The NORSUnian 4th Issue

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NORSU-Geothermal Eng’g featured in Por tal Mag July 8-19, 2013

Vol.XXXI Issue No. 4

By Jessie P. Dolia

THE GEOTHERMAL ENGINEERING program of Negros Oriental State University–College of Engineering and Architecture (NORSU– CEA) was featured in the first Anniversary issue of the Portal Magazine—a widely recognized mining magazine circulated nationwide. Geothermal Engineering program was featured after Dr. Joy G. Perez, chair of the Journalism and Mass Communication department, submitted her article entitled “ N e g r o s O r i e n t a l S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y ’s (NORSU) Geothermal Engineering Program” to the Portal Publication. This was published in Portal Mag’s 2013 first quarter issue, Volume 2, No. 1 on pages 65-67. In the article, Perez presented some developments of the program. She included the improvement of the Geothermal Engineering modules which are useful for the curriculum instruction of the program; the number of productive graduates who are now employed in their chosen profession; and the enhancers for industry linkages. The said program came to publicity together with the “Re-birth of Metallurgical Engineering” program of the Mapua Institute of Technology (MIT), the country’s leading academic institution offering engineering courses, written by Dr. Lawrence V. Madriaga.

Geothermal Engineering in transition Bachelor of Science in Geothermal Engineering (BSGE) program of NORSU was initially offered way back in the first semester of school year 1994-1995 by virtue of Resolution No.7, Series of 1994 of the Board of Trustees of the then Central Visayas Polytechnic College (CVPC). It was offered to supply qualified manpower to perform the continuous development, operation and maintenance of geothermal projects. It is premised on the fact that producing qualified people to work in geothermal projects would help the government save money instead of spending on training manpower abroad. According to College of Engineering a n d A r c h i t e c t u r e D e a n J o s e f Vi l S . Villanueva, there are 17 students enrolled in BS Geothermal Engineering at present. NORSU is advocating the passage of the geothermal engineering law which will provide official government recognition of the profession; include the program under the Professional Regulation Commission; standardized the curriculum and the profession and allow the engineers who have worked in the geothermal industry, for at least 5 years, to be granted the degree of Geothermal Engineering once they apply and qualify for the position. Dr. Perez said she is happy because the article is widely circulated throughout the mining industries in the country and top performing universities known for engineering courses. She said she wanted to let the audience know that there is a significance or impact on the offering of the Geothermal Engineering.

Palinpinon Geothermal Power Plant I - Palinpinon, Valencia, Negros Oriental (Source: Internet) Inset photo: Dr. Don Vicente Real during the MOA Signing between NORSU and UP-NIGS .

She continued she is grateful that she has given the university a break in letting the whole country know that NORSU is offering a competent program which is relevant to the needs of the society. She further said she is delighted because NORSU is given the gage to highlight its beauty. Another program to be featured Dr. Perez is invited by the Portal magazine to write another article about the Geology program of NORSU. The

NORSU records 4.55 % pop increase By Mary Grace G. Bornales


THE NEGROS ORIENTAL State University (NORSU) system has recorded a 4.55 percent population increase despite the closure of the College of Maritime Education (CME) last school year.

program came to prominence after it has continuously posted licensed geologists in the past years. To note, the BS Geology program of NORSU has recently signed a memorandum of agreement with the University PhilippinesNational Institute of Geological Sciences (UP-NIGS) to strengthen the strong hold and support for the program. NORSU President Dr. Don Vicente C. Real led the MOA signing together with the UP-NIGS Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Dr. Maria Ines Rosana Tarriela.

BSBA revises curriculum, 21 units added

In the official data released from the registrar’s office, the total student population of the NORSU system has reached to 21, 849 this year as compared to last school year’s 20,899. It shows that NORSU is not affected by the CME’s closure despite the obvious decrease of 10.84 percent of the total population in the school year 2012-2013.

By Mei Anne A. Morales and Rujonel F. Cariaga

Main Campuses’ population

Additional subjects include the Fundamentals of Business Process Outsourcing 101 (BPO1) with three units, Fundamentals of Business Process Outsourcing 102 (BPO2) with three units, Business Communication II (BusCo) with three units, Service Culture (SERV 100) with three units, Principles of Systems Thinking (SysTh) with three units and the Internship (INTRN) subject with six units. Sought for his reaction about the reason of the development, the College of Business and Administration Dean Benjamin Villagonzalo said the move was due to the Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) Memorandum Order (CMO) No.6 of 2012.

