NORSU to close Pre-DDMprogram Vol.XXXII Issue No. 2
By Richel Mae F. Dennison
NEGROS ORIENTAL State University (NORSU) has called for an immediate nullification of the Pre-Doctor of Dental Medicine (Pre-DDM) program due its poor feasibility in its six years of operation. “The number of students enrolling in that program is less than 10 every year. So we could never have a course that has less than 10 students considering that it’s not even a board course.” Thus, said Reymil Cadapan, university registrar. He further explained, “sustaining
and operating a program with sparse population and lack of facilities and equipment would only cannibalize the university in terms of the salary for faculty members and other expenses for the procedure of a course which doesn’t create revenue.” Aside from the feasibility issues, Cadapan said, “Another thing, the focus of CHED now is for SUC to have highly specialized programs that are in-operational. So for programs that are not feasible, if it can be erased or phased out, why not.”
Dr. Marites Electona, university dentist and head of dentistry program was disappointed with the closure of the Pre-DDM. “Wala, sayang. But saon ta man wala ni respond positively ang community, so it’s no longer our fault,” she said. As for continuing PreDDM students, CNDPAHS has only accepted those incoming second year students. In the second semester, they shall be obliged to transfer into other schools.
June 9 - 15, 2014
Norsunians can now enjoy free Wi-Fi By Dayanara G. Villalon
AFTERTHE INSTALLATION of three Wi-Fi hotspots to some areas of the main campuses, Norsunians can now use and enjoy the free Internet connection. The Wi-Fi hotspots are installed near the open court and in the College of Nursing, Dentistry, Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences (CNDPAHS) amphitheater of the Main Campus 1 and in the College of Engineering
and Architecture (CEA) lobby in the Main Campus 2. Computer Information System (CIS) director Guilbert Nicanor Atillo said this free Wi-Fi access is part of the CIS’ project called University WiFi and Internet Connectivity. He said NORSU pays Php150,000 every month for 40 megabytes per second (MBps) leased-line connection. NORSUNIANS CAN NOW... page 4
Pre-Enrollment, Pre-payment Process relieves NORSU enrollment By Dayanara G. Villalon
FOR AN EASIER and faster enrollment procedure, NORSU has implemented a “Pre-enrollment and Pre-payment Process” during the first semester of the school year 2014-2015. With the approval of the University President Don Vicente C. Real, it was
written in an Office Memorandum No. 1 series of 2014 that students in the higher level would only benefit the preenrollment and pre-payment process. “The pre-enrollment and prepayment will only cover incoming third year, fourth year and fifth year continuing students with complete grades in the Second Semester of
School Year 2013-2014,” the memorandum stated. According to the University Registrar Reymil Cadapan, the Preenrollment and Pre-payment Process is a new process adapted by the university “to decongest the number of students that will be enrolling possibly from the PRE-ENROLLMENT... page 4
Two Norsunians are trying to access the university’s free wifi connection after obtaining the password given by the CIS. Photo by Kent S. Mapula
3 new civil engineers registered By Kimberly Rose E. Lumaya
College funds collection halted By Everon Joy P. Catanus
WHY IS THERE no collection of college funds this semester? University President Don Vicente C. Real has temporarily stopped the collection of college funds in the entire university system for the first semester of the school year 2014-2015. This was based on the letter showed by the Federation of Student Government Vice President Rojan Talita to TN. The letter which was addressed
by the university president to all campus administrators and deans of the nine campuses of NORSU, explains that the collection for the college funds will still undergo a process of revision and approval by the Board of Regents (BOR). Ta l i t a s u p p o s e d t h a t t h e collection will resume by the second semester of the school year 20142015. “Sabutan pa sa Board of Regents kung musugot ba sila sa pagcollect ug college funds pagkasecond semester,” he said. Moreover, he opined, “Since wala nay collection sa college fund,
wala nay acquaintance ug college T-shirt,” he said. For a certain third year BSEd student Vernalyn Sumanoy, “Okay ra man nga i-stop sa ang college fund kay ang budget nato igo ra pud baya.” However, she added, “Pero dako man gud pud sya ug gamit kay mao byay atong kwaan sa founder’s ug sa accreditation sa atong college.” Meanwhile, a second year business administration student Charlene Joy Futalan expressed her dismay on it and said, “Wala nay lami kay wala na’y activities.”
