Ant Pheromones May Help Protect Hikers and Campers from Ticks
By Jeff Hodson, Simon Fraser UniversityIf people are outside enjoying the spring sunshine, ticks probably are too.
New research from Simon Fraser University suggests the use of ant pheromones as a topical repellant, or as an environmental barrier, may help protect hikers and campers from the harmful bites of black-legged ticks, which can carry Lyme disease.
“Ticks like a lot of the places and a lot of the times of year that we also like to be outside enjoying the weather,” says lead author Claire Gooding, a member of the SFU Gries Lab.
“There’s quite a big risk of tick encounters in the summer, outdoor sports season. People often encounter them on the sides of trails.”
A paper published this year in Royal Society Open Science looked at predators (ants, spiders or beetles) that black-legged ticks might avoid and what adaptations they might have to avoid them.
“We decided to look at ants because they are social insects and use a huge range of pheromones to communicate with one another,” says Gooding.
“They’re chemically noisy. And for something that perceives the world chemically, they’re easy to predict where they’ll be, based on these pheromones.”
Ticks transmit more diseases that any other arthropods and their natural ranges may be expanding due to climate change, which increases the need for management strategies as well as new repellents.
The study found that ticks avoided surfaces where ants had been, even if those ants were removed.
“They could see that there were ants and basically go, ‘I’m not going to go there, because there may be ants there, or there may be ants there again soon in the future.’”
rom there, ooding and the team identified the specific chemical pheromones as well as the two ant glands that produced them. They then worked with a synthetic chemist and an analytical chemist to recreate a synthetic version of those pheromones.
They found that ticks avoided the synthetic pheromone too.
The team, which works with industrial sponsors to further discoveries into the applied world, has a patent application on the repellant chemicals.
It is hoping to bring them to market, either as a topical repellent (like mosquito repellent), or as an environmental repellent that could be used with a physical barrier, like woodchips, to deter ticks from entering an area or a hiking trail.
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Saturday,May 4&Sunday, May5,2024
LewisHawkesEventCentre &DrysdaleArena, EvergreenPark,GrandePrairie,AB
Equine,Lamb &Goat,Sewing/Textiles,Lego,Canine, Rabbit, Archery,JuniorLeadership,SmallPet,Poultry andCleaverKids.
ShowTimestobeprovidedat alaterdate
Contact KellyBoyd780-876-0189
Show: 10:00a.m. •Supper:5:30p.m.• Sale:7:00p.m.
OnOffer:39 Steers
Savanna4-HMulti-ClubBeefShow &Sale
Show: 12:00Noon •Sale:7:00p.m.
OnOffer: 22Steers
Friday, June 7&Saturday,June8,2024
Eaglesham4-HBeefClub,East-West Woking4-HClub
Show: (Fri &Sat):1:00p.m. •Sale(Sat):7:00p.m.
OnOffer: 12MarketSteers
Contact: ChanleyJassman780-864-8322
SteakBites &Boots4-HClubAchievementDay
Contact CharmaineLaValley780-832-7426
Show: 3:00p.m.,SuppertoFollow •Saleat6:00pm
OnOffer: 8MarketSteersand 6MarketHogs
Contact: LeighBlackhurst780-536-6735
Monday, May27,2024
Beef,Horse,Sheep,SmallEngine,OutdoorLiving, Cloverbuds
Show: 10:00a.m.Sale:6:00p.m.
OnOffer: MarketSteersandMarketLambs
Contact: Shellie Wolfe(250)784-4628
Saturday,June 8& Sunday,June9,2024
BerwynMulti-Coveralls4-HClubAchievementDayShow &Sale
Beef,Sheep,Arts &Crafts,Cleavers
Show: 2:00p.m. |Sale:7:00p.m.
OnOffer: 9MarketSteersand 2MarketSheep
Contact: PaulFranz780-618-5983
EdBrown &EdHotteAgComplex,Beaverlodge,AB
Show: 12:00Noon •Supper:5:30p.m. •Sale:7:00p.m.
Contact: Renee780-832-8029 |JanetPratt780-831-7895
Show: 1:00p.m. •Supper:5:00p.m.•Sale:7:00p.m.
Contact: LiamMason780-524-8589
Monday, June3,2024
Montagneuse4-HAchievementDayShow& Sale
Show: 12:30p.m. •Sale:7:00p.m.
OnOffer: 24MarketSteersand 4MarketGoats
Contact DainaCalder780-772-1259
TeepeeCreekAgEventsCentre, TeepeeCreek,AB
Show: 2:00p.m. •Supper6:00p.m. •Sale7:00p.m.
Contact: PamBadger780-882-1497
Show: 9:00a.m. •Sale:6:00p.m.
Contact: ChantelOdden250-219-1823
Green Valley4-HClub,Lakeshore 4-HClub,Prespatou
Community4-HClub,SilverWillow4-HClub, Wonowon4-HClub
Show: (Sat &Sun):9:00a.m. •Sale(Sun):5:00p.m.
OnOffer: 38Beef,14MarketLambs,10MarketHogs
Contact: AngelaBriltz250-261-0659
Friday, August23& Saturday,August24,2024
HollingsworthArena, Valleyview,AB
Show: 12:00Noon •Supper:5:30p.m. •Sale:7:00p.m.
Contact: ChelsieDillabough780-402-9578
Fairview &DistrictRidingArena(FormerlyJ.HawkerPavilion), Fairview,AB Show &SaleTimestobeprovidedat alaterdate.
Alberta Pork Export Markets
Alberta Agri-News
Alberta is a major pork exporting jurisdiction and the pork sector is a sound contributor to the provincial economy,” says Ann Boyda, provincial livestock market analyst with the Alberta government. “In 2022, the sector contributed $11.2 billion in gross domestic product and employed approximately 69,000 Albertans.”
In 2023, Alberta slaughtered 2.727 million hogs in federally inspected facilities, 1.784 million of Alberta origin. Alberta produced 2.169 million market hogs, with an estimated 82 per cent processed in Alberta, 11 per cent processed in British Columbia, and six per cent in Manitoba. Alberta has an estimated 13 per cent of the hog processing capacity in Canada.
Over the last decade, live hog exports have declined from the peak of 714,727 head in 2016 to the low of 473,640 head in 2023.
A suggests that the first uarter of may see larger market hog exports. Expansion in sow slaughter in Western Canada may see fewer cull sow exports. USDA has projected feeder exports will increase slightly in 2024, especially out of Western Canada.
Alberta exported 105,840 tonnes of pork product valued at $354.2 million in 2023. This volume was
down 26.5 per cent from the prior year and the export value declined by 34.4 per cent.
The greatest share of pork (28.3 per cent) was chilled or fresh pork, followed by frozen swine cuts (19.4 per cent), bone in fresh or chilled hams (18.9 per cent) and fresh or chilled pork bellies (16.1 per cent).
Fresh or chilled bone-in pork shoulders comprised seven per cent of the total export volume. Frozen edible offal, frozen bone in hams and shoulders, and fresh or chilled edible offal comprised 5. per cent, . per cent and 1.4 per cent of export volume, respectively.
Alberta’s top export market remains the United States, with 43,474 tonnes of pork product valued at $140.5 million, representing 39.7 per cent of the market share.
Japan is Alberta’s second largest market, representing 28.7 per cent of the total export value at $101.6 million and 18,930 tonnes of pork. Mexico represents Alberta’s third major market for pork at $48.6 million or 20,089 tonnes.
Alberta also shipped 10,712 tonnes of pork to China, valued at $22.3 million, and 6,947 tonnes of pork to the Philippines, valued at $18.5 million.
In terms of export volume, fresh or chilled bone-in hams represent the largest export category with 63.2
per cent destined for Mexico and 36.8 per cent destined for the U.S.
Approximately 54.6 per cent of fresh or chilled pork was destined for U.S. and 41.4 per cent to Japan. Japan was also the major market for fresh or chilled bone in pork shoulder (83.4 per cent).
“Alberta’s swine sector performance has faced challenges, but there are recent signs of Alberta’s hog margins improving,” says Boyda.
“Except for June through October, producers experienced nearly seven months of financial losses in . osses did extend into the first two months of but have finally rebounded in March.”
At a March 28 webinar hosted by National Pork Board, Brett Stuart of Global AgriTrends said the U.S. hog sector reported financial losses for of the past months.
The China hog sector, plagued with disease issues, weak demand and oversupply, faced 23 of the past 30 months with producer losses.