The College of Business Administration (CBA) with 2, 871 students is now the most populated college after the College of Tourism and Hospitality Management (CTHM) was merged to the College of Business Administration. Last year’s college that recorded the biggest population, the College of Arts and Sciences(CAS), is now in the second post with 1, 865 students. The College of Industrial Technology (CIT) ranks third having 1, 731 students, College of Education with 946 students, College of Engineering and Architecture with 880 students, and the newly established College of Criminal Justice Education (CCJE) with 770 students, ranked 4 th, 5 th and 6 th, respectively. Moreover, the College of Agriculture and Forestry (CAF) with 550 students and College of Nursing,

THE NEGROS ORIENTAL STATE University-Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) program has revised its course curriculum and added 21 more units effective this semester.

‘Being patient.’ Students patiently fall in line to enrol themselves despite the lengthy queues. (Photo by Kendrex B. Pael)

Dentistry and Allied Health Sciences (CNDPAHS) with 495

students obtained the 7th and 8th posts, respectively. Satellite Campuses’ Population

Bais City Campus II has the highest population increase that reached up to 34.94 percent, from 1,325 last year to 1,788 this year. This is the highest recorded population increase in all of the satellite campuses so far. Bayawan-Sta. Catalina Campus has 3, 861 students or NORSU RECORDS 4.55% ... to page 3



Vol.XXXI Issue No. 4

July 8-19, 2013

Why too long? Whenever someone leaves a job and seeks for another with higher compensation, he/she is said to “seek for greener pastures.” Those with high educational attainment do not prefer to serve the government because they are paid lesser than what they can earn from working in a private firm or even abroad. And NORSU is in fact faced with this kind of scenario. It has been a year or two since the university physician Venus Saceda exited from our institution. After her resignation, nobody dared to apply for the position she left. Thus, the university was left with no one who can offer medical help, albeit we have the university nurse and dentist. Every time we need medical certificates and check-ups, no one is present to provide it. So we are forced to go to other doctors and pay big amount of money in which it could have been lesser if it is done in the university. We could have minimized the expenses if the university provides it for us who are financially challenged students. NORSU could have probably been a splendid help for our medical needs. You see, this is something the university must carefully consider since we are paying for medical services. We are supposed to avail of such services with convenience and affordability. But until today, we have not even tasted a single of it. NORSU itself has been given so much time to getting qualified physician but it appears that they are just doing nothing for it. We understand that it is never easy to have these people right away. We understand that it takes money and commitment to looking for these people but we also believe that the time spared for this is enough. But, what really takes it so long? Why too long? The university has given so much attention to some other areas like infrastructures, facilities, faculty workforce and others. May be, it has also have to give time to getting qualified university physician for the students to ask help with for their medical concerns. The need for full time medical doctor is very important for a university that has a huge population. It is perhaps, as we concern, a right time for the administration to provide us as soon as possible. The administration can perhaps make adjustments in terms of the salary of these people. Increase the salary by reasonable rates and add more benefits. We have endured well long ago. We have even put our backs in front in understanding. Therefore, there really has to be a way that this position must be filled in. Another year is too long for waiting.

Curtailing Facebook Freedom? Earlier in 2011, reports about banning the use of facebook were already circulating both in the local and national media. The report stated that because of its serious and fatal effects, the National Regulating Agency for all online social networking sites mandated the strict and immediate ban of using facebook. It pointed out that the reported killing incident in 2012, where a woman was killed after her husband stabbed her on the different parts of her body for an alleged third party issue through facebook, was perhaps one of the major reasons why the site has to be banned. Later of the same year, different facebook menace cases have been reported, posting another threat for all facebookers. In the earlier part of 2013, it seems that the country is faced again with similar issue. In fact, threats are circulating that the site itself will require a payment every time one will login in his/ her account. Since several netizens disagreed on

Editor-in-Chief Jessie P. Dolia Associate Editor Joeylen A. Dela Cruz News Editor Rujonel F. Cariaga Features Editor Jirah Kim R. Quinamot Assistant News Editor Ariel B. Dizon Assistant Features Editor Arean Fel E. Dorio Arts and Graphics Unit Head Mayette Hanna F. Diez Senior Reporters Mary Cherry S. Sanchez • Mei Anne A. Morales Mary Grace G. Bornales Cartoonists Ranulfo D. Repe, Jr. • Angelo K. Sastre Karlo Billy S. Rubia • Marko Mikhal G. Deposoy Paul Anthony M. Eso • Arvin V. Rodriguez Layout Artists Head John R. Rio Layout Artist Hikaru S. Kanazawa Photojournalists Kendrex B. Pael • Marve G. Fabela Webpage Developer Leonil G. Dayado