THREE OUT OF four examinees from NORSU were officially registered as civil engineers after passing and mustering a 75 percent passing rate during the May 2014 Civil Engineer Licensure Examination (CELE) held in Cebu City. The three passers, who are composed of one first timer and two repeaters, were able to beat the national passing rate of 43.41 percent. They are Giovanni C. Celis, Joan Karen Y. Dongel, and Patrick John M. Marchan. Dr. Josef Vill Villanueva, dean, College of Engineering and Architecture said, “The percentage last May was lesser compared to the percentage last November Civil Engineers Board Examination wherein they reached 85.71%.” However, Villanueva said
the result was still fine because it exceeded the national passing rate. Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering student, Feb Marie Boncales, said the result of this year’s batch of takers from NORSU was still good. “It is above the national passing rate and besides, nadungagan napud ang mga board passers sa NORSU-CE,” she said. Jessan Flores, another BS Civil Engineering student, also commended the good performance of NORSU in CELE, however, she admitted that she is partly dismayed for it did not reach 100 percent. One of the passers, Patrick John Marchan, shared some things he had been through before he passed, “I graduated way back 2003 and took the board exam consecutively in three attempts. It was so hard for me since it had 3 NEW CIVIL... page 4
June 9 - 15, 2014
Vol.XXXII Issue No. 1
Worth commending Looking back to the previous school years, we heard different sorts of complaints from the students regarding the enrollment system that the university had. Some lamented that the university was still practicing the traditional and manual style of admission system. The progress of enrollment for a student few years ago is similar to a baby turtle walking for a few kilometers. Well, obviously, if we were to describe the real scenarios of the enrollment system that NORSU had before, students must fall in seemed-to-be-endless lines just to finish a single step of the several processes in order to be considered ‘officially enrolled’. If we are to count the number of lines a student needs to overcome, the fingers of two hands might probably fit this number! A student needs to wait for his turn in the line composed of several heads just to have his 150php worth single piece of receipt from FUPTA. Other than that, the paying of college fund, getting a copy of grade form, having the dean sign the grade form, advising of subject load, paying of the tuition and miscellaneous fees, processing of scholarship (for scholars) and encoding of subject load are another different stories to tell with different lines to conquer. Yes! That’s how it was before. Moving forward to the present enrollment system, several changes have been realized for good. The NORSU administration has implemented a ‘Prepayment and Pre-enrollment’ system last May 13-16 for the incoming third, fourth and fifth year students. In this system, students were encouraged to process their enrollment papers and pay for their fees a week prior to the official enrollment period. Aside from having this, selected colleges have also established their separate cashiers for the payment of tuition and miscellaneous fees for the students not to anymore lengthen the line in the university cashier. Also, separate encoding and printing of subject loads were also realized to some colleges for students’ convenience rather than having it all in the sky library of the College and Arts and Sciences Building located at the 4th floor. Having this commendable changes, we can safely say that the administration is working towards the convenience of students’ enrollment process. However, these actions are not well-appreciated by some because what they want is a ‘royal treatment’ kind of enrollment system where there is no line to fall in and no turn to wait for. Remember, we are not in a prestigious-slashprivate institution but we are in a state university for ‘poor but deserving students’.