The uropean nion also witnessed significant li uidation in its hog sector due to rising costs and environmental policies and is projected by USDA to continue to decline through . i uidation in markets provides export demand opportunities for Alberta pork, but Alberta must compete with U.S. and Brazil. U.S. has increased its pork exports by 17 per cent from a year ago.
“Alberta will also need to navigate climate and environmental policies such as California’s Proposition 12 regarding re uirements for hog farrowing operations and the resulting impacts of compliance on production costs,” says Boyda.
“In addition, protectionist regulations such as the proposed Product of USA labeling rule could inhibit trade, even if voluntary. The upcoming U.S. election may also introduce more uncertainty with respect to trade policies.”
ne final factor influencing global hog markets is African Swine Fever. The outbreaks continue in 52 countries. Five new European countries were added to this list in 2023.
Canada has ASF zoning arrangements with U.S., EU, Singapore, Vietnam and Hong Kong. Agreements with Japan and United Kingdom are being worked on and ongoing discussions are underway with Colombia, South Korea, Chile, Mexico, Philippines and Peru.
“Zoning agreements are imperative to market access should an incidence occur in Canada. The Canadian and Alberta industry and governments continue efforts for preparedness, rec ognizing that effectiveness of zoning and biosecurity measures are paramount to attaining agreements, as is demonstrated controls should an outbreak occur in wild boar,” says Boyda.
NRCB launches feedlot cattle numbers check
Natural Resources Conservation Board
The Natural Resources Conservation Board has initiated a program to verify that the permitted livestock population of feedlots is within allotted numbers.
The program is a response to evidence provided by complainants that indicates some operators in Lethbridge County may exceed the livestock numbers in their permits.
Since reviewing that evidence, the NRCB has received more complaints about overpopulation in feedlots involving other counties.
As a result, it is requesting randomly selected feedlot operators to provide information regarding their current livestock numbers. This will ensure confined feeding operations are compliant with their permitted livestock numbers.
The program focuses on feedlots that have an NRCB permit, as those permits are clear on the type and number of livestock allowed at an operation.
Business performance of Alberta’s cow-calf producers
Alberta Agri-NewsAnew government program can provide participating producers with cost of production analysis and benchmark reports based on actual farm records, according to government senior livestock economist Ian Ryan.
The report presents a multi-year summary of the economic, productive and financial performance of Alberta cow calf producers. articipants received a customized business analysis of their operations for comparison.
“ enchmarking allows comparisons of C cost of production based on production practices and marketing strategies and can help drive efficiency and financial performance,” says yan.
“The information helps improve decisions about what, when and how much of a commodity to sell. The benchmarking process has two key time perspectives. The first is historical analysis, involving comparisons over time.
“The second is a within-the-year comparison, focusing on how operations performed, responded to, or weathered the challenges they faced.”
The program is free, and individual participant information remains confidential. The report presents the aggregated results of participating cow-calf producers. This consists of a series of tables and figures with average historic provincial data showing the sales, production costs, and selected production and financial indicators for the past five years.
“The value of the cost of production analysis is not in the figures themselves, but in gaining a better understanding of the farm business in order to pinpoint areas for improvement,” says yan. “ rofitability can vary widely from year to year, but keeping thorough records of costs and returns can help control profitability.
“ ach year is different and dependent on the relationships between yield, price and costs, as well as the producers’ financial situation. roactive cost management makes businesses better able to weather periods of fluctuation.”
The benchmarks in this report summarize all sources of income and expenses related to cow-calf enterprises and cover all activities related to producing and raising calves until weaning in a given fiscal year.
The economic performance indicators are presented in the form of dollars per unit of production dollars per pound weaned and dollars per cow wintered . hysical performance indicators are presented based on breeding and feeding information, as well as conception, calving, weaning and calf crop rates and pounds weaned per cow.
The financial performance indicators provide a snapshot of the sector’s li uidity ability to meet financial obligations as they come due , solvency ability to meet long term financial obligations and profitability the returns generated by the cow calf business .
Box181,Rycroft,AB |53012TWP774 &Hwy2 (780)402-8910 ||
MATRIXALFALFA (strongcreepingroot)
MEADOWBROMEGRASS (excellentre-growth,highyielding,long-livedbunchgrass)
SMOOTHBROMEGRASS (highyielding,long-lived,creepingroot)
SoilHealthServiceprovidedby RegenEcoAg
SOILANALYSIS formineralbalancingandnutrientavailability (basedonWilliamA.Albrechtprinciples)
COMPLETESOILAMENDMENT andnutrientrecommendations (basedonlabanalysisandover45yearsoffielddata)
ENHANCEDSOILMICROBIOLOGY•ENHANCEDCROPHEALTH Suppliersof MARL, ahighqualitycalciumsourcethatis amoreefficientandsoil-readynutrientoptiontoagriculturallimestone
By Nadia Mori, PAg, PRFA CoordinatorFire is ahot topicinthe PeaceRegion.Whileoutof control wildfirescanhave devastatingeffec t, strategicallyused prescribedfirecanbeanimportanttool to increasepasture and forageproductivit yinareaswithunhealthybrush encroachment, to remove hazardousfuelbuildupasa preventativemeasuretoseverewildfires, and to reignite culturalburningpracticesinsuppor tofI ndigenous foodsovereignt y. Concernsaroundprescribedfireoften includethepotentiallossofsoilcarbon.The PeaceR iver Forage Association(PRFA) ofBChas receivedfunding from Agricultureand Agri-Food Canada’s AgriScience ProgramundertheSustainable CanadianAgricultural Partnership, the Beef Cattle Research Council(BCRC) and theBC HydroAgricultural Compensation Fund to assess above andbelowgroundnutrientc yclingfollowing prescribedfire.
Thelossofmanagedfire onthelandscapehasbeen detrimental to pasture andrangelandhealthduetobrush encroachmentandlackofnaturaldisturbance,leading tounderutilizedgrazinglands.Atthesametime, wildfire riskhasincreaseddue to climate change(particularly increased temperature anddrought).Prescribedfireis amanagementtoolthathasthepotential to remove hazardousfuelbuild-upand reducewildfirerisk ,aswell asimprovethehealthandfunctioningofdegraded pastures.
In thisnewlyfundedprojec t, thePRFAwillimplement aprescribedfireplanon fourpasturesinthe Peace RegionofBritish Columbia. We willevaluate howforage productionandnutrition responds to prescribedfire
and grazingpractices,alongwithsoilchemicaland microbialproperties.Wewillpayparticular attention to thesoilcarbonandwhathappens to carbonstocks and cycling followingaprescribedfire. Eachproject sitewillimplementapre -approvedprescribedfire plan to followallsteps forsafeandlawfulburning. Treatmentswillincludeburningand grazing,resulting in four comparisons:unburned/ungrazed, unburned/ grazed,burned/ungrazed,andburned/grazed.Datawill be collec tedpre -fire,immediatelypost-fire,and over subsequentyears.Notonlywillthis researchprovide important informationtoproducersseekingpasture rejuvenationthroughprescribedfire, butitwillalso generate data to understandtheimpac tofprescribed fireonsoilcarbon.Thisinformationwillbeessentialfor ranchers to makeinformeddecisionsandpotentially improvetheadoptionandapprovalprocesswhenit comes to prescribedfire.
Throughthis research, we hope to suppor tranchersand landownerswhowish to includeprescribedfireaspart oftheirpasturemanagementtool kit. As soilcarbon becomesmoreent winedinanydecision-makingprocess, we need to have thenecessar yinformation relevant to our region to suppor tbothproducersandlegislatorsin informedactions. Overall,theprojec tseeks to improve forageand grasslandproductivit y, by usingprescribed fire to improvethemanagementandproductivit yof pastures,tooptimizepastureutilization,and to reduce wildfirerisks. ThePRFAisexcited to embark onthis3-year projec tand we look forwardtosharingupdatesasthe projec tmoves forward.