Business Manager Princess D. Ebo Assistant Business Manager Jela Mae T. Ruales Staff Secretary Shenmae S. Sojor Circulation Managers Dennis M. Ybañez Froiland D. Liu Adviser Joy G. Perez, Ph.D. Contributions, comments, and letters are most welcome. Articles must be typewritten or computer encoded, double-spaced and with sender’s full name and signature. The staff reserves the right to edit submitted articles. Member: College Editors Guild of the Philippines

HEART TALK Sometimes, you only need to follow your heart and weigh things equally before you jump into decisions. Whatever advises the professionals may instill in you, in the end, what matters most is how you take into considerations these opinions from others. I have this instructor in our Geol 210 subject who does not hesitate to share whatever comes into his mind. Though sometimes our lessons were a bit baffling, our class had never been so lull and dry because of him. My classmates and I still managed to be active and laugh at simple things that our instructor used to share. One mundane day in the middle of our discussion,our instructor suddenly blurted a topic that gradually turned out about love. He shared to us that college life is the stage where we must enjoy our youthfulness. He also said that during college, we must find our boyfriend (BF) or girlfriend (GF) already because we’re going to miss 1/3 of our lives

this move, the facebook administrators were left with no choice but continue letting these people access their accounts. In late July of this year, another problem is lurking in the facebook community. Any person can now post obscene and nude statuses, pictures, and even videos in one’s account without his/her knowledge. Anyone can put deceiving links or URLs in one’s account that whenever he clicks it, he is transferred to another page or tab that contains pornographic contents. And as of this writing, this problem has no solution yet. The move of banning facebook shocked thousands of Filipinos since majority of them are already avid users of it. Some say using facebook has been part of their work already. In fact, they say it advances their communication technologies since it enables countless new opportunities for business growth, it has increased the ability of citizens, and advocacy groups to promote change in this country and across the globe. Moreover, they say it allows law enforcement and national security organizations new levels of surveillance in the fight against malicious actors for the purposes of online freedom and cybersecurity. They added that it has also advanced their knowledge because they communicate and exchange ideas with people who also are advanced themselves. In a similar account, Negros Oriental State University community is no excuse of this issue since the students are also banned from using facebook despite the fact that they are paying CURTAILING FACEBOOK FREEDOM ... to page 6 if we don’t. One reason he opined was that, when you become a successful person, you can rarely find another successful person of the opposite sex wherein you can develop a mutual feeling for each other. How can you be compatible lovers then if you both have this fame, money and popularity? Another reason he shared was that we could find inspiration and motivation in our studies. He continued we can get them from the “kilig” factor we could experience out of having BF or GF. The scenario really got into my nerve. I asked myself why should I follow the advice of my instructor. So what if all of my close friends are already taken? So what if I can’t experience that “kilig to the bones?” Then I started contemplating and thought that not only from the “kilig” you experience can you get motivation but there are also other ways. Everyone has its own sources of motivation. It could be their family, profile background or previous experiences that perhaps remind them to strive hard. But if you think that you can only be motivated if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, think again of the reason why you’re in school. Being motivated by your lover is comparable to a catalyst that you apply to hasten a certain chemical reaction. A catalyst is only temporary and it will eventually be consumed. Likewise, being motivated in studies only because of the presence of a lover will not be enough, even permanent. What can really help you in surviving your schooling is the primary reason HEART TALK ... to page 6

Vol. XXXI Issue No. 4

July 8-19, 2013


No university medical doctor

By Froiland Liu D. and Dennis M. Ybañez

The Negros Oriental State University (NORSU) has still no physician for more than a year now as confirmed by University Nurse Alexander Sibala. According to Sibala, Dr. Venus Saceda was the last university physician NORSU was able to have. “After her, no one dares to apply, perhaps due to the low salary offered by our university,” he said. Sibala said he has already consulted Dr. Peter Dayot, the NORSU Vice President for Administration, Planning and Development, regarding the matter. He said Dr. Dayot has sent a letter to the university president to getting a qualified university physician and it has already been approved on July 1. However, they are still waiting for its immediate implementation. The university nurse disclosed he is now looking for a qualified physician,

as a suggestion, who may serve as a part-time or a full-time doctor.

Students’ views Junior Tourism student Prime Rose Acac, said “Kinahanglan nga naa nay university physician as soon as possible para pud ma-accommodate ang mga needs sa students,” relating to the discomfort brought about by having no medical doctor. First year Hospitality Management student Dorothy Agustin seconded Acac’s view saying that she badly needs physician to cater her medical needs. She said, “Needed jud nga naa nay physician kay pananglitan ug mangayoka’g medical certificate, libre na ug dili na hasol kaayo”. Jerome Cadayona, a second year Hospitality Management student said, “They should find ways! Kana bang accessible ra in cases like na’y teacher o student man daling nga atakihon ug sakit”.

