Field ready. Very good condition. Phone 780-764-2152, 780-7180746 1988 18 ft. 722 CI Swather w/Schumaker wobble box and hitch for pulling swath roller. Shedded. Diesel motor. MacDon pick up reel. Excellent condition! Phone 780-764-2152, 780718-0746 For Sale: 1973, C65, Chevy grain truck, excellent condition, new hoist; 1979, 1370 Case tractor, 160 h.p.; 27’ Melcam, cultivator and harrows; 915 IH self-propel combine, diesel engine, low hours, excellent condition, shedded; 21’ CCIL-SP swather. For more information call 780-688-2039. Retired From Farming. 1997 MF 8120 w/loader, 4400 hrs, excellent rubber. $32,500. Phone 780-9943005
Make a Connection. Real People, Flirty Chat. Meet singles right now! Call LiveLinks. Try it FREE. Call NOW: 1-888-909-9905 18+. A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation’s largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-800-217-3942 DISH TV Starting at $19.99/ month (for 12 mos.) SAVE! Regular Price $34.99 Ask About FREE SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 877477-9659 AVIATION Grads work with JetBlue, Boeing, Delta and others- start here with hands on training for FAA certification. Financial aid if qualified. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-453-6204 VIAGRA! 52 Pills for only $99.00! The Original Blue Pill. Insured and Guaranteed Delivery Call 1-877-6020285
PERSONAL MISC. CHILDREN’S BOOK – Looking for some wholesome reading material for your young reader? Check out Richard the Donkey and His LOUD, LOUD Voice at www. RichardTheDonkey.com
SAFE STEP WALK-IN TUB alert for seniors! Bathroom falls can be fatal. Safe Step Walk-In Tub, approved by Arthritis Foundation, therapeutic jets, less than 4” step-in, wide door, anti-slip floors, A mer ic an made. Installation Included. Call 800-379-6390 for $750 off
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900 gal poly water tank w/pump on trailer. $1500 PH: 780-367-2228
Must sell 65 x 150 serviced lot in Smoky Lake. Quiet area. Perfect for your dream home. Call John now at 780-709-6963 or Carla at 780-456-4141
Protect Yourself From Unsafe Banks! DON’T BANK ON IT! Free book reveals 20 modern banking dangers such as cybercriminals, money-hungry politicians & Too-Big-To-Fail bankers. 800-893-261
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For Sale: 1 year old spayed Maremma cross pup. Phone 780-632-1340
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october 14, 2015
2006 Honda Pilot 6 passenger SUV. Loaded. $5750. 780-994-3005 1999 Chev Silverado 3/4T, 4x4. Good for farm. $1500. Phone 780-994-3005 2004 Dodge Ram 4x4. Body damage. Farm truck. $1800. Phone 780-9943005
For Sale Fall Triticale seed. Phone 780-603-8901
CARBON CREDITS – Attention Farmers – Not Completed? Call Today! 780-603-0630, Crystal Wants to purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201 Want To Purchase Minerals And Other Oil/ Gas Interests. Send Details To: PO Box 13557, Denver CO 80201
UPCOMING Creative Crafts and Gifts Galore Crafts & Trade Show Sat. Oct.17th, 10am-4pm. Derwent Rec. Centre. Over 90 tables booked to date with many new exhibitors. Over 600 in attendance. Numerous door prizes. Call Debbie Nazarchuk at 780-7412218 LO - COST Furnace Installations – New homes or replacements, low rates, free estimates. Semi-tired tradesman. Ph. 780-718-0262 Custom Baling. Phone 780-208-2841
TO GIVE AWAY 3 – Black Cochin Roosters. Purebred. Under 1 year old. Phone 780-656-2371
TRAILERS For Sale: 2009 H&H 28’ V Nose Sled Trailer. Back and front ramp doors. Walkin and fuel doors also has a diesel heater. Asking $9500 obo. Phone 780-632-5585
TRUCKS 1993 Chev 4x4 Ext Cab. For parts. $650. 780-922-5999 2002 GMC 4x4 HD ¾ ton Service Truck 340k $3500 780-922-5999 1985 F350 Dually. Extra long flat deck, $1600. 780-922-5999 1997 Ford 7.3 Diesel, 4 x 4, missing transmission. Nice deck, $2800. 780922-5999 2000 Dodge Dakota V8 4x4 Farm Truck. $1,600. 780-922-5999.
Why This Election Matters Shannon Stubbs Campaign Submitted Today, Canada is the most respected country in the world. That is because of you, because of your values, your hard work, your generosity, and because of all you do for your family and your community. Our federal Conservative government focuses on priorities: on prudent economic stewardship and job creation, on Canadian values and human rights, on taking principled positions internationally and doing what is right, on safety and security, including changes to the justice system to put the rights of victims first. We are driven by a faith in individual Canadians, their families, their businesses, and local communities. We’ve decreased the tax burden across the board for all Canadians and families to the lowest level in nearly 60 years, including taking almost half a million lower income Canadians and seniors off the tax rolls entirely, we’ve cut red tape, and lowered taxes for job creating small businesses by the largest reduction in more than 25 years, and more than 1.3 million net new jobs have been created since the depths of the worst global recession in a generation. We kept our commitment to balance the budget, and did so a year early; there is an estimated $5 billion surplus right now that can provide more tax relief for Canadians, fund priorities, and leave the government budget in a better position for future generations. There is more to be done. Our low-tax, balanced budget plan is the right one for the next four years. It’s a positive, forward-looking plan that will protect our economy in the volatile global context, and create more jobs. Canadians face an important choice for our future. On the
one hand, other parties propose the same ideas that have failed before. Higher taxes and costs for everyone. Bigger and ongoing deficits that will burden future generations. And more red tape. These approaches will put the long term sustainability of government programs, our long-term prosperity - especially in Alberta - and our jobs at risk. And at a time of global economic uncertainty, Canada needs proven leadership to protect our economy. The last thing Lakeland needs, and the last thing Alberta needs, are risky economic experiments. Because the budget is balanced, our Conservative plan can keep the fundamentals of our economy strong. In partnership with provinces and municipalities, this federal Conservative government is making the largest investment in infrastructure in Canada’s history because infrastructure is critical to all communities and to economic growth. We have increased health and social transfers to the provinces every year, and plan predictable, stable and sustainable increases in the future, so provinces have the resources to provide the health, senior, education and social services we all value. We plan further tax reductions and red
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tape reduction to empower Canadians and businesses because a strong private sector and more money in Canadians’ pockets drive economic growth and means a strong government and public sector. We are making critical investments in seniors, veterans, people with disabilities, children, farmers, First Nations, and for our most vulnerable, among others. We are standing up for Canadian values and we are working to keep our streets safe. This election is about keeping Lakeland, Alberta and Canada strong. I believe that our riding of Lakeland is one of the most important regions in our entire country, and I will make it my mission to make sure everyone knows it. But I can’t do this without you. Your vote matters, and the stakes are far too high to take any-
thing for granted. If you haven’t already voted in one of the advance polls, please cast your ballot this Monday, October 19th.