DailyGrainPrices -April19,2024
CANOLA-#1Peace Region
May 2024
$13.37 (+ $0.02 )$13.53 (+ $0.02 )$13.52 (+$0.02)
$13.44 (+ $0.02 )$13.52 (+ $0.02 )$13.54 (+$0.02)
$13.65 (+ $0.01 )$13.74 (+ $0.01 )$13.78 (+$0.01)
$13.65(+ $0.01 )$13.74 (+ $0.01 )$13.81 (+$0.01)
August2024 notavailablenot availablenot available
$13.38 (+$0.03 )$13.62 (+ $0.02 )$13.72 (+$0.03)
$13.39 (+$0.03 )$13.63 (+ $0.03 )$13.74 (+$0.03)
WHEAT-#1CPSR -11.5% Peace Region
NorthernAlberta SouthernAlberta
$7.88 (+$0.09 )$7.93 (+ $0.09 )$8.06 (+$0.08)
$7.85 (+ $0.09 )$7.90 (+ $0.08 )$8.04 (+$0.08)
$7.77 (+ $0.09 )$7.80 (+ $0.09 )$7.96 (+$0.09)
$7.74 (+$0.09 )$7.77 (+ $0.09 )$7.93 (+ $0.09)
August2024 not availablenot availablenot available
September2024 not availablenot availablenotavailable
October2024 notavailablenot availablenot available
WHEAT-#1C WAD-13.0% Peace Region NorthernAlberta SouthernAlberta
Spot not availablenot available$10.76 (-$0.01)
May 2024 not availablenot available$10.72 (-$0.01)
June2024not availablenot available$10.10 (-$0.00)
July2024 not availablenot available$9.99 (-$0.00)
August2024 not availablenot available$9.85 (-$0.01)
September2024 not availablenot available$9.85 (-$0.01)
WHEAT-#1C WRS -13.5% Peace Region
$8.60 (+$0.11 )$8.75 (+ $0.11 )$8.83 (+$0.12)
$8.61 (+ $0.11 )$8.71 (+ $0.11 )$8.78 (+$0.12)
$8.53(+ $0.10 )$8.63 (+ $0.11 )$8.68 (+$0.11)
$8.51(+$0.11 )$8.60 (+ $0.11 )$8.64 (+ $0.11)
August2024 not availablenot availablenot available
$7.88(+$0.10 )$8.03 (+ $0.11 )$8.13 (+$0.11)
YELLOWPEAS -#2Peace Region
NorthernAlberta SouthernAlberta
Spot $12.40 ($0.00 )$12.74 ($0.00 )$12.12 ($0.00)
May 2024
$11.20 ($0.00 )$11.44 ($0.00 )$11.15 ($0.00)
$10.96 ($0.00 )$11.17 ($0.00 )$10.97 ($0.00)
$11.01 ($0.00 )$11.20 ($0.00 )$11.04 ($0.00 )
$10.61 ($0.00 )$10.72 ($0.00 )$10.66 ($0.00)
$10.34 ($0.00 )$10.47 ($10.00 )$10.42 ($0.00)
Cattle Directory ANGUS
Fourth Creek Angus Ranch
Ryan Lacey, Spirit River, AB
Ryan 780-864-7753 / Office: 780-517-3507
Gomack Red Angus
Mountain Side Angus Bulls for Sale by Private Treaty
John & Judy Mayer, Beaverlodge, AB
Braydon Gough & Scott Gough
Whitelaw, AB
780-274-0099 / 780-618-4747
Nicklason Stock Farm
Brad Nicklason, Deadwood, AB
Grant & Tanya Chittick, Mayerthorpe, AB
Crystal Chittick, Mayerthorpe, AB
Chad780-831-9106|Anna780-831-8338 800747
Binks Angus Farm
Evan Binks, Grande Prairie, AB 780-518-2020
Brandl Cattle Co.
Byron & Gwen Brandl, Jarvie, AB 780-954-2599
Broken Stick Ranch
Black Angus for Sale off the Farm
Tom & Amber Ditner, Baldonnel, BC
Heart Valley Angus
Nat Tschetter & Chris Tschetter
Wanham, AB
780-978-6407 / 780-978-6406
Excel Ranches
Ron & Barb Miller, Cody & Amy Miller Westlock, AB 780-349-0644
Kjos Black Angus
Marty & Miriam Kjos, Fort St. John, BC
Lakeroad Black Angus
Jim & Donna Rowe, Worsley, AB
J 780-835-0455 / D 780-835-9588
Lazy B Livestock
Trevor Binks & Melanie Klassen
Grande Prairie, AB
780-539-7128 / 780-518-0630
Silent K Stock Farms
Delano & Megan Kjos, Tomslake BC D 250-467-9450 / M 403-804-1107
SADLIERCATTLECO. ToddSadlier Hwy64,HinesCreek,AB (780)772-3978
Jonomn Hereford Ranch
Norm & Joanne Parrent, Clyde, AB
Norm 780-307-6586 / Mike 780-307-3385
M.C. Quantock
Dry Creek Ranch
Seth Harmon, Cecil Lake, BC 250-793-1858
JayDawn Farms
Jason & Nikki McQuaig, Sexsmith, AB 780-933-5530
Landaker Charolais Farm
Alan & Shelley Landaker, Brownvale, AB 780-618-3928
Mac & Pat Creech, lloydminster, AB
Reber's Polled Herefords
Serena & Kasey Reber, Woking, AB
Richardson Ranch
Tlell Polled Herefords
Don & Les Richardson, Tlell, BC 250-566-5114 / 250-557-4348
Roy&Erika (780)402.5617 Beaverlodge,AB
LazyS Charolais
Pro-Char Charolais
Whiskey Jack Black Herefords & Simmentals
Tamara & Darcy Kuriga, Whitelaw, AB
780-834-7108 / 780-835-8090
SchweitzerRanch Troy&Kristina (780)814.3598• DawsonCreek,BC 787690
David & Kristina Prokuda, Glenevis, AB 780-932-1654
Rosebud Creek Charolais
Dan & Holly Schleppe, Dawson Creek, BC 250-219-5698 / 250-786-5698
Chittick Family Hereford Ranch
Raymond & Mona Chittick Mayerthorpe, AB 780-305-3925
Eureka Hereford Farms
Tom Basnett, Eureka River, AB 780-834-8170
Friesen Farms
Chad & Anna Friesen, Grande Prairie, AB Chad (780) 831-9106/Anna (780) 831-8338
Gold Stock Hereford Farms
Steve, Ashley & Brad White, Beaverlodge, AB
780-518-0064 / 780-354-3190
Gurtler Polled Herefords
Garry & Ethan Gurtler, North Star, AB
Garry 780-836-0117 / 780-836-2125
Ethan 780-836-0552
Dry Creek Ranch
Gordon & Carla Harmon, Cecil Lake, BC
Excel Ranches
Ron & Barb Miller, Cody & Amy Miller
Westlock, AB
Hillview Farms
Raymond & Corine Verbeek, Sturgeon County, AB 780-982-2176 / 780-939-2173
Hillview Farms
Raymond & Corine Verbeek
Sturgeon County, AB 780-982-2176/780-939-2173
Lakeroad Black Angus
Jim & Donna Rowe, Worsley, AB
J 780-835-0455 / D 780-835-9588
Pinnacle View Limousin
Rob & Cheryl Swaan, Quesnel, BC
Erin & Eric Kishkan, Quesnel, BC 250-747-2618
Dean&MarshaAnderson–FortStJohn,BC (250)827-3293• 778275
(780)924-2464-(780)982-2472 59253785287
North 42 Cattle Company
Heath Barnfield, Sexsmith, AB 780-897-3339
Crooked Post Shorthorns
Kirk Seaborn, Rocky Mountain House, AB 403-322-0142 / 403-729-2267
Janell Shorthorns
Melanie Barkley & Michelle Duncan Stettler, AB 403-740-4958
Poplar Creek Farm
Sean & Michelle Thompson, Cremona, AB 403-681-8316
Sharom Shorthorns
Tom & Shari Barto, Thorhild, AB 780-307-4043 / 780-398-2093
Starbright Shorthorns
Rena Nelson, Bonnyville, AB 780-201-2785
Yearling &Two-Year-Old ShorthornBulls forSale offtheFarm byPrivateTreaty
Trieber Farms
Fred & Naomi Trieber, Beaverlodge, AB F 780-831-1346 /N 780-814-0052
KIN-KIN Cattle Co.