Two Norsunians read the posted notice and wonder why there is no available university physician yet. (Photo by: Marve G. Fabela)

NORSU grad receives MD scholarship By Ranulfo D. Repe Jr., Angelo K. Sastre and Karlo Billy S. Rubia

NEGROS ORIENTAL STATE University (NORSU) graduate Jollibee Sablaon is one of the 29 graduates from the different universities in the city who received a scholarship for a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree by the Province of Negros Oriental. Sablaon is the only Bachelor of Science in Biology graduate from NORSU in 2012. She is currently enrolled in the Silliman University Medical School together with the rest of the scholars of the province. Sablaon said she is so thankful to God for giving her the chance

to fulfill her passion in becoming a doctor. “Enjoying the benefits of the scholarship and fulfilling my passion in life to become a doctor are only few of the blessings that I have been very thankful for. The scholar thanked Governor Roel R. Degamo and the people who were part of the screening committee. She said she would live up with the expectations of the people. “It actually makes me sleepless at random nights,” she said. NORSU Biology instructor Venus Kinamot, her former mentor, said Sablaon deserves the scholarship. “We suggested her to apply the scholarship because we believe she’s worth it, she’s a diligent and good student,” Kinamot said.

Provincial Administrator Jose Arnel Francisco said the scholarship grant is part of Degamo’s Health, Education, and Livelihood Programs (HELP). Francisco said the scholarship grant could be a solution for the diminishing number of medical doctors in the Provincial Hospital. “Ang mga doctors man gud nato karon manglakaw for greener pastures and then nag-problema ta kay wala natay mga doctors,” he said. The administrator advised the students who want to have a scholarship to “just do their best, strive hard, work hard and study hard because in the end, it is you who will reap the fruits of your labor.”

up, linkages with multinational companies like KOMATSU in Japan, its expansion and linkages with some private agencies such as SYGENTA; E a s t - We s t S e e d C o m p a n y ; A l l i e d Botanical Corporation; Fiber Industry Development Authority; Philippine Coconut Authority; Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)-Region 7 and Agricultural Training Institute of the Department of Agricultural Reforms. A flagship program intends to recognize a certain college or

university for offering such courses. It aims at improving the quality of education of the programs offered in a university or a college. Junior BS Pharmacy student Rey Locsin, said he is proud he belongs to one of the programs enlisted for a flagship. He said “Ma-develop pa jud unta ang course (BS Pharmacy) more particularly in the aspect of laboratory equipment. Kizzy Ho, a second year Psychology student said, “it’s nice kay naa natay ika pang hambog sa NORSU.”

NORSU has 4 flagship programs By Ariel B. Dizon and Mary Grace G. Bornales

Negros Oriental State University (NORSU) has four flagship programs with a validity of three years starting 2013 to 2016. University President Don Vicente C. Real said the programs are Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishery courses; some selected engineering courses; Bachelor of Science in Geology and Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy. These programs are chosen based on the results during board examinations, strong faculty line

BSBA REVISES CURRICULUM... from page 1 Villagonzalo he sees it as an advantage in producing globally competitive graduates, thus adapting the directive. “The 21 additional units will make our graduates be more globally competitive as an answer towards the need of the time [in the business field],” he said. The dean encourages the students to consider the additional subjects not a burden but a positive contributor to the development of ones’ learning. Business Administration student, Hannah Mae Locsin said she is happy with the revision of the curriculum since it will provide her wide perspective in the business industry. She said: “It’s okay because it gives us the privilege to have a good life kay if wala mi makuha na trabaho sa among course na gikuha, at least naa ray chance japon na makatrabaho rami sa BPO.” Another Business Administration student, Dayanara Villalon said: “The advantage is we get more knowledge from these added subjects however, the disadvantage is we get very busy in coping up the additional units.” However, for Business Administration student Niel Marie Aseñas, the move seems to be a problem. She commented, “Burden kaayo kay duha ka prospectus ang among gi-follow ang old og ang new, daun loaded pajud me kaayo.”

Mercado new IGP director By Mary Grace G. Bornales

NEGROS ORIENTAL STATE University(NORSU) President Don Vicente Real has appointed College of Business and Administration (CBA) Instructor Maria Corazon E. Mercado, as the new Income Generating Project (IGP) Director of the NORSU system on June 27.

