1 minute read
Easter Message
What an amazing Easter message we had this year, culminating in a total of 20 people being baptized in Jesus' name between our Palm Sunday and Easter services! "Easter should be loud, powerful, grave shattering!" exclaimed Pastor Johnson during his Easter Sunday message. He went on to say the dead, lifeless, and helpless, live when Jesus gets on the scene. Jesus has all power in heaven and earth, he said, and He is victorious over death, hell, and the grave. With Jesus. you will live, and you will have life more abundantly. "You don't have to believe the bad news," said Pastor Johnson, "that your life is over." He spoke of the transformational power of Christ that can "pull you out of the grave clothes, just like Lazarus." There is still life-giving power available. He declared, "There’s resurrection, grave-opening power in this service today... There is hope for you and me!"