Gary & Faye Chittick, Mayerthorpe, AB 780-786-4500
KMR Simmentals
Kent & Robin Malcomson, Grovedale, AB 587-298-5404
Kruger Farms
Albrecht Farms
Steve, Tammy & Ryan Albrecht, Spirit River, AB R 780-933-5448 / S 780-832-0883
Blazin" J Simmentals
Darcy & Caitlyn Lind, Sunset House, AB D 780-536-5203 / C 780-552-4934
Clearwater Simmentals
Chad Smith, Olds, AB 403-586-4714
Crystal Springs Ranch
Eckbert & Crystal Weitzel
Georg & Sarah Weitzel
Charlie Lake, BC 250-263-8237
Ryan & Chelsea Kruger, Sundre, AB 403-586-0125
KSL Simmentals
Keegan Scorgie & Brad Smith Beaverlodge, AB
K 780-518-6572 / B 780-202-0254
Lakeroad Black Angus
Jim & Donna Rowe, Worsley, AB
J 780-835-0455 / D 780-835-9588
Lakeroad Simmentals
Sarah Hayward & Kody Rowe, Worsley, AB 780-835-8841
M.C. Quantock
Mac & Pat Creech, Lloydminster, AB 800-561-2855
Gardner Livestock Olds, AB
Tracy Gardner 403-586-0378
Tyson Gardner 403-586-1598
GB Farms
Garrett Biggelaar, Lacombe, AB 403-877-7661
Grant & Tanya Chittick, Mayerthorpe, AB 780-284-0684
Crystal Chittick, Mayerthorpe, AB 780-204-2005
Hodges Simmentals
Roy & Scot Hodges, Beaverlodge, AB 780-512-4669
SimmentalCattle QuarterHorse
Norbert&JaniceLuken 780-835-3165
Polar Farms
Joe & Lindsay Loomis, PRRD, BC 250-784-5150
Rachido Ranch
Randy & Donna Chittick, Mayerthorpe, AB 780-674-1986
250.262.7867 778903
Rosefield Simmentals
James & Martha Wiebe, Prespatou, BC 250-630-2621
Sadlier Cattle Co.
Todd Sadlier, Hines Creek, AB
Short Grass Farms
Kurtis & Chelsie Dillabough, DeBolt, AB 780-402-9578
Southpaw Cattle Company
Ron & Tammy Daley, Carstairs, AB
Brandon & Shallaine Sharpe, Carstairs, AB 403-519-3401
Swantewitt & Sage Simmentals
Yellowhead County, AB
Gerd 780-712-2096
Jordan 780-712-3600
Whiskey Jack Black Herefords & Simmentals
Tamara & Darcy Kuriga, Whitelaw, AB 780-834-7108 / 780-835-8090
Red&Black Purebred Simmental Seedstock
WillowCreekSimmentals|CrookedCreek,AB Mike&MariKlassen|(780)832-7343 Colby&TiffanyKlassen|(780)832-6714 787286
Willowdale Simmentals
Dale & Judy Smith & Family, Valleyview, AB
780-558-9337 / 780-524-2790
Wolfe Farms
Tony Wolfe, Valleyview, AB 780-524-9322
Wolfe Lake Farms Inc.
Olin and Sarah Rosvold, La Glace, AB
Tarril and Kare Rosvold, La Glace, AB 780-518-1997
Wolfes Fleckvieh
Shane & Shannon Wolfe, Sundre, AB 403-556-0729
Olds Auction Market
Olds, AB
Office 403-556-3655
Tyler 403-507-1782 / Patrick 403-559-7202
Thorsby Stockyards Inc.
Thorsby, AB
Office 780-789-3915
Chance 403-358-0456 / Jeff 780-203-4953
Viking Livestock Market
Cliff Grinde, Viking, AB
VJV Livestock Marketing Group
Office, Dawson Creek, BC 250-782-3766
Office, Beaverlodge, AB 780-354-2423
Office, Westlock, AB 780-349-3153
Office, Ponoka, AB 403-783-5561
Office, Rimbey, AB 403-843-2439
Wembley Livestock Exchange
Glen Mayer & Nolan Mayer, Wembley, AB
G 780-897-9570 / N 780-518-0709
B.C. Livestock Producers Co-operative
Cordy Cox, Kamloops, BC
Innisfail Auction Market
Danny, Mark & Duane Daines, Innisfail, AB 403-227-3166
Jennings Martin Direct Buying
La Glace, AB
Jennings Martin 780-933-1023
Ron Kramer 250-793-2713
North Central Livestock Exchange
Garth Rogers, Clyde, AB 780-348-5893
Barrhead Feeder Association Ltd.
Admin - Ann Gerhardt, Barrhead, AB
Fort Feeder's Co-op Association
Admin - Cathy Axley, Two Hills, AB
Grande Prairie Feeders' Association Ltd.
Admin - Dawn Hollins, Grande Prairie, AB
North Peace Feeder Association Ltd.
Admin - Donna Haakenson, Berwyn, AB
Prairie River Feeders Co-op Ltd.
Admin - Tammy Roberts, High Prairie, AB
Westlock Feeders Association Ltd.
Admin - Megan Keith, Westlock, AB
$410.00$465.00$405.00$452.00$410.00$460.00$410.00$452.00$400.00$457.00$429.00$452.50$412.00$445.00$420.00$474.00$410.00$450.00 500-599 $395.00$445.00$395.00$440.00$394.00$425.00$398.00$440.00$392.00$440.00$400.00$444.00$381.00$407.50$400.00$437.00$390.00$443.00 600-699 $380.00$410.00$380.00$403.00$380.00$395.00$385.00$407.00$382.00$402.00$380.00$409.00$368.00$402.00$375.00$430.00$375.00$418.50 700-799 $335.00$355.00$335.00$352.00$332.00$356.00$340.00$357.00$335.00$358.00$335.00$382.00$347.00$384.00$330.00$386.00$340.00$379.50 800 -899 $310.00$335.00$320.00$332.00$328.00$338.00$320.00$333.00$310.00$332.00$307.00$343.50$277.00$318.00$300.00$344.50$310.00$341.00 900-999 $282.00$303.00$290.00$302.00$295.00$309.00$295.00$304.00$295.00$305.00$287.00$308.00$246.00$285.00$280.00$319.00$295.00$315.00 1000+ $260.00$285.00$270.00$293.00$260.00$275.00$260.00$271.00$270.00$287.00n/an/an/an/a$275.00$289.50$260.00$276.50 Bid Range
600-699$325.00$353.00$322.00$352.00$329.00$352.00 $335.00 $349.00 $334.00$349.00 $323.00$367.00$318.00$354.00$325.00$375.00$310.00$363.00 700-799$305.00$340.00$310.00$335.00$303.00$335.00 $300.00 $329.00 $300.00$325.00 $311.00$332.00$309.00$338.00$290.00$324.50$300.00$337.00 800-899$275.00$295.00$288.00$300.00$245.00$272.00 $280.00$291.00 $258.00$296.00 $280.00$306.00$275.00$309.00$275.00$306.50$270.00$308.00 900-999$252.00$275.00$235.00$258.00$230.00$256.00 $245.00 $271.00 $234.00$263.00 $260.00$285.00$250.00$271.00$250.00$290.00$255.00$278.50 1000+$235.00$250.00$220.00$245.00$220.00$235.00 $240.00 $245.00 $225.00$246.00 $225.00$245.00n/an/a$225.00$260.00$250.00$276.50
D1-D2 Cows D1-D2 Cows D1-D2 Cows D1-D2 Cows D1-D2 Cows
$140.00$165.00$120.00$156.00$125.00$147.00$155.00$171.00$120.00$147.00$155.00$166.00$160.00$175.00$160.00$169.00$165.00$179.00 Heiferettes HeiferettesHeiferettes HeiferettesHeiferettes Heiferettes Heiferettes Heiferettes Heiferettes $195.00$235.00$182.00$225.00$180.00$212.00$190.00$233.00$190.00$233.00$187.00$243.00$187.00$230.00$190.00$237.00$190.00$230.00 BolognaBullsBolognaBullsBolognaBullsBolognaBullsBolognaBullsBolognaBullsBolognaBullsBolognaBullsBolognaBulls $170.00$189.00$172.00$186.00$152.00$172.00$170.00$188.00$175.00$188.00$170.00$197.00$180.00$207.00$175.00$197.00$185.00$210.00 FeederBulls FeederBulls FeederBulls FeederBulls FeederBulls FeederBulls FeederBulls FeederBulls FeederBulls n/an/an/an/an/av/an/an/an/an/a$175.00$240.00$169.00$222.50$185.00$245.00$190.00$225.00
SATURDAY,MAY4,2024|11:00A.M. (SmallAnimalsStartat11 | Horsesto Follow)
Pleasecallaheadtobook yoursmallanimals andhorsesintothesale.
intheyard by 9:00a.m. ofsaleday
Township Road720&Range Road104
Beaverlodge,Ab (780)354-2423 Fax(780)354-2420
Willonlybeacceptingbiggeritemsthatcanbeplacedonpallets. Nosmallerlooseitemswillbeaccepted. Callaheadtoarrangedrop-offs 80824926apr24
Township Road720&Range Road104
Beaverlodge,Ab (780)354-2423Fax(780)354-2420
Chickens,Geese,Rabbits,Sheep,Goats,Llamas,Alpacas, Pigs,RabbitsPleasecallaheadtobook yoursmallanimalsand horsesintothesale.Allanimalsshouldbe intheyard by 9:00a.m.ofsaleday
Contact your VJVFieldmantodaytoconsignitemstothissale.
