Northern Horizon June 21, 2024

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ShowTime: 10am- Beef &Sheep 1pm- Dog

AllDay- FutureFarmersFarmStand (HandmadeItems &Itemsonoffer) 2pm -SmallEngine &LeatherPresentations

Sale: 4pm- BuyerDinner 6pm -DCExhibitionBeefBarn Onoffer7 Steers &4 Marketlambs& SmallEngineprojects

AgriPro t$

2018-2022 economic, productive and nancial performance of Alberta cow/calf operations

This report presents the multi-year business performance of Alberta’s cow/calf producers participating in the AgriProfit Business Analysis Program. The research was undertaken by the Alberta Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation with the cooperation of producers across the province. The AgriProfit Program provides participating producers with cost of production (COP) analysis and benchmark reports based on actual farm records. Participating cow/calf producers received customized business analyses of their operations for comparison to this multi-year benchmark report.

Benchmarking allows comparisons of P based on production practices and marketing strategies and can help drive efficiency and financial performance. The information helps improve decisions about what, when and how much of a commodity to sell. The benchmarking process has two key time perspectives. The first is historical analysis, involving comparisons over time. The second is a within-the-year comparison, focusing on how operations performed, responded to, or weathered the challenges they faced.

The AgriProfit Program is free, and individual participant information remains confidential. This report presents the aggregated results of the cow/calf producers participating in the AgriProfit Business Analysis Program. This consists of a series of tables and figures with average historic provincial data showing the sales, production costs, and selected production and financial indicators for the past five years.

The value of the cost of production analysis is not in the figures themselves, but in gaining a better understanding of the farm business in order to pinpoint areas for improvement. Profitability can vary widely from year to year, but keeping thorough records of costs and returns can help control profitability. ach year is different and dependent on the relationships between yield, price and costs, as well as the producers’ financial situation. Proactive cost management makes businesses better able to weather periods of uctuation.

The following benchmarks summarize all sources of income and expenses related to cow/calf enterprises and covers all the activities related to producing and

raising calves until weaning in a given fiscal year. The main sources of income for a cow/calf enterprise are sales of weaned calves, cull cows, heifers, and bulls. The main expenses are winter feeding and grazing cost, veterinary services, buildings and machinery maintenance and repair, paid and unpaid labour, and more.

The economic performance indicators in this report are presented in the form of dollars per unit of production (dollars per pound weaned and dollars per cow wintered). Physical performance indicators are presented based on breeding and feeding information, as well as other physical measures such as conception, calving, weaning and calf crop rates and pounds weaned per cow (exposed and wintered). The financial performance indicators provide a snapshot of the sector’s li uidity ability to meet financial obligations as they come due); solvency (ability to meet long-term financial obligations and profitability (the returns generated by the cow/calf business). Finally, this report includes a glossary providing definitions of the terms and performance indicators used in the tables.





Definitions and explanations to accompany the cow calf enterprise overview

Production stock sales – revenues associated with the sale of weaned calves and other non-breeding stock related sales.

Value of production (VOP) – the value of what was produced by the cow calf enterprise over the course of the production year. Includes cash and non-cash values of cull and breeding stock sales, revenues from miscellaneous sources e.g. program payments, patronage refunds, etc. as allocated to the cow calf enterprise, inventory adjustments relating changes in the number and value of stock included in the enterprise, an adjustment for livestock purchases value is added only from the point of purchase forward .

Winter feed costs – the cost of all feeds used by the cow calf enterprise, purchased or homegrown, based on the market value of these feeds not the cost of raising the feeds .

Pasture costs – the value of gra ing used by the cow calf enterprise exclusive of any other retained ownership backgrounding uses . Pasture is valued into the cow calf enterprise at market value not cost and is treated as a “cash” cost.

Labour costs – a sum of paid and contributed labour, as allocated to the cow calf enterprise. Paid labour is valued at cost, while unpaid labour is valued at a standard or base cost.

Depreciation and capital lease payments – the sum of depreciation and machinery e uipment building lease payments on assets allocated to the cow calf enterprise. Other fixed costs – the total cash overheads, as allocated to the cow calf enterprise share lease cattle payments, property taxes, insurances, licenses and term loan interest .

Total cash costs – the sum of enterprise cash costs, considering home grown feeds, bedding and pasture as cash costs.

Total production costs – the sum of all variable and fixed production costs.

Contribution margin – P less variable costs.

Gross margin – P less total cash costs.

Return to investment – P less total production costs plus term capital interest paid.

Net return – P less total production costs.

Investment – sum of assets allocated to the enterprise. Includes breeding stock, machinery, e uipment, buildings facilities and building site only .

Breeding performance rates adjusted for sales and purchases of bred cattle .

Conception rate (%) – bred exposed females.

Calving rate (%) – livebirths bred females.

Weaning rate (%) – Weaned xposed Females.

Calved in first two cycles (%) – alved ycle Total alved.

lb. weaned/cow exposed – Total lb. weaned females exposed.

lb. weaned/cow wintered – Total lb. weaned opening inventory of bred cows and heifers.

Weaned weight. as % of cow weight. – lb. weaned mature cow weight adjusting bred heifer weights. .

Weight per day of age (lb.) – lb. weaned weighted wean age. Cows wintered – pening inventory of bred cows and heifers.

Cows/bulls – ows and heifers exposed bulls used. Labour hours/cow – Total labour hrs cows wintered.

AUMs/cow wintered – Total enterprise aums cows wintered.

Days on feed – Days less length of gra ing period in days.

Tonnes fed per cow – Tonnes total feed as-fed cows wintered.

Dry matter – Tonnes total feed dry matter cows wintered.

GOLD indicators:

Growth (wean weight.) – Total lb. weaned calves weaned.

Open cows (%) – pen cows and heifers exposed females.

Length of calving period – Days from first to last calf. Death loss of calves (%) – alves died live births.




Anatoliy Oginskyy

Senior Production Economist

Phone: 780-427-5390

Ian Ryan

Senior Livestock Economist

Phone: 780-422-5027

Economics Section

Intergovernmental and Trade Relations Branch #300, 7000-113 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T6H 5T6

Fax: 780-427-5220

For more information regarding this content visit:

This publication is issued under the Open Government Licence – Alberta (

Ag Minister Announces Funds For Genetic Evaluation

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Canadian cattle industry genetics are sought around the world and are expected to benefit from a June 7 federal government announcement that $1,627,270 will be provided to the Canadian Angus Association to improve genetic evaluation tools for Canadian beef and dairy cattle.