So what? So what we get drunk. So what we smoke weeds. We’re just having fun. We don’t care who sees—these are few lyrics taken from a popular song entitled “Young, Wild, and Free”. I am a music lover. I immediately get a LSS (Last Song Syndrome) especially when the rhythm of the music suits my mood. So when I’m hanging out with my friends, I used to sing this song. Never mind its content. I just really can’t resist its beat. Why I said ‘never mind its content’? Well, because the song mostly talks about smoking marijuana and with some references to drinking, skipping school, sex and swearing thrown in. The song makes these iffy behaviors seems fun. And it’s definitely not a tune for kids and young teens. It was Tuesday afternoon. While I was surfing the internet, a news article about two of the most adored boy-band singers has caught my eyesight. The article says… “May 27 when two members of the
Editor-in-Chief Joeylen A. de la Cruz Associate Editor Ariel B. Dizon News Editor Mary Grace G. Bornales Features Editor Kleine Jun B. Ontolan Arts and Graphics Unit Head Angelo K. Sastre Senior Reporters
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M is for Misconception “Hala! Terror man kaayu na siya nga teacher. Balhin dayun ug room kay manghagbong jud na siya.” This is what I always hear from my friends when they talk about a specific teacher in a specific room number, especially those who are teaching the sought to be busting subjects. I then tried to think of the possible things that I should do or say when I’m on the spot—stare at the teacher’s glaring eyes in awestruck, or will I just look at the floor in a gloomy unhappy face? But I thought of my past experience with one of those teachers of this institution, whom they told was a ‘terror’ one. Yes! At first I was afraid. Indeed driven by those heart-pounding words that reverberated through my inner thoughts. I can still remember my trembling hands and shaking knees when I first met her. Especially when she banged the door behind her and asked something to the class in an authoritative voice, oriented us and began the session.
One Direction band named Zayn Malic and Louis Tomlinson were caught smoking marijuana. The footage which was released by Mail Online and appears to have been shot by Louis himself, shows the bandmates cruising the streets of Peru in a smoked-out van.” Isn’t it surprising? For me, it’s not! Really not a big deal. Perhaps, if Pinoy celebrities like James Reid and Daniel Padilla smoke weeds, then that case is I guess very intriguing to me. But for international celebrities, I think, we, Filipinos see them as naturally liberated and that using of illegal drugs is never a big deal to them. May it be the highly-admired celebrities like Miley Cyrus, Rihanna, and Justin Bieber. Related to the news above was a tweet from Liam Payne, another member of the One Direction band. It was June 1 when he apologized to their fans tweeting, “I love my boys and maybe things have gone a little sideways I apologize for that. We are only in our 20’s we all do stupid things this age”. I actually admire Liam’s voice and the way he smiles but it seems that his tweet is unlikable for me. You see, I am almost in my 20s—the exciting and challenging age bracket, yet, I do not need to prove to everyone that I can be like them too. That I can smoke weeds and go home wasted. Why let your peers pressure you? So what if you won’t experience it? So what if you remain ignorant? So what if you do not belong to the group of astigs? I presume you can be astig in your own good ways. Never let curiosity rule your innocent minds! There are lots of ways to enjoy life. For reactions and suggestions, just email me at or add me on facebook by searching my full name. I can still remember that she has to make me recite in every meeting. Hence, I have to study ahead of time to prepare for the following sessions. I can still remember that she gives her exams every after a chapter or two, and all answers are written on the reference material. I just can’t understand why some stare at the ceiling during her exams. I can still remember that as time went by, I was already used to doing those things that she wants us to do, yet some of us tend to be afraid and aloof to her, especially during exams and recitations. I can still remember that I thought I was her favorite student, that I have to be present every meeting with a gun and plenty of ammos—if favoritism if the proper way to say it. At the end of the course, I survived. I made it through the end with that so called ‘terror’ teacher. Yes! It was tough, but I made it through with a high mark. Why? Simply because I never believed that she is a terror one. Friends, if we are all driven by fear that our teachers are inconsiderate terror creatures, then we will never survive. If we will all think that one teacher is a terror thing, how much more if all teachers are the same? Will we just be contented with the failure or patch things up and strive? Because what they want us to do is abide with their standards as teachers. And what we can do is obey them through doing our best and one thing to achieve that is by studying the course. Have you ever thought that a teacher wants you to learn what you need to. And inculcate it in your mind if she has to? If you are just doing your best as a student, then what will you be afraid of? If you are on the right track and you feel that the teacher is busting you, then tell her what you feel. That’s one of your rights as a student! Because for me, there is no such thing as a terror teacher, only lazy students. There is no such thing as strict professor, only afraid and unprepared individuals. There is no such thing as authoritative instructor, only unwilling learners. So don’t be one of those students. Don’t be one imprisoned thing by that silly MISCONCEPTION.