Acceptingconsignmentitemsinthe VJVDawsonCreek Yarduntil Friday, May31st.
Willonlybeacceptingbiggeritemsthatcanbeplacedonpallets.Nosmallerlooseitemswillbeaccepted. Callaheadtoarrangedrop-offs
210Vers220hp@1900rpm. 710/70R38rear60065R28frt Deluxe cabQSB6.7Cummins, 5HydHi Flow42GPM3pthitch,12LEDCab lites, FrontFendersSoftRidebucket grappletines FEL,Wt28,375#,375 litersfuel, ONLY106 hrs
New $408,000 Demo $275,000
40’FURYH/SDisc20”C/OF&R bladesbsktharrows#591139191
MSRP $191,900 $147,900
MY2024 30’FURYH/SDisc22”
C/OF&Rbladesbsktharrows 8-12mph10-15hp/ft#214179264
MSRP $264,900 $196,900
2022msrp $995,650DT620cashtrade$895,000 VersatileDT620Demo22hrs$795,000 Tractor620hp@2100rpm665hp@1900rpm 16x4P/S,PTO,Ledlites36”6500Series TracksJakeBrake,DeluxeCableatherseat, rearcameraWgt64,000lbsBlackFrame
MY2023 35’FURYH/S Disc22”
C/OF&Rbladesbsktharrows 8-12mph10-15hp/ft#108157245
MSRP $245,900 $185,900
MY2023 40’ FURYH/S Disc22”
C/OF&Rbladesbsktharrows 8-12mph10-15hp/ft#121170266 MSRP $266,900 $205,900
and manure.They
1,000 +N/AN/AN/AN/A
1,000 +N/AN/AN/AN/A
1,000 +$250.00$290.25$270.00$295.00
1,000 +$225.00$275.00$240.00$280.00
$175.00$195.00$170.00$198.00 DATE
With asmallercow herd inbothCanadaandtheUnitedStates,thedemand for lvesinthefallof2024willbehigh. Reducingthenumberofopencowscould ve financialbenefits.
Breedingseasonstartsapproximately81daysaftercalving.Atthispoint intime, ws arejustpastpeaklactation(56days post calving)andare notatmaximum edintake (96dayspostcalving). Twoyearoldfirst calfheifersare gettingtheir permanentteethwhichreducestheirabilitytoconsume feed.Ifthe rationisnot ovidingenoughnutrients,especiallyenergyandprotein,lactatinganimalswill lose weight andbodycondition.
hemid1960’s, research completedattheUniversityofAlbertabyDr. Berg and .McElroy foundthat maintaining orhaving aslight improvementincow weight (9pounds)between calvingandthebreedingseasonimprovedpregnancy rates 20%comparedtocowsthatlost24pounds.Itwouldbedifficulttovisually tectlessthan100poundsof weight gainorloss.
Ifthecow hasonecycleprior to bullturnout,thefirst serviceconception rate increases by 20%.Thisisdirectly relatedtocow conditionprior to calvingand post calvingnutrition.Thin cowsat calvingtakelongertocycle.Ina study by Bellows andShort,theyfoundthat only46%ofthin cowswere cycling60days post calving.Thenumberincreased to 66% at thetimethebulls were turned in.Incontrast,91%ofcowsingoodconditionatcalving were cycling60days post calvingand100% by thetimethebullsareturnedin.Withshorterbreeding seasons,someofthethincowsmight notbecyclingbythetimethatthebulls arepulled.
Itisdifficulttoget thin cows to gain weight after calving.It canbeachievedif higherqualityforageandlargeramountsofgrain(8 to 10poundsofbarley or oats)isfedpriortobullturnout.
Breedingsuccessdependsonmanyfactors.Nutritionneedstobepartofa year round feedingmanagementprogram.Itisespeciallyimportant to getcowsin good conditionprior to calvingandpreventweightlosspostcalving.
Formoreinformationonaftercalving feedingprograms, contactBarry at 403-741-6032 or Withindependent
Sheep-1,310 Head
BeaverHillAuction Service- Tofield-April8,2024
Light FeederKids
0-60lbs$250.00 to $310.00
45-69lbs$310.00 to $390.00
$310.00 to $370.00
45-69lbs$320.00 to $415.00
70+lbs $310.00 to $385.00
45-69lbs $320.00 to $385.00
70+lbs $310.00 to $390.00
MatureNannies $260.00 to $320.00
Mature Bucks $260.00 to $405.00
Ewe/Lamb Family noneonoffer
We chargethelowestcommissionsintheprovince,offerver yconvenientSaturday/Sundaydrop-offs, andcanarrangetruckingtomatchyourneeds. Callustodayandlet’ssellyoursheep,goatsandswine!
Bighorn sheep, domestic sheep or goats should not mix
Alberta Agri-NewsAsenior wildlife biologist with the Alberta government warns against the comingling of Bighorn sheep with domestic livestock.
“Domestic sheep and goats can commonly carry a bacterium called Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae (M. ovi) that can cause pneumonia and large-scale population die offs of ighorn sheep following close contact with an infected animal,” says Anne Hubbs.
Signs of the disease in Bighorns include coughing, nasal discharge, weight loss and in many cases death. Unlike their wild counterparts, many domestic animals carrying M. ovi show no visible signs of the disease.
“There are no vaccines or treatments for wild sheep or mountain goats who are also susceptible to the disease, so maintaining physical separation from domestic sheep and goats is very important,” says Hubbs.
Domestic sheep and goat grazing on Crown lands near Bighorn sheep ranges is already prohibited or strongly discouraged. Alberta Environment and Protected Areas has identified a isease urveillance one that extends 5 kilometres east from these ranges, where concentrated efforts are underway to understand M. ovi in both wild and domestic sheep and goat species.
In collaboration with Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation, it has also initiated a voluntary testing and fencing program for domestic sheep and goat producers in these areas. Funding is available from the government through a grant to cover producers’ costs related to these activities.
Albertans are asked to help protect Bighorn sheep by:
• not taking M. ovi positive domestic sheep or goats on public lands in the isease urveillance one
• testing domestic sheep and goats for M. ovi. Note that M. ovi is not a reportable or notifiable disease in Alberta and is not a public health concern. Testing is managed through the producer’s veterinarian of choice.
• using no-contact fencing or other measures to prevent close contact with Bighorn sheep
• testing hunter-harvested Bighorn sheep for M. ovi
• reporting sightings of Bighorn sheep near domestic sheep or goats, or sick Bighorn sheep, by calling an Alberta Environment and Protected Areas biologist at
• helping increase awareness of M. ovi
For questions about the testing and fencing program for domestic sheep and goat producers, contact a veterinarian.
Simpson Centre launches program to increase adoption of digital technologies
By Dana Fenech, School of Public Policy, University of CalgaryThe Alberta government has bestowed a $1.2 million grant to the Simpson Centre for Food and Agricultural Policy at the University of Calgary. It marks the genesis of the Alberta Digitalization Agriculture program.
The program began in October 2023 and concludes in June 2026.
“This is an exciting program that will help producers and policy makers develop ideas that will increase
the adoption of agricultural digital technologies. This program will support the competitiveness and innovation of Alberta’s agriculture industry,” said Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation Minister RJ Sigurdson.
The program aspires to unravel the challenges and opportunities in the digitalization of agriculture and develop policy recommendations to foster data management and enhance transparency in the agri-food space.