Genetic selection tools allow producers to increase their return on investment, while accurately predicting traits that benefit the environment and respond to consumer preferences.

Development of these tool created challenges in collecting and managing large amounts of complex data.

With federal support, the Angus association will leverage cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, camera and computer vision systems to capture large volumes of accurate data on traits that impact producer profitability, animal health and welfare, and environmental sustainability.

This research work is expected to provide beef and dairy producers with valuable knowledge on genetic selection and support development of new systems and technologies to further advance breeding tools.

“Canada’s world-class cattle industry contributes significantly to our country’s economy,” said federal agriculture minister Lawrence MacAulay.

“By investing in new innovations and technologies, we can enhance the industry’s economic and environmental sustainability – putting more money in the pockets of producers, and more top-quality Canadian products on tables around the world.”

Myles Immerkar, CEO of the Canadian Angus Association, expressed gratitude for the funds.

“Through this project, and in partnership with Holstein Canada, our goal is to leverage cuttingedge camera and artificial intelligence (AI) technology to develop new ways to measure traits for Angus and Holstein cattle,” he said.

“These traits impact producer profitability, animal health and welfare and carcass quality.”

Cattle Directory

Excel Ranches

Ron & Barb Miller, Cody & Amy Miller Westlock, AB 780-349-0644

Fourth Creek Angus Ranch

Lazy B Livestock

Trevor Binks & Melanie Klassen Grande Prairie, AB 780-539-7128 / 780-518-0630

Bulls&ReplacementHeifersforSale OfftheFarmbyPrivateTreaty


Ryan Lacey, Spirit River, AB Ryan 780-864-7753 / Office: 780-517-3507

Gomack Red Angus

Braydon Gough & Scott Gough Whitelaw, AB 780-274-0099 / 780-618-4747

Chad780-831-9106|Anna780-831-8338 800747

Binks Angus Farm

Evan Binks, Grande Prairie, AB 780-518-2020

Brandl Cattle Co.

Byron & Gwen Brandl, Jarvie, AB 780-954-2599

Broken Stick Ranch

Black Angus for Sale off the Farm

Tom & Amber Ditner, Baldonnel, BC 250-794-7105


Grant & Tanya Chittick, Mayerthorpe, AB 780-284-0684

Crystal Chittick, Mayerthorpe, AB 780-204-2005

Heart Valley Angus

Nat Tschetter & Chris Tschetter Wanham, AB 780-978-6407 / 780-978-6406


Mountain Side Angus

Bulls for Sale by Private Treaty

John & Judy Mayer, Beaverlodge, AB 780-831-8497

Nicklason Stock Farm

Brad Nicklason, Deadwood, AB 780-836-5197

PhilipDriedger LaCrete,AB(780)926-5896

Kjos Black Angus

Marty & Miriam Kjos, Fort St. John, BC 250-787-0970

Lakeroad Black Angus

Jim & Donna Rowe, Worsley, AB J 780-835-0455 / D 780-835-9588

Joe&CourtneySchulz Box43Site2RR1,SpiritRiver,AB,T0H3G0 Cell:780-864-6448Home:780-351-2608 779474

Silent K Stock Farms

Delano & Megan Kjos, Tomslake BC D 250-467-9450 / M 403-804-1107



Kevin&BarbaraQuist Phone:780.876.4649


RaisingQualityCharolaisCattletomeet theneedsoftheCommercialIndustry!

Eureka Hereford Farms

Tom Basnett, Eureka River, AB 780-834-8170

Dry Creek Ranch


Nikki,Kristin,Whitney& CourtneyDrschiwiski Box18,CecilLake,BCV0C1G0


Cell:250-261-0876(Nikki) Cell:250-329-4816(Courtney)