Vol.XXXII Issue No. 2
June 9 - 15, 2014
Love MAKES a winner takes all. Love conquers all. Love runs the world. Love conspires the universe. ~The Vanguard Search Fact. People have different meaning of the world LOVE. Let us say culture defines it. Let us say uncle Google modernly gives the up-to-the-minute way. Let us say Filipinos have the give-or-take paradigm about it. But have your grandparents or parents ever told how men before courted women? Have you heard of their ‘love story’ on how they became lovers? Well if you have heard it, I’m pretty sure you’ll feel amazed and as might as well be fascinated on how their story goes. The phrase above defining love profoundly describes the way love was expressed during the retro of our grandparents. What is love? Let us see how NOYPI sees it! Love makes a winner. Feelings expressed through actions. And yes! It’s a step by step process; a man of course has to do the efforts to please the apple of his eye, the girl of his dreams, and the lady that frequently makes his heart pound all night and all day long. It’s also traditional. Testing the man’s perseverance before he gets what he desires in a thorough way: Once he courts a girl he likes, he also have to court those significant people around the girl—those are the parents, the walls as some call it. This is because he needs to ask permission to those barriers before doing the next step to win the girl. By being pakipot, the girl tells the man that he has to work hard to win her love. It is also one way by which the Filipina will be able to measure the sincerity of her admirer. Some courtships could last years before the woman a c c e p t s t h e m a n ’s l o v e . Tough man if he survives the struggles. Love conquers all. The fire within, expressed with winning intention: The determination of a guy as if that certain woman will be the
last whom he will take to the altar and together share their vows of unconditional love with a promise to stay as long time partners may it be in sickness or in health, till death do they part. How sweet could it be, right? Well, this makes us realize that you can certainly distinguish how true is the guy’s intention in winning the girl’s heart through his sincere and all-inclusive actions. As a matter of fact, throughout the courting stage the woman plays the hard-to-get role. Oh man! Here is the pakipot thing again. We have to consider that a maiden Filipina back in the old times is mahinhin in character that she acts like a well-mannered being with good upbringing and modest. Thus, even though she’s so in love with the guy, she must not show any sign of affection to him in order to protect her manner. Love runs the world. Literally, the world of the guy is defined by the many positives. Compassion is shown through the kindness of one’s own self while determination is the willpower of the guy to captivate the woman’s heart. Tolerance covers the enormous patience of waiting until he gets the saccharine “yes” of a girl. Endurance includes the strength of the assurance of love shown by a man to a particular woman. Support is the approval and the consent given by a woman’s family and friends to the guy who courts her. Faith coincides with the inner qualities of the guy through which surely define the conviction of the guy to God rendering his courting as a holy deed wherein he shows respect to the girl with accordance to divine teachings. These and all positive traits the guy shows to a girl bring also a positive response at the end of the courting stage. See? The Filipino way of courting is probably among the most romantic in the world. Yet, that was what we can describe during the retro of our grandparents. In one way or another, due to constant changes, there have been many evolutions that had happened. Since we are now in the modern generation, we also adopted the changes as well as those “new developments” in the courting stage.