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Alberta Health Services ALBERTA HEALTHY LIVING PROGRAM has a variety of workshops available in the Vegreville area! Weight Wise, Craving Change, Diabetes the Basics and Better Choices, Better Health. Call 1-877-314-6997 for more information and to register. All classes will take place at the Vegreville Community Health Centre (5318-50 Street) Vegreville Food Bank Is located in the Maple Street Worship Centre at 4615 Maple Street and is open Tuesday & Friday year-round from 10am – noon. Phone 780-632-6002 or email: vegfoodbank93@gmail.com Vegreville Rotary Peace Park Bookings please call John Sawiak 780-632-3208 Girl Guides of Canada SPARKS – Kindergarten & Grade 1 to be determined. BROWNIES – Grades 2 & 3 meet every Wednesday from 6:00-7:30pm GUIDES – Grades 4 to 6 meet Thursday from 6:30-8:00pm PATHFINDERS – Grades 7 to 9 meet every Wednesday from 7:15-8:45pm. All groups meet at St. John Lutheran Church, 4513 Maple Street, Vegreville. For more information call Pamela 780-632-7147 Oil Wives Club of Vegreville. A smile. A handclasp. A world of welcome. Are the links in our chain of friendship. This we believe. Our Association has been around or over 60 years. We are here for any woman whose partner (or she herself) is involved with in any way in the Oil & Gas Industry. We meet once a month to foster friendship. Please call Ellen @ 780-632-4922 or Shirley @ 780-632-3283 for more information. Basilian Fathers Museum (Mundare). Please visit the Basilian Fathers Museum (Mundare) this summer to see its latest exhibit, “Peter Lipinski: Large and Small Canvases,” along with an ongoing display devoted to Bp. Budka in Canada. The museum is open Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm and weekends, July and August, 1-5pm. Vegreville Regional Museum. Located on the site of the internationally renowned solonetzic soils research station of Agriculture Canada (19561995), the Museum tells the stories of community life and development chronicling how Vegreville’s unique social fabric has contributed to the harmony of community life since the 1890’s. The Rt. Hon. Donald F. Mazankowski, P.C. Collection: 25 years of distinguished public service of the former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada. Home of the Vegreville & District Sports Hall of Fame. Open Year Round. May-Sept Tues-Fri 11-5, SatSun 1-5. Oct-April phone for current hours. 1 km east of Vegreville on Hwy 16A. www.vegreville. com (780)632-7650 Historical Village and Pioneer Museum at Shandro. Located on Highway 857, midway between highway 45 and 28 north of Willingdon. A proud partner of the Kalyna Country Ecomuseum, this open air museum features 14 major buildings and artifacts from 1900 – 1930. Hours: Canada Day weekend to Labour Day weekend Thursday through Monday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed Tuesday and Wednesday. Admission by donation, For more information call (780) 603-1198 HEADS UP for AA Meets at Vegreville Hospital every Monday at 8:00 PM 3rd floor. Alanon New Beginning Meeting Thursday at 8:00 p.m. Call 780-275-0054 for location. Rotary Club of Vegreville meets for lunch meetings every Monday at 12pm at VALID 484349 St., Vegreville. For more information contact Jody Nicholson at 780-632-2418.
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Every Monday 1:00pm to 2:00pm. Join us in the Mundare Drop-In Centre “Walk-Along” fitness program. Literature available to help you with your personal program. Walk at the Drop- in Centre, and also, weather permitting, we will walk in Ukainia Park. Everyone Welcome!! 12 Step RECOVERY AT ROCK GROUP meets every Tuesday at 7pm in the upper room at 5014 – 50 St, Vegreville, AB. For info call 780-6322933. www.therockmc.com TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) Weigh-in 4:45pm. Meeting 5:30pm at St. John Lutheran Church, 4513 Maple St., Vegreville. 780-6327433 or 780-658-2670. Every Wednesday Trapshooting Outdoor Range 7:00pm. Contact Geoff 780-632-1432 341 MUNDARE ROYAL CANADIAN AIR CADETS FREE to join. Join Air Cadets for adventure that will take you from the ground up! Wednesday evenings 6:30-9:00pm through the school year. Youth 12-18 years welcome. Call 341 Squadron at 780-764-2341. Visit us at www.cadets.ca or www.aircadetleague.com Friday Prayers: Weekly Jumaat prayer in Two Hills. If interested, please contact Deen 780-6036090 or Waseem 780-603-8443 Friday Prayers: Weekly Jumaat prayer in Vegreville. If interested, please contact Hesham 780-603-6245 / 780-632-2721 or Azeem 780885-2627 LOAVES & FISHES Lunch starting Friday September 10 – 11:30am-1:00pm every Friday except stat holidays. Good Food. Bring old friends. Make new friends. All are welcome. 4615 Maple St. (60 St.), VPC Church. No charge. How Disciples live Bible study and workshops. We meet every Friday night at The Rock 5014-50 St. at 7pm. Call for info 780-632-2933 or www. therockmc.com Bible Study at 10 am at the Vegreville Seventhday Adventist Church, 5258 – 46 Ave. Everyone Welcome. 12 Step RECOVERY AT ROCK GROUP meets every Saturday at 7pm in the upper room at 501450 Street Vegreville, AB. For info call 780-6322933. www.therockmc.com Royal Purple Lodge #125 meets first Monday of every month, except July & August at Elks Hall. Contact HRL Joyce Porayko 780-632-3830 or Secretary Darlene Ziegler 780-632-6832. Vegreville Iron Runners Auto Club at 7:30 p.m. at Vegreville Regional Museum. Call 780-632-7729 or 780-632-3495 Nonviolence Study Group for anyone wanting to learn more about the principals of nonviolence and how to apply them in today’s world. If you are passionate about making a difference, or just curious to learn more, please join us from 7-8 pm. Call Kim at 780-658-2550 for location details. Vegreville Elks Lodge #143 meets first Thursday every month except July and August. Meetings are held in the Elks Hall at 7:30 pm. Contact Robert Bennett 780-632-4717. Vegreville Wildlife Federation (Alberta, Fish & Game Association) Please check website VWF. ca Email: vegrevillewildlife@gmail.com “Women’s Book Club” meets first Thursday of each month at 6:30pm at the Vegreville Centennial Library