Seth Harmon, Cecil Lake, BC 250-793-1858

JayDawn Farms

Jason & Nikki McQuaig, Sexsmith, AB 780-933-5530

Landaker Charolais Farm Alan&ShelleyLandaker,Brownvale,AB 780-618-3928

Friesen Farms

Chad & Anna Friesen, Grande Prairie, AB Chad (780) 831-9106/Anna (780) 831-8338

Gold Stock Hereford Farms

Steve, Ashley & Brad White, Beaverlodge, AB 780-518-0064 / 780-354-3190

Gurtler Polled Herefords

Garry & Ethan Gurtler, North Star, AB

Garry 780-836-0117 / 780-836-2125

Ethan 780-836-0552

Jonomn Hereford Ranch

Norm & Joanne Parrent, Clyde, AB

Norm 780-307-6586 / Mike 780-307-3385

M.C. Quantock

TheSchweitzers Roy&Erika (780)402.5617 Beaverlodge,AB

Pro-Char Charolais

Mac & Pat Creech, lloydminster, AB 800-561-2855

Reber's Polled Herefords

Serena & Kasey Reber, Woking, AB 780-518-2643

SchweitzerRanch Troy&Kristina (780)814.3598• DawsonCreek,BC 787690

David & Kristina Prokuda, Glenevis, AB 780-932-1654

Rosebud Creek Charolais

Dan & Holly Schleppe, Dawson Creek, BC 250-219-5698 / 250-786-5698

Richardson Ranch

Tlell Polled Herefords

Don & Les Richardson, Tlell, BC 250-566-5114 / 250-557-4348

Chittick Family Hereford Ranch

Raymond & Mona Chittick Mayerthorpe, AB 780-305-3925

Whiskey Jack Black Herefords & Simmentals

Tamara & Darcy Kuriga, Whitelaw, AB 780-834-7108 / 780-835-8090


Dry Creek Ranch

Gordon & Carla Harmon, Cecil Lake, BC 250-793-2384

Excel Ranches

Ron & Barb Miller, Cody & Amy Miller Westlock, AB 780-349-0644

Hillview Farms

Raymond & Corine Verbeek, Sturgeon County, AB 780-982-2176 / 780-939-2173

Hillview Farms

Raymond & Corine Verbeek Sturgeon County, AB 780-982-2176/780-939-2173

Lakeroad Black Angus

Jim & Donna Rowe, Worsley, AB J 780-835-0455 / D 780-835-9588

Pinnacle View Limousin

Rob & Cheryl Swaan, Quesnel, BC

Erin & Eric Kishkan, Quesnel, BC 250-747-2618




North 42 Cattle Company

Heath Barnfield, Sexsmith, AB 780-897-3339

Albrecht Farms

Steve, Tammy & Ryan Albrecht, Spirit River, AB R 780-933-5448 / S 780-832-0883

Blazin" J Simmentals

Darcy & Caitlyn Lind, Sunset House, AB D 780-536-5203 / C 780-552-4934

Clearwater Simmentals

Chad Smith, Olds, AB 403-586-4714

Crystal Springs Ranch

Eckbert & Crystal Weitzel

Georg & Sarah Weitzel Charlie Lake, BC 250-263-8237

Crooked Post Shorthorns

Kirk Seaborn, Rocky Mountain House, AB 403-322-0142 / 403-729-2267

Janell Shorthorns

Melanie Barkley & Michelle Duncan Stettler, AB 403-740-4958

Poplar Creek Farm

Sean & Michelle Thompson, Cremona, AB 403-681-8316

Sharom Shorthorns

Tom & Shari Barto, Thorhild, AB 780-307-4043 / 780-398-2093

Starbright Shorthorns

Rena Nelson, Bonnyville, AB 780-201-2785


AlvinJohnson|Brownvale,AB Cell:(780)618-9044|

Trieber Farms

Fred & Naomi Trieber, Beaverlodge, AB F 780-831-1346 /N 780-814-0052

Gardner Livestock

Olds, AB Tracy Gardner 403-586-0378 Tyson Gardner 403-586-1598

GB Farms

Garrett Biggelaar, Lacombe, AB 403-877-7661


Grant & Tanya Chittick, Mayerthorpe, AB 780-284-0684

Crystal Chittick, Mayerthorpe, AB 780-204-2005

Hodges Simmentals

Roy & Scot Hodges, Beaverlodge, AB 780-512-4669

KIN-KIN Cattle Co.

Gary & Faye Chittick, Mayerthorpe, AB 780-786-4500

KMR Simmentals

Kent & Robin Malcomson, Grovedale, AB 587-298-5404

Kruger Farms

Ryan & Chelsea Kruger, Sundre, AB 403-586-0125

KSL Simmentals

Keegan Scorgie & Brad Smith Beaverlodge, AB K 780-518-6572 / B 780-202-0254

Lakeroad Black Angus

Jim & Donna Rowe, Worsley, AB J 780-835-0455 / D 780-835-9588

Lakeroad Simmentals

Sarah Hayward & Kody Rowe, Worsley, AB 780-835-8841

M.C. Quantock

Mac & Pat Creech, Lloydminster, AB 800-561-2855

SimmentalCattle QuarterHorse

Sadlier Cattle Co.

Todd Sadlier, Hines Creek, AB 780-772-3978

Short Grass Farms

Kurtis & Chelsie Dillabough, DeBolt, AB 780-402-9578

Southpaw Cattle Company

Ron & Tammy Daley, Carstairs, AB

Brandon & Shallaine Sharpe, Carstairs, AB 403-519-3401

Swantewitt & Sage Simmentals

Yellowhead County, AB Gerd 780-712-2096

Jordan 780-712-3600


B.C. Livestock Producers Co-operative

Cordy Cox, Kamloops, BC 250-573-3939

Innisfail Auction Market

Danny, Mark & Duane Daines, Innisfail, AB 403-227-3166

Jennings Martin Direct Buying La Glace, AB

Jennings Martin 780-933-1023

Ron Kramer 250-793-2713

North Central Livestock Exchange

Garth Rogers, Clyde, AB 780-348-5893

Olds Auction Market

Olds, AB Office 403-556-3655

Yearlingand2yr.oldBullsforSalebyPrivateTreaty Box238, FAIRVIEW,ALBERTA TOH1LO

Norbert&JaniceLuken 780-835-3165


HomeofPolled&Horned 100%FullBlood&PurebredFleckvieh

Yearling&2-Year-OldBulls&Heifers forSaleofftheFarmbyPrivateTreaty

Elden,EinarandOleBakkehaug Box156,Hythe,ABT0H2C0

Home (780)356-2113 EldenCell (780)518-3536




Polar Farms

Joe & Lindsay Loomis, PRRD, BC 250-784-5150

Rachido Ranch

Randy & Donna Chittick, Mayerthorpe, AB 780-674-1986

Rosefield Simmentals

James & Martha Wiebe, Prespatou, BC 250-630-2621

Whiskey Jack Black Herefords & Simmentals

Tamara & Darcy Kuriga, Whitelaw, AB 780-834-7108 / 780-835-8090

Tyler 403-507-1782 / Patrick 403-559-7202

Thorsby Stockyards Inc. Thorsby, AB Office 780-789-3915 Chance 403-358-0456 / Jeff 780-203-4953

Viking Livestock Market

Cliff Grinde, Viking, AB 780-336-2209

WillowCreekSimmentals|CrookedCreek,AB Mike&MariKlassen|(780)832-7343 Colby&TiffanyKlassen|(780)832-6714

Willowdale Simmentals

Dale & Judy Smith & Family, Valleyview, AB 780-558-9337 / 780-524-2790

Wolfe Farms

Tony Wolfe, Valleyview, AB 780-524-9322

Wolfe Lake Farms Inc.

Olin and Sarah Rosvold, La Glace, AB Tarril and Kare Rosvold, La Glace, AB 780-518-1997

Wolfes Fleckvieh

Shane & Shannon Wolfe, Sundre, AB 403-556-0729

VJV Livestock Marketing Group Office, Dawson Creek, BC 250-782-3766 Office, Beaverlodge, AB 780-354-2423 Office, Westlock, AB 780-349-3153 Office, Ponoka, AB 403-783-5561 Office, Rimbey, AB 403-843-2439

Wembley Livestock Exchange

Glen Mayer & Nolan Mayer, Wembley, AB G 780-897-9570 / N 780-518-0709


Barrhead FeederAssociation Ltd.

Admin - Ann Gerhardt, Barrhead, AB 780-674-2456

Fort Feeder's Co-op Association

Admin - Cathy Axley, Two Hills, AB 780-290-0293

Grande Prairie Feeders' Association Ltd.

Admin - Dawn Hollins, Grande Prairie, AB 780-538-1263

North Peace FeederAssociation Ltd.

