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october 14, 2020
Vegreville Royal Purple Ladies Donate to Vegreville Preschool
In the front row from left to right are: Marge Henderson, Shirley Rattray, Daralyn Lawrence, Treasurer and Registrar for the Vegreville Preschool Association, Raeanne Yackimec, Preschool Administrator, and Clara Nawrot. In the back row from left to right are: Enid Theophile, Ann Markowsky, Rose Hook, Nora Paquette, Marian Lemiski, Marion Baxandall, Stacey Mynsak, Janet Kobylnyk, and Anne Stefancik. Missing from the photo are: Joyce Porayko, Effie Lazowski, and Susan Stecyk. (Rupert Mullins/Submitted Photo)
Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent The Vegreville Royal Purple Lodge No. 125 Ladies presented the Vegreville Preschool Association with a donation of $1,000 on September 22.
Colours of Fall in Vegreville
Notice of Public Hearing Village of Innisfree Council
The Village of Innisfree is holding a Public Hearing on Tuesday, October 20, 2020 at 5:00 PM and will be held at the Village of Innisfree Council Chambers located at 5116 - 50 Avenue. The nature of business to be discussed is as follows: 1. Amendment to Land Use Bylaw 646-20 – Cannabis Production & Distribution 2. Amendment to Land Use Bylaw 655-20 – C3 – Highway Commercial: Change in Permitted and Discretionary Uses As per the Municipal Government Act Section 692 (1), Village Council is required to hold a public hearing as part of the process to approve or amend a land use bylaw or other statutory plans. The purpose is to receive comments on related land use and rezoning applications. All hearings are open to the general public and your attendance is encouraged as they are an opportunity to let Village Council know your views on various issues regarding land use and development. You are encouraged to submit your comments in writing to the Village Office prior to a hearing. Written submissions which have been received before the designated meeting time will be included in the report for the Public Hearing. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the Village of Innisfree will allow virtual attendance via Teleconference. Should you wish to virtually attend, please phone 780-581-3380. To attend via other electronic means, please contact the Village Administration Office prior to the Public Hearing. Copies of the Amendment Bylaw 646-20 and Amendment Bylaw 655-20 will be available online at or at the Village of Innisfree Administration Office.
Thank you. Mayor and Council
The trees in Vegreville showcasing their many colours in the fall. (Rosanne Fortier/Photo)
Rosanne Fortier News Correspondent The colours of fall are so delightful. On October 8, I stopped to look at the trees by homes and churches in Vegreville which were showcasing many shades of red, green, and gold.