THE RED HAT ROSES, a chapter of the Red Hat Society, an international social group for mature women, meet for fun and friendship at Leonel’s Place at 1:30pm the second Monday of every month. See www.redhatsociety.com THE CLASSY CANADIANS, a chapter of the Crown Jewels of Canada Society, a national social group for mature women meet for fun friendship and caring at Leonel’s Place the fourth Monday of every month at 1:30pm. See www. crownjewelsofcanada.com Vegreville Lions Club meets at Sunshine Senior Centre – 4630 - 49 Street. Meeting 7 p.m. 2ND and 4TH Tuesday except July and August. Kinsmen Club of Vegreville holds meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the Vegreville Kinsmen Golf Course. Call Mike Webb at 780-632-2666 days THE ALBERTA DRAFT HORSE CLUB meetings every 2nd Saturday of every 2nd month. 780764-2099 Vegreville Hospitals Auxiliary Society meets third Wednesday of every month, except July and August. Meetings held in EXECUTIVE MEETING ROOM (St. Joseph’s Hospital) at 7:00 p.m. Call 780-632-6323 Royal Canadian Legion Vegreville Branch #39 General Meeting every 3rd Wednesday of September, November, February and June at 7:00pm. All members welcome to attend.
october 14, 2015
Veg-Al Drug Society an Alberta Health Services, community funded agency - Room #217 Provincial Bldg., Vegreville, AB. Out patient counselling services for alcohol & other drug addictions and problem gambling. Office Hrs. – Monday to Friday, 8:15 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Phone 632-6617. The Crisis Association of Vegreville operates a HELPLINE for those who are having difficulties in their lives and need assistance. It is a toll-free, confidential service available to those in the 632exchange. Phone 632- 7070. The Kinette Club of Vegreville meets every 3nd Wednesday of the month. Joining the Kinette Club is a great way to meet new friends and to get in the community. For more information, please call 632-2848. Viking AA Group meets at the Viking Hospital Multi Purpose Room 8:00 p.m. Wednesday nights. VegMin Learning Society welcomes learners who are interested in increasing their skill levels (reading, writing, math and speaking English). Learners work towards’ their personal goals in a small class or 1:1 setting. Do you have a few hours a week to help someone reach their learning goal? Volunteer Tutor Training and ongoing support are provided along with a great volunteer recognition program. Visit www.vegmin.com or call 780-6327920 for more information. Senior Floor Curling at 1:00p.m. every Monday & Thursday. Anyone interested please come to the Sunshine Club. 55+. Call 780-632-2624.
The Red Hot Red Hats meet the second and fourth Friday of each month at 1:30 pm. See www.redhatsociety.com Contact Millie 780-6322148
Vegreville Flying Club meets every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at Terminal Building
Vegreville Garden Club meets the last Monday every month at the Seniors Sunshine Club, 4630 – 49 St. at 7:00 p.m. President – Marie Eliuk 780632-2578
VegMin Literacy Program offers free, confidential tutoring for adults over 17 needing help with Basic reading, writing and math skills. Phone: 632-7920 for interviews.
The New Vegreville Aquarium Club meets every last Monday at 7:00pm at the Vegreville Centennial Library
Everyone is Welcome Prayer House 5729-44A st. Veg. North of St. Joseph Hospital come and share your testimony and hear the gospel of Jesus Christ without compromise. Every Sunday at 10:30 AM. Also I will pray for the sick believing in God for the answer. But God commandeth his Love toward us, in that, while, we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. RO. 5:8 New hope church of God, Edmonton c. for the Nations Int. Veg. Doing God work together for yor good. J. Abelar. Ph. 632-2843
“Writer’s Group” meets last Tuesday of each month at 2:00pm at the Vegreville Centennial Library Legacy 4 Health Indoor Walking Program for Older Adults 10-11am at the Vegreville Centennial Library Gymnasium 4709-50 St, Contact Irvin Cowan 780-632-2977, Jim Nicholson 780-6326437, Carol Lynn Babiuk 780-632-3331 Are you or someone you know living with a Brain Injury? We can help! The Alberta Brain Injury Initiative provides support, coordination and education for brain injury survivors and their families. For more information on our free services call 1-866-645-3900 Tofield AA Meetings held Thursday at 8 p.m. Open meeting every 4th Thursday at 8 p.m. at Bardo Lutheran Church Bsmt 4737 - 57 Ave. For info call 662-3893 AWANA - a Christian club for boys and girls age 3 to grade 6. Meets Thursdays from 6:30 - 8 p.m. Now meeting in the Alliance Church’s new building at 4606-55 Ave.Call 632-2261 for more information UCWLC Meetings to be held every third Thursday of each month at Holy Trinity Church Hall at 7 p.m. in Vegreville.