AWORKMASTER™95/105/120utilitytractorhelps youdomore around your property,allwithlessmaintenanceandoperatingcosts.Butthisvaluetractor doesn’tcutcornersonpowerandcomfort.Withupto100PTO hpanda clutchlesspowershuttle ,a WORKMASTERtractorputsyouincontrolofloading, mowing,blade work,andmore. Workincomfor twitha best-in-class,all-weather cab,orchooseanall-purposeorlow-profile ROPSplatform. Putmorevalueto workinmorewayswitha WORKMASTER™95/105/120 utilitytractor.
It focuses on leveraging advancements in robotics, artificial intelligence and smart devices. The program also addresses five challenges: awareness of available technologies; return on investment for tech adoption; data literacy for producers; structural capacities; and policy prioritization.
“Connecting UCalgary’s expertise in machine learning, robotics and smart devices to agricultural industries will be mutually beneficial to all stakeholders,” says president Ed McCauley. “We are grateful that the province has acknowledged the potential of digitalization to help make agricultural production more efficient, cost effective
and sustainable.”
NewHollandBR7090 RoundBaler.................$38,000
NewHollandBR780A RoundBaler................$23,000
NHRB560 RoundBalerNet/Twine.....................$49,900
NewHolland1431 MowerConditioner. ComingIn
NewHollandDB313 Discbine........................$43,000
Allen8907 HayRake........................................$19,000
JohnDeere945 Discbine.................................$35,000
Degelman1800 SideArm.................................$13,000
FarmKing120in 3pthSnowblower...................$12,500 Highline7000 BaleProcessor............................$12,500
HLA72in BaleKnife..........................................$10,800
MKMartin76in HydDriveSkidSteerSnowblower...$9,500 SchulteSDX102 3pthSnowblower...................$13,000
NewHolland25HB Header...............................$25,000
NH2014L215 WheelSkidSteer(lowhours)................$45,000
JohnDeere4020 Tractor, w/loader ..........................$16,000
KubotaDMC85400T Discbine.........................$28,000 77349426apr24
NewHollandLS180 WheeledSkidSteer(lowhrs) ........$23,000
NewHolland1495 Mo-Cow/21ftDraperHdr..............$9,000
CaseIH770 17.5ftDisk..............................................$10,000
KubotaDMC8536T Discbine......................................$32,000
MKMartin84in Snowblower.......................................$4,000
The program aims to reduce uncertainty on the return on investment for digital farming operations, ensure cost savings and train producers. Reductions in the carbon and water footprint in agricultural production are also envisioned.
Research outcomes focus on three audiences: producers, policymakers and the value chain. Producers seek awareness and a clear return on investment, policymakers desire insights for effective policy making, and the value chain wants a narrative on sustainability and job creation.
Over the grant period, academic publications, reports and policy briefs will be accompanied by online communications, surveys, interviews, living labs, a policy database, a systems dynamic model, webinars, roundtables, and educational programs.
The outreach strategy includes an online survey, living labs to test farming practices, and co-ordination of webinars and roundtables. In-person meetings at the provincial and federal level are planned.
“Canadian agriculture has the double potential to reduce its environmental impact and increase its production,” says Guillaume Lhermie, director of the Simpson Centre.
“On this journey, it is clear that optimized use of technologies will be critical. With this program, we will encourage behavioural shifts, from the producers needing more information on ag tech, all the way to policymakers with the power to incentivize their adoption and build infrastructural capacities.”
Two-year-old & yearling
registered Angus bulls for sale. Semen tested/ready to work. Call Darren 780-8144993.
Good selection of TwoYear-Old Hereford bulls for sale. Call for pricing. Visitors welcome. 780-8318338.
Good selection of yearling Hereford/Angus cross replacement heifers for sale. Call for pricing. Call 780831-8338.
Red & Black Registered Polled Hereford Bulls. Semen-Tested. VetInspected. Vaccinated. Free Delivery. 780-836-2125 or 780-836-0117.
Bred heifers for sale. Black/Angus-Hereford cross bred back to Black/Angus bull. Calving early April. 250-772-5407.
Crossbred Commercial Bulls for Sale. SemenTested. Vet-Inspected. Vaccinated. Free Delivery. 780-836-2125 or 780-8360117.
Horses for sale. Quarter Horses and Draft Cross horses. Call Keith 780-9712350.
Calf tipping table. Asking $600. Call/Text 250-2194139.
Looking for a Jersey cow to milk by hand. Call 780-6852169.
Windbreak panels for sale with 2-7/8-inch pipe and 1.5-inch thick slabs. Delivery available. Call 403-894-7633. Two & Three-Year-Old Texas Longhorn bull for sale. Excellent horn genetics. Call Ken at 780518-1669.
For Sale: Fancy medium sized doghouse. $475 OBO. 250-789-3778.
2004 Chev Cavalier Z-type, 123,000 kms, runs good. Alberta registered, $2900. 250-786-0409.
Selling one-year-old polled Red Angus bulls crossed with Jersey, $900 OBO. Call 780-933-1108.
11-Year-Old Blue Roan. 8Years cutting and roping in community pasture. Asking $12,000 OBO. Call 780834-6570.
5-Year-Old Paint Gelding for sale. 1-Year roping in community pasture. Asking $6000
1981 Chevy Cheyenne 1ton. Rebuilt 454, cab rebuilt 5-years ago. Leather headliner/bucketseats/console. $25,000 OBO. 780-296-5010.
1983 Ford 6.9-Litre diesel 4WD, Fixer-upper or for parts truck 90,000 km, $1000 OBO 250-789-3778.
1990 GMC sidestep shortbox, $2000. 1969 Volkswagon dunebuggy, $1500, both need work. 780-864-1250.
SRI HOMES (FSJ,BC) 16ft, 20ft, 22ft Single-Wides now on Sale. Email salesfsj@pineridgemodular.c Sales(Warren Martin) 250262-2847.
SRI HOMES (FSJ,BC) accepting orders for 24ft and 32ft Double-Wides. Email salesfsj@pineridgemodular.c Sales(Warren Martin) 250262-2847.
Built right sheds. Building quality shelters. Call John 780-835-1908 for your quote today.
2013 GMC Sierra 4x4. 4.8L engine, Sgl/Cab, 8ft box, good-condition. Transmission issues. $2000 OBO. 780-402-0569.
2017 Ford F150 Platinum truck, 68,000 kms. Original owner. Excellent condition, $47,000. 780-864-0422.
Custom built livestock shelters, windbreak panels and rig mats built to order. Delivery options. 780-5187469.
•WhiteCrestedBlackPolishBantams 80392815mar24
Looking for a 2005-07 Chev/GMC Crew Cab 1/2Ton truck. Lower Kilometres. Good condition. Call 780-285-4694.
Call(780)831-9366 or(780)532-0758
Buying Antiques: Coins, toys, advertising, tools & more. Will buy bulk. Call/text 780-832-8216.
Looking for John Deere 535 Mower Conditioner (discbine) for parts or #635/735/835/C35/S350, 250-759-4797.
Looking for John Deere 535
Appliances for sale: Dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, stove, clothes dryer and much more. Call 780-359-2268.
Ears to Hear, your local hearing aid provider, serving Athabasca and outlying areas. High Prairie Clinic, 1st Wednesday of every month at the Golden Age Club 10am-1pm. Athabasca Clinic, 3rd Tuesday of every month at the United Church 10am-1pm. Hearing tests, hearing aid cleaning and home visits. 780-228-5965, 587-746-0540. Call for info.
Full Grizzly Bear mount for sale/trade for guns. Made record book. Call for details 250-615-1583.
Looking for bottle and cans for Christmas money. In Dawson Creek area. Call 250-789-3778.
13' Steel table. Folds for railings, asking $1200 OBO. Call 780-296-5010.
1500 lbs. hydraulic motorcycle jack, asking $150 OBO. Call 780-2965010.
DeWalt DWE7485 8-1/4”
Table Saw. Still in box. $550 OBO. 250-789-3778.
200-amp Lincoln Pipeline welder. Low hours, $5000 OBO. Also 300' welding cable, $1000. 780-296-5010.
Looking for a moveable modular/home/house/cabin to buy. Call 778-838-1055.
Looking to rent cattle pasture in the South Peace Region of BC/AB. Call/text Chet 250-219-8200.