If I could backtrack the time, I shouldn’t have touched that old photograph. I shouldn’t have known the truth. I shouldn’t have felt the fear. My mother has a daughter from another man, whom I called ‘ate’, literally because she was born before I was delivered out from my mother’s womb. But that never stopped me from loving my mom, and my half-sister on the second hand, mainly because they were part of what I am now, and my father accepted her despite that. Hence, we lived simple as the time went by. I grew up and went on my secondary education. My sister was way too old at that time. I thought that things went well. That my mother and the rest of us were fine. But all of a sudden, pretentious eyes and malevolent beings are lurking in the dark night. I should have known. I tried to blend with that, until I knew the truth. The truth that changed everything. Everything that ran all along was ruined, broken into shattered pieces. Pieces that I once thought will never be completed again. I knew, after a lot of asking, that my father had an affair. Okay. Fine. An affair was fine for me. At first, I thought that it was a part of being a man. But no! The other truth would never support that. Having an affair with another was partly acceptable, but having an affair with my SISTER was way too hard for me to absorb. It was
Love conspires their universe. In the span of courtship, they are able to enjoy themselves by being treated with outmost care and be given with all kinds of presents, from which it can be observed why some young women put off marriage to some late time to enjoy the privileges of being always free to be showered with affection (Molina, 1983).The says that “Courtship is the best part of a girl’s romance and love life.” This is the reason why in the earlier courting practices there have been a lot of rituals involved. Thus, in those times, before they get married they are able to enjoy the labors of a suitor for her love even if it takes a year or more of courtship. As defined, dating is an art developed in western countries which is not original in itself but part of the courtship system in the Philippines. And of course, what are friends if you can’t use them? You could at least let them help you as bridges of your communication. That is if they really are trustworthy. You might as well do some serenades—the sweetest yet the exhilarating part for the guy. And if she’s doing that pakipot thing again, then you must be braver because she might be hiding her true feelings—that she is also longing for you. Anyways, after all those courting and pakipot stuff, who will win but you, right? Just make sure that you’ll never breakdown if in any case you’ll be busted and thrown out. Today, almost everything is instant. The traditional way of courting is replaced with modernized slant. The never ending chasing between the girl and boy before is replaced with one day call and text. Well, probably NOYPI LOVE... page 4
way too hard for me to accept that my father and my sister was having a romantic affair. But my mother could only say nothing for the sake of dignity and for the other children. My mother seemed to swallow everything. I did not. Well, almost didn’t, if it was not because of her persuasion. But that did not end there. My mother added that the worst thing which had happened was when my sister and my father had indulged in a sexual relationship. And yes, she became pregnant after he injected his graces! I almost hated my mother when she said that. Maybe because she was just too martyr for her marriage. Consequently, she delivered the baby in a deep shame. Yet the saddening event was yet to come. On the 7th month, the baby died and passed away in a natural cause. And that was the enigma to end their illegal relationship. But that did not end my rage to my father. I started to hate him like he’s no one. His nobody to love and respect. Since then, I became a rebel and answer him in disgust. He almost killed me because of that. Still, he’s my father, and all I can do is accept him and his changes for the better. As of the time being, my mother and my father are together, starting a new life, away from all the hassles of the past. But still, ANOTHER BLOODLINE... page 4
June 9 - 15, 2014
Vol.XXXII Issue No. 2
CCJE instructor wins NORSU puts up IMDO best research award College of Criminal Justice and Education (CCJE) instructor Dan Jerome Barrera won the best research award during the National Research Conference on Fractional Modelling and Theory Development held March 10-12, 2014 at Marco Polo Plaza, Cebu City. Barrera’s research entitled “Fractal similarity index for forensic handwriting analysis” according to him aims to recommend the use of the fractal analysis in studying handwritten document or forensic handwriting analysis instead of the subjective method of a handwriting expert’s eye or the human only. “Instead of human pwedi nato magamit ang computer or software with the help of mathematical analysis in the field of forensic handwriting analysis to identify fraud, cheating, deceit or deception in handwriting document. This is basically a
combination of mathematics and criminology,” he said. Meanwhile, Barrera opined the Criminology course of NORSU should not only concentrate in academics but also in research. “We must do more research as well because it is really essential in any fields we are taking,” he said. Moreover, he also advised e v e r y o n e , “ We s h o u l d n o t merely focused on english but on mathematics as well. Dili lamang english ang tubag sa problema sa atong country kung dili math. Just like other countries such as Japan, they are not so good on english but they are one of the richest nation.” Barrera disclosed God was his inspiration while making this research. “I was given such gift of knowledge from God so I must use this in more productive way and I must share this from others,” he said. Together with him in his research paper were Dr. Roberto Padua,
ANOTHER BLOODLINE... from page 3
the past lingers like the stench of death and betrayal. My sister is still part of our family. We still contact each other at times. And more so, she has her own family now, and they have 5 cute kids. Indeed, love is needed to build relationships. But it is also a factor to end one. All we can do is to let love heal everything. Together with
sacrifice, trust, and faith to our Almighty. We are here to forgive and forget. Because who are we to hate? Who are we to neglect those people who were there to build us? D.L.B. is a sophomore education student who stays with her friends to seek for support and happiness.