AA Meeting in Mundare Sunday’s 7PM Town Building, Conference Room 5128 50th St. Contact Robert 780-656-5829 Willingdon & District Fish & Game Assn. Regular meetings, held every last Tuesday off each month (excluding July and August) at 7:30 p.m. at the Willingdon Arena upstairs in the Club Room Everyone Welcome. New to town? Join us the 1st Wed of the month for a newcomer’s potluck lunch. 12-1pm. Bring a friend! Bring a dish! Call FCSS 780-632-3966 for locations & info. AA meeting at Lamont United Church every Thursday at 8:00 p.m. PlayNation Poker, Vegreville Legion. Free live poker every first, second & fourth Wednesday evening at the Vegreville Legion. Register at 6:45 pm and cards in the air at 7:00 pm. For more information, contact allang@playnationpoker. com
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october 14, 2015
CARD OF THANKS TYMCHUK The Clock of Life The clock of life is wound but once, And no man has the power, To tell just when the hands may stop, At late or early hour. Now is the only time we own, Live, love and toil with a will. Place no faith in tomorrow, For the hands may then be still. On the late Walter Tymchuk’s behalf his family and I wish to thank the Century Park staff for their compassionate care he was shown during his stay with them. Thank you to the Doctors and staff at the St. Joseph’s Hospital for the medical care Walter received during his brief admittance. Autumn Rose, your guidance, comforting words and excellent administration is so greatly appreciated. Thank you Gordon and Patricia. The phone calls, cards, visits, baking, veggie and fruit trays, basket of goodies, beautiful flowers, are also greatly appreciated. Thank you to all, you’re the best. Walter and I were so fortunate to have so many caring and supportive friends and neighbors. Love you all. Mary Leonty, Brother John, Sister Tillie
MEMORIAM ZOOK, Victoria (Vera) May 24, 1922 – October 15, 1993 In loving memory of our dear Mom, “Nanny” and “Great Nanny” There is a sad but sweet remembrance There is a memory fond and true There is a token of affection, mother And a heartache still for you Those we love remain with us for love itself lives on Cherished memories never fade because one loved is gone Those we love can never be more than a thought apart For as long as there is a memory they live on in our heart. Love, Your Family
GORDYCHUK, Joyce 1943 – 2004 The depths of sorrow we cannot tell, Of the loss of one we loved so well; And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep, Her memory we shall always keep. Gone is the face we loved so dear; Silent is the voice we loved to hear, Too far away for sight or speech, But not too far for thought to reach, Sweet to remember who once was here, And who, though absent, is just as dear. Sadly missed, by husband Mike, children and grandchildren
BROOKS, Gerald Joseph November 3, 1937 – October 3, 2015 On Saturday, October 3, 2015, Gerald Joseph Brooks of Ranfurly, Alberta passed away at the age of 77 years. Gerald is survived by his loving family, two sons Daryl (Rosalinda) and Dean (Kathy); two grandsons Daniel and Tyler; siblings Jeannine (Joe) Roy, Robert, Phil (Carol) and Hubert (Liliane); brother in law Gerald Bonnamour. Gerald was predeceased by his wife Pauline; son Shawn; step daughter Debbie; parents Joe and Bertha Brooks; two sisters Yvonne and Irene; sister in law Alice. Cremation has taken place. A Celebration of Gerald’s Life will be held on Saturday, October 17, 2015 from 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. at the Ranfurly Recreation Centre. Family and friends are welcome. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Alberta Cancer Foundation c/o Cross Cancer Institute (11560 University Ave.,Edmonton, AB.,T6G 1Z2.) To send condolences visit www.autumnrosefuneralhome. com. Autumn Rose Funeral Home Ltd., Vegreville,780-603-5800
TYMCHUK, Walter September 30, 1932 – October 6, 2015 On Tuesday, October 6, 2015, Walter Tymchuk of Vegreville, Alberta formerly of the district of Lake Eliza and Ranfurly, peacefully passed away at the age of 83 years. Walter is survived by his loving family, his spouse of 33 years, Mary Leonty; one brother John; one sister Talia; two nieces Dena (Kevin) and their daughter Emma, Lorena Tymchuk; one nephew Jason Tymchuk along with his daughter Michelle. Walter was predeceased by his parents Andrew and Anna Tymchuk. At Walter’s request, cremation has taken place. A celebration of his life will be held at a later date. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Alzheimer Society of Alberta & NWT. To send condolences visit www.autumnrosefuneralhome.com Autumn Rose Funeral Home Ltd., Vegreville,780-603-5800
TAYLOR, Shirley Mrs. Shirley Taylor (née Burge), of Edmonton, AB and Saskatoon, SK died on October 7, 2015. Shirley is survived by her children, Lynne (John) Finlayson of Perth, Australia, James of Saskatoon, SK, Barry (Shelley) of Vegreville, AB and Laurel (Terry) of Edmonton, AB; her nine grandchildren and four great-grandchildren; and her brother Ken (Marlene) Burge of Round Lake, SK and sister Patricia (Ken) of Broadview, SK. Her husband, Ivan Taylor of Edmonton, AB; her parents, Jim and Alva Burge of Broadview, SK; and her sister, Donna Taylor of Nanaimo, BC, preceded her in death. Shirley was born on January 26, 1924 in Virden, Manitoba. Growing up on the Canadian prairies, Shirley attended secretarial college and parlayed her skills as a successful entrepreneur during her lifetime. Shirley opened the first clothing store in Canada exclusively for tall women. She worked tirelessly to build this successful business in Saskatoon and Regina. Following moves from Saskatoon to Calgary and then to Edmonton, Shirley opened two more successful clothing stores in HUB Mall at the University of Alberta. Shirley travelled extensively, most often to Australia to visit family and she enjoyed many years as a resident of White Rock, BC, enjoying the mild weather, the ocean view and visits from many family and friends over the years in her comfortable home. In celebration of Shirley’s life, all are welcome to contribute to the Edmonton General Hospital Mel Miller Hospice. A memorial service will be held at a later date. South Side Memorial Chapel 8310–104 Street Edmonton, Alberta T6E 4E8 Phone: 780-432-1601
GALICHOWSKI, Joseph It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Joseph Galichowski of Two Hills on the 6th day of October, at the age of 79 years. Joseph is survived by his loving wife of 56 years, Sonja; daughter, Debbie (Dave) Neigum of Vermilion and their children, Kyle (Melissa), Leah and Amie; daughter-in-law, Shannon (Rick Adams) of Calgary and her daughter, Megan; sister, Joyce (Orest) Horon of Okotoks; uncle, Metro Rybak of Two Hills. Predeceased by his son, Russell and his parents, Andrew and Rose. Prayer service was held Monday, October 12, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. at Senior Citizens’ Centre, Two Hills. Funeral service Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at St. Elias Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Toporiwtzi) Luzan. Reverend Wasyl Sapiha officiating with interment in church cemetery. In lieu of other tributes, donations may be made to Luzan Church. To send condolences, visit www.parkmemorial.com PARK MEMORIAL LTD. VEGREVILLE 780-632-2000 FAMILY OWNED FUNERAL HOME