“With great power comes great responsibility.” Dr. Maria Corazon E. Mercado beams with a smile as she assumes office as the new IGP Director. (Photo by: Marve G. Fabela)

Mercado is appointed upon the recommendation of the former IGP Director Benjamin Villagonzalo. Mercado is a Doctor of Business Administration degree holder from Saint Paul University –Dumaguete.

She earned her Master ’s and Bachelor’s in Commerce degree with Accounting as her major in Foundation University (FU). She also has an exposure to the Banking industry for 26 years. Mercado told TN that her vision is congruent to the vision of the IGP office and the NORSU System as a whole. She said she is still in the process of getting familiar with the IGP including its processes and functions. She continued, she will still review the different records specially the IGP Manual in order to facilitate her responsibilities in the office.

Mercado asked for the cooperation of everybody in the university as she implements and pursues the plans of the former director. “I would expect cooperation from the working force of the NORSU system and I do appreciate and welcome suggestions as well,” she said. The new IGP Director is also an instructor of business subjects in the university that include Business Entrepreneur, Principles of Management, Strategic Human Resource Management and Money Credit and Banking.


Vol.XXXI Issue No. 4

July 8-19, 2013

Naaalala mo pa ba ‘yung oras na grumaduate ka ng hayskul? Eh ‘yung panahong todo iyak at emote ka kasi nga magpapaalam ka na sa pinakamasayang panahon ng iyong buhay? Mga ilang araw matapos ang iyakan, tumungtong ka ng kolehiyo at nakita mong iba-iba ang katauhan ng mga taong nasa paligid mo. Ang kolehiyo ay maituturing na “turning point” ng buhay mo. Dito, hinuhulma ang sarili upang maging handa sa maaaring maging propesyon sa kinabukasan. Dito rin masusubok ang iyong katatagan sa iba’t-ibang aspeto ng buhay. Matutunghayan mo ang isang malaking pagbabago sa iyong sarili. Hindi mo rin maikakaila na sa kolehiyo mo lang mararanasan ang naiilan at natatanging mga sitwasyon na isa sa magiging memorableng alaala mo sa hinaharap. Ang pinakaunang serye ng BUHAY UNIBERSIDAD ay maglalarawan sa mga tipikal na ginagawa ng mga kolehiyala at kolehiyalo sa loob ng silid-aralan habang hinihintay ang pagdating ng kanilang guro.

Samot saring anggulo ng sitwasyon sa loob ng silidaralan ang iyong makikita. Iba’t-ibang personalidad ng mga indibidwal ang matutunghayan mo sapagkat iba-iba rin ang kursong kinukuha ng mga estudyanteng nakainrol dito. Ang mga susunod ay tipo ng mga estudyante at ang kani-kanilang mga eksena. Ang Nagkaka-“ibigan” Sila ‘yung tipong mahilig umupo sa sulok habang naglalambingan. Sila lamang kasi ang nakakaalam sa damdamin ng bawat isa. Sa madaling salita, sila ‘yung merong sariling mundo. Sa katunayan, hindi naiintidihan ng maraming tao kung bakit ang mga nagkaka-“ibigan” ay nakatitig lamang sa isa’t-isa habang wala pa si sir o mam para simulan ang klase. The Lonely Ones Kung ikaw ‘yung type magmoment mag-isa, kasapi ka ng ligang ito. Maraming puwedeng rason kung bakit gustong mapag-isa ang tao. Maaring mahiyain siya. Puwede rin namang may ka-textmate lang. Ang iba, gustong mapag-isa dahil trip nilang mag-advance study. Ngunit, kahit ano pa man ang rason, hinding-hindi natin maitatago na minsa’y mahirap silang i-approach. Gamer’s Club

A n g “ H i - Ta - C h i ” Organization Ang grupong ito ay eksklusibo para sa mga taong H I m a n t a y o n , TA b i a n a t C H I s m o s a ( H i - Ta - C h i ) . Hindi naman sa lahat ng panahon ay puro negatibo ang pinagpupulungan ng organisasyong ito. Maaari rin namang mga opinyon o ‘di kaya’y suhestiyon ang pinaguusapan nila upang maiangat o maiunlad ang katayuan ng isang tao, hayop o b a g a y. S i l a ‘ y u n g t i p o n g nagkakaroon rin ng kanilang sariling diskusyon habang hinihintay’ng magsimula ang klase. Kikay ladies Kailangan pa ba ‘tong i-elaborate? Sila ‘yung maya’t-maya ay panay ang pagre-retouch. Sadya lang bang nagpapakitang-gilas sila sa nagagwapuhan at matitipunong mga lalaki o ‘di kaya’y ikinahihiya lang nila ang pagiging sila? Baka naman siguro nais lang nila maging presentablé sa harap ng mga tao.

