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A Gift from the Heart
A Gift from the Heart
Michelle Pinon News Advertiser
Often the best gifts are gifts from the heart.
That proved true for Vegreville News Advertiser, (VNA) News Correspondent Rosanne Fortier recently when she was presented with a special plaque from Rev. Pamela Milton.
The plaque features the VNA banner and article titled: Meet new Voice of Vegreville United Church, Rev. Pamela Milton.
Fortier said she has never had anyone she’s interviewed present a plaque or been given any other formal recognition, although she’s received letters of appreciation, and has had her work acknowledged in letters to the editor that have been published in the newspaper.
Fortier said she was thrilled that Rev. Milton appreciated the article enough to go to the extent of having a plaque made of the article.
Rev. Milton said she has never had a newspaper article written about her, which makes the plaque also special to her. “I realized that Rosanne probably didn’t have a plaque for any of her articles, so I thought that she might like mine. I am so pleased that she likes the plaque. It makes my heart glad.”
Rev. Milton had a copy of the plaque made for herself to have as a keepsake. Fortier said, “I am going to mount the plaque in my mother’s room since I really loved my mother who passed away a year and a half ago. And I really love this plaque, too.”
Fortier has been working at VNA since October of 2011. “The job has been a real growing experience. I worked as a freelance writer for newspapers and magazines before but I have never worked as a reporter. It was quite a challenge at first, but with a bit of training, it became a natural process.
The job has entailed writing about and taking pictures of events, interviewing people about their lives, encountering people at the highs and lows of their lives, and going from covering a drag race to a formal event on the same day. It has made me have a full and unpredictable life.”
Fortier fondly recalled covering the Pysanka Festival for the first time and writing about subjects and events she knew nothing about. However, with the public’s assistance, she said she managed to put together some good articles.

One of the highlights of her career was when she received the Independent Free Papers of America Award for Editorial Excellence in 2017.
Fortier said she was initially attracted to the industry because she loves free community newspapers. “They are the heart and soul of the community. I even love flyers and ads, and almost everything I buy is from something I’ve seen in the newspaper. As well, I like writing and photography.
I am still in the industry today because when the team at the newspaper creates a good newspaper, and I feel I was a small part of this, I feel complete knowing that I am doing what I am supposed to do in my life.”