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OBITUARY RAWLYK, Sister Maria Stephanida, SSMI February 5, 1921 – October 10, 2015 Sister Stephanida Maria Rawlyk, a Sister Servant of Mary Immaculate, died peacefully at the Lamont Health Care Centre on Saturday, October 10, 2015. Sister Stephanida was born in Horodenka, Ukraine and emigrated with her parents to Moon Hills, SK (near Saskatoon) in 1927. She entered the Novitiate of the Sisters Servants in Mundare in 1942 and made her final profession in 1950. In her 73 years as a Sister Servant, she served in 13 SSMI missions, from Quebec to Alberta, in domestic works, teaching Ukrainian School and religion. She also served in the Residence of the Metropolitan of Winnipeg and the Episcopal Residences in Toronto and Saskatoon. Her major contribution to the mission of the Sisters Servants was in the sewing and church vestry departments in Toronto and Winnipeg, where she served for over 25 years. Sister Stephanida will be cherished for her simplicity, her gentle, caring and peaceful spirit. Sister Stephanida was predeceased by her parents; and her brothers, Josaphat, John, Ray; and her sister, Ann. She is survived by her sister-in-law, Jean (Ray); and numerous nieces and nephews with their families. Divine Liturgy Wednesday, October 14, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at St. Joseph’s Home, Mundare. Bishop David Motiuk officiating along with the Basilian Fathers with interment in Sts. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to St. Joseph’s Home. To send condolences, visit www.parkmemorial.com PARK MEMORIAL LTD. VEGREVILLE 780-632-2000 FAMILY OWNED FUNERAL HOME
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october 14, 2015
When you’re an adult and your parents divorce Karin Hitchcock Divorce is always difficult. When your parents decide to divorce, it doesn’t matter if you are a child, a teen or an adult. In fact, some experts
suggest that dealing with divorce as an adult child can be the most difficult. Sometimes termed the “gray divorce,” or “silver splitters,” more people over 50 are choosing to end their marriages and move forward without their long term spouse. There are a variety of reasons for older Karin Hitchcock, M. C., CCC couples to divorce Community Counsellor which include, early retirement, chronic unhappiness or abuse, coping with an empty nest, a decrease in the social stigma of divorce and an increase in the partner’s needs in the relationship. Let’s face it, people are living a lot longer. No one wants to wait around for their partner to die so they can be independent and happy. What impact does a divorce have on adult children? It creates a number of challenges, including knowing that your parents may have just stayed together “for the sake of the children.” This can create a great deal of guilt as well as a significant role reversal in the parent-child relationship. Adult children may find themselves having to support their parents financially, emotionally, or physically. Adult children often find themselves in a mediator role between the parents. The rules for dealing with divorce when children are young just don’t apply to adult children. Adult children often begin to question their own marriages and relationships. It’s as if the entire
foundation of the relationship has been a sham. Loss of the family home, meeting new partners, and awkwardly navigating around family functions can place a great deal of stress of adult children. A nd other people just don’t get it! Others don’t always understand that having older parents chose to divorce can create a great deal of angst. How do you cope with your parent’s divorce when you are an adult? Keep the lines of communication open and be honest with your parents about how difficult this situation can be for you and your own family. As with all children, you really don’t want to hear about their dating and sex lives. Resist playing the reverse parent role and becoming the mediator or friend. Try very hard to not pick sides. If things get ugly and difficult, encourage your parents to attend mediation. If the couple is having to deal with difficult issues such as
infidelity, abuse, or money mismanagement, and you are getting sucked into an ugly battle, seek support for yourself from a counsellor or therapist. You may need some guidance in creating healthy boundaries. Also remember that you are an adult, so if you want to continue a relationship with family members, you are free to make your own decisions. You choose who remains in your life. When parents choose to divorce in their later years, adult children can feel immense pain. A complete shift in the way the family has functioned will emerge. There may have to be some changes in how the family navigates get-togethers, holidays, or access to grandchildren. It’s important that adult children communicate openly and honestly with their parents and recognize that this can be a very difficult time for all involved. Karin Hitchcock, M. C., is currently the Community Counsellor at FCSS in Vegreville. She is a member of the Ca nadia n Counseling a nd Psychotherapy Association.
october 14, 2015
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Alberta faces an uncertain economic future John Stewart Troy Media In Alberta, October is shaping up to be among the cruelest of months - and a month of great uncertainty. The cruelty is mostly economic. Combines are grinding through paltry crops and the worldwide slump in oil prices has slowed general economic activity (and, just so we remember that the economy has leverage on social conditions, the oil downturn has also been blamed for a rise in Edmonton crime). House prices have flattened and sales have stalled. Jobs are disappearing and economic growth forecasts have been muted - or are in reverse. With no control over oil prices or oil company spending, and no ability to predict or tame the vagaries of the weather that impact crops, Albertans can only wonder about the uncertainty of our economic future, both in the near term and over the next four or five years. As October dawned, ATB Financial chief economist Todd Hirsch said, “It is probably going to be another eight to 12 months of pretty tough sledding for Albertans.” His forecast include the dreaded R word: recession. Cruel indeed. The uncertainty? We should be looking to leadership for direction and innovation, but given the current circumstances, we can only hope and wait. Who will form the next federal government, and what will their five-year mandate hold? What will the first New Democratic Party provincial budget hold for Albertans, or for that matter the next four years? We are on federal election watch and
we are on provincial budget watch - and rarely in the last three decades have these events mattered more in Alberta. The federal election debate has offered threads of economic policy, but no whole fabric from any of the three leading parties. The closest thing to concrete economic management for the future comes from the Trans-Pacific Partnership tentative trade deal brokered by the current Conservative government. However, it is a deal that provides wide-ranging access to markets but no guarantee that our particular products will be desired or consumed. And we still have not had concrete conversations about economic diversification and value-added products in Alberta - the kind of conversations, followed by an economic evolution, that would ultimately make the TPP lucrative to us. Who will spark those conversations, and when, is anybody’s guess. To this point, it has not been Conservative governments at either the provincial or federal levels. At the provincial level, Albertans looked in the spring at all the options, after years of frustration, and elected Premier Rachel Notley’s NDPs. We will know shortly how that fledgling government will manage the economy: its first budget will be delivered on Oct. 27, and Finance Minister Joe Ceci will only say that it will include enhanced spending on infrastructure, and that core services will be protected. At the federal level, the choice of Albertans at the ballot box on Oct. 19 (and, according to the latest polls, our choice is Conservative still) will not nearly dictate the election’s outcome on a national scale. Will we be part of a
tide or against the tide? How the month will unfold is anyone’s guess. But by the end of October, much of the uncertainty will be resolved. How long the cruel economic condi-
tions remain after October depends in great part on the initiatives of two governments with fresh mandates. John Stewart is former managing editor of the Red Deer Advocate.