AUCTION -AlbertaNorthAuctionService.......................36
AUCTION -EastmanAuctioneering.................................37
AUCTION -PremierAuctions...........................................39
AUCTION -RhythmAuctionsLtd.....................................37
AUCTION -RitchieBrosAuctioneers...............................35
AUCTION -WeaverAuctions..............................................7
1 Bedroom suite in small mobile home in Pouce Coupe. $650/month (includes utilities). Call 250786-0409.
Quarter section for sale. All cultivated. 2miles West Cecil Lake Store. Call for details 250-261-1943.
23ft Jayco Kit Companion 5th Wheel. Good condition. Everything works. $5500 OBO. 250-263-1901. Will build rustic furniture to order. Indoor/Outdoor birdhouses, chicken coops & rabbit hutches, etc. 250789-3778.
Mower Conditioner (discbine) for parts or #635/735/835/C35/S350, 250-759-4797. Oat
27ft Starcraft 5th Wheel. Used very little. Excellent condition. $28,000. Call John 250-261-4586 or 250785-5465.
AlbertaFarmer’s MarketDirectory.......................Classifieds
AuroraSteel &Trim............................................................12
Foster’sAgri-World. .29,40
Foster’sSeed &Feed........................................................10
Fresh Water TreatmentSystems.......................................12
GovernmentofAlberta. .5
JenningsMartinDirectLivestockSales. 23
Keddie’s Tack &Wester nWear............................................1
Attention cert/organic farmers. 100+ acres to rent, currently in mixed hay/grasses. Call for details 780-568-3495.
Norther nHeating &Fireplace..............................................2
PeaceCountryBeef &ForageAssn................................8,9
PrimetimeHunting &Fishing.............................................38
Webb’s Machinery...............................................................3
WestcanFeed &Seeds..................................11,Classifieds
Oats for sale, milling and feed grade, good bushel weight. Call 780-781-4457.
Mixed hay delivered to you. For more information, call Nick 780-500-6540 or John 780-500-6517.
Round and square straw bales for sale. Located 12 kms Northeast of Manning, Alberta. 780-781-4457.
AAC Certified Brandon seed wheat for sale. Can deliver. Call 250-782-0220.
Looking for a 40' winged packer bar or 40' packer harrow bar. Call 780-9269412.
33ft Flex-Coil packers set $4000. 403-601-6895.
New Holland 849 round baler for sale. Auto wrap. Field ready. Call for details 780-538-9115.
New Holland BR780 round baler for sale. Auto wrap. Field ready. Call for details 780-538-9115.
2001 JD 1820 60ft air drill, SS, w/1900 Air cart. Excellent shape. 780-4020569.
2011 NH BR7090 round baler. Wide pick up, shedded. 1800 count, $40,000. Call/text 250-2194139.
Looking for a New Idea 5212 discbine. In working condition or not. Call Keith 780-971-2350.
New Holland 116 hydra swing haybine for sale, asking $6500. Call 250-2194139.
Flexi-Coil 67 100ft wheel boom sprayer, c/w 850gal tank, windscreens, chemical mixer, much more. 780-5180635.
John Deere 9450 40' hoe drill, c/w factory transport, small seed attachment. 780380-9676 or 780-933-6363.
Looking for a Kverneland 12-bottom plow. Contact 780-864-0422.
Looking for a Case 1070 tractor for parts. Call Jacob 780-926-6087.
For Sale: 3020 John Deere tractor. Asking $5000 OBO. Call 250-789-3778.
Kubota 8560 tractor w/cab, bale forks, bucket. Low hours. Well taken care of, $62,500. 250-615-1583.
Looking for a Versatile 875 tractor for parts. Call 780247-0004.
Wanted: Starter to fit a Cockshutt 40 or 50 with Buda gas engine. Call 780835-0601.
2)Areguardsfittedtoequipmentwherethereisa riskoflimbs,hairorclothingbeingcaught(e.g. PTO,auger,unguardedbeltsandpulleys)?
3)Arechildrenandadultspreventedfromriding ontractors/towedimplements?
4)Dovehicles,suchasquadbikes,carry loadsinaccordancewiththemanufacturer’s recommendedlimits?
5)Areoperatorsofvehiclesfamiliarwiththe manufacturer’sinstructions?
6)Ishearingprotectionwornwhenusingnoisy equipment?
7)Isthereregularinspectionandmaintenanceof equipment,e.g.allguardsinplace?
8)Wheninflatingtires,areprecautionstakento preventinjuryfromatireblowout?
9)Whenmovingequipmentdoyouwatchfor powerlinesandmaintainsafedistances?
11)Isthetractoronlyeverstartedfromthe operator’sseat?
Tuesdays | 11:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. |June 4,11,18,25,28 | Contact:780-353-3771 |CheckusoutonFacebook
Beaverlodge| BeaverlodgeAgComplex (1400 –5th Ave)
Tuesday | 4:00p.m. to 7:30p.m. |Apr 16,23,30 |May 7,14,21,28 |June 4,11,18,25
Wednesday | 11:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. |Apr 17,24 |May 1,8,15,22,29 |June 5,12,19,26 |Contact:(780)
Beaverlodge - SouthPeaceCentennial
Thursday | 4:00p.m. to 7:00p.m. |NuVista EnergyCentre (1024 –4th Avenue)
SpecialMarkets:May 11| 10:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. |Mother’sDay FlowersMarket
June 2| 11:00a.m. to 4:00p.m.| SPCent Museum(Hwy 43)| June 7| 10:00a.m. to 4:00p.m.| ArtWalkMarket,DowntownBeaverlodg
Berwyn | BerwynAgBuilding(5001 –51stSt)
Sunday| 1:00p.m.to4:00p.m. |Apr 14 |May 5 |June 9 |Contact:(780)625-4190,780-625-7248or
Enilda | Women’sInstituteHall(FirstAve,Lot808)
Saturday | 10:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. |May 4 |June 1 |Contact:(780)
Fairview | Fairview LegionHall(10315 –110thSt)
SpecialMarkets:May 8 | 3:30p.m. to 6:30p.m. |June 12 | 3:30p.m. to 6:30p.m. |
GrandePrairie | BigRedBarn(10032 –101stAve)
Friday| 4:00p.m. to 7:00p.m. |Apr 12,19,26 |May 3,10,17,24,31 |June 7,14,21,28
Saturday | 10:00a.m. to 3:00p.m. |Apr13,20,27 |May 4,11,18,25 |June 1,8,15,22,29
HighLevel| HighLevelSportsComplex (10101 –105thAve) |
HighPrairie – Marigold |4724 –53rdAvenue
Wednesday | 12:30p.m. to 5:30p.m. |Apr 24 |May 8,22 |June 5, 19 |Contact:(780)523-4588
Kinuso | KinusoAgHall(55Centre Street)
Saturday | 10:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. |May 18 |June 1,15,29 |Contact:(780)
La Crete | JubileePark(9102 -100thStreet)
Wednesday | 3:00p.m. to 6:00p.m. |June 19,26 |Contact:(780)
Manning | RoyalCanadianLegion(115 –3rd AveSW)
Friday | 10:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. |May 10,24 |June 7,14,21,28 |Contact:(780)
PeaceRiver | Holtby Holdings Ltd.(8002B –102ndAve)
Saturdays | 10:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. |Apr 20 |June 15,29 |SpecialMarkets:May 11,25 |10:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. |LocationTBD
Rycroft | RycroftAgCentre (5010 –49thAve
Thursday | 3:00p.m. to 6:00p.m. |June 20,27 |SpecialMarkets:May 11 | 12:00p.m. to 4:00p.m. |June15| 12:00p.m. to 4:00p.m.
Sexsmith | SexsmithCurlingRink(9913 –99thSt)
Tuesday| 4:00p.m. to 7:00p.m. |June 11,18,25 |SpecialMarkets:Jun1 | 10:00a.m.
Unreserved PublicRealEstateAuction
GrandePrairie,AB ·Jun11
Unreserved PublicRealEstateAuction
Thissmallpieceofresidential realestate comeswith acozy bungalowandislocatednearbothGrimshawand Peace River,AB.Thehomesitson atotalof4.7±acresandincludes 3bedroomsand 1bathroom,with well waterprovidedonthe property.Thelandissituated at theintersectionofHighway 2 andHighway15with adriveway justoffthe road.Thislandis being auctionedbyRitchieBros.onbehalfofCrystalDupuis.
