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Vegreville Royal Purple Ladies Donate to Vegreville Preschool

Vegreville Royal Purple Ladies Donate to Vegreville Preschool

In the front row from left to right are: Marge Henderson, Shirley Rattray, Daralyn Lawrence, Treasurer and Registrar for the Vegreville Preschool Association, Raeanne Yackimec, Preschool Administrator, and Clara Nawrot. In the back row from left to right are: Enid Theophile, Ann Markowsky, Rose Hook, Nora Paquette, Marian Lemiski, Marion Baxandall, Stacey Mynsak, Janet Kobylnyk, and Anne Stefancik. Missing from the photo are: Joyce Porayko, Effie Lazowski, and Susan Stecyk. (Rupert Mullins/Submitted Photo)

Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent

The Vegreville Royal Purple Lodge No. 125 Ladies presented the Vegreville Preschool Association with a donation of $1,000 on September 22.

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