Admin - Donna Haakenson, Berwyn, AB 780-338-2270

Prairie River Feeders Co-op Ltd.

Admin - Tammy Roberts, High Prairie, AB 780-523-4887

Westlock Feeders Association Ltd.

Admin - Megan Keith, Westlock, AB 780-348-5850

Ph:780-864-3731,Spirit RiverFax:864-3468, TollFree1-800-661-7401


210Vers220hp@1900rpm. 710/70R38rear60065R28frt DeluxecabQSB6.7Cummins, 5HydHiFlow42GPM3pthitch 12LEDCablites,FrontFenders SoftRidebucketgrappletinesFEL, Wt28,375#,375L fuel, ONLY106 hr New $408,000 Demo$275,000

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MSRP $266,900 $205,900 2022 msrp

MSRP $245,900 $185,900

TUESDAY S WEEKLY Office (250)782-3766 Fax:(250)782-6622

THURSDAY S WEEKLY Office (780)354-2423 Fax(780)354-2420

THURSDAY S WEEKLY Office (780)349-3153 Fax(780)349-5466

WEDNESDAY S WEEKLY Office (403)783-5561 Fax(403)783-4120


$420.00$459.00$422.00$475.00$425.00$440.00$422.00$415.00$425.00$470.00$450.00$460.00$420.00$462.00$430.00$492.00$380.00$480.00 500-599

$412.00$447.00$410.00$460.00$410.00$425.00$420.00$445.00$419.00$465.00$402.00$435.00$400.00$460.00$405.00$470.00$340.00$440.00 600-699





$326.00$339.00$320.00$339.00$300.00$330.00$325.00$345.00$322.00$342.00$310.00$335.00$323.00$350.00$335.00$368.50$300.00$342.00 900-999



$205.00$242.00$195.00$256.00$190.00$215.00n/an/a$199.00$242.00$205.00$247.00$230.00$259.00$200.00$245.00$195.00$230.00 BolognaBullsBolognaBullsBolognaBullsBolognaBullsBolognaBullsBolognaBullsBolognaBullsBolognaBullsBolognaBulls $190.00$207.00 $182.00$202.00$160.00$205.00$197.00$205.00$185.00$204.00$190.00$215.00$189.00$219.00$190.00$216.00$180.00$214.00

Beaverlodge: TwpRd720 &RR104,Beaverlodge, PonokaPh:403-783-5561 |Westlock:Ph:780-349-3153 |Rimbey:Ph:403-843-2439 |

FieldRepresentatives: RogerAlbers (Westlock-Sheep &Goats)780-777-7416• ShelbyBlosky (Westlock,Ponoka,Rimbey)587-277-7207 • MikeBrennan (Ponoka,Rimbey,Bashaw)403-783-1074• RalphCalder (NorthernAB& B.C.)780-618-7655• NeilCampbell (Rycroft) 780-814-4113• TrevorDuke (Castor,Coronation,Stettler,Hanna)403-740-5753• DarrylFriesen (Rimbey)403-318-1630• MarkGillett (Fairview)780-834-7063• TrapperGreen (NorthernAB& B.C.)780-837-0171• JoeHowlett (Westlock)780-920-8708• MarkJacklin (DawsonCreek,Beaverlodge)780-882-5456• CharlieKessler (AB&Sask)403-357-4779• BradLohr (Ponoka)780-679-5500• KyleMiller (Westlock)780-689-9373• Barr yNeumeirer (Rimbey)403-350-8222• WadeSchaupmeyer (Westlock)780-305-4104• DanSchleppe (NorthernAB&B.C.)250-219-5698 •TravisSekura(Rimbey)780-621-6841• StanSkeels (Rimbey)403-704-0288• JasonUngurian (NorthwestAB)587-343-2162• NansenVold (Ponoka)403-783-0349• Mark Wall (NorthernAB&BC)250-261-1235 • EdWilson (Rimbey)403-392-1689• HerbWylhuizen (Rimbey)403-844-0294•


Forwardsellyourcalves& yearlingsandsecureyourprices whilethemarketishotandnotfloodedwithcattle.




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900-999 $300.00$325.00$310.00$325.00 1,000 +N/AN/AN/AN/A FEEDERHEIFERS BID LOWHIGH LOWHIGH















1,000 +$259.50$299.50$260.00$298.00 FEEDERHEIFERS



$185.00$208.00$185.00$217.00 D3 COWSD3 COWS

$160.00$180.00$170.00$190.00 SLAUGHTER BULLS SLAUGHTER BULLS

$180.00$218.00$180.00$220.00 REPLACEMENT CATTLE FEEDER

Mon,July29th 0:00a.m. Mon,August th SAL Mon,August 2th 9:00a.m. Mon,August 9th 9:00a.m. Mon,August 2 th 9:00a.m.

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Grazing Plan Can Make the Most of Available Forage

Beef Cattle Research Council

grazing plan has potential to aid grazing management and reduce the cost of production. A plan that matches animal numbers to predicted forage should be done before turn out. Key steps include setting objectives, resource inventory and evaluation, balancing forage supply and demand, cost-benefit and risk assessment, implementation and monitoring.


Defining the goals and objectives for the entire graing operation includes lifestyle choices such as how much time a producer wants to spend moving livestock each week, profitability measures and biological outcomes such as forage production, soil health, animal performance and ecosystem impacts.


A resource inventory is crucial for developing and implementing a successful grazing system. It can answer questions such as:

• How much forage is available and at what times of the grazing season?

• Is the forage source able to meet the animals’ required nutritional requirements?

• How long is the intended grazing season?

• What physical infrastructure is available or needed?


Ensuring the forage supply and demand are balanced is critical. Whether managing

native rangeland or a tame forage species, it is important that four basic principles of management are applied:

• the number of animals is balanced with the orage supply;

• there is uniform distribution of animals over the landscape;

• periods of grazing and rest are alternated to maintain vegetation; and

• the kind of livestock most suited to that forage and management are used.


Effective grazing management on a pasture ensures high forage yield, sustainability and animal health and productivity, all of which impact the cost of production. Completing a risk assessment in addition to looking at the cost-benefits can help an operation improve its grazing management.


Different grazing systems exist due to variance in climate, plant species, soil and livestock. These systems include but are not limited to rotational grazing, forward grazing, creep grazing, limit grazing, stockpile grazing and extended grazing.