PRE-ENROLLMENT...from page 1
third year, fourth year and fifth years prior to the enrolment period.” Cadapan said the new process is for the students to have enough time to enroll themselves so that they will not end up with closed subjects. Moreover, he said once the new process will be effective, they planned to have a web-based enrollment system by next school year to conveniently accommodate new and old enrolees. Studes commend With the benefits it brought to the university, many Norsunians were satisfied with the new process. Lena Morales, a BS Accountancy
student said, “the enrollment now is okay compared before, wala na kaau ang taas nga talay.” “Paspas siya kay tungod atung pre-enrollment. Daku siya ug tabang,” a junior Bachelor of Science in Business Administration student, Mercy Grace Macay said. “Thankful for it [pre-enrollment] and at least barato lang ang tuition compared to other schools, “ Ian Abiera, a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management student furthered. The “Pre-enrollment and Prepayment Process” was scheduled on May 13 – 16, the days before the exact enrollment date.
3 NEW CIVIL... from page 1
been ten years that I did not take any exams, I have two kids to feed. Leaving them is so hard; I know I cannot stand by my own. My only weapon was thinking my experience in construction. What always came to my mind that time was, since I started this race, I should finish this by all by means.” He continued, “Just keep on pushing harder and harder. Don’t lose hope. Sana maging ehemplo tayo sa mga aspiring engineers
N E G R O S O R I E N TA L S TAT E University has put up a new office called Instructional Materials Development Office (IMDO) which will evaluate the development, production and dissemination of all instructional materials (IMs) used by the teaching staff.
Dan Jerome S. Barrera. Photo by Mayette Hanna F. Diez
a former Commission on Higher Education (CHED) commissioner, research consultant and an expert in Mathematics and Roy Arebis, a licensed criminology. —Meljean dela Pena/ SR
According to IMDO director Marx Iturralde, the said office based on the Executive Order No. 96 is established by the present administration to ensure that all IMs shall undergo due process before it can be readily distributed and used by the students. “We are going to check the quality of the IMs, then muagi na siya’g evaluation. Ato na siyang ipa-print and ihatag sa Income Generating Project (IGP),” he said. He continued, “Then the students, adto sila mu-purchase sa IGP where they will be given an official receipt and not magic receipts.” Iturralde stressed the teachers are prohibited from selling
IMs to their students. He said teachers who sell IMs must be reported to IMDO in any form of communication either through sending a text message or writing it in a paper. He added anyone proven distributing any IMs without undergoing through IMDO process will receive a corresponding consequence depending on the decision of the IMDO board members. IMDO board members include Dr. Ester Tan (Vice President for Academic Affairs) as chair; Dr. Peter Dayot (Vice President for Administration) and Dr. Bernadette Tan (Vice President for Research, Extension and International Linkages) as the co-chairs and Information Publicity Office (IPO) director Marx Iturralde as the assistant chair and the IMDO director. Together with the rest of the IMDO board members are the selected officers of the IMDO who serve as the policy-making body as approved by the university academic council last December 16, 2013. — Kimberly Lumaya/SR
NORSU, SPI Global sign SMP MOA Negros Oriental State University (NORSU) and SPI Global, a leading ITBPO Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) service provider in the world and in the country entered into an agreement on March 18 at the Office of the University President, NORSU Main Campus I for the latter to provide technical and industry-level training and support for students and faculty members of NORSU. University President Dr. Don Vicente C. Real led the signing of the MOA together with Ms. Suzanne Lu Bascara, Site Director of SPI Global Dumaguete. This development gives NORSU a leading industry partner in the implementation and development of its Service Management Program (SMP) being the only State University in Region VII to be chosen by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to implement the nation-wide InformationTechnology Programs on Service Management for Business Process Outsourcing or Service Management