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october 14, 2015
W E D N E S D AY, O C T O B E R 14 , 2 015
Thanks Giving Community Brunch
(All photographs/Olsen Art Creative Photography)
Michael Simpson Editor On October 10, Impact Vegreville and the Vegreville Regional Museum partnered together to put on the first annual Thanks Giving Community Brunch. The event was held to support the Vegreville Food Bank at a time of year when they’re seeing the biggest draw on their stock, and provide families a chance to enjoy one of Vegreville’s underutilized treasures, the Museum itself, which opened its doors on a beautiful October day for tours, demonstrations and sight-seeing. Patrons of the event pitched in 5 bucks for a plate filled with buttermilk pancakes, sausages and eggs, and took in the activities including a hay bale maze and scarecrow making. Fort Saskatchewan – Vegreville MLA Jessica Littlewood even tried her hand at stuffing a scarecrow with her husband. Volunteers drove the event, which fed an estimated 100 people. From picking up and creating the bale maze, to rounding up local support, to coming out and cooking for several hours, it was a feel good experience that Impact Vegreville will revisit again next year. Local talent came in the form of musicians Callina and brother Jadon Kirk who supplied some grassroots violin and acoustic guitar music while people ate and had a visit. Linda Olsen from Olsen Art Creative Photography also attended and has taken a variety of photographs of the event, which are available to view online at olsenart.shootproof.com/gallery/1886006/.
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OCTOBER 14, 2015
Thanksgiving photo highlights...
OCTOBER 14, 2015
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Eat East a coup for culinary candidates
Participants lined up in the afternoon to sample various food samples such as bison meatballs, cheese, sausage and various drinks. (Susan Hodges Marlowe/Photo) Vegreville Economic Development and Tourism’s Rachel Farr and EDO Maureen Easton were in Viking promoting the Town during the Eat East of Edmonton event, along with a host of food vendors from the area. (Photo supplied)
Susan Hodges Marlowe GO East RTO Culinary tourism is on the rise in Alberta and Eat East of Edmonton is leading the way to bringing local food to the spotlight. To help enlighten the general public about culinary tourism Go East of Edmonton Regional Tourism Organization (RTO) in partnership with the Battle River Alliance for Economic Development (BRAED) held Eat East of Edmonton - A Showcase of Local Food, in Viking on September 30. “The planning for the event started when we partnered with BRAED to build a data base for local food producers, restaurants and people who supply foods to restaurants within the BRAED and RTO area,” said Cheryl Livingstone chair of Go East RTO. All of the foods served at the event were locally produced and those attending the event were able to sample locally made cheese from Tiras Dairies in Camrose, Bison meatballs from Vermilion Packers and wine from Birds and Bees winery from Brosseau to name a few. Livingstone has been involved in Go East since its inception about three years ago. The regional tourism organization promotes tourist attractions east of Edmonton. As an owner and operator of Red Feather Ridge with her husband Doug their dream of culinary tourism started 9 years ago. “We started attending tourism organizational meetings and we have been open seven years now. I wish I had done it when I was 30 instead of now as it is hard
work but we very much enjoy every minute of it,” said Livingstone. The boundary of Go East of RTO goes between Edmonton and Lloydminster, Camrose to Bodo and then to Smoky Lake east towards Cold Lake. “We have had some major people support it such as Mary Bailey from The Tomato which is a magazine about local food and drink and Gail Hall who is a foodie, because they are interested. [Exposure growns when] the people who follow them are also interested,” said Livingstone. “Our plan next year is to move our Eat East tour and event further north although we haven’t yet decided how far north we will go. People would like to be involved and have indicated they would also like to be a part of the Eat East of Edmonton promotion.” Gord Snyder has been the main coordinator behind Eat East of Edmonton for the past two years is pleased with the event. “We are celebrating two years of work on two major projects: the Eat East of Edmonton culinary trails and the data base. The Go East regional tourism organization and partners have made a significant mark on the tourism industry in Alberta to date. Working together is the key to success in rural tourism,” Snyder said. With the growing popularity of culinary tourism interest has also grown with municipalities and counties as they are also looking for ways to bring activities such as this into their communities. The partnership between Go East RTO and
BRAED just seemed to be a natural fit according to BRAED chair Arnold Hanson. “Our group represents 29 communities in eastern Alberta and I look at it as we have the power to develop a tool box to invite people to do economic development in our area,” said Hanson. “Go East is one of those things that if we can bring people into our community it will maybe make an avenue to create a business. We were very happy to sponsor this event because we think it is important - it brings people to rural AB. They say if you can get someone to visit your community and they see something they like they may come back and develop a business in that community. [If anyone has] an idea we are open for business in this region.” Also in attendance was local MLA Dr. Richard Starke who said tourism has always been a passion of his and he is thrilled with the plans Go East RTO has