After the grazing plan has been implemented, monitor the pasture to make sure the objectives and goals are met. Keeping accurate and up-to-date pasture records will inform future grazing plans by

providing information such as an accurate assessment of the pasture’s carrying capacity.


If the current plan did not meet the goals and objectives, update it to better aim for these goals next season. Gra ing plans should be exible to accommodate changing conditions such as uctuations in livestock numbers or drastic swings in precipitation.

Alberta Issues Rural Community Grants

Indigenous and small communities play a vital role in Alberta’s economic landscape. Working with non-profits, they address uni ue challenges to help develop local economies and grow the economic footprint in rural Alberta.

To support local projects that promote innovation and sustainable economic growth, Alberta established the Small Community Opportunity Program. Through Budget 2023, it has awarded grants between $20,000 and $100,000 to 43 community-led projects that build capacity in agriculture, small business supports and local economic development.

“By providing financial backing, our mall ommunity Opportunity Program grants are empowering Indigenous and small communities to develop their local economies by building capacity in the agriculture and small business sectors. The fact is, when these communities succeed, all of Alberta is made stronger,” said provincial agriculture minister RJ Sigurdson.

Each project aligns with the Economic Development in Rural Alberta Plan, which aims to ensure rural Albertans and Indigenous communities have economic opportunities. Grant recipients have two years to complete their projects and make a measurable impact supporting, improving or enhancing economic development in rural and Indigenous communities and/or the agriculture industry.

“Mackenzie County has been exploring ways to expand irrigation initiatives to strengthen and diversify our agriculture sector,” said reeve Josh Knelsen.

“The Small Community Opportunity Program grant will enable us to continue this work and build on early irrigation adopters’ knowledge and experiences to advance economic development in the county.”

Small Community Opportunity Program projects align with one or more of these strategic directions:

• Rural business supports and entrepreneurship

• Support for labour force and skills development

• Marketing and promoting rural tourism

• Rural economic development capacity building

Each project also addresses one or more of these priority areas:

• Entrepreneurship and mentorship

• Skills development

• Small business supports

• Partnerships, interconnectivity and collaboration


Youhaveenoughto worr yaboutduringhaymakingseason. Worr yaboutthe weather,not yourwarranty withthenewstandardincoverageonNewHollandDiscbine® discmower-conditioners.Fromthehitchto the swathdoors, you’llbebacked by a2-yearfactory warrantyand a3-yearMowMax™cutterbarwarranty. Thenewwarranty appliestoDiscbineside-pullandDiscbinePLUSandnon-PLUS*center-pivotdiscmowerconditioners.Thisisn’tapurchaseprotectionplaneither,butrather afullfactor ywarranty**withextended coverage .Cutwithevenmoreconfidence. GetallthedetailsonthenewwarrantycoverageonDiscbine® discmower-conditioners.Stop

Ag Funding Group Supports Beef Genomics Tech

Results Driven Agriculture Research is delivering $2.2 million to Livestock Gentec in funding that is cost-shared by the federal and provincial governments under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership.

The investment is designed to drive adoption of tools that will improve genetic selection of beef cattle and power economic and environmentally positive changes within Alberta’s livestock sector.

The technology produced by Livestock Gentec includes selection tools based on extensive genomic, feed efficiency and meat quality data collected from commercial cattle across Canada.

Livestock Gentec will work with beef producers, industry service providers and regional producer associations to transform genomic data information that producers can use.

Over 60 Alberta producers and more than 10,000 animals are committed to this project, with selected traits being feed efficiency, disease resistance, female fertility and longevity.

“Alberta’s high quality, sustainable beef is in high demand around the world,” said federal agriculture Lawrence MacAulay, in making the announcement.

“This investment in genetic technologies will help producers improve their sustainability and their bottom line, allowing them to grow their business and increase their competitiveness.”

RJ Sigurdson, Alberta’s agriculture minister, said he supports the goal.

“Alberta’s government is committed to maintaining our province’s reputation for producing and exporting safe, sustainable, great-tasting beef. With this investment, farmers will be able to use real-time genetic data to improve the performance of their cattle and the profitability of their operation,” said Sigurdson.

Improved hybrid vigour is worth $160 per cow per year, according to genomic validation studies done on Alberta’s commercial cows. Improving hybrid vigour for Canada’s 3.56 million beef cattle would equate to more than $200 million for the beef sector.

“Data-driven genetic decisions and the adoption of genetic technologies will benefit the whole Canadian beef production value chain,” said Dr. David Chalack, chair of RDAR’s board of directors.

“Using accurate genetic data is essential to ensuring Alberta beef continues to be known worldwide as the best. This genomic technology will drive sustainable growth across the cattle industry.”

Dr. John Basarab, CEO of Livestock Gentec and University of Alberta professor, said genomics are key to beef industry competitiveness and sustainability.

“This four-year project … provides beef producers with an incentive to start or continue their journey of using genomics and data-driven genetic decisions to improve their profit and environmental sustainability in a changing climate,” he said.

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JULY 12 ,13,14,2024

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ALSOAPPEARING* MINGCHEN (ComicBookMen,ClerksIII, JayandSilentBobReboot, Dogma, ISellComics) IVYDOOMKITTY OOMKITTY (CosplaySuperstar) KAMI LIANN (ProfessionalCosplayArtist)

2024Street Performers Schedule

Tues,July16th- Townof Wembley

Presented by theTownofWembley andthe WembleyPublicLibrary

Wed,July17th- Townof Beaverlodge

Presented by theTownofBeaverlodge

Thurs,July18th- TownofSexsmith

Presented by theSexsmithElks

Thurs,July19 to Sat,July21st CityofGrandePrairie

PresentedbytheGrandePrairieTourism Association(DestinationMarketingFund) andtheGrandePrairieDowntownAssociation

(2) two-year-old Red and Black Angus bulls for sale by private treaty. 780-2740099 or 780-618-4747.

3 yearling Red and Black Angus bulls for sale by Private Treaty. 780-2740099 or 780-618-4747.

Registered Black Angus yearling bulls for sale. Semen-tested. Vetinspected. Ready to go. 780354-2726 or 780-831-8497.

Two-year-old & yearling registered Angus bulls for sale. Semen tested/ready to work. Call Darren 780-8144993.

Good selection of TwoYear-Old Hereford bulls for sale. Call for pricing. Visitors welcome. 780-8318338.