Kapag ipinalabas na nila ang kanilang mga sandata, humanda na sa isang nakakapagbuntong-hininga at The Sessionistas umaatikabong kompetisyon. Ang club na ito ay eksklusibo May nagigitara? Tsek! May bokalista? Tsek! Hala sa mga mahihilig maglaro ng kanilang cellphone, laptop sige, at kayo’y magconcert na! Mahilig nilang gawing o tablet. Kalimitang mga lalaki ang miyembro nito. pampalipas oras ang pag-awit ng iba’t-ibang mga kanta. Sila ‘yung nagbibigay buhay at kulay sa buong silid. Buhay Unibersidad ... to page 6

“Behind the clouds, the sun is still shining.” This saying reminded me of an experience I couldn’t really forget. When I was still a freshman, I joined The NORSUnian (TN), the official publication of our university. I could vividly picture through my eyes those days when I made lots of adjustments just to find time in scouting and writing news and feature articles. I did not bear the pressure of the life of a writer. I then quitted and buried all my desires of becoming one. In my early sophomore year, the passion for being a writer has resurrected inside my inner being so I decided to join our college publication instead. I could still remember the screening process I underwent in applying for a college-based writer. Like in TN, It wasn’t easy! I took a number of mindboggling examinations, and of course, I needed to pass them so that I can make it to the editor’s list of qualified student writers. The examination venue was cool, cozy and conducive for answering the screening examinations. Though the milieu was consummate, I sweat heavily as I contemplate a negative thought. I thought of my weaknesses in my writing skill. The sweat from my head had dropped worse after seeing the seven other examinees answer a number of papers already; and

I, myself haven’t begun scribbling yet. I thought, “Pakaulaw kaayo ka. Patuga man gud kag apilapil, unya, dili pud diay ka kabalo.” However, I fought my pessimistic thoughts, made an output and passed it. When the results were posted, I was shocked. I was so delighted when I saw my name on the list. I subsequently thanked God for such blessing. The next morning, I received a text message that informed me of a training intended for the passers. However, I was not able to join the event due to attending pertinent activities. Perhaps, that caused the publication adviser to oust me from the group. Because of that, I was badly hurt. I wept pails of tears. After several days, I had a feeling of rejoining TN, the publication I once joined. With the help of God and the people who gave me a second chance, I was back in the publication. Then and there, I realized that God has a perfect plan for me and I know that He wants me to pursue my passion in writing. Now, I am working with TN again. And this time, I will never ever waste this opportunity again. DJ Bubblegum is a sophomore student who loves to watch Adventure Time. She is allergic to handsome and attractive boys.

Vol. XXXI Issue No. 4

July 8-19, 2013


First is the bad stimulus. The remorse Your School due to contemplation with the negatives is The university is a training ground for students. It next. The worse comes subsequently as a is the place where circles of friends are expanded and man tries to consume his life force. Once different views and ideas are shared. In the university his attempt is successful, he shall not see a r e v a r i o u s ideologies and knowledge the sun shine its robust rays. that may help an individual The aforementioned is the situation of a man who takes his own life due to frustrations and despair. This is the reality of life. Some people easily give in to what is evil and escape reality. Just recently, there have been a considerable number of reports of suicide and suicidal attempts in the university. Who shall we blame on to? The teachers who are suspected to be the culprit of this dilemma? Or the students who did not view things in another meaningful perspective? Looking things at different views will change the direction of one’s sail. The truth of the matter is, there will always be those who will put us down. There will always be something to be depressed about. That is why some people cross the borderline and go nuts. However, it is up for an individual how he is going to deal with these normal demons that disturb a normal life (NSW Ministry of Health, 2000). The main reason why this text is written is to inform you that there is always a way out. There are a number of people you can rely on to ease your burden, thus, the thought of committing suicide is made to vanish. The following are the people you can rely on: Your family

Whenever you feel like you are sinking due to a plight, never hesitate to talk to any of your family members. Do not be afraid to approach them, for the family is designed to cater your emotional needs—to heal your broken spirit and release your negative sentiments. Whenever you establish a good emotional connection with your family, you will in turn have a positive perspective amidst all problems you face.

understand his being and his disposition in this wo rld. S ome extracurricular and organizational activities at its proximity will help students forget the remorse they feel. Thru keeping oneself busy with the

aforementioned, surely, the attention of those in despair will be diverted and less suicide cases will be recorded. Your friends