Program (SMP) for short. The SMP is implemented by the Information Technology Business Process Outsourcing Association of the Philippines (IBPAP). In its project brief, the CHED describes the SMP as an “18-month, P125 million project designed to help students in selected SUCs (across the country) acquire the skill sets and competencies needed for entry level positions and further career developments in the IT-BPO industry”. Its goal is to “...increase employability of graduating BA and IT students...” in areas identified as “Next Wave Cities” under the project. These cities are those that hold the potential for further growth in various industries. Dumaguete City has been identified as a “Next Wave City” in the IT-BPO industry. NORSU has revised the Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Information Technology curricula and is offering 21 units of SMP-aligned courses in line with CHED Memorandum Order No. 34 series of 2012. A 600- hour immersion
or on-the-job training with a reputable BPO is required after the completion of the coursework which include subjects in Business Communications, Service Culture, Principles of Systems Thinking, and Fundamentals of Business Process Outsourcing 101 and 102. With the signing of the MOA, NORSU students under the SMP are now guaranteed that their OJT experience will be spent with a leading IT-BPO company. SPI Global is the winner of the European CEO Award as Best BPO Provider in Asia in 2013 and recognized as the Best Employer of the Year and Best BPO Company of the Year by the International ICT Awards for 2014 and 2011, respectively. The MOA Signing was witnessed by Mr. Jeroel Sibala of SPI Global, who incidentally is a NORSU alumnus and members of the NORSU SMP Working Committee, headed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Ester V. Tan, and composed of several Deans and Directors of key offices of the University. — from NORSU IPO
from the CIS Office for monitoring purposes by bringing with them their IDs and gadgets. Moreover, he said they are planning to install an additional hotspot. “We also plan to put up another Wi-Fi in the College of Education to accommodate those areas that cannot be reached by the connection due to the high-built buildings,” he said. Mary Ann Melencion, a Business Administration student said she is
very happy about the free Wi-Fi. “It would be great, for it would really help us a lot when we don’t have that enough time to go to skylib for the free access,” she said. Anapres Tag-at, a sophomore Bachelor of Science in Office Systems Management (BSOSM) student said, “I hope that this would be forever for it is really very useful to us and it lessens student’s difficulty in searching for free connections.”
NORSUNIANS CAN NOW... from page 1
ng NORSU or sa lahat ng mga examinees lalo na sa may katagalan na sa examinations na ganito. Thank you to all my mentors, professors from NORSU before including Engr. Dinoy, Engr. Antonio, Engr. Dorado, Engr. Tuballa, Engr. Manaay. May ibubuga pa pala ako dahil sa inyo. To my motivator, mentor, tatay Engr. Perfecto Padilla and Mam Tin and to my family and kids. This is all for you. To God be the Glory.”
Dear TN, I’ve been here in Dumaguete for less than a week but my longing for my family seems like it has been a year since I haven’t seen them. I always cry and can’t control myself upon bursting out from this feeling. What do you think I should do? –Mary Jane Hi Mary Jane! We always think of our loved ones when we part ways. Yes, we feel lonely and sometimes even cry. Don’t be bothered with those feelings, it’s just normal. As time passes by, you can bear with it. However, if you think you can’t really handle the situation, try to socialize. Perhaps, you could join organizations or any activities that would help you divert your attention. C’mon! Life has many beautiful things to offer.
Meanwhile, Atillo claimed even if the project is expensive, it is still a good project since it can be very useful especially to the existing additional computer laboratories and personal Wi-Fi ready gadgets of the students and teachers. “I hope that this [Wi-Fi] will be used ethically by all and never to waste it,” Atillo said. Atillo revealed that in order to avail the free Wi-Fi access, the password should be personally asked NOYPI LOVE... from page 3
some would prefer the easier approach with no more touch of the old style of courting and the exertion of so much effort just to win the girl’s heart. However, the way courtship depends on everyone’s point of view and
preference. Whether you find the traditional way of courting more sweet than the modernize one, it’s your choice. So what do you prefer, traditional or modern? Source:
NORSU Dramatics Guild Announces the audition for the new season of plays. Do you have the: 1. Talent? 2. 100% commitment? 3. If you are 1st or 2nd year college? 4. Willing to persevere our 3-4 hours rehearsals? Then join us! See director Virgil E. Nicasio 3rd floor, CAS Office Audition starts May 30 to June 30, 2014. From 11:30-12:30 noon, 5:006:00 pm