for culinary tourism. “At times like these, when our economy is facing challenges, we look for things like tourism to diversify our economy. One of the things I have always promoted is rural tourism as it is truly an untapped resource within our province and there is no better part of Alberta to go visit than the areas outside our big cities,” said Starke. “The thing that makes rural tourism so great is that you will find some people who like to go to museums and some who want to do some recreational activity like biking or camping; what they all have in common is that they all have to eat. They all eat three times a day and so regardless of what activities they are in they have to eat and if we can add a unique culinary experience to the tourism experience with foods that are produced in the places they are visiting, it will certainly enhance their experience and that is a key part to a successful tourism operation.” CONTINUED TO PAGE 5
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OCTOBER 14, 2015
Champion of Canadian Blood Services from Vegreville honoured
Marion being presented her award by Canadian Blood Services Board Member Ms.Suromitra Sanatani. (Photo Supplied)
Giving back to the snack
Canadian Blood Services Submitted On September 28, Canadian Blood Services celebrated donors, partners, volunteers and peer recruiters from Calgary at its annual “Honouring Our Lifeblood” event in Ottawa. These individuals and organizations were recognized for their selfless dedication and commitment to Canadian Blood Services. The special ceremony honoured Marion Baxandall for her contribution to Canada’s blood system. For 55 years, and over 10,000 volunteer hours, the Ladies of the Royal Purple have supported blood donation in the community of Vegreville, Alberta. In fact, they are the longest serving volunteer group in the Edmonton area. The Ladies of the Royal Purple are loyally supported by their local Elks Lodge, who for many years provided the location for the mobile blood donor clinic. Marion Baxandall is just one of the many volunteers who always put donors first. Marion first started supporting blood doors clinics when she first joined the Ladies of the Royal Purple 40 years ago and has acted as convenor for the past 30 years. Over the years, they have seen many changes, but the ladies have continuously risen to the challenge with a positive attitude. Dedicated to their community, and always willing to help, the Ladies of the Royal Purple are known for making each clinic event a favorable experience for donors as well as Canadian Blood Services’ employees. “We are proud to recognize these amazing champions from our own community,” said Susan Matsumoto, Director of Donor Relations, Alberta, Saskatchewan and NWT. “Whether they are a regular donor who goes that extra mile, a local company that leads by example, a volunteer who dedicates countless hours of their time, or a recruiter who engages their community to donate, they are all wonderful examples of the thousands of generous Canadians who are helping to save lives.” Quick Facts - Approximately 1 in 2 Canadians are eligible to give blood. Last year, 1 in 60 Canadians actually did. - Canadian Blood Services needs about 170,000 additional donors per year to maintain the national blood supply. - At any given time there are hundreds of Canadians searching for a stem cell donor. - More than 4,500 people are waiting for organ transplants in Canada today; however, only a fraction of Canadians are registered to donate
Cousins from on down the trail
Austin Wakaruk raised $335 at a dunk tank fundraiser at his grad celebration. Austin is presenting the proceeds to Heather Giebelhaus of the Vegreville Breakfast Club. (Photo Supplied)
On September 13, Brett Ragon and grandparents Naomi and Bob Ragon from Roseburg, Oregon, were delighted to meet with various cousins and friends while checking their roots in Vegreville. Bob was thrilled to hear stories about his mom, Lydia Giebelhaus and see a picture of her in the Museum with Dr. Reid and Dr. Knowles. She was one of the earliest nurses in the R.M. Boswell Hospital in Vegreville. (Li Giebelhaus/Submitted)
Lunar Eclipse
A snapshot of the lunar eclipse taken on Sept. 27 around 8 p.m. from reader Marg Kuly.This eclipse contains no sparkly vampires.
OCTOBER 14, 2015
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Local produce is a staple of culinary tourism. Audrey Epp and Sarah Preston of Bumblebeets, an ethical, organic produce farm located near Tofield, display their bounty at the Sept. 30 event. (Susan Hodges Marlowe/Photo)
Food for the buffet was supplied by 19 local producers across the region and prepared by Viking caterer Good with Flair Catering. (Susan Hodges Marlowe/Photo) CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3
The event capped off with a presentation by Kevin Kisilevich of Go East of Edmonton tourism. Kisilevich made several presentations on AB Culinary Tourism Alliance (ACTA) and updated the audience on recent activities in the region and across Alberta. A promotional video was also unveiled which was created by Story Chaser Productions of the first Go East Culinary Trail which took place over the summer. Those attending finished off the event by enjoying a locally produced supper of turkey, cabbage rolls, vegetables, salads and pies. The evening ended with four local producers sharing their experiences as business owners. “It is important that our stories are shared as it lets people see the success behind the hard work. Culinary Tourism is hard work but when you listen to the success producers are now experiencing it makes you excited to see how this is going to continue to expand and grow,” said Kisilevich. “We are just seeing the birth of this industry and it will continue to grow and prosper. There is just so much opportunity out there and we are all thrilled to be a part of that.” For more information about Go East of Edmonton RTO visit their website at www.goeastrto.com and for more information about Eat East of Edmonton go to www.eateastofedmonton.com.