There are times when the problems we are experiencing are too personal for us to share it with a family member. The friend comes in the situation. Talk to your best friend, a special friend or a close friend whom you trust. Let it all out to him/her to alleviate your agony. In the absence of your family members, your friends can accompany you in bad times. You can take a walk with him/her at the park or shop with him/ her in the mall. Maybe two-player computer games will help too. The people around you

Whenever you feel very bad, and you feel like there’s no tomorrow, go to a place where you feel safe and peace. Do not go to a place where agony and hatred resides. It’s best to surround yourself with people who are capable to ease your pain. In the absence of your family and friends, you may visit your church mates, a psychologist or the CARE Center. And Finally Yourself

There are innumerable ways to solve the problem on grief and suicidal attempts. Psychologists offer lots so as the pastors and priests; however, it is you who will decide at the end of the day. It’s either, you choose to be in grief or in happiness. It’s either you choose to die or live. You are the craftsman of your own life. Life. It’s really a precious gift. However, the path that we take to travel is difficult to pass. Life needs to be dealt with. We need to find ways so that we’ll live better. We need to be strong so that we can defeat the odds along its way.

This is a story of a girl who experienced grave sorrow in her life. She wrote this text to tell the innocent girls that there is surely great pain once they lost their dignity. I am a typical happy-go-lucky girl, 15 years of age, friendly and flexible to any personality. Also, I have the trait of trusting my friends so much. Because I am an adolescent, I still have the struggle on the discernment of which is right and wrong. As a teenager, I am naturally curious. That is the reason why I submitted myself to a suggestion of my friend to join a gang. At first, I doubted my membership. Curiosity and the zeal for acceptance made me push through it. I knew it was not good, but still, I joined. Before the initiation rites, I was in perfect peace. I even established rapport with all the males on the first meeting I attended. I cracked jokes to them and so they did to me. I felt the acceptance of a group. I was in great joy. I even felt like I was in cloud nine in their presence. Afterwards, alcohol was served on the table. I drank and eventually became drunk. The pains began when I was intoxicated with the alcohol I took in. Something happened which I did not like to occur at all. To cut the story short, I lost my dignity as a woman. I was dumbfounded because the man whom I treated as brother and close friend took it from me. The incident ruined my life. It seems that my dreams and plans are all lost by just a blink of an eye. I despised all boys around me. After such abuse, I think every guy I see is not worthy to be trusted. I can’t help but grieve. I cry in my room where no one can notice. I am in great discomfort until now. I first thought of ending my life. I had no more courage to face my friends after the situation. But by the grace of God, I still live and breathe. I am stabilized by friends who give their best to listen to me and give me comfort. It’s not easy to bear this emotional pain. Even time cannot heal the scars the incident caused me. I want to forget! I want to move on! But everything I see reminds me of it. I can never turn back the time. I can never go back and make things right. Now, the rationale that I live with is to learn from my mistakes. Editor’s Note: As of now, Rubi still hasn’t revealed her identity to the publication editors. But what’s for sure is she sent this composition to remind all virgins the limits of trust and the importance of chastity.


Vol. XXXI Issue No. 4

July 8-19, 2013

Students complain: slow IRS connection

By Jirah Kim R. Quinamot and Jireh Joy J. Sayon

S O M E N E G R O S O R I E N TA L State University (NORSU) students complained on the slow internet connection in the Internet Research Station (IRS). Sophomore Information Technology student Allen Tag-at said the slow connection hinders him to accomplish his tasks on time. “The connection is very slow. Tungod ani, masayang ang oras unya walay naaccomplish. In line with this, I think the in-charge should find a way to make the connection faster,” he said. Junior Office Systems Management student Cecille Sastrillo said, “Kung mag-search ka, mawala ang internet connection, mausik ang time. Alakansi ko kay gadalagan ang time.” Moreover, third year Criminology student Maribeth Larena, said, “Kinahanglan pa nuon ko mu-login sa internet café para rajud tawun mahuman akong work.” The reason Computer and Information System Office (CISO) Director Nicanor Atillo and IRS in-charge Jeremy Aurea said that the connection in the IRS is indeed slow. Aurea said, “There are only 8 band widths which are the sources

Curtailing Facebook Freedom ... from page 2

Several students complain since they find hard time finishing their work due to the slow internet connection.(Photo by: Kendrex B. Pael)

of connection of all the offices in the entire system. That is why the connection is slow.” He continued, “It is also caused by the rising number of users. The more users…the lower internet connection is to be provided.” Aurea said the only thing they could do for now is to block some sites. “We blocked some sites since there are

some of them that will decrease the internet speed.” Meanwhile, Atillo is urging those who use the IRS not to use the facilities other than for the purposes of academic-related activity. He said, “Mas maayo ug dili nalang sila mugamit sa IRS kung dili kaayo importante ilang buluhaton so that mu-less ang users and mu paspas ang connection.”