Good selection of yearling Hereford/Angus cross replacement heifers for sale. Call for pricing. Call 780831-8338.

Red &Black Registered Polled Hereford Bulls. Semen-Tested. VetInspected. Vaccinated. Free Delivery. 780-836-2125 or 780-836-0117.

(2) two-year-old Red and Black Angus bulls for sale by private treaty. 780-2740099 or 780-618-4747.

3 yearling Red and Black Angus bulls for sale by Private Treaty. 780-2740099 or 780-618-4747.

Yearling Red Angus bull for sale. Semen tested, halter broke and quiet. 66lb. BW 250-782-7875.

Registered Simmental bulls for sale. Tested, guaranteed, ready to work. Call/text Chet 250-2198200.

11-Year-Old Blue Roan. 8Years cutting and roping in community pasture. Asking $12,000 OBO. Call 780834-6570.

5-Year-Old Paint Gelding for sale. 1-Year roping in community pasture. Asking $6000 OBO. Call 780-8346591.

Custom built livestock shelters, windbreak panels and rig mats built to order Delivery options. 780-5187469.

Ferrier service available in the Fort St. John, BC area. Call Ashleigh at 250-2611994.

(1) 3-bale bunk feeder for sale. Call for price. 250219-4139.

18” Kiefer all-purpose English saddle, 2 pads, 2 girths. Like new. $700. 250793-3139 or 250-827-3391.

Association 16” Western saddle for sale. In good shape, $500. Call 250-7933139 or 250-827-3391.

Buying Antiques: Coins, toys, advertising, tools & more. Willbuy bulk. Call/text 780-832-8216.

Looking for a 96-98 Chevrolet 2WD 1/2 ton pickup. Extended cab, good condition. Call 780-2470004.

Looking for an older tandem water truckin good condition. Call 780-8360153 or 780-836-2580.

Looking to buy an 85-87 Chevrolet 2WD Pickup in good condition. Call 780247-0004.

1975 Ford 8000 w/Box & Hoist, 6V"Jimmy" Engine, 13spd Transmission. Not Running. 780-836-2107, 780-618-9161.

2004 Chev Cavalier Z-type, 123,000 kms, runs good. Alberta registered, $2900. 250-786-0409.

2007 Mitsubishi Eclipse SpyderGT. V-6, Convertible, Bluetooth Stereo, Htd/Seats, Silver. 89,656kms. Asking $15,000 OBO. 250-7844318.

2010 Dodge Grand Caravan for sale. 238,000kms. Recent work order. $4500. Call for details 780-2859990.

Looking for a tandem truck in good running condition. Would prefer Kenworth. Call Bob 250-759-4956.

Looking for a tandem truck in good running condition. Would prefer Kenworth. Call Bob 250-759-4956.

2021 16' Mustang stock Trailer. Shedded. Mint condition. Call for price. 780-831-4233 or 780-7662538.

1978 Knight 19' triple-axle end dump trailer. Asking $4500. Call 780-814-0523.

8ft-x-16ft single-axle trailer. 12" high for moving sheds or small buildings. Asking $3000 OBO. 780-296-5010.


SRI HOMES (FSJ,BC) 16ft, 20ft, 22ft Single-Wides now on Sale. Email salesfsj@pineridgemodular.c Sales(Warren Martin) 250262-2847.

SRI HOMES (FSJ,BC) accepting orders for 24ft and 32ft Double-Wides. Email salesfsj@pineridgemodular.c Sales(Warren Martin) 250262-2847.

Built right sheds. Building quality shelters. Call John 780-835-1908 for your quote today.

Custom built livestock shelters, windbreak panels and rig mats built to order Delivery options. 780-5187469.

1978 Ford F350. Tree fell on box. Lots of new parts. Asking $2500. 780-5389115. Crossbred Commercial Bulls for Sale. SemenTested. Vet-Inspected. Vaccinated. Free Delivery 780-836-2125 or 780-8360117.

Windbreak panels for sale with 2-7/8-inch pipe and 1.5-inch thick slabs. Delivery available. Call 403-894-7633.

Looking for a Jersey cow to milk by hand. Call 780-6852169.

Looking for a bumper-pull 3-horse stock trailer. Call Bob at 250-759-4956.

1981 Chevy Cheyenne 1ton. Rebuilt 454, cab rebuilt 5-years ago. Leather headliner/bucketseats/console. $25,000 OBO. 780-296-5010.

2017 Ford F150 Platinum truck, 68,000 kms. Original owner. Excellent condition, $47,000. 780-864-0422.

(3) Border Collie cross cattle working dogs for sale. Used on pasture, $500 OBO. 780-834-6548.

2009 John Deere T670 combine for sale. 2692 eng, 1710 sep. Field ready, $120,000. 780-864-0422.
Horses Various Saddles Trucks
Cattle - Black
Antique Miscellaneous
Cattle - Red Angus
Trucks - Grain
Autos, Trucks & Trailers
Buildings - Farm
Cattle - Simmental
Trucks - Semi Cars, Vans & SUVs


CATD6NLGPwith ripper for hire. Located in Birch Hills County. Call Eugene at 780-835-0601.

CATskidsteer for hire. Located in Birch Hills County. Call Eugene at 780835-0601.

Dismantling cultivator, disc, and plows for parts. Some air drills. 780-831-6747.

Looking for parts for a GT 370 grain dryer. Call 780841-4740.

Looking for an older skidder for farmuse. $15 – 20,000. Call Jonathen 780-2851299.

Hobart 400 welder with Perkins diesel. $4000 OBO. Call Odell at 780-618-1650.


Appliances for sale: Dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator, stove, clothes dryer and much more. Call 780-359-2268. For sale: Cultivator, harrows, packers, augers, combine with straight cut header. Call 780-323-4364.

Looking for John Deere 535 Mower Conditioner (discbine) for parts or #635/735/835/C35/S350, 250-759-4797.

Looking for John Deere 535 Mower Conditioner (discbine) for parts or #635/735/835/C35/S350, 250-759-4797.

2016 Wheatheart heavy hitter Trlr/Model Post Pounder. Shedded. Mint. Call for Price. 780-8314233 or 780-766-2538.

Selling 7.5 miles of 4-strand barb wire fence, taking offers. Call 780-274-0810.