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Vortex battling uphill off the field Lundyn Baxandall Submitted Count the amount of players on the sidelines of a CFL football game. CFL teams have a roster of 44 players. Most teams in the Wheatland Football League have a roster of at least 30 players. The Vegreville
Vortex showed up to face the Athabasca Pacers on Thursday October 7th, with a roster of 16 players, ending their regular season with a score of 49-8. Due to a rule put in place by the ASAA (Alberta Schools Athletic Association) in 2007 “in football
only, onsite grade 9 students in member schools are eligible to participate on teams at the tier IV classification and on all 6man teams.” In other words, only grade 9 students who are enrolled in St. Mary’s were eligible to play. A rule put in place 8 years ago, that was finally brought to our attention as of our second last game of the season, had a dramatic impact on the game’s outcome. This brings about a few points of concern. First: how does a team get overlooked for 8 years? We were told “Because we simply only have so many staff members to take care of these things.” If this is the case, possibly expanding your staff would be beneficial to all member schools of the ASAA. Second: how is that even fair? How does it make sense? How does a player from the Composite, or a homeschooled athlete, differ from the student who just happens (luckily for him!) to go to St. Mary’s? The Vortex are part of Tier 4, which is defined by the ASAA as “schools with a population of less than 450”. We can pick up players from other schools, providing that the population of those schools, combined with the population of our schools, do not exceed 450. Clearly, we are on the bottom end of the 450. So, do the one or two kids we manage to pick up from other schools, who love the sport and want to play the sport, deserve to be disallowed from playing? Imagine telling players who have been a part of our team since May “Sorry, you can’t play the last game of season because of a rule we were just made aware of.” This team becomes like family; the players, your brothers, the coaches, your mentors and role models, the fans, a constant support system, not concerned about age, grade or athletic ability. It’s impossible not to grow close, especially with the amount of hardship the team always seems to face. The story of the Vortex is one of a team facing adversity on the field and off the field. A constant concern has always been the
OCTOBER 14, 2015 lack of players... yes, we have played games with only 12 players (remember that Vermilion game, alumni?) and coaches. We recently acquired a locker room and announcing tower, which are basics to most teams... yes, we used to change out on the field, and announce from the roof of St. Mary’s. Three years ago, we were informed we were not a registered team with ASAA and were told we weren’t allowed to have a season. With help from the athletic directors at St. Mary’s and VCHS, we were able to band together the necessary information and forms to allow the team to play. This year, from a tough beginning of the season, with construction that ruined the playing field, to being told that all our games had to be played on the road, to now being told that valued players on our team aren’t allowed to play, to relocating our announcing tower, bleachers and both uprights, we’ve been fighting an uphill battle off the field. We could not possibly thank our volunteers, sponsors, family, friends and fans enough. Without the kind support of those who see the importance in youth sports, we would not be a team. We would not have a facility for young athletes to showcase their talent, to play a game they truly love, and to put their focus and determination into. We are grateful for the support of St. Mary’s for housing our team, all of our sponsors who did not get the recognition they properly deserved this season, and our fans for traveling with the team... what a great feeling to show up in an unfamiliar place and see smiling, positive, upbeat faces. A big shout out is set aside for the coaches, who put hours and hours of volunteer time into the team, the boys, and the game. Our coaches are truly role models, and people the boys can look up to. In regards to the ASAA rule about grade 9s, we will be appealing it. Because we do not feel that it’s fair to discriminate against innocent players.
OCTOBER 14, 2015
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15th Annual New Kiew Children’s Camp Highlights
Submitted The 15th annual New Kiew Children’s Camp was held during the week of July 14th with 26 children in attendance with 6 youth helpers. The theme of the camp this year was “Ukrainian Folklore”. The first day we were delighted to have Rozhanytsia join us for a performance. Rozhanytsia, a traditional folk singing group from Kiev, Ukraine, was accompanied by Vince Rees of Cobblestone Freeway. During the performance, Rozhanytsia sang a selection of folk songs and included the children in a unique interactive dance presentation. The New Kiew U.C.W.L.C. served a luncheon. This was followed by a presentation by Deacon Jim Nachonechny on old folk customs and followed by activities for the children. Once again, the children completed a variety of crafts and activities during the week. Debra Durrur of Artables graciously donated pottery for the children to paint. Joyce Rudiak and the helpers taught the children songs which were incorporated into a storyline by Debbie Kachmar–Potter. Father Don Bodnar taught the children Feast Day greetings in Ukrainian and English. Natalie Kononenko of the Kule Folklore Centre from the University of Alberta brought supplies and demonstrated the making of Motonka dolls. Edith Zauradiuk’s presentation included folklore customs and books. Joyce Rudiak and Audrey Ginda read folklore stories. Louis Marianych brought Ukrainian musical instruments, demonstrating how to play them. Ina Kachmar demonstrated the making of cabbage rolls (holopchi). The children then made their own cabbage rolls, assisted by Pauline Kulak, Sharon Lozoway and Irene Cymbaliuk. The children were all able to take home a container of cabbage rolls, which were prepared by the U.C.W.L.C. We were honored to have Bishop David Motiuk and Fr. Don Bodnar celebrate Divine Liturgy with the children and parents. The clouds were threatening, but the weather held and everyone enjoyed a pot luck and wiener roast by the parish hall. The children especially enjoyed the bouncy combine, compliments of Mark Kulak of Tingley’s Harvest Centre in Vegreville. The day concluded with a concert taught by Debbie Kachmar-Potter, Joyce Rudiak and the helpers. Camp culminated Friday morning with a delicious pancake breakfast, prepared by the men of the New Kiew Parish. All camp participants appreciate the support of New Kiew U.C.W.L.C. as well as time and effort camp coordinators Sheryl Lazaruk, Kathryn Cymbaliuk and Michelle Palsitt dedicated to the endeavor. Thanks as well to a generous donation from the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton, our 15th Anniversary of the New Kiew Children’s Camp was definitely one to remember.
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Understanding the Y of the Millennials Rosanne Fortier The Millennials (born 1977-1997) like to ask questions and know Y (why) in the workforce. They are sometimes known as the Y Generation and they grew up where their self-esteem was emphasized. It is predicted by 2025, 75% of the workforce will be composed of these workers. Other generations of employers sometimes don’t understand this generation or value their unique traits because they
believe that Millennials don’t stick with a job, were coddled by their parents and are easily distracted. Ironically, they also were their parents in many cases. Millennials can be technologically savvy, educated, good at multi-tasking, enjoy teamwork, are open-minded, selfexpressive and liberal. Employers have to take the time to tap into this generation’s assets. They need a positive manager and a mentor who will offer challenging and fulfilling tasks with occasional construc-
tive criticism coupled with praise. Their employer should ask them for ideas, involve them in the decision-making of the business and be willing to answer the employee’s questions and tell them why they need to do something, be forward about the employer’s expectations and inform them about daily and weekly business goals. It’s essential to let them be creative and be flexible in letting them use a cell phone, instant messaging and the internet. Let them balance their lives and
OCTOBER 14, 2015 have leisure time; be open-minded about working hours. A shift on the employer’s perspective may be required to get the most out of a millennial employee. It’s important for Millennials to have opportunities to learn, and develop their careers. Make room for courses and personal development. They thrive on meaningful work. Some Millennials want high pay and a sense of accomplishment but not one person or generation fits totally into a mold, so get to know your employees and capitalize on their unique personalities, skills and talents.