Norsunians to enjoy free WiFi connectivity By Jireh Joy J. Sayon

TO PROVIDE NORSUNIANS easier a c c e s s t o w e b , t h e N e g ro s O r i e n t a l State University -Communication and Information System Office (NORSUC I S O ) w i l l i m p l e m e n t i t s Wi re l e s s Fidelity (WiFi) Connectivity Project in MC I and II in the second semester of SY 2013-2014. CISO Director Guilbert Nicanor Atillo said they will select the ‘hotspot’ areas in the MC I and II for the installation of the additional Internet connection having a Bandwidth of 40 – 50 megabyte per second (Mbps). Atillo said this project would minimize

the number of students who are using the IRS, which have caused the slow internet connection. However, the director stressed there is no increase of the tuition. He explained, “Wala na’y additional fee kay gabayad baya ang mga students for 30 hours [per semester] sa account sa IRS ug didto lang pod kuhaon ang expenses para sa project.” Atillo encourages all Norsunians to be patient to wait for further development of the project including the date it will be made available in public, the password settings, and etcetera. Meanwhile, Jeremy Aurea, one of the CISO personnel, revealed that CISO will

block Facebook and other unnecessary social networking sites in order to minimize the slow Internet connectivity. Civil Engineering student, Jackath Flores said, “Ok kayo didto sa MC II k a y g a m a y r a m i n g m o g a m i t p e ro s a MC I, magkalisod dagway sa sharing sa connection kay daghan ang mogamit” Education student, Zytric James Lee, said, “CISO’s project would certainly help students na maka- access easily labina for projects na i-submit na dayun.” The University–wide WiFi Connectivity Project was already approved by University President Don Vicente C. Real but is currently a subject to the provisions of Republic Act 9184, the Procurement Act of 2002, which is an act providing legal process of acquisitions of goods and other advancements in all government institutions. Buhay Unibersidad ... from page 4 The “Absentee” Kapag kampante sila na hindi darating ang guro, hindi sila pupunta sa klasrum at kinakasundo ang isang “psychic” o ‘yung mapagkakatiwalaan at tapat na kaklase. Karaniwang ipanakikiusap nila rito na itext nalang sila kapag may guro na o ‘di kaya nama’y magpapasulat na lang ng kanilang pangalan sa attendance sheet. Iilan lamang iyan sa mga klase ng mga mag-aaral na makikita mo sa loob ng unibersidad. Sa puntong ito, isipin mo kung saan ka kasali. Kung wala ka sa mga nabanggit, abangan ang pangalawang serye ng tekstong ito at baka ang tropa mo na ang susunod na maisulat.

for it. It is to note that the students are only given 30 hours a semester to access the internet and surf the web. In fact, some of them can rarely consume their total number of hours because of the large number of users or if not, there is a serious problem on the internet connection. In a recent study by two notable professors in the university, it was found out that the use of facebook has advanced the level of intellect of the students. It was even recommended that the students must not be prohibited from using facebook since it has channeled the clear exchange of ideas among them. The national implementation of the said ban had somehow influenced the administrative people in the university. Whether or not their purpose is intentionally good or bad, in which case, it must have not been in this way where the students’ social participation is put at stake. The university must understand its students as the facebook administrators understand the people from around the globe. It is for this reason that the university must make adjustments to allow the students improve social experience and gain knowledge as it was proven in the study that using facebook is indeed advancing their intellect and social maturity. After all, the students themselves are the ones held responsible of their losses and gains.

Heart Talk ... from page 2 why you decided to persist in your studies. A lover is just there to serve as a catalyst for you but he/she will never be part of the original chemical formula towards your success. Now, what do you think? Share me your thoughts, friend! Any suggestions or comments will be very well entertained by this introspective scholar. E-mail me at areandorio@ or PM me on http://www.

NORSU RECORDS 4.55% ... from page 1 17.25 percent increase, Siaton Campus has 1,524 students or 12.06 percent increase, Guihulngan Campus has 2,232 enrollees with 3.19 percent increase, Bais City Campus I has 1,262 students or 2.60 percent increase and Mabinay Campus experienced 25.54 percent increase.

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