Ears to Hear, your local hearing aid provider, serving Athabasca and outlying areas. High Prairie Clinic, 1st Wednesday of every month at the Golden Age Club 10am-1pm. Athabasca Clinic, 3rd Tuesday of every month at the United Church 10am-1pm. Hearing tests, hearing aid cleaning and home visits. 780-228-5965, 587-746-0540. Call for info.

Full Grizzly Bear mount for sale/trade for guns. Made record book. Call for details 250-615-1583.

13' Steel table. Folds for railings, asking $1200 OBO. Call 780-296-5010.

1500 lbs. hydraulic motorcycle jack, asking $150 OBO. Call 780-2965010.

200-amp Lincoln Pipeline welder. Lowhours, $5000 OBO. Also 300' welding cable, $1000. 780-296-5010.

1 Bedroom suite in small mobile home in Pouce Coupe. $650/month (includes utilities). Call 250786-0409.

Attention cert/organic farmers. 100+ acres to rent, currently in mixed hay/grasses. Call for details 780-568-3495.

Located: Bonanza

Northwest 33-79-12-W6, half ownership. 587-7269002.

Looking for a moveable modular/home/house/cabin to buy. Call 778-838-1055.

Looking to rent cattle pasture in the South Peace Region of BC/AB. Call/text Chet 250-219-8200.

Quarter section for sale. All cultivated. 2miles West Cecil Lake Store. Call for details 250-261-1943.

2013 Honda Foreman 500 ATV. 6000kms, Asking $5500. Call for details 780285-9990.

Selling red landscape bricks for sidewalks or patios. 4"x8", $2.20 each OBO. 780-864-8998.

Versatile 4750 swather, 22ft., $10,000. Call 780274-0810.

John Deere 9450 40' hoe drill, c/w factory transport, small seed attachment. 780380-9676 or 780-933-6363.

Oats for sale, milling and feed grade, good bushel weight. Call 780-781-4457.

Round and square straw bales for sale. Located 12 kms Northeast of Manning, Alberta. 780-781-4457.

AAC Certified Brandon seed wheat for sale. Can deliver. Call 250-782-0220.

2011 NH BR7090 round baler. Wide pick up, shedded. 1800 count, $40,000. Call/text 250-2194139.

NRC seed treater, with hopper & mix tank. Asking $2000. Call Jeanette 780518-4575.

(12) 60" diamond harrow sections, $150 each OBO. Call Chris 780-532-0114.

Looking for a Kverneland 12-bottom plow. Contact 780-864-0422.

Older 24ft CI 200 cultivator, 20ft seed drill and smaller sprayer. Taking offers. 780518-0827.

1977 Hesston model 5500 round baler for sale. Call Joan 780-518-0827.

33ft Flex-Coil packers set $4000. 403-601-6895.

2001 JD 1820 60ft air drill, SS, w/1900Air cart. Excellent shape. 780-4020569.

JD 455 25ft 2-section folding box drill, 7.5” spacing. Call for price, 403894-7633.

JD 455 30' 3-section folding box drill, 7.5” spacing. Call for price, 403-894-7633.

Looking forgood used paired row openers for 2008 SeedMaster Contour drill. Call 780-926-1123, 780928-4097.

New Holland 849 round baler for sale. Auto wrap. Field ready. Call for details 780-538-9115.

New Holland BR780 round baler for sale. Auto wrap. Field ready. Call for details 780-538-9115.

New Holland 116 hydra swing haybine for sale, asking $6500. Call 250-2194139.

Versatile 400 swather, 18ft header. Needs head gasket. No reasonable offer refused. 780-835-0452.

JD 4650 165HP2WD, PS, 8400 hrs. Asking $40,000 OBO. Call 780-821-0996.

Kubota 39HP4WD tractor, 3PTH, loader, hydrostatic trans., 200 hrs. $31,000. Call Ron 780-864-8998.

Kubota 39HP4WD tractor, 3PTH, loader, hydrostatic trans., 200 hrs. $31,000. Call Ron 780-864-8998.

Kubota 8560 tractor w/cab, bale forks, bucket. Low hours. Well taken care of, $62,500. 250-615-1583.

Looking for a Versatile 875 tractor for parts. Call 780247-0004.

Starter to fit a

engine. Call


Saturday,July27th |9:00a.m.

6 Parcelsof Farm LandinMackenzieCountyforIsaacWiens.530titledacres,+/-450 arableacres,ontheeastsideofHwy88/88ConnectorJunction.Pleaseconsiderthe opportunitiesthishighway frontagepropertyhas,inclthecurrent VanSignAdvertising, Residential &Farmingvalues.


•Par tofNW16-106-11-W5M93.75TitledAcres

Part ofSW16-106-11-W5M38.39TitledAcres

•Par tofSE16-106-11-W5M95.78TitledAcres

•Par tofNW15-106-11-W5M117.76TitledAcres

•Par tofSW15-106-11-W5M23.65TitledAcres


COMBINES &HEADERS FeaturingTwoJohnDeere9650STSCombinewith914Pickup Headers GRAINBINS,AUGERS &GRAINCART Featuring agoodquantity1750BUTO 4500BUGrainBins,Floors,AerationFans,andAugers.Includes aBrendt675buGrain Cart TRACTORS &FORKLIFT Includes aCase10702WDTractor,Case7302WD Tractor &CaterpillarV80C Forklift HAYING,LIVESTOCK,ETC Featuringa NewHolland 850RoundBaler,8-WheelHaysaverHay Rake, 2BaleFeeder sand a1997Goertzen 16ftStock Trailer TILLAGE &MISCFARMEQUIPMENT Featuring aQuantityofPlows &Cultivators TRUCKS,VEHICLES& TRAILERS 1987 FordS/ABoom Tr uck• Ford L9000T/ACab &Chassis Tr uck •2006 FordF-450DieselDuallyService Tr uckw/ MaxiliftHydraulicPicker •2009DodgeRam5500 TurboDieselService Tr uck• 2008 DodgeRamSLT3500DuallyServiceTruck •2015GMCSierra2500HDSLTCrewCab 4x4Pickup•2007GMCClassicSLE2500HDCrew Cab4x4Pickup •2016F150 Ford LariatPickup •2008 FordF-3504x4Pickup• 2010 FordF250Crew Cab4x4Pickup •2001 FordF-250SingleCabPickup •2014 FordExpeditionXLT4X4SUV •2008 FordEscape2WDSUV• 1989JeepWrangler2-DoorSUV LAWN& GARDEN,SHEDS &FENCING Featuring aJohnDeereZ665Zero Turn Mower, Country ClipperZero Turn 54inMower,68inBobcatBS200SkidsteerMountSnowblower, (3)12ft x16ftSheds RECREATIONAL Featuring a2008EagleSuperLite by Jayco31.5FBHS5thWheel Trailer,a 2007Denali28RK32ftHoliday Trailer, 2013Maverick1000Can-AmSide-bySideand(3) KetelesK800 AWDAluminumOffRoadE-Bikes SHOPTOOLS &MORE Featuring aQuantityofUnusedEasyKleen Washers,60ACWelder,Fuel &Water Tanks