RitchieBros. TerritoryManager 1-587-873-0898·
June11,2024 om
MultipleCommercial Parcels:3 Empty Lotsw/Asphalt Surface;2 Lotsw/CommercialStructures ·Lot1:2,076±Sq. Ft.Commercialbuildingw/ReceptionArea, 6Private Offices, Washroom, Lunchroom, 2StorageRooms,and ForcedAir Heating·Lot2:1,488±Sq.Ft.Shopw/3Bays,12-Ft.Overhead Auto Doors(3),NewBendpak Hoist,Washroom,Storage Room,MezzanineOffice, &Lunchroom ·ZonedCommercial District
RitchieBros. TerritoryManager 1-587-873-0898 ·iabelar@ritchiebros tment com
How to rebound from high open rates
High cattle open rates were recorded across Western Canada last year. A report from the Western Canadian Animal Health Network said open rates were all over the map, from two to three per cent up to more than 40 per cent in the third quarter of 2023. Averages were a bit higher at 10 to 12 percent versus eight to 10 percent in 2022.
Experts agree it’s a multi-year, multi-factor problem. Drought, early snow and other adverse weather conditions resulted in poor forage quality and compromised water quality in many regions. The results manifested in lower calving distribution rates.
“Herds with cows that have good body condition have an open rate of about five to eight per cent, and I’ve been hearing stories about herds with poorer body conditions that are as high as 50 per cent,” says Barry Yaremcio, a Camrose, Alta.-based consulting nutritionist.
Dr. Jason McGillivray says that in the Kamloops, B.C., area, problems started in winter 2021-22 when there was lower feed quality followed by a dry spring.
“During the pregnancy checks of the fall of 2021, we noticed that more cows were going to be calving later, and the following year, more of those cows were calving later still.”
In that area, November 2023 brought a big snowstorm that disrupted ranchers’ extended grazing programs, which normally would go into January.
“In some of the herds, they had to feed earlier with lower quality hay, and those cows were in poor body condition,” he says.
The multiple punches of later calving and an early winter, followed by drought, increased open rates.
In his area, McGillivray said another contributing factor in some herds was wolf predation through the breeding and grazing season, which put cows under tremendous stress.
In Brooks, Taber and Lethbridge, Alta., Dr. Blake Balog says data from his practice indicated that, on average, open rates were about 12 per cent for cows and 14 per cent for heifers.
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“In that mix, we had some pretty high highs and pretty low lows,” he says, adding that shorter breeding seasons had up to 90 per cent bred and, on the other end, some groups went to 20 per cent open.
“The trend in calving distributions is flatter and flatter,” he says. “Cows may have had good reproductive momentum for a while, but when they go more and more into that second and third cycle, eventually, they just fall off the map.”
In the southeast area of Manitoba, Dr. Kurtis Swirsky says his clients have experienced similar situations, with some chronically affected herds that run higher open rates and some with lower rates. In 2023, there was an anomaly.
“This past May was one of the hottest on record and the flies were a big contributing factor to having cows being run down, less likely to cycle and then to get pregnant when they were bred,” Swirsky says. Generally, producers who pay close attention to body condition and cows have healthier, more resilient cows with excellent pregnancy rates. Sometimes bulls are infertile or injured, but mostly it’s about the health of the cows, he says.
According to Yaremcio, extreme heat can also affect bulls’ sperm motility.
“One of the big things this year compared to previous years was that there was a lot of grass, but the energy density was lower,” Swirsky says, adding that supplementing cattle on pasture before turning out the bulls is an option.
Keeping a close eye on body condition scores and improving nutrition and water quality are among the best ways to decrease open rates in cows.
Both Swirsky and McGillivray say cows should have good body condition before going out on grass, even if it costs more in feed.
“The benefits are great. Not only will the cows be more likely to get pregnant, they’ll milk better and have heavier calves,” Swirsky says.
“If you turn your cows out thin, you are relying on Mother Nature to supply enough good quality forage to get cows to rebound condition to start cycling and breed,” McGillivray says.
“With the last couple of late, cool, dry springs, there has not been enough good forage or time to accomplish this at a desirable first cycle conception rate or overall pregnancy rate.”
Multiple studies have shown earlier bred cows produce calves that are born earlier, are more uniform and healthier and command better prices. The cows themselves are healthier, more productive and live longer.
In fact, the BCRC has a video and a calving distribution calculator to help producers determine optimal strategies.
The industry target is a minimum of 60 percent of females calving within the first cycle. Yaremcio says some of his clients aim for 75 percent or more.
For practical purposes, producers need to balance any increase in revenue with the cost of achieving that outcome. Some of those costs could be:
• Pre-partum nutrition management to reach desired body condition score
• Increased risk of open cows
• Time, labour and facility if estrus synchronization or artificial insemination are used
• Cost of implementing any of these options will vary by operation.
Balog says careful genetic selection of cattle to match changing environmental conditions, managing stocking densities and better managing grass will help alleviate problems.
“I’m worried that if producers see good calf prices, they’re going to want to retain more animals to cash in on the other side, but we may not have grass to accomplish that,” he says, adding that his more successful clients have aggressive culling strategies to weed out later calving cows and improve herd quality.
Early weaning and better nutritional supplementation for cows also shows up in improved results.
“In the last few years, improving water quality with structures has been important, too, along with better grazing strategies.”
Body condition management during winter and techniques like stubble grazing and cover crops would also increase feeding options and reduce open rates.
In British Columbia, where McGillivray practices, the feed options are limited to hay, which is costly, and when it went from $200 to $380 a tonne, some producers limited feeding to save costs.
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“Paying $380 a tonne for hay is better than having 20 percent open cows,” he says.
Yaremcio also says it is difficult to recognize changes in condition when working with cattle every day so having a second set of eyes can help evaluate body condition.
Hands-on body condition scoring is even more accurate, especially for evaluating the cows’ fat stores, and the BCRC has resources to help beef producers with that.
Certi ed seed costs uctuate, mostly upward
Alberta Agri-NewsFarmers select seeds based on uality, yield potential, new varieties, field conditions, crop rotation, cost implications, market dynamics and environmental conditions, says Azam Nikzad, market analyst and researcher with the Alberta government.
That’s a lot of variables.
“Producers aim to optimize their choices by maximizing productivity and reducing production risk.”
There are trends in certified seed prices and factors that contribute to their cost, with the expectation that these seeds will yield better and increase revenue. ver the past decade in Alberta, certified No. wheat seed showed a general upward price trend until 2022, with an average annual increase of two percent. Certified No. barley seed had an average annual increase of . per cent.
The price of wheat seed began to decrease in 2023. Barley seed prices started to decrease in 2024.
Herbicide tolerant Roundup Ready canola seed saw a consistent upward price trend, averaging 4.6 per cent annually over the past decade. Liberty Link canola seed showed a similar trend until 2022, averaging a 3.4 per cent annual increase.
Liberty Link canola seed prices decreased slightly in 2023 but the price of Roundup Ready and Liberty Link canola both increased in February by 2.8 per cent and 2.5 per cent, respectively, compared to January.
Factors that contributed to rising seed prices in recent years include production related challenges in 2021 due to dry conditions along with a pronounced increase in commodity cereal grain and canola prices in 2021 and 2022.
“ roduction of certified seed is a meticulous and resource intensive process, which significantly impacts price,” says Nikzad.
“It takes several years for plant breeders to develop new seed varieties with enhanced traits such as higher yield, drought tolerance, early flowering and maturity, resistance to lodging and disease, insect tolerance and weed control.
“From breeding new seed varieties to rigorous inspections and compliance
testing, each stage contributes to the overall expense of producing high-quality seeds for farmers’ benefit.”
Labour and other costs are incurred at each stage of development, but there are additional expenses as well. These include licensing fees for intellectual property rights and considerations related to the length, cost and reliability of the regulatory process.
While IPRs encourage innovation, they also contribute to higher seed prices. In the context of Roundup Ready and Liberty Link canola seed, both the modified traits they carry and the methods used to create them are typically patented, driving up the cost of these seeds.
Additionally, the limited supply resulting from specific biotech traits influences pricing.
“The advantage of using certified seed often justifies the higher upfront cost,” says Nikzad. “Reduced risk of contaminants, better quality, maintenance of varietal purity, and traceability are examples of a few positive benefits for producers.
“It also grants farmers access to new genetics and premium markets, enhances input efficiency, and allows effective weed control without harming the crop. ood processors may also benefit from utilizing grains and oilseeds grown from certified seed. t might mean higher uality and more consistent ingredients for premium products marketed to consumers.”