�McCormick-Deerin�Tractors- HayRakes -Threshin�Machine- Sickles

Antiques andmanymore


�������B��rainBins -����B��rain Bin- CaseIH��CFarmallTractor w� CaseIHL���Loader -White���� DieselTractor- LoadTrailTrailer���Cockshutt Disc -�PHMower- Plow -Seed Drill- ���HL�����Snow Blade -Yardman Mower- Rock Picker -WoodSplitter-�����MC ���� HDE�tCabPickup- ����ChevyColoradoCrewCab Pickup -�����MC Top�ickDeckTruck -����Red���EFIPolarisSportsman �uad -���� Blue���EFIPolarisSportsman�uad- ����Blue���EFI Polaris Sportsman �uad -����Polaris���TrailTourin�Snowmobile- Travelair RustlerRW����th Wheel HolidayTrailer -Sprin�daleLite���RD�th Wheel HolidayTrailer -DeepFreeze- Householditems -Tools -and more

Alberta Grains Appoints Research Director

Alberta Grains has appointed Jeremy Boychyn as director of research, agronomy and extension.

Since joining the group in 2018, the University of Guelph alumnus has made significant contributions to the agricultural research and extension communities in Alberta.

Boychyn has helped develop key initiatives like Plot2Farm on-farm research trials and field days, the spring wheat production manual, and The Growing Point newsletter and podcast.

“Jeremy’s proven history of delivering impactful research and agronomy programs will be crucial in propelling the success of Alberta Grains and ensuring our farmers have access to the necessary tools and knowledge to thrive,” said Devin Hartzler, second vice-chair and Region 2 director.

Plot2Farm, an initiative distributed through Alberta Grains, brings agronomic research directly to farmers. Building off small plot research findings, this program provides farm-ready research protocols that can be implemented with the help of an agronomist.

This approach ensures that research findings are practically applied in realworld farming scenarios.

“Jeremy’s continuous contributions to agricultural research are noted and highly valued across the province of Alberta and beyond,” said Dean Hubbard, chair of the Alberta Grains research committee and Region 1 director.

Boychyn also manages The Growing Point brand, which includes a podcast and newsletter that provide agronomic information to Alberta farmers and agronomists. Drawing from science-based research and Alberta Grains-funded projects, The Growing Point offers insights, management perspectives and practical agronomic advice to help farmers make informed decisions and optimize their operations.

“I am honoured to take on this additional role with Alberta Grains and to have the opportunity to continue serving Alberta’s farmers,” said Boychyn.

“I am excited to continue collaborating with our dedicated staff and farmer-led board of directors to provide impactful research, agronomy and extension programs that support the success and sustainability of grain farmers throughout the province.”

Michael Flynn, executive director for Alberta Grains, said Boychyn was a clear choice.

“His knowledge and expertise in the research and agronomic world are truly invaluable, and the respect he has within the Alberta agriculture community is a testament to the work he’s done to better our farmers. We look forward to showcasing his talents in Alberta and beyond for years to come.”


Alberta Grains


•2012John Deere5065EMFWD Tractorw/ H240ldr &6’bucket,609hrs,one owner, ltduse

•2015 Polaris Ranger XP900HO AT V, 2862 miles, winch,oneowner



•Caterpillar60 Crawler,EngSN6266

•Caterpillar30 Crawler,SN6005

•John Deere420C Crawler,completely rebuilt,SN89612

•Oliver CletracHG Crawler,widegauge,SN 25G533

•IHC T-20 Crawler,SNST15072

•John DeereD,SN145781

•John DeereARow Crop,SN576856

•John DeereAR,SN276530

•John DeereAR,SN255358

•McCormick-Deering10-20onsteel,SN KC117322



•IH McCormickW4 Standard,SN10666

•IH350 Wheatland Special, SN9300

•1947IH FarmallC,SN42092

•Massey Harris81,SN426145


•(2) CaseDC4,SN5622682 &5619232


•AllisChalmersWF, SNWF7432

•(2) AllisChalmersB,SNB46151 &B44278




•NorwoodMN26 LumberManSawmill,16’ bed, 420ccBriggsmotor

•13’ Logroll

•36” Solid Tooth Sawmillw/32’track, 10’

carriage,350Chev power unit


•IHCFamous 2HPVertical, air cooled


•Lister BallHopper5 HP,Type L

•(2)McCormick Deering1-1/2HP,Type M

•Lister 3HP, Type R

•Fairbanks Morse 3HP

•Nova 2HPVertical


•(2)IHCLB1-1/2 –2-1/2HP

•Massey Harris2HP



•(2)Fairbanks Morse Z2 HP,Style D

•(4) Washingmachine engines

•(10) Antiqueaugerengines


•200916’ PJ TA trailer w/flipupramps, 8000lbwinch

•199816’ Certified TA deck over trailer

•11’ TA trailer w/flipupramps


•1966SkidooSuper OlympicSnowmobile, owned since1967

•Bennett BA88gaspump

•Qty antiquetractorparts

•Walk behindsicklemower, cultivator, rototiller;Planet Jrgarden tractor

•JDpallet forks;7’ Frontier 3PTH rear blade; 6’ Otmo 3PTHmower

•Lincoln200 Ampwelder;Hobart2500 W generator

•HDhydwoodsplitter;19-1/2’ wood conveyorw/ 5HPmotor

•(2)sawmandrels; (2)antique seed treaters;(3) forges; (2)anvils;(2)post drills;(4) leg vises

•Dearborn 3PTH 2bottomplow; (2)tap & die sets; lgqtyofendlessbelts;antiques; decoys